Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 28 Jul 1893, p. 4

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fe WlSV J ERA JULY 1888 All tod both far ufl Ml ml to with rata l la ttM In Cutto for put III been A Gentleman WIid formerly to but For tin put my If I rigor we to It which I dot bare ban of oar acquaint- Wo yean or bald bow mix its By the Hair VsorD0ibIO MM Id in y VIS the lair fill out day IpdBMd a efceckfd forth loss hair produced in new toi sod lUs I cm this preparation to need Is that It la elalmed fee- Antonio Bastrop Tex AVERS HAIR VIGOR AT itfjJ Acta Text- liev be la will gqtda you into all S3 TUB remaining a at Corinth retarded to ftocsompunted a m Epbevna by rtay here Prom Jamaalam bo wont to lh point rafjuJooiry toon after time on probably In A He again founded and phasing over to on A Utile a learned had to in of the Old and knowing in an ho to tie of Lord and And mora perfect Into them Paul found disolplea becftuto Ioour for Wo lose many uperifnoM becftnw do not Mrcb for opportunities be of nry Did receive when ye Christian can only be attained by the indwelling of the Holy Derby of Dr fint but you cant fool it after taken And yet it does good than any of oldfashioned with their grip ing and violence Theso tiny Tel- lota the smallest and easiest to take bring you help that Consti pation Indigestion Bilious Attacks flick or Bilious Headache and all derangements of the liver stomach and bowels permanently Theyre the cheapest for guaranteed to give satisfaction your money is returned You pay only for good you got en locks remove Im purities from to Scrofulous Sore DYSPEPSIA HEADACHE SALT RHEWM SCROFULA HEART SOU STOMACH DIZZIMESS DROPSY SKINDlSEASf- A Our educational system is admit tedly largely ihe very re verse of our municipal system Step by step the law has been gradually moulded so thai the people who are taxed for education have very little voice in controlling tbe expenditure The Educational Journal is now ad vocating another innovation and favors a proposition to have schools graded and a minimum salary fixed by law to be paid the teacher a di rect interference with freedom of con tract- If salaries of teachers is to be fixed by law why nbt bank account ants ledgerkeepers railway engineers and other callings The fact is our school system has so fostered the no tion of school teaching in the country that the woods are full of teachers while farms are being deserted by hundreds of young men who will never make their mark either as teachers or in other professions who would have made farming a suc cess The tendency of legislation is much to- blame for this evil causing thousands who have passed the re quisite examination for teachers but ailed to secure employment n that line on account of the profession be ing overcrowded to drift into second and third rate office work in the cen tres of population they manage to eke out a somewhat precarious ex istence The list census demon straits His to Rural dis tricts are barely population while cities towns have increased beyoni normal con dilions It is not pleasant to write thus but facts are pal- admit of question on this A change seems to have be come a and we ate glad to know Hon Air Minister of Agriculture for Ontario is seeking a remedy fur this slate of things by en deavoring to popularize farm life with its in its competency and thereby fostering a fur agricultural A offer of in gold is made the proprietors of At borne ml in Iry do make m for WO oar ftV j yet mil the good manner ion glow albert tell iter And Id lisleQ To rigbl Qlvo een will other tu To leader To mako their To and falcs In tenderness may bo lighter Kdow thing good Up from my They thrive uid blow grow By dint of loving Ob womankind In end En lacetf Or only veer fair That would the When would inscribe lhil do Upon year bennen For too well There no charm pd THE LEADING Fall of GOODS a Sage v Catarrh Remedy for any case of in no matter how had or of how long they cannot The of Life is too short for evasions quib bles untruthfulness and neglect if we desire to get the best out of life we must live the best To every man and woman blessed with a liberal or even a common school ed ucation there is given an added re sponsibility We must war against the corrupting influences of a foreign population which increases rapidly and brings with it vice and ignorance we must place our children side by side with children who know nothing of pure home training and children who never bad a home we must meet falsehood with and dis honesty with honor and so ttain the youth of this broad land that a false hood would be to them vile thing it really is At West the youngest cadet is taught that a false hood is beneath the dignity of an officer and a gentlemen in the wide world let us leach our young array of coming rulers in small thing as in great the mighty of Truth- Alas for any people when Honor and Truth makes way for Policy and Ex pediency It was who said Teach your sons that their deeds are but a firebrands tossing unless they are indeed just men and perfect in fear of God The Chautau qua tor rale teiy where The Sleigh for Princess HOES LAWN MOWERS SPADES SHOVED HOSE OPAQUE AND CORNICE POLES PAINTS Good When a young man does a wrong thing he is apt to excuse himself by saying he didnt think More is pity Given a young man of honest intentions and intelligent mind and he will not go far wrong if he thinks before he acts He will not a murder or forge cheques or tun away with a woman or money that docs not belong to him It is pre sumed that every thinking person thinks it is a good thing to think An eminent teacher has said To call anyone thoughtful Is almost the same as saying he is kind his life is occupied not in following out selfish inclinations which come into Ones mind without effort or praise but id forcing them to submit the test of thought and to reveal how by energy here or abstinence there he may more truly live for others thereby living more for himself The man who thinks broadly will get away from himself and from narrow creeds He will lore the whole world and give all who are in it so far as may be a living chance to act upon their better thoughts and so make the world better Ex ALL KINDS OF FENCE WIRE sTouFFviiiK 1 quantity of refuse and from the old ridcwalks is lying in front several business places have drawn in a pre vious issue to furious driving on out streets and now complaint is nude in reference to reckless riding on Main street What might have been ft serious accident happened to Misses Wide- man as they were returning from Stouflville Sunday When near the swamp a wheel suddenly came off the horse began to run and kick so they pulled it to one side when it got mired in a bog hole throwing itself and turning the completely upside on the top of the four occupants They were extricated by friends just behind but in such a muddy condition that they were scarcely recognisable AURORA a 53- SCREEN POORS AND WINDOWS DASH AND CHURNS I ft lit hi i a A Bright Lad years to public ihl to Lit Uld nut not would ibift wait bMiuM i tod pony A formed w I my It ana If hurt so as Co It rttolflpsOr Mechanics Tools a Specialty AH Painters and Blacksmith J AW ALLAN CO Telephone No 3- MAW to mm at tut me so his made Caswell IX Kio AYERS Sarsaparllla will rurJitCc nvUiiPiMmlffin a great aJ laglci who MtiftOr a of trior fa KUXK IS A iirWl For Ml by dramcltui by on W Out Sow to Got a To 0UT ten received In Hon J A IijeutQovernor IVoriTice will fall for homo tomorrow 1 wonts Why a Woman Old Sooner ft lj Limited St ami you will by a lecture from iii framing b your Louie Tim j in il only lc to in if you hat lie your carefully T jmblic Laving with in lht pottage to that from this Dominion and tin to centra ounce Sptihitor itimU that Mr ma of that city on the ro- Sir Henry Wood baa been otto judge for i Oat of apiomted tor Kmpirt Canada honor of otic of the number luduttrifcl hul a well in yMil tit lo ioiuiry into couiilaluti look a up to Avion Grey county lat ard he returned with him fruits of his v iisv4v line I a fanner was rftae aiis wjjrh is oner law The aivoscd adjinitud Jiisnilt antl Win the urn tint of the fine ami to it a to who arc in like manner the Ker The NViri limiKctor 10 think will id but in ihdib- mont will to of The contract for the building of ihe sleigh lo be presented the ladies of Canada as a wedding gift Her Royal Highness Princess May lias been Riven w Messrs Ledoux Co of Montreal The sleigh to thoroughly Canadian in and make is being built after model of one construct some twenty years the same firm for Government House Ottawa it is in use It will be a threeseated family sleigh runners an to be steel the body of Canadian white ash curved panels and the mounting of pure silver The runners will be painted a bright red with a thin black stripe the body to be in dark blue a border tripe in red The trimmings aie to l darkblue Canadian cloih off by ornamental and borders The will be fitted wilh a pole for to Mr Ledoux have the com pleted in and will keep it on exhibition at his for a few days after When completed at the with of Countess of Derby Ihe will lie photo graphed with horses rotas and everything complete as when in actual use will be sent lo the wives of each of in as well as to the Countess I at and to at Ottawa fur the Ladies Cotnmittc The will he pick ed and shipped by the Line early in the coming autumn to the Iukc and Duchess of as a token of respect and of the of the ladies of the of Canada The harness is the manufacture of Mr Irwin saddler Heaver Hall Hill It is and is mounted with nickel and silver Tbt coat of arms of the Duke of York appears eighteen the harness It docs Mr credit Aid Gairatt of London fell from a waggon and broke his The man who does as he thinks is far braver than is he who would afraid of losing friends or office We really pity the man who is nettled and worried every lime he loses a dollar as if dollars were the only things worth working for or woith having Some people think newspapers arc created to pitch into people especially if ihcy hold public office as a result such wise ones ate contin ually giving the ediiots pointers on feilow mens delinquencies- ft is so much easier or some people to criticise to commend Saying and doing are two dif ferent things Drums sound loud be cause there is nothing in litem Goid men know themselves too well tohant their own praise Good cheese sells without puffery and when men are really excellent people find it out without telling Liniment relieve FOR Shropshire Rams AMD SHORT HORN BULLS AIM a I Box Appir to n PERSONAL ATTENTION Go j THE 8TALLIOM BV llodirn dim by will tar OAK ftcknejr faorM bleb ftr h Bicycles have A STANDARD WISED STATUTES far cuff t of ID dtp retard for r ycart if my put I Of 11lm of did la my I irould vck by in a Raj AMWrttf IVj tot lilu Ad It W6 Il ibe flnt or fcla at Jftll lla le at con v It will It U nd all frolmdi W mI at fait Km Mr ilay in to can for Moikokn and Cut- will re of ibe it juvt he will be lo be It- fortdtrs him fallow Bay aad with jriy be aforetime took in btretlDg a but more wo to tec Uay ale J all Tut CbrUtlaD all arc to Wttmu tot lit to aoch loll aud report hat lately It It over the ambition Of the to a void of and En- I liavu report to bat lhy not anil the in a deal if extra effort What will of It fact that whole of tiiu milter In both roornlat ted by ibthidy time and five at A of and not a lino et of any work done of any of ARE BUIUT TO SELL AT THE PRICES OFFERED he Bicycle Oat 8r Toronto AGENT- J AW AS NEWMARKET DUNNS BAKING POWDER THECOOKSBEST FRIEND in I TUB OnADB OF CANADIAN AN AND PIANO AND JOHN for ihlidUtitftt- Miichtll of Hamilton I hid in the of her daughters I nightdress while family was at- a4 I mney- FRYING PAN Has come not a little knowledge as to cook ery what to do as well as what not to do Thus we have learned to use most pure and per fect and papular for all frying and shortening purposes PROGRESSIVE COOKING natural outcome and teaches lard but rath now shortening which is far cleaner and more digestible than any lard can be The success lene out worth less imitations similar names Lookout for these Ask your Grocer for Cottolene you get it FAIRBANKS NEWMARKET BOOK AND NEWS DEPOT WITH AN EYE Anyone can see the superiority of our STOVES AND TINWARE The goods manufacture are made out of solid material Now is the time to order Milk end before the Spring rush fa HODQE CO MAIN ST SOUTH IN SETS Hi WlL Jane Sons go TDT OP NEWMARKET Clothes pins and Washboards LUMBER Central elephone Office W N STARR OILS THE BEST LARDINE MACHINE OIL CHAMPION MEDAL OIL THE DOMINION Ann Aon CYLINDER OIL wear is long as any other raakc will FINEST HIGHGRADE ENGINE ARE MANUFACTURED BY WloCOLL BROS CO TORONTO J A ALLAN CO AND DEALERS XUBOUQBOUT THE i Shingles Siding Flooring Moulding OUR AIM GOOD WORK AT LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES Lath Doors Sash and Blinds A RESIDENCE WITHOUT 1KS1DB SLIDING BLINDS Mr- York J left for the Worlds Tuesday to be away about two weeks Baud intend holding a grand concert and festival in tbft drill shed on Friday evening Inst Mr David Jolyuoo and Mr J P left for last Thursday morning where be the guests Offer J lvl Tbcy will be a freek or ten days- has been a wonderful year for arjd Honey ought to be very Cetera we Under stand difficylty in their bee Mr Rtddilt w has held the position of principal High School of the school sis of iheCollegUte and has his to the here The Methodist Sunday School here their annual excursion on August the point train will leave here AV- at t at at on the for rivMtfeeVe about ejeye into town Mis Davis horse became irightenerj on of ihe road on the third Mrs and the of the buggy were thrown out and the rig pretty badly before the horse was Caughti escaped without injury- a meeting High and itwas de cided to atk the Council to assess the town for seven hundred for high and two thou sand In dollars for the pub lic school This is one for high purposes and five hundred dollars less for pub- lie poses than last it came in race Jo Toronto and won a pneumatic J Roid came in and won a silk umbrella in the race and too finished SUTTON Court was held here on Friday Judge Morgan presiding Defended cases v was an action brought by the plaintiff for damage done to Ws bicycle on June plaintiff claimed that the refused to turn out and give htm part of the beaten road whereas the defendant that his horses became frighiened and started to run away and it was owing to the negligence of the plaintiff in turning in too soon that the accident occurred without costs Confederation Life v Lyons De fendant gave a promissory note in payment of on insurance and having made default in payment at maturity the Co entered suit the defense was that the agent falsely represented the amount that would be coming to de fendant at the end of years and had the latter known the contents of the policy he would not have signed the His Honor held that the defendant was in duty bound to read the policy and become familiar with his contract before signing notes Cameron v McMillan Plaintiff sued defendant for wages and damages for wrongful dismissal The period of engagement was months at per month Plaintiff claimed that defendant dismissed him without cause and obtained judgment for Berry v Hamilton Defendant ap plied for a new trial the action hav ing been tried at the June sittings and judgment given in favor of plaintiff for damages and costs for breach of warranty false representations on the sale of a cow His Honor gave the defendant theoption of de livering up the plaintiff his note and receiving back the cow calf and paying damages and costs together with the charges for pasture or allow ihe former judgment to stand that is plaintiff keep the cow and get damages Ketch v Crowder This was an action tried at the Jan sittings in which the sued de fendant for plastering the house The defense was that the work was not properly done and in consequence the piaster was falling off The plaintiff got till July sittings to take off the plaster and put on new in workmanlike manner and having failed to comply with order the Judge dismissed the action with costs to plaintiff Reids livery is a thing of the past He began his departure from Sutton on Tuesday Financial difficulty is the cause of his removal from us Thursday Mr Ann- strong was Seized with a paralytic stroke on the side of hi face resulting in losing his power of speech We a- sorry to say his recovery s very slow A meeting of the North York rural deanery took place in St James church on the Addresses by Rev Mr Bell of Roachs Ser- vice in the evening by Rev John Rural Dean of Society Register a tod r- riurouTtan- A 3rd Hat per Ctrl I fllkt t tpMBSS Or month OR to SALE- twoSlot to Mil oar Steele both in o- ff or territory Ictfitory MAY tilth era aiuat fear lie atiaf ia IS the Throat Us mm Dr WMhlsiton A or Toronto will vWt KBlo the Dr aba rati Annuo holiday Catarrh ibr TUMI and of Bora Royal Co mil i- to n WioUot PETERMANS ROACH NOTAJISWI MTU C06KMMM1S i Montreal I Wall Paper Factory MWiuaiauouiDiuiiggt ostrich i BALL THE EQUAL OF PARISIAN Mil Kg iTrA cool txf is to a sep arate in aids cures Dandruff tf ava of us j

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