Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 27 Oct 1893, p. 4

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ERA OCT 1893 ft TO tot If you wish your Linen to be WW tod to filter wr re 111 It o appreciated It it it it bit lo the World How on Ihlif If Soap wi do it SOAP vho it ibtjiLut 111 your iM ffct times lei till bctex Is That wy it Kin I j- what Of a I YOU Id j Cot it INFLUENZA Or epi demic is or this complaint Ayert Cherry I taken with ni difficult was ay thai If confined Id an Iroa procured a of Aye Feelers no bad followed WlHiAMS Crook City Cherry Pectoral Prompt to act euro lesson For tho of there Text then thai lrong ought the of the WCik not to Church t Corinth boon toanS- a by on fit to the city soma jat- written In a city not- for It In world danger to parity the Church Especially were converts tempted toward a and not only by llioinflncncca of city hot by the formed in their own early life Many evils bad in the was in of and of ceni3 to been by them called forth this varied in the topics with which it dwells Next Certain Consetvative journals are indulging in very fanciful speculations the next general elections to the Ontario Legislature As the fret puts it somehon the opposition in the Assembly loot ed for a dissolution at the fall of the leaf but that time has arrived and still there is no in the Government camp indicative of the expected struggle This has led to a change of their predicted program and the conclusion now reached is that an other session of the Legislature be expected that it will commence early in January be of short dura tion legislation rushed through in about six weeks then an early dis solution and an appeal to the consti tuencies while the Dominion Parlia ment is in session at Ottawa Well this little program mapped out by Sir Olivers opponents may or may not be carried out hut when they talk of there being a lack of case along the rank and file as well as at headquarters they expres sions to a wish that is only father to the thought It is simply romancing that a storm is rising calculated to eventuate in dislodging the present Cabinet that the sound in the mulberry trees has anything terrible in it for the Liberals of Ontario This talk of coming mischief to Sir Oliver and his supporters has been heard for twenty years but the same mas ter is doing business at the 1 stand and shows no sign of putting up the shutters It covert a good deal of Pierces Golden Medical Dis covery- And when yon hoar that it cures many diseases perhaps you think too good to be true But it only reasonable As a Mend builder and nothing like Discovery is known to medical science The diseases that euros conM from a torpid liver or from Impure Wood For everything of this nature it is only ffvaran- remedy In Dyspepsia nil Bronchial Throat and Lung affections every form of Scrofula even Consumption or Lungs in its earlier stages and in most stubborn Skin and Scalp Diseases if it ever fails to or cure JOU have your money back The worst cases of Chronic Catarrh in the Head yield to Dr Sages Catarrh Remedy So certain is it that its mak ers offer reward for an incurable case A Boy A jolly boy A bo full of vim A boy who scorns a lie A boy who despises slang A boy who can say No A boy who is A boy who saves his pennies A boy who will never smoke A boy with shoes always black A boy who takes to the bathtub A boy who is proud of his big sister Effect of Isnt it how differently differ ent people are the weather Some to really enjoy an old fashioned blustering day while oth ers droop and axe not happy until the sun shines once more On dark gloomy days some wander about like lost souls and cannot be quiet until all is serene again An electric storm is the delight of some while to others it is a positive They will seek the darkest corner the house A boy who has forgotten how to may contain and there shake in no US Bowels and remove all from a to worst Sore So yon well acquainted Mr Haugtr before I married Yes I knew him teller than yon did It la Silt WHIT UOUT The number jKAts 4inSt for lbJl in iorouto is is lbo number ever enteral in more than lor 151C increase IWwuver ij flimllty not in real DYSPEPSIV SALT SCROFULA SO S- HHEUAATiSA riSiA3f As item in Toronto Williams formerly in Co And who ApiArtNi Toronto lull City No tticnU trill iinlo to brin lV0ni our mormon city iae bira to How to Got ft Sunlight Send is Sanllght Soap wrappers bearing the words Why a Look Old Sooner Ihsn Man to Limited Scott St Toronto and you will receivo by iosl a pretty picture free from t in- and well worth framing This is an to decorate your linW The Is the in the it only lc poiUge to sen in if you the ends Write your carefully Georgia an Sweet Mr Will It regular sir It will anything Mr tones Salesman Of course Mr Unseed An Violets too Sales Certainly Mr Hnzced I as I wants my an them concert hall things mixed up Show a planner as plays only hymn tones Harpers Weekly A rjucitlos Time whine A boy who thinks hard work disgrace A boy who does chores without A boy who stands at the head of his clasi A boy who believes that an educa tion is worth while A boy who is a stranger to the streetcomers at night A boy who plays with all his might during play hours A boy who listens not to unclean stories from any one A boy who thinks bis mother above all mothers is the model- A boy who does not know more than all the rest of the house A boy who does not think it incon sistent to mix playing and playing A boy who does not wait to he called a second lime in the morning A boy whose absence from Sunday- school sets everybody wondering what has happened- Make Use of Your It is always best not to take any thing for in cases of bargain- making When you make a bargain with anyone in a trade or with any one else no matter whom it is well to have an agreement in writing and not to leave anything in doubt or for future arrangement How often does a person say Well suppose you will do the job for so- andso mentioning the sum Oh as for the ad- I cannot exactly tell but it is of no consequence never mind the price well not disagree about it And these ambiguous terms the bargain is concluded The day of settlement comes and the charge is nearly double what was expected- Remonstrance ensues but it is of no use the answer only The price is as low s it was possible to it the work has been very troublesome and far more time than imagined it would no body have done cheaper and am sorry I cannot nuke any sire instances the account must he stilled at once or a ion follows The number of pergonal disagree me and law suits which occur in this manner is beyond We say there fore lake particular care in making bargains to Wave nothirg in doubt Let the terms in writing and on no allow to be im posed upon by such a silly delusion as Never mind well not disagree about it Many annoyances which arise misunderstandings crested by the wrong delivery of verbal messages would bo obviated if the sender of the message would write a few lines to make me of your pen It is always dangerous lo send any mess age whatever by the mouth of the s if the tenor until it is over One nervous little woman delights to watch the play of the lightning and listen to the roll of the thunder It does me good says she No doubt an electric direct from heaven has an advantage over the manufac tured sort Therecan be no doubt that atmospheric conditions do affect the human body Sight Tested Scientifically BY WcTldi Fair DR S OTT GRADUATE OF The O I of C Correction by Glasses of Defective Sight Mistaken ambition is spoiling too many good ditchers and to make poor politicians and profes sional men It is putting too many into the pulpit who could serve the Lord much better by planting the mild eyed potato It is causing too many young ladies to rush into literature instead of the laundry to become poets of passion instead of authors of pie AT SCOTTS PHARMACY NEWMARKET THE LEADING Pull Lines of PUREST STRONGEST BEST no any a common belief rc and in lliti oho yivrs valve of of in tic is that 1 The one of the inching i lo the safe- be It commonly d in reality the cmrary ar to he the it prrvji ilia a lion rjuikly iitnr a meal with I aiCvhol connection with the of l dies of men been and led to the pAec war in cliifri rain re btiertbe to fjtfuc of til in I in arc Tbl of all ic I til Ut diy Inind by ih id the- Im i all and pr f the comitries a rinl to alcohol Kfaff linlirrut ill at IVrorilO victoiy y inning and Score Can am Amir is yi fytloo For at by Ncw OH CAT I awl delight to do of Id In Ixck put of or In Hold at Day tor alio i 1 at MUMaA4lbodiiMSlmtsilU1e1rdUipptAri dead For at Pin llhTd aad flavln flora nd Tbtoat For that be com- a rule speak only own tongue A propor tion of to read the irck aul to which form their alphabet and lo their Ignorance the waits covered with rudely painted article or now generally admitted Canadian men did not have to at our American to occupy at Fair or the in live Block Canadian will This vat won in cultural or a tinted A Mr lion but of wok One of lb on ewiicI evening to Hon 1 1 a cool cooler tlial in this Taws Gntral Cvrrhtal fctlro DiiiltC ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE Inform Ion Hit of cut of IL- a anil A ftivurn ftnd who have IuoiUhcd in Oct- a will bo beat THE OWEN ELECTRIC BELT CO KINU to ail STATU CHICAGO ILU It Itrgeit Belt Li We Whan do not fall A- Kxblbit In STORE SEASONABLE GOODS C INCLUDING RAKES HOES LAWN MOWERS SHOVELS GARDEN HOSE OPAQUE BLINDS AMI CORNICE POLES- READYMIXED PAINTS CilURCHRS ALL KINDS OF FENCE WIRE SCREEN DOORS AN I WINDOWS DASH AND BARREL CHURNS Mechanics Tools a Specialty Also Painters Supplied J A W ALLAN CO Telephone No MAIN STREET to Hire MENTION IAlCn- FOR SALE what a lovely placet If could only to ratio tho Mr Oh IVo no doubt landlord would ceo to that la a Brook Life comtiiunicMin include more than a space iilex If the extends In three sen is a thousand chmces to one that it is not deliver ed correctly The bearer through his anxiety be useful or his stupid ity too much or too or by his to- gives quite a signification to the message The lack- of a little attention in a matter of this nature often leads to sewus The way to a- void such troubles is to write a note Shropshire Rams AND YOUNG SHORT HORN BULLS the writing of a line or two will be sufficient to make matters clear Liniment Is used by new Criminal Code Is hard on and oxinilc art- not nude ofLicHons ft Our Dominion law itiit table to year fcOjutttnt who with fraud any cheat in at or in hotilidl on auy event llrirLhiM the Code law of a a matte everyone aaro in is not that you nvt com uliliout la- any from either by irwnahWciici of by can lined WOOoi to for evening the convention of for Kingston ws to for the coining election for the Much enthusiasm manifest Or selected- Soviji Chicago Oct Ontario fruit at the Worlds is now conceded to be the largest and finest exhibit in the Horticultural building Seven districts of the Province arc represented with individ ual exhibits of apples pears peaches and These districts are Huron Grey Went worth and Niagara Ontario is bound sweep the board in fruit she has already In live stock Of Ihc prizes in live stock already comes to Canada The big cheese was tested this afternoon by the Worlds Fair judges A l McLaren of Windsor Ontario and Messrs and Lee of the United Staler A Irycr was used the scoring out points It was sound to the rind clean and of good flavor notwithstanding ihc ex cessive heat of the past summer ft Apply For ho lav Mary Ann ore Whtst Its mo nails I am Whin finish hand can boots Truth iH pan Has come not knowledge as to cook erywhat to do as well as what not to do Thus we have learned to use the most pure and per fect and popular cook- foraU frying and COOKING Is the outcome of the age and It teaches us but rath er the new which Is far cleaner and more digestible than any lard can be The of Cotto- out worth less imitations under similar names Lookout for Ask your Grocer for only K AGO and Ann Shropshire Rams A9Jty HAM and ST Oik Itldgfij at Vklorla Ualvcrtlly lnorilho year Bird Sur fllico IimAoVOIM nil whole lime of tlm Luck a IVfHui Act or TO run life Oct front to Ibis Hold AND PIANO CO bra J AND ESTADUdUMKNT Toronto JOHN LUSH 3SMao8f FRESH BULBS A to iKj Eta with a mil- Hon Itl ita flte and It among other ol City Saturday next apart York to and rival at as may bo of Obi and tail day all Colombo Day forward to to at a million With feat raarcblog on to will click longer to of and the ma taw and ohUal will to of inch of City at art to no Jut how far hand of destroy or will go hat not toon official hat bat from of tbooo high Jo authority It at If a effort bo to retain torn of them A largo party of tpooUton wStneui the of by Prof Robert on Friday A long bored Into mammoth and InipNted by the jadgotof Mauri A of Windsor E of New Barber of Chicago Tho tamo applied to the big as to smaller oooa In the Dairy Barns and It rated at points of a possible Mr said to mo that he considers the a great work and a to the maker and very reoiarkablo for the length made Be bad never tried a largo to good and it was that It baa retained lis flavor the tempera ture to which it bat Mr said it was really bow bad hot with a near ly The exceedingly good the flavor a little and wonderfully lino nil things oonaldered was pleased to say at a Canadian ho of cbeea Mr Barber in of the other judges at most people will re- was by Mr J A at Perth Ontario Id and it is no feather in his cap to have such nice things about it while no be kivping quality loading of the The judging of regular choose ex hibit bs boon on this and is not yet It In at too bAi to kivo any but am able to that the of very that Ibosa of will likely bo away up stock barns which have redounded to a of sounds for two months are now in for the most part of fowls of high and low do- The Ontario contingent of 1300 birds and come in arriving loday in charge Mr hide of Ontario Commit and now installed in their to await decision the who will begin work on Monday The On- will make up nearly half ot entire exhibit and it very expert to forecast a good meat of for our breedert I The Poultry the Mr of London well known at one the leading poultry fancier of the and well qualified tho position Four cat loads Thoroughbred Trotting Horses Fat Cattle and Sheep have also arrived and will appear to their several rings week and Rive a good account of themselves no doubt The Swine judged to wards the end the in which Ontario breeders won represented Suffolk Improved Yorkshire and worth In the former class one animal owned by Mr Credit a first winner while in the threo gentlemen and Mr J E of had the field pretty much to themselves Messrs John Bell of Amber and James Calvert of took tho Lions share of the prizes The and wero all shipped homo this except such as wero sold and those wero pretty numerous by way a good many orders book ed for delivery from homo by dealers QEAHD ilM SB WELL NO HOUSE- To Let to Peraluiiokfi tic lews It Jeit VALUABLE ft Joseph or FOR Difk Uto Wrt coo bury lot No AM tittti Dr hi llio a Catarrhal And a1k Throat Ion without knife NEWMARKET FALL 1 A Full Stock of AND SHELF HARDWARE BAR BAND HOOP IRON STEEL ALL SIZES fe CUTTER f AND TRIMMINGS BUILDING PAPER CARPET FELT AND PITCH FARMERS PLATFORM COUNTER SCALES GRAIN SCOOPS SnOVELS HALFBUSHEL MEASURES Wilkinsons Celebrated Plows Kept in Stock Repairs for all makes of kept In Stock JAS PROP BENTLEYS PHARMACY DR CAMPBELL TSLWlLGiSls MflHJMcfunCprfg OP NEWMARKET THY pails tubs Clotjirspiss Shingles Siding Flooring Moulding OUR AIM GOOD WORK at LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES LUMBER Lath Doors -Sash- and Blinds SHOULD BUILD A RESIDENCE WITHOUT EN- ABOUT OUR INSIDE SLIDING BLINDS Toronto Junction Oct William Armstrong son of Thomas Armstrong of the Wilkinion Plow Works while coupling cars at Allan- date yesterday had his hand badly crushed between the bumpers Liniment Friend DUNNS BAKING POWDER THECOOKS BEST FRIEND LARGEST SALE IN CANADA ScloiUflo American for TRAD DIXON WWCt oat MCN A ftTta ttoUUact of Hciifl4 men Choko oyer lock nod Ota giro jon Out ccurincr lof- men Call tot irijtl WELLINGTON mcoSl TorootOi Notice to the YOUR MONEY BUY BENNETTS FIRSTCLASS PUMPS AND BENNETT cor for iwo poet In North nod bill Mod I bit Mft Id to that that raoalDg country iml hope will bo thito fc Box fcCffti In cog No 1 150 fcerc in Mm bulb Very KMtitkPa MONEY TO LOAN AI MonHiy DAVID LLOYD I1 ai MM AT Co ft c0 ffrtPP a ROACHF00B NOT A FATAL TO Wi JJJ Montreal id Wall Paper CO Factory OSTRICH The Sb18MN MIR cool JyH of E

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