Kvery GEO JACKSON HOUSE REACHED SUBSCRIBERS iih la SarV5 tod to know tobahK A- ONTARIO BANK NORTH YORK INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER York Vol Single Cents taeh Newmarket Ont Friday Aug 1893 Strictly in Advance I or hi end of year ItLT Meager Branch A HANKING Allowed cm Deposit at DRAFTS ISSUED AT ATX bought tod J ROSS LEGAL load B LLOYD kBB1 Block WOODCOCK Main 48 to 52 MAIN ST G A BINNS SCREEN MEDICAL J WESLEY a p 5- a County or on Monday It J fimfltmd If So Aim I J I So KasIb op- Church I ROGERS D DENTAL Block lb UnhodUt Air for A TERRY Block S W To Fit Any Siz eWindow Ply Traps Dish Covers Water IceCream Freezers HAMMOCKS We have Received a Magnificent Line of Preserving Kettles ALL SIZES Granite and G A BINNS T ft HE MEDICINE All tell 1 tor art For A Era- Telephone No Repairing dona promptly DRCGS MRS C H SIMPSON Main Sundries Fncj Good AS KEKMAX Main- for Urn Work AUCTIONEERS ROBERT ROSE circa teWtace Arenoe A York Co BOOTS SHOES ALL KINDS AT THE LOWEST PRICES C C Co Gentlemen For years I have been troubled scrofulous sores upon my ice I have spent hundreds of dollars trying to effect a cure without any result I am happy to say one bottle of LINIMENT entirely cured me and I can heartily recommend it to all as the best medi cine in the world Ronald Bayfield Out Photos Photos lira ltd late TRASH For lh of York alrt J JEWELLERY SHGRIFFIS SignBed Boot The Leading Boot Shoe Store Mr to ho MAINTAINING THE And yotniDtee to ton outwork equal fa respect lo ell work ttr lothoproductlon V ad actinic will bo n4 Id or OIL Mr aim Kill not bo flood fiood with work but MttihclioQ- fiemember Stand When and om hit the flMt to reft ftwbllo tail nd a from Interruption In to an boar In retrotpocUon flilluig by In momenta The voice of departed frionds on the id distant peat Thai fled with fie yean Adoring Power u on In ftpito of dcubto aid Thinking of beyond Id the of yore Leaving mm heart so sad and be in mercy The Father toothed oar grief And It ii m child And I will give relief Mating thus oar rebound With aud Confiding in the tender That cheered oar gloomy days Silting till in thought momenta fly Inst While every seems hallowed by n toil thai hides Jind Is We caonot tali how wo may Bo called to pail within At anjrato it bo Before reach the To lay pains and down And weep sad teen no more Newmarket A I Book JflC40 gold and IS GENTLEMEN MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS Main Sewing JOHNSON Main taiaK UK Life mix lyrftniurr at kAThA pout time have really splendid bargains for to mis ihem is stmpy disadvantageous to you both in the loss of the finest clothing possible as well as money It matters not whether you want a single garment or a full suit our stock affords the oppor tunity of providing yourselves with strictly firstclass Clothing at Rock Prices Call and see for W D MUTCH Merchant opposite Starrs Hook Store Gents own cloth made neatly and Cheaply ALLAN fc LI VERY SMITH DENTIST CANADA LIFE BUILDING King- St Toronto CROWNING AND BRIDGING Roots and badly decayed teeth is now recognized height of excellence in dentistry when the work is done by a practical and ex perienced dentist We the saving of natural teeth even an ulcerated tooth can be cured and made as good as any tooth in the mouth The reduction in our charges made for filling and artificial teeth has proved very satisfactory and will continue to insert not only the best teeth but the best filling and finished plates possible to obtain at charges made by other dentists for cheap work We have no complaining patients ami will make a substantial forfeit to hear of any ft d in Insurance Office Cor Main A- A V K Northern FIRE INSURANCE at I A aid Life Co law sec TONHOHIAL Main IT WOOTTKS It Mala PAINTING v r r w Whllewanliioic Of tier iifomnIj loml HUG I IKS Main tod I folri of hi Hon Hi a Six W4 I SON I puck Kl J o chopping ftvery Manager St Of Market Trmn tooDi all J Prop SEEDS Carrol nod oilier Field is Garden Seeds fa balk INNK8 PURE KXTJU CM la for or HOYS AMI low J CANADA LIFE CO Capital and funds- DOLLARS 0 fooa J LICLNKKS- AVtba Ka HcWiaificL lit PUREST cU Alt Fa ilLHIC MR A8TOUFFER CONCERT BARITONE of CfifeTi of How EurkH MILLER TRADK lq America- Ktw iiul Scientific of Ep7 ftOMtd lib oat tuauusMgillrovftr TO LOAN At tit OH flnldwl farm DAVID LLOYD for Heal of Mar tug follow Tin QaKr or oDdoD 4 CHI Office Mala Yd tut feed the cold and no one cm to have or leading cKuumpUoo around SCOTTS EMULSIO Of pure ftTo7tilirt OH and Weak all Waring as as Squire sat alone in the room he named his study a frown upon his brow The door had but just dosed upon the slender shrink ing form of a young Squire Traf- only daughter on whose fair young cheek were tears and her delicate mouth quivered while sob after sob rose chockiogly is her throat She bad been summoned but a few brief moments before to her fathers presence with hope and happiness in her breast but in that lime both had flown away leav ing sorrow and disappointment to bear her company Nor was her burden rendered light er by the fact that another must fibare it When in manly Tom Fear ing had confessed bis love for her she hid but waited her fathers sanc tion to openly plight to troth and now now all was at an end I So had stern decree been issued and no thought her mind She bad seen her lover approach had listened to his voice seeking the master of the house had watched herself unseen the tall handsome form cross the and enter the study Then came words exciting and loud on the squires part and of calm remonstrance on that the younger man until last the interview was at an end and she in turn was summoned and commanded to think no more of one against whom could be raised no fault save that of the lack of No man unless he can offer my daughter a home in every respect equal to that she leaves shall dare sue for her hand thundered forth the squire and the vision of the pretty cottage with its vine wreathed porch vanished in gloom and stiffbacked chairs and sofas on which her eye had rested since her infancy How often she and the sweetfaced sad- eyed woman in arms she now found herself enfolded bad built in fancy a here a conserva tory there sent all the hated furniture to auction and put in its stead pretty lounges the easy- chairs with the dear mothers in the window where were to be flowers with the singing bird over her head Flowers nonsense decreed the master Let those who choose waste time and money upon the use less things but Ill have none in my house and when the baywindow was timidly suggested his indignation was too great for words but his look neither daughter forgot though it did its work College Ridicul ous he again asserted to the bright- faced youth of eighteen who ventured to express his ambitious hope and the place and office were not wanting in which to curb his absurd aspira tions and teach him that breadwin ning was the end and aim of a mans life He bad not gone early to work had he not toiled and saved and had he not sufficiently learned the value of money not to permit its foolish squanderings The soon get over he said to himself set tling himself back in the chair Pre sumption enough in young Fearing to aspire to my daughters hand with no money laid away in bank and the squire in the overwhelming ease of his resigned himself to the comfort of a short nap A boy with a telegram awakened him He had feared his busi ness might make a trip abroad in order to effect certain litations in the European market The confirmed his fears He must start at once There was nothing of which he could complain in the preparation this hasty decision involved His trunk was packed with careful pre cision each article in its appointed place His wife had received his directions concerning the money she was to expend during his absence his son was doing well and he knew he might trust him His daughter Well by time of bis return her tears would have been forgotten She would marry a roan rich and respected and tome day thank him whom now perhaps her heart re proached Could it be that in her bye and in that of her who had Seen so long the faithful wife of his bosom there mingled a trace of some thing relief It was idle which crept over bis eyes at the thought he might never see wife or children again But he would hot tolerate in him self that which he could not in others and his farewell seemed somewhat more stern more cold owing to the slight need of concealment It had been a premonition perhaps he thought as on the third day the wind and seas arose and the vessel tossed upon its troubled surface a plaything at its pleasure Unless help soon came the ship was doomed said the captain Doomed I That meant death and here on the wide sea there was none to save The cold black waters would fold him in their chill em brace nor ever relinquish their hold What then availed him the gold be bad toiled for struggled for and amassed for such a Would he not give it all once more to see his daughter smile through her tears How little she of her place in the fathers heart who never kissed or caressed her And his wife How sadly she had Changed from the bright laughing girl he had brought a score of years to make the sunshine of his borne She was still young no gray streaked the light brown hair Only the smile had faded What a difference it wrought his boy his handsome manly boy who had come to so nobly with his young hopes and ambitions duly to find ihem wither at his touch But a cry arises lips blanch and races pale- The Ship is settling to her fate Not all his wealth can buy one moments life Is this death He feels no pain as he sinks beneath the angry waves but in some strange wonderful manner his soul soars Up ward and leaves his body to its doom as it takes its flight back to its home What means this change Have they so soon forgotten Here is the pretty bay window draped with lace and here the conservatory the fra grance of whose delicious bloom al ready greets him flowers are in every window plants everywhere He en ters Nothing is the same Alt is light and warmth and sunshine Nothing dark save the two shrouded figures who move so gracefully through the luxurious rooms Cab they who have so disregarded his wishes wear black robes for Him A widows cap covers the light Brown hair of his wife but her face looks younger prettier than he has seen in years although her eyes seem as though they bad kept solitary vigil with grief AH are busy with prepar ations for some event Even the son ahsent at college bis ished ambition gratified at last- is to be summoned home A newcomer enters his face bright and handsome who clasps in his arms the figure which springs quickly forward to greet him Ah I Already the father has been forgotten in the lover But what do they sap Can it be that part of his fortune has been appropriated to buying the in terest he had assured young Fearing was necessary for the success of his suit Yet lo what better use could it have been put than the purchase of his daughters happiness Why had he not thought of this How charm ing a home he might have made for her in the pretty house and grounds on the outskirts which he had and which was but one of the many be had owned Too late I too echoes in bis ear then his soul flies back again The waters come rushing over him he must make one desperate struggle for life and with this struggle he All has been a dream Bewildered The grim of study is unaltered the sunshine re through it Can it be that it has touched his heart as well Something seems fall en away from his vision some load from his heart and for the first time in years a tender smite plays about the stern mouth He rises from his seat and goes A Drill It was a society com posed of hoys and Their presi dent tried to find a name for them but did not succeed At one time they thought they would call them selves Snowfiakes but when some body called them Hailstones in stead that sounded so much more appropriate that they dropped the name altogether and were known as the Boys and Girls Missionary So ciety The girls met every other Saturday and sewed and every other Sunday afternoon the girls and boys met for an hour to study about missionary Work They were learning about Indians and were much interested Let us doi something said to raise money and send to help educate an Indian child But what can we do After thinking the matter over it was decided to give an entertainment consisting of drills One of their number had been to a military school and consented to teach all he knew So he a company of twelve boys and twelve girls arid with sticks and canes ihey met twice a week to drill their young captain shouted and over bis raw recruits far some of them were very taw- They carried amis point ing in ail directions they faced both Ways ordered to face one they anything but Veep step but they try and so did their captain who Droved a very commanding officer and they improved wonder fully in the meantime two young were drilling about a smaller girls to rock and toss and pat their dollies in time to There wis a general borrowing of little rocking chairs and a dressing of the dblHfcf in long white dresses a making Of white caps and for mammas After a number of distract the were alt the Boys and Girls Missionary So ciety resolved itself into a committee to sell tickets and made the young lady who had it in charge dis tracted by their incessant calls for mote tickets and piles five arid ten cent pieces they poured into her bands- For all the relatives friends andneigh- bought the tickets were so cheap and the children so eager When the eventful evening came the large chapel where the entertain merit was to be given held a lsrg and interested audience The organ ist of the church who kindly gave his services down to the piano and began to play a march All knew where the company was to come from Behind some curtains at one end of the room had been for some litrie a scuffling and a shuffling and asup- Now forward match and the youthful leader came proudly forth his trained company after him Two by two they came a boy and a girl from the age of down to a tiny child of eight The girls were gay in their ligbt dresses and caps with colored bows their wands wound with bright tissue paper and with floating streamers of all col ors But the boys had real borrowed for the occasion and red sashes They wound about now in now out they went through the manual of arms as it was taught them They marched to the inspiring strains of Marching through Georgia It was like looking into a kaleidoscope and one grew as interested as the gay regiment who did not know when stop till repeated calls summoned them away from glory and they slow disappeared And now to sweeter softer music marched out the little maidens their dolls In their pretty caps and aprons they stepped up on a low plat form where two rows of little chairs awaited them and seating themselves at the same lime all rock ed to the music and tossed and cud dled to music and the tiny girls keep ing time in these graceful motions was a very pretty sight indeed Then all together sang Baby as it is given in Babys Opera and hush ing their dolls to sleep rose and laid them in the rocking chairs them and with lift d fingers told the audience to hush Then they took up the dolls again and holding them up sang a little song of which his is the last verse Now dolly lis timo yon go to your rest My doll my doll Throw to who beat My doll my doll Throw my doll Throw two and three Dot keep dearest dolly tho best hist for For Im proud at doll tea bo each dolly by its mamma threw a kiss to the audience and cuddled in its mammas arms slowly toward his wife room As he passes his daughters chamber sobs reach his ears each slabbing like a knife Could it be he had listened so indifferently before He opens the door and enters She starts to her feet from the bed on which she had thrown herself endeavoring lo repress her grief but no words of re buke fall from her fathers lips he opens wide his arms and she springs amazed to their embrace Foolish little girl he whispers said only you must wait until young Fearing had bought an interest in his firm He has just procured it and as you are to have a husband with such prospects I have decided to give you the house and lot which has been waiting a tenant You must not keep it waiting long Then kissing away the now grate ful happy tears bidding her sec her lover when she would he goes on his way somehow feeling ten years had taken from his shoulders Wife he says cheerily as the mother hastily strives to To the music of a march all the pretty 1 conceal traces of recent weeping as are to have a wedding so soon it to me the old house should put on its holiday garb Women know more about such things than men so I leave it to you only re member I am a rich man and it must be done handsomely so when our boy comes home from college did you not know I had decided to send him he may not bo to one day bring his bride here and perhaps who knows wile our child rens children may yet fill it with sun shine Then clasping the weary loving woman close to his heart he whis pered And you and I together will grow in their youth Owner of fishpond to man who trespassing Dont you see that sign No fishing here Angler with injured air yes and lis a Tie why there Is good fishing here look at this basketful Toe man must have been crazy who put that board up i ginatioD on bis part as idle as Ihe liniment for little girls with their dolls went softly down the room and out of sight leaving the empty little rocking chains behind them There was yet another drill but a very one The master of cere monies said he would read a live poem selected from a book of poems which would afterward be illustrated Eight timet the has The peep oer head the there A Bound of marchlog tread oily and village sad town The ere going to bed With or alow With face grave or bright By twos tod threes they go All robed lo of white And each with a glance night After the poem had been read the lights grew slowly dim and the room was very stiU Then softly out from behind the curtains came a white robed procession and slow sweet music rose to meet it They were little children in white hero and there a nurse in white cap and apron carrying a lighted candle The children were going to bed and they looked so like tittle pure spirits one could feel the tears come were it not for one little rogue in a red flannel gown and for certain glances from other rosy faces But most of them looked de mure enough as they pattered across the long room keeping time to the slow march At the other end of the room steps led into the library and at the top of the steps each with a backward glance called cheerily out Good night The drills were over but the audi ence lingered to buy the homemade candy and cake and some Easter tokens were offered for sale and to express their pleasure in the enter The children were greatly pleased for they cleared dollars and wrote at once to of an Indian boy whose school expenses for the year they might to pay They would have liked to make a friend of Red Weasel or but were finally contented with a Willie and gladly devoted half their earnings Then to make things equal as a boy had been helped they sent to another society money to be laid out for a destitute And then the Boys and Girls Missionary Society was mustered out of service for the summer Housekeepers Should Remember Johnson gives in the Albany Cultivator some household hints that ace yery reasonable That there are few servants so thor ough thai they should not inspect the refrigerator daily to see that no liquids are spilled or food allowed to spoil and contaminate the rest That dish water which is always impregnated with more or less veg etable matter should never be thrown on the surface of ground at the back door That all tubs ami basins in bath rooms and kitchen sinks and drains should be flushed with hot water on every weekly washing day That sulphate of iron copperas and chloride of lime two of the best disinfectants are but ten cents a pound and a plentiful use of either in sinks and open during the summer and autumn may prevent that dreaded disease typhoid fever That no hamper or other receptacle of solid clothing no matter bow decorated should be kept in a sleeping department That powdered borax plentifully used will exterminate cockroaches and water bugs taiy to It is worth any sacrifice to be able to lake the children into the country for at least a month during the hot weather If only one is possible August is Ihe They are enfeebled by toe torrid weeks which have preceded it and are in a condition to fall easy victims to dis ease This change is especially for babies as they are quickly and unfavorably affected by extreme heat A hammock is a great comfort It can be slung in shade of the piazza or under a tree and baby can sleep for hours in the open air in stead of A of mosquito netting should not be for gotten There ate sure to he flies if the more annoying pests are absent A colored blanket rug or thick shawl should be provided to spread on the grass so that the baby can creep about on it and come in close contact with Mother Earth A portable bathtub is convenient but not in dispensable Occasionally It is diffi cult to get washing done at reason able rates It is a good plan to have a number of pads made of old cotton or cotton waste covered with cheese cloth in the napkins These can be burned If you are accustom ed to sleep with a light in the room purchase a box of Ladies Home Journal A The tall aged sadlooking man ale a bountiful dinner at the restaurant and then with a check calling for cents made his way to the cashiers desk He banged down the check with a battered silver dollar and looked sadder than ever The cashier picked up the dollar and examined had a deep dent on one side and looked as though it had been plugged At that moment the customer spoke It is very painful for me to part with that dollar It saved my life once however and must do so again At the siege of I carried it in my vest pocket and dent you see there was made by a bullet which otherwise would have killed me I have kept it since as a memorial and it well nigh bleaks my heart to let it go but I must I have nothing else The cashier was plainly interested In what year was the he asked- Sixtythree said the man promptly And this dollar relumed the cashier is dated and is a counterfeit Gems of Thought Heaven will allow no man to se cure happiness by crime Behavior is a minor in which every one displays bis image Men do less than ought un less they do all they can Politeness ha been well defined as benevolence in small things The secret of making ones self is not to know when stop The rays of happiness like those of light are colorles when unbroken What do we Jive for if it is not to make life less difficult for each other He who boldly bears calamity is more valiant than he who dares to die Every duty which wc omit obscures some truth that we should have known The greatest evil of modem edu cation is ihe evil which it inflicts on health of temper will generally characterize those who are negligent of order Honesty is one part of eloquence We persuade others by being in earn est ourselves Liberality consists less in giving much than in giving in the right way at the right moment The exact value of any mans re ligion may be determined by noticing the effect that it has on his conduct There are many dirty roads in life but if you use your judgment may always be able to find a clean Crossing- More is got from on which the thought settles for a definite end in knowledge than form libraries skimmed over by wandering eyes FISH I FOR ERA READERS CAUGHT THE EDITOR CAMPING The reputation of being a good fellow never helped a man at a bank The court martial at Malta has ended in the acquittal of all the officers salmon run on the Skeena river C is reported to be poor this year Ely A despatch from Brisbane jays that England has annexed the Solomon islands By a runaway the daughter of William Ward as well- known resdent of was killed hear been cultivating the society of that pretty window Van what are you up to am try ing to kill the weeds The married men and single of had a foot ball match on Saturday in which the former come out second best- The new steamer jut put on the route between Niagara is feet in length will carry passengers C- of Fergus who was charged with offering to purchase counterfeit money from American green was fined and costs Horace the little son of Mr Alex who lives in the town ship of Etobicoke near this place had the forefinger of his left hand so badly lacerated in a cuttingbox on Saturday last thu ampliation was necessary Winnipeg July aS One of the worst storms witnessed in northwest ern Manitoba for years took place last night doing considerable damage to crops and property At West- bourne Gladstone and Shoal Lake almost all the window glass was broken by the hail A Windmill at was blown down The Presbyterian Church at Gladstone was destroyed and the Presbyterian Church at Golden Sream was moved from its foundations county commission ers accompanied by Esq County Clerk paid village an official visit re building county bridge on Monday last They could not entertain putting a bridge on- the Con Line over the Rouge as its esti mated cost would be but de cided to rebuild the Western or Milnes bridge They let the con tract on Tuesday last 10 the Iron Co It be a steel bridge of course Government Detective Greer and Constable have just returned from Ash lake where they arreted three poaching farmers named William and Clem Richards When remon strated with by the gamekeepers for shooting deer out of season they set upon and hear unmerci fully execute the warrants for assault and poaching The trio were fined ic and costs or days each While a very violent thunder storm was passing over Ivnelang recently the lightning struck Island lighthouse and lady shattered two sides of the structure The lighthouse keeper his brother nephew were sleeping in the building at ihe lime and bolt entered the room about eight inches above their heads leaving a hole in the wall almost large enough a replied could have an dollar in if it wasnt a counterfeit And the cashier was so dum- that he passed out a quarter in change and allowed the sad man to escape harpers Despatches from Medford Prentice Junction and Fifield Wis say those towns have been wiped out by forest fires- Hrpworth July afi Robert a aawmiller was chatting with his granddaughter at the dinner table when a piece of meat stuck in throat and choked him Efforts to remove it were futile and he died three minutes- over them without Hurting them in the least Even on the threshold of manhood we are subject to the sum mons God to go from this place of probation On Saiurday last Arthur son of David Wells of Temper- quietly passed away in his year Deceased had intended to take a course of education and was for a time a student at Collingwood Collegiate Institute but was obliged to discontinue study as that dread disease consumption had begun to develop He bore bis illness with extreme patience and gave good that he had confidence risen Saviour in a a