Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 4 Aug 1893, p. 4

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ft vvr t J- If you wish your Linen to be White as Snow Sunlight will do it TO Why to lit public j How CM If lrll It bt it will clothe l- la far with Labour Ccdtt will J Won Is That not the m dm In IOQf ill- try it Saved Her Life Texas life or by the Pectoral One had by to well One I by W PATTl- AT Ac 1833 935 Remember the yon who onto of God ban lit Ephu ted by ft mob He to terft which to Greece be months mad thrnoe returned with friends by in the to by A IbflJ down the Mi nor Abort of the ship Opportunity MJid end eltfen of the church After renew of bit Peal la the wtards or the le4on Difficulty not a it It ui lor better work as important repeni love for is side by side with tor All truth is of only beoome Lie rally dented of pure and power is something we multi ply by increase by a witness leu the be known by and through Motions the WHAT TO 1B0U The of Mr in at the Ontario College forwarded bis to the Ontario Government It was promptly accepted Government purchased a large of wheat was ex hibited at Manitoba Provincial and will have It distributed at Worlds Fair in little which are to be given may on to It it bad to wjuib aliniilog HJpIlc Ibe I audi do part of a bottle of lh three doses at waited From and lo itme rte wis and eluw alire and and I do pot to say Im- AYERS Cherry Pectoral far Dr J AycraCo Lo veil I Prompt cure KMCi ILEKONE A POSITIVE Belief I Iccflcli pur It a of merit met the of iboee It in KONK A Coll to Ice drnitwlcIS Of mll T- ffriloSOL Croat hot favorable to the now Provincial Government- It is said not a qnartet of the people are with it and of opinion is that the Queen must bo The Ques tion of Government will eventually bo pat to vote and Qaeen will win habits and of Job a man are opposed to our- Frit points oat some of these differ ence They shave off their let their fiqger nails grow they drink their tea told and their wine warm wear while for and a his back to his teacher Food Digestion Complexioii ore 11 intimately connected practically inseparable Though the feet is often Ignored it nevertheless true that a good complexion is an impossibility without good digestion which in turn depends on good food There is no more common cause of indigestion Uian lard Let the bright housekeeper use The New Vegetable Shortening and substitute for and her checks those of her family will be for more likely to be Uke a rose In the CoTTOLBNB is clean delicate and popular Try it Mads ontf by CO Wellington and Ann MONTREAL Rrtt raan who to Can he but iron Bud only In Lho How men a to monarch Without JUijbl I aa mm tbcdr Tat iYitj oUy a article as the probable caoca Sir Trippers return to Canada in which tbe intimation a gireo that ho will succeed Sir John while the latter will to the quiet of Supreme Court The article goes on to say that we are on the startling chaoses in Federal and blots that w Chat Topper another the per son of Sir Hector Langevin will be CabBet WILL CURE OH RELIEVE BILIOUSNESS DYSPEPSIA INDIGESTION JAUNDICE SALT RHEUfl HEADACHE DIZZINESS DROPSY OF THE ACIDITY Of THE STOMACH DRYNESS OF THE SKIN Joke on Thanks said the Reverend Doc tor taking the match and the cigar This reminds me of an other match Did on one erf those branchline independent go-as- case Southern railways I did once and the monotony was varied by a lovely incident As we waited for he conductor at a station he had stopped off to visit his family a young couple came aboard in a hurry Before long we learned that they had eloped and hound for Gretna Green just over the State line where the law didnt call for a license and other delays in marrying They were greatly flustered because the irate parent was in pursuit But fin ally the train got away without the parent appearing say got away and mean that it left the station but the station you know wasnt any kind of a Finally the State line as passed and the longdesired town reached and as we all alighted who do you suppose None other than the irate parent His patient mule had ahead beaten the train and there he stood the parent not the mule a con quering hero ready to intercept the two- We found been wailing nearly thirty minutes But doctor interrupted a list ener why didnt you perform the ceremony on the train when you reached the State line I did said quietly That was the joke on the parent Magazine To be is Superior to on it Id owning The pare la heart bare Of lore To cheer them in their journey To brighter realms shore I true ideal of The one shore others Is loving God Father men brothers taring THE LEADING Full of PUREST BEST do Uroe y I Toronto A Smooth Trick Thats mine Its mine The two men spoke simultaneous ly and reached at about the same instant for a piece of green paper on the sidewalk The man with the purple necktie was a shade the quicker of the two His hand closed over the paper just in time to be clutched itself in the grasp of the other man a dusty travel stained pilgrim a yalise There was a momentary struggle bot the man with the purple necktie retained possession of the prize I saw that first my friend re plied the other why didnt you pick it up You jumped in ahead of me I saw it as soon as you did if not sooner I was making for it when you stopped was nearest to it I had the best right to it I demand Softly my dear sir said the man with the purple necktie retreat ing as the other advanced Poss ession is nine points of he law and the point youre trying to make is not well taken I think first and I certainly got it first I am to keep it unless hello he ex claimed as he opened out the piece of green paper and looked at it its a bill say its a bloody shame and a And every disease arising s roar a ok qoo CO How to Got a Picture Why I Ji a ft Man up Si vu ill revive by a 4l on y way ili- i will in J Write it To EnADy admirers of it will be tolwra a Iron of its aqthor General will scon be prcu of A the States sad sod Book io Thin fiMT ThoPrinn of India Canstantiooplo sod like Wallaces works it io ait historical Speaking the book is a tale lore war and religion While to Turkey was for the of those materials which In to and in The Prince of India the malt appear in all stylo gave to Ben Hen a popularity that indicates for new book an immediate and large etc- Already orders await lite iaacot lie book Sti It Sri lf Mr in J fir the score The pi a Li is mi in tlic tit liVl ih VilLe the S iiiMud and played it Hair of I nil lt dflf4l until M of Amrca did lire I wield adrUe every hold larAaef cured Day America Curs tor tbaerAtem For sileat 9 CaabttLa4at0cous only- It wilt care any cares c It curs sol case ctireble cation uadtir a so human and hutan aod all CTred jd Jo rjinrjr Wodferts fiaaltary Pot tale at realJl wws Blood An Afternoon Tea in Japan Then came the process of making the tea writes Hoi- in an interesting article An Afternoon Tea in Japan in Ladies Home A jar of water was brought in A theteacuidy two tea a whisk anil other The bust another untied bag and out the lea purple silk was lieu pro duced from his girdle and ihe tea- howls carefully dusted The napkin then shaken and folded in snd the the lei which the in hi die he water ladle as then luted from its and with hut from the was put The trover the formally replaced itie returned to the was slowly and with a white kin Several to in the form a fini en powder were then taken from rjul with all irtu the The rover ihe kettle was a hot water a it loured on the lea and the rest returntd ly to kettle a viyor- with and at last a greenish creamy looking was guest of the bowl the host in her right hand steadied her lifted it to her forehead in token of her thanks and after observing the quality of decoration put it to her lips and drank the contents bitter quinine to the uninitiated but to he devotee of no savory in the extreme gravity if not with grace we three Americans each in turn went through the ordeal The host served and on drinking apolo gized for the poorness of the infusion a mere formality but one never omitted The were then around and admired The one from which I drank made in the province of and was two hun dred years old The teacaddy said to be five hundred years old was also duly examined together with the brocade bag in which it was kept Enthusiasm rose to the highest pitch perhaps when we feasted our eye on the teaspoon a plain little device in bamboo but Interesting of itji having teen made by the of the Too Our must have re lief but that relief can only come when we adjust ourselves and our style of Hying to far simpler methods than those which now prevail in our homes fink in the August Borne Journal Do mestic expends are tricky things they increase almost i percept therein lies their danger Addition is easier than subtraction A soon becomes a necessity Too many of us know where to begin but too few of us know where tost p But all this time our women are wear- themselves out by the frightful wear and tear of housekeeping on a scale which compels all too many to live in positions No matter how much a man may desire every thing comfortable in a home he val ues the health and happiness of his wife above all things- If he doesnt he isnt a man I concede that men are in 9 measure to blame for this excessive housekeeping Many a man wellintentioned brings burdens upon his wife because he Un derstand what he is doing But our women arc at fault hcte well A wife should not silently assume burd ens which in her heart she ft els in capable of carrying No matter how much she may husband that is illdirected tha allows a to her beyond Iter physical resources even in the noblest resolve for he highest motive One of the most largely at tended barn raising ever held in the township was ibat of Peter tear con on The new Ijaril of modern design a huge structure wilh toot cellar unite to the old burned was all and ready for raising by Ha rl live oclock There fully died steady fanner ABOVE Dr Pierced Gulden the Wood neiiis it builds up A iiivjgoratcH ev ery part of this Fur evrry and for ev ery llSit front on in liver or 1m- it in only that it can he If the cry faile to bene fit or cue you have your back diseases are JluyVo ditTurcnt In form but like it the torpid liver into healthful action purify the blood and there a euro Discovery does this nothing else can Biliousness ail Iliroat and Affections every Scrofula even or Lungscrofula it earlier stages and lh Skin and are completely cured by it Hold on Tilts is a bigger find than I expected I though it was a fiver I am willing to divide it with you Isnt that fair Isnt it a little more than fair The dusty traveler reflected a moment he said 1 guess thats square enough Got a bill No but if wait here a minute III take this into a cigar shop round the corner and get it changed You neednt do that I think Ive got a ten With some alacrity he crew a leather wallet from his pocket opened it extracted a bill and handed over receiving the in exchange Two hours later with a fierce gleam in his eye and a hickory club j in his hand he was hunting for a man Milk with a purple The bill was a counterfeit Chicago Tribune K A of nitric acid blew up and set fire to The fire put ui much was done This is the time J champion of America has issued a challenge to champion of the world and is witling to row the Australian on almost any terms A race will probably be the result Liniment cures La Grippe For Years wlih la ihe tower part of U ion a pot the my tond- jugUiO attack la iaii to effort ere a to per boar night lading bait ft day louring wreral days aJI I and the suact almost dally then about years of ibis I token down with typhoid I to recover wont of toy old I iperinced- At the of the my Ay my doctor as betas better ihmh bo prepare I continued taking thesa Pills peat IxcnOt dditng nearly years l bad tut attack of roy fanner trouble wWb to remedy AYERS PILLS bj J ft Co Every Dose Effective family of vacation are Rakes hoes lawn mowers SPADES SHOVELS GARDEN HOSE OPAQITE BLINDS AND CORNICE POLES READYMIXED PAINTS ALL KINDS OF FENCE WIRE SCREEN DOORS AND WINDOWS SALE Shropshire Rams DASH AND BARREL CHURNS lilt SUTTON Mary week for the Worlds Mr Eaten Williams and Torontoare spending their on lake shore Mr- J Elliott Mr- of Backhand wife Stouffville at Lake View House An excursion from Beaverinn was in at the Point yesterday There were about on board many of whom came up the village did sights The returned from the boat race at on Saturday reach- here about in the mornirg The passengers no doubt were a sad and wiser lot they arrived the wharf On Friday evening last a musical gathering was held at he residence of Reeve The musicians had a on the lawn for several hours serenading the neighbors and a large crowd of wayfarers on the street a a- i Tools a Special Abo Painters and BlackBrnfths Supplies J A W ALLAN CO a S1IJ AURORA- A couple of wouldbe dudes were caught curling their hair the other evening YOUNG SHORT HORN BULLS ft tow Dor S3 TOE STALLION limited 11 br will stand fit tain ml Id Now York mil OAK RIDGES Milan dAMOlhofWcb Wchtfl the H ST BMNTFORD BlOYGLES HAVE A VALUE THEV ARE BUILT TO SELL AT THE PRICES OFFERED rhe Bicycle Brantford DiKT AGENT- j aw NEWMARKET DUNNS BAKING POWDER BEST FRIEND SALE IN OLD For r NEWMARKET BOOK NEWS DEPOT BARGAINS IN Central Telephone Office W N STARR ihe by of Sagos a reward of 500 for an incurablo of Catarrh The question arc you Hilling 10 try if the are wilting to S OILS best LARDlNE CHAMPION GOLD MEDAL OIL OF THE MACHINE OIL DOMINION CYLINDER OIL Telephone No MAIN to Mite Buna- L Mrs J Rogers Tuesday night for Meanedwa Manitoba to K5X visit her daughter Mrs Speare She will most remain there until some time in the fall PERSONAL ATTENTION TO Dispensing STUART S06fTM r TUB AND iUmj CANADAS AND JOHN WITH AN EYE Anyone can see the superiority of our STOVES AND TINWARE The goods we manufacture are out of solid material Now is tho time to order Milk Pails and Cans before the Spring rush HODGE CO MAIN ST SOUTH Mr H Broad who left here for British Columbia for the benefit of his health something over a year ago returned home on Friday last The trip and sojourn in British Columbia has very much improved his health About twelve members of the Club took a run down on their wheels on Friday evening Mrs Butcher left last Friday for Chicago to visit her son Mr Butcher also to attend the Worlds Fair In accordance with a petition sent Mayor by a number of ratepayers a meeting was held in the town hall on Wednesday evening to discuss the propriety of purchasing the electric light plant There was barely a score of ratepayers present when the meeting was called lb order however as the evening advanced the number swelled to nearly a him- A resolution was passed leav ing the whole mailer In the hands of the council to do as they thought I STOUFFVILLfe Mr and Mrs Seth of New market spent Sunday at George OBrien while dadoing in Cpok- planing mill on Saturday last had two fingers badly lacerated Miss of Queensville is spending a few days at the home of Rev Percy Miss and have just returned from a weeks visit with friends around New market James Chambers had a narrow es cape on Friday last from losing two or three finders of his left hand He got his hand caiight in the hay press ing machine and the under part of the middle finger sliced off to the bone An adjoining- finger was seriously bruised The telephone company new poles through the yiilafce placing them closer together and in creasing their height to forty feet The old poles necessitat ed in many places the mutilation of shade trees which will now be per mitted to a proper height before heading back A citizen of Goodwood traded horses a short time ago and led his new beast home priding himself in the good bargain he had made but to his astonishment he soon discover ed that only part of the horse he got belonged to him as another man had a chattel mortgage lien on it Our friend immediately returned his fraction of a horse to its former owner and got his own back On Monday evening Neil all a R employe met with what might have been a rather danger ous experience He was riding round the course on the sporting grounds on a horse belonging to Newberry of and when stalling on the home stretch going at good speed the animal fell breaking its front leg at the fetlock and rider was sent headlong for ward upon the ground Mr had one ear badly mangled and received considerable of a bruis ing and shaking J Stony was summoned and pronounced the animal beyond profitable cure and it was taken away and shot Tribune A Wood V n VBrr alibi Vioj37 Sir 0 HOUSE- To Let io OR SALr- A iwotiory bona to Oorfcut new tod Otto tor of i q 0- tall trad Nam it Block- Id Iratu Only biro m or ptj weekly iMfUory MAY BROTHERS DR WAatDNOTOX lb 1HI Vktorb urn Mtlrn A or will ttl Sw sh6DrnmiiQlbofaaekttBAot3itll owl to from hU Catarrhal raiKJo will wear twice long as any other make THE FINEST ENGINE OILS ARE MANUFACTURED BY BROS FOB A CO AND THE ThlWLCanSons OF NEWMARKET LUMBER Shingles Lath Siding Doors Flooring Sash Moulding and Blinds OUR AIM I wlUtM TUBS GOOD WORK lowest POSSIBLE PRIOEa SHOULD BUILD A RESIDENCE WITHOUT ADOUT OUR INSIDE SLIDING BLINDS One who watches street life in a great city will often witness amusing cases of absent One day a young girl came tripping down the steps of her New York home In her hand she held an elevated I railroad ticket and a letter to be mailed She hastened dropped in her ticket and walked hurriedly to nearest elevated station What she did there we can not say Not less was man who after huyinj a dollars worth of elevated railroad tickets tore off one which he put into his vest pocket for future use and dropped the other nineteen into the box On a Siaten Island long ago a young man was seen to take a cigar from his pocket lie seated himself comfortably on deck with his evening paper struck a match and lit his cigar which with a nonchalant toss he threw it over the railing retaining the burnt between his fingers He opened his paper his lips also then casting a hurried glance about to see who had witnessed the mistake beat a hasty retreat In this case he made the best possible disposition of his cigar The Hell Telephone Co offer 70 a year for a monop oly of the streets Wheeling July While playing about a firo in the woods near Bridgeport Ohio today the 10yearold daughter of Charles Van of this city was burned death by hex clothing catching fire Linimeot is the Beit- rex Royal Co An iff- ml to PAPER MILL cot ROACH FATAL TO COCKROACHES AMD Q Montreal Wall Paper Factory A CO ftriJIkilr MUBIUSE A U01H0 gg OSTRICH MB ALL tanj S THE EQUAL OF PARISIAN HAIR bT clew d tit d imm WlUi J We W price of 5 Sold txra i

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