Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 15 Sep 1893, p. 3

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ERA SEPT 1893 GOODS and Winter Styles in Ger- Tailor- Made MANTLES Sting- piments fed jam in fit fit fern ftm MILLINERY rtr- ftpirfmenf Mel ftpirlment tt top Slocks d lev Prices ft ihiys ktve a o Department my rely ril scried ROCHE CO arr For are going to be high So more on This ii on of lha of High School the filling off in of in flowing wells ex pand larooii d rata Mod da night the dollar rule at two ago- Produce The market tat homegrown trait offered Price ruled follows a basket from basket egg from to eta from to and 0 to per bash Bolter from to firm at 11 potatoes CO to per Cabbage celery as A Bad Tumble On Thursday of last ffwk Mr wm for Mr Haywood on Scott machine oat peas in five The flsfabed and move to the engagement the cod of lor the engine down a TW3fct bole It took men hours to pry it oat Mr had to it to lor and damage him days of time It were charged for they would be careful in pointing oat the location circa their promisee when machinery- A Bad will extend its to the friends of Mr P who at at the time is on the broad of bit back one of the at the Bicycle Tourna ment here week bat be bad the Wis- fortune tipped in the in Irani of the Grand one of the in and got a very bad Though feeling in to courage to out and made fire- miles after the accident Next morning he had to send for a medical man to patch him up and baa given two of absence at the Report that one or two broken We are for friend a genial and whole- coaled fellow and suggest that te his eyeglaKMa time he races on the bike St Pauls Church Harvest Festival till the thinning of October Monday fcg a bo Elliot Haines while tiling a raw at factory put hie hand too and had the end of one finger cot off nearly the joint Hie adjoining finger badly nicked Re will fee laid off for a of or more All members of the and any to to turn out to afternoon at The boys are arranging with tho Canadian Borers of Toronto to play the of the here a veek from tomorrow Sale The property belonging to the Estate Township of North It for sale by auction on the of October should be a investment for a of tenant farmers whohaTea little ahead and want homes of their own Behind The trains arc all late this week doting the last week of the Toronto Fair with the ex ception of special which starts from Newmarket every morning at the time fox the regular There worn to be very nearly as many people going as in other years though hard op is the general cry Tub The reader who fails to over the advertisements every week misses some of best in bis local paper and it is a palpable fact that there is as ranch dif ference between the advertiser of today and the stereotyped specimen of twenty years ago as there is between sickle and the selfbinder All people are advertising now for the fall 11 tnd ftll nine for preni L to bo by direct Following It ucirti BU 3 Liquor 1 S9 SO Town no Fire Engine School towards SI HO BUY The following In Weeks Local fa ImjlSCOlNOON IN ABOUT TOWN ftux Attended The union between the ifelho were largely at t that the crowded to overflowing in a irue of unity pn3d Out Lively There is ntiapoldl shipping going on te Cues Factory week they wooden king packed for for Winnipeg tinlined Bells A quiet wed- IttftoApliJM at Church yes- when Mr Geo Moore Us Lawyer Moore was Uftibntarriaseto Mist contralto Rev Canon The happy couple at7 train for Toronto Some lX5lf attended a concert fit euing week and lxtl the bays have asking tlieu W walking is It seems that JiUyhotnealiUry fUn that to ikkxfjQitoa Another also had to JJ neat day pAt Dont ho Id inch a No Second Place For Us In Millinery wo prepared to continue leading in this branch Orders coming in fast already at Hughe a County Court The General Sessions for opened the Hon Toronto on Tuesday Judge Mo officiating Grand Jury was sworn in- composed of Messrs John Brown Cook Edward James Eleoty King William John Stewart Sergeant from the and George Saunders Alex Smith Archibald Chat J Tidy Geo Robert and William from the city Gibbons of Sing Township was chosen foreman- The court was formally opened and Honor delivered a address pointing oat the nature of cases that will come up and explaining the changes entailed by the pasting of the new criminal code is the firt jory court held since tho cods came into operation T The annual of Newmarket Branch took Tuesday afternoon The secretary re ported a membership of 30 The election of as follows Cody 1st Vice Mrs 2nd Mrs Lewis Mrs- II S Cane Cor Mrs Jackson delegates appointed to attend Annual County Convention it Wood- bridge on and of October are Mrs Mrs Mrs Mrs Dr Scott Mrs Jackson Mrs Pretty and Mrs J Green besides the County officers Cody Mrs Cane and Hughes The next meeting will take place at the residence of dent on the 21st at oclock Yarns Flannels c And a good full stock otFall Dry Goods now at M a A New Variety Last Saturday Mr- Francis Starr of brought pods of pea being samples oil his first crop from this new The peas are large in size and count eleven and twelve in a pod Though straw is rather shorter than the ordi nary small pea the yield will bo good as the pods are numerous Farmers who are afraid to try the new eeed will be glad of this information A Curiosity On Wednesday Mr Baron of the 2nd of Whit church a cariosity to the office- It consisted of an eggshell with in which Mrs Baron found another egg about size of a egg The out egg is not extraordinarily large but abont the in which one would to find a double yolk- There was one yolk in it besides the other egg and how it got there id a greater cariosity than to account for the milk in the cocoanut Roads and Bridge 1500 WOO Hall Lighting Salaries Debenture insurance W IMS High School- v- Serrate School Watering Sinking Fund 5 18 A was passed levying a rate of cents on the as follows Local on the County taxes- Market Deb 10 o Bonus Deb Pub School Maintenance GO nigh Deb m and Separate School supporters instead of were to Mr on well traoL The matter of drain from Mr new house was left with Road and Bridge Com Council adjourned AT THE This week in our MOM If II on Japan Tea Regular lb for 1 Japan Tea Regular 4 lb for 1 1- Mens Long Boots 3 Line for 2 Mens Plow Boots 00 90 OF Mens Pants from 125 up ALL GOODS at CORRESPONDING RATES J W STEPHENS Snaps in Stoves Parlor Cook Coal or Parlor Cook Coal for Heater Wood Parlor Coal or Wood Cook Coal or Wood p A Bums- Bern OurThe FireAlarm a to in proper working 1 the Wj lb found that I and were at once to say anybody to the IMirmthtyifcoQldnotbo afraid to jIlitarpTingtomakosuro that the pumping life Oic Cortwration when they let the boring contract The 8- inch pat tarn Jwtwflowot Here to fcnxit it It l0 w only wuua The Muskoka ex was very late last Saturday since which date it has ceased running What is more provoking than to get up early and wait at tbe depot till 8 oclock for the rain It looks much as if owner of a good crop of may bo able to nam bis own It was fivo oclock on Xhnrsday of week before Division Court ad- joarned J bis sermon on Banyans Pilgrims Progress next Sabbath evening Subject An Old Key- Quite a crowd down at the Wednesday even ing to give Dr Irwin and bride a happy sendoff Between tho dry weather and tho Cemetery is looking rather parched About tbe streamer took a tumble The dry weather Is making arches look rather rutty We getting along well without that Hose Tower that It looks as though wo might manage without altogether Br Scott got a bad barn on his hand next meeting of the Prohibition Commit tco will bo at the call of chair had fresh oysters in latt J A Allan the root on addition to his residence It will bo a great Im provement A Deputation On Wednesday Mayor Lloyd met a deputation at the depot from the united counties of North umberland and Durham of tho J J Preston of Marvin reeve of Cope Alex Ferguson reeve of and P of The object of their visit was to inspect the York Industrial Home to which place they at and expressed themselves as highly delighted with the arrangements throughout As there was a little the Committees disposal Mayor conducted the visit ors through Model and High Schools and they were lavish in their compli ments town for erecting such ex cellent buildings Sacred Concert The young people of the League are be congratulated upon success of Concert last Friday evening chair was taken by pastor who performed duties of office in his usually manner Mr Johnson of Toron to was the life of evening singing four pieces much acceptance Mr and Mrs Stephens Master Walter Ste phen and League Club also con tributed vocal and choral selections while pianoforte wcro ren dered by Miss and Master Edgar Jackson Mr J re sponded to the call of the chair and gave Sabbath Desecration in Colorado Headings were also given by Messrs J P Belfry and Chas Belfry while Mr Miller contributed a reci tation The net proceeds for organ fund in a church was over North Sept Regular meeting Members all present Minutes of previous meeting read and approved The amounts required for County-pur- and applications for moneys were laid before the Council also com munications from the Clerk of East Gwillimbury stating amount of grant on town and asking to hare a appointed la connection with drain at A petition from Frank Mor ton and others asking to have the side- road between Iota and opened to lake from Stephen Hart and others ask iog for a drain to bo was also presented as tbe petition did not contain a majority of the owners interested no action was taken in the matter The following amounts were ordered to be pud Co stationary Miles repairing culvert S Winch half value of sheep killed John Monro work on sideroad between lota and 16 con and use of bo riper John scraper George forcalvort9I0 were granted James Taylor to plow and turnpike con opposite lots and work to be done under the super vision of John Hamilton also to Thomas to remove stomps off sideroad lots and con were granted to to ex pend In gravelling sideroad between lots and con and 815 to Monro for turnplkingon opposite lota and Moses was refunded taxed wrongfully collected and taxes charged against John lot The assessment of Mrs Flood was struck off the said lot having been assessed twice The petitions of Frank Morton Peter and Daniel on road matters were referred to road and bridge committee A By Law was passed to levy the rates for year the rato being 7 mills for all pur poses except trustee rates Council then adjourned until day of December 9 AT THE In Black and Colored Henriettas Whip Cords Bengalines Brocade Serges and Meltons A SPLENDID RANGE OF FLANNELS AND YARNS Wool Shawls and Underwear in great variety FULL LINES OF CORSETS Immense Stock of Halt in at Hughes Hosiery Shot GROCERY DEPT In the Grocery Department everything seasonable Pure Spices and Vinegars ALL SIZES TERMS CASH AND CLOSEST PRICES M S- The annual meeting of the Womens Society in con- with Methodist Cborcb took In the parlor on Thurs day afternoon ol last week treasurer reported a paidop membership of tho year tho Society raised of which sum Mission Band oontri baled by means of mite boxes and tale of work officers elected for the year commencing lit Sept President Mrs J Mr Lewis Mrs Geo Mrs 3 R A At tho of tho Mr McMil lan a returned missionary from Africa gave a very- account of her labor In foreign field which enlisted entire sympathy of her hearers thanks of the conveyed to Mrs McMillan by retiring President it Friday when a break ySr stopping of operations JJ extractor had to go to Decenary tools to get York Pair Dont to Fair this Directors are determined to better than Ofc lo for crowds and see the exhibits ho numerous as Onirics The Speeding and together Specialty feiV to or both days will bo i i slay for Con- d cheerful wired for and see y tickets may bo Another graduate High baa wa distinction down wo refer Mr Cody of formerly of near Wo clip from Kcmptvillo Ad tana In of tho vftlaablo of Mr 1 A as of High School for Hoard Education It fit and proper to with an To end tbroaghout vlllftifo a public presentation to Id Ibo Oddfc11owa at oclock band kindly played ctolco In front of tbo ball and by tlcno appointed to proceedlngi well flltod over by chairman of Board of An commenced program by ft selection of roatlo after which chairman object of meeting Ho remarked It generally that tho to hit con nection with High and Board thought It bat right that zona have an opportunity of their gratitude In manner chairman Mr Cody thy Ho then read a very complimentary to which Mr Cody ft iullabto reply presentation of ft beautiful Water ft Sai- This Fall Than a year ago it a that aro aro right pricei and looting what require a If You are Wanting A stove fall coll and oar wo bo- aro fineat and cheapest market A Drops a York week after next now Ii half gone- lively weather we bating ground dry Grain Is on move It la principally wheat Fall Fairs f Toronto tin rial Bept- North York at Newmarket KIugTp at Oct A at Button Whitchurch at fitouffvlllo Bolton Dee ton Woodbrldgo 4 to A 27 A A 0 ID A 13 A A A A Angus McPhee a of Falls found a revolver on the street and was ex amining it when it went off The ball his right side and the doctors think his Injuries fatal From thi Prist Mrs N wife of the Woodward Ave dry goods merchant died at Haruers hospital at 930 yes terday morning from a bullet wound accidentally inflicted by herself the previous midnight The accident was a peculiar and a sad one Mr and his wife occupied the residence at Third Avenue where Wesley brother of Wlntni also lived and for several days past has been- enjoying a visit from one of her schoolgirl friends Miss Minnie McGahan of Rochester Dur ing Friday evening Mrs and Miss were out calling on some friends and they returned to the home about oclock had gone bed but Wesley was silting on the doorstep waiting for ladies to return When came Mrs made some joking remark about his sitting and he replied also in a joking way that he was watching for burglars and that he had his revolver in his overcoat pock et They then went into the house and Mrs remarked that she was tired and was going to Where is your revolver Wesley she asked He look it out of his pocket and handed It to her suppos ing that she wished ft take it to her room She stopped with the revolver in herhand to exchange a few more words with Miss and was twirling the weapon in her hand when it was suddenly discharg ed and Mrs fell to the floor with a cry This is the story of the distressing accidental told by Wesley He stated that Mrs who had some fine diamonds was in the habit of having a revolver with her when alone The shot aroused Mr who came running down stairs Mrs cried to him to send for a doctor Dr Brady of 353 First street was at once summoned and on bis arrival Dr H O Walker was called He her removal to Harper Hospital and It was some time after midnight that she was con veyed to the hospital Her hus band accompanying her In the ambu lance and she told him she felt sure she would die Early yesterday morning Dr Walker preformed an operation on the patient when it was found tbe bullet had entered the right side between the seventh and eight ribs and off into the Intestines The intestines had been pierced no less than twelve times The bullet a 32caliber was found loose in the abdomen Mrs N was unconscious a greater portion of the time and died at without re gaining consciousness Mr Winans was almdst distracted with tears flowing down his checks when he spoke of the sad affair to a reporter of the lYibune yesterday afternoon had just reached a point said he when we could begin to enjoy life We have had some hard rubs in the past few years but lately things have been so much better She had been in her happiest mood and has been planning what she would do in the future She idolized her little boy and talked a great deal of him The maiden name of Mrs was Geary of Rochester and her parents still live there Her aged parents were telegraphed the terrible news and will come to De troit to attend the funeral Deceased has been married six years and was only years of age She had but one child Coroner Brown was noti fied of the death and will hold an in quest tomorrow afternoon brothers Richard and Hurst of quarrelled a- bout a line fence was fined and costs Dr Senner says the migration from New York the past six weeks has exceeded the immigration a state of affairs hitherto unknown Four young men were sailing a short distance east of Gananoque Sunday whentbelr boat upset and two of them Joseph Davis and Chadwick were drowned IN ORDER TO BE WELL DRESSED You must have a suit of clothes of good material a good combined with good workmanship a look through your wardrobe and see what you require in line and place your order now We have goods suitable for the Working Man and Mechanic as well as for the and Clergyman Call and examine our goods before purchasing else where Prices within reach of all TERMS CASH N N McDOUGALL MY TAILOR Next Door toL Atkinsons NEW FALL JH DRESS GOODS We are now showing our first assortment of Fall Dress Goods and would ask you to call and inspect them for yourselves Our Black Henriettas will be found to be the best value in town Compare some of them and see Now is the time that people begin to think about Flan- neb We have a splendid range of Flannels for the Fall Trade good for the price asked Cotton and Shirtings We have a full line of these everyday asked for articles and all we have to say about them is they are the best we can buy for tho money Our Groceries are all Fresh and Try our Blended Coffee at Also our Blended Tea at 50 centa WWPLAYTE Telephone Connection 62 Main St JUST ARRIVED New Lines in Jewelry I p Richard Booth fell from a load of peas on Monday or Tuesday of last week while working on his farm near Goodwood and died from the effects it last Friday He probably fell on back and injured spine as the lower Dart of his body was numb and dead from the time of the accident About three months ago Mr Cummings a T R Fireman at contracted some disease of the throat Mot rid Ihe malady communicated itself to his and stomach Two weeks ago he was compelled to remain fa bed and since time gradually tank until death released him on Saturday night last He was at year of age and much respected NEWMARKET BOOK AND NEWS DEPOT SOHOOL BOOKS SCHOOL SUPPLIES FULL LINES OF Fancy Hair Pins Cuff Links a Stick Pins New League Fob Chains Christian Endeavor Fob Chains Fountain Pens c c At lowest prices ATKINSON MAIN ST JEWELER NEWMARKET PURE I IN DINNER CROCKERY GLASSWARE Fine Line of Lemonade Sets Cheap WN STARR Central Telephone SPICES ARE YOU USING- SCOTTS BAKING POWDER If not ask for Free Sample Package- at THE LEADING DRUG STORE The Heat Power Co mw to do ctpppica ARTIES to A of or now to ihalta a ft Call

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