ESSE E4 TUESDAY AND FRIDAY Are our Bargain Days have ever heard of them To- Saturday morning quote a few Money Loos ing Prices to clear out quickly HighClass Stock not tot idling- We have no room for them Its hard for you to believe that we can quote prices be low cost but here it is for piece French China Dinner Sets Wholesale price Montreal cost of Cartage and Packing nothing about our price was and sold by City Re tail Houses Now Saturday morning only Dinner Sets for 7 SO China Tea Sets 50 Flower Pots for 2 And a lot of other Crockery Bargains Wall Paper J cents and Gilt Will Paper 9 cents- Are you iaterested Dont forget Tuesday and Friday you are sure not to ROCHE CO- Sons it Fin a Orchard to corbel Tamper hire August merchant town In to s fajsJC staid the tDipIojar mud npJoy to gel rid of feeding daring dog If to kinder of adopting holtdy next mouth IE mil to do over tin teat flier do be nay a- uid bo belter fitted to attend to tiuir date ft At on Monday platted en Hit as Port Entry and have a torn appointed It boa groat to Mfg Co Novell often in getting for through at To mato All ril for tod direct Engtaad by the carload and Co all and lor flpWiteriug direct Iran Eng land Co nothing of lbs which urine rom on BOTHiRKDWiih lyoa get doonind wlndowi any at I Umiok of and CbriiSiu Park To- on Tnwdfty Atig Fare for trip 50o a sail Gin of mile from Tonga and going aroond ftfl land ing aft Island Park which not in beaaty or by any park in A pec train will will Into Union Station at Tick et may bo bad from following partus Slaw and J of If You Want gain in Pallor room or line yon want to call opposite the Royal can buy special for To get a big bar- igJtoom and Bod- in Incod Hi Ms Local Tempest a TeaPot On the complaint that muta hum drinking to a couple of Ao things to a by tap be As water a to this a commotion and a petition was lbs to allow tap to open for petition was referred to lbs Firs and Water Committee and wo that to lay a waits to drain it corner Timothy stmt sod thus continue without giving ansa for Wo are quit sure that theo do foundation for that Mayor was lo racolvo a deration from to dose the tap J athS for ride tor I woct Hobday after- V following tq A 1 1 an J oh Allco Bell Gardner Jcin Mary Lyons John Mo soit Geo fiirtr by the Junior form was very W riaflt ftiJno and Is for who ut ftbondantiy ablo to pay their debts to f stuns laboror and pioleoiTpjul Mano looked up ana of Hah is no any one A dollars paid to may a claims motion Pay your and took- money op is tho body it Ihn man and him to people always have a good Void to man who pays promptly Ctran Walks Pkhfejuuto Aurora says drika find so on How- market that it cost the corporation tt3 to them cat whereupon Bolton an from Button This place is not over run with grass and weeds like bankwoods Till ago of No- No thank you prefer paying cash and town present a roopoclable to to method adont- in both of these to a or lees extent fresh ftp- pear on tho sidewalks every not fond of kind of floral ON IN ABOUT TOWN Os The Move Business jetttaounaewpromiaing Mr- to put in a Water new power to his Civic It is expected the Civic Holiday Firemen Unstated that day for their im to Farther rtl I fioon Railway reply to date Mr las cottage adjoining bis Simcoft street and making fete addition to the baitdio op ft neat lot on Mr Thos of the workmen the New High School Thursday night of wiih a Musical Concert and tod all went Dr Washington will D hit the North but a WidtJI can faaconidlttd it iU Hotel the of and pm will be a IrtUetatUei hat will lake lb of the call was an and took and Wonder why not op more of leaks and ttiiedaja at it would do fioH that lime Mb lock Commissi oners decided fcwimotlHliMnscsto Dominion W Hotel J sod Hotel for year bat the license ytd to bo withdrawn from WStfffilU extension inch mains to The are now making a through ihocncfc and expect or a east cud It will fin alt that as wall as provide do fcwUr which will bo a of dd to the menM A Cheap vt oat a lot of quart Ash pen and puis at worth a The match Friday between and homo drew quite a Urge of lbs Fair grounds It was first game that played hero for throe or four years and from in terest displayed by old colts together with the enthusiasm of wo sob no reason why New market not again to front in this popular rport The borne team won toss and decided to take the bat bowling was very effective for Bradford sod when Inst wicket fell was only Brad ford now went to and in putting together In the nest innings ran up hot Bradford hiving to leave on oclock train declared a drw in favor of tho boys went to Bradford I yesterday afternoon to play match lnorwc the wkjt wonPt lo a of wt to waar working a from ho Actuai Cou Co have in 263 Men ileni Jail t mind and think it it and Promoted to Sa Marion Jennie Arthur Minnie Frank 1ood En GUI jjied Ester Johnson Lindsay Prentice Cor Minnie Arthur PppU Johnnie Nina To May Mabel WUlin Fred Fred Harold Clara Perkins Promoted From Sr IlL to Jr May Cecil Dong- Hubert Robert Kena Rogers Fred Mazy Florence Trent It ecommended waiter Madge Bennett Minnie Be an alt Albert Isiruuun To III Shape Howard Jessie Fred- Garfield Rogers Harry Alice Frank Percy Clay Clarence Lottie Bra Lily Cane Francis Cane Prank Sutherland George McDonald Sutherland Bertie Charlie Burton Llewellyn Recommended Herbert En Frank V i i Promoted to Jr Miss lais Pearl Arthur Annie Lloyd Its Jenny Maggie Gertie Willis Amanda To So Morrison Ansel Bell Edna Atkinson Violet Trent Eddie Mc Donald Roy Lash Happy Cliff Scully Marl Miller To Jo Pr Colls Lloyd Gray Robbie Waaler Baby Barbara Roy Belfry Prentice Willie Daniel Hooter John Duncan Flora Gray To III- Tab let George Howard Ernie Stewart Little Minnie Alma Frank Alfred Lloyd Ethel Lloyd Eddie Scott Vers Cane Russell Violet St the X Members all rewwpi Starr and Three offers were for tei High the Geo tj it being she Following bill John AleGee and Lyman Thnc thirties to lots Pay Sheet ia Account Jos s Co water work referred to P WCoro sppUoattai of High Board asking or Town was referred to Market Own J for a sidewalk en lot rtnetwss referred Com A signed by others to A tap open b was referred to P A for to bo or and Andrasr was to tbo A Corn On of Mr by Mr Robertson prayer of peti tion of Carters was not granted A passed two to pro- ride for borrowing to within the corporation end the instructed to same hi fee of tar Tnling on ByLaw fixed at each and til for use of polling fit Goorgoo Ward A ByLaw was passed- the Mayor and Clerk to borrow for motion of Mr Cane by Mr Roche the fiyLw to prepare a petition to Hon Clark orths or Customs that a Port of Entry be establiebed at AT THE SAYING stoat at Mqut Hotel ml IS ihBUJireriiiahOfAKavni In ill stiictlOQ at North wiiurker vm by Rom And Foe farther bill- AT THE an la want ft a let This little village is greatly excited over a piece of inhumanity that does not fall short of slavery A fanner having a small boy his employ for some time has according to the story been beating him frequent ly for the least provocation and a few days ago was at taken into a cellar where his cries coutd not he- heard and there beaten until oil back and arras were black Any man that would treat an orphan boy thus should be treated to a taste of the catonine tails ox a good dose of tar and feathers A number of farmers have com menced their harvest Mrs Joseph Peters of Toronto is visiting at Mr Peters Mrs Pine has her sister from Toronto with her this week The Methodists held tier regular Quarterly services on Sunday at Fairly good attendance Miss Sarah Mount Albeit visiting at Mr Greenwoods The Methodists are holding Sun day evening services here now That fellow who ran into a rig Sunday got a badly damaged wheel Our f Popular blackuraitu says he can mow five acres of hay with a scythe in a day Who can beat it The Race We still have some very pretty on hand Some new in end Navy just in the last we will get this season MITTS PARASOLS Have you tried our Black Cotton Hose guarantee them to be absolutely A full line of Shirtings and on hand at the Right Prices Our are all Fresh and of the best quality Now the time you want to get the beat value in Sugar We only keep Granulated the beat and purest that can he got Try our Blended Tea at Also our Coffee at W PL Connection Main St NEWMARKET was with Saturday- The came from all Akmv Notes has tokvJc fLoil few ihecoming of Herbert which will ftrrivfl fay from Toronto next night Through lb TeropraDc- iL Temper- bun kit At their The will the beck totheliU where will he held The bind it and hid met with everywhere They f under the Stuff Frederick lovon them- was a formerJj here vavia cm for Opt under for the Command of Brigadier supplied Aurora over Sunday for Lieut Tuple- You drop and atoch Of and They good fy low A i a The Exam A in the the the reenH Oftht the recent to Scbooli The reeatt at Rich mood in local paper two ago and and other were repotted the Commenting upon the the Bow board lacks the to regulation Oat Opinion It board have the reft the to bo com mended for doing their duly The fault with the red of the cation Wo heartily Agree with in Can didate who IsOriarably abooid know it at toon Where there la let the be withhold untl de cide keep date In of lor of hill ft doabtfnte of to arrange for wnding thero to the when they it re- from them till it few dy before school open at a great and A way with JJiv School Promo j J Bell Ala todla ley Cecil JJ Frank Keller St Vernon Co JJ end and Wright to Jr III Jolly ttoUIaUad PrtU Anatugea AlvBmnlon lWr Albert Kanaka Ethel Water The which Water been Writ- fog after for two arrived end romanced on For fear of being abort wafer period the year the Committee decided that they well 2 which abafidoocd by Ur nd Moane enolber flow pompiog which it down and gave an flow when gb bat fau now cholud There is each a quantity of water from couple of when once opined to OS 111 for to yeatpnUy the machine which to bo en ox- rnn by bad gone Cue of the about from and on Well 2 bate tinned for the the la now at work on No I trying to clem It mil Whats the with bicycle that were to at the Park A load people Aurora throngfa morning on their way to Ifae Lakes Tha town rauont on Uigh ficho Q week and they are rather wrj be- canto they bad no notice cart not beon to week The wae bad on to the high wind KtUg al Hotel King City Saturday ilwfi and want tti to my that they were never aiked groJn at A place to to alt on Works watch the at work drilling ihenaw well Kie near A bean In town week The man who wis tattooed an umbrella lor middling with a iir at End time the couple got together again A oritur la confined in found Ten from the city went town on their to Lab A new piano way to Mr A Smiths There an a of well kept lawns In and thai of and the op from the below all oesa be iota they are Ana W the trains A I good of grumbling going on at the way an people will go cheap as Brae are from the only w2y tan clear oat to the away rait toad and lake and by the the Queen City Clubs euisloQ reached here from it difficult to get a square meal in the town and admission to ihe dining rooms could be bod only after a hard struggle the waiting crowd The Collingwood Club ought a big crowd to tee match with imd it was civic holiday of which helped to swell the attendance hut the big sculling nee was the attraction that brought out the people of the whole northern district The day was bright and but a high wind was blowing from the northwest and which kept a nasty bit of a sea running on course All the docks and the Jake front were covered with patient crowds awaiting the fall of the wind and the appearance of the oarsmen Every kind of steam and sal was afloat on Lake CoucVching and the were with passengers to follow race if it oft The wind mow gusty after 6 oclock a of its failing power and condition of the water proved as went on A little be fore the to in blue came out from bis and was imme diately afloat amid the cheers of the weighed s4 pounds and wore the old familiar blue with a white cap At the starting line he whipped the shirt and rowed in the buff It was about half an hour after first appearance when an other cheer broke from crowd and a redshitted bareheaded ecuJIer shot through the fleet of and up to the starting line It was Gaudaur and be had a hearty wel come from bis neighbors After the finishing line had been crossed Ihe men went to the boat and both claimed the nice and tales charging the other at foul decided that the for the could not be on either of the men that the event of the afternoon nee and that they must tow on Monday On Monday afternoon on by boat lengths ANOTHER BIO LOT OF MATCHLESS 25 ARRIVED THIS WEEK Ceylon Monsoon Congou Pekoe and Fine Young To be Sold Orditiatily Prices We are reaching out selling more and more of our Teas which are the wonder of North York We are buying Teas of ail our leading in larger and till larger quantities The Tea consumers of neighborhood are getting and appreciating the advantage of our unique position As an important and grand accompaniment our trade in FINE GROCERIES For we are determined to have quality right as well as price has rapidly increased to a point beyond any previous season in our career necessitating Delivery of Purchases to our in Town by Horse and Wagon which will insure promptness necessary in this department Try us you will gain in value save money and avoid worry TERMS CASH AND ONE PRICE R J DAVISON The Editors Shears wit Bin oca A named was truck by lightning and killed at pivUle Que on Jss Clark and Fred Cooper two young men were brought home week as from Stales Mica said to have been found on a farm between Midland and tang Seventy tons of hay were shipped from Montreal for Ham burg Germany Two hones stepped on a alien Irolfey wtie In Wed nesday and were instantly killed Beany sawmill at Pars Sound was destroyed by fire oa Sunday Lois 10000 In Wednesday two near had is cattle killed by lighlrupg l store Bond Head was broken into one evening last week while the proprietor was out at a concert and worth of goods taken During Tuesday nights storm two valuable Jersey cows belonging to William Alexander and another belonging to Mrs Perry were kilted in a pasture field near Stratford by lightning fy The Dominion Government purchased a large quantity of wheat which was at the Manitoba Provincial Show and will have it distributed at the Worlds Fair in bags which are to be given away While contractors in New York were blasting Saturday afternoon an explosion sent a huge mass of rock crashing through the side of a house killing two people and seriously injuring three others who wtl probably die fcP Victor leading merchant of Haverhill Mast- was slabbed to death while on a to on Saturday The two mur derers robbed their victim of and escaped township while to atop a team running with area machine waa run over and R BAKERY We have just received a large quantity of SILVER GLOSS STARCH which we are selling at only per lb No bargain day about this but ire will sell at price every day until cleared out Extra Granulated Sugar 15 lbs for Beautiful Bright Yellow do 100 Have you tried our Mixed Tea it immense also our Blended Black at equal to any Tea on the market GOOD BAKING We axe having a big run on this line it good as other Powders sold at per lb We are now handling BAKERS CELEBRATED COCOA Try a Can and you will take no other JAPAN CRYSTAL RICE ladies during hot weather No cooking required SugarCured Hams and Bacon Golden the best in the Ice Cream and Soda Water on hand Give us a call A ROBERTSON PURE MANILLA Guaranteed feet to Hie pound IAS PROP Agency Repairs JUST ARRIVED New Lines in Jewelry Fancy Hair Iiua Toronto J Cuff Links New Epworh Fob Chnins Fob Chains tain ii J wii ATKINSON MAIN ST JEWELER Our 1 bulidt s Lb Ha VOX OKI on IT 1 CO DM 000 000 OSS 1 ternl pat par bubal OstsBsrseihsl asoo OU S3 W IK QLbansU 111 A I ft I par too- I liOO on ft at so a ad or on OS BIO 00 too iatttfooflscsafls4U3Sa Tujwbisio BOOTS SHOES We sell shoes foe less money than you for All rips sewed free MONTGOMERY SON TAILORING BOOMING We have the most complete stock of Summer- Suitiog on hand that cannot be beaten NOBBY SUITS FROM UP MONTGOMERY