Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 28 Jul 1893, p. 2

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rv rOVTr t ERA 1893 Hariri J Do Too Know Brontes Brew Bummer J i Seta a A Smith ud Co Lloyd for A Small Win Farm to Bent Farm for Bala SlUa a BUT moan En It POtLu JULY Toronto Despatch to July 7 cat vela the fiCth of Then quit of Oddfellow ftiiDDftl Tawdry Fftisltr of and Regus alto iMtrie or 000 fox one it while with Iwin E C of tuft bent the Army h York and a comber of of Torontos llw of action Yesterday tin Oraoe a rfnx befool loft for New to look after of for manager the watch ex hibit at the World Fair two or were ftJl rreated on a of Go in tothoamoont of Wire They will be extradited waahrWIn It Ii report tan apmnof both la A to the tut anaoflnocB that Edward to Canada for a time the Bill Do to week to or fil week la policy aa by by the flhraman law kd tariff reform Id with pledgee the party aooo the floaDowof are ecain of Prince met at Kcton and by Dr P F It Intended at this meeting to a party candidate for Aba hot In of the the year the Attendance eni too limited to a nomination meeting to be held later At The raember for address ed his constituents at last week and judging from the tone of bis remarks there is do disposition his part to take back waters- Speaking of the GoTCtnments position on the Manitoba issue he said Either the were to force separate schools upon if they could or the were simply playing a game of humbug the people they were professing to serve Was that a position that Orangemen could support V The Col then proceeded talk to the members of the order in which Mr Comptroller Wallace Grand Matter in language which appealed honor as professed special of by asking tiny know that every iLmlKul compelled to con- trliute to the cosl of on the which lbs had unturned Muiitoha in the inter of the ccclesjankal an Jtori- ivi the Church Rome As 11 Or were thev he would if and how did they with reference to the Govern Men doing thus their interoi the his of John a not getting former friend Grand Matct remarks he at by observing- of the was uhn Thompson and at the tail of was the Master of the Their Grand to the Sir John Thompson ad mere placeman hound to the policy of tm without any voice in ilcciUing what should be He was a hostage the hands of bis muter for the iKrhavmr of the ami an fur the the 1- the might lie rvd At of he a in adopted To A P- A A had a Urge flnolial at last at the Grand Hon J Oilon of Hamilton and Pro- Secretary in Sir Mai- White of Pembroke Deputy Grand jOeo notice and A- ban bean aloded District Grand or and raipacUraly Park is too battle but this It what has got to cay Mr F- the Candida to for Eaat York baling last him departure on a trip to England it been be Smith Smith Partner the herring pond that a friendly before baa trial of a to Ax editor met a farmer recently and to be like to hare wmelhiog from bis farmer sent him a pig and him for It tbe above fpmjjh appeared among local in Aurora Ban the general Is that friend Lao gone into the bog industry say that it pays ter than else a farmer can go at and Aurora baa a wideawake editor but are bis modesty for Indefinite manner in which he ex presses additional carta- Mr Darin again been talking load and strong through the He eaya The trusts and are strong We need and support every honest man in the to bold op in this cause their cause the cause of the farmer the cauae of poor trouble with Mr bo to hare a he gets to of bis tall talking and wings round in of the party which favors tie and combines he is calling for boa- Mt men to put down He occasionally takes Ola of independence hot eoinehow they dont last long bttjf is fldBg the How is this Mr of Richmond HOIt For the remarks of the Rtwrter respecting at lire tthtrM applies with mora force to the of the village We cannot htp tome the Richmond far made oo Mtnmenl the Joutitfjitolall by the Ulan Railway Company to a extend in the direction that village county a many dollars lit direct tales to charter Metropolitan a bis several days the papers tin J hints that at Mark Twain op the Hume bavin cociliateJ Minister of Finance by WaLToca are about to turn ihifiratumUfm to the An Intimation appurs in organs that abovo msnibcraoC vill hold a conference of neat with farmer of and for die and bearing agrlcoUtiral interMle playiDt the part of id in nut lo lections preeunt at so that be returmdto sail Maim Is Elite I4L Hi THxa fin Mr Justice Fat the is Hit Kiniiiii to Toronto funeral took again been and the announce- made that ft will resume ta at week wilt pro- then to Toronto the for A of To ronto of ftR view of life and Herman mode of examination so rent ftoca the in from Washington a been received In that city to the effect that the Sea arbitration decided In favor of the United aa had a few be fore that a not be reached before It is not credited bee deckled to Into the fakir faultiest along with d having to the J r of the a born appreciation of been to do o city ptperi say wo dont know actual tact dare venture to got that the AW rmen who for sub- Jv replying souiG runarks of a city If ami J ton Spectator remedial the Manitoba suit If the tOYiTurbni a ift titiiait wont hut and tor will do wtut it lo fall Ibis and J also join and tell their xiHtitittmtNhal will do the psru If it be true that John Thompson not and will not to apply ixmc dial leitiitation the farce of the question to Court at a of to Ike country Mr fjladUnijeancw financial clause of the home rule was patted in the Commons Mon day night liy a vote of 226 tu 11 out in the trans portation fair Monday but it was distinguished before much damage was done Fur a few minutes tlic crowds in the c almost panic July 5 At Oclock yesterday Mr Rods livery stable occupied by as Arm strong was totally destroyed by fire and before the fire could be got control four other buildings were destroyed The fire was caused by a coal oil lamp in Mr Arm strongs livery stables Mr J Brown is doing a good business and exporting hay machine and employees move from point to point as best suits convenient It about eight to keep the thing moving all right an iloui tons a day 500 bundles of too pounds each- The continued dry weather in Britain and in various continental countries will make hay a scarce article and the continued catchy weather hre will greatly in terfere cutting our Is visiting Barrio las is friends Tiro of the Orris are a If r Editor Garrett of Bradford fan the a last Friday Dep Sheriff lb or Toronto over Sunday In town Is ting In city for pass Webber of Toronto visiting with Flo Mr Fred J Bribes spent a week with relative at Barrio Hiss Bell Is a or two with friends in fl Mr of Toronto Is spending In town Master George is spending vacation at Bunt bis former Mr and Mr are taking lo the Worlds Fair- The Misses to spend a weeks on Toronto Island Mr Jos retaroed Wed nesday after spending weeks- at The been spending a few days at Mr Oogb of Bast In town for a week friends Winnie and are spending a few with relatives in Era Toronto is with her aunt Mrs- etb Mr Davis of Port Perry lather Mrs was in town a few days last week Mr Montgomery two children from were for Sunday and Monday Miss Rachel Williams after months wilh friends in Toronto arrived borne week Mrs and children of Toronto are visiting with friends retattvea in town this week Mr pence and wire Toronto were in town on a weeks visit at fathers Mr Gardner Mr is spending s couple of weeks in Waterloo amongst bis many friends Mr Elridgo left on Monday after a of weeks visit with old for bis home at Athens Out Mr- Ed principal of Bridge- water Public School sod son of Mr of Ibis town is home for vacation Mr and Mrs J E Dickson bare gone to Mr filark in Color ado and will also take in the Worlds Fair Mr Manning played lacrosse with the Barrio team against Bradford at Barrio on Wednesday 2 to in favor of Barrio Sub Katie of Sharon left bat Saturday for Chicago to visit slater Mrs Wait and take in Worlds Fair Mr Geo licit played lacrosse with the team agaiott OrilH at latter place last to favor of Mr and Mrs Mrs A IS Mr and Mrs ft- Millard are at Port in the Mr at Bills tjn Toronto formerly of the En staff waa colling on old friends here oh Saturday and Sunday last Clay of vltitiafat her sons Mr Clay Tor a weak Master Clay returned Ilia tor throe weeks visil In ne aotioa following under Ilia Wiial will no doubt of ureal of great benefit to lntretl III welfare of fa superior levktf lately fur which applied for by oar well known The It for purpose of preventing J earing that habit of to wbicfi many are be all cure bat the hi Ins may be the that It will cribbing the device to totted before being placed on the Market and pruvl to be a grand ilr In who a etodent with Mayor llod a couple of ago who made many friends in town that will pleaaoJ to learn the of his andUic yield is thought to be good Mr William bought a new dovtr machine Mr Smith Suiting an on his turn Mr William Foster hid a cow killed earned by a falling nob Berry pickers very Monday back at Seldom Miss Nervy Greenwood is very sick with Pa is pretty near done buying I would like to heat from- Sam Slick OLD ROACHS POINT The warm spell is bringing back our summer Between and are now located at the roof Of which mansion is freshen ed by a new coat of About a dozen or more are at Mr the old property Mrs Roe has made quite an im provement to her residence by putting the second storey verandah under coyer Dr has also added a verandah to the east side of bis residence- Mr Win has completed bis new bouse and still another ia going up nearly in front of the post office Mr is also putting up anew boat Mr Jesse has built a sub stantial boat house at the wharf and as he bas boats to hire it will be much more pleasant for occasional visitors who nant to go on the water for a row The ferry Queen still keeps np her tegular trips to Bell and this ia also headquarters Sot Mr Osiers steam which with the frequent calling of the other steam crafts on the lake make our point quite lively our Visitors who come over from Hell Ewart are surprised at the magnitude of the ice house at the old The track is laid down to it from but as yet not one block of ice has been removed The took a few over to last Saturday to see the boatrace but it was very late before they got back The band on board awoke people out of sleep Several Newmarket visitors were here last Sunday Rev Mr Logan assisted Rev Mr Bell at the Church of England service last Sunday evening There was a large attendance Mr Hamil tons faim on the North shore will have a Song Service neat Sunday evening commencing at 7 oclock Mr and Mrs Easton and others will take part in the singing All friends welcome of the have roenced few weeks the merry binder wr wheat and bar ley in this crop and are repenrng verytaat Vapdctburg At residence of the brides mother by the Rev Daniel to Annie daughter of Mr Cbarle Vinson The bridal party drove north after the ceremony has girl come to slay at Mr John Manns but report says it Is a little Mann We are very sorry to record the sad death of Miss York who died on Saturday last from inflammation of the lungs Deceased was only sick a little over a week The remains were followed by many and relatives The bereaved family have the heartfelt sympathy of the surround ing Mrs from Mon tana and Miss Wiltoughby Keswick Spent Tuesday with Mrs Neil Morton We are very sorry learn of the illness of Mrs Irwin She has been very low for nearly a week As she is very old her recovery is doubtful Our boys are having good exeicise just now They work bard all day and play half night Now to buy a bicycle when it is cheaper and easier walk than Mr M Clancy in tends getting up some new ones and he will be able to please anybodys taste and purse Mr George Mtcks met with a very bad accident on Tuesday- He was trying to keep a colt in the stable while its mother wa9 being driven away The colt being determined jumped to get out and in doing to knocked a pole against Mr Micks knocking him to the ground rendering him senseless for some time at last reports be was doing nicely and is not hurt as badly as was first thought Ciiippv aged is CoawcH of Brooking was drowned there Saturday whila lightning struck a heap of rubbish in rear of a store in New Orleans and started a fire caused damage and resulted In the death of one fireman Two burglars were caught lit the act of robbing a store early Sunday morning They taken to Clinton gaol While Michael Roily aged was lighting a gasoline stove at an explosion occurred and Roily was burned from waist to hear Three hundred employees of the- in Quebec were dis charged Monday Half of were employed in the car shop and half in the machine shops at Montreal- 9beHJsenjeit CHINA HALL Down ALL- ARM TO RENT BILAfl po FOR SAL lit tela The- bust improvement the best yet offered for A perfect Jar containing Bartons Baking Powder Have you tried it To be had only at China Hall R FABRICS Previous to PIG ASTRAY aiTir Wat SALE PRESERVING and Jus I Now Is the time yon want both j any quantity at Cbtoa Hall Quality the beet Prices right gen- Id flratckueadilo WANTED QUEEN ST CHIT CHAT The old Music Hall in Sharon is now a thing of the past bad a bee last week and took down be framework We regret to see the removal of those old land marks- Will the proprietor of Burdock Hill please gather his crop There are enough burdock to make a small barrel of hitters We note with pleasure that the thistles on the beat south of being cut and will the overseer of division south of please remove Hie stones the road Promises like pie crust are easily broken Ceo Stone that stage driver says that a poor man would go hungry on promise to pay an other day Some be kind to lake that home to themselves KESWICK The funeral of the late Miss York daughter of Mr Albert took place last Saturday Rev James Thompson conducted the service in the Christian Church- Mr Roe Young died on Monday after a long illness and the funeral service was conducted by Elder ShoulU in the Christian Church on Tuesday afternoon Rev Mr Rogers gave a splendid sermon last Sunday and was assisted in the service by Revs Addison and J Gardiner Your Photo artist Newmarket Mr Joseph was here this week taking farm views He had a fine selection will bo to less la the SaUr- work fifth Plan and Lowest fiKoliiarilf J v FARM TO St tin North hall Of Or OR SALE good Homo PICKLING Spices for j be sure ymi go to China Hall CHINA Special Sale of ftyirything in or too be AUGUST STOCK TAKING So as to Clean them out Bargains Every Day J W STEPHENS Dinner Sets of bylaw fTOrio 8oody ara bolotr- 1 the crop will be very much to a few I deteriorated was a few to draw bawbay j ago in Knglmd at a ion traYaUari I The line mill owned by Messrs Way Co and operated by wjs at anraily hour on Sunday morning mil was one of the pioneer mitts f llic northern country having built by the late Johns tun in Owing to a stilf breeze the effort 10 save privily were futile and tlie house adjoiimi by Mr which was also Way Co the building and with an insurance of Mr has in on A lire is unknown There was a good attendant at the Methodist School garden party 1Viday night many that there was not near enough pro visions but a pleasant evening was spent all round Kail wheat harvest is quite general this week and will lie a fair crop in this locality I hey made a sale several hun dred worth of cheese here week There is talk of the Son of having a shortly arc an abundant and of large si hut are beginning to need a sprinkle of rain Mr Percy Spink Winnipeg is spending a few at home and relatives and friends Pretty cool list Sunday fonder if they hid frost in the the cold from that quarter two Tory Hill bachelors had an resting inleivic black for a lew moments last week When the interview ended their lips as if thy had a pugilistic en counter swollen were they Why did the not tell us of the town accidentally fasten up in a dark one hot day in who before she got wis telottlly ex- Finally after gelt Her face at as the ace of spades with streaked with at ion in smashing the door with pan of a stove and once more the of freedom She says it was a narrow escape Who was it ask the the fairies It of this street Saturday week on her way home from Newmarket had the misfortune to ljse her jiurse containing a five dollar piece and five dollars in bills and A on a passenger steamer our northern lakes miyel an old lady by his la till losing alt patience she culled him a fol After rumin ating on subject for a ah ft lime lite youth enquired what kind of a am The reply came quick and decisive youi a f mV The youth hope read story- of ihr angel in the and profiled if it Same of our young men profit by it for if our eyes do not u the flies up and hits some hem w tty often is a painful sight to lov- jne mothers to sec young men going to the dogs with such recklessness Prof has a gentleman from v siting him A inquires where the flies they arc not on him or he wouldnt inquire Come ijp this way friend and we well give you a wagon load only you must catch them for yourself at that cheap rate Aarons boy accidentally shot a steer for him out hunting He wot in for larger game than We dont hear of many going to the Worlds Pair from these pails Evi dently they are wisely siving their money for our Industrial and the local fairs The family report Mrs Rachel as much improved Pollock has a class in painting at Other fruit being scar re all the little are enjoying holidays picking berries lost his fine driver by inflammation this week Mrs has left to reside with her son Partners on thrs have com- cutting wheat A unfortunate youth who loves int xicaQts more than respect Immense quantities of wheat are coming down this week nearly all of it being an excellent quality The tailor Mr is having quite a pull of sickness but so far do ing nicely He is at the doctors home Mr Roc Young has at last passed over to the majority having exceeded mans allotted time of tree score and ten by two years Of late years he has been quite an invalid necessitat ing the constant services of his faith ful and devoted wife The funeral service on Tuesday in the Christian Church was conducted by Rider Toronto and was largely attended Mr Thompson the newly expected minister present and assisted Roe was a good friend of every body a temperate reliable good living christian Miss Eva of Vandorf is visiting Mr the lake shore Dr Graham was well enough to be sent home on Tuesday but not have the use of his limb for five or six weeks Mr Price who is stopping on the north Lake Shore is a time with a carbuncle on his neck Rev Levi and family also Mrs Mann have arrived ftom Sew York lo spend the summer Miss Stoufler is vinting with Mrs Deacon for a few days AND On Main far to or on Mitral VERY DESIRABLE HOME I BALK Fit Auk Cottage Kitchen roam In ill- 8oo6 of tdUa Bete CHEAP wood cold faotiMv alio la on the all BRICK EOR SALE HOLLAND LANDING DAT tenders to iilG A mar fairJicrpAHl PArMDaa for aAla to of Aottiut rMDlrdaTi Of flowing well or aprlog I IbejiDlTM ou Toilet VERT CHEAP GREAT BARGAIN HOUSE WHITE STRAW HATS I v Never Loose Sight of our Japan Tea lbs for 1 equal to most Japan tea offered at any tender foot told EdlDmolforayaar apply KO BYLAW NO A to tor At Corporation y Vimaif and for torroWno iijM the FURNITURE CHEAP FOR CASH Undertaking AN D- Embalming A SPECIALTY JHMILLARD Telephone Connection radio At the ltrb fan CoxvYiraOn of Mr Chaoctf Catcher KTownihlpk A of Mr or Tomb Wood K1m at Mr Uiix04tbOo Jalr W1IBUBA8 It his Co Corporate of And ihe Council hive to oontiroot Two over River and iboaarao river on Ittd- extend a Twenty by Tor annum a period or by annual that of principal lnt W abla for principal lo each of term amount to bo of the Municipality for paring nd turret will be rear for tbo ablopropoctytiUblo to pur- WunioipalUy to for the year turn of AndwhtnQi lbo dabt of to of which oo Iain lie It thorofore enacted by tbo the Corporation of tbo Town of That Mayor and required to Mid to amount of bo known ttnturi end be la of tlion be with tho end tinned Mayor and shall be twenty from to effect at the of the of with Intercut At per centum nor that to tbe principal In annual and the lotorttt at the rate forraald aoiouut of and annual of Intoreitaballbe the mm of In each of flu on the auni of hail by rate over and above all other at lime atelavled vrliajtuibo liable to bo In each year for the period of twenty from date mpoiiaocd int to lata dbr tag be have to tug noma force and of the elector of qnallSed to rote f I By be for aasoot ho ha town under itio of TbeOoQaotklated on Monday the lift day If want prompt- delivery leave you order the Leading Grocery R A SMITH Main Hi Cor Timothy Town of Newmarket ONLY 1 Cent each LUNDY Cor Main St and Art PUNISH THE BUGS ones is ibry GIVEN By taaod by Municipal oration of Towr of Mtfadey Council of Oh lb providing for amount of 1 act Corporation of 1 and that Office of York Any moil AND ALL for for lirgh aald of jo ho day of in A to or iw tamo or any ha whblatbrMioaihifrom dale of Hon tod iherMfMr- day DAVID LLOYD for for Destructive Germs PURE PARIS GREEN WHITE HELLEBORE ANTCHOLERA p DR CAMPBELL Proprleior BRUNTON BROS WoodaRd ff lUicato- Mia J and daughter vlaiitug Sunday at ability found Sunday raonv Geo White of alecplnx in a pile of old lumber Id day took on la- tarred July daughter of lev town lb ta dAnRtatarof Geo town nth 8aaxJf tit Datlvoof bat ftaiuMny at T- on Monday the Hit da of A IBM hour of nine oclock la ibo the poll will r tho on are oclock uthe fl ThpamforUanjrthB aaJd of of he Etwood the pot the tho of MooMpalUy on iho poll flte oclock uthaalUr for Deputy Iteturatnjr PeDroaetahop Ahdrew jlilDffplaon the rot ncll Bet r ward tumlDR place aHpUlf urn the day hi In ell Chamber In That Monday of the P SI- own at the lha tows the It ay or appoint la writing attand at lha polllJtf aummlnf of lha rateaenbihalf of the Interealed or of thla Of Law That the Clerk of the hell at the CoodqII Chamber Id the lowoat PM rem up somber of rote for and loir ear AH trill careful end the day Law TAKE TheaboYelaetroeoooror a arhteh baa taken into id whloh will ha flnaair Dewed by InfiheCorpcnatlon of ttf Town of an ew- of the d market In the the bain after the New of July darted the will be Chamber that at the boor end therein flxad for of the Sector will DO YOU That we are RETIRING FROM BUSINESS and that we are clearing out our whole stock at THAN COST DO YOU KNOW what this to you It means that for every dollar you spend you actually save another dollar We want you to look the prices elsewhere and then see our prices They astonish you we are not cutting down the of two or three articles but our whole stock is being slew Everybody wonders at the low prices but we close the goods out and low prices is the only way to do BRUNTON BROS li

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