Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 6 Oct 1893, p. 3

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J EH A OCT Ladies that FACTS In reference to our j Childrens ill pay reread over and think about is Mantle this Fall or Our Importations this direct from Germany tot few Iar that we ever made 2nd Being GERMAN demonstrates as it is a well bioftn bet that they are Best Fitting Workmanship Value for the Atone latest European Styles Masonic Moving Tuscan ha Iho Moao over Km Office t moving back their former to bo ready for Wednesday and on should make a note of the or fores of may them by going to wrong Omission In our report Concert Floral Hall on the first it Another fact which we to demonstrate as is possible and one that will appreciate as it touches your pocket is Re- Prices Our air for Mantles was placed last Spring A few reeks afterwards we received that our Berlin had advanced the pices of Ladies Childrens J but that our would be filled at the prices but any repeat would be subject to the advance So you see we are in luck too as we have sorted Mantles Not in Keeping with the Ad- but in keeping with LOW PRICES at which bought We invite you whether are thinking of buying or tot to come and inspect DANFORD ROCHE Co The Leading House Cishand One Price Hi Weeks Local hi GOING ON IN A All OUT TOWN By referring to oar reader will notice gnat snips being offered to One Mr had ho prized a good morning laid it be bit bene Strychnine in On Thursday Mr to bury Mm at burying lived near Her aivk faW at time She aaid coining on and to to call or when The JoJe the following provision Every one of an little conviction twenty dollar who ticket or other lending giving ly tickets or ftny of the of fihow here week we to location that not frocompftni meats for Mr Pax Id a superior bat moat selection with It it to Mia Per when it known gave to Society- The Haircst Borne TeaMeeting in with the Em Church of which Iter Sanderson it took place on MooJay of last week and a Id a lengthy of it says Doling the evening of thanks were pasted to for collecting money for the Organ which has just been placed the and to the of for of J25 for the Ever Changing The seasons and go II is now fail and yet wo wem to bate bad bat a abort of time Tbo batten year by year to the man or woman of middle age yet tome of Ihcm are long enough winter for instance Impressed on minds old as well young one of the in the memory of man and it that would reach at find now already wo aro beginning to rash down dope of tbo year that lead inevi toward will end in another winter whether long or will bo long to and patience of humanity St Paulas Church The Har vest Home on Friday evening of last week was oao of the best ever held under the of St Cborcb served in the School in a very pleasant manner and the tables were laden with all that conld bo desired A feeling of harmony prevailed beaotifally decorated particularly chancel Hew Canon was in Thanksgiving Service by cote who preached a very nice modest sermon on Special was rendered by a choir and Miss Perkins also contributed a selection on the Pipe The proceeds amounted to and are to bo devoted toward the building food- Leg Broken A very serious ac cident befell Mr The Friday morning Ho at lining Verandah at the Presbyterian Mango The job was almost completed end they were potting in the last board of them Swain Mr Taylor and Mr Marsh were standing on one end of plank on a pair of and by way of springing board into position Mr Swain using a crowbar With the prying above all at once the plank slipped and they were thrown to the Boor a than three leg broken knee and thigh It pained him constantly for two or three and he being over of age rather troubles which kept hit life in balance but on Wednesday he took quite a for better and hopes arc entertained of his recovery Correction In gelling out a lengthy List like that of North York Fair when everything la in a and confusion it is not to bo wondered at that some mistakes occur In Mr Johnson of Newmarket 1st on a yearling or Filly instead of John Wilson at published last For yearling colt by horse John Street took not John Team of Roadster 1st day L got 1st and Eli Vernon 2nd it transposed in the list Allan took 1st prize on Collection of Plows and not Wilkinson Plow Co In of Mr J P of Keswick took prize instead of Morton for old Stallion 3 in addition to prizes already named two commended prizes aIo awardoJ 1st Devlin 2nd in Piece Work Quilt Bilk a commended prize was awarded Mrs John and Gents Shirt a com to Joseph Davidson Ai of more than merit for local to lake in Temper- anco on Friday of Bee Nocturnal Visitors On Mon day night cellar of Mr on Second St fast op waa entered through a window by who helped thcmaeJws to nd carried off IcT of bread two rolls of hotter and a of preserve From all appearances like the work of two or tramp Foot Arrangements have been mads with Barton A team of Toronto to play here to morrow afternoon This team it one of the In Toronto having held the championship of the Dry Goods the last two An interesting match may the hope to a good crowd of spectators Another Yet Some peo ple are asking When can we get our prize money The of the North Society meet at the on afternoon of Saturday the 1Mb to bear and appeals after which prize money is payable Only two or three appeals have been made and to morrow is the last day to receive them Where Does it All For ihree weeks Robertsons Bak ery has got in carload frail at a time and tomorrow another car is to come filled with Wo have seen more fruit bands of our dealers this than usual and yet people of hard timed Pro bably there are a of to ac count for this enormous sale Fruit cheaper than a goal and as apples are scarce people are laying in a stock of sub- Salvation Army J Hay D will visit Newmarket corps Wednesday flight and coo- duct a special jubilee in the Barracks Ho will be assisted by of Aurora also other talent will be present and welled last week ore still in town expect orders to leave at an early date to a new station- Milne been de tained to supply for two weeks The new officers are expected here a week from Saturday Farm Produce There was a good Fall market last Saturday Lots of butter offered from to Egga were picked up quick at About the quantity of chickens offered at prices rnnning from 25 to a pair- ducks made their first appear ance that is for any nnmbcr and sold from to a pair Lamb from to by the quarter Potatoes were in and sold from to So a big Other vegetables and fruits as Very Successful At the North York Fall Fair hero last week Mr Jo made a pretty clean sweep lie took 1st prize tbo Carriage Class ftnd also for the best six Mr John yearling got by took first prize in Carriage Class and Mr John got 2nd in Class on a yearling by sire also 1st class got by bred horse In this class Mr John Cow- lesonatso took 2nd on his yearling In Spring Colts got by horse Mr Billet took 1st and Col Another Pinnacle The Hose Tower has at last assumed its normal proportions and feet high as well as location on top of the hill a conspicuous from all parts of town ft is expected that the car penter will bo completed this week and the bell wilt bo giving forth its fa miliar tones next week Its position will bo a litllo higher than tho Christian Church bell will boa fluo inside Tower into which hot air will bo driven from Fire Hall furnace for drying the hose Mr Geo has the contract for job and the is From tbo manner which frame work is brftccd the Tower looks like a substantial structure and is nearly feet higher than old tower which the demolished Another Mon day a was hero from Thornton look for a livery rig that waa not rclarcd when promised saw a rig pew through here the day previous that description but so far wo can learn the properly has not been recovered The Grain Standard The On tario Board of Examiners appointed to Ox the grain standard have completed their liters The standard all round is much the earners last year perhaps in barley which Is lighter Some new Standards were made in peas which are to bo recommended to Government for adoption In mummy andblackeyefces two new grades have been decided pop also that No oats shall weigh the to and No 39 while No Bye will lbs No will be required weigh lb The standard for wheat exited to be About the as list year A Close Calx A game of fun nearly ended in a cue of manslaughter down town last Tuesday evening Mr A boys were playing a game of along with a number of others around the corner of Timothy and Cedar streets when little Allen Mr evidently disappointed at being and ho struck Allen with Us fist paahlon blow returned when Joe again struck Mr boy his flat behind ear which knocked him He was carried in the and a sent for but was nearly midnight before ho regained They long hours of earing death at any moment and the occurrence ahoold a warning to playmates they will never forget Alien around all right next morning Thousands in the Mud When of East Gwillimbury into town he generally carries with him a small ratchet Having occasion to drop into Dominion Hotel on the second day of the Fair hero and only in tending to be a or two he left the satchel on the seat his buggy but when be relumed the gone Be didnt any fuss about it but at once informed Constable Savage who knew identical and kept eyes and earn open to where abouts Thought over any clue but next day the Chief found missing article down the track near crossing but the contents were gonc He however continued his South till ho came to culvert when his lit upon various sheets of paper that presented a legal aspect Some were covered with mud and soaked with water but ho had pleasure of returning every missing security which amounted to several dollar Though of no use to anybody but the owner still Mr was in quite an on comfortable position without them thief has kept himself far IU Division Model School- Jr HI Class Total Alec Ethel Willson Eva Scott Leslie Jackson Willie Hoi 1C2 James Dennis Dennis Edith Dickson 148 Katie Jolly Al bert Preston Ethel Wilton 135 Alva Fred 111 Norman Wesley Senior if Class Total marks Minnie Moffat Millard George Marion Marsh Mabel 167 Jennie ISO 169 Ethel Ethel Marsh Fred Taylor Leonard 1S5 Arthur Maude 149 Cora 141 Gilbert Lindsay Prentice 139 Bertie Willis Frank Minnie 123 Chappollo95 Thompson Arthur Neither late nor absent during Septem ber Dickson Millard Nina Frank Travis Willis fi9bertf8hef0 FOR FOR This Week AT LAND BROS Previous to Moving 3 00 English Worsted for 2 English Worsted for 1 Worsted Panting for TWEEDS FROM 30 1 90 1 UP Felt up FALL GOOD AT THE Us When you want atovea moved pot up your wilt prompt and proper left with A A List The of of JK luUuhhl ill Dm k number of which only York The Ja it foliong conduct fruit lirriltmjjrinuftHo 3 I res on I it out that l Mt w y Mr S 3imty property of a iJUUr nan it to bat it is li occupying jut w fall couldnt ad the went into the and finally leaving li on walk The regular at Home namely t JUtnuo of Deputy Kh villi and they a found very I work h aplcndid in The ac- im blcham 5 ftaS l though I Cody manner iSpJatli in m a of literary UyUiii I I and hi t who WOTU In ai to conduct rotct- High School After Friday and the School awcmblcJ to of to Mr master who baa a in Ridley CcK lego Principal briefly the object of tbo In complimentary to work Mr bftd In and out of school to lift loyally to him a a head of the Inatitu to Ilia in the best intcrcata of lho Witty reapect and to hie everything ho undertook of appre ciation Mr to accept a complete act of Iruatln that vhcu he his manly person with It lit would be carried back In recollection to old friends and Mailer Will Mr was taktn completely He referred to very plcaiant wjoorn It Newmarket to cordial treatment had alway received at hands Principal rtgrtt leaving and thanked pupils and very cordially for token their of bis and field Mr Handle Principal of Model school being present called said ho College had a provincial reputation for reforming even tho worst of boy Harness bo well cared for In his now borne However ho regretted hi determination to remove from amongus Ho wished him roach prosperity in hi change In rtspomo to a call from the claste Mr said it was rrtwstohltn to bear that Mr was going to a reformatory but ho bo- truth cur rent rumor that Mr IP chief trouble was that Bishop pupils were all boy Mr If In general re of and town and hoped and extended field Mr It would bo increased When the teachtra Reached the front entrance the loya were respectfolly drawn up In two line and gave thrco rousing cheer for Mr Ilnrgcj followed by throe inert tor the staff It cannot help but bo gratifying to an onlooker to such prevailing In chief Institution of town Another Harvest Home In point to a Ho no Festival in the Methodist Church Monday Special aro to be preached on Sunday by of Toronto and on lho follow ing evening in connection with Tea Meeting learned gentleman is to an on Progr of the 19th Century doubt there will bo largo congregation to hear though a stranger In Newmarket very highly ioken of by who had the of hearing him have got plan all laid to please aat and gratify and they aro expecting as big a crowd aa Monday even Ing tabic will be act for 140 at and it hoped that all who can will ho on hand promptly at oclock for the firat as to rush to got through with table before oclock to to enjoy by both the choir and as welt a grain coming in Farmers holding for higher prices Methodist Festival on Monday Wasnt a day Collectors on warpath Public School Board KlngTp at Bradford DRESS GOODS In Black and Colored Henriettas Whip Cords Brocade Serges and Meltons A SPLENDID RANGE OF FLANNELS AND YARNS Wool Shawls and Underwear in great variety FULL LINES OF CORSETS In the Grocery Department everything seasonable Pure Spices and Vinegars TERMS CASH AND CLOSEST PRICES 14 12 lift 13 a 10 R J at You amk For a a good cheap we arc In that ao4cau shew the firKat Cooks acd aver In The ftort on Sun- day- morning cooked the and out of oclock bell had a ml last Friday did people who them This tho of year when farmer have to whom he con signs of farm when shipping to merchants in city Hundreds of dollars year by shipping to parties fourteen this quarter moth Ing that will not occur again for half a dozen ycra lovtly and foliage at Cemetery alt on Sunday The contract for a now on Town Lino between and Is to bo let by Auction licit Thursday of Mechanic meet Matter Frank Wright narrowly escaped some broken bones last Ha fell from a beechnut tree When it comes to spending a secondhand Hag staff tbo Mayor pot his foot badly Two tod lea transferred frotn thoChnrchof England for Hlghlflchool were at Model on Mr J A Allan getting Im his residence well way A verandah if now going up reuioval of the fence property an enlarged favorite with the these debt on tho Methodist Church hero was rcdaced on Monday The property Aldom Is lobe aold by Auction at Sotton to morrow Mr the town Collector has his hands and to get ready for him The well yesterday and will resume operations to day A Is Pipe Varnish goes farther looka brighter lodger smells than an New I other made Hold by a a r All members present except Mr Following refreshinofits for firemen after last fire Atkinson watching flro Co Pay Sheet It A Com 47480 Followingaccounts referred toF Lewie A Bon P Light Heat Power Co and J and hill of Jacob Duck to It A Com ft7460 The Treasurer Instructed to fake of Debenture to purchaser In Toronto obtain the cash therefore Com was Instructed to a report at neat meeting giving number length and probable cost of all the bridges within corpora- tfbo The P AW Com Instructed to temporary arrangements with the Heat Power Co to continue lighting the strata was ordered to bo placed to credit of Com to pay In erection of George firlgloy was account of Hose Tower Willi reference to setting a strip land four width to tbo lane Adjoining premises Main ByLaw Com reported that at no plan of lots fa they could not recommend ft adopted Tbo A Com pay of account Itoberlson a A- Diana Stark for fixing Flag Staff 92235 This last Item pretty nearly took the breath out of the Council but the report waa adopted An amendment not to pay It was lost on the following division Yeas Robertson Trlvilt and Woodcock Kays Cabo Hooter and Lloyd The tenders for construction of Water Street were referred to the Bridge and wasongagod to sucrlnlend the work was placed to lho cxoJlt of It A Com to expend on Huron It Second FARM WE WILL HAVE A CARLOAD OF CRAPES TO OFFER FOR SATURDAY And the Price will be Lower than was ever seen in before have still a few Peaches Quinces and Tomatoes coming In The Yet a Perfect SelfSealing Jar with lbs Excellent Baking Powder for only cents and Dried Herrings Just in Our mixed and 50c Blended Tea still take the lead We can sell you Soap at the Old Price Again Fresh Bulk Oysters received every week Give us A ROBERTSON Two Good Milch Cows for sale cheap a IN ORDER TO BE WELL DRESSED You must a suit of clothes made of good material a good fit combined with good workmanship a look through your and what you require In line and place your order now We havo goods suitable for the Man and Mechanic well as for the Professional and Clergyman Call and examine our goods before purchasing else where a I within reach of all TERMS CASH N McDOUQALL Next Door to Atkinsons Store PROPERTY la ioQtblpoj Nor ill EDWIN At ItavAl vin tot Auction by Mr II or filohtrtori id ro or tin brick eight cellar leant Will I itatr liau for four bid caltto hi Ill repair id and Itu with rooms ftl large good well and all lloAftrttHnilt for or I wbol bufldlcg art la good twoo Lot or a Hog for four and root U fenced- and old official guardlaiu aerrod apply to fourth of fro r mvi idayof aala id Wait KIOffBU VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE AUCTION J atllo DIM ajar bub on Iba MftlTfrfttOuM- of toJiuoalol yorfartbetpartJj for by KOrtfc atkot ay latbafortnoonp of Lot In lofYcnga from Rood rl Porwiilon can ny Mr Mat at to rmBoUeiuXlvmartat JEVISED STATUTES WtotMlfc BOOTS SHOES A T Equally Great Reductions W STEPHENS- NEW FALL DRESS GOODS Wo are now showing our first of Fall Dress Goods and would ask yon call and inspect them for yourselves Our Black Henriettas will be found to be the best value in town Compare some of them and ace Now is the time that people begin to think about Flan nels We have a splendid range of Flannels for the Fall Trade good value for the price naked Cotton Cottonades and Shirtings We have a full Hue of these everyday for articles nil we have to say about them is they are the bent wo can buy for money Our Groceries are all Fresh and Try our Blended Coffee at iOc Also our Blended Tea at cents W W PLAYTER Telephone Connection Main St BLUE GLASSES I not always a sign of intellect but they a heap of sense when the sun is too bright for the eyes It them so much rest and comlort a chance to get in fact and if people think youre wiser than you are why perhaps you are for the lime This Comfort or rather luxury costs only We have all sorts of Spectacles besides a handsome assortment of Jewelry Watches Clocks and Will be pleased to see you and quote you prices ATKINSON MAIN ST NEWMARKET LUNDYS GREAT BARGAIN HOUSE Ib Freshly Stocked Clothing for the Fall Trade Never better value offered in town GRAND ASSORTMENT OF OVERCOATS Ulsters and Ordinary Wear AWAY DOWN Ladies and Mioses Wool Hose for Almost Nothing OHAS 94 MAIN STREET OUTFIT- And for i Power Co

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