Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 4 Aug 1893, p. 3

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t r m TUESDAY AND FRIDAY Are our Bargain Days have mil ever heard of them To morrow Saturday morning quote a few Money Loos ing Prices to clear out quickly HighClass Stock not fas selling We have no more room for them Its hard or you to believe that we can deliberately quote prices be low cost but here it is for you piece French China Dinner Sets Wholesale price in Montreal cost of Freight Cartage and Packing nothing about our price was and sold by City Re tail Houses Now on Saturday morning only and J Dinner Sets for 00 7 JO China Tea Sets 50 Flower Pots for And a lot of other Crockery Bargains Wall Paper cents and Gilt Wall Paper cents- Are you interested Dont forget Tuesday and Friday you are sure not to ROCHE CO coma Auto I will do I To light Is ton bow uld Heres a Chancr the old bonding tood of Street proprietor manner In which the dMgortd brick block ho bo rid of lhl bat KEroly the liU cat Initial P upon brick in the will Mr o pronged be ttMcfi evening tin new nut of to the boy who could colling He Intend to hot far the very flrwt he ratchet at despicable First Teesday Hi Fran ICO bushels All in Mr 00 Catch At of da morning Mr J Begirt had Arty ml her on thought the heard moving the boflift go op if deceived faer the Booth room jut in time to ea the of A depart from the window the and they started in permit no trace of the burglar By forcing open the Venetian blind he obtained at the window partly open nothing been people hill hare taken the thdr window an properly fuUned tinea the Festival Opt with Band arrived in town night and met at depot by the local officer and of the Farming into pro- the band played from the station to the quieten whew lunch After tea the into Line and bating their by good lively wldk marching the tact ntnniedi to corner where an open air meeting held and solos were rang cornet Mloby Morris with much credit iba mat and Borne choice ejection the Band when be beaded for the Hall for a flalJel place packed Staff CepL Frederick opened the gram with a eon led by the Band Paring the evening many ren fang with banjo The with and a took Richard olo alter the by Staff heartily applauded and playing on banjo good ifortta at the organ and played bio The meeting was at a lively rate fox two bowa lt the of the bond taking an active On the on- the program a held The them- highly pleased Newmarket and to ratnrn at the ftnt for another Saturday evening and day Sunday They drove Aurora after the meeting dosed and left by train on Monday lor Toronto Mi Local to is going oh in town Who Said Times were Hard of chefri When we were boya 2Ao a pail a fair price- Mr- J B A of and Mr are to a report of the CoWeirtioa at Montreal In on Tuesday the ibiwt All are welcome Our boys went to to the for they hare mam the iiicrujtoh afternoon tbe here that will be Krrt A New Book The Buffalo fix- of last gives an excellent portrait of Dean of formerly of Newmarket and an impar tial of hie new work of Early in Canada which it J the Het which prpdaced for many a day in our local field re- the whole regioo as aevsed of a when it to matter historic Oar however apparently wellgrounded in hie and doea good In pointing error In Bancroft and even in Gittnary Shea The conspicoons of work lies id the tact that ho a limited field th present province of Ontario has worked cat and arranged the record of the Catholic Churchs early work in that field and hat told the whole in a style which for acidity and charm diction commends it for comparison with author of this interesting and nee- Col work the Very William Richard Harris la a pariah priest of the city of St Catharines and dean thai portion of the of known as the character written In his portrait which tells of youth vigor a strong broadly trained intellect- end high spirit uality Harris was born in Cork to At an age became to this country with hie parents entered Michaels College Toronto and having Go FOR itinerant gender town- which ted in Wows The see they acme thing to the sidewalk for their con duct A Good Stoppm of the the rear of St- John on and took lively toward Main into Mr fence with force that three were broken ho ever the fedoe to have the worst of it as the horse Is able to be driven roand as Fruit Thieves Beware The new criminal code which into force 1st is calculated to deter those who have hitherto been too ready to appro priate the in peoples gardens to their own Those who have been In the habit of doing this mast he aware for the mean trick is punishable by a term of one month for the first offence and three years for a second offence Church Rev J Gardner last Sunday evening to a good audience which its pleasure at his advancing Improvement by close attention and many expressed themselves as well The regular Quarterly takes place nail Sun day east will commence at sharp and sacrament at close of the preaching service The is looking for a large attendance In the evening another of those delightful Song Service i a to take place Ac Grants to Tuesday was the last day for Treasurers of Township Agricultural Societies to make their re turns to the Coonty Secretary The re ports at for the North Riding of York places the member as follows King East Whitchurch and North Onion The Government and to each society will be as follows King end Bast chorcb no now figure oh their prize lists Civic The Mayor has his proclamation announcing Thursday Aug as a Holiday Tilts is the day that Excursion the Fire Brido place and as they are a volunteer organ ration householder either patronize or ptn lbs gade a donation The trip trill be a the mods mas for at the were nerer as now By the aid of the electric street can and incline rail way the heights be reached with com- fort and from the delightful park on Hi summit the view is immense The tickets an Look oat for pott- ere Time to Call Halt Down town last Monday evening wbQe talking about the horse race a certain young man got rallied that he need considerable profanity on being reproved Instead of suit summons to answer the charge of profane language on the At solicitation friends be wisely decided to reform and settle the matter tat further We hope that lesson will have a whole some effect We are told that then are several families In town who ark obliged to keep open bouse till all hours of the of the of some young men in following in the paths evil playing cards smoking and drinking Take our advice and It before ruin and disgrace stare yea in the face Orchard people the af and ffte an worilmV Then a good ap preciated the yray Jn which ttae I Vj- of Sunday Schools in and Aurora on last wm a grand flte and sic hun dred taking advantage Of the cheap turn to spend a day at Toronto and Island Park The day was a little shower which did not the boat and train connections were good and the were jut such as to make everybody thoroughly the A boy got left on the Island Fisher found him and saw that he was cared for and came home in charge of the on the train next morning Matched Rack About hun dred people went over to the Fair Ground Monday to see the between intfe and A heavy rain jest previous to the time announced mads the track very heavy consequently three minutes waatbebeettlmemade took the first two beats and the last They were almost end neck the whole time and the Last heat was won by less than a bead- The judges were John Palmar of Richmond HOI Jaa kfajor of and Dr Howe Mr J was timer Immediately on the close the an other was made and John Rex the latter horse being owned by Mr Geo Arnold of Bottbnto take place on the same for a tide on the J J i fit- 1 A I AT THE AaiiaiiSikilk SELDOM SEEN Fkll ia a failure Iblok on The hail storm on Monday did lots of damage breaking window pane and knocking down grain are to bear death Rob King- Ho died on Monday and was on Mr SiwrloD frill the antra sermon on Sunday at six oclock In on tha Colo is laid with a sore hand SAVING OF Miss Jessie has just re turned from an extended visit with relatives in Toronto Mrs Clarke and her son Hugh have relumed from a lengthy visit to her parents Woodstock Miss Alice Steele a teacher in school is visiting at her grandmothers Mrs Mahon Miss Etta is visiting relatives in Little York On the light land to the north and east of grasshopper is becoming a burden ROACHS 11 lotting up ho got re- thai next day he a rr ftobertifetattfi Harvest AT THE the ma cleai A Bonanza all goods Doors Win- dowa Oil per goods A Brant fa Nearly one hundred people attend ed the Song Service on the North Shore last Sunday evening Messrs J Charles and Paul Big Sail were over from Snake Island Beautiful solos were given by Mrs and Miss while three little girls also sang very sweetly in solo and duett The next one will take place a week from Sunday evening Squire McCordicks wife who has been confined to her bed for three weeks was able to be out for a drive on Monday Mr Martin Taylor of Holland Landing who is putting up a new I house at the Point has it all except the cookhouse Aurora Lake has arrived Another contingent is expected next week to swell the number to about or We have very pretty Prints on hand Some new Paterae in and Navy juat in the lest we will get thia season LACE MITTS PARASOLS ion tried our Black Cotton Hose Wo guarantee them to be absolutely stainless A fall line of Shirtings and on hand at the Right Prices Our Groceries are all Fresh and of the beat quality NOW the time you Want to get the best value in Sugar VVe only keep Granulated the best and purest that can be got Try our Blended Tea at our Coffee at PLAYTER Telephone Main St NEWMARKET there St Pauls Church A small ex- to to com- decided of this J ho Appointed l0 ArcbbJshop of Toronto and ac- pink alao by brief to attend mDLcal after tbo ounncil the College of lUo repaired and a o as tolight nights York Pioneers At the regular meeting which was held at Canadian Institute Toronto on Tuesday afternoon Mr Read read a further portion of Mr aocouot of the Drat of Newmarket and aarrodndlag Mr narrative an the first ceremony performed the River Mr via to perform the ceremony riding to the place e to be performed when a river with stop ped him While he was on the bank the prospective bride and groom appeared other tide of the stream pilous their and and holding clothes high oat of the rood The rode as for into tbo allow and from there the happy couple- SHARON is tout vt i fijiwe on and pass lha time rtsy arc for Ji ite to j A J of MRltliR Mi Find each The of the on Street baa added our raor to Mothers are of it in It test without a bra was tarnad in and even J ray at Mr Ward wants now and tala from fire Court The Mayor an at last w foil how In jXnt j for mo without tags for JI atttled but and took JH- r Caldwell tried to ucjtgotho ground that the do his did to It a ftnd in destroy hut came soma cat and dog matte s of witness were iiaiaouid The went to Wonging to Mr Holder cat last down by aud it io caao laid J who at rst cat charge being and of After evidence the caaa waa tor eleven of the carter to for violation of lie wtolook are owners of J lags for allow the un aroDsd wlihont having tbo Hutschtd The great re ntfn going Jy woo- a nhita ho Aiiished bit of and took tha Bachelor of he by Cardinal hlstorio church of St Mary The venerable Archbishop he left Homo on first day of July of that year and the principal cit its of of On hit to Canada he contiucted for a time ma secretary to the Archbishop then cpma rector of until when he to the of sue in his fitld which on his health was by years In the From with health be his has brought many results of Canadian recently of bia shurt ration of parish he a amoout of ability and to writing has a dfat of bis dtep in the educa tion of bis ha baa the important tit for the the ntt school In which are Introduced all modern improve- men to add to health and comfort of both and pupils all before of two years ha will have completed build ing ousting io to the work peculiar to bis priestly lie finds time for and study which by the manner and matter of hi aermona and pnlpil lie also a deep Jo popular arJQcatlo has no oppor tunity of pushing on the end of the muses Irrespective of or A an evidence we that for many years was Idcotiltul with of ha vice socb was bit the that when pat la by The Artesian Just what on this terrestrial Iobe at a depth of from two to Iwo hundred a mystery fall of conjecture and who bore wells often potto their wits cod to obtain the desired re sults This ib the csac with our fathera the well hot not so much now as to whether is pore water feel below as to how to it to flow clear in qofintitiee big well was just on Tuesday when an pump y ft Iqok had to stick io the bottom and upset all AH day Wednesday was spent id devising Some to get it oat The Fire A Water met the name evening decided todrivo sand clean in At noon yesterday thty had tho sand pump all but inches The hailstorm on Monday last broke over And thirty lights Temple considerable dam age in otber It most severe storm that has been in this locality for a number of years Mr- and Mm rents spent last Sunday at Mr- Robert Terry family visited a of week with friends at Lake Bicncooa I A few of onr villagers availed themselves Of the to Toronto and Park last report a delight- fnl trip Miss is pirt of her vacation at Miss of Toronto fa the of Addfe at present I Mrs J a dab her birthday on lsst when a num ber of from and a most enjoyable day with her from Chi- this week where aha has been visit- nearly a year past Her young will be pleated to moot her Wo also back Ml Hernia Tat ton who has been visiting Picketing for time past of Toronto le to village this week BIG LOT OP OUR MATCHLESS CENT TEA ARRIVED THIS ALSO Ceylon Monsoon Congou Pekoe and Pine Young Hyson To be Sold at Wholesale Pricee We are reaching out polling more and more of our Teas which are the wonder of North York We are buying of all our leading grades in larger and still larger quantities The Tea consumers of this neighborhood are getting and appreciating the advantage of our unique position As an important and grand accompaniment our trade in FINE GROCERIES For we are determined to have quality right as well as price has rapidly increased to a point beyond any previous season in our career necessitating Delivery of Purchases to our Customers in Town by Horse and Wagon which will insure promptness so necessary in this department a Try us you will gain in value save money and avoid worry TERMS CASH AND ONE PRICE R J DAVISON A We arc giving special attention and can at bottom The Citizns Band engaged for another Garden at Holland Landing Tho fall terra of the High in and towns OS the wtJj of August Tho for the in i not brilliant for Canada While crop here is to he limited Eng lish supply is to be ample to meet the demand Nona bat the chofceet winter will find a isle in the foreign Newmarket bicyclists visited Lata lst and had to without his wheel It needed repairs Know All bun tar correspon dence in dry weather We to a leather medal Patter son of is building a ue vault at cemetery Mr has laid off work for two or weeks on aocoopt of a Mr polloJ pound of tomatoes off bis vinos Mr had an odd one last Friday evening of Lake with campers MOUNT On Saturday evening Mr J- conductor who has had charge a train on this division for the past sixteen years presented with an address accompanied by ft watch and chain as a slight evidence of the in which he held by his tunny friends in this place and vicinity Mr Piggott leaves week to take charge of an ex rain between Midland and a promotion which he well a large at Church last Friday when League was at home with Christian Endeavor The basement up in ftD everybody enjoyed themselTtst has from Ohio after an bsenoe of years John Jeuolngi have moved to Brown nui has moved back to cor village from Toronto He fa going Into tea What is ration those people who gut and profane language on the araootbanlod np In a drunk en row at blacksmith shop man was with a bar of Iron another had torn Co la hoped that the next Job Conn- ell has they It to who leave It hall dons In front of a place honor was upon him by of all of with whom wan A a rut J door for at W A at Do at l King Cin July met at hotel all preKat in the chair following bills were to be paid Nell Campbell repairs to bridge on 10th con John to north IS Edward Millar gravel Chamberlain re grant 11th Joseph cedar and work Prawn W0 J toller repair to BUI coo A gravelling road J J Pearson fees Roes sideline Iota re pair to moving sewer pipe King station brush for road coo Geo re grant coo Kerr repairs KlrloD bah MA for gravel grant on King and Albion James Drown gravel pit Rosa gravel Wilkinson and gravel at Ramsay grading Oamblo road 3rd cod cedar for John keep of Indigents John black- bill by Jas Cherry seconded by It that Ibis pay Sid- 99000 In full for his claim against Ibis township for gravel and damage caused by Its removal by Lemon thai the coqdqII pay Thomas In foil for his for damage to harness boggy self Carried Moved by A by that pay to Mr Daniel four being for damage to between lots 16 and cab Moved by A by that George for damage to bo not ttteriMd- Carried Moved by A hy Jas Cherry that following sheep claim paid being vain Walk- Carried Moved by A by Lmdod that this commit Lloyd Brown to remove their sees off road allowance at on ad have by eg next meeting of at ROBERTSOjTS BAKERY We haw received a of SILVER GLOSS STARCH are selling at only pet lb No bargain day about this but we will sell at price every day until cleared out Extra Granulated Sugar 15 lbs for 100 Beautiful Bright Yellow do 19 100 PURE MANILLA TWINE Guaranteed feet to the pound PROP- Agency JUST ARRIVED New Lines in Jewelry Have you Wed our Mixed Tea it is immense also our Blended Black at equal any Tea on the market GOOD BAKING POWDER ONLY 20c lb We are having a big run on this line it good as other Powders sold at per lb We are now handling BAKERS CELEBRATED COCOA Try a Can and you will take no other JAPAN CRYSTAL RICE Ju the thing for ladies during hot weather No cooking required SugarCured Hams and Bacon Golden the best in the market Ice Cream and Soda Water on hand Give us a call ROBERTSON TH Toronto TO no rail per toes I I aas Setter lb Ilt44 4 004 on to on on on 1 SCO 000 CO IN CANADA TA1 MANITOBA Our yiotrper taJLho- per IHUptrbubi Wool lb MTOVt Mir Pit IB tTI au a as 05 OU CO IT BOO IS a or 000 on a a a a 10 a a 00 Fancy Hair Pins Cuff Links Stick Pins I Fob Chains Christian Endeavor Fob Fountain Pens t o At lowest prices ATKINSON MAIN ST JEWELER NEWMARKET ANTED tb Dry Owl bo 3 find wit ROOTS SHOES We bandmade shoes lor lew money than you pa for machinemade trash All rips sewed free MONTGOMERY SON TAILORING BOOMING We have the most complete stock of Summer Suiting on hand that cannot be beaten NOBBY SUITS FROM UP I MONTGOMERY AMmi

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