Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 7 Jul 1893, p. 3

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Local lira IN TOWK- The of an Fie era Ox and Civio imd i A telegraphic rowij Our Owing lo the of local this we obliged to hold a rev White Rom last aooio ditoriJ matter The members of Court Worship be by Canon Faro- the evening of There With Paint Shop on the Market r completed and the workmen ft tlof to finishing the hir attention on tenement on fttreet Elm A tramp called at Mr- to fcom the wry to the Lock Up He thief Socage to look alter him Sudden The old that run the Royal bos down to the depot and which will from the train was startled by a clap on Wednes day while lauding in the hotel yard and mads a for lbs abed leaving the rig with damaged Stonx The High School met afternoon and among other to ooma before to let a day for the formal laying of the Corner Stone of the new School and main arrangement It expected that the ceremony will take place on Saturday of next week The Fall Fair The director of the York are bob picking op special arise for the neat Fall Fair meeting will beheld on of next week arranging lbs Price If any of the members have suggestion to make they be pot in writing and pent to the Secretary previous to the meeting At the Gospel ntwtf last Sooday moat excel- reading were given by yrs J SGreen and Mr The Peoples- Societies the meeting next Sunday The actios of the takes 2 jrXK5 Healthy Are you the Orchard Contest Alderman in it and bis c looking trees sod every one Is The was obtained red iba of Chase Bros- to local Mr J and the it will have to gel The June session of and Civil Court last Friday when the were Pa for into a in arch and ttesliDg got three TKBibi in ith hard labor sent to the Central or months for receiving s set knowing it to Stolen or The the June ft in of Ibc bat ibw been reported la ba before- art from North York of for opinion of ibe Ad rei 66 cm far disorderly We have heard driving to ud for- pniottolit hone in tut A person down and tied in txmtU bo ftt- to some tbojipiDg will store we open so ordinary Time went and the still toroe Finally before midnight be the be in nd drove it be or the poor horse would to all night at fellow had forgotten all t It- NOW A town announce llib annual of the Utddiit which to lab the 19th A train leaves at a ram to pincatthe of the beaut ilat formerly the old water can ia part of day here it they with is to make ICC trips every hoar and quarter ihrcogb the day Geneva Park one liipu to art only I and children half price icraiii home boat Geneva Pari at and tram toclxk giving eight for pleas art at and arriving here about hi- evening Our Days In the by the after KUon that the beat since com fox their liberal patronage the tan proof of li oar iviu ro of dong C On Tuesday evert- and a from being killed dray intending to firt ft hay from Lawyer TUyhaJ entered the avtnao around Into a pished out on up of W the animal and It trt In on it raa the eiatWfllk hi ai The aajjbl in the the ami before It got Mr Hell the by the Mr who poor knrtiejrybrfi though 11 a nt deal it it apposed that ho the of the Junior League foHowinje officers were elected at laat regular ineetiog for quarter en Ernie Hughes- lat Howie Cane Hiram Willson 3rd Nile Via fiecretairy Lottie The lias caw raemberv an of new ones for rath daring the part The avenge attendance tor The on toi well attended and the J girls bad an time The Crowd Roche Cc the crowd at their Bargain Day Sale They will also be crowded mgmin today Friday Get their price v Decoration After the rain of the day the flowers ly mown pin at the cemetery mote eas- day for Ulceration Ceremony be The different formed on the Mar kit and about oclock proceeded to the in following order CUtsune Bund of the Ancient Order of of Foresters Floral Car Order of OddFellows of CwUiftdlmn Order of Ancient Order of United Workman Citizen a on foot Carnage Theprooaion wma pretty dif ferent Older wore their regalia aid car ried bouquets flower The ITqcbI Car was special mention Arriving at Cemetery Rev Canon conducted the after which the different orders proceed to place graves of departed brotbam the flowers etc which they bod for The flowera in the cloven iron nev looked bo well and the wen alio very pretty This order decorated graves banners of the and also of were appropriate When ceremony was concluded the Cemetery looked very pretty as be sua what had at least a of flowers The of the was very appropriate and a feeling of pervaded assembly of people present The wen closed part of the afternoon and were spent in sacred memory to departed Yarns Sheetings Flannels in from the Factory When selling wool tbe cash for some of these reliable goods at Ma Roches a out In foil force iwxt to in match with A of went down to on altenKxm and brought homo a Link- Both the Aid of Church adopted the of not to make par after oclock on and should a case of visa they will cany their own home Stawberv Festival On tho damp weather the Garden Party at the Presbyterian Church last Wednesday evening partook more of the of a social and was pretty well at tended The grounds adjoining partially and the Band showed quite an improvement in their music The tables yera set the basomentand strawberries aod cake not stinted in the leasts was were as stock is ScaftN Arc call A Bums The following we I Toronto The ttctiwi fc mao William In a lO front was only after a desperate wanted of every and commenced giving of If amp attracted tbe attetitiun Ma urnUr of First he the tele- pu operator to ttejrttn to ordering h to a private aa he wanted JJttwa an train arid death sway The of two pat a to fat taken into Ik Wingfteld as a loDatic A of told the that lbs ptiintfss vturu a itwhbe Canadian A aroand hew a a it and who ha of parts eT Fori ivum CM- ttHfcMhstsftniwioi Dominion Day Father Monis on the Fair Grounds Inst Satur day was a great success Tha weather was all that could be desired ftud receipts will not be teas than The only disappointment was the arrival of the Richmond firemen to contest Rutland and Ladder races with Bradford Brigade Father Mor ris however offered the Bradford team to cover their expenses which they refused to accept- The tables Floral Hall were well with delicacies by the ladles and being adorned with presented a very tempting appearance bo much that COO meals were furnLihed A string band delighted crowded aroand the dancing platform throughout the day A match between Bradford and Newmarket was the first sport to attract attention The boys played with great enthusiasm for an hour and a half at the end of which time the score stood to in of Bradford The follow jpg vrerc the winners in the minor events yds 1st Ed 2nd Shape- Bunding Jump let Cain 2nd Jr Boys 1st John 2nd John Girls race lit Doyle 2nd Tritt were and tbe trotting races attracted most The named race one brought out eight and resulted in roJ first money after a hard struggle with game little speedy colt Easy Jim to have his own the second race and won In straight beats although pushed by in every heat fur vt distance The were Messrs Ah Will ton Frank auJ J Woodcock who bad rather a difficult talk to in the first race owing to their being ao many horses and the manner In which some jf the drivers to gain at unfair othtra is a lues Darling Bros Medium Arnolds John George It Verooui Nero J Coulters Kitty Tims Exams Candidates for Teacher Certificate commenced writing on Tuesday morning Those for III CUsa will finish to day Class and Wednesday- There writing at Model School here in charge of A Davidson for for Class aod for III Class- There are CO writ ing at Aurora in charge ot J E Dickson Their Time is the Meeting last Monday night lbs contract for calling the gran and weeds on streets of the town was given to Mr John for work is to be finished by to satis faction of the Bridget Com Mr Lyman is Inspector sea that the and cut in lots and if they are not attended to after notice has been served the expense will be charged to lots and collected with taxes Belter get down the boo or and at them at The process of the Garden Party on Thursday night of last week out on amounted to JO Pino Orchard bad a Union picnic last Saturday Service ot Song in Methodist Church next Sunday cording to all appearance there must have been considerable around last BatnrdaT Mr Sykes new brick block is already presenting a sab- and attractive appearance Mr has planted a hedge in front of his premises on Eagle If the town Carters do not look after their pretty soon the gob lins will get them Who is look after dog tags for lfitt Treasurers of Municipalities moat pre vent a statement of receipts and expendi tures for 1693 the meeting the Council York Pioneers At the regular monthly meeting in Toronto last Tuesday farther extracts from the journal of the late EU of Newmarket were read by Read Q Mr after stating that Peter Robinson first resident of Newmarket who was elected to the Canadian Parliament John the second and the third goes on to say that the first physician in the vicinity of Newmarket was Christopher Dr to in with Gabriel the father of Samuel for the county of and George the registrar Of that county Dr was a re markable man lie was a and physician an Englishman one of early props of and much beloved by all who knew him He died in aged yars and bis body lies in the cemetery of St church which freo gift from to church Mr Go bam remarks It if there is another io Ontario that can furnish paral lel instance of recorded and well authenti cated Mr in his suggests that an ornamental metallic railing enclosing Dr grave and tombstone would be hand some recognition on the put of tbe town of the generous liberality if the donor July It J 6 Jackson sadM JiaKaloo L A- WaAU David Prior Road Be of Or W for aervlcw flnmpnror ChappI ml of Ion that It was aoS had refused to and tha to Mr was a ud ha referred to tha Th mm to pay be account If he wanted to Mr Trfrllt objected to It was a trick man Mr coincided with Mr- Cody that lbs Mayor had only acted hum to It Would been It I La woman had died for want of medical help Mr thought that out Qt for Mayor I ho tie paid Mr opposed form Council out an account of midlcal man far services q the case of He heard was in Dr hands and thought heap plied to Lhla Four were and sacb One lost ftcoouut Ilea the table ill a mem ber the Utah School Board was accepted oil was refened to Fire Water Com Bridge Com ihlstlea wars to It to lowest was lost on of paacd to John Gee at Mr to any- about a with -Aia-irl- notice Had been of Lba oppolut- for such but bid received Mr- Woodcock thought that Com- shoold be called Mr callad to the of old sidewalks was Pooled at wanted to know If was the Mayor to level put down walkasbeproDalseds Xr Uody called to the weeds In vaunt hlch to town Com was Instructed to pre pare a for a School Trustee In Hsu of to to placaafltatalToiiibesrMt corner so as not to Interfere with wire A was appotolluK Weeds flxlog fee for each Mr moved to grout to the Fire but toicatasacawrlar Mr key Halt was taken outfit the doer while last day Water Com was to sea bat bind boys are not allowed to go lire to tbe Council Chamber but to use ilia elds door As Mr Woodcock had more ready to put through the Council adjourned at ID IS meet nest loader Sins Council BANKRUPT STOCK WHICH WILL 31 Plaralyze PURE PARIS GREEN WHITE HELLEBORE ANTCHOLERA DISKNFECTANT DR CAMPBELL Propriutof NEWMARKET BOOK AND NEWS DEPOT BARGAINS IN DINNER Telephone W STARR AT THE at Church St Pauls Church was well filled in sjiite of threatening weather last Sunday when the brethren of Tuscan Lodge and a large number visiting Masons Eroxn Aurora and neighboring lodges at tended divine service Canon in his sermon forcibly upheld tho character of itaEnry Ha said that no can be a without better for it What a mux learns will help him to per form mo re and mora intelligent ly tha duties which he owes to to his neighbor and to himself can in no possible way be said to be with the Church No one can a Mason who does not believe in the Supreme The Volume the Law is found in the in the lode room it enters into order proceedings at every meet ing teachings are sot forth in a most solemn and impressive manner The high character and position of great majority of Free- Masons and their love for craft are proofs that nothing done within closed of any lodge that is inconsistent with the civil moral or religious dutirs of any member If there are who are not good christians or good citizens fault does not from anything they have be or seen within the lodge room lie showed that Masonry though a christian institution doc cot deny or ignore tbe Lord Jesus Christ but its beautiful symbolical upholds as Lord of Life and directs eyes of all to that bright Morning whoso rising brings and salvation to faithful and obedient of Itcfrular at Dells bold Members all present by 8 by that the matter to Ed ward be laid over nntil neat by by J Chartf that Council pay to the sum of Kloga of of way tor between King Carried seconded by Cbsriy to the order of Simeon Lemon sum of achoolhonia flraot Moved by Ja by that this pay the sum of to Chamberlain and on coo Carried by Cherry A that the action of In as- Arthur Motley ha being Iu extent of of the funds of this pal bo approved of this Carried Stored Jos Cherry by A Wo bo petition of others bo laid mealing Carrie tt by A M to complete the work on bill lot con The were Cam n nh at Iota cos Klrtoa plonk John cedar ltobtClatksontfOad if con Thus culvert Jama repairs John repairs on Albion freight IA2Joaoph atreet fiswer Pipe Co RoUon map of aide- road W- Inland Jackson and slatlouerj John rood repair con Wells road repair met ditch to Kerr to con gravelling Joi uyh on Geo Hugh Archibald to- ptlrtoOth con Tattoo to marsh A It hill to Joroiaa repair OJ con or at Ji In Prices to cleair out Lines Of- BOOTS SHOES St READYMADE SUITS IN ALL SIZKS OF MEN AND BOYS ANOTHER HEAVY ARRIVAL Of our Celebrated Japan Teas new crop also Fine Young Hyson Black Honing and Ceylon Tens Finest Selection of Strength Flavor prices very much below ordinary dealers The Golden the new Vegetable Shortening constantly in stock R J DAVISON I BakebI- SCHOOL REPORTS JJJJU Ink Drops I 119 1 drawn 3 Ull Vemona Jim I Millers- 2 Lady WsJtl Tims sad It Garry Timer J Cake for ami by and in ti lor Mantle JajjCi ill I il only com cent per lireaktil and on our Oil Ws bars a larg A Vacation Green pens In last Friday Farmers busy Nest Wednesday ia 12tb noes to Board meets Tuts Look lor next week And on a no Sen The total mortality among Mecca early in June exceeds Mr caught a lunge on feet long said to be the longest Ash ever caught in Lake to Black two miles from was struck by lightning Sunday night and entirely consumed Jxks no insurance Kingston July a sad accident near Lake A a years old daughter John Johnston on a milk into it and was tlie her father knew it- He was milking cows at the time and after he got through he went in search of the child and was shocked I when he found hex body the sosm or or K Nor man Jun Hon Ill A Draper A Jnn Corner War- Son J KWt- Hose A Draper J Vfmtr W VanNorniao Was J Cot V A Jud Morion It Prmser day Ernie Ho Leo Pollock John It VT J Cola A Cote UoilDit Pioaaor A Wallace AversK sViao Teacher Our Newmarket WE ARE NOW Makini the MOST DELICIOUS t ICECREAM TRY IT Drop in and take a cool refreshing drink of CREAM SODA ALWAYS ON ICE Fresh Strawberries Apples Tomatoes Oranges and Lemons ARRIVING WEEKLY IN LARGE QUANTITIES PACIFIC RY FA From anil Ontario Co Eetovan GROCERY Our Grocery is stocked with a full line of can be found in a FIRSTCLASS GROCERY Everything STORE- Mr lQtCs1aa bathe too Duller IraIt lb RaCUirUubJ per per lb- iwrcwt iMchj lb i5 CO IS on 16 a on OSS oca CO it CO a a ION a a 10 SUGAR CURED HAMS AND BACON Also Celebrated Cottolene Give us a call 1 A ROBERTSON jy Ordeia telephone promptly attended lo Main St JUST ARRIVED 1 New Lines in Jewelry MoohotdUi Boston Albert Edmonton J 3000 a a Fancy Hair Pius Cuff Links Stick Pina New League Fob Chains Endeavor Fob Chains Fountain Pens c c At lowest prices K IHKOLIm JallSrO JVM Joly b t7n An IKRotoro from Eo la lima to con with 1015 p from mjigj IcatIqiob lc limaor ibLiCTMl- AUCTION SALE OF Valuable Freehold Property and by lbs la lob L ATKINSON Will t or them Ml by auction TboioftfRMcUlToa ft tbo North Hotel la on OTd or at oclock pood property Muitly owtMloQ of Ilopfcijji uo good fmrnft m vUrhoato ev farm gmri of that on try For wid of C X Or to ft Solid tor ST Rut Toronto- We still have vey pretty on Some new Patents in Electric and Navy just in the last we will get this season LACE MITTS PARASOLS Have you tried our Past Black Cotton Hose We guarantee them to be absolutely stainless A full line of Shirtings and on hand the Right Prices Our Groceries are all Fresh and of the best quality Now is the time you want to get the best value in Sugar We only keep Redpaths Granulated the best una purest that can be got Try our Blended Tea at Also our at W W PLAYT Telephone Connection 62 Main St LUN DYS GREAT BARGAIN HOUSE Is the place to buy Clothing Suits from 350 up Family Flour lbs Rolled Oats J LUNDY MAIN STREET BOOTS SHOES We sell handmade shoes lor less money ban you pav for machinemade trash All rips sewed free MONTGOMERY SON TAILORING BOOMING MAIN ST JEWELER NEWMARKET Of hi brown Throo Liflihs a two iny wilt bo We have the most complete stock on hand that cannot be beaten of Summer Suiting NOBBY SUIT8 FROM MONTGOMERY SON

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