Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 10 Nov 1893, p. 2

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I- NEWMARKET ERA NOV 1893 Big Brothers Special llorio A Co A A Son Auction Teacher Wanted fipragca- to fihoaUngMichVrbkr4wd I a NEVER LETS UP BUT CROWS BRIGHTER AND BRIGHTER WITH EACH ISSUE Era Is Printed all at Home FRIDAY NOV Toronto Despatch to Eta Toronto Not ISPS its for lions in North Brood fill vacancies Nov and polling one week liter A New York lawyer named Blokes is flow in hew availing Ho insane and till en arretted Mid he to the Family of England Mr a he on prohibi tion evening The city engineer has fixed an boor a lb of trolley car Mr J Hill manager of Ihe to Prior- TO A soi ha Ian Monday is the fall of snow in Ibw As Ottawa drpateb in- formation been received from Hon- Mackenzie Howell stating that mi to Australia li been J wag of her grand Mr Ala an wife To ronto over to town Mi of bet roolher mod Mr Joseph loft on day to a wee the ftcrMoKy of preached two good in the Presbyterian hero on Sondiy- of will her K on Mr a A Eana from Cbio Ian the Ciiy on day- Mrs Luqdy ro moving to to with Mr rent Conductor Jonathan and of Toronto were town on Sunday with her for a coop al Pauls ChnivbwndercJtho Hundred Lb during to great by of family fttrived back from Manitoba last mom They stopping Bowery until their thing When they left Winnipeg fron and covered with of inotv He only gel a for Of in at the of Toronto Ibo Friday A diversion wa hero created by ilia Mar- joiie tinging of by Scbira yoong elear dramatic n wo hope to berqden winter am K Bowerman who In the five vein returned ind ftp Sending a few weeks with Mrs father Mr A Cody Tonga SI Also J of is of Mr ACody Miss Annie To ronto was the ol Ella last Sunday io to days appears announcement of Hamilton Some of its editorial cote are Ibo raciest to be foind in any Canadian journal taper slate that it report llveUVPFi received his as of customs at Stratford general election in according to has resulted in the Government being sustained by a majority figures given axe a follows Opposition The Commons bye election occasioned by Mr Hugh J- resigna tion is now on at Winnipeg Mr Campbell is Government Martin Ihe Liberal nominee It wilt bo a stand up I isanncQnod that High Commission Sir Charles will sail from Montreal by Parisian to morrow for London Wonder if that littlo breeie lbs French Treaty has been settled him and member of the Cabinet who refuged to ratify It last Is on in view with an report er the other day Boo Andrews stated thai while an for abortion has undoubtedly beeo performed upon tho un fortunate girl Penning bo was not orator Ho contends that girl ar rived at bis house after the operation bad liken place VANDOKK A Temperance will be in the Mechanics Hall on Saturday Nov at oclock for the pur pose of organizing the Township of Whitchurch lor plebiscite vote On Monday last Mr Smith met with rather a serious accident He standing on top of the thrash er driving out of Mr tons when one side of the tongue be came detach ii from the causing the front of the machine to move sideways very suddenly throwing him to on his head and shoul der He was unconscious when picked up and remained so for an hour It is feared he is seriously in jured- l We are pleased to slate that our trustees have engaged Mr J Stephens our school teacher next year He is a popular fellow- and has a splendid record Our hotel is once It id reported hat a firet rights convention to be held in Toronto A ltcv Dr of tho so Quebec will inviicJ among speakers Tlio ay tlio will any convention in Mr Jama Dennis an old and much inhabitant of this village died suddenly last Thursday morning had been Suffer ing asthma for a number of ycais but appeared to be in his usual health a day or two IfCfotc hs death His remains were interred in Cemetery on Saturday and were followed to the grave by a large concourse of sorrow ing relatives and friends Mrs James Hughes who has been making hex home iri Sharon for the past year left last week to spend the winter In the city Mrs Graham of Sulfon was a guest in the village last Sunday The ladies of St James arc agitat ing a Thanksgiving party HOLLAND LANDING These fine days seem like our In dian Summer Our Octogenarians say there has been nothing to equal this Canadian autumn in their Quite a number of the villagers at tended Tarty at Newmar ket on Monday Friend Know All could certainly acquaint the boys wherein they could get more fun for the same money Quite a sensation in the shipe of an elopement this week have Rone West on their The husband thinks she has made a poor bargain The young suppose thinks differently It seems too bad that people should such big fools of themselves Mr Dennis of Detroit and Mr Reg Tale Toronto have been on visit to their homes Mrs Luck is spending a couple of weeks with her children in Toronto An artist took a picture of the school on Tuesday Mr Mortimers sale was well at tended and prices wee very good Hiram Staley and family have taken Horace advice and moved westward as far as Aurora A Hill traveller for of and Chicago is spending a week in visiting his parental home and in on his friends Before coming home he visited the Worlds Fair i A short time ago a deputation of the young society of Christian Endeavor watted on Rev A pastor and ML Albert Presbyterian churches requesting him to hold a series of special meetings in He kindly and readily consented and meetings held every last week our pastor being ably assisted by Rev Harris of Friday evening it was submitted to a vote whether the meetings should be continued this week It was unan imous- agreed that I hey shall be continued Mr Harris has very kindly consented to be present this week also The mini rations of our pastor have been growing in favor with the people ever since his appear ance among us and we predict favor able results from his labors Last weeks- efforts resulted in five con versions of Toronto is visiting at the of his father Samuel McMullen of BaHantrae Fiiidfir will by of 11b wo of flr tailor Mr Monti of Mr John DtCMn of IhU with him It out in but lima of Know All ho failttl auply trill of of a fair to Wo bo didnt in rwk went in fof Hie- liLirvy war rAttirti for of full ilay Hall at dVkvlt for of In Mr iabuililing their farmer our baa wXiuii the i with imiigfuta frotM Olio J I tlio Quito Worlds Fair North in editor Ellis ii iiiA for criticising in an case tut and editor io In New- at at John another nena- liruta attack lately for conduct of a brute at it were In place of I- of an ex chance lias fiqixd out the per cajilta of each Coir is at Manitoba Quebec lit no r co In tblt relation hat obeyed In regard to owing debit Where ruled debit J liavoUti and now they Oliver out of the way In the Mb Vorsi tho of die at the ivriti hit J ho hat paper in Ontario J copy of Journal on fair and toibtr with all ho hat In maimer that hat iho wo called Mr no matter how badly ho bo engaged he af any- Id or mat Ion i chat wo no about found the lame and Cornwall hat reason editor the MOUNT ALBERT Constable Steeper received word from to look out for Ijiieves but he saw no trace of them Mr leaves for his new home on The O if had a church parade on Sunday night and heard a grand sermon from Rev Mr Mr Cowieson one of our tailors has moved Sorry to lose him he is a fine fellow me of the church goers had better what lime the met A Mrs- has gone south o lot a warmer climate Mr and wife of Toron to were here calling- on old friends this I- Mr Hunter has moved to his arm once more The principal Mr Tins- dale and also Miss have been engaged for another year This will lie the fifth year for Mr which speaks well for him It is rumored that one of the buy ers on the market got left when he wenf to the city The fowl weighed more when dressed than when had the feathers on KESWICK i Ship- accused ftUiliyloipahitaugliur aid general store keeper Aurora nude an of with of Cabiruuk Out Andrew a well fanner In the neighborhood while unhitch teg team fatally muck by one His was broken North dm Nov The by and Illy of Toonto took fire on Lake at Goose Island mile here oclock this The steamer carried a crew of some 6 men- Of this numbef escaped death The remaining including weic driven Into by tbenames and ail were drowned Mr A Yule and Mr- of Aurora conducted the services in the Christian church last -Sabbath- Smith of Bradford is expected to fill the next Sunday- Tramp still continueto visit the Oremade his bed fn No a house on night last vfek and Mrs Jos- Hog went down cellar next morning some provisions were The turnip crop has been put un der cover pretty this fine neatly Scott has lecn this district witti wagons in search of Messrs Charles John audi Lloyd brought down a deer front Muskoka fast thats two or lias returned home from a sojourn in Manitoba and the north and western where has been for some time Also Fred and have got back from Manitoba where they working all summer It must be a pleasing sensation to a young man to know that three young ladies have marked Mm as best looking among many 1 am afaid we couldnt stand it It make us blush to the end of our moustache A arc fast returning and the fatted calf it being freely par taken of J Although applet were not a big crop see a few loads on the way to elder mill The farmers In this vicinity ire cleaning up the ground preparatory to straightening the road just west of Kettfeby corners There was a good turn put at the Christian Endeavor meeting on day evening The meetings are growing in- interest Wesley makes a popular Mr VmNnrman is to take up the sub ject next Mr and Mrs Afcland of Sunday at their Jdaughus Mrs Smith They attended the vice in church on evening when Mr and gave a account of the Revival meetings In under evangelists and 4 Ira M- Hon has purchased one of Mr J Pollocks farms- The about half a mite from here Mr Belfry of Newmarket is lo preach in the Methodist church on Sunday morning and the preacher of the circuit Rev Mr Burgess in Where iiour Fish these times We see a good- many fish lights on the bay these quiet Wilmbt left on for North Bay Mr- John Marritt is attending the 5 ST convention at Newmarket stmt a large hawk largest he ever saw He is getting ft Farmers in this neighborhood arc about through with their ploughing The S Literary Society met Friday afternoon and elected officers for the fall term Karnes Spraguc Vice Kdilh Terry Secretary Pollock Treasurer Etta Grosser The Society will meet Friday afternoon at pm Friends the school ate invited to attend To who have lo Gill tfilUiiof yac wilt always with in lu short lD Court till tat a of that any of have To Vby One the tViond- filiipa herd be hitvo familiar may see bat when White forever Never may sea iKAuty wander through males of tlio while the worlds haul all 13 of roand of duty will luore on Court of Honor mo on Midway no on fibadowiuf on fairy waters of the Already destruction bat Work- men are the through the facilitate away the eibibit heard tho sound of ite- It has and very wisely it to Ibat A wilt be Toother they harmonious Olio Kit herd and l Ik re would dcvtn out of Tli a death of put a the It intended last ifaty of Ex should La with a of oilier attract been Bat in the face row that fcoiU it was felt that demon straliun would be out of ivro of a purely formal character raj1 with which of Awards bicifcld it is yet to give of awanU that taken by the depirtmenra our control but What information already inland with a at practical result no depart more to llUjuUof to cur than of that iviih fruits hi ilA8thoiiljia5ha with many of idle a with n Iiriio hut we Very blglt have been iVnudljitly vcriiivM To Province JnvJ for apples ot fir aieiKiiiaiberfc9 iii esjriliti of in i for fruit in Niagara eia awai4 anil Christian Sown on and it the flrat may bo liW a Ibcr no fluubb will erer held iu Ibcj quarter of The Mr Belfry ook tha chair and after SO minutes of song P of tod In y or Toronto church wm filled to door and for hoar and a half ho hit Worker for iljoago which he described a a one with of on band full of intensity of and effort The of the tlmea among the crowned be- foro the next century dawns lie afco drew attention world age Sod ally socially and but it w to latter be paid moat attention Never taken in the anil still no society come to place of work the School work to the of honor of knowtKa is Tory and If man would he Unit put in- to Worksland od head The who only baa out of hours level at scholar hearts not teaching simply secular spd gain citadel for and intlucnce are canity heart- workers be bought and often tbe are found the most tmlikely placed- Some essentials workers ate tot- To know on what wo are to work 2nd He thoroughly practical and consis tent En 4tbv Each was fully and closed address by a abj incident iu with the battle of Tel el Heeler Mr A the Whit church report of the work hi hi town ship and iivd sympathy and help in There is libraries but a good many taken Mr Fogg of President of who was in as worker of North aaid be had Willi work lor nearly report listened to with atten tion They hail many noble worker and a of conversions bad taken place the past yean Ho paid a tribute to the York Association or organizing aud giving to a cordial vol of thanks to Mr was moved by Mr- J Diction and seconded by itev J Hell- collection amounted to A large of delegates and entered heartily Into work of Convention A rare treat was last from of regular work of the Convention will bo today At this afternoon Mr Alfred Day Secretary of Provincial AQWCifttion will adttroO of the children principal speaker of this evening ii Hon Blake of Toronto a who a very wide reputation and mention of his name in sufficient to Gil the bouse to overflowing City fo Editor tig Brit Six- I write to inform bow tins are hero Fall election Wo have not had any yet bat two hard frosts The market It Fall Wheal CO a bosliel a for Wo hundred weight j Apple a barrel pound eDacks per pound per j and hard at thai a I with young man that came here from He there are men oat of Work there At took of there were twenty persona and weroaddreased by of Mr of and Mr Love the bead man the Modal lie told me be aoM worth of of lol toonemau I that the oof a great failure on account of yours truly II Lewlston Not 1693 AUCTION SALE Sleek fatasBls Veto RECENT PURCH ere MR mien to ON the I It of SalctoComuicnfcnt made our the Wo Frieze Overcoats and moat complete cheaper town Wo in a line NOV 1693 Molton leavers and colored and black W0RI Suitings in every line required for a FIRSTCLASS trade WE lead others follow Wo solicit your patronage I welltired Fit and Cranio upon lot fu In the 111 about I oh rob A will of Wblt- prove propottf ex- Not It Mr Andrew nose bare an of No I- In the coo of of over that amount It credit or per cent- dtsoouot tor oh m- Not- of Stock to Hate at nadsr amount 10 J tbo jAtneM Sharon I hit atnoupttUmo aaiclfeaeer FURNITURE CHEAP FOR CASH MY P If you have any cloth lying around bring it in and have it made up in firstolsas Main St Newmarket reasonable WE PRESENT THESE A Embalming A SPECIALTY JHMILLARD Telephone Connection- CHINA HALL FALL New Fruits coming hand daily I have now fine new Raisins very choice for table Prime off stock Choice new figs on the way Orange Lemon and Citron in boxes Very nice for family use and all other Hues for the coming season now in stock or on the way SPECIAL PRICES fur IK and tno lit I ftf a Hie Quarterly the lield hero and Well anil remains the late Mies sterol Kewrk wtr removal from house and laid to fiumUy after- boot ltev Geo tho services Mr John Wright and of onia are A to llivir relations anil Matter was taken to tlio Toronto Hospital a fetf weeks agoarrlved home on atVeil Aft but face No doubt this will bo a and bakery Is built on the old stand formerly occu pied by Mr and the own r Anderson says he will have a Antclass baker here lesion for parties first one was held at Mr A J Milnes Wednesday evening From present and the excellent taffy provid ed can aaiifro our it was in erery way a socicsi Dont you think so This week our village very to the demand to allow all seekers to settle among us This shot fa In a flourishing requires now In Lost strayed or stolen from public a big gate not the irivtie mil may yet ictth TfK fAiUonit It J host set up and etauJard iuiho deeper It that hnortledo hi the Fruit of iittMoIin to icople anxioun to where theconUtioiiuvu no fuorilvarituoio turns bmihl Ontario for hereafter and a trade than ever to The Anthem ally will look to for that are flavored and that will keep The charge Mr A If- of who isnckuottlcdg id to bo without peer fruit pert of vctWti has much pro settlors and have enquired at price cam be vfothhlcja fthowii arc Arid a buyers wore for and turnip in ifjr- parts of the- Province of here Mr Daniel Held Court h were this do pAHiilviit to tbe Ifoviiieo to Tito Ontario nyriculiorat Wen uniform It received IW In Jiave ajjacd therewith- It worth tbat received decorative Avird only one other Court having that distinction been made about country and demand for our seed always greatly to increase owing to of the samples on exhibition Mr James A Marshall of has charge of KJ The Irial of trie of Carter Mayor of Chicago has been postponed until November Mark Nov Nf is Richard Johnston of Amabel- is ifiadi while her husband and fatherinlaw arc lying dangerously ill using milk from cows which hsJ feeding SCHOOL REPORTS FOR IN or NO Clftu liotrd Out Morion Morion War- ran ProsMr Jr lit Annie Maon Mat Morton lllla 8hp parti atortoti Carl Jr llMatcolm Morton Draper jcddI Percy Draper Proton ever da Draper Ivan John DIM Delia Helen on Ward Morton Ward Ward Morton Winch Alton dan Teaclier Sidle Daly Loo Jr 1 1 1- Ethel Grant ban Lin Dal Howard nut and Howard- Mr It- Elton Footer and Jr It Weroham Maud Dreuli Wright iflau A Willi Willie Marshal Evan Vim Archer Addld ttS The Government has decided tb impose a fine of on Campbell of Montreal who recently smuggled goods on which 7920 duty should have been paid The King of has been stoned to death by insurgents and other serious disturbances are rejipited from the Gold Coast ish have started for the interior to punish the offenders Seven masked train robbeis held up a near Newport Ark on Friday night They robbed the express rifled the passengers effects and killed Conductor Mi- who offered resistance Mara a prominent mer chant of took a dose of in which had been sold him quinine and died from the Tects Other members of his who took the medicine have recovered J IJoon of was out of by a smooth faced oiing man who said he knew him The entertaining young man needed the money to pay a freight he said and would return it at once but he never came back An Illinois Central veslibuled train was sidetracked and ditched near UHin early Saturday morn ing Charles Hammond- of Central Iowa fireman was the only person killed The passenger coaches left the track but did not turn over Train robbers are supposed to have caused the wreck Winnipeg Nov At the charged with the murder of an old farmer named Wil son from near Ont in a Winnipeg alleyway was found guilty with a recommendation to mercy Sentence was withheld the trial of his pal Riley who was the real murderer merely standing and having a share in the money from the murdered man Toronto on ftoit and Brand- dURbierolr Nash of this Stiioa talered In View At on theth of Oct Mr Hid- Campbell At Aurora on CM una At Toronto Nov lib ear at At iila homo Mark ham VUlaga Oct Andrew Jlaiel mo Titian and and Mr Andrew THIS WEEK Mens Working Shirts Mens Fine Shirts Mens Cloth Caps Ladies Dress 35c 35c up iOa up IN OUR Tho on the of Simon of W lptvlho Mr P Cody St of a lor J MAIN ST NORTH order prompt OR SALE- Bovl foot of Inch Iron Piping per fool Apply at On Apply to At EACHERWANTEO For No State and It forth tor lira MA KeawlcV PO parti long ladder and ladder kind- at Iboy will vary oblige Itfli SHOO lloUford 0 match the Con of OH of to tor clock FltANK Golden Syrup in alb Tins for Last seasons Valencia Raisins lb boxes for lbs good Japan Tea for good value at California Breakfast Food Packages for A Stock of Comb and Strained Honey CANNED GOODS From the best ice each or -or- Good Salmon cans for TOILET SOAPS I am making a special run to Babys Own and others in J STEPHENS TWO LEU pleat- rear of aomeUmaUit EWES property ay ex away Bh ATA BARGAIN tar A Apply J WALDO or FLAN I a t Later you will hear me in Fancy China Goods Lamps- China and Toilet Sets I would say see my stock before buying it will pay you just one wordy dont forget my Excelsior Coffcerit is the best in town and our regular Japan Tea or lbs for has no equal i 1 R A SMITH Main St -V- AND ATmoHPKicEa GENTS IF YOU WANT Clothing 7 SftreJwJ9 NEWMARKET a Oar work tor Call tort 1 LAUNDRY arista FROM Is every dollar spent at our WORTH R That we ORDERED CLOTH INC Woll made and well trimmed and a perfect fit guaranteed cheaper than any house in Newmarket Bell Boots Shoes Cheaper than the Cheapest All rips sewed Montgomery Son We going out of business entirely and are selling every article in our immense stock below cost We do not quote two or three leading lines but offer every tiling less than cost of production Just compare our prices with any elsewhere and convince yourselves i BRUNTON BROS All good housekeepers use Baking Powder

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