Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 15 Sep 1893, p. 1

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Friday Morning GEO JACKSON -AVHI3- stkam printing house tha REACHED SUBSCRIBERS GIVE ME TUB TO TO AND TO FREELY TO CON80JBHCE ALL OTHBR LIBERT ONTARIO BANK BRAT WC-0CC- TORONTO CHAjj Newmarket Branch In Coanlj- tilth In tr NORTH YORK INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER No outsid of York paid to advance 34 Single Copies Cents Each Newmarket Friday Sept Terms Strictly in Advance within mos or 60 at end of y cm A GENERAL Interest on at DRAFTS ISSUED PAYABLE Stirling ftftl told Holm IHicoodi Collec tion to J- ROSS if nicer J etc flriJnf for of iimliior Block If WOODCOCK Main finM Commissioner J a tor IVuntT of DK A- J APS If- nt pro to MAIN ST A BINN A FEW NAP IN STOVES To 1 jink e room for New Fall Stock to airive this month Coal and Wood Cook good as new Parlor Healer wood only coal only self feeder Globe Coal IV Coal to cost ROGERS AI IENTIST AND CHEMICALS- SIMPSON Main 51 Main Idiert TO Coal Tailor Cook 5 ARE BARGAINS 15 and 24 cents Per Gall on COAL OILS GA BINNS Higher PLEASANT as ff rjrtMi Family Jli AM MIRACLES DO NOT CUR AT HAMILTON The town knows of a cute by the application of par lially paralyzed arm any thing thai has transpired at Hamilton Harkison Higher In oor of living Higher in in car Of aw for Of whit rosily Seeking from Thai may Higher in cur To who Ara jo need oar an To sosjvl ftoed- how wo in every form in Who Aro forlorn Higher in our In I be lb it we To moments of iAMiog joy Higher in Acts of scUdeull can iratt ftvery day ioor la the way Higher in the stfttt enjoy wo love always to bo ready For a how for Spirit with lire far staouuona Come beloved up higher 1SD3 A I of formic ftlChViMiSrtjORCftTP Photos Photos Telephone No promptly BOOTS SHOES ffJn to Cavil A fur Co ALL KINDS ATTHE LOWEST PRICES IT AVISO Sir II to he IlhtUcI II fc I ICESKU AUCTION KKH of York en Terms reason- Mx io A1rfils3lchL St GRIFFIS SiguEed Boot The Leading Boot Shoe Store atoJi MAINTAINING THE LEAD Am suaranto turn outwork to work far Clio It aid or picture will be Mr not bo to but T J a J ASH CLOCK utlr t 5J MUSICAL II Main GENTLEMEN Iho neighbor loecrftitiow An If you have Catardi and to be cured without risk at losing your money call at our agency in New- mar Sett and a Inhaler without fl ffti in advance After you have en it a fair trial at your own home and you find it a genuine remedy you can pay for same If not satisfactory in every way need not pay one cent Nothing could be fairer If you have Catarrh tall immediately and get this remedy on above liberal terms at Dr Scotts Drug for Newmarket and vicinity Those who calj address In- halation Co Toronto t We have really splendid bargains for you to ilivm is to you in Joss of the finest clothing possible as well as money It matters not whether you want a single garment or a full suit our stock affords the oppor tunity of providing yourselves with strictly Clothing at Rock Bottom Prices Call and see for yourselves Main Machine INKlillAXCK J A AT IK Agriit lju Cor A A llAHHAVi INiUltAXCKAOKXTfcr KcCommttdil AH Hi lip ii a MUTCH Merchant Tailor Hook Store Gems own cloth made up neatly and Cheaply Anyone cm trie superiority of our STOVES TINWARE HODGE CO MAIN ST SOUTH A Gentleman Who formerly tut Jtonoluln licit ft M toy ucJ wo toll Hie hair which lieiLd COW vhllfr hut- duds our dncfj ten or youurtbln flskcILooj Mi a J wo Vigor A3 1a1I the hair i 0 d a 1 Induced Ajeri VlRofp fin4 It not only checked farther t hair hue An new grow which luxuiliDt toy hi day f this to All la a It It all It to be Atoruo AVERS HAIR VIGOR TVliV Life IwvUmW ox ALLAN MUSIC Vim Main ClrtU MR A CONCERT BARITONE iiKWirr llomthoM 1 Si tide Of r of lQUufr In Volvo Culture- imI Own lo tc1dctc ItifeiiGM rear airovid New V Ave MlCKACKKV I ifk In lnut PURE filirn to a at low J A IIABTKDQ LIFE CO OAllTAh AXD FUNDS- I MANNING coyle SON j Mrs Baylys Private Scfiool PUREST STRONGEST m for a end a grid All vy 1 tu HUGHES 44 Main If lor TiaarrOotUMcDt6atiill Chronic Coughs Persons afflicted Willi these or any or lung troubles should resort to that Most Excellent Scotts Emulsion of Pure Cod Liver Oil with of Lime Soda No other preparation cifects such cures of i jNlllrLt ill County Fair The Kariks family were Hushed with the filing of coming victory but died to it At least to out siders I hey did not wish to appear vainglorious Vet whin one is at the very door of success it is hard to be cool and and ierhais unnecessary in the privacy of home life The cause of this pleasant sensa tion was simply ibis They each had at the county fair an article that they felt more than sure would gain a prize the pike indeed of Its class Mr Daniel Banks farmer bad a pig- it was preeminently the fatted sow lis weight was fabulous its appetite enormous and with the assurance of faith Mr Banks knew it would be eclipsed by none Mrs Daniel Hanks had sent some pickles and canned fruit which she considered truly desirable Miss Susan Hanks was represented by a quilt on which she had expended much time and labor while Milton Hanks the prospective heir of I he farm had contributed a whose in the crowing Ine had no equal and whose voice raised in the night watches or early dawn was cal- inspire profane language on the part of his hearer The had come when these grand questions had to be settled and with as before said a profound spirit held in check the seniors and juniors attended the fair It was the lastjVlay and the only time they hod patronized it as the distance was great and the country roads were not what they should be and Milton were also looking forward to the Tournament fr Love and which was to in the afternoon although in this they no active interest as they would only be on in Venice Their farm life had been so quiet and so far from the crowd that they had few neighbors and still fewer young people among their acquaintances The fair was crowded per sons at were the scene was one of wild confusion The Banks family walked around with amazed interest and stared at the as sortment of domestic animals and fowls at the farm machinery and at the beautiful work displayed by the women and girls Alas I their feel ings of self- sal out The pig Mr Banks feared would not win so easily his were many In the next stall Ihere vas one even larger and cleaner although perhaps with less piglike expression Mr Hanks shook his head and said plaintively Ma 1 be we wont get in on him Oh well answered putting on a brave face he will make lots of good sausage and we Will take in ccrtnly on preserves By this time they had the chicken de partment and there in his cage was Miltons rooster He was assort ing himself surely and with loud crows he informed the that his lungs were all light J J Nasty critter that said an looker on He has done but crow since he came in I wish said the man addressed that this was an archery meeting and that he was the bulls eye I would a shot at him daggers and the tear came iilo pretty Susans eyes as she listened to these unkind re marks Never mind Sis said Milton we will go and take a look at the fancy work tables and the two young people started off follow- their elders Here again how ever was a bitter disappointment They were Just in lime to hear the judges an opinion on the style of this quilt This article said one is good of its kind and praise worthy work we are unable to award the prize here there is an old time air about it that suggests that it should have been here years ago The is therefore given to Miss Diana etc Susans eyes this time ever lowed and mortification and dis appointment possessed her spirit Then Mrs Banks again decided to draw on her cheerful stock so she declared that they would take in the preserve department and at least it was pleasant to have the quilt in such a good position At IMS spot it looked more hopeful the judges were sampling the pickles and the pre serves and smacking their lips over them Mr Banks remarked But with intuit added to injury after using up the best part of the pickles and using up all the canned peaches favor was pronounced a rival housekeeper and neighbor Mrs Banks who carried off prizes This family was now more dis gusted than ever with fairs They heard that the pigs aid fowls were soon to weighed in the balance but they agreed to themselves with their lunch first for their long drive and sad failures had given them an appetite A nook behind tlie dog kennels was found and a good feast al though Mrs Banks often wished for the slighted pickles Then once more they took fate in their hands and moved over to the pigsties At this place there was much Slid and once or twice Mr Banks fell that the pig at least would bring glory upon them Its were Kked aud it was led out weighed and discussed but again the neighbor off vic torious and the sustained an other defeat The rooster was ihti last hope Surely his crow could not be beaten said Banks it could not but it was thought to be against him and the unanimous decision gate forth that he was a nuisance unworthy of no tice The rooster endowed with a keen sense of humor kept up his crowing determined to drown the voice of partiality and injustice The fair was now literally over for the and with a feeling of wounded pride wandered aim lessly They stared at other peoples success until their eyes ached They decided that home was the best place fur the vanquished but that would necessitate drive over the next day for 1 heir property as nothing on exhibit could tic taken away until the fair closed that evening But life as usual offered compen sation where none was expected The tournament was about to begin The knights in their old time costume and queer sounding I were 1 iding Over the grounds gelling ready for their run Brightness and dawning as well for the losers as for the winners Our friends had become interested and had just secured good seats to see the tournament when a handsome young knight rode up to them and introduced himself as the Knight of Tiuionium He craved the honor of riding for Miss Banks whose name he had just learned- Nothing could have given more sur prise or pleasure for such a thing was never dreamed of for pretty Susan who blushed delightfully as her mother consented whispering a wish that her young daughter had worn her new challie gown and best bonnet instead of that simple white muslin and sailor hat But although Susan never sus pected it nothing could have been more becoming her blight young beauty Indeed her face with its healthy color slightly tanned her blue eyes and curly auburn hair made her well worthy of being select ed by any knight new or old With thrilling interest the tourna ment was watched The heralds and rode fust in the procession then followed some twenty knights on their wellbroken horses while the band played The Sweet By and By and The Girl I Left Behind Me Then each knight made his run at ring the heralds calling to each other his name All had three turns the first there was no question of success The Knight of was the of the day and with joy he proceeded 10 lay the crown of roses at the feet of Susan and to proclaim her the Queen of Love and Beauty The other knights crowned the maids of honor There was nothing now do but to see the thing out and stay for the conceit where the coronation in due form took place and Susan from a little disappointed crazy quilt was transformed into a veritable young queen She had what a city girl wont call a beautiful limebUtourcounry lassie described it afterward as real nice Thus ended the Banks familys ex at the fair and as Mrs Banks verdict when she arrived at home expressed the general opinion we may as well give it Well pa said she we aint much at rooster quilts or pickles but we ate hard to beat at girls and boys she added smiling at Milton who was equally de lighted with Susans success Worlds Fair ever seen but color her was agai Miss I hear Mr Totter you wrot Miss a poem on her tho way how Is getting Tatter I that has had a Troth What Old Man Says It is astonishing how many far mers there arc insist on holding over wheat year after year Almost every barn that has been burned this year it seems to us contained a two or three years crop What in the name of Sam Batch do the farmers intend to do with this old wheat wars are no longer possible and short wars arc improbable Famines in this country or any other wide spread enough to the market will occur no more livery year in creases the wheat every year lessens the price It must fol low so If we owned a gravel pit we would just as soon think of storing away gravel for a rise as wheat Wheat Is a drug on market and always will be until enough farmers cease raising it and go into the culti vation of basket willow peppermint cranberries skunks or something that can be sold to materially reduce the yield Star The Bell Telephone Com pany appealed against their assess ment in Clinton Judge Toms dis missed the appeal holding that all plants and poles are assessable Judge Woods of Perth County In giving his decision in the Mitchell appeal says that only income of the company is subject to assessment Mlnarda liniment cures An When Aunt Betty slipped off her now to rest her and drew her feet up on tho chair rung It produced a rath er startling effect fo her I have raised of amount I owe you which I will forward as soon 1 am to got up been bed dtvya- WITH Too Ho bitterly If were marry mo fast Dont dont breaks my heart Ho What do you mean Often you praised my beau ty but novw before my common Truth to iht Era Over a million people paid for an admission to the Worlds Fair grounds last week and from present indica tions the weekly quota will not fall below that hereafter with every pros- of exceeding it considerably as the season advances In spite of the swinish policy of the railway com panies in regard to rates the people seem to have at last awakened to the fact that the Fair is they cant to miss and by every train from every point of the compass they are poring in at all hours of the day and night Canada is contribut ing Its quota the number registered daily at the Canadian Pavilion from Ontario alone tunning about and these by no means represent all from the Province Those who not visit the Canadian headquarters make a mistake- The building as Is generally acknowledged is not all that could be desired but it occupies the very choicest location within the walls of the White City and l spacious verandah affords the best vantage giound for ccing the fireworks which are a leading feature on several nights of the week Most of the Canadian papers are on file there is a pust which letters may be addressed the latch string is always out on Commissioner Aureys door and one is always sure to meet acquaintances or hear of their where abouts Commissioner Cockburn keeps up the social end and no man ha done more thai he generous hospitality and pleasant speeches on public occasions to make the name of Canada known among the nations the earth The increased attendance has raised the spirits of the managers of the reposition already provision has been made for paying per cent on the bonds per cent per week will be paid till Ihey ate wiped out and there will no doubt be something worth while for the ordinary stock holders Now attention is being paid to the amusement features and some the brightest minds in the country are all the while busy devising new schemes to relieve the monotony of constant These take all kinds of shapes including parades of the Midway freaks naval parades swimming contests comic tournaments in the musical performances by artists of all nations open air theatrical represent ations etc and all seem to he appre ciated Yesterday there was a special parade of horses through the grounds when about twothirds of the horse exhibitors had their animals out There were over horses in line including the celebrated Russians and Germans and in the opinion of ex perts no such collection of pedigreed was ever before seen in a single day The procession was headed by Shetland ponies driven tandem four abreast and every other way and a draught of Kentucky mules brought up the rear The stock pavilion is one of the most all active places in the whole fair nowadays and it is seldom that seats are not occupied Besides the horses and cattle that are in the com petitions the highbred Russians mules etc are constantly being exercised in the tins and their beautiful performances are cheered to the echo The judging of the beef ex cepting the came to an end on Tuesday and on the whole the result has been fairly satisfactory though for reasons that arc now well understood not so many prizes have come our way as was at first expected The breeding of thoroughbred stock is a hobby with American millionaires who no money to get the best animals attainable As soon as the Worlds Fair competitions were announced these men ransacked the herds of the world and depleted the herds of Ontario breeders who arc for the most part practical farmers making their living out of the busi ness and did not hesitate to dispose of their best animals at satisfactory prices Besides this theie was the fear hanging over the heads of Cana dians that they would have to under go a three months guarantee after the fair before can get their- home again and all the circumstances being taken into consideration the wonder is that our breeders had the nerve to enter the list at all and that they acquitted themselves so credit- abb- Another nutter that must betaken into account is the prejudice among American against white or roan cattle while men take no account of So high docs Ihis feeling run that Chief Bu chanan of the Department of Agri culture appealed to by the judges as to whether they gave the Galloways Mr of Owen Sound was the only Ontario exhibi tors and did wonderfully well There a very large showing of their breed which is really one the old est known and in conversation with several herders notably Mr T Piatt Kansas City I gleaned many interesting facts concerning them Mr Plait breeds galloways by the thousand and finds that for work in the high latitudes they fill the hill belter than any other breed hu knows Their iron constitutions and shaggy coats enable them to with stand intense cold and have no tenors for them They live on the feed and take on under the most adverse conditions The hides are very valuable handsomer than those of the buffalo and 40 to is not an unusual price for fine specimens The com petition in the gallowais was exceed ingly keen and Mr who was the sole judge showed us mi favors In the section form one he acknowledged that th three Juts one Owned by Mr were so nearly alike that he could a decision Mr Irnboden A Illinois was called in and the first prize went to Mr Paul of Munition Mr Rough taking second Summing up results as far as th j judging has gone Ontario have taken 54 prizes aggregating and over in money Of this sum the Messrs take over in Hereford la prizes but money in Catloways prizes in money In the horse classes Ontario men fared more hardly than in cattle In we took prize Shires Cleveland Boys Suffolk and in America Arabs 5 up lo present writing Individual canto from all sections of the province the largest was Davie the Dominion Brewing Co Toronto whose splendid animals put mildly received a good deal less can- 1 they were entitled to at She hands the judges The phenomenal success was that of Hall of Toronto who with thro- splendid AmericanArabs swept the list taking prizes including the- sweepstakes Within the past few days the On tario section of the live slock have been profusely and elegantly decor led under the Supervision of Mr Adam Arm strong Deputy Com missioner whose taste in such mat ters has done so much to add to attractiveness of our exhibits in many of the departments ENTRIES I FDR THE NORTH YORK FAIR Five thousand dollars worth of smuggled opium was seized at San Francisco Friday On Saturday near ville John Pool fell under his wagon and was crushed to death President Cleveland has second daughter The addition nude to his family on Saturday morn ing IS The flour mill elevator en gine house and office on the Hell farm at Indian Head have been destroyed fire Over has been taken in prizes in the Durham class by IV Russell of Richmond Hill at lb Worlds Fair Alaska advices stale that he season en Siberian coast has been distinguished by reckless trading of liquor by the whalemen It has been truthfully remark ed that the ramp probably puts more sole in his profession than many of even higheraspirations At the tennis tournament at Miss Osborne of Sutton carried off all the honors and trophies for lady players Charles Getty and Jams Fos ter have been arrested about eight miles from Tilbury Centre on a charge of making counterfeit coins A mean man never when he is mean he only himself cautious just as a person seems to be looking Car away Ann f died suddenly Saturday evening in her She one of the early of trie town ship Robert License In spector for Fast Voik died on day after an ilfress of only Inflammation and typhoid fever the cause death knows think nearsighted Some people get into trouble award of the first premium to ihe lw0 and many No wo couldnt think of let ting you cross through dreadful mud and Life What tort of a girl hi Ob a with a And mission Is a With a magnificient young white bull Son Stanley owned by J Russell of Richmond which is decidedly the finest shorthorn on the grounds Mr Buchanan rat once said that color should not enter into the calculation The triumph of the Ontario men over the color prejudice must result in a reaction in favor of the light cattle Col Brown of Minneapolis one of the leading American shorthorn men informed me that he bad fitted up head from which to choose those for the Exhibition and would have bought more from Ontario at the last moment but for the quarantine In Hereford cattle Ontario was for the most part outclassed though several of our American competitors admitted me that we were hardly used in the judging Mr Thomas Clark of Beech Illinois who is the largest American Hereford breeder remarked that it would be well if our people would smooth the heads of the Hereford a little they were not quite so good as they might be One of our Hereford cows was the denies the cows only one he was afraid the Russell shorthorn heifer Centenial Isabella to which second prize only was award- was the fines specimen ho bad J eon In the same by marrying one while others find trouble by promis ing to marry one and nol doing it In a field near Kingston a number of boys quarrelled over the possession ol a gun During Ihe struggle the weapon exploded and Samuel Shcrralt aged received the contents it his abdomen The lad will probably die We warn our subscribers to be on Ihe lookout for a man about years of age 5 feet inches high weight about pounds full round fice and one front tooth out in upper jaw He is wanted in Owen Sound for stealing from houses he visited in the capacity of a sewing machine re pairer Robinson a manu- facturer of Mark ham was arrested in Toronto charged by James Mac lean with fraudulently misappropriat ing the sum The accused was trustee of the Maclean estate at and it is alleged appro priated the amount named to his own use Mr a

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