Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 18 Aug 1893, p. 4

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ERA AUG Theres Nothing Like SOAP IT D0E8 AWAY WITH BOILING HARD RUBBING BACKACHES SORE HANDS Sunlight p IMITATIONS OS SlSEP MENTAL ENERGY LONG strong NERVES BBFOBB Aug Ac Golden Text Watch iniht qui you men be LZSJOS Id left Paul ho ni being from mob al tar bis address leading from the Court of to the tower of Roman CitiKnihlp Wm occasion for when the chit of to haw been soma kind of male factor ho aroused such bitter op position ordered him to bound and Paul made an appeal for bis right Ha released from bonds and tared from but detained In prison The next morning brought the Jewish to learn what it was they him of The Christian be gentlemanly and courteous even to the worst men The world will often speak of the Church and make false charged against it every charge can bo answered by simply showing tha facta The resurrection most be either the hope or the fear of each one of us The Christian must exercise himself himself in right doing It a com monplace in military economy that a soldier cannot be made in a day No one can become perfect in any art or pursuit without long and severe training Kola the hopefulness and comfort of the Christian in view of the future as contrasted with terror in view of the same The folly of waiting for a convenient for doing what to be done now Every man has bis opportunity and if be misses it it comes not again Oar is the present let grasp it and use it and live by it while wo may Even in prison one can be and power for future- Tin intimation is made publie that a now stamp of Bo value is now being in and Is tended for the prepayment cither of registration and combined or of postage only for parcels or samples The So tog stamp is to be withdrawn when present Is exhausted Wilson Star salaried he it going to get money man In for it no nil sort going Jo Whits in pnper hard are lb laboring men of Buffalo ore are employ- man terrible for the Bison of North York Fall Special Horse on Commencing at one pm Horses winning any price in this Class will bo ineligible to compete on Second Day but horses and not winning may compete In proper class on Second Day Brction Team of Roadsters marea or geldings far speed mile heats in given by Lemon Clyde Hotel Toronto Bin AVERS a weltknown Vs sends ibi to perils Sirwrarllla ON that is best place to keep pill ad toon you get it inside it begins to trouble ghats of Eaffeiing with it when you can jet mors help from Dr Pierces Pleasant These tiny granules do you permanent They act mildly and tiaturnlly and there no Constipation Indigestion Bilious and all derangements of the liver stom ach and bowels are prevented relieved and permanently cured smallest tho easiest to take and the cheapest for ihcyVo guaranteed to give satis faction or your money is re turned- You nay only for the you pet- Nothing else urged by the dealer thonh they better for him to can bo just is good for you to buy A in the of Jaw Manitoba to Mr Daring Rfgirta bo and hit neighbors am obliged to pay per gallon for oil a miles away on Dakota of line better oil can bo obtained for Why dont former Jaw district Indaco tome and Iota greedy to go into bating and at a profit Along line between Win- and up in that part of the wo found coold bo got at ranging from DELICATE ANDMANY VARIETIES EITHER IN FANCY OR IN BULK heats in in Lady by Van- NonaOan By by Toronto a w Given by Lloyd Saddle lor given by Robinson County Solicitor Toronto MOO FARM TO SyvivrkrIvn Bankrupt Stock of EyeGlasses and Spectacles at Cost P by Toronto rWa open Cnp A at BilvcrCap 10 B 00 TO JSUOBSg DR CAMPBELL Proprietor Li I THE LEADING j 1 vinrillail I Jfi great tco Sarsaparilla IfrrcdtyrJOAyrSOtrwlUaa SALT RHEUM HEADACHE OF THE HEART Of THE STOMACH DRYNESS OF THE every disease mm KIDNEYS STOMACH BOWELS BLOOD CO to Got a Sunlight Bend Koolight wrapper he Why Decs a Woman Sooner Than a to Toronto and you will receive by a pretty picture and worth framing Thts If an way to your home J he i the in the market will only to send in you leave the Writ carefully Ont jinctr rail nil J Special This a fatality ihc Grind Trunk Hack of the city limits resulting in the in la- it death of a her child a ieciionmanin the lives in cottage beside the track near hi little son while playing by wandered oui on the traijt an iran was proaoriin aged saw dmiir when too lite and for her mother Will out iifTaiiS Mis on the but se late to the and li her own life Tie child nd or ill step of the ea boulder and Jtfi aim were on the when she was struck by the and some stance up the track neck and arm broken he arm in two places died instantly tha Ittktortr or a jci limn tbe and until I oat bmilt tt Nrrvlae mo ol of tit would airlte weak MA In kivlb America for wlicidl to to ae4 at It at i at it will aojr bittbi carta it cctloo a pOAiUra cared so lnntc And ad nil oiloo all at ftofl or aad hone Hose Kio Throat Bare m or gala at TioaUo in the Camp- There are evident signs of painful uneasiness in conservative circles not only in Ontario but also in the sister Province of Quebec The seeds of tariff reform and Provincial autonomy lately sown by Mr McCu Ontario are fast germin ating and although Sir Charles Tappers visit to Canada to be without pnlittcal yet suggestion is passing current in circles of faithful and true that mission to pave the way for McCarthys return to the and to compass the of trant within the party Then down in Quclec the irre pressible until nounced montane conservative is kicking over traces and making things generally uncomfortable fr Messrs iron and other minister by recet bold references standi uing cold ireats to arc l political vrihriiv Al tsroy his he Monde Mr ik to r fer to the made him in j lie ky admits he and disburse the CO as of ihe parly ami he that last he challenged Mr White M P or any other Toy member to formulate a charge him with reference that matter Certain Conservative journals arc now abusing Mr for obtaining- money for pur poses arid spending it in interests thereby to make him re sponsible for which properly attach those whose behalf he acted bill litis i not a remarkable procedure for Sir as we have it on the records of a committee and in court that My Dear McGicevy the once trusted lieutcn- ant of large for election purposes now being prsccuted for conspiring lo raise money with which to debauch the tilled gentlenan referred to was then very gracious with the man who honored his drafts fur need ed smews of war to keep him in office And row comes the intimation from Ottawa that Pre miers action at recent annual meeting of the Grange Grand in a grant of funds ihc Home in Hull Mr Coition and ardent poster re licved of the Minis ter of Marine and In oilier words means he has resigned This it but another indication of ihc strained relations to in the Dominion Cabinet and between the Secretary State and the Hon gentleman who has just been relieved of his duties as Marine Minister Altogether matters poli tical do not appear to he in happy accord down at Ottawa and Premier and Sir Charles will find plenty to on their return to Canada to keep things in order What a comfortable for Life A despatch from dated Aug Mr Minis ter of hits authorized Sir Topper to offer to Mr of Imperii Hoard of that will two vderirtarift it British will to come here ftnU mud we if they can fiBd any of vbicb veterioary have failed to discover of Bir Cbarels Toppers re tarn to Canada fint Govrrnniont organs hastened to assure country his villi was without political significance It is now rumored at in circle to be thai Sir Charles visit La En Treaty which the government of that Colony is now pressing British authorities to ratified week intimation that the principle object from purely reasons Sir Charles to visit the colony of Crortere settled In tho in regard to whom come mismiScrataading Next of Cleveland at the special of ConRreea last week is hailed on both sides of as paper very clear and Illicit- The New York Sim remarks No of Clevelands mess age as important as it is in every is mow significant or politically reaainr- than this It was my to Congress in special ses sion early in the coming September we might enter promptly upon the of reform which tbe interests of clearly demand which so largo a majority of the as shown by their suffrages desire and and to accomplishment of which every of present Administration pledged for boys under IS years 4 StaUion and over old Btyle and in harness given by JQrewlng Co- CscxaT Hall Doors open For to bo distributed daring the day Class Draught Horses- 1 Bullion 3 years old and over given by Johnwn Central Hotel Newmarket and added by Society J OOOl A f i a Brood Mara with of having had afoel this year given by Crown Attorney 3 Filly two years old from imported stock given by John Co Toronto 8 Spring Colt from Imported stock given by Mayor Flem ing Toronto 3 Spring Filly from imported given by A FOR SALE aod Full Lines of SPRING GOODS Co York 3 Canadian Draught Horwa a old and over given A Evans Royal Hotel Newmarket Given by Root Walker Sons Kiag street Toronto Boots Bpan Draught Hones given by J Aurora a A Brood Mare with evidence of having bad a foil this year 00 JEWELLING HOUSE- TO 11 Apply to POR SALE A aroaiorx valnadjtt Goods given by Toronto Silver Plato Co Toronto valued at INCLUDING RAKES HOES LAWN MOWERS SPADES SHOVELS GARDEN HOSE OPAQUE BLINDS AND CORNICE POLES READYMIXED PAINTS IALABASTINE ALL KINDS OF FENCE WIRE SCREEN DOORS AND WINDOWS DASH AND BARREL CHURNS For Hi An You know what you to bring back Ho in distance Oh yea A ring her to get thnCa Truth J A An- the of in St ha been indefinitely Government by Ihe the these island ami jntUfil of offering tor tale Province iithonl toward to baa that they be preserved In all their The of in a great victory Cur pre- and on part of the Gov ernment tohcxd made Tun Crimean overlooking avenue Provincial Parliament in To ronto are being removed proximity to the building in front of Ihe main entrance pillars of upon which each cannon weigh tons each and each cannon three ton mechanics Tools a Specialty Also Painters and Blacksmiths Supplies W ALLAN CO given by Co Toronto Given by or Filly two yeara given by Co King at Toronto A Keek Yoke glvao by Yearling Gelding or Filly given by Bull the Toronto 9 Spring Colt or Filly 3 Span iniHarnees a given by James Allan Talced at winner to pay Society adding A given by Newmarket Brood Mare with evidence of having had a foal by The Gotta Bobber Co Toronto a Plaid Lined Coat Goods given by W Gelding or Filly two years old Given by Imperial Hotel Toronto Yearling Gelding or Filly given by John J Pakes Hotel Adelaide at Toronto ly or Filly Goods by A to the value of J J a a a a a a Agricultural Horcea are understood to bo too small to compete with Draught but loo large for General Purpose 3 L 00 0 MAIN STREET Telephone No KJacks to Hire v PUREST STRONGEST BEST CoolalraDoAlumi or any -THE- We have precious little with or Tory who are tlio for enforcing the tho of civil servant at who from duty Most of the regu lar have nlloArcd and thctc who lake the unlrye time for or in of holidays allowed should be treated in other wMk of life been that too many civil crowd and if ihero in for them to go a Uy or two in week better to keep tho engaged during prescribed and not fault the government for requiring honest labor for them- Liniment for fires arc yhat in Alpena Mich r Ul Cainet el Elutrcty trjj CATALOGUE of iILieaAc iji1Iiiilvh inil iiufirala whi have IFhi4ifMin In on Imavcotfice tunny AMD KINO in the largf the do not fall A I Maynt la Miilinx- MENTION a OF THE AND rOAMADA AND Toronto JOHN LUSH Main tit the Editor WHIT HI Mil death of Mr David I for North race annooaocd wit a eaid held In high in the In he lived and gate carter aa a man Ills will by election She Well to ways of household Yes Solomon is right thats what the good housekeeper everywhere does but particularly hi Can ada But her ways ore not always old ways In fact she has dis carded many unsatisfactory old ways For is using FOR SALE Shropshire Hams BULLS a tew A to- If llua St TRY OUR PAILS TUBS nd Washboards OP LUMBER VOUNO BY by will aland for a OAK with Ami that which tit In New ST Oik Brahtford Bicycles HAVE A ftTANDAR that to and to strike ami uoriyalled Qnt week to hold a Mratnp thus toll In Ottawa dispatch i if as is likely the of arbitrators tho Is will sail or August by sarao sttauier M la for the New Shortening Instead oi lard And this is in itself a rea son why she well in another sense for she eats no lard to cause poor digestion and a worse cotnpfcxion CorrouiNR much better than lard for all cooking pur poses as every one who has tried It declares Have you tried It Kale everywhere K CO and Ana MONTREAL Shingles Siding Flooring Moulding OUR AIM WORK AT LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES Lath Doors Sash and Blinds Purpose Horses in a Mower valued at given by Co Toronto winner to pay Given by J in Jo with added by Society fc Kiven by J Davison Mare of had a foal this Oil boxes Hoof Ointment boxes Axle and Tin of Gileadtne Riven by Samuel City OilCo Toronto Given by Morrison Adelaide west Toronto Filly old given by Flftnftgan ion Hotel Newmarket Given by Jackson The Newmarket for one year Yearling or Filly a Neck Yoke given by John Brim con Newmarket with 31 added by Society Given Gordon Brown Toronto it lllllillllits s a a a Spring given by Chalcroft A Co Front at TGI I aaT a By Society Spring Filly by the World Printing Co- Daily World for one year a by A Whitchurch a saaaaa a ft 1 Stallion throe years old and over not leas than 1C given by George Oak lodges a aaa Stallion two years old given by John Hotel Given by The News Printing Co Toronto Daily Nixes for one year Yearling given by Furrier cor King and Church Toronto by lion A Toronto in Goods Span in not less than 163 give by for North York Binglo Mare or Gelding in harness not leas than Given Warren Proa Metropolitan Street Railway a a a a a a a a as Given by George J Front at Toronto Brood Mare evidence of having had a foal this year given by Opera Toronto Given by A Barrister Canada Life Buildings Toronto a or Filly two years old Chai Brown Do minion Livery Stable King it west Toronto Yearling Gelding or Filly given by James House at Toronto Colt or Filly given by Kilgour Bros Wellington A Lamp given by A- Campbell Newmarket Special given by Irving for a span of Carriage hands or over style and action ound one Colt twcfycarftold by Keen winner of to pay to donor Roadster 1 Stallion in throe and over given by William Barrister Toronto J J a a a 2 Stallion I wo old Given by Frank Stewart in Goods 3 Yearling by John House imI 3rd JKt 3 3 3 J 1 a a In Harness Riven by J DEdgar Toronto Given by John Kemp City Arms Hotel Market ftt itnKiiii EjOC 1 J a Single Boatlater or gelding Given Wllaoo House Toronto y Brood with evidence having had a foal year given by James Wellington Hotel Aurora ICi t t a a a a a a a a Gelding two years by King Toronto Canadian for year Given by Matt Evans Hotel at Toronto Km for one year ft f tar q SHOULD A RKSIUENCK EN- QU1RINO OVR INSIDE SLIDING THEY ARE TO AT THE PRICES OF Bit Coitrf Brantforfi AGENT- NEWMARKET I NEWMARKET BOOK AND NEWS DEPOT BARGAINS Yearling or Filly given by S Cnlral Hotel Newmarket Given by J- Newmarket in ay Spring CoU or Filly given by Alex Millard A Or Oil IO MMi aft a wy 1 Light Carriage or best six given by House Newmarket Yearling or Filly got by Thoroughbred Hone given by Joseph Foray Newmarket Spring Celt or Filly got by given by Joteph Newmarket CompctUora in this Extra not barred in 3rd Cart given by a Co Coal Dealers Toronto horse exhibited any class barred 4 given by John Hotel Toronto on first Glass Horn Registered- ffeefton WWII I Aged Bull given by Toronto IN ft SETS WN STARR fllver A Lamp given by A Smith Newmarket valued withfl added by Society Boll yeara old an Ideal Churn by Hodge Co Newmarket valued at Given by John Street CommiMlonerft Toronto 2 with added by Society Yearling Bull Goods by Cano A Bona How- market valued at Given by Goo County Clerk Toronto Cow Toronto Goods givon by A Robertson Baker Newmarket with added by Society Heifer yeara old Goods given by Sutherland New market to the value Given J Barrister Newmarket Yearling Heifer A Pair of Boots given by Newmarket VaiUCQ ftsiaaa Heifer Calf given by Cano Sens to I bo value of Given by Newmarket 3 sob 300 a 3 00 3 Ball Call A Neck Yoke given by John at 3 Class ftHolatoln I any Wheal by with added by Hotel cor King and Toronto 3 Cow byDaofonlRoohe Co Given by Dr Bcott Cattle Wfi ago 3 for SALE Or work a tar of lot la l tfi ANTED to sell or block spSu both d MAY BROTIItHA weekly clOirSl BAKING POWDER THECOmCSBESTFRIEn Largest Sale MONEY TO LOAN At lit flntUj DAVID LLOYD for Km fire lniuribce Qtti j and DUtrlci alto for ibd dr Ii in VicCftrla tear til lifts the lo an J of Throat of wilt r will not be ai to hi trip end Catarrhal Vote ftwaThrrai t2jHg remote wit boot PETEBHANS ROACH FOOD Wall Paper Factory co cum i OSTRICH TrrtfiaiJa THE Kiswrhijisb be avd for S dean aid com tbe belter Ihia Bold tsrytan 1 f

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