Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 15 Sep 1893, p. 2

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a V rv- i w72 NEWMARKET EH A SEPT IB 1893 Now New Fail J Davison Clearing Stephens A Robertson Cheap N made Clothing as Ordered Montgomery A Sod Farms for Sals A Shoo Shop Robinson Card of Think Mrs Nelson She EVERLtrSUP BUT GROWS BRIGHTER AND BRIGHTER WITH EACH ISSUE The Era is Printed all at Home FRIDAY SEPT Our Toronto to the Era Sept 14 The great ncccS Lord SalisbaryB lie English coon- Ml ft In the city of Socf to git him a evening A trolley Accident occurred yesterday on St A little girl old wis run bo mil proba bly die- name Moody- Qn renin to old woman fell id front of ft trolley bad both hot so badly mangled No attached to motor won International milch here yesterday by All trouble between the Street Co menu to offer Sir John Thompson way out of the difficulty he and his friends have created for themselves he could the loyal and true friends of Reform that he would not do violence to cherished principles respecting Provincial autonomy it have been more satisfactory Failing to do we are free to say he will estrange from reform many votes would other wise be secured next election- People want to know the principles they are voting for by the votes they cast and will not it for granted in the future as they have in the past at least this is our conviction My is Mag points Hinting axis to warn about Oca for September is an excellent every being with beautiful engraving or reading for youngsters Bend and get it Co Boston over announces Ed returned to Canada for a short visit He is now with at Murray Bay There is soma talk of tendering a reception on bis arrival at Toronto provincial Rights Federal Government has appointed Mr J Bain for o the position of postoffice inspector in of Mr- King recently retired At Mr S3 mentioned as a candidate for Montreal bat his present appointment all the easier for Mr White when the signs come right for the Government to open Card well While ad mil ting Hon Mr Lauders luge ability as a speaker bis suavity of manners in social and political life and broad liberal toleration yet we are inclined to join in the regret ex pressed by the Brantford Expositor Reform that at- the various demon strations throughout Ontario in his honor he has not taken occasion to declare in a more pronounced man ner in favor of noninterference the part of the Federal Government with Rights a principle for which the Liberal party has stead ily contended during many years For instance on the Jesuits Estates question the Reform party while op posed to the principle involved in the legislation of Quebec it being one in which that province alone was in terested declined to interfere and now in relation to the school issue in Manitoba Liberals take the same ground as a party and boldly pro claim against Federal interference But while the rank and rile entertain these views the Liberal leader is not quite so pronounced In a recent address he is reported as having raid If ever that question cornea before par liament I shall not bo obliged to I spoke upon It session fa Ottawa I stated there taking the posi tion of Catholic minority in Manito ba that it the government of Manitoba instead of establishing Protectant schools and that the Catholic children obliged to attend them it was on act of tyranny and I the duty of the to kc if complaint was That is my opinion and lion in it before you It is a of fact for Govern to decide but the government would not make an investigation because they would have express an opinion Therefore referred it to the courts and said Why does not Mr speak Now it appears to us that while the Liberal party condemn the Feder al Government for not boldly itself on this question while we take exception to its action in refer ring it to the courts as a means of tiding over a difficulty instead of pro claiming for or against noninterfer ence Liberals should not hesitate to candidly express themselves in fa vor of provincial autonomy on this and every other similar issue within the realm Of provincial rights Mr is too well posted in regard to the nature and character of the public schools in Manitoba not to know that they are not Protestant in the sense Iris seem to im ply tliey arc on a non- sectarian basis is attendance compulsory are inclined to adopt the vie a expressed by our when it says It is because Conservatives have trifled much with school is- sue that we arc Mr has not pursued the very opposite course arid declared to the world that it is the steadfast doctrine of the Liberal party that each province shall in educational matters as in all others not specially reserved manage its own tfTurs whether it be Grit or Tory Jcniil or Protestant which happens for the time being to be the aggrieved party while presenting the foregoing remarks as a matter of opinion we arc not unmindful of the fact that journals the Ottawa Frets and others are asking Why should Mr tender the government any advice with respect to the Man- school question or any other difficulty of Tory creation The Tories ate in power Sir John Thompson and his colleagues are paid for governing the country- them govern or confess their incapability and get out Mr Lauricr is no more called upon to lay what he would do in regard to the Manitoba School question office than ho Is obliged to slate whorn he would appoint to the vacant Supreme Court judgeship In one sense this Is true and white i we also Mr is under no obligation to tell bis opponents how be would deal with the foregoing troublesome question yet we do say the country and the liberal Party especially have the right to know the lion gentlemans opinions and attitude towards Provincial rights oar last issue the British Bouse of Lords decided by a vote to to reject the Home Rule Bill for Ireland recently passed the Commons Salisbury leader of the Opposition declared As long as England to herself she would never allow this revolution In the were bishops attired in their capacious the rote sees taken a political meeting In the inter ests of Conservatives will be held at at which Sir John Thompson Hon Mr Foster Hon John and other ministers addresses sod members except will assemble at Que bec to be present at swearing in of Lord Aberdeen as Governor General of The whole official party will proceed later on to Ottawa by rail It is that Mr IT Macin tosh P Ottawa is the new selected by the Federal Govern ment to Lieut- Governor Royal in Territories He is a strong protectionist and has always been consistent conservative opinion seems to bo general ibat he will make an officer and discharge duties of bis new position with satisfaction to people Tub Prohibition Commlsrion ia boohed o visit Toronto week in October Referring to this fact a special to the Witnext says The represen tatives of liguor Interests leave here shortly to make a tour of towns to be visited by tho Commission to work up in Mr Buzzard is back to town Mr of Toronto was in town this week Mrs Stocking of Toronto spent Sunday In town Mr Harry Hoover is back from for a weeks visit- Mr Austin Haines of Boston Is over on a visit with relstivce Miss Eva Is spending a week with her sister the city Mr of spent Sun day with Miss Williams Mr and Mrs H were si visiting in the city this week Mr E A Kingston 0 was home over Sunday Mrs W of Detroit is visit ing Mrs this week Home with invited guests last Friday evening Mr A Thompson and family were visiting her sister in the city this week Mr Walter of form erly of Newmarket was in ton yesterday Mrs Hamilton of Barrio spent a days last week with lira- Alderman Hunter Master Monroe and hie sister from Foreat are visiting as the Mayors Mr and McLean Ball are visiting this week with their Mr Little Mr Martin Robinson has moved back to town from Toronto and is pegging away again Miss has returned home after weeks with her brothers in Toronto Mrs baa returned borne after a couple of weeks visit with rieoda at the Falls Mr Waiter of Wheeling Virginia son of Mrs P is over on a months visit Miss Bain left for last week to commence a coureo of educa tion at the Blind Institute District Grand Master Tate of Toronto officially visited Tuscan Lodge here on Wednesday evening Mr Donald Morrisons father and two of bis wifes brothers from Glengary Co were hero on a visit over Sunday Mr Lyman Bogart left on Tuesday to go on duty Court House Toronto in connection with tho Fall Sessions Mrs Hue ton returned from Montreal on Monday evening after spending over three months with her daughter Mrs Wilkin Mr Brown of Lansing Michigan soninlaw of Mr David EVansof ville gave the Eru a call Wednesday while in town on a dying visit Min Beatrice Thompson who has been living with her sister Mrs Rog ers of St for time has now returned to her home in London Mr A Methodist Choir master has been confined to tho house since with fever but is greatly improved Ibis week Richmond Hill Literal Mrs Brain- of Newmarket and two sons Ed ward and Joseph drove down evening and spent Snnday with Mr Wileys family Mr Milton was In town yesterday calling upon friends previous HOLT The revival services that are now on iu a tent on Mr Stephen Thompsons lawn at the comer of the concession are well attended Meeting for prayer and praise half an hour before the service at Anxious seekers after salvation have been dealt with night and quite a number have taken Jesus tor their personal Saviour and there are more to follow Bible readings every after noon at oclock fox the strengthen ing and upbuilding of those who have decided for Jesus One feature the work is the great distance some of the people come The meet ings will be continued every night at 8 until further notice sumptuous supper will be served in the Hall after which a grand conceit will be given Excellent talent has been secured from Aurora King City and Among the clergymen invited to assist arc Rev Messrs Strangway of of Newmarket Chilled of Bradford and Dr Caimichael During the afternoon there will be a football match Kettleby St a list of races contested for prizes a Anew brickclad hotel has been commenced Mr Cook of Zephyr is contractor Miss of Newmarket has been visiting with by A Miss Christie Winch is attending Ladies College at Oshawa Messrs Mann and Jesse paid a visit to Mount Albert on Saturday last Mr Jas Nelson bad his three toes cut off one foot by a Rack Lifter Noble and jri in attendance last report doing well Master Kenton had his arm and leg broken by falling a number of feet Mr has been in Toronto on a visit the past week Rev J Campbell has gone to attend conference He Intends mov ing the near future There will be a peach and cream festival at Mr Stephen Winchs on Thursday evening arst of Sept 93 in aid of the Sabbath school- Tea will be served from to p after which speeches red and singins will be delivered by the children and others Sutton Cornet Band will be in attendance QUEEN ST CHITCHAT advance Scott Act to his departure next week for Corks showing the results of local option in Ontario is looked after by Dominion Alliance Ox Tuesday a grand demon stration tendered John Thomp son Premier of Canada at Montreal On arrival at station Mayor presented a civic to which Sir John replied Luncheon was then served in St Lawrence Hall In tbe evening speeches were in the drill shed by the Premier and others The demonstration in reported to have been a very successful one tend ance being both and enthusiastic We are not among those who take much stock In the recently revived rumor of a fioneral Federal election this fall It Is but scarcely think It pro bable Were an to bo to the country as rumored It would have to take place on old lists of voters and there by disfranchise thousands of elector who on the next revision would bo able to vote would result in creating a rat action even Conservative ranks Government would not to risk In next contest exception of at which was Interrupted by a heavy the gatherings held In honor of Hon Laurier ever the Id opening of bis Ontario eampslgn at have been attended by Im mense throngs numbering into thous ands These public evidences of trend of popular untirncut Is giving larte concern to the and arrangements now being made for counter meetings throughout this Prov ince Tails where ho is about to enter upon work another column will bo found of sad fatality in Detroit Mrs Mrs of tin town who accidentally shot herself xith a re volver Mrs daughter of Mr Win Terrell has just returned from the Old Country and is spending a couple of weeks here accompanied by her daughter before settling down at her home in Belleville Mrs Silvester of Winnipeg who been visiting her sister Mrs and other relatives in this vicinity for the past left Monday for Toronto She intends to take In tho Worlds Fair before returning to tho Prairie Province Mr P J and daughter of were hero visiting bis sister Cain and friend Mrs It Is years since P J left hero and he thinks our town has im proved greatly years ago ho washcro at Ida brothers funeral President end Secretary of the Ag Society attended tbo annual meeting of tbo Provincial Agricultural Association In Toronto on when Mr was 1st Vfco President and Mr J Woodcock elect upon the Committee Mrs A received In formation a syndicate of the of the Shaw property In Philadelphia cell- mated at has forme I to recover of the estate original owner was Mrs Ilahcr Mrs Chaotltia fathers mother was a Shaw and her connection with has been proven There were two funerals on this street on Monday being those of Mrs Abram aged years and Airs John Smith mother of John and Smith of Union St Mr of Sharon one of the best known and highly respected members of the Masonic fraternity is about to move to British Columbia where he has a daughter residing The melodious caterwaulings of a tramp tomcat prowling around made night hideous and disturbed our mid summer dreams last evening Would nt we like to make sausage of him You bet A large number of tender feet tramps are reported as moving south towards the city and the Industrial Fair May we as a sign of winter and soup kitchens Mr Walter Evans is occupying the Mansion House at Sharon He is petitioning for a transfer of the licence of tbat A meeting of the Board of Health for this was convened at Sharon on Monday It seems that some are kicking against the bills that are sent in for medical attendance on the poor of the township Though there has been an uncom mon amount of courting on this street this past summer yet our young men seem shy Hymens bonds consequently ho weddings but may expect one about Kail Fair time providing the young man doesnt squander all his nicklcs at the Worlds Fair may perhaps give you some items concerning that Rice ex pedition in a future number Dont you forget the Concert on the Fair night under the auspices of the Mechanics Institute It will be a good one Jimmie Fax will be there Know All been to On tario Government by the Ottawa and Hallway Co for to ran their lino through a corner of provincial reservation set apart last ses sion of the under the of jTho Government should this application Its most cons I do ration tho privlltgo fallowed to one It will to be to another and If it be that one reservation was protection of certain kinds of how long will it servo the end railway engine toots are heard In district seems to us plenty of Isnd can bo found for a bed on either aide of the reservation without running through It but possibly there may bo difficulties way not known to the genera public Tbo lion of Crown Lands ought to bo able to tell Lift Around lb I KESWICK Toe Court of General York Judicial at let opened at Court House Toronto last Tuesday ills Honour Morgan on bench Criminal contained following list of George House assault William embezzlement AH J cheating Alexander nonsupport Minna assaulting splice A SI keeping common betting house Jaunt larceny Kelson bigamy Mtehaet Thomas Patrick McCarthy Charlton nicety Jackson August Lemon and enteric home with John false pretenses Fryer Mitchell stealing two horseai Meagher Albert and At Saturdays session of the I Supreme Court In Chicago which the question Involves Had I It Was decided that the next hi that while he not pre- held In London Eng Iok out for a treat as the Sharon arc to Rive an tamment to he people of Keswick and vicinity in the Temperance Hall on Friday evening Sept a and the musical an literary talent of Sharon is known to he beyond the ordinary a good time anticipated A good many of our formers around here arc taking in the Exhibition this week Mrs Price is spending a few weeks with friends in Atkinson of Victoria Harbor who has been visiting with her aunt Mrs J no and their relatives here has returned home The many friends of Mr Nel son formerly a resident of this place arc sorry to of his death MOUNT Mr Jewell was taken very sick on Monday night Mr- children have got diphtherfandare Crosby Is the name of the firm that has opened the new store Nearly all our viUagershave been to the Industrial The Methodists arc talking Har vest Home We will give date next week Too much firewater caused a man to lose his head last Friday How some of our synonyms are when closely Ed There docs not appear to be much of a rush to the Toronto exhibition from this part this Perhaps the majority are saving their cash for the home fairs t understand the Methodists here are going to unite with the church and have their harvest home at the latter place on the As the ladies here have already commenced prepar ations the public will no doubt get a good treat The wells that have been supply- water for the cheese factory gone dry and they now have to haul water from the pond The ladies of the Christian church here arc talking of having their annual harvest home and entertainment somewhere about the 25th of October but have not set the lime It was stated there would be a wedding in the vicinity on Wednes day if it took will tell you next issue It is said Kettleby made a grand display at the reform picrite parade and only threeteamed band waggon there Visitors we hear of are Mrs John Forsyth and son of at Mr I Dales Mrs Warren and son Herbert of Aurora and Mr and Mis John Hutchinson of at The and annual Convention of the Township of King S Association takes place here on Thursday and next week The opens at on the evening of the when Mr Large of King will Rive an address On Friday morning Mr Amos of Aurora will conduct a Normal Class on Paul from Troas to Rome to which teachers are particularly re queued to lake advantage of In the afternoon E J Davis Esq P conducts the study of the lesson for the following Sunday and a Mass- Meeting of children will be addressed by Revs Simpson and Strangway al so the President of the North York Associatlonhas consented to speak upon the Relation of Township to County Association evening Rev Jos of Newmarket is to give an address and we hope for the reputation of the speaker that he will have ao overflow house Rev Mr Weaver of Aurora will answer the Question Drawer A splendid Convention is anticipated Tbe Annual Service and Harvest Festival of Christ church will be held on Wed at a oclock the service will be held in the church Rev Francis will preach the sermon Worlds Fair Sficial to Bra or twelve thousand people had a on Wednesday to form an idea of the resources of the Province of Ontario as a horse and cattle breed ing country when our stables were emptied and all the prizewinner and those which did not get though that was no disgrace in the distinguished company in which they have found themselves for the past three weeks paraded in the live stock pavilion There were three massive Shorthorns and with great promise of steaks and roasts in the future the curly Galloways their glistening in the sun light the rich red the pie bald and the sleek little decked out with the many colored badges of victory And the horses the proud high stepping American Arabs showing their pride of birth in every movement the trim neat Hackneys easy winners among the pick of the continent and con trasted with them the heavy Clydes Suffolk and Shires with bones of steel and muscles of brass the very embodiment of strength and endur ance How they pranced in the ring and how they were cheered each class having its admirers It was a sight long to be remembered and no Ontario man but felt his blood leap quick as he realized how nobly the banner Province of the Dominion had sustained her reputation in her kiltie with the world As a usual thing at cattle shows and for that matter at public functions of every kind one meets many a pessi mistic of old memories who recalls the performances of a quarter or half a century ago the Royal Cattle Show England in such a year the acting of the Elder Booth or tbe singing of Jenny it may be but individuals of such a kidney had no solid ground to stand upon in the White City these August and September days CoL J of Chicago one of the bestknown oldtime shorthorn men on the conti nent Secretary of the Shorthorn As sociation and judge in class is authority for the statement that neyer in any country such an assemblage of horses and cattle been gathered to gether nor was it ever attempted on the same scale Those who were there say that the present exhibition of shorthorns is fully equal if it does not surpass that at the Royal Agri cultural at Warwick England last year- The hero of the show was un doubtedly Young Abbotsburn lbs in weight and the most niaisive Shorthorn that ever graced an American prize rim There years ago he was purchased by Col Mo- of Kentucky from J and Watt of Salem Ontario and since then he has downed everything in sight rounding off his career by being declared the best on the continent- It was hardly expected that he would so loni rcnuin the victor but hat he has don so proves how grand an animal he is Another beauty is Ncnpariel Chief bred by Arthur Johnston Grcmvood Ontario a son of Old Indian Chief and also owned by Col He was awarded third prize while fourth honors went to Earl Kane VIII 107665 bred by John Hope of Bow Park Ontario and owned by Col H Brown of Minnesota- To follow further down the prize list would take more space than I can afford but a careful scrutiny of the herd book I find that Ontario Blood is strong in many of the other prizewinners now in Amer ican herds- When we come to the younger cattle our breeders showed what they were made of and established beyond a doubt that Ontario is still the nursery for Shorthorns Among the visitors of note during the present week have been Sir Oliver and Hon John who caled in to sec wonders of the White City on their return from the region north of Lake Superior The veterari Premier did a good deal of sightseeing and was deliuhtcd with the show as a whole and expressed himself as more than pleased with the exhibits of Ontario in all the depart ments In a quiet way Sir Oliver re ceived a good deal of attention many distinguished men calling on him and by special request he paid a visit to the Supreme Grand Lodge of Forest ers which was in session in the city and had the distinction conferred on him of being made an honorary mern J of order Mr Dryden was especially interested in the live stock and was a frequent visitor to the barns and stock pavilion On Thursday afternoon the of the Canadian stock and as many of the attendants as could get away were entertained at the Canadian by Honorary Commissioner and spent and hour or two very pleasantly fighijng the battles over again and congratulating each other on their The attendance at the Worlds Fair is jumping up Ten millions of peo ple paid for admission up to the- first of the month and at the present rate it would be no surprise if nearly as many came during the balance of the season People seem at last awaken ed to the fact that if they do not visit the White City they will lose the op portunity of a lifetime I would like to urge most strongly on all intending visitors to Chicago the absolute necceslty of timing their departure so as to here in the morning owing to the great crush of travel the trains on all railways are invariably late and there is untold discomfort and annoyance In being landed in an unsavory quarter strange city in the middle of the night when the cars have stopped running and one can only reach ones hotel or lodging place at largely Increased expense by special conveyance C W Times says use a bicycle is widening every where Women use it men use it boys use it We make no complaint of the fact being satisfied much more good than barm will result Still there ought to be a more gener al recognition that people not go about on noiseless bicycles in crowded streets at the rate of or at miles an hour without becoming a source of danger to other people The icicle harmless as folks may imagine it is becoming a source of danger to lifeandUmbinthccities- The Insurance for July gives in cidents for this Some weeks ago a wheelman of Elisabeth J ran in to a horse with such force that tbe animal was thrown down and its back broken The occupants of the car riage a roan and a women were thrown and badly hurt On the same day in another New Jersey town a girl was seriously injured by a cyclist who was monopolizing the sidewalk Not long since a child who in company with her mother was just stepping from a horse car in New York was struck and killed by a bi cycle The rider of the wheel was held on a charge of homicide Add ed to its swiftness thenoiselessnessof the bicycle is a great source of dan ger At Sarnia Wednesday Albert aCT Charles who said Wilson who shot Ms awectheart he- was a farmer and lived near Water- church in Warwick ford Ont has been arrested at in was found not guilty on the Chicago- charged with smuggling ground of insanity Canada He had 5750 t it worth concealed in his clothing He Through the carelessness of a fellow Edith Challice who n is employed in the Woollen Mill on Tuesday had one of her fingers badly mashed She her machine when smart came along and started it SALE CHEAP- Markets Toronto St pi a l a WW i ILyoppf down big a a a id a ton CO Pork per per ptr pair W II I per Alt OSS Spring S3 1 bothrtt CO bntbel per CO CO II Applet per big A Boiler i i l Wool lb 1 a a a IS a W Hay ton Beef per cm tor plf CO SO a a a OSt a OSS a DM a a 000 alto a IS a 0 13 a a OSS a a a a IS a a IN a CMC a io Fully pi at wont PRICK MONEY TO DAVID LLOYD Coin m tor CoDTSTatwfS ft ftc i 7 ITorfcfJiwMh 10 CO FURNITURE CHEAP FOR CASH Cdertalaiig D Embalming A SPECIALTY JHMILLARD RoBiRTlors Bakery ta We are Receiving Large Quantities of PEACHES THIS WEEK- As they are at their Chcipest ask for prices buying else where WE CANNOT BE BEATEN IN PRICES Bananas arc Away Down to City Prices Telephone Connection GROCERY DEPARTMENT have now in stock Levers famous Carbolic Soap the great Cholera disinfectant Have you ever given us a trial in Tea We have a very fine line in Japan at per lb also Hyson Congou and Himalaya Fresh ground Coffee J- New Valencia Raisins just in lbs Yellow Sugar for lbs Extra Granulated Sugar for and everything else in proportion Give us a CalL Smart Servant Girl Wanted CHINA HALL The latest improvement and ii best yet offered for A Gem Jar containing Baking Powder Have you tried it To be had only at Chios Hall PRESERVING radio SuiNAt Grand Mich Hip dolDSfcel fast Ol Klr the lint of son town on of A Altar th Mr of bride of lost- J lo sod Patrick of Irwin At reside of tbo ket Iter J IIoUod- lSth Dr If of Wei ton of Mr ShtcA lo daughter of the MooaMiLteHAt8tPdQl niArket by Her Canon A Moore son of Moore to V- only daughter of lato V Tomb At Detroit Mich on lOthof Ilacklctf daugh ter of Hacking and grand of yr 11 and luao loflMinnallORol J MAIN GREAT BARGAIN HOUSE Freshly Stocked with Clothing for Fall Never better value in town ait All order will careful and Kite ftObeHlschieijtg OK rctuio to kindly lent and fiwoei- sjiiipalhy death hor husband Returned to Newmarket to Inform opened fiho tho Hotel old And many new or Ciiiiom where will bo pleated 10 Wo FARM PROPERTY North In Me JAMBS Is hereby Riven that on thofcltoip At the hour of rooodock In will bo tor by Auction by Mr A under Corporation of Ontario- ad thoaboro 1CK valuable Property and one hundred and fltr acre or tea thla parcel following trick house eight room on Kith attached ooupiIiIok with water workshop toroi Wi on cedar Mils shod aab- Jtrsrfor four horse hay and largo barn with stAtMn under for head of abed tali with stalls for eight ben J for four hay toft I wells wit good orchard la Jheto acres ploughed and twontrnlnoeccdcd down with flroof foil whorl GRAND OF OVERCOATS C J Ulsters Ordinary WAY DOWN and Misses Wool Hose for Almost Nothing 94 MAIN STREET NEW VERY CHOICE GOODS AT MODERATE PRIOES OUR GOODS GIVE SATISFACTION BECAUSE they are made well arc trimmed well ii they fit well- a they wear well And we turn out work that pleases our customers CALL and Examine Goods and Prices before leaving your order MONTGOMERY SON Sugars and Jus the lime you want both any China Hall Quality the Prices right PICKLING Spices for Pickling be sure go to China Hall T J CHINA GLASSWARE I Special Clearing Sale of everjibi In China Glassware Stock heavy much be reduced Dinner Sets- CHEAP Tea Sets -V- CHEAP Toilet Sets- CHEAP Never Loose Sight of our Japan Tea lbs for fully equal to most Japan Tea offered at If you want prompt leave your order at the Grocery R A BRU BROS LOTS AT OUR- All tulw ar Id craar InifiAroin good boa fWttl In front of homo Lot to OUf this a ihroo fcud lummoc for four pump and parcel It All epct4 vhhtimolhr bo MM ft TERMS OK tor both fourth mono of toitni apply to CorpotdUoa of AdmtnUcrtOfa of fltnkof KIntfSL Toronto- of RANTED AT ONCE- a mutch Tailor I For selling liquor on the Sabbath Orr of New Lowell and Jane Suramcuclt of Sunnldale were each fined Jennie the Colling wood woman accused of murdering of her child and her aged mother A lane chorus of children will take afterwards burning the bodies the From- to a at LOST or a allow Kar sward for leKDd6tanlDB faMnaiwrlhUnoileowUlboproawimd ARM FOR SALE Thayatlltaisol Lot eon Hut fuU apUmboiMltaMoofratoorat losr told at a apptfto mo RUNTON BROS NEWMARKET a

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