Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 17 Nov 1893, p. 2

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li wV h- V A NOV 17 1893 OverpoaliTThoiopaah J Davison Sun- Tender Wanted I Reading Notice Hughes J Teacher Wanted Hamilton Jr Boots BrsatFcQDdNJtfMclt4u She brighter AND BRIGHTER WITH ISSUE The Era Printed all at Home Tot Com will no deliver Judgment in the Manitoba- case till the term thai the lilting of it convention In on Tuesday Mr ol as lot the election Tit saja John ft North York farmer was committed for trial yesterday on ft ecugo of preferred In rrldoDO io ft A- And FRIDAY NOV 17 Despatch to tit Bra Nor ISM The Board of yesterday consid ered the canst scheme ftnd condemned it ft impractic able and if practicable Frederick ft large dry merchant of and yesterday afternoon to A Cftmpbell of hie city The liabilities be ftboat sctfl of a goods estimated at 25000 alio took debts real team Ol horse attached to ft waggon ran- art on St yesterday ftnd collided with a telegraph pole The neck yoke pierced the body of one of the annuals killing it The deliberating four hour ft quarter yesterday afternoon returned KnbUl Mr of The IKorla who was charged with defamatory libel on Mr Ernest A on the of hi September annus dinner of the County Council take place t the Clyde to- An Association formed in the city the prohibition vote plebiscite Washington Government to ftnno to the United Bute ftnd fliiniater has foe be Hawaii with ftn- from that parliament trill ho convened fox either on or of more on the litter Cabinet meeting are being held getting ready for Liberal of wtU the inftte to tho Riding the reform at next general to Ontario ftanouncemenl been made that Mr the present will not be a candidate- ieptian to Mr McCarthy lart week qnllo an Apr ftnd flaga floaled all tho town to day ftlmoat wore ft badge It of the great Mo- At after noon it waft that town ball woald not ftooommodata half the crowd and meeting therefor ad- to the market lilt being parts of met to lb6 lor the at the general Mr A Urge majority A The County Council of York must have veiy tittle to do when it can devote most of one session discussing an old back scheme like A Georgian Bay canal project and by endorsing t and proposing to petition Parliament to give its promoters a valuable franchise free from for all time they did that which the electorate never authorized and gave sanction to a principle upon the ratepayers of the county never expressed an Opinion or eaves color of authority- On this point the Telegram signifi cantly remarks When the Coun ty Council is in one of its geneiQus moods that honorable body thinks no more in fact it thinks less of other peoples millions than it thinks constituencys cents If it is right to for all time a huge company with a proposed capi tal sufficient to make a dozen of gold it would be equally proper and right to extend its gen erosity to the railways running through the county without much as say ing to the people elect them your leave For months past this Aqueduct scheme has been discussed at public meetings and by the Executive of City Council of Toronto and as its promoters in addition to the canal project to construct therewith an a r the supply of waur for fico protection and other for the develop and sale electricity far heat ing and lighting power Is about the rly likely to be materially advantaged but executive committee of that corpor ation rejected- this very exemption clause which the Counly Coun cil lias intimated it was prepared to petition the to giveaway for nil iitnc In by the County Councils of York aid Sim- spent several in response to imOrlunities of the late that Mr Alex Smith barrifiter wbo for some part baft been identified with Toronto been ppointed lor tho Liberal party of Ontario to fill the va cancy by the reaigoatioo appointment one which will bo rewired with faction by who was Imprisoned for criticising ft dignitary the ermine down in Sew h purged away the judge notion of con tempt released The people of St John tendered him grand reception meeting expressed sympathy for him an address with attached was presented and a procession fireworks Editor felt a bigger the who thought to bumble new been of In the fta likely to become a political factor some in Ontario known aft the P and people are wbftt aw ftlmi The of The Protectlro ci lion In country In the United Elate by la celled American AaaociftttOD It appear Indeed that the formation of the Cftnftdiftn Aasociftlion wa tho of the American branch it Both the aim reason or an alleged the part Roman Catholic to their political power and to the office This now organisation appears to endorse Alton and Dr Wild lit is Doing fLivtuinxt QDKRNSV1LLE- a with pleasure- notice that the program is for the second annual Convention of the East Gwil- limbury Sabbah School Ass elation which is to lake In QucensviUe The eion will be held in the Church on Thursday Dec when the principal address lobe by Rev Jot of and we know it be a treat The session will be held in the same and Rev of Aurora kindly consented to conduct a on The of St Friday and evening the sessions will be in the Methodist Church Report from schools will occupy till FRANKLIN A distressing accident occurred here last Saturday afternoon which terminated fatally on Sunday Mrs Lewis Powell took a pad of boil ing off the stove and set It on the floor to the usual scrubbing but white her hack wax turned for a moment her little dialing boy about three yean of backed up against the pail and fell into it took the child out instantly and sent for the doctor but it was so badly scalded that death ended its suffering and the body was rred at Pine Orchard The deepest sym pathy of the community is felt for the parents in their sad bereavement The fire in the C A building Memphis on Mon day night resulted in a loss of about Several persona are to hate been burned to death The Township of York have brought suit for damage against the Bell Telephone Compahv a view to enforcing Tax byeelections in Bruce and East Lam to fill vacancies in Ontario Legislator will take place on the day the net and polling on 2nd of Io North Brace Mr James Liberal sod ilc George Conservative will be the respective party candidates a square par fight In East Lambtoo both candidates are Liberal Dr is the Convention nominee while hie opponent ilr P P is the Patrons candidate At close of Mr McCarthys meeting at Stratford last Friday alter addressee had been delivered by Mr McCarthy Rev Dr Wild Cot OBrien Mr Alex JJr and others Mr Freeborn fleevfl of was chosen as the candidate for North Perth at next election- There ap pears to bo a general lifting op in the field of politics these days Some con are preparing for a big time next election by nominating candidates representing the old and Conver- organizations and also the Patrons of Industry and McCarthy uiectiiig last week at Tors North Brace says a press despatch was ft grftud success A big procession by a band and afterwards a lot of speechifying in the rink In reply to the vole of thanks Mr McCarthy stated that bis visit to that Biding was for busi ness and the electors present to move candidate for that constituency It then seconded end carried that Mr P Potts exWarden of bo McCarthy candidate at the next Dominion election Mr Potts ac cepted If McCarthy keeps on at this rate till Parliament meets be will politico warm for Gov ernment when the elections take place Mr in an endeavor to-gil- the Georgian Bay canal scheme into life the Ontario legislature also spent both time and money over the project but up to the present the whole business is as chimerical in our humble opinion as the veriest fad of visionary theorists Possibly no one who has given the project consideration will affirm that the construction of a canal is imprac ticable In these days of civil en- triumphs we have no every difficulty in the way could be overcome but wilt it pay as a com mercial undertaking What return could reasonably he expected on the enormous cost its construction would involve Of course its promoters suggest that by connecting the do water supply of Toronto elec tricity etc with the canal project they could make it pay but who be lieves It And if it will pay why should this company be allowed to carry on a business enterprise in competition with others of like char- without paying its of taxation the same as gas light power and imiiar Why should hi franchise that would be individuals In every local municipality in the county Had the council content with simply approving the canal scheme we should have said nothing but when they propose to give away fran- belonging to the people they should first know the mind and have the assent of their constituents There is no satisfaction in locking the stable door after thesecd has been stolen It will be too laic to seek immunity for their vole next January after the sacrifice has been made We hope therefore when the petition comes from the ByLaw Committee for en donation ft will receive a quietus and the gentleman from Chester bid a kindly adieu At the State election which look place last week in the neighboring llepublic the republicans doubled up their oppon ents in great shape and carried most of them Hut Mr Speaker Crisp of the American House of says he does not attach particular to the result so far as Democratic party of the country la con- to the political sltua lion he says We expect to the Congress which convenes on the of next mouth a business Congress which will redeem pledges of the platform We expect to pass a tariff bill which has been prepared on the Hoes of the platform and which for revenue only of Improvements in electric science aad new appliances adapted to every day we observe that Dr Franz Poller of Chicago claims to have made a marvellous discovery recently He calls new Invention the primary cell electric system Within a cell five inchea high Inches the doctor pots a filament three of inch thick nearly encircling the centre of the contains a small hollow whitish core The core Itself Is filled with a dark whose composition the Inventors secret He declares however the whole arrangement Is very cheap cheaper Ihftn any material for lighting yet known The primary cell famishes the current for each light Wires from the cell conduct the where it Is wantedas in ordinary light ing The only care ever required is that the filament shall be renewed sev eral limes a year this Invention meets the claimed for It by Dr Puller expensive will Boon be come lumber Mr Geo- borne on Moloch Esq MP was In Wednesday Mr Frank of Toronto here over Mrs Dr Irwin of Weston a rill ting with her mother for a few Mr Burns of spent over Sunday at The Mr and Mrs Isaac Sitverof Toronto were visiting in week Mr Cbsppelle of waft in town yesterday calling oa Mr W Allan Toronto spent over Sunday in town with bis father Mr Joseph Toronto for- Newmarket spent a few days in town last week of week D of called here bit to Toronto Mr- Reeks of it of ilre of of ft at the Methodist home The to Were with the of of Bradford ad unending a cookie of weeks hooting in nod ex- homo lUia week Mr HictfioK or Ubridjfla Miss Yiokexa and ilhs Glemctit of nine town and Mr and Mir of Aurora over Sunday ftl ilrK- Ada a of School of re enftgoJ as teacher at St Jacob Waterloo Go for another year at da salary- Louisiana Pratt Mr roe who been employ of the Crosse lumber for the six left wberobe will City Mm 8 near a former resident of was visit log friends here tbia week her property on Street to the who recently moved to the Kindlon gives following Mr- Lloyd ledger at On tario Bank hero has been promoted to a branch of bank at Sudbury and will act accountant Ilia salary will be In created yearly During his resi dence here be friends congratulate him on his advancement but regret his departure from city On leaving for West last night bis associates presented him handsome pair of pipes In embossed Mr Bert Lloyd dropped here a few hours to eta the old home on to bis appoint Rev Sanderson writes us front that there has been a great deal of alckne fall- typhoid and diphtheria but the health himself and partner baa been But they bad to change their boaidipg on of diphtheria breaking out the homo where were The of a was ma that people went to work and are one which they hope to mote Into about 1st of Deo Mr Sanderson ihe Em a compliment we are tempted to give though modesty has prevented a great many encouraging words from other friends being reproduced He writes weekly visits of your are much sppreclat4 I am glad this means of keeping abreast of old friends Newmarket I do not think the town could have a better recom mendation than excellent paper I have aoen a great msay local papers but Newmarket Em unquestionably ranks first In point of good clear type pithy news and high moral tone We would be unwilling to do without the Em May you have ever increas ing sutxewiib publication when Mr J P Belfry will for discussion of outside the school room At RcvJMr of Mt Albert will the children In the evening Rev F Smith of Bradford will give the address We are lure a very profitable Convention is in store Mr- Jos is the local Secretary to whom tbc names of delegates should be sent few days previous if possible HOLLAND LANDING If Jack Frost finds any persons nap ping this till ibey cannot complain of lack of lime Mrs Kays of Windsor is spending a few days among friends here Dr of Hamilton took a tun on his bike to visit his sister Mn J31 Evans and his many friends of the Tillage The Rev Mr Matthews Aurora chairman of this district wilt deliver a missionary address in the Methodist Church here on Sunday neat at oclock in the evening Mr A Davidson paid his semi annual visit lo the school on The Chosen Friends attended wor ship as a lodge on Sunday last Rev delivered a very instructive and impressive address The plebiscite campaign has open ed but it seems much like the handle of the little brown jug all on one side Mr Sidney Marsh contemplates moving to Toronto the near Quite a heavy snow storm here on Thursday Who have the first sleigh ride VIVIAN Building has going on quite here McCoimick Sons have put up a tine new barn this with stabling under neath capable of holding head of cattle together with horse stables root cellar and The floors be ing of cement with other modern improvements it is the model barn of this section and reflects credit on the enterprise and energy of the owners Mr Samuel has built a fine new house- Charles Scott is remodelling and fitting his house up Mr Oliver of was under the parental roof Sunday Mr Bradford Paisley was visiting friends in this locality Sunday Miss Blanch leaves tor Toronto this week Petty thieving has been going on in this locality Mr Win has lost a number of jars of fruit out of his cellar Some of our young people have been attending revival meetings at hope they have hereby says are to have two weddings in our little burg soon We hope the old dame is right SHARON of three objectionable poles on the Don Mills road near Chester FURNITURE OH P FOR CASH R NEWMARKET BOOK AND Undertaking Embalming A SPECIALTY Now is the Time to BALANCE OFJ 893 FREE It Ladles J SCO Bur SCO World in AM aocompialsd with lha RA ST NEWS DEPOT HAVE THE OF- LA JHMILLARD U and Fancy Stand and Hanging MPS Also have just opened DINNER SETS -AND- FINE CHINA Salads and Fruit Dishes suitable for W N STARR Contra Tele Offlw Telephone Connection MOUNT ALBERT Dr Forest is erecting a telephone from his house to his sons office The villagers would like to have one from the station to the post office- It would be vety bandy for the mer chants Week from Thursday is Thanks giving and the Ladies of the Presby terian church are preparing for their annual entertainment We arc pleased to see that Mrs Thompson is able to sit up again after a severe illness disease the trouble One of those society events which always make a little flutter among the fair sex took place at the residence of Mr Woodruff the past week when his eldest daughter Julia was united to Ma Jos Sniffles the knot being tied by Rev Mr A man named got more than he could on Monday night Mr- put him out of the hotel and he kicked the panel out of the door for which he was summon ed before a J P at Sharon and fined The Methodist church is to he op in weeks Mr Kennedy of will preach ttw sermons Quite a number from attend ed the Temperance meeting at Queen KESWICK A fire at Mum Wednesday eight councils in Ontario are with duty of public Urea In efficient is evident from the fol lowing clftusa of tho consolidated Municipal Act road and highway shall bo kept In by Ibo oo corporation to so keep In re pair the corporation shall besides being subject to an punishment provided by law bo civilly responsible- for all itamagas sustained by by reason of such ftotioa must bo brought within three months damages bare been It seems la aad and In a recent case triad at ataltsyOls by declaring that no ftoot- JnirssMiallswaojiporstlea by sudden a tree without reasonable- to repair the acqs His ftio that an liable for In they or not OT bridge The Grand Trunk Railway Company has been from all for the Battle Creek disas ter Conductor Scott it to be tried for manslaughter and Engineer is censured for neg ligence Wednesday morning Chi cago John A Drake son of Drake president of the Illinois In and Iowa railroad was sand bagged and robbed pi in cash which was in envelopes for of the of the road Drake was knocked senseless There Is no clue robbers Cornwall Nov a cutioui story comes from Winchester of a named Mrs Geo Henderson who was seised with a violent nausea and to her surprise and honor vomited up a which measured about ten Inches in length With the exception of the bead the reptile skeleton It supposed that Mrs Henderson swallowed ft while drinking On the pulpit of the Mcthdist was very filled by Mr C Belfry of In the evening Rev Mr Rogers preached an excellent sermon from the Quit ye like men Next Sunday Mr Mat thews of Aurora Chairman of the District will preach a mis sionary sermon at am Mr Matthews will also preach at Raven- shoe at Mr Joel King and Miss King re turned home last week after a three or four weeks visit among friends in Bay Quinte and other places The Sons of Temperance here de cided to ask the ministers in both churches to preach temperance ser mons in behalf of the Division When is North pro hibitionists going to the plebiscite campaign The choir of the Methodist Church went over to on Wednes day night to assist in the revival meetings being held there Mr of Newmarket was through here this week taking views at the Point He has done some fine outside work There was a very good turnout last Sabbath at the Christian Church to hear Rev Mr Smith of Bradford and his sermon was delivered in a very eloquent manner Will Curtis has clover- threshing this week in earnest Just to his machine he threshed last Salurday evening a little over two bushels in less than an hour There was a big turnout at Clarksons sale last Friday Cattle sheep and pigs brought fair prices j but horses implements and other truck were very slow sale The teachers of S S No a and line school treated the pupils to a taffy feast at the ball last Friday night where a sociable evening was spent Singing music and recitations by the scholars with other amuse ments was the order of the evening The Band Boys had a Box Social last Tuesday night A happy time was the result The Kettleby Sons of Temperance will have a grand concert In their hall next Wednesday evening the A splendid program is ready Mr Wot Rush and wife of State are over here visiting relatives and Mrs Howard and daughter of Newmarket were among the con- at ChrUtian Church Holy Communion will be celebrat ed in St James Church next Sunday at am The afternoon service will be held at the usual hour Miss Ada Baker is visiting sister at Sutton West Mrs Amos spent last week in Toronto Mrs A visited her daugh ter in Stouffville one day last week The temperance open meeting was well attended last Thursday evening the hall being filled to its utmost ca pacity The program consisted of a very able address on temperance by Bro Brooks of Toronto also readings recitations dialogues and singing by the Sharon Temper ance Glee Club which was highly ap preciated by the audience The talent being from Toronto villeand Sharon The division is in a very flourishing condition Charlie Pearson of Toronto is spending a few days with Sharon rela tives The ladies of St James Church here decided to hold a on Nov Thanksgiving eve In addition to an excellent sup per consisting of roast fowl and other delicacies a splendid program is be ing prepared and we have no doubt but that it will be even more success ful than on former occasions Mrs Hall who has been very sick for some months past appears to be improving this week QUEEN ST CHIT CHAT Sec Large who now uses as a handle to his came us that he has purchased a medical prac tice and will hang out his shingle at on Georgian Bay The good citizens of have the improvement fever pretty badly consequently the village is looking splendid It is truly a Queens village Cunningham and our representatives on petit jury have returned after a long siege of over four weeks Jas Milne and party have returned from their hunting tour in They got lots of game and heaps of fun Ask Jim about the law suit in the woods and perhaps he may tell what he said when three deer came out before him at one time and he could not discharge his rifle Master Beit Phillips of Sharon promises mighty Last week he went to the brook and he shot a little duck etc Last week Andrew Young a veteran hunter of Queen St visited a trap which he had set in the near the marsh and found theiin a large lynx The savage beast at Andrew but the old man gave him a dose of cold lead which quieted him The Sutton of last week contained some breeiy items Family squabbles make interesting to the morbidly curious but do not add to the good reputation of those most nearly concerned We have a lady on this street who is evidently not an advocate of prohi bition When she visits town which is quite often she is quite certain to visit a hotel and order an eyeopener An ordinary sized glass is not enough she must have a big hooker a ten cent glass at least The actions of those who call themselves men would indicate that they were devoid of the first elements of manliness I noticed a citizen this township last Saturday Jogging along contented- lugging a little brown Jug From the self satisfied air and the broad smile ihat encircled his countenance we inferred that he anticipated an enjoyable time Know All Almas As Andrews Church IbaSthlost ihe tier Wo It o Edith or Asa en formerly or To- la Aurora On by air lo Ann 8plllct all ol Aurora Sfihcilt TavtOR At ten Whitchurch on US Maltha to all church Toronto of Scott to Mr P of Aurora At the Mrs lib fa Geo loo A Mr to WE PRESENT THESE Emma both Of Tho la on lints Powell At ton Jj- J MAIN at- fttrAl will CHINA HALL FALL 1893 SPECIAL fiSbeHiseiiieijts ost of new Newmarket and Holt Street by same by 9 New Fruits coming to hand daily I have in stock now some fine new Basket Raisins very choice or table Prime Valcncias Choice new figs on the way Orange and Citron assorted in lib boxes Very nice for family Use J and all other lines for the coming season now in stock or on the way PRICES Hal at of FARMERS winner pedl- fee fin I J on t45 J HUNTLEY Redpaihs Finest Golden in alb Tins Or lac Last seasons Valencia lb boxes for lbs Rood Japan Tea for good Value at California BreaUast Food a Packages for A Grand Stock of Comb and Strained Honey CANNED GOODS From the best or for Good Pink Salmon a cans for THIS WEEK Mens Working Shirts Mens Fine Shirts Mens Cloth Caps Ladies Dress Goods IN OUR up up Retiring Sale J W STEPHENS OR SALE A HE AC HER WANTED Class JOHN HAMILTON JR I nil Town of Newmarket TOILET SOAPS I am making a special tun to re duce stock Own and all others in proportion Was aO TO LET tM6t to una Victoria GENTS Last Notice to Ratepayers will be collected wtih coal K Newmarket Nor Tenders for Supplies far L Supplln up to ooo on 1899i KoriboiupplT Butter Flour Oatmeal Potatoes el a foloflDR At the for la Toronto Lot Kufrtofi illm lirodOrillift ho Toronto IttformAtory far for tho JJacob it Two will bo Ihoduo on lo bo Tender not for of to nd the Centra aod JUfonoitor for or an not Later you will hear from me in Fancy China Goods Lamps China Tea and Toilet Sets I would say see ray slock before buying it will pay you Now just one word dont forget my Excelsior Coffee it is the best in town and our regular Japan Tea or lbs- for has no equal A SMITH Main St feSTRAY IF YOU WAS I A BED villi p the coo- Whit- Sept- HEIFER ao prove ex it away n Newmarket PO NiceFitting Clothing OUTFIT Aud Butloeu sale at a J lltAt ft the Mill are now to do O IU GOTO o Main St NEWMARKET Oar work speaks for Call and ID mo IS Your Hoar both for aerelcoou Edit OLD the LAUNDRY the tf WORK GUARANTEE Stationer BRUNTON BRbS J Nov IS v3 FACTS SCHOOL REPORTS ins or octobss- or ft no Boyd 8r Allen Annie Grace Maud Peter Jr Fred Martha Bell El Hopper Ethel Of Jr Pa Mary wood Barker George I Geo Jr Pi I Moulds Allan TaMXMhfl R Thai we ORDERED CLOTHING Wetsmade and well trimmed and a perfect fit guaranteed cheaper than any house in Newmarket We also Bell Cheaper than the Cheapest All ripe sewed free 25c to la saved on every dollar spent at our 1 Retiring Sale We are going out of business entirely and are every article in our immense stock below cost quote two or three leading lines but offer everything less than cost of production Son Just compare our prices with any elsewhere and yourselves BRUNTON BROS All good housekeepers use Baking Powder

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