Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 30 Jun 1893, p. 4

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i ERA SUALIBBT a a to Joly a fV-15- Golden Go therefor od them in tod of Son ud of Holy TbNtw op the the Council mi told their of firm had been on acted the ttro by returned to mod renamed their missionary in different of lftbor on account of ft to one of northward rtriiilcd and lirewdtotbechnrcbM On the way parly wai by Timothy It Spirit guide from Cod ihrongh by faith- of faith may be possible but such never become pottle Doty done and doty at are two diiiinct elemeou- ON Editor I- to of Mr of Department a been created to be filled by the Ontario Government The meats of baa been per It is annonnced that Sit Caron ho a short time sine waa called to Pane by Sir John Thompson has been London for tome time and la now pre- railed from returning to Canada by an attack of conflow to bed THE WOMAN WHO and tired will foul a in Dr Pierces Huron to Perfectly a of the female system promotes all the natural function builds and mothers ami every weak it is an invigorating that to their neelft more limn too till only all the ehi of rfwuanhood- In com every bearing- Urn and if it over fails to bene fit or bare vonr money back pays dealer better in ay bo offered as just good it is for but ft firyiu No No fall Tim floorers tipped by of each to each from dewy If did not kiu Some at to they fall Their Authors theyd tree no frnit at all If bee neer sipped from flowers cell And tweets to conveyed The winds in tones Fair in tomb laid of Kni aud stalks of corn from their kind as No wonld earth adorn And fielJatroolJ yield thegrain So mutt at to heart For give Since claims from each its pari The heart that lores not cannot Jama Walton JiCftW NEWMARKET HARDWARE STORE Comity Council a w man a- tesilmoar to Scfrl my lift Injury totptflas ytaertDi the lot lis aim I my lefcifae it ooi the into to sol id which lo 1 ihf ha- flohea thn peat rtllcfi Ivtlle a cure Sarsaparilla the all from a PKnptc to the worst Scrofulous Sore thirtyeighth of the with a specially pat riolio number as befits Day Dr General a fivepage poem on Canada Copiously papers British India by Life in by the Editor well as other inclined to kick the Dominion will be to know for yesn lb Indian Government hare been saddled with an expense of oer 4000- snootily maintain the army In that The of is calling the attention of the Imperial Parliament to and it likely that will be made of the Imperial which they certainly DYSPEPSIA- BILIOUSNCSS CONTIPATiON HEADACHE SALT SC HCAR DROPSY RHEUMATISM wbodis Mr McCarthy adversely by calling attention of feesre- by and his Arm for profession on behalf of the Government appear to ignore the fsct that their have a reflex side which rirxtoraara W be ment only paid a fair ram for these it is contemptible to matter before tbe in an way and if the and party are criminally respomible for baring abstracted from treasury for the social advantage of a supporter ThLiirvrHtiun ami Jio it or the merit ifcTive ami it lli aji1HIuoi Mhiufri in A 11 A Story of the high court of justice is for this one I was Jay when my scared a water from- his hole in the and as the rat came up to the middle of the I made a cast hjm with the lint and with the middle book in the shoulder Just as he lived a swallowed one hooks My dog had the and as he near it the made a to pet and dragged the third hoof so that it in the ear and there I the rat and list I hut I and Nit It j tint iny I Uxors tew of i i cxtf of Wijnier than though f nronmvatlry Mllir Hi until cay I I jf I if J vti Day Atocvic n 1 hi ilioftTMrirjurtJirivk- On hvi it t Wart I turriDTucgrUc culm MBjtl Cli li 4 I blrrl J2J liiliJL J r9aa fbuwuj fc atlitAit- tLt-iurut- by of yr salt at Tat Chicago Fair Is not aordinj to expectations ami lias already in Several were nude last week inHuilini property valued at re sredismppointifi and unless there the result Iron Several are ASfintl for the lackuf mure lite high railway tariff for 0tening and he yidin in a certain decree by the Fair lo the and clement baa depreciated the Worlds in the christian of the lUih and this will ita upon anee Congress it self on in at mercy of any set of who ignorant exclusion law for is in violation it is by the and he cause it may tickle the raljhte everywhere mid llic excculive depart- moot Is obliged either the nation in the eyes of the world by it or to a pUusabla for to a dead At pres ent however it it the worn top It it said that there are nearly of them who have failed to regular according law this would instant arrest of everybody who failed to comply with the cannot aocooitnodato them and to send them back to China wbtle the appropriation for enforcement of is but old fjuestion of tolls introduced by Reave of York in following resolution the York roads bo by a general rate add that of tolls on the York abolished the present leases aspire that shall be binding upon county of York on the city council of Toronto abolishing collection of The reeolotioa was on a division vote of to The afternoon was taken up in arguing over action of the warden in support ing tht asked for last session by tbe Metropolitan railway Reeve for York town hip which had been opposed to leg- decided by lotion to stand by the warden aS be bad been carrying cot their instructions A motion to by next year was carried A report was submitted that it was hardly probable that the county would have to pay any in with gates at the CPR at and Dufferm streets Mr of the Toronto and Railway addressed the Council upon matters in dispute in reference to the road The City Council had ordered that the company take up feet of railsattht end of Queen street which in city limits belong to the subject referred to county commie oners A resolution by Evans of coke to people living within a mile of a to obtain tickets reducing of toll fees was voted down A to expend earn of In watering part of the city limits and limit of North Toronto wax tost A report from the Industrial the of a dairy at that adopted In Ihe evening sivcrj members of the Council took a trip over the ileliOuli The Council adopted a to be presented to GT them to issue return to and from all stations on Saturday at one fare Finance granted the village of Weston to repair lock County Solicitor refused an in his from C00 to He however for last years work The Finance Committee a of 90 to the of the Council out wanted to introduce without notice a motion instructing the warden and county commission era to erect the York reads at places might tec fit hut per mission to introduce it without duo notice was A Boor Sutton excursionists who came on Thursday last Enterprise enjoyed an incident on return journey which was not on the advertised program When four mile point hi Lake Simcoc Harry Park of 1froy who was one of passengers spied a deer in the water about a mile from the steamer He drew the Captains attention to it and the steamer started in pursuit Twice the deer was headed off and made to it but these were unsuccessful and a boat was lowered and manned by a of four After an exciting chase party succeeded in getting the dec which is a beautiful fawn two year old into their boat and returned to the steamer The animal was to the Churchill Orangemen had charge of the excursion POWDER PUREST STRONGEST BEST Contains no Ammonia or any Toronto Ont PURE SPRING 1893 A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF I BUILDERS I PAINTERS I I HARDWARES 2R I supplies CARPENTERS I TOOLS BAR BAND HOOP IRON AND STEEL IN ALL SIZES DAISY CHURNS OPAQUE BUNDS AND SPADES SHOVELS RAKES AWU AM GARDEN TOOLS The wheat in last year was acres Tbe of J Davie M P natural brings lo mind of the who has been year or two lamps runaway seani tbnshing ma chines ami a host of other that we poor are to Mr Davis connection with the amous IWI of that ilk introduced to the Local Legislature a of years ago is responsible fur all this But let the rejoice we on the best authority that Mr Davis some- Lime ago purchased a wheel for his boy and has become so enamored of it himself that he frequently is seen careering round tbe roads in North York mounted on his sons wheel and moreover- be docs not dismount time he sees ahorse The mills the god etc We axe very pleased indeed to think that Mr Davis has seen the error of his ways and hope that he will also become a of highway improve- DUNN THE FRIEND CORNICE POLES JACKS KEPT FOR HIRE JAS PROP- THE LEADING HARDWARE UK co v 0ANAIA3 West A new GovernorGeneral of been appointed Lord Stan- who now hold the position to the and of his brother the Earl of Derby who died and it ii that he should return home to attend to his duties Mr Gladstone has selected as successor in the high office John Campbell Hamilton Gordon Earl of Aberdeen The Earl Is fortysix years of age and has for several years held distinguish in re ligious and philanthropic as well as in political circles He succeeded to the Earldom in on the death of his elder brother He was at that lime a Conservative in politics but in be disapproved of the action of Lord in espousing the cause of Turkey and risking war with Russia He with several other prominent statesmen severed his con nection with party and ly ined the Liberal party He has given his attention both in and out of Parliament less to party measures than to social subjects When a Royal Commission was ap pointed to collect evidence and sug gest legislation for tbe prevention of railroad accidents Lord Abeideen was made chairman of it and he did efficient work as a member of the committee on Intemperance He was also appointed High Commis sioner of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland and held the office for four years He came however most promi nently before the public as Lord Lieutenant of Ireland a thankless office- which usually covers its pant with Lord Aber deen however was an exception to the rule he and his wife were cor dially ked by the Irish and when he quitted office at the downfall of the Gladstone Administration they loaded htm with their testimonies of greater proof of a roans tact and geniality could be produced During Conservative supremacy the Karl has of been opt Of office but ho has led a busy life In connection the many religious and philanthropic societies with which he Is associated He has been much concerned at the priva tions and hardships of the unem ployed in and when Gen Booth of the Salvation Army or ganized his scheme of relief Aberdeen gave him five thousand dollars towards the expenses Canada is 10 be on having At head of her government a man so and so sympathetic with all efTotls lor the benefit of the people That qualification is down in as of greater value that statesmanship New York Christian Km pun oi try LOW INFLUENZA Or La junta la alwaji more or Leu la Cherry Lwt u oiBta ao thai my a HSWb cat procured a Ctierrj Pectoral do Crook Or Cherry Pectoral Prompt to A feee in Full Lines of SPRIN GOO LAWN MOV KRS INCLUDING HOBS OPAQUE BUNDS AND POLKS READYMIXED PAINTS ALL KINDS OF WIRE Ask for and no An exchange very aptly re marks Some ai if they does not to a line of in a It does though and if tor the Ixnefit of an individual he should he willing pay fur ji no one pays for it the owner of the newspaper does- Space in a newspaper is the owners stock in trade He can no more afford to it away than a grocer his groceries He has it for rent and he can no more afford to furnish it free than a landlord can rent free to Toronto At the meeting of the lor on to Hoard Trade Friday Mr Frank bis scheme fgr the construction of an air railway between olhngcjofl Toronto railway would pass through a Or railway construction no obstacle the way and from all information received ridcS would nut exceed cm per mile- The load would he with cars scry capacity and and engines of tbe heaviest type made and would be laid or pound At a system eUvatrs to grain from scHlfls the cars would used would he so arranged that ihree four could at vessel dotnx the unloading Willi great rapidity and at the Toronto terminus the cars would he above the dock on and the Kin the hot ln of 1 or bins be the cars The con of this line would make for Oswego and I hi and it Kve an easy and outlet for the Georgian Hay lumber finally decided to ask the of Trade for further after which a would be to confe with as to a plan for promoting the tchemc but from proof LARD MUST GO sine come take lis place The satisfaction with which the people have hailed IheailvenlollheNewShorteDlng evidenced by the rapidly Increas ing sales is PROOF POSIT AND WINDOWS HASH AND CHURNS to a fioturo genfl Sunlight Soap wrappers the words Why fiOfi a Woman Look Old Than Man- to Scott Toronto and you trill receive by post a pretty picture free from adver tising and welt framing This la an way to decorate your home stop beat In market it cost lo postal in wrap I pen If yon ends open Write addroia mm YOU FIND THE LATEST Also fen telephone at Half Price W STARR mechanics Tools a Specialty J A W ALLAN CO Anyone can he superiority of our STOVES AND No MAIN STREET to Hire Its great value as a new article diet but also sufficient tho general io be Indi- una lizioK lard and all the III promotes Try at and waste no In others that you now NO USE FOR LARD only M CO and Ann MONTREAL Do You Admire Flowers You do Well keep your on Bent leys Pharmacy lor we have all litcsf niivelticH he iiKSOited of town Do You Like Vegetables Everybody does Von know and cur Block id larger more varied than ever Give a trial BENTLEYS PHARMACY DR CAMPBELL Proprietor OILS ARK THE S LARDINE CHAMPION JJOLI MEDAL OIL Of MACIMNK Oil DOMINI CYLINDER OIL TINWARE we manufacture are made out of solid material Now in lo order Milk Pails and Cans before the Spring rush HODGE CO MAIN ST SOUTH Til WE aged was at Woodstock by being struck- by a piece of timber throws saw at which he an working Five confined in the county jail at Amherst escaped by cutting through a half inch bar Lin i moat la Id 1172 VltiorU of Sur whole Lung a o 1 if A of Tomato will Kindly An tUo will not tie Anvuril liollilnjr trip Disk rrh rtfhl Lou of Vufco tforeThrAivt nay ftiractlon wlrhont will wear twice a long as any other THE OILS ARK BROS CO TORONTO foil BALK BY J A ALLAN A CO AND ALL try IAius Shingle- Siding Flooring OUR OF LUMBER Lath Doors Sash and Blinds LOWEST possible 5 tar iL1 I A iviiiioev INSIDE SLIDING BLINDS QUVANIZO STEEL Tower Ml MS Tlir CHICAGO rroDrlci ho Pat DrtadlM lor Rout work far lrHlyIllVJlMl4t lrinri on 1v t IMI for f0 IS it ice to Creditors APPLEBY STEPHENSON Oil- ic fcinic la ill iork clay or Day Jn toT PO of iho will of A Bit ihrni a LlifttUn and of Him of nod of held cfiil no I a in tier of July llic in for tf lift to f liie ahull not And Dm III not liable ifltyu inn of vhuru hiiVo d At Hit of JiMv J FOR SALE Sjiropshire Rams YOUNG HORN BULLS a tow to C- Ill so TRUNK A N A jr Tin at OH 9x 2 P rf mm to twelLinu house- to Lot Apply w Tornniopto Iota Willi OR SALE- A TbiiiiiUtK4 WlU Mil It to tell It Stock May w Wo Of of territory MAY run mo Ewsiio Paper Factory ClMliW OSTRICH PARISIAN ikl tut jjr

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