Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 8 Sep 1893, p. 3

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1- NEWMARKET ERA SEPT 8 1893 very Latest Styles rt TailorMad MANTLES perfect rtirienls iurked at LOW PRICES feiti are fail fit Serf SEW MILLINERY h jay jhpiilnient tike the ad Low Prices We YARNS BLANKETS C has a big now St Pauls Church The Re Bradford next Canon The Fonts Buds of Minion Band will Bowery 1 hoar GOODS Stocks firstClass Milliner rf the Department Our customers my rely upon king veil suited ROCHE CO Ill Ms Local News OS IS a ABOUT TOWS P S The regular will bo ecu Monday evening Base Ball A game ha the juniors and the Park la it in a victory for the listen liirsovivESTs The fever con- Sir Willis la making an sliia bis residence on Mr building an audi ta slots and Mr Olivers baa a new coat of paint Harvest Home The Ladies Aid rfitMhodUtCbQrcbbaaaelta the in October data for Festival The cxi sill be preached by an eminent Sapper on the Ball Last Tuesday a look place on Park between Qlcovilla and according tolla decision was a tie to claim another goat The nill rtju lo another kick to WiUuliifacwrily A Wars This is the season trail temptingly In your but dont touch it by Squire U otter for being loo in vicinity yCiMdtuoibcf yard People arc Boots and Wn all being rely from to seventy- c Mr Den- blicburh lost a to oitiit It lift It wts another young fence it it thought jwneiwoaldtwe been out- Tba J the putter Cokcertv Dont forget la the Boom of League A good grim ii to Mr tiD Jorwni fund in Utitkokft Court The September session Court here Judge Morgan there only irajaU docket neatly the tbo forenoon In hiring lour more cue of which decided of Mr Shops but judgement re served on the other three Services Next Sundiy will be no the but the wilt aiejublo At the church when Rev preach the Id the church will the will unite with in a by the The Mr the passed awy a deal He troubled wilh heart disease for years hot has been a wotre since tbe by which ho of a dray time ago funeral will lake plica in Methodist Church at on Saturday afternoon Cycle Tournament The Bicycle Club provided a splendid afternoons program for hot it was too eooq after to get a good crowd The Band by of good lacroese match and came first and resulted io a sweeping for All the bicycle events were keenly but lb most was over the tea to me be Aurora and Newmarket in which Ibe home team was defeated by 9 points visitor were highly pleased with the prizes thai were offered Almost Killed The smallest boy of St years of with a terrible accident while at Aurora about oclock ilr Stepped a and left boy in charge of the hut the started nd be fore he could get oat bad ran away The little fellow was sitting on the front and fell over o that apokes the whool bis head for quite a distance and then be ell out lie was picked up for dead bat taken doctors there was slight signs of life Though still unconscious his woods were dressed and there is hope of recovery sideof his head was very out and the other was to a jelly A O About attended the annual sermon of Lodge in St Pauls last Sunday evening visiting being from Brad ford and sermon by Itev was very appropriate After giving the order a cordial welcome to the church on behalf of and congregation he chose for bis teat A workmen that not to be ashamed and in eloquent laugusgo ho the true workman to highest of fame Ho paid a fitting tribute to the work of the Order but to Christ si Master Workman of Supreme Lodge of Heaven and urged bis to follow Maui pie and accept His words as of life Choir rendered special music on occasion and the church til filled Hughes Millinery Room En Owing to the increase of busings In this line this had to bo done any before opening day can their orders filled short notice is rcisotL Mr- Sep Nash of was In town on Tuesday Hiss Etta Clay of It vis iting In town Price of in town over Miss Annie fclfcbie of Toronto la vis- Miss for was in Fred Cane of Toronto was to town a couple of days Mr Peter Ryan registrar of Toronto gave us a call Mr- Uoorc from Detroit eon of Lawyer Moore is home on a visit Mrs- of Toronto daughter of Mr Geo is here on a Mr Lloyd town clerk and Sheriff ars doing Worlds Fair Andrew Miller so for reaver from his as to be able to bo for a on Tuesday Iter J Gardner preached in last morn ing and evening and was well received Mr Thee Watson and bride of their honeymoon with his parents and Mrs- A It Watson Mr Charlie hat been very low pas week with congee ion of the The and are casing for him Lieut Eyre and Eyre of Co left Tuesday to the fait of the Royal School of In- entry Toronto Mr has our thanks for a piece of Scotch heather in bloom this seasons growth which he by mail last Monday from mother On the evening previous tore of for Buffalo last Fri day a of Ibe of called at and spent a pleasant Over attended the High Court of Ontario in connection with the which at and Mayor Lloyd of was elected to High Court office Mr got hero from the fianlt on Tuesday for a few days visit Ho reports that Mr has jull rebuilt bis brick block which was destroyed by fire May Mrs Jobft Stringer of Chatham is vbitiug with A Evans of the Royal Mr Frank Wesley of who was in attendance at funeral of Mrs Frank Ibis week clip the following from WcrJtr the 1st Welcome back again The young ladies and pleased to welcome back again to Mr wanted to what on Ave near the bridge wbloh had been petitioned for bat ha got no reply- He alto called attention to three planks brok en the earn presumably by a horse thai baa bean seen on the Mayor the Inspector should Informed Mr called attention to the ahaky condition of sidewalk on Charles In to the stst- that the Upper was of again- Mr- reported thai the 90 foot well had Its capacity The Mayor presented a report to the that the corporation was not liable for any In of Mayor said that In first Mr asked damage and had presented a of for attends anco It was for the Council to consider whether be should bo allowed anything under the Mr vraa not favor of paying one cent Mr Woodcock an explanation of the case Mr Robertson said that the Mayor Mm understand that the Council was golog to pay him something though be thought the town was not liable Mr was opposed to paying any thing as surroundings would justify such- The Mayor said of course the was perfect and he saw nothing wrung in paying a suitable amouot- report was adopted without a dis senting voice- Bridge Debenture ByLaw passed its third reading and a ByLaw was also passed accepting the Council adjourned till Friday evening l are Lindsay Mr Bruce ot tbo Ontario lie seams to be a general favorite Mr Brace well known to Newmar ket he having spent time in town on different occasions Mr J Atkinson of the Gtobt Seo- of the Frees Mr cartoonist for the Toronto Star and formerly Grip Mr of the Aurora Mr Stephenson of the Mr Morrison of and a repre sentative of the Hamilton gave a fraternal call while attending on Tuesday Lib Around Brampton crosses sticks with on Thursday Sept These are the two teams which put up such a wonderful same last year in Tor onto They are again easy winners of their districts and will decide who are the Intermediate champions in This will be the latest gam of lacrosse ever played lit these pails as both teams are very fast and right in the pink of condition Re duced rates Schools The tot Coon Arraoga for fall Model Pronto ana Toronto 0F toS Secretary to- so Breams from 01 Toronto JoDcttod and from Broken Alderman l hat heard no more Is at ftiyl ik driver fca Stair ilur for track aho WAV Vct tried to up for a days but of cannot lets The Prohibition Commute in Hall again evening at 8 oclock In addition to the at Council mooting on Monday where sidewalk a Jacob Bock and Jae Stark have invested in spring and the Royal baa baa a new top Novelty Co tent a floe exhibit to daitrial Exhibition last Friday all former big vrell was at noon Mrs McMillan from Africa waa to the In the church The Chlneaa Ian- a big crowd down town eve The Gospel Tern- Sunday was con by the Mrs Cody the chair in her man commenting upon the read or and telling Incidents of the read at excellent appeal for prohibition then recited a Wellwritten in entitled Let Prohibition Drop followed with a account allurement ot the and also a appeal entitled Save tho boys alio given by and Mrs Penrose meeting next will be conducted by P 8 and The annual meeting of the place at Lawn next afternoon at oclock whan a full attendance is particularly North York Fair At a meet Directors North York Agri cultural Society laat Saturday for the approaching exhibition to be held in Newmarket on the and placing and ground in proper order Entries are already com ing in to the Secretary should good weather the Directors looking forward to one of the held for Daring next week the President Secretary will visit Toronto Exhibition with the view of certain by way and of while long and varied prize offered year sort to attract the attention of exhibitors Already Dominion andPrOTinelal of North York and Ontario have tlgoIQad their Intention of being the concert to take place on tho even log of the Drat day will be unique hull be able to give farther- particulars later on LOOKIKO FAVORABLE For a fall from tbeway trade at a Fall If Toronto Industrial to North York at Newmarket King Oct A A 12118 10 nutting Mayor and Koche Soinprvillo Slarr Following bills were passed John Mo- Oct labor Contract Using 9 Je labor and cartage John drain on Lyman re WW St Co re and John loading pumpe each John Collins team or do I lumber Following were referred Sharp drilling well to Com alto Dower hardware printing do referred to ByLaw Com re re bate on Carlera referred to Finance Com from Newmarket High School levy of for be referred to the Finance Com that the invitation ot Reception Com mittee be accented Tbo of Reliance Elec tric Light Com referred to the Com and Bridge Com to Road Bridge Com The watering of Main and Timothy St Sept authorized Sir Woodcock reported that the Coun cil of East had verbally through their representatives that per cent expenditure Is all that they would agree to towarda the maintenance of fit and all Work muatbodone by contract Mr Woodcock thought It poor satisfac tion as there no reason why they should not pay half Mayor We have been firing away year after year and I think we should oar claim recognised oven If wo have to get special legislation The matter was left In bands Committee for further consideration On the subject Mr Trivitt wanted to know by what authority the on Prospect Aw had beau cut to ptecoi It Is poor for citizens to plant trees and the tope all ofl just when they are getting a nice If the branches Interfered with lbs wires could easily been raised higher The Mayor said that ho authorized Engineer to cut any trees that Interfered with the Fire Alarm but was cnt than need be and It was a great mistake The parlies the trees should also be com tilled Mr Woodcock wsnted to who gave authority for a new sidewalk on Timothy street at corner The Mayor that the water into the building and when they raised the plank to Ax It they found the scantling was all cone and ho told the men to fix It as It should be Mr Woodcock thought that the Com should at least have boon consulted There was another matter he would like to enquire abont The of the new Is upon Mr lot lias any deed or agreement boon registered or Is the going It Wind J The property is 10 years lease with the option of purchase at so the doputyeterk The Deputy Reeve that a citi zen carrying So ft or more of a In hose to the Booth end It was reported that It was to be used In connec tion with plo Who gave au thority for Its scematomothe strings ate banging too loose In this cor poraton Mr Cano said ha gave bis consent to Engineer to use some In Id with the new well and alto the privilege of placing a trough on Ave near hydrant Mr Woodcock thought it would have boon better to put it on Market as something tUo might bo left lot publlo The farmers are now very busy finishing up of harvest threshing and plowing for seed Mr H Anderson of Aurora preach ed in the Christian church here last Sabbath afternoon as Elder had to attend his brother funeral A woman saying she was from the third concession and that her name was Hughes was canvassing this vicinity last week for support of her self and children Mrs Albert has un der the care lately and we Under stand has not turned for the better yet Visitors Mrs William of Newmarket and her sisterinlaw of Victoria C at Mr John Elliotts Mr Harry Foxs little girl Olive has been quite ill The apple crop is very small general in this part but there are some very good plums HOLT Gospel meetings are being held in a tent every evening on the sixth concession The meetings have been well attended and the interest is spreading for a wide distance Quite a number have taken Gods great gift of salvation Last Sunday wa a day long to be re membered At there was a ser vice for children when the tent was well filled a thrilling address was delivered on the duty of parents to their children and children to their parents In the evening the tent was crowded at the close a pressing invitation was made to decide for Christ and several rose to their feet and remained behind to be more personally dealt with No place in the Ontario has greater need for definite evangelistic work than where it is now being carried on Meetings are being held every night this week at under the direction of Rev A Whisker and much good must be the result I HOLLAND LANDING A large number of our villagers attended the Reform Demonstration on Tuesday In numbers intel ligence order c all agree that it was incomparable to any thing heretofore in these regions Mr Lane had the misfortune to have a cow killed by a train on Tuesday afternoon A couple of our villagers purpose going to the Worlds Fair next week and a number to the Industrial Mrs Beverley Evans daughter and son a Landing boy purpose return ing to Omaha on Friday morning visiting at Toronto Detroit and Chicago on the way The Auction Sale at John Moores last week was largely attended and prices ruled high Mrs Dr Morton of Toronto for merly of Bradford is to be buried here on Thursday on the arrival of the morning train Saturday and Inst the wife of John Grantham of a son YOUR GOODS AT THE -fr- Ate IN BUSINESS tt Ml OF SUTHERLAND BROS VACATING Present Premises GOING LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES FOR SPOT CASH J STEPHENS Harvest Groceries AT THE ANOTHER BIG LOT OP OUR MATCHLESS CENT TEA ARRIVED THIS WEEK ALSO Ceylon Monsoon Congou Pekoe and Fine Young Hyson To be Sold at Ordinarily Wholesale Prices We are reaching out Belling more and more of our Teas which are the wonder of North York We Teaa of all our leading grades in larger and still larger quantities The Tea consumers of this neighborhood are getting and appreciating the advantage of our unique position an important and grand accompaniment our trade in FINE GROCERIES For are determined to have quality right as well as price has rapidly increased to a point beyond any previous season in our career necessitating Delivery of Purchases to our Customers in Town by Horse and Wagon which will insure promptness necessary in this department Try us you will gain in value save money and avoid worry a TERMS CASH AND ONE PRICE Rv J DAVISON SHARON ORDERED CLOTHING The undersigned begs to intimate to the people of Newmarket and vicinity that he has leased the premises Next Door to Atkinsons Jewelery Store WHERE HE HAS OPENED A Fine Stock of Canadian and scotch English Trowserings Fall and Winter Overcoatings Etc Which he Is prepared to MAKE UP IN THE LATEST FASHIONS At Prices to Suit the Time Call and ice u Merchant Tailor Mr has oar for tha four years and Id our employment log to oar retiring basin ess bespeak or him the patronage desirous work and dealing The patty on Friday even ing last was a pronounced success both socially and A bountiful supply of edibles were laid out in a tempting manner and their excellence proven by the rapid dim inution thereof Mulock MP filled the chair and his remarks added not a little to the evenings enjoy ment The program was varied In teresting and well performed while the music by Newmarket Band was much appreciated Proceeds amoun ted to about The which took place on the following evening although altendedj was enjoyable and quite a success in way left on Tues day to attend College at Oshawa Mrs Richard a friend from a distance visiting her this week We at immensely obliged to Mt Albert Hand or their kindness last Tuesday selections were highly appreciated Mr Eyre and brother left this week to attend Toronto Mil- College NEWMARKET BOOK AND NEWS DEPOT SCHOOL BOOKS SCHOOL SUPPLIES LINES OF BARGAINS 1 IN DINNER SETS CROCKERY GLASSWARE Fine Line of Lemonade Seta Cheap W STARR Telephone NEW FALL DRESS GOODS We now showing our assortment of Fall Dress Goods and would ask you to call and inspect them for Our Black Henriettas will be found to be the best value in town Compare some of them and see Now is the time that people begin to think about Flan nels Wo have a splendid range of Flannels for Fall Trade good value for the price asked Cotton and Shirtings Wo have a full line of these everyday asked for articles and all we have to say about them is they are the beat we can buy for the money Our Groceries are all Fresh and our Blended Coffee at Also our Blended Tea at cents WWPLAYTER Connection Main- St JUST ARRIVED New Lines in Jewelry aV a a M a a Hair Pins Cuff Stick League Fob Chains Christian Endeavor Fob Chains Fountain Pens c ov At lowest prices ATKINSON MAIN ST JEWELER 1H IBM a OK kjU7p1ywh4S BlUPtlOaVMMaM a BsbMTaUtMittl m 0flla in CO OR N tit on a 003 a a a PURE SPICES a AND- ABB YOU USING SCOTTS BAKING POWDER m A If not ask for a Free Sample Package at THE LEAD1NQ DRUG STORE MM ars

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