ON A FRIEND tli Booth a of the from iMxtdtaroJCOf I lad teemed ill oat of order I member to he relief until I was to try tlM I token Arc pfcauot and being bo finely child I urge who to lutlro to do and AYERS PILLS ft Man Every Dose Effective WILL CURE OR BILIOUSNESS DYSPEPSIA INDIGESTION JAUNDICE ERYSIPELAS SALT RHEUM HEARTBURN HEADACHE RELIEVE DIZZINESS FLUTTERING OF THE HEART ACIDITY OF THE STOMACH DRYNESS OF THE A ad awry of Mb LIVER STOMACH TORONTO M1LBURN CO Application a it it locoed and riiuNo ha wore of aed It in their PILE- RON A when other la TwuraonUfm Mined For mb Of on of LSI London Qui Tito IfefezuttauA AT 1 Text of to Li to pariah hat AM ftfcwi it God I Cor teems to directly Album to Thmt Tide fcLoo Jar At and Timothy to Ionic- did not at Allien cot floLue htm my other tins Ui ru li to him look for men fertile and floldjx He bow fitly- old time cor Is in A No Minis of be n ud Corinth- on the it city of extremely uid Among people from every known Many Jew mud fad beeo of late by the dict of expelled them from Home- All lived in greet was a city There were to be often every ride- We can ten the Lord by diligent at tention Labor in no to in of those are earnestly el work if tag TO A from dated girt the name of chosen from lDaditi team to lor Cap Among them we notice Mitchell of be York Banger- The of battalion trill watch with much revolt Acton Last week It it a good repre sentative of the belter of country newspapers I the it la all printed at home and boQer plate matter The a rtep in ad- vane of it on pay in advance with and that system well hope It may so and there la no wy by the fire at the WorJda fair Chicago appears to have been very to the at Ottawa date of that foil had not been but be was apehen- that all the roots vegetable the winea which were eloird in that and have been destroyed the cannot be the fall are To July The hotel a frame building took fire about am to day he contents com- A Juirct in a shop was alio How to Got a Snaligut Sunlight rappers bvariht Why Docs Old Sooner Than a Itiiaa Limited Scott and yon will by pott a pretty picture from tiiiaK and worth fracninx an way to your Map it market and it Will to wnd the if In Write itoniibicK ire at and a in the ISiWr nun hiring under the wreck aml hail facta and dates briefly which the today should become They are of interest to Canadian Canada became a possession as the result of Wolfes victory Montcalm in the preceding year In the was divided into Upper and Lower Canada In the two Provinces were in a legislative onion In the ration of the Canadian Provinces effected The steps leading to the of the Provinces may be briefly In ItichanJ J introdnced the onion before the Scotia In I6H Chief Jns of recommended it to Lord In John Beverly Robinson AttorneyGeneral for Upper Canada drew up a plan for the Confede ration North America In Lord recommended it In A in favor of it in the Canadian Legislature and in the same year he and Hon John talked over Confederation with Kir then Colonial In the Parliament of Nova voted In lion Drown as chairman of a select committee reported in of a federate system Jn the year dele gates From the three provinces met in to disco Maritime onion nd delegates from Canada were permitted to lake part in the conference On Got 10 a meeting of delegates at framed the Confederation system it was adopted by Canadian Parliament aUting at In On the Union Act was enacted by Imperial Parliament and on July lit the union was pro claimed the four Of Ontario Quebec New and Nora which became the dominion of Canada Land and North west Territory to the by aider in council June 17U British Colombia ad on July aud Irince on 1st llronsvnller foil vf lbHttWirirhaLiMMc1enUotUin7hcBilh if J more lb tt of I did ay life Mold Phrmaej Bbehmatlani a America for mad cirrt I to Its action upon the intent It the TbeflrtdtefcrtmUbtDsOta For sale at toll mill core of Kit ache cares It tec- ao H ooiU LTtlov JlULLvufAiii Ho jLitiisitf-t- miIPjmI and IUrtiUiArt ifrpiD pia Bore od gave by of ceo Liniment curd A in Cairo There was a young girl married white I was in Cairo The streets tin palace of her father were hung with flags fur a week the en his house was enclosed with which iti money and wis as beautiful the eye us the of a mosque for a week the rented the of the high contracting panics were fed at their for a week men and funds played and the whole neighborhood feasted and on die last night everybody went to the wedding and drank coffee and smoked and listened to a young man singing Arabian love songs I natur ally did not see the bride The wo men who did see her described her as very barely years old and with pearls and raond t She was bitterly her mother it appeared had arranged the match I did not see her but I saw the bridegroom He was fat and and over sixty and he had white hair and a white beard A recited the Koran before him the door of the house and a band played and the people cheered Khedive three time and then ihc crowd parted and the bridegroom was marched to the door whir led to the stain at the top f which the git awaited him grinning eunuchs crouched on this dari case with held high their and closed the door be hind him His earold bride has him to now him and his he the diet could show similitudes wedding and some in civilised landi but ft 11 much too serious to be cynical VOLUMES COULD filled with the of women who have been undo well Hod strong by Dr Pierces Favorite Prescription a thats made es pecially to build womens strength and to euro womens ail ments an invigorating restorative tonic soothing cordial and bracing purely vegetable non alcoholic and perfectly harmless For all the functional painful disorders and chronic weaknesses that afflict womankind the Favorite Prescription is the only guaranteed Its a legitimate that corrects and cures If it doesnt benefit or core- you have your back It mast have been for most women or it couldnt bo Sold on any such terms Isnt to he the medicine for Sold by druggist everywhere To for week The annual meeting of Sunday Schools was held in this village on July 3rd and was attended with usual success About noon the led by their band arrived on the grounds They came in grand style anil tn full one bundled and seventy strong The band played some fine music on the way to the grounds The Superintendent Mr ts an old roar years of age Other SS followed in quick succes sion The following is a list with their number and superintendents Rich Hill Porter Love 5th Line J Rogers PennviUle So Schomberg S Leonard Baptist A Methodist Tottenham Dennis J Wilson Robinson J Lennox Line King Win Line King Norman otb Line King The Bolton Band led by Mr J M Wood came- by way of Schom They marched op and down Main street and played some beauti ful music Then they headed the School and proceeded lo Lloyd town After pic- nicking on the grounds the various schools in line and were led by the combined bands and Bolton strong to the Drill Shed The Bolton Band then took position on the platform and led the singing of the afternoon When the bustle of seating was over it was a beautiful sight to behold the vast audience of about The variegated colors added beauty to the scene The meeting was opened by the President chosen Mr Strang- in the usual way Mr Hambly of being called upon made a few timely remarks The speaker of the afternoon Mr was then called upon His address was very much appreciated and was of great encouragement to SS workers Following this were addresses by the local clergy among whom were Mr Bedford of Schomberg and Mr Moore of Tottenham The audience was lucky in having Mr- a missionary of present He was out in this vicinity on a visit and seemed quite happy on seeing such a large meeting held in the interest of Sunday School work His subject was A little child shall lead them His remarks were full and to the point The speaking of the afternoon was interspersed with singing led by the Bolton Band At the close a collection was taken up to defray expenses Jusl as the chairman was giving his concluding remarks of the afternoon session the speaker for the evening Mr Johnson entered the building and was hailed the front After a few minutes talk in which he seemed to infuse new life into the meeting the proceedings closed- Many who had come from a dis tance had their luncheon on the grounds and remained for the even- before the time for the com mencement of the evening lecture the Drill Shed was being taxed to its utmost capacity many remained outside the scats having been all tak en The appearance of such a vast audience in this small country place again in the evening showed that the people for miles around had set apart the 3rd of July for a general holiday After a few introductory remarks by the Chairman the audience was brought face to face with The man of the evening Mr Johnson on being introduced clearly showed his complete mastery over his subject by immediately plowing his lec ture Human Nature So well was it done that no one was left be hind Every person seemed to keep up with the speakers line of thought with that wrapt attention due an elo quent address- In illustration of Ms subject his description of two leading politicians of their day Blake and J A proved his ability as to judgment upon human nature He said that John A was an acknowledged leader of men and that Blakes position was at the coun cil forming laws for bis country His oratory on Waterloo made a deep impression upon all The concluding remarks were based upon The substance was this the bird in its flight towards the sun grows less and less Until the sun alone is seen a christian in his continual attempt to imitate and follow the example of Jesus Christ is led on and on until he is lost in the Divine- The lecture was preceded and fol lowed by music from the Bolton Band The receipts of the day were over For Junior of lUtia to do In he A sight In league for oil noble To in Will lead helping hand It in mUaion To cheer each heart And id each others To bear ft leader Oaf Master the Ho them still blesses nob Go on little Bo valient for the truth 0r for Captain the dawn of early day by ay you older grow May you grow loo too accomplish yon try to do of you are lilt to Your So bright example That all may imitate into Vat work the store will own your efforts And blees yon Newmarket A THEIM PUREST BEST Alain Lima may Toronto What fiTIi light Iht COTTOLENC What A treat to Though to f to Diet than laid while less in price And dots the cooking a What It thU or Of As nice arul kVJj as youd villi It tar the time ud And of oar fair And helps cab- rare COTTOLENC Who It earns gratitude Of lorcof Braving It aria only by A CO and Ann Stieeti INCLUDING RAKES HOES MOWERS SPADES SHOVELS GARDEN OPAQUE CORNICE POLES PAINTS ALL OF FENCE WIRE SCREEN DOORS DASH AND BARREL CHURNS s WeUnon wndj this to toy the orwhlcbledtoriilpliL5- i of Aims ass lO I the body aaw from to elfiRaioUd IT- and JuV I bad J a cut Sarsaparllla cure you Brihtford Bicycles HAVE A STANDARD VALUt Mechanics Tools a Specialty Also Painters and J A W ALLAN CO Telephone No MAIN STREET Jacks to A hopeful minister holds that when the millennium arrives there will be no kicking in church choirs- Hamilton July A very sad drowning accident occurred on the bay this Harrison was out in a boat gathering water lilies with his young son and Allie and Edith Atkins daughters of Samuel Atkins While passing under the and which spans an inlet near the reservoir the boat collided with one of the piers and capsized Though quite close to the shore trie water is about feet deep where the Harrison could not swim but he did his best to help the two girls and nearly lost his own life in the effort- His son could swim and immediately struck out for which was reached in safety His cries for help attracted the atten tion of people past on the raid and they came to the assistance of the party but Allie and Edith had sunk for the last time In a minutes the todies were recovered hut the means taken to proved abortive THEV ARE BUILT SELL AT OFFERED the Goold Bicycle GoUtf AGENT- J AW NEWMARKET Liniment cures Burns c Shropshire Rams YOUNG SHORT HORN BULLS AIM a STALLION ROMANOFF BY dam OAK J DOES andalftoof hlclieij in w II- Oak Dispensing STTJAT EJ0HE8T OF CANADIAN MANUFACTURE TUB nKLL PIANO AMD HSTABUdHUKHT Toronto JOHN Mala tbisdbttlct DUNNS BAKING POWDER BEST FRIEND SALE IN CANADA OLD NEWSPAPERS WITH AN EYE Anyone can see of our STOVES AND TINWARE NEWMARKET BOOK AND NEWS DEPOT BARGAINS The material before the Spring goods we manufacture are made out of Now is the time to order Milk Pails and solid HODGE CO MAIN ST SOUTH DINNER- SETS TRY OUR PAILS TUBS Central Telephone Office N STARR OILS ARE THE BEST OIL DOMINION LARDINE COLD OIL OK THE OIL wear as long as an other will THE FINEST HIGHGRADE ENGINE OILS ARE MANUFACTURED WloCOLL BROS CO TORONTO FOR BY J A A CO NEWMARKET AD TBL WL Cane Sons OP Washbqarps LUMBER Shingles Lath Siding Doors Flooring Sash Moulding and Blinds HUM GOOD AT LOWEST POSSIBLE PRIOEa SHOULD A fiESlDENCK t ABOUT OUR J WILIER INSIDE SLIDING BLINDS A LIST fcW amended criminal code came into effect on iHe he Some the it provides are as A coroner commit or trial the finding of or manslaughter a jury is to be by a magistrate Depositions before a on a preliminary inquiry must be read over and signed by the witness and the justice the witness and the justice being all present together at 1 he lime of such reading and sign ing depositions to be written on one only of each sheet may be taken by same for depositions an trial of summary convictions ex cept that the need not sign their depositions sec New Affidavit of service of summons at place of abode must state that it was made on some inmate thereof ap parently not under sixteen New No summons or warrant be signed in blank Searchwarrant is authorised for lottery- tickets or instruments The summary trials of indictable are limited to police limits of cities New There no summary convictions for assault if either complainant or accused objects thereto New The enactment as to absence of seal from the documents of justice is repealed and not reenacted There is an abolition of the rule a wife committing an offence in presence of fee husband acts under coercion The rule however will still subsist for a wife who is accessory after the fact to her husband- And husband accessory after the fact of guilty wife will be presumed to act Under coercion There are new enactments re specting conspiracy to false ac cusations as to escapes rescues as to blasphemous libel Indecent acts books conspiracy to defile as to nuisances selling things unfit for food respect to dead bodies The statute concern ing the duty of parents masters or husbands to provide necessaries is amended The law of murder and is now amended Murder now not to- be defined as killing with But killing with malice aforethought does not cease to murder Accidental killing of any one fa the commission of a felony not how to be murder aifc new enactments relative to and rig suicide to suicide neglect to in birth lion of a under sixteen and the law of libel as to meetings The law of larceny amended Embezzlement as a distinct offence abolished A conversion is the the fiot an unlawful faking helaw as to stealing by husband of his wifes property find vice versa and as to receiving by avowterer is amended The provision in the previous code as to the stealing of promissory notes is left out respecting false accounting by clerks false st a I emeu by public officers con spiracy to defraud practising witch- Craft extortion by threats being masked by night telegrams in a false name personation damag ing any property by right to the amount of 20 injuries to harbors attempt and accessories after the fact Section provides a punishment of seven years for the destruction of an election ballot or boxes But by which is repeat ed the maximum penalty for this offence is six months The distinction between felony and misdemeanor is abolished The Court of of the Peace have jurisdiction in manslaughter forgery counterfeiting coin blasphemous libel bribery at elections No alien is to be prosecuted for an offence committed within the juris diction of the Admiralty even on board a British ship without leave of the GovernorGenera The law of venue is abolished Jurisdiction of courts not confined to territorial limits The vexatious indlcments Act ex tended to all prosecutions The court may allow accused not to be present at trial Evidence of any witness in forgery to require corroboration Verdict for a minor offence in cluded in offence charged But if on a charge of larceny obtaining by false pretenses is proved or vice versa the prisoner must now be acquitted Any proceedings of the court on a Sunday are legal Jury de ventre inspiciendo is abolished Writ of error is abolished Appeal when a reserved case is re fused A new trial can be ordered by the Minister of justice New Outlawry and attainder is abolished New lis a mil W1 ittoaii would take care of my health by living out doors as much as possible and taking long walks in English girls understand how necessary this is for good complexions and cheerful spirits clothing that you may climb mountains and breathe freely I would secure the best education Go to college by all means if it is possible Read good books and thereby become I would cultivate cheerfulness Discontent soon shows itself in the face If you have some disappoint ments so do others If you are cramped for money be thankful that your lot is no worse than it make the best of things An un happy woman is a perpetual cloud in a home A fretful girl has few friends and the number lessens year by year I would kind things of others es pecially of the girls A girl who makes unkind remarks about other girls would better be avoided by young men She will not make an agreeable companion for life In short I would strive to be sweet and a blessing to all around me A ripe tomato will remove ink stains from the hands or paper or linen says an exchange There is no particular knack about it AH that is to be done is to crush tomato in your hands and rub the ink spots with the juice wash in clean water and ink and tomato juice win come away together A la LioydloiroTr Of lb- lit add lower SAIK OH TO LET house- to Lei Apply to OR SALE- moot gtyyl dm uu new 4v a oar iti Stock both la ud Of sW at ud DR ifc ltd Inn I ha 10 Dr a ftoraov of Toronto will Till Sir aktttJotlrltlbfOB16 I SO pm Kindly as Dr will Spt owing to Catarrh D Sort TBI- Royal Co VtS part It TO ROACH WO TO COCKBOACHIS MB n Montreal Wall Paper Factory s la a MCAHTHUie CO s OSTRICH A WSXQWFmH ilM2J THE EQUAL OF LVBYj bo ftr dbioU fTJptfA d f j b fc v