Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 10 Nov 1893, p. 4

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I NOV lO 1893 ThereV Like IT AWAY WITH BOILING HARD RUBBING BACKACHES SORE HANDS Sunlight REFUSE IMITATIONS Her Life- C or the life of by iba of Cherry Pectoral children Croup ThH sap- I Jffi I wis by the child s hard I en to It found It Mi nearly ceased to childs alarming on iwo sad avail JIatf part of a of A Tor- in the hui He Hire- snort anil i results 11 the childs bulbing La a fcimrt Wins cod taturalij KM well tolay ana I do ray that Cherry fee- fetenifitioiTAl esozu of Liberality Nov Golden Text Ho became poor thai His poverty bo rich Cor This was written no many after lbs preceding Paul had been in a stafa of depression in Interval partly anxiety the effect of his on the Corinthian His was by him by tidings of tender affectionate penitent spirit in which his former epistles had been received The present was called forth by that information The care for the poor taints of the Charch was welcomed u a charge by The some time before taken towards making Pan now fortber commends the matter is no affliction so great as a sel fish heart The foundation of is entire consecration No man is really concerted unless his pocket boob too is converted Systematic benevolence is the best form I It is easier mora Is given it is for the recipient who know that giver is merely dis tributing what be has already given to the lord Benevolence should bo not only syste matic bat proportionate There is no Christian law of tithes hot that is a convenient lower limit in many cases A liberal spirit usually not always Is the spirit that leads to true success It keeps from habits it tends to prevent all dishonesty meanness in business dealings it adds a new motive It always great value cheer joy and peace to life A competency with a liberal spirit brings more even of this world than all wealth of the Indies could give There should be a harmony ana pro- portion In Christian graces not one should be neglected There is a tendency in some to pet virtues THE WEAKEST SPOT in whole system perhaps is liver If that daosnt do its work of purifying blood more come from it than you can remember Dr Goltlen Dis covery acta upon this weak as nothing can rouses it up to healthy natural action- By thoroughly purifying blood it reaches builds up and invigorates every part of the system For all diseases that depend on the or the Mood Dyspepsia Indigestion Biliousness every form of Scrofula even Consumption or Lungscrofula in its earlier Mages and most Skin and Scalp Diseases the Discovery is the only remedy so unfailing and effective that it can be guar anteed If it doesnt benefit Or cure you have your money back On these terms its an insnH to intelligence to have something else offered as just as good Dr Sages Catarrh Remedy its mild soothing cleansing and heal ing properties perfectly and perma nently cures Catarrh in Zing Council t AVERS Cherry Pectoral lteOrlySriittKc reMs CATALOG UK Kit in imI liflOlMHnmUl- IM Lave ffiiirjuir in fijTi Hit or a ii flip- will titc BUT aHOAPlHKCE CO KINU fiTHKKT Ill hTATt I it 1onoifiH A- dJitfuluft Ktc I VAVkli to Get ft ifcA4 Why a Thau a t to Jl JWiAltfs lid will jri jrity from lo ItTMC the lie ft will to In 01 Write 1 ir Tie Dispute SettlstU Last week the arbitrators appointed to adjust the disputed accounts be tween the Federal Government and the Old Province of Canada now Ontario and Quebec arrived at a decision regarding some of most important points referred to them Our readers will remember that Chan cellor Boyd Judge Burbridge and Judge composed this board of arbitration and the accounts they were called upon to adjust extended over all the- intervening years since Confederation relating more especially to the adjustment of the debt between the contending Governments as it stood on July and as it has since been affected by awards and Acts of Parliament and Legislatures For instance the Pro Governments claimed that compound interest should be allowed any amount the arbitration found to be due from the Federal treasury this claim the Dominion authorities resisted as the Provinces were equal ly responsible for the which led to delay in adjustment On this issue the haw decided in of the Federal Government The award orient that from July till the passing ol the Act of Parliament Cap in Provinces of Ontario and Quebec shall be credited with their subsidies in advancededucting at the end of each halfyear the respect ive shares of interest at the rate of five per cent per annum From July the Provinces of Ontario and Quebec shall be credited with the ad ditional subsidy granted by the redis tribution of the provincial subsidies The effect of this war is that the Dominion has won its first victory in legal fight with the Provinces compound interest is not allowed and of the socalled claim of the Provinces out Nay moic so far as the this amount was Ontario by just much ij the surplus of the Province diminished It will take another slice out of the fund dash a the sail of deputed citizens of Ontario to up for the this decision entails Another pot settled by the arbi trators has to what is known as The Library Fund The award provides that it shall Ije evenly divid ed between the two provinces also that trust funds are tobekept in tact The question of interest being decided it will now to make progress in determining how the accounts actually stood on the 1st days of January and July in each J year since Confederation alto show in whether the Dominion really owes to the Provinces anything like the sum thelVovintyalTrcaiiircrs claim or versa he to know these disputed accounts are in a fair of final setlterAent all present Reeve in the chair- The following bills were ordered paid C Irwin Crook ditch lot Con 3 John Harrison Coo- Win- Coo work on road John Winter work on at Norton Drain tile L J Con- Henry Intact 9700 John Con 9168 Riley bridge townline claim J culvert Alfred Wood culvert Cod Barton repair Con resignation of Irwin at accepted and council re thai ha has felt a tep bat hope it will he to bis best inter ests and beg to tender the regards this express approval of fail rendered in various capacities in which ho has acted John Winter was In place- Moved by Seconded by that this Miss Campbell who from a to the Toronto General Hospital and there maintained by this council for a period not to exceed six weeks Geo Ferguson was ordered to pay the Treaanrer thirty dollars as his share of cost of ditch lot Con J Mr Lemon was instructed to make a settlement with James for gravel placed on and Mr Sic- Cotcboon was instructed to pet Perrys gravel pit in order for the easy removal of gravel next winter to a bylaw to of King to be voted on lst the object of which is to abolish Statute Labor Next meeting of Council at Kettleby Nov Plowmens Animal The event held near on 2nd with vnd an people were from this and neighboring Among present were J Walton President Weill Vice J T Goo A McCallom J Cherry Dr Norman Fox A J Cameron and There wra entries Following Class 1st Spencer 2nd Cain King 3rd Boas King 2nd Ctaa5 Gillham King 2nd 3rd A King King- 3rd Ctwa 2nd J Weill King 3rd J King J- J Ramsay King 4tb Class 1st J McLean 2nd J King 3rd J Cameron Vaogban King li 2n4 Lemon King Class Fox King 2nd Kins 3rd Dana King a P Davis Class 1st 2nd J 13 Ferguson ble King F King Special for Plows A special for jointer plows Clarkson beat looking plowman Cbaa best team in field beat team in class Lemon best equipped team in filh class J best furrows in 1st The lady prepared a for McLean of who was the oldest plowman competing he being in his year was probably the anccsiftii match in the history of the association The day brought oat the yoatb and of the whole hospitality of the host Heacock and bis painstaking for the convenience of all present were re marked on all sides Mr also treated his share of the field handsomely Mrs Mo Arthur provided the for the McLean The were J Morgan J Thompson Jeffrie A Cameron Keffer and the ladies who had matter of ejecting the plowman were the Misses Fox Walton and The Association provided supper at the Royal Hotel for tbe plow men judges etc The match was open to the Dominion prizes went as follows King firsts seconds thirds fourths Vaaghan firsts 1 second third and fourth while plowmen from Co captured first prizes At the Match the day before King carried off 3 firsts seconds third audi fourth which goes to show the men of King can hold their more a S3S AFTER all theres a good deal to said in favor of the store that has history Nearly half a century ago men and women shopped here Theres along story back of the state ment too long perhaps to tell Hun dreds of other concerns have come and gone but were STILL DOING BUSINESSatTHE OLD STAND This in itself would perhaps be an idle boast but with the tide of years theres been progression born of experience and honest methods We it a point to sell our wares for far less money than a majority of merchants- We can do it you know DO enfoy a to an ex position of thats new and in wear- Then come Ladles In tan and colors with cape collar and front Cloth Jackets brown nicely lintvd beaver collar 7 Beaver Cloth Jackets ten mid colors mink collar faredged front Beaver In ton other colors capes W dlea Fancy Astracbnn- ixljrcJ in black with cape 7 Ladles Beaver Cloth Jacket sable for collar Maids Jacket cape collar of Bleck Ajitmchan and Black Extra Fine cape and tilomied with braid doablebrecuted as to matter want for here at that fit the ie of double and breasted and with and were and foe with Bad Serge and Allwool and your Plain and Twil led and in black brown fawn and with raised amj Hoed with Tweeds were and jour choice for Mens blue and Black Over- rousted ralfid seams box the latent were 14 and jour for T THOMPSON SON FOB No In this city an of and wear Dont time but com direct Itll pay you In nilwool at with and without were CO to your choice and Youths in iici- ton Bearer and Nuns all shade the cut were to have your for and Ml Boys Twopiece in Tweed well made- various styles 0 to J3 your choice for Boys Two- piece neat styles nod well made were your and Boys Suits In allwool WC0 go now for The New Mammoth to King Street East TORONTO But Oct All members present last read and from Wright re burial A re was heard rear Coo lots and and re of Mr a by to appoint a ByLaw regu larly passed Mr A- engineer Payments ordered as Jennings J Brooks IS Driver J J Terry A Smith The the securities of the Treasurer before and on same were approved as satis factory adjonrned to meet Nov at FOI IBS A car load of cheese was shipped to Liverpool last S3 Some Toronto hunters were fined 20 and costs each at for shooting a moose THE HAMILTON WEEKL Enlarged and Contains All the New Many Special Features Crisp and Comments The Most Entertaining Stories The Choicest Matter Everything far Everybody TO 1ST JANUARY from till January Sight Tested Scientifically BY TOR mproved s GRADUATE OF O Ins of C Correction by Glasses Defective Sight V SCHOOL KliPOKTS away about of ihc store in ifjini of he ww tun by a yard to arid killed In ao a Miff in p frlaiXtV la It ltln f ift It llhr tun limit rum in ft I he ilit I A it3 a- 1 kal lnKllbNynu 1I Ijivl4 LlCQp4 torn Mw s4ftp Jilt 6 Mi of cot yo evening McCarthy ami will a meeting at The CfovcrnnKnt two an early voting another tour out Ontario in order Jo tiiuicooi Oliver with the of order of Incident for a cartoon a Hit Oliver In THE OF MERIT NO PAST IV McNeill Hubert Br Ill Jennie Jr IIIKddie Kthel fir Jennie liarn Eddie Andrew Jr John McNeill Pearl Morris Mr Ft Frank lud Ft II Green Ill Tablet Aggie I Tablet Hobble Green Mary Tom every day attendance Teacher POWDEB feOliTTTS 12 cor great premium alter and only AGENTS WANTED Liberal to A good agent for la at wilt on InUrist In operand will make CO SCOTTS PHARMACY Si N WM ARKET THE IMP POWDER PUREST STRONGEST BEST do Una or any injuria Toronto THECOOKSBESTFRIEND LARGEST SALE IN Shropshire Rams AFBW RAM and 33 a THE LEADING Minards Id To tk Editor of Niwmnrht Eta Dun Sib The following tothoaawho with In by the English ana CaQfcdianBurialandFnneral Reform will no acoeptabla to many yoar reader JlDTIGJ to Order coffin to of ma that will toon earth and ot the When death arisen from au in fectious It to envelope body a shroud which has been soaked in and to place In aach disinfectants the attendant may direct Give directions that the where one is required be of somber color rather than black on the hearse or trappings on tha no account be allowed A wheeled rather be be propelled by friends or the to the Cemetery be Avoid customs the weir ing of hat bands scarfs crape and the like as also the use of the palls the interment should not be delayed beyond third day Avoid all be- fore and after the interrmeot It Is now becoming for except the relatives and most intimate friends to meet at or at the graveside rather at house While the of flowera la suggestive what is pore beautiful and hopeful the use of wreaths Is to be da- Avoid bricked graves and vaults In fact study to carry Into effect the reforms suggested by the Burial pafonn AsiocialioDj namely a The adoption of every precaution in the intereete of the living Instead paying Inordinate or too little regard to dead body as has set in or as soon after as possible The use of readily perishable In expensive coffins of hardened or light wood or metal Avoid in soil or Id already overcrowded burial of excess instead Practical Christian sympathy with the bereaved Instead of them ex pense Bill fiector of Chnrch Keswick November mm a Z ig a Hi If III FOR BALK OR TO tEf OR SALE- Full Lines of A I ftJUKIICTXla jiyp KASI Maud Edna fikinncr Miller- Ill Caw Jr Ill i Miller Mary ton Jr Byron Tablet Tablet I Florence Harper Bella Frccnt day ston Harper That NEWMARKET A care of death from opera lion for abortion took in city last Week Lucy Penufoti the vie- and tbrata Andrews Operator readers will tbit was In of performing a similar on andatDtcnccd to years Irnprltonrncrt in Kingston peniten tiary was released two Wow he Is i his old It appears he got wind a warrant for his and tr on- known srrcstoJ with his at and extradition tow being taken Is I for was the beat I ever loCOTTOLENE and ftjccessf for Minards and no ASK IT MiAd only by K ft CO Wellington and Ann MONTREAL A Full Stock of Seasonable AND HARDWARE UAH HAND IRON STKKL IN ALL CARRIAGE AND TRIMMINGS Vml AND PITCH FARMERS SCALES GRAIN SCOOPS SHOVELS MEASURES Wilkinson Celebra Plows Kept in Stock Repairs for all makes of Plows kept in Stock PROP HIGHEST ORAM TUB DELL OROANAHDMaKO Ltd Ware JOHN Uala at r ItU GOODS c RAKES HOES LAWN MOWERS SPADES SHOVELS GARDEN HOSE OPAQUE BLINDS AND CORNICE POLES READYMIXED PAINTS SgSSS ALL KINDS OF FENCE WIRE SCREEN DOORS DASH AND A twoalary sa CM er good uipu Its lib w SoVlfcsugg iht o nadgrgood ooltlratloo sod WO acre icr U calUvjiiluB terms Neither angling nor trolling in the waters of Lake Simcoe will be permitted till Nov One gentleman who has seemingly more time on his hands and more shoes on his feet than most of us announces that no need suffer from corns who will change his shoes three times a day If he will now kindly point out some simple and practicable method of obtaining the extra two pair of shoes for the of the experiment he will in deed prove himself a public bene factor a Friend PUREST aSostWaalS by All firNtn si VusssM AND WINDOWS BARREL CHURNS Mechanics Tools a Specialty Also Painters and Blacksmiths Supplies J A W ALLAN CO Telephone No MAIN STREET to Hire TRY OUR TUBS Clothespins anoWashkoards The Sons OP NEWMARKET m Shropshire Rams and YOUNG SHORT HORN BULLS REOIttTEriHa to Lot No bred or Noticeto the Stomach Liver and Bowels thcSecretlonaPurlflesths Blood and remove HJrlttea from Scrofulous Soft- v DYSPEPSIA BILIOUSNESS CONSTIPATION HEADACHE SALT RHEUA HEART BURN DIZZINESS RHEUMATISM SKIN WBBKHAM of fllst lostcJlo to A LUMBER Shingles Siding Flooring Moulding OUR AIM Lath Doors and fitamtt of and claim again iho Id the of nor 1Mb day or of Ham of of will of Mid And I parlkutamlof iba tho laid tut Af aaiataof will be ritard claim of which notice and Executor will not bo for of or of not bad at dfctrlbuMon- Dated llthdajbf Royal Electric M at Wall Paper Factory I Blinds GOOD WORK -AT- LOWEST PRICES 15 q SUOULD A WITHOUT EM- ABOUT OUR INSIDE SLIDING BLINDS Tni 15 man Cholw Haw and control o bT cboloo and and aalea- C4l for one tirmr will coat moo Notice to the Public SAVE AND BUT BENNETTS FIRSTCLASS PUMPS ft AND nor not tot It York wid atock on I mob pump buatoeoafof over a lumoloot to puWEo will tot ftver oamoI poblio win bo CUUro JOHN hot OSTRICH PARISIAN HBgS bo fcf a sJ and cool sad tea l j

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