Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 18 Aug 1893, p. 1

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U Morning GIVE MR THE TO KNOW TO AND TO ACCORDING TO ABOVE OTHER LIBERTY GEO JACKSON STEAM PRINTING HOUSE ITU- REACHED SUBSCRIBERS hhMilirocUi In NORTH YORK INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER No papers sent of North York unless paid in VolXLIbNo 3C Single Copies Cents Each Newmarket Ont Aug Strictly in Advance within or at end of year ONTARIO BANK REST ion on to CAPITAL I SIR P H0WIAK0 BRANCH AOESKUAL DOB IS ESS TRANSACTED Allowed on Deposits AT DRAFTS ISSUED at Sterling and American Draft old- attended to j Accountant LEGAL 48 to MAIN If IWTOi Scitcr to f WOODCOCK Main MEDICAL J I P s a of IS t J en Sofia HI iVi- Wrrr ewmarliel A BINNS S D AND S W To Fit Any Size Window Fly Traps Dish Covers Water Cans IceCream Freezers HA PLEASANT 11 Ear iom5t- porn Ifto It to to Sir rtfciajtitoIO AM 3 P aaod Ml ROGERS Main ftm a tSTisr D ChuKb ffWICTACTIW TEKRV Block CHEMICALS fc RS SIMPSON Main and Facer Main Office- Work ROBERT ROSE fin We have Just Received a Magnificent Line of Preserving Kettles ALL SIZES Granite and Parcel ian A Telephone 30 Repairing Hone promptly BOOTS SHOES or York Co will SO SrorBox ALL KINDS AX THE LOWEST PRICES Li FRANK DCVCAX For be County of Kid on communion reason Mr A trill j- Auctioneer A- JKWELLKItY I 111 MSB I Sign Red Boot The Leading Boot Shoe Store C Co For years I have troubled upon my I have spent hundreds of dollars to a cure without any result I am happy to say one bottle of entirely cured me and I can heartily recommend it to all as the best medi cine in the world Ronald Bayfield Photos Photos PEPPIATT the boa to lbtliDAto he the Hi latent MAINTAINING THE LEAD And guarantees to turn outwork to work tht ftupcrtor a to production of an will bo rtrirt in or Oil itABIHOUH -iailitv- will not bo to flood neighbor to tfi and Mtltfactlon llruiruibcr linear Old Stand Never i While in this hrlgbl world I itry Th lorJ m fondly my own Always will way For memory with her To to dwell Never I Mover Whether in or joy I known without an memory still linden frith her pell To the the present to Visions of The and hare fione The riiil lingert with rue i r tut with bar pre To the with the to and Maid GENTLEMEN AN CLOCK up opposite Pure gold ndl8 MUSICAL 1NKTKUMUNXS Main JOliXSOX Main Machines have really splendid for you to mis- them is to hold in the of the finest clothing possible as well as money It not yoj want a single garment or a full suit our stock affords the oppor tunity providing yourselves with strictly firstclass Clothing at Rock Bottom Prices Call and see for yourselves J Life W MUTCH Mi reliant Tailor opposite Starrs Hook Store Gents own cloth nude up neatly and Cheaply An Honest Offer If you have Catarrh and desire he cured without risk losing your money call at our agency in New market and get a without a ant cf fay in advance After you have given it a fair trial at your own home and you find it a remedy you can pay for same If not satisfactory in every way you need not pay one cent Nothing could be fairer If you have Catarrh call immediately and get this remedy on above liberal terms at Dr Scotts Drug Store our sole agent for Newmarket and vicinity TJiose who cannot call address Medical In halation Co Toronto Ont PURE LYE PUREST BEBT Id For WaUriHrLfrxLintiaadabQii4pa A ft IOUMI AN EYE tA KAMKAY Shop FIRE Anyone can superiority of our STOVES TINWARE HODGE CO ST SOUTH the Liverpool nt-UIIK- aid ALLAN LorQqco C MUSIC t rnvi7f OLUTKlY I for sue or J A JIAHTKIIO Axe WM Main Only IAINTINO in WITT Ar il tided fctnJ ItcildcMtTccuinuKj Br Booth filnac Cardura MANNING LIFE CO AND- FUNDS- 10000000 DOLLARS J OS SON Kl J rtOUUH MR A STOUFFER CONCERT BARITONE of- Utlbmlftc of nod VIoIId to flirccip New- A FRIEND throuRh he of the beneficial results he hat rom a regular use Till was sick ami tired tod all out of order I tried a number tut seemed to mo until I Induced MO Tills I tato only I thick they the most to I tier so flatly coated that even a child take them urge upon all In need a to try They will do good For all diseases of Stomach toko AVERS PILLS J J A Co -N- I Si 44 Main cum I Hi Kit of Al OAlc YtitLffbt wCo hivn now do rfay of Market r W 1 ACUTE or CHRONIC by tho SCOTTS EMULSION of pure Cod Liver Oil with the of Lime Soda A feeble stomach takes kindly to It and Its continued use adds flesh and makes one feel strong and well ami Air Scuttle was an elderly bachelor of independent means gift ed with a nature that was and ielicalelo he highest degree Naturally susceptible and romantic he was continually in love the celerity with which he fell a victim to the tender passion being only equalled by that with which the oils To this latter fact may be ed his being still a bachelor at the age of fiftytwo In person he was short and stout his marks of distinction being a very bald head and an exceedingly red face Notwithstanding these disadvan tages Mr Scuttle still retained all his old youthful fire- and romance and was chivalrous and sentimental in the extreme But the came at last when Mr Scuttle was- inextricably caught in the toils of love He lived and breathed or one being only and for him the world con tained but one person that person being the adorable Angelina Tom- kins Miss was a fair young thing about forty who was about too ethereal for this world She was the fortunate possessor of the most beautiful ringlets that it had ever been Mr Scuttles lot to feast his eyes upon It was those curls that had done the whole business for Mr Scuttle had followed Miss about like a shadow before he had found courage tcsptak to for the sole purpose of admiring those beautiful curls Followed her until in than a week he lost seven pounds in weight for the fair Angelina was a vigorous walker and delighted in long consti tutionals constitutionals which were not adapted to the size and weight of Jeremiah Scuttle However he stood it manfully al though upon several occasions he had been obliged to divest himself of coat and hat and carry them on his arm But the ice was broken at last They were introduced by a very common friend They conversed they loved And Scuttle only waited a fit- laying his hand and heart at the feet of the fair Angel ina Such was the stale of affairs when Miss Tonkins sought change air and scene at a small but well known watering place upon the shores of Kent I ll is unnecessary to say that she was soon followed by her ardent ad mirer who arrived one evening about a week after Miss advent and determined to surprise his fair one upon the morrow The thought of being in the same neighborhood with kins prevented his obtaining much sleep that night and the next morn ing was to be seen on the beach almost before anyone else was The bathing machines were all drawn up in a row upon the beach and as his eye fell upon them a bright idea rushed through his mind He have a bath Mr Scuttle was an excellent swim mer despite Ins obesity and the thought having once taken possession of his mind he proposed to put it into execution But the only person upon the subject a boy of about thirteen who only shook hit head and said his mother would be back half an hour That he was onlv there mind the machines and didnt know any thing about letting em out Mr Scuttle was not made of the stuff that is easily daunted and pro- ducinga sixpence from his pocket he held it up before the boys astonished eyes Now my boy Ill give you this to yourself if you will lake me out in one of those machines The boy rose with All right governor he in and take them towels with you and Ill fetch the horse No sooner said than done and five minutes later MrJ Scuttle was en- Joying himself in the sea It was a balmy morning- August and Mr Scuttle struck out with a wilt and was soon out of sight Of the machine which he had had dragged some distance from- shore Great the honor and conster nation when back to find several machines drawn up alongside his and to see four or five members of the fair sex disponing themselves very gracefully in the water The ladies were not performing the regulation bobbing up and down with the rope but hand in band at some distance from the machines were performing sundry graceful evo lutions a circle thought Mr Scuttle this is a terrible state of things I must get back to the sunshine at once What wonderful foresight upon my part to have looked at the num ber It was number six I remember perfectly To his indescribable delight he approached nearer discovered that number six was in rather an position It have been moved thought Mr Scuttle And without bestowing another thought upon the matter he swam to it as fast as possible and breathed a prayer of thanksgiving when he enter ed it his movements having en tirely unobserved by the ladies Ah my Angelina murmured Mr Scuttle as he vigorously applied the towel your faithful Jeremiah will soon be with you oh joy shall soon be upon those beautiful curls At that moment Mr raised his eyes and the arm which was raised to flourish the towel in exuber ance of spirits fell to his side as though paralyzed His jaw fell and Ms eyes slatted as though they would have foiled from their sockets Gracious Heaven 1 came at last from his stiffened lips am in my senses or am I haunted that which is in thoughts Mr Scuttle tubbed his eyes with his trembling hand and tottered near- to the object which so fascinated him Gracious Heaven again said Mr Scuttle while great beads of inspiration stood upon his brow What can it mean Surely this is no hallucination j and yet and yet it cannot be that in very truth I behold Angelinas cutis Hut it looked very like it There hanging up daintily upon a nail directly before his eyes were the beautiful nutbrown ringlets which had subjugated him two months He had gazed upon them too often and too long to he mistaken They were Angelinas curls and and Before he could proceed further with his cogitations there smote upon Ob Jemima shrieked the toy relapsing into another con vulsion of merriment You must be a very unfeeling I rosy say brutal young man waded Mr Scuttle to act in that rude and cruel manner At this moment the machine was pulled upon the beach Now then said the boy Ill just bring you a few togs and then youd have lo clear out sharp I nt think how came to be bathing there at all A little boy took me out faintly answered Mr Scuttle Oh that must hive been Hilly said the boy hell get a walloping if he doesnt mind And I gave him wail ed Mr Scuttle Another minute or two passed away in shivering anguish and then there was a knock at the door which Mr Scuttle cautiously opened a little way and put out his hand to receive a bundle which was handed in to The bundle contained articles of clothing evidently belonging In a very tall thin man Fate must be against me mur mured Mr Scuttle as he surveyed the garments and then glanced at his own proportions But there no help for it and as quickly as his treiijblifig would allow him he donned the clothes provided for him suffering however additional anguish of mind from the fact the inexpressible about three quarters a yard top long for that both coat and waistcoat positively refused to come vfe much more than halfway round his body What I do almost shriek ed the unhappy man I cannot face the world like this he caught sight of a vol uminous black silk cloak which he had seen draping the shoulder of the fair Angelina Mr Scuttle turned up eyes in speechless gratitude seizing it eagerly was soon in its folds The next moment he opened the and with beating heart Par ihi Bra On of moil mfttohei mm took instt when time opponents O rill I a And hero- All that is required any limo to greatest is to match between The Interest on thia was in when It was that it match and that a victory for would thfcut champion hi p fully realised the fact it or never and went its determined to greatly the addition of of Bradford and Fred who had Hie to filMcly but wasnt in from to cud and was easily defeated by four their vcaa he on Held thia 3IoKnry Vanfickle UcKce of a host iu lall Midori got jwst almost to the field Bob called on but Alien the tento It lis showed op his ill old only during the shot made on it did reach dropped Dob and Ihd little fellow u ft hasty despatch to the other field It J9 to iodividual did bis It was thought by that lUrxic iayiti but Ibt team Ed fully a as it was and as in tor audi Mo intend to a few the has coin to farm for a few days a bully time is to Weekly that there arc work his ear such an appalling shriek that I forth into the garish light of day it nearly froze the in his veins Merciful powers gasped the un happy Scuttle J that was Angelina 11 What can have happened casting his eyes wildly round the ma chine for his garments in which to quickly clothe himself Mr Scuttle was almost paralyzed horror to discover the only garments the machine contained were decidedly of the female persuasion This fact taken in conjunction with the curls proclaimed the awful truth and Mr Scuttle fell back- limp with horror as it rushed across his agonized brain the fearful shrieks of Angel ina struck upon his ear and ming ling with the shrieks were the sounds of excited female voices and the splashing of horses feet in the water What an appalling situation panted the horrorstricken Scuttle I must have got into the wrong machine And yet and yet Im sure six was the number What is to be done Suddenly he espied a bottle con- taming a dark liquid standing upon a smalt shilf Brandy perhaps thought the unhappy man what a providence 1 and seizing it with the avidity of despair without further in vestigation he swallowed a portion of its contents I What have I done he shrieked as he heaved with unspeakable nau sea I must be poisoned With feverish anguish he gazed up on the label of the battle It was hairdye 1 Oh Angelina Angelina 1 moan ed the miserable man to think you should be so utterly false and even the color of the hair all falseall At this moment there was a loud knock at the door of the machine that almost galvanized him I said a rough youd better jest come out this ere machine j youve made a slight mistake Im afraid I have groaned poor Scuttle in great anguish of mind a moat lamentable mis take and yet Im quite positive lhat the of my machine was six And this sixteen only the ones rubbed answered the boy But I say governor you aint got no business here at Gents bathe the other side of the pier and ere part It for ladies Ohl groaned Mr Scuttle What is to be done he que- in an agitated manner for the machine was now moved vigor ously towards the shore is to be done echoed the boy a boisterous laugh that made Mr Seattles btood boil Why youye got to clear out governor as sharp as you can for the ladys a with the high strikes over there the other mach ine so sooner swaps the bet ter Clear out Scuttle roused in How can I out The boy roared with laughter right governor he Mid dont hurt yourself well it youll keep yourself quiet but if you goes on bouncing about in that way youll bust but the bottom of the machine to of getting spontaneous combustion on the brain Yourself Mr Scuttle saw the of the remarks and stayed conclusive movements My good fellow he gasped In a faint voice I have no wish to offend you but I really am in the most lamentable plight that it pos sible lor the human brain to I am paralyzed with at what has occurred and to make matters worse I am suffering of sick ness consequent upon my swallowing some hairdye forlorn or figure than he cut it would be impossible for the most vivid imagination to con jure- up and ears were instantly assailed by upon peal of laugh ter proceeding from the bystanders who had been attracted to the spot by Angelinas shrieks C Mr- Scuttle darted a look ter rible reproach at them and with un utterable dignity followed his friend the bay to 3 small tent that stood at a little distance Now then governor cheer up said the boy pariyllbeouf in a moment and then youll be all right Accidents will happen sometimes and there aint no very great harm done after all I dont suppose Thank you meekly answered Mr Scuttle feeling the kindness of the remark peal of laughter front the crod on the beach induced him to peep outside and he shook his head mournfully and groaned audibly as he perceived a tall angular figure clothed In most miscellaneous articles of female approaching the machine which he had just left Gracious goodness it is Ange lina l he murmured Angelina wore an oilskin cap upon her head and as Mr Scuttle gazed upon that cap a strong shudder passed over him He thought of the false curls and the hair dye and he felt that the world to him had turned to dust and ashes In another moment he was in the machine which had vacated by Angelina and it is to say that he at once arrayed himself in his own habiliments with all possible de spatch Indeed it may be said that he scarcely breathed until he found him self safely ensconced in his chamber at the hotel I snail leave here tonight mut tered he to himself The place Is hateful to me my life Is blighted irretrievably I shall go home at once And he left for London the same evening On Im way to the station he met Miss who still looked very pale and distressed Angelina gasped Scuttle as he came close to her portmanteau in hand trust Angelina that that- Have you the audacity the in delicacy the indecency to dare speak to me after what has happen ed said Miss Tomkins in great ex citement and agitation Brute I monster I fiend incarnate that you are Away I Do not speak to me do not look at me I 1 wont almost sobbed poor Semite I am going going as fast as I can I But Angelina I Go shrieked Miss Tom- kins I am going Miss I said the unhappy Scuttle Farewell And with trembling steps the un fortunate man made his- way to the station Mr Scuttle and Miss never met again and Mr Scuttle never pictures the beautiful curls that so won his heart without a shudder He tells himself his love was dream a dream sweet to be resized In this everyday world and so has settled down to the old- fashioned bachelorhood But when anyone mentions or suggests any- thing about a seaside trip his heart turn sick with terror for never as long as he lives twill he forgot his terrible adventure For Boys A gentleman advertised for a boy to assist him in his office and nearly fifty applicants presented themselves before him Out of the whole num ber he selected one and dismissed the rest I should like to know said a friend on what ground you selected that boy without a single recommendation You are mis taken said the gentleman but he has a great many He wiped when he came in and closed the door after him showing that he was careful gave up his seat to a lame old man showing he was kind and thoughtful he took off his jap came in answered my ques tions promptly and respectfully showing that he was polite and gen tlemanly he picked up a book which I had purposely laid upon the floor and replaced it on the table while all the rest stepped over it or pushed it aside and he waited quietly for his turn instead of pushing or crowd ing showing that he was honest arid orderly When I talked with him I noticed that his clothes were carefully brushed his hair in nice order and his teeth as white as milk and when he wrote his name I noticed that his finger nails were clean instead of being tipped with jet like that hand some little fellows in the blue jacket Dont you call these letters of- recom mendation I do and I would give more for what I con tell about a boy by using my eyes ten minutes all the letters of he can give me Too Smart by Half The other evening an eccentric- looking and slovenlydressed old man was sitting with his legs crossed in an arm chair before the fire in the smoke- room of one the leading commer cial hotels in Manchester His trousers were somen hat drawn up the leg which he crossed exposing to view a brilliant red white and blue striped stocking and noticing two or three of the company looking at it and smiling at each other he lifted his foot into full view and said with apparently much satisfaction Grand Pattern thai isnt it gent lemen Id bet theres not another like it in the Ill bet cigars round that there is replied one rather youthful com mercial Done cried the old roan where is it On your other foot responded the bettor with a triumphant which was generally joined in- Thats just where you make a mistake said the old man with a knowing wink I generally reckon upon finding one flat in a company and so come prepared With hat he pulled up the other leg of his trousers and to the amaze ment of all but the loser- exposed a black stocking Ottawa Aug number of farm delegates from Massachusetts who have been visiting the Lake Dauphin district have sent a letter to the Interior Department from which the following is an extract We are so favorably impressed with the whole locality and the crops sur rounding it through which we pissed that we shall most undoubtedly recommend it to those interested in emigration from Massachusetts as a most favorable field for settlement We may add that four of our present number have decided to apply homestead entries and to commence settlement- duties at once At a bylaw to build a drain for the electric light works to the river was carried and one to erect a new school building was defeated Liniment cures La Grippe A sneak thief entered English Church a few days ego and broke open a little iron bank which is fastened to the In side of the door and stole its con tents The bank was for receiving contributions towards keeping a little Indian boy and contained several dollars- The church is never locked and everybody has free access to It A thief mean enough to steal from such a contribution box should be bound naked to a tree In the swamp and left to the tender mercies of the mosquito family until he would solemnly promise to make restitution with interest and promise never to commit mean an act again J It is reported men out of York city and Gray the Chilians won the senior double scull race at Detroit regatta yesterday A two yearold daughter of Mrs Ira Peck Ml in a pail whey at ami was drowned President Cleveland hanged in effigy Gulden Colorado on Thursday sight free sliver ft EST Mr John of Owen Sound look a fit of coughing Friday hemorrhage set in and he died be fore medical aid could he seemed Mr Allen of superintendent of the Ontario Poultry Association ha sent the Worlds Fair entries for exhibits Old has evidently taken at somebodys statement he was no good any more and he- has been showing what it was made of New Orleans La Aug 11 The sequel of the banks refusing to pay out than any one day to any single depositor was the doling down of several big factories yesterday employing in the aggregate hands Mi William Elliott of Bolton Ont was thrown from seat of Irs buggy driving on Wednesday His feet can in in the springs and dragged a considerable dis tance the runaway horse He died morning Johns to Owin to the depression in the United Slates French Canadian mill operatives are rctmnjng Canada by hundreds some of the trains being almost wholly monopolized is said many of them are assisted by corporations by whom they were em ployed Chicago Aug Mayor Harri son in addressing the National Guard Surgeons yesterday made the statement There are people this city today unemployed and almost destitute of money If Congress does not give us money we will have riots will shake this country A oneyear old child belong ing to Joseph of Tiny had a narrow ecapo from the devouring jaws of a Ian week The mother was out berrying and set the child under tree and began her berry- picking two or three rods away She had scarcely left little one when its screams called her back ihe found a large pig had dragged the child about sixteen feet stripped it of is cutting cne hand bad and was trying its best to devour it Advance The following from an ex change will be of interest to many A- driver of a vehcfe who attempts to another on the toad dors so at its own peri for if an accident han- pens to the man he is passim the rear driver is responsible This does not nem the man in ad vance is not obliged to yield part of the road hut that the burden of carctresubn the rear dracf who is in a position j sec and avoid danger white the is not If in jury to the leading vehicle from an attempt to pass whether on county thoroughfare on a country road the driver is responsible the last session of the local Legislature an act was passed forbidding the sale of tobacco to minor Previous to the time when the act came into there were on every street of Toronto and several other cities of the slot machines for the vending of por tobacco and worse When the machines could be no longer used in this way on account the act aforesaid they were made to sell boxes of parlor matches Hut as usual the ingenuity of the lawbreaker has outrivalled that of the lairmaker The juvenile smoker is now supplied with prepared cedar bark It would be exceedingly difficult to prove that the substance is yet in the mind the youth ful consumer it wellknown finecut It is further to be fear ed because- smokers are easily persuaded thatthe stuff is absolutely safe Aug About nine oclock list night a pleasure party while going to a dance at the lower end of Lake George met with a ter rible casualty The steam yacht Rachel was conveying 29 people up the The little vessel was turned toward the One Hundred Island home and was gliding toward the landing the passengers were thrown forward by a sudden shock In the dark the vessel had sun upon a sunken pier and before assistance arrived from the it sank with all on board It was only a few after the shock when the yacht careened to one side and went down in feet of water- The shrieking struggling passengers battled for life in the Women threw their aims and sank beneath the face and when brought ashore life bad fled Deeds of heroism were performed by Ihe men Nine were drowned Liniment is Best

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