Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 20 Oct 1893, p. 1

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v v- NEWMARKET ERA- Friday Morning GEO JACKSON HOUSE uc inter SUBSCRIBERS GIVE MB TUB LIBERTY KNOW TO TO BKEBLYj TO CONS0JBHOE ABOVE ALL OTHBR NORTH YORK INTELLIGENCER AND ONTARIO BANE CAPITAL JIRAP OFFICE SI a Vol 39 I fA Single Copies Cents Each Newmarket Ont Friday Oct LEGAL WAS J- food IT IWTB ETC Sorter toao Reformer WOODCOCK Main MEDICAL Terms 10O Strictly in Advance within or at end of year BEST CHA5 Newmarket Branch Interest Allowed on rite DRAFTS ISSUED A ALL apt American loot fttodt3 to J E ROSS Manager J WESLEY p 5 a or l of York Offl A- J STUART if V Scotland O ft I re IKll ROGERS ESTlMr D 48 to MAIN A BINN A IN STOVES FOR THIS WEEK CALL EARLY IF YOU WANT A BARGAIN hole No Wood Cook Wood Furnace complete Heater Wood 00 Globe Coat Heater Parlor Healers Coal Self Feeders Parlor Heater Coal Self Feeder LANTERNS Of Every Description from to 1 A BINN Telephone 50 done promptly THE EXT I FEEL AND MY COMPLEXION LAKES QVAKASTRCD SIMPSON Main JMAS 51 Main A AUCTIONEERS Tor York Co Eel York en Ternn U ifiri f7U4rtrrJcl fit BOOTS SHOES Richards Co My daughter was suffering terribly with neuralgia I purchased a bottle of MINAKDS LINIMENT and rubbed her face thoroughly The pain left her and she slept well till morning Next night another attack another application resulted as pre viously with no return since Grate ful feelings determined me to express myself publicly I would not be without MINARDS LINIMENT in the house at any cost J Bailey Farkdale Photos Photos Indian Indian Bo dream art a sweet reminder 01 summer thai been Bnghi misly ftanbeams like a fair by love that so dun Rich Slightly by For Ibo scattered Sweat and lovely boors pleasant mcoioricj OI birds flowers Indian oar beguile not To linger for awhile frost and snow With such ntiftpatoQ How we let thee go Thy Cad cheer each gloomy day Can wo uot thee To make a longer Ail earthly joys axe fleeting never tarry long like ft fairy song Let then be for The Indian That brighten or a whils gloomy days Each fianoo attractions A we travel on road And every gleam of bring tie nearer God Newmarket Oct ALL KINDS AT THE LOWEST PRICES Auclicrcer AncUonecr Ztphjr Jli J IUA7CH AND AiKpp4i3 ijil FAINTING- TicuMtilfsr South side I III WIS IB I Sign Boot The Leading Boot Shoe Store GENTLEMEN be Mr W- Horace bKi to he MAINTAINING TUB LEAD And turn outwork every nod far to Hie lr to the production of n will bo dkI Ccpiloif in a joa or OH A ill OUR not be neighbor- boot with work but Jostaoce entire Old iJ- We have really splendid for you to is simply to froth in the of llic finest possible well as money It matters not whether you want a single garment or a full our stock afford the of providing yourselves with firstclass Clothing at Rock Prices KS Call and sec for yourselves luni sac ni7 J ATCTitKtifT W D MUTCH reliant Tailor opposite Stans Book Store Gents own clolh made up neatly and Cheaply i ill 4 A- for 0lBBtre Union lfl KM y AH Mviurim Sftt FIRE 4ot THRESHERS LARDINE MACHINE OIL The Champion Cold Medal Oil which cannot be Excelled CYLINDER BY WIqCOLL BROS CO TORONTO your dealers for and beware of Inrifaijons MY J A W ALLAN A CO NJWMAHKKT ASH ALL COUNTRY Life Assurance Co J 4rart6f i M11I4 ft f ALLAN lw ficcn ft Mam J A CANADA- LIFE CO CAPITAL AND Ate J MANNING ft SON Ml Solan MR CONCERT- BARITONE tNur Xlotflrjr- VliHrr oflotic ftc1 uctti An Honest Offer If you have Catarrh and to be cured without risk at losing your money call at our agency in New market and get a Inhaler a cent pay in advance After you have given it a fair trial at your home and you find it a genuine remedy you can pay for same If not satisfactory in every Hi you need not pay one cent Nothing could be fairer If you have Catarrh call immediately and get this remedy above liberal terms at Dr Scotts Drug Store our sole agent for Newmarket and vicinity Those who cannot calf address Medical In- To Only the Scars Remain In i rtnltJ ftjtotm cures etc he Wood wiles of James Wnlcii I On my vs broke running Our family flouM do an J it as ttotiUlrcsiffectctt in mother try the heale hl J not been ami memory of of Che good JrirtVrJlIa I now two ami And am In I roai for thf jxt twelve year noticed fif dvcrtisertlri all farts of United Shies take lire It for Id Itojttrd Clio licit e4y Is ir J t 1 ir J A Modi Cured euro you Mrs Baylys Private School lO lllllICi PURE PUREST WW All CnrtM a ITrcEtiJifid I aflbCKIiliANKOUH f JIUOIIKS 14 Main aw in MKUo FirstClass Family AND DAIRY ALT AT IUUIIT if hula at Kings Evil It for and yUIdt COTTS Cod Uxor Oil and orvt lo Mn auhrn Wotting DUoOMt Air Milk 4 A Motiop Mother said Hiram as he put ho milk pails down on the h littery shelf Ive made up my mind to be married when the spring term closes The mother put tbe strainer in the pan and watched her son pour the foaming milk in it but she did not say a word There was a row of pans to fill and she moved the strain er from one pan to another until all were filled Then she took the milk- pans and the strainer out into the kitchen and wahed them Im afraid this is a real knock down blow to mother thought the son as he went out into the shed and hung his hat on the nail He had been trying all day to get up courage to tell his mother his cision on a matter which had been agitating him for some time He did wish his would say something so he could talk it all over with her But she did not speak until she sat down in her low rocker and took up the gray sock she was toeing off It seems sort of strange Hiram that youve made up your mind to get married after weve got on so well together all these years Now that you arc past forty it seems as if might have kept on as long as I live- just as weve been living You know hate changes Well mother I think wc would both be if I had a wife You know you are getting on in years and it is too hard for you to work as you have to and you wont let me get any help for you Hired help isnt good for days theyre more both er than theyre worth I havent made any complaints about the work have I I cant gel about as spry as I used to but I seem to get around while I like to lake my own time and my own way without hav ing anybody hurrying mc or infer Im sorry you arc so set against my marrying mother I think it would be a great deal easier for you if I had a wife and such a sweet girl that I know you would You could to Aunt Anns and make a visit or down to Uncle Jacobs and you wouldnt have to worry about things for tbey would go right on just the same as if you were home I never was any hand to go gad ding about visiting Hiram I never found place yet quite as good a my own home Besides Shel don couldnt do the work I do that little delicate thing of a school teach er If you were going to many Ma that would bo different She is a regular driver with work I could never love Matilda love You dont know mother Every one who knows her speaks in the highest terms of her If a delicate thin has managed that school at for two years without any trouble and she is the only teacher that has stayed over a term or two there you know It is called the hardest school in J lie county Managing a farm and managing a school arc two entirely diJTerenl things Hiram Well mother I to hire help and live like other folks and I want to make life easier for two women I love best on mother and Sheldon whom I hope soon to call my wife I say anything against your marriage Hiram Of course you arc old enough to do as you wish only I looking for ft thats ail Mrs took up her candle an injured look on her and putting a fresh candle in said Good night Hiram The son got up and ml around mother and kissed her Good night mother He saw tears gathering in her eyes You know when I get married you have a daughter Ive beard you say many times you wished you had a daughter The mother made no reply and went to her room I think mother would be glad that I am to so happy was hex soni thought And so you are going to marry Mus Sheldon said the chairman school commit tee when he gate young tcaxherthcddofacTutcbibutatexwdfi the check in of her services during the school term just ended Yes Mr Kiinbaik that is what I have promised to do We dont like to have you leave the school for you are the best teach er have ever had in this district But we ought not to say anything about your getting married if you want to espcciaUyas you are going to do so Hiram is one of the best young men I know of and is respected all the coun try But I am a little afraid it will be hard for you to get along with Hirams mother You sec her life has been just bound up in that boy ever since his father died years ago The old lady is consider ably broken down now but she was one of the smartest women I eve knew when she was in her hope she will give up to you ffhen you there and take things easy the restof her life But my wife says Hiram Wether mother isnt go ing to give up yet awhile if he does brine a wife there I think Hirams mother and I will get on quite pleasantly Mr I understand how she about Hirams getting now that they have lived alone together so many years I shall try my best to be a good true loving daughter to her No doubt of that Sheldon no doubt of that You are a grand hand to make things go on smoothly anywhere I congratulate Hirams mother on getting such a sensible wellbalanced daughter and I wish you much happiness in your married life When Hiram came home with his wife and said I have brought you a daughter mother there was not that cordial welcome given that wished and hoped for She felt that she was an inno vation in the little family circle and that Hirams mother felt that she had come between her and her son and marred the perfect love and under standing they had hitherto had But she never spoke of her to her husband She tried to be the most loving patient pleasant wife and daughter that it was possible for her to be When she was sorely tried she went alone to her room and asked for grace and strength to do her duly to both of those for whose happiness she lived Mrs Wetherby did nnt feel that she could up the housekeeping to although she was proving day by day that she was fully capable of taking what was really a burden now to Hirams mother I said I wouldnt give up and I wont was was the mothers mental conclusion when the thought suggested that it would be wiser to rest from the labors of household cares and duties Mis Mis called the washerwoman at the foot of the stairs one morning six months after Hiram had been married Come down quick your mothers fallen the length of them cellar slabs Letty had heard a noise but she thought it was somebody carrying vegetables into the cellar It had been an unusually trying morning to Letty Washingdays al ways were because Hirams mother would insist upon doing more than she ought and that tried and irritat ed her to a degree that made it hard er for the daughter Lelly ran down stairs and found Hiram and his man bringing the mother up from the cellar She soon placed on the bed and a doctor sent for I was afraid those tarries were working she said and I thought Id go down and look after them Why didnt you let mo go moth er asked as she bathed the blood off from a slight wound on the Old ladys faC Well I thought maybe you wouldnt know dear If they were working Hirams mother had never spoken in such a kind tone of voice before The doctor found that Mrs Wether hip was injured in such a way that at her age the probability was would not be able to be around- for some lime She to give up now sure en ough said one of the neighbors but Letty only felt pity for the poor old mother who could not bear to give up the duties she had faithfully done for so many many years It takes quite awhile and a good deal of grace for folks to arrive at conclusion that the time has come for them In a sente to bo laid aside patient loving ministrations were well appreciated You seem tp know just what to d Letty the mother said one day when the gentle hand of her daughter was driving pain way Is Hiram about where I would like to talk with you both I want you lo forgive me both of you for being so selfish and so set in my way I made life harder for you both instead of easier I havent done as I ought to by and Im sorry Somehow 1 felt that she had laken Hirams love for away but there it mother love and there is wife love and I ought to have eon- it all A man Is much hap pier in life if he has a good wife and that is the way the good meant it to be Im glad that you didnt to Hiram and that you were wise enough lo marry instead of Matildas so high strung never have got along at all Ive around In ray slow way and you lots of times when when you wanted to get the work out of and I know Ive and vexed you very often with some of my set ways but never spoke a quick or an unkind word to me and youve tried your best to get pleasantly with mother Thank you It doesnt do for folks to be so Independent Ive been for something may come at any time to show us what trail dependent crea tures we arc Years have passed by Mrs gels about the house with new light has come into her face 2nd Abb She is very happy Everybody who goes to see her her tell what a wonderful woman her daughter is she doesnt know how she could possibly do without her She is so glad Hiram is able to keep help so wilt have to work hard as she has done Little grandchildren put their loving aims about her and give her sweet kisses and arc ever ready to do something for dear grand mamma She has the sunniest room in the house and her large print Bible is ever open on the stand by her easy chair Her room is a veri table chamber of peace in which all the members of the household love to gather Lewis 2nd Fall Mrs Dr Mm 3 Dean Miss Clara Hill Crochet WorkLouisa Fisher 2nd Davidson Smith Embroidery on Silk or Cotton Millard 2nd Wilson Stoddart Work Miss Uriels It Millard Work It Mum Sad Miss Cushion John Henry 2fld A Woolen Drawn Work A Woolen 2nd Fisher A 2nd Jan FariB Mats 2nd Fogg Lava Work John 2nd Mrs J Abb Wilson Panel Any Kind Fisher Mils A Crayon Drawing Cbbs 2nd J G OH J 2nd Water Color Abb 2nd J G Pencil Drawing J 2nd Draper Painting on Glass or China Miss Pointing on Satin or Velvet Miss Smith 2nd John Bleary Scott 2nd John Dressed Doll Was Work Julias Rogers Scott Lace Any Kind Fisher 2nd Specimen School Work Goo Rich- No G A A- Smith No G Slap Drawing A A Smith lS 2nd Geo Richardson S3- No Figure Drawing Richardson No 2nd A A Smith No Writing Geo Richardson No A A Smith BOOTS JaB lamer Bradford Asa Phillips A Haines Aurora Collection Swede Turnips and Long Mangolds Jam Lawrie 2nd Watson Wright Collodion of Roots James Lawrio Collection of Potatoes Alex Eves 2nd W Stephens Steele and Prim W 2nd Francis 3rd Long Carrots Iairbarn 2nd Joshua Willouyhby Turnips Francis Lundy Collection Garden Vegetables Francis lilephanl Potatoes ThoiBcown 2nd John Salter Potatoes Beauty of Hebron A 2nd Stephens Potatoes any other kind Bus- licit 2nd Sanderson Turnips James 2nd Brown Turnips Brown 2nd John Halter Long Red Jas Lawrio 2nd Wateon Wright Yellow Mangolds Ste phens 2nd Short While Carrots WR Main 2nd Jamca Lawrio Long Whilo Carrots 2nd James Lawrio Cauliflower Mi 2nd John Fuller Cabbage Mann 2nd Alox Eaves Rod King 2nd per JohnSnillb 2nd Jerboa Beets J 2nd John Tomatoes J Aylward 2nd Alex Eaves CeleryJoshua 2nd JoilO Bract Bed Onion 2nd James Lawrio White Onions W It Mann 2nd J David Draper 2nd Joel King David Draper 2nd barn Hubbard Squash Draper Mammoth Squash- 2nd Francis t Mammoth Pumpkins Draper Turnips mm Brown wonK Mrs Lloyd Mrs Fuller Mrs Eva Wood CanO Fancy Quilt Joslo 2nd John Cowlcaon Piecework Quilt John 2nd Mil Jotfa Bed Comforter Mies 2nd John Cotton Mann 2nd John Sailer Homo made Blankets John Cowjceon 2nd Francis Factory Blankets Luke Doyle 2nd Francis Fulled Cloth John 2nd Flannel Shieling Francis 2nd Miss Union Carpet John 2nd Francis Rag Horse Abb 2nd Knitted Wool 2nd Robert Knitted Wool Socks 2nd Jos Davidson Wool Blockings Mis Darned Sock Jos Davidson 2nd Abb Gent John Cowleson 2nd Crazy WorkMi 2nd J Sofa Pillow John Henry 2nd Fisher labia Drape Miss A 2nd John Wm Foot 2nd Dow- Lib lis lilt SUTTON A quiet marriage was solemnized on Tuesday evening the roth the contracting patties being Mr John Wakefield of Charlevoix Mich and Miss Charlotte Kay eldest daughter of Mr George Kay of Gwillimbury The newly married couple took their departure for their new home in Michigan on the early train next morning They were ac companied lo the station by most of the wedding guests The new hotel is about completed and ready for occupation BRADFORD- is now eogaging the attention of the younger portion of the community Mr was tossed out of his buggy the other day when in the act of putting on his overcoat He was considerably bruised about the head and shoulders but is able to be about Mr W Davey butcher had sever al sheep worried by dogs the other day Mr McDonald while helping to unload some lumber scantling etc from a car at the depot into a wagon last Thursday was unfortunate in pulling upon himself a scantling and about feet long inflicting an ugly cut in his leg He has since been confined to his house Mr A Lawrence student mission ary at Mind en is home for a few days We observe from the Echo that at one of Mr Lawrences stations a new church has recently been dedicated for worship Wit ness The Editors Shears Bite The Worlds Fair will be kept open as long as weather permits after the end of this month Oct The Queen has approved the appointment of the Earl of Elgin as viceroy of India put up for leaving a ditch unprotected into which a man drove and was injured Ottawa Oct Controllers Wood and Wallace will go to Toron to to meet the milk producers on the will submit a waterworks and light bylaw to the ratepayers on the of October Oct Treasurer J W Jackson of Portage la Prairie was sent to prison for months for town funds The Aetfa has suc cumbed to hard times No room for two paper in a place like Wiarton is what Ben Butler says 1ST Ontario has been awarded medals for her fruit exhibit at the Worlds Pair for currants and cherries alone George and Alex Free man were convicted of manslaughter at 1ondon Oct on Saturday and sent to penitentiary for life The legs of a chair never stick out half so far behind at any other lime as when a roan is prowling about in the dark barefooted Rev Dr Carman General Superintendent of the Methodist Church has been asked to draw up a pastoral on the plebiscite he read in all the churches of the Prov ince Mrs of Hill was injured in a run away acci dent on Monday John Thorns of Box Grove had his leg broken on Saturday last in a game of football at Highland Creek The fair week was a great suc cess There was a total absence of fakirs gambling tables etc Mrs Matthews and her niece Miss Richardson were fatally injured by a passing train at the P crossing last week Deer Park The business men of arc taking steps to have transient traders bylaw enforced which re quires those who are nonresidents lo to the treasurer of muni before they can sell within the corporation All interested should consult page of Ontario statutes of The annual fall fair of the Whit church Agricultural Association which was held on Tuesday and Wednesday of last week was a good success Ihc number of entries being fully up to ihc of other years The display of ihc products of the field garden orchard dairy was good but in some lines ihtrc was an almost total absence of exhibits in ihc products of garden The large assortment of ladies lastefully arranged made a very fine indoor display Ingrain and roots it was fully up to the mark A few days ago two daughters of Arlhur Johnson of Greenwood drove to and tied their horse to a post in front of store Shortlv after ihc animal broke loose and dashed across the street into Wilsons shed throwing out one of the girls who remained in the vehicle It then took to the Brock road and aftergoing a distance collided with Hugh Wilsons rig throwing him out but not injuring him The horse Brougham before it was cap- A marble cutter named James Smith of StoniTvillc committed sui cide at that village last week A writer In the Empire of Monday says the real cause for the sad occurrence was drink Do Any one who expects to get through without certain share of bother ation it under a very serious mis take It in the nature of human affairs for petty vexations arise one can hardly tell how or where fore and he Is a wise man who be ing aware of- this fact does not allow himself to fret or fume over annoy ances that everybody has to encount er and which cannot possibly be helped Fretting does not pay To contrary it is always practised at a loss of lime strength and temper ending in a great loss of happiness arc much more apt to indulge in their silly habit of pessimism con cerning small mailers than greater ones and imaginary roubles are quite as likely lo be the subject of their disquietude as real ones And if they have nothing real to worry over they will conjure up something with which to make themselves miserable Nothing is to be gained by fretting You simply make yourself miserable by so doing and moreover you are almost certain to make your family and friends uncomfortable Remember this ye and fret no more It is singular how some seem to enjoy the they cany for not paying their bills They n a Seven hundred thousand people doubtless greatest that ever congregated visited ihe Worlds Fair Monday breaking the greatest one day record at Paris by an overwhelm ing majority It is said ihere are counter feit five dollar gold pieces in circula tion It dont trouble us however for those fellows who owe us five dol lars seem lo think can get without money Mr Seagrams Victorious the winner of Queens Plate in 1891 ran a mile in at Morris Park Tuesday and beat his own record of jo which had been the best ever made by a horse bred in Canada K Dudley Smith has just returned to Winnipeg from England having organized a wealthy company there for development of the gold mines in ihe Rat Portage district Operations are to commence at once Chief Justice Gait has given judgment dismissing the motion to commit David His Lord ship held thai the article on the Cos- case was offensive but as Mr Creighton wis in Chicago when it was published he could riot be held responsible for it Many people troubled In keep their leeth white and especially where the teeth have been filled with silver Take the of pieplant and rub ihc lecih quickly with it and il will remove all discoloration has the merit of being a simple and safe remedy it will also work like magic in cleaning small articles of brass EST A business man who doesnt advertise is very like a man who goes fishing without baits and dangles the naked hook in the water trusting to luck that some fish will tun up against it and be caught Not infrequently will sonic up a little sign and then wall for somebody 10 find that he wants customers 1ST Hon Speaker has relumed from his journey to Colorado after seeing Mrs and established in Denver Mrs was fatigued by the long journey across the plains but her recovery was faster than had been usual with her in Canada a hopeful sign They have taken up housekeeping having rented a furnished residence If eaten freely sufferers from rheumatism would comparatively few It it a mistaken idea that cold and damp produce the disease simply develop it Acid blood is the primary and sustaining cause If celery is eaten largely an alkaline blood is the result and where this exists there can be neither rheum atism nor gout The celery should eaten cooked Parents should not think their duty is done when hustle their children off to school bur should vis it the school occasionally and en courage the teachers and children by showing them that they feel in terest in the mailer Above all things support the teacher in maintaining discipline heard a mother say the day that she wanted to know just what her little daughter was doing in school and that if she did not obey her teacher she would be punished at home This is proper Spirit Uphold the leacher in his authority and there will be more harmony in the school room The Inland Revenue Depart ment ha issued a circular to all dealers in articles of food and drink drugs and agricultural fertilizers Since ihc amendment of the Adulter ation Act in it has been found that many grocers and retail dealers arc not fully cognizant of the provis ions of the Act or else do not suffi ciently themselves to comply with the same It is the intention of the department to enforce ihc Act which applies to the sale of every article used for or intended for with food or drin Of man or all medicines for internal meet man man that owe as each time they bras f each time they onci A lit lie and pass it by ilinfcrds is by I

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