sac NEWMARKET AY AUG Wash Bay AND No Steam IN THE House lb vert pa at itit Ctrl of cm do Ms Burr Tf You Says HOW1 BY USING SOAP do ml vn text INFLUENZA Or La Grippe occasionally epi demic more or less prevalent The for complaint Cherry Pectoral Spring I iris down with tratol and so difficult wis If confined In mi iron procured a of Aye Cherry Pectoral and no had I It followed not Crook CHy AVERS Cherry Pectoral act euro BBPOBH Acta Golden Text Iho poster of of God and wisdom God After be fa prison ihoagb allowed liberty two following year alter which that gover nor was who wai by to lo be to their bring to kill him by way a cynic and a will ing to conciliate people waa Ho who wished to to meat him at where bo triad to by sending Paul op to Jerusalem to bo jndged the caw of hi by appealing to after King came down with lister to Be a son of king mentioned lit Bo was King of the territory beyond the Jordan of Galileo His sister Beraiw waa noted for her beauty and her profligacy Pectus laid Pauls aw tho King at whose wish a hearing was given to apostle commenced with a courteons reference to A knowledge of Jewish law and alter expressing his own attachment to went oo to the fl lory of bis conversion Those who obey the heavenly vision have entered the duties and the joys Of the Christian life As soon as we know Christ we sceh to lead others to believe on his name teaching so oars shontd was both practical and doctrinal for two aro joined in eternal wedlock- Christ crucified and risen centre of the Gospel personal experience is argument for tbe Gospel There is no madness so great node liriQm so as to neglect eternal interest of soul for the poor and honors which this life can give There are many who are almost Chris tians tbat a little more persuasion will bring them into the king who yet perish just the of SOJETSJ as a medicine Dr GoWen Medical Discovery And of unusual in way of polling it other medicine of its kind only promise this guaranty If it over to benefit or euro yon money back Its only guaranteed remedy for disease by a disor dered liver or impure blood Dys pepsia Biliousness most fliub- Skin Scalp and Scrofulous affections even Consumption or Lungscrofula in its earliest stage all cured it- it purifies and enriches the blood into healthful to Kill Felon It isnt the human variety to which we but to the disease which bears that name It is so ex cruciatingly painful say those whose who hare suffered from it that a sim ple and speedy remedy is one of the things most devoutly to be wished for A corTespoVident of the Prairie Farmer writes that such a remedy has been found It is this Take sassafras bark and grind it in the coffee mill or otherwise stir into a poultice with water and apply to the felon Keep wet by putting in cold water That is do not let it dry out In a short time the felon will be killed The writer says that a woman who had been suffering extreme pain night and day and could get no sleep was told of this remedy She imme diately tried it and in fifteen minutes after the application she was asleep When she awoke the felon was killed Liniment cures La Grippe List of York Show IS DELICATE AND MANY VARIETIES c EITHER IN FANCY OR IN BULK rouses every organ action and restores strength and vigor In building up building up both flesh and strength of pate puny children or to and brace up the system after Grippe pneumonia fever and other tniting acute diseases nothing can Discovery You pay only for good you get- This is a progressive age With some it is mamage with drug dealers it is mucilage with capital ists it is the jester is fond of then there is bondage pillage tonage and a mass of other ages but just at the present moment the age that is taking the most time and attention and exciting the greatest amount of conversation is coinage The outcome is as un certain as the makeup of that other age Wilson Star Bankrupt Stock of anil Spectacles at Cost P DR CAMPBELL Proprietor Glass Grade IFu Ox by Ell North Hotel Heifer y Ell North American Hotel Milch Cow Sampson Kennedy A Co Dry Importer Scale by O it Toronto rained at X year old by odi Newmarket to Giran by J J Armory Tomato Yearling Heifer two riren by Manitoba with added by by It Howard A Co Leicester Sheep Ham two and over Given by Alex Head Hotel King it Toronto v By Society Ram one Goods given by J rained Given by Lloyd Newmarket By Society Bam Lamb given by Atkinson rftlaed at by High Constable Toronto fa FOB Oil TO HE FARM RENT to D fcHiarii w a 0 S 00 TO RENT- QwlUlmbDi FOR SALE- Naif of East Newmarket THE LEADING A Fcintolea UaiTU TO It id ftUDoancJ of Quebec will for despatch business JSth of next j IhcSccrtiQnsuiflcsthc remove- oil Im- from a to Scrofulous Sore The Spectator if the Hamilton police poll enough to Iratr ftieir work to breath in a Dflv andtheiinprovtment does credit the of County must be since ha iininj in DYSPEPSIA BILIOUSNESS CONSTIPATION HEADACHE SALT SCROFULA DIZZINESS jRHtUAATI5A SKIM DISEASED Tub has the Customs at Falls that that arc caught In Canadian American are to be without payment of duty TMs move been undoubtedly brought aboat by thereout troubles along Erie Anil vicinity Federal received an offer from It Napier Son the kooTG ftbipboltdeni of GUcow to of steamers the A I tan lie The communication Cabinet re- alter holiday Captain Well think over it Sharpe Yon do worse you know to you that I have refusal of two or girls Miss Sharpe What a capital way it I yon mean asked and theyre all No Judge A atcExr intimation to pott mftBtcra from at Ot tawa wads as follows fdeala prevalent country that a letter may at a lower rate lK5lace if left open Port masters should do what can to cornet it vfholly How to Got a Sunlight Picture Rend fiunlifiht wrapjvra wrapper bearing the Why loo a Woman Old Sooner Than a Man to Limited J3 St Torontonnd you by a pretty picture frw alver- well worth an easy way to your home- The in the In market will only cost Q3laie to send tho wrap- pern if you leave the ends open Write wtir woHh more than to our ie it will Foa past the Uflited States Government has been printing envelopes purposes It has recently been decided to abolish this next month and two million dollars annu ally for the same hereafter bo it legitimately belongs anion printers throughout the country do you thoroughly lam going to in bad bum or this got lick before youll feel A lay- I in the vicinity ivivaix Ohio are feeding their rather at the low priiCu noW at from a and it is Inishcl of pnr- a variety put froM lo twenty on Hie the farmer cm mid vo tho one Juci a luintd luadpf he hi- flild toharcat and it is the ivrJrj a Dominion announce that a monster Confler will be held in Montreal during tho last of this month and it is expected that Sir John Sir Sir and other members the net will the Jack Would you If I wcro to Amy Ob yea tut no within hearing Truth their hew ptovtudcr ire On r of latvwem Horn of ft 1119 more My tVj 1 I every lovely by Ik alleys cured eoolh far iAilern atjd cure lot to It remark- ablo Jt at the But dins vreatyUaeBls Vat at As important discovery now coal fields is announced by telegram from located in the United Stales of Colombia from point near the At- It is said that the coal de posits near the of In the Uc- cf Cancer and cover miles and of the do i 1 i4antluadte and eaunelaind veins a from to 0 It i thu properly of ha love A despatch from dated Aug a of the bit Mire by tho to into ho Agricultural College hire had reined and Prof hat boon asked- to reditu It will bo remembered that there an alleged difference PreeiJent and the piotaiwra Winchester aiidhfsCQiuruisilou yesterday concluded their arduous after making searching enquiries the above word of which hero to day The Wilson Star this Tin col of a session of Congrats i enormoiH pay of a year and extra for travelling The sultry lift sun op to year and this doti not include and which together cost steno graphic work Mats J0000 and cost year printing of bills lsio end to the expenditures and tho longer that It the Do Isnt it lovely here Wo couldnt n hotter for our houey- Ibis I was if ever bad another Id A Down he through the way A lady passed on marketing day Who pausing at a grocery stow Stepped quickly In at open door With bated breath anxious mien grocer leaving off his work Interrogated every clerk none up to that time had An arlklo called ConOLENEV at Only opMooitm JHpritft Zee it cure out war it uc In mA t6vcrfaUt inter KoKHaUhikAtln M Isfast railway fompelitora of tho conti nent An eichaniio saya the Soo Hue opened next month tke trill have a routo from Pacific about than anyofthcothertraocoQtincntat railways and thereby will be to make the run between Paul and point from quicker than the present lime In addition tothe ad vantages of they will have li hours delay norr by eight to make Connecticut with HI Paul The Boo train will make close at Moose Jaw with main lino lialpti to I whatever will bo lot Is It he to Ihe dame answers to name Us use My Ignorance youll please Excuse not tho 1 see youre quite behind the times For IM have you know Is now the thing thats all the go article of high A healthful substitute for lard Its composition clean For give me COTTOLENE At from bis the lady fled The grocer scratched his head- On his neat order first was seen cam COTTOLEtfE Grocer Made by K CO Wellington Ann MONTREAL HARDWA Fall Lines of 1 3 INCLUDING RAKES HOES LAWN MOWERS SPADES SHOVELS GARDEN HOSE OPAQUE BLINDS AND CORNICE POLES- READYMIXED PAINTS PUREST STROHGEST BEST- DO or iiQttstatt A aeeesarf out At and of over yeaTaesper- every man ttohaTdorr and can giro yon Our mode and aalea Call our trial will coat nothing STONK ALL KINDS OF FENCE WIRE SCREEN DOORS AND WINDOWS DASH AND BARREL CHURNS f Mechanics Tools a Specialty Also Pointers Supplies J A W ALLAN CO f No MAIN STREET to Hire the Belt AND APPLIANCES CURE D1S- CASES WHEN OTHER REMEDIES FAIL GET AND RESTORE VIGOR TRY ONE- DR A OWBN A GENUINE CURRENT OF In a on the licit- cm be any Hlttwx id control of nil unit mtamiove tho Aciic rvontlllicoic people vltiii Wan amI A iAi7t nnl Our Ii J m will bo THE OWEN Electric Appliance Co KINO World When Hie Jo not fall to A III Section Simw I OK CANADIAN TUB DELL OHO AN AND PIANO Ltd aOANADA8 AN West LUSH St Newunrkct or this district Notice to Creditors In tit DAVIS tntht of li to It Chap fcco ftnil Hint nil J J OF DAVIS dlh Jul The or by iiiiiiM to I lor Bald In heir iiftd if iitifiuiiinount of all If adj- belli I ftlvin ulil vlll to tbo of Ainuiiiiat tho entitled to liu lmro b ibouttwolibuuior tori thereof iKrfOu rftthw clhn or Iimji not dr of fur UNNl try OUR PAILS TUBS Clothespins and Washboards OP NEWMARKET LUMBER Shingles- Siding Flooring Moulding OUR AIM GOOD 1 AT LOWEST POSSIBLE Lath Doors Sash and Blinds tar PRICES S3T I SHOULD BUILD A WITHOUT OUR INSIDE SLIDING BLINDS NEWMARKET BOOK AND NEWS DEPOT BEST FRIEND SALE IN CANADA TUB STALLION ROMANOFF will for llinhrauiitnberotmftrcAthlionaataiblo OAK action with And fttiloof Iho In ST BARGAINS l our choice tod to both in and and Wo or Urr and of MAY IN Telephone WN STARR J By Society iiimv I A god Ewes pen of two Given by J Toronto Yearling by QIlleplo A Dixon IS Ram two by EH- Toronto a i Society shear by North York Lamb given by it Front street with Em for year By Society Aged Ewe of two rfvon by A Co Toronto a Box Elootrio valued at- By Society Yearling pen of two rirtn by MB 141 Qoeeo it isart Toronto with adOed by Society A Toronto By 1 ten of tffoi Southdown Sheep 1 Ram by 3 By Boole Ham one shear given by Bank I a i I Given by at tOC Aged Ewes en of Yearling poo of two- by J Palmer A Kensington 1 1 v a a a a a a a Lambs pen of two a given by Cowan Kent Co 12 and Front st Toronto valued at By Society y ai IBOxford Sheep 1 Bam two and over ivVi shear given by nam a Ewes pen two Ewo Lambs ien of two Given by Day Grand Opera Saloon Toronto 16 Shropahlro Bam two and over by a i a a a mi am near i I iML I a Mtl Yearling Eves of two Ewe Lambs pen of two v Sheep- Section pu of two given by A Co Toronto Goold mmomi Glass Any Large Breed of Boar given by A Front at east Toronto By aa mi BtOOa SOW I I ff iiirrIM 3 Boar Tig of SOW Of M Pedigree Boar given by Ij A Co Church at Toronto 00 a 3 a 00 2 III id a i a a a itlM I I I M at a t 9 I a i i i Mi i i f I i aatJ I I I a Brood Sow Boar Pig of Sow Pig of Class Swine Aged Boar Brood Sow 1893 A Bow Pig of 1803 Glass Poultry c- Light pair Dark Brahma pair Bed Caps pair Plymouth pair Hamburg pair pair 8 Brown Leghorns pair White Leghorns pair Cochins pair a 11 Rod Game black breasted pair a 12 any other kind pair Laughana pair iiv Any other breed of not mentioned pair Bantams pair pair Aylabnry pair Any kind other kind pair pair a pair Clawaon Wheat two given by Sheriff a I By Society a White Winter Wheat any other variety name to bo on entry tlcketgivenbyShotiffWiddifleld Toronto By Society Bed Winter Wheat two bushels variety to bo named given by fi Toronto By Society Spring two any variety to bo named on entry ticket Bed Wheat two any variety to be named on entry ticket ft Wild Goojo Wheat two Barley two bushels given by Toronto Brow ing and Malting Co- By Society I Two Bowed two given by Toronto Bye two bushels given by J Distiller Waterloo 10 Black two bushel given by J Seagram Distiller J a By Society 11 White two 12 Marrowfat Peas two given by J A Simmers King at Toronto By Society a Small two buahelfl by George Keith Kiog at- Toronto a a Buckwheat buihol for year I S3 3 2 2 1 tnd 2 00 1 1 1 1 1 00 oo oo oo oo 00 oo I I 2 3 i l l a a i Iff a tfc pCvS a a 1 1 Society Indian dozen 10 Fop Corn dozen Wbito peck Any Bean peck Red Clover Seed peck Timothy Beed peck 8c- Extras Bttlm 1 Karl Ohio Potatoes 100 Elephant do Any other Potatoes do Early Horn Carrots Rod Carrots Field Carroll six Winter Radisbei or Turnip Long Blood Roots Turnips six by Dr Campbell Newmarket y six Collection of Roots Long and three Tturalp given by Dr Campbell Extras 1 Oil rone any other variety two 8 Mammoth Pumpkins two Yellow CO CO II if oo CO 60 Mammoth two i two 7 Table any other kind two Winter Cabbages three Rod Cabbages Rod Peppers six Cauliflower three heads 1 twelve Red Onions twelve Any other Kind Onions lelvo Vce table Marrow two 18 Colleotiori Vegetablosthree each White Cabbage and Large grown rem Dutch Beta given by Dr Campbell Pharmacy New 1 I 1 I 60 60 60 60 Collection and flnetl average display Vegetables grown from their seed given by Steel Boed 50 60 60 IS To Let Apply CO TO which apply to HfaUoa lit POR brick dad M new pomp and acre I will aalt It cheap a VERY DESIRABLE HOME I FOR SALE on BUS ill Cellar Of Hot aod cUt ana g good and ill to WIddlflsaiSKkVJigj UARMS FOR SALE OR RENT- M burr coo Qnn- lot No ah icned y good J of North and 1 burr acres the Sat m J wood e U of net POLLOCK Shropshire Rams AND YOUNG SHORT HORN BULLS few females Apply lo r COLIC SOS MORBUS Of r D CHILDREN adults flWW Victoria it it ita ft the lesit tca4rAtor Porous Dr of Toronto will Of will ho la Lett Ifci Sep St lie and Voloo lolFPUlottfceNoioorAnr y struct wltboutflitLJ Royal Co to JO ROACH FOOD MOT A Wall Paper Factory OSTRICH WSSOW iTiirifiT THE EQUAL Of J PAH181ANHAIBBENEWJ taturat Ior and irO and cool tad f w itof tali powtt aad Willi hetter