Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 30 Jun 1893, p. 3

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H 7T J wa Local CBLBCH Next Elder will ftCTUTh Gospel CIIEME- The T The in bow alien Mr rHic Skrmoh On Sundiy proved new School jSlb U be h fir floor or if in building Do want ft or pretty If to jut ft foci ijflw knows how to The meeting of A in tot week It by rot to oiler the 1st at who enter the f ftfcUiDg by rat 1 Cheap The Grand mom liberal ol for the Dominion will bo tomorrow in Ontario good till on day Joly Method fix The boy of mod SnmUy alio Ml Subject Sonday the r or i f- and Mrs rfiVrf nll urn On hew T ft off rtCf oat ih two On Thursday a ron owned John vitb ml ftcwy iI Wm off work for He Wts with ft tftjfwbioiiiiigil and the md of a pair be able to move and cJI at the jtfsiij Sanitary RECVLAtiow The Health hdd a last week report of the Inspector wis fe id saving that f3liiscxcti in a unitary for ihooh there are where further passed stores and all am fit more persons are at a mouth the Re that act faerng Model School who the Jane for Sipe Garfield Harry bun Alice Frank Wright City Lottie Eta Lath Lily Frank Sutherland iVIev Willis Charlie Far- cob Harsh at Kingston from the city left evening did Jake long spread town that Two man hid to ia the trial commence Friday to about They after ode verdici of with a rtaxnmtodatioa to mercy Judge Me- bad tittle to lay add lightest the Ian a never be repeated in Dinner Sets- Book Store- In the report tfc will be noticed that the Loll is to be revival jttr read font Cane I the Of of having two or the vilhi9 and another for tbo J3thiH cfaangca calcic the Act form we compiled and the Euliauon Wf their work con- from at the Tkaie it matter rhlch not The additional tu High in to the atlcndsnc of iont Newmarket fin Will be in in to f July etattd lUuneoibtr the JW 4 iha North York ftety per to tieJigriithence Lake MoakoK liMau to Windermere cM- t Iwl realised VUticipttioiia the llirectore add of thoe WW of alUnlaneo and Id the f- by the occerul that taken tor of filled WMttade op the train and w tbemttWti of 2njoIty ilij afforded to rifit the Most of the Where is is on the Shore of about is one of spots to to be art dalles and arbor and lor children to paddle on and cold water and splendid flihinR this is where goes to on the Cooled Off- A distinguished military roan was taken down to the cooler for timing profane language on the street He appeared next looming and difficulty boys wore Irritating flaw off the faa promised to and do better will not him away this Honesty Chief Savage had on ibiswk which be a to dootetftlca thtinpcairf of a family number hat the fear the law and public they were moat gladly three ringa ffere missing a days A girl character a her all and ale soon realize this fact when the into matter bow great temptation Another effort of Cane backed by the the Gran 1 Co has consented to allow the Atlantic Express to atop at Newmarket every morning daring the rammer of only Monday morn iogs hi formerly change came Into effect week train here about and very regular- It gate into Toronto at and enable people to take any morning train or boat going out of the city which is a great The will not be Open but tickets can be procured the evening before up to oclock at Ticket down town Dominion Day versa of will be celebrat Newmarket by a Pic the Exhibition Gronnde auspices of the Church The garner will open at by a Lacrosse Match be tween the Junior of and Bradford How Bed Bradford ill at Hook and Ladder between the fame Fire Brigade at Trotting Race at At the time sports clading running race will proceed for which are to be made with Mr There ia also to be a FootBall Match between Newmarket and of Tomato be following will be the home players Mitchell J Smith Foster and The S ExcuRStON On will he without exception the mot pleasant trip of will be Way 3 Ball a to the of the Sunday fa and will bo no to the afternoca Specimens On Wed nesday Tr cuia of went out to and in of botanical for analysis Among thorn were rare loolncUng some well develop florae of Orchid In the practical of Ib this way a great deal of intact School- Promoted from PI to Book In order of merit May Willie Gertie Frank Banna Era Fred Etfael Earl Allan Hodge Alex Promoted from Jr to Ft Names In order of Eazenhy May Keith May p it Char- Festival Willing of the f Newmarket hare arranged for a Party on Gbaroh and adjoining Wednesday week The Band will be to the A of admission to the will and Ice will be as No will bo spared to make evening enjoyable poblic cordially invited from Business By to our our readers will notice that thafilainJD ronton an retiring from and offer their splendid at cost and wider This flxm hare always enjoyed an for the superiority of their pools as they always purchased far world when goods an sold at coat by them on- may rely upon getting wonderfal begins Saturday Pit and the atom will be the two days to mark down every thing fa Give Home Your Trade ft a short sighted policy which in- to boy from and vendors which home hare taken paloo to apply to all at roasonafaI rates dealers cannot be looked to for any enterprise Or benefit to the town nor for help in carrying the necessary burdens that fall npon all They are roach aide liable than home dealers to carry shoddy and to use do- and tie buyers are usually remedy when deceived It a short sighted policy that does not always give home dealers a reasonable prcer in making purchases A Great Joke- Carter sold oat to Mr Bell eod bays at Caneehctory are baring great fan over a little incident the other day- An unmarried man by way of a joke over change in occupation to bring him a load of slab Taking him at his word new carter put on a load and driving op to the where be boarded ashed where he have slabs left The young fellow tried to get out of it that it was only a joke bat it was no dm as Mr Bell wee not carting for fan and so he dumped them In the yard Now the tables are turned the boys are asking If this the first step towards icNR Junior League of intends to picnic to Mr William next Tuesday afternoon- Closjwg The Roes in the Model were a literary and yesterday aitertroon a parting to other before the off on Wednesday The tables wars In the basement and looked tempting with their load all manner of dotted thickly with of the Itudona The Gituens Band by some on the It nearly nine oclock before the ladies were through when Mr Coleman took In room and formidable choir a of Slits Fletcher and Hid giving thai story Harry Conquest in most Mr Che of also took a prominent part and bis solo instalment a and chalk talk wore Proceeds over flcte STOCK will keep open tonight tho same as on Saturday night of the fraternal visit with the Society at the Church on was preparing to go to a garden party on St last The Industrial Home do not meet the 10th to pass months aooonnta well regu lated rain to everything Wasnt them a crowd at station waiting for the train Tuesday night and Mike bad his bands full keeping the boys of mischief Cane ft have contract a new steeple on Methodist in Aurora Mr J JB Is bribing up The lawn north of Christian Parsonage an to Main The plow which it offered Panned u a prize for a footrace here ion Day iaton exhibition in of City Stow A bus load down to Bonds Lake Wednesday fiOOn for a and let people know when they borne Word brought bereoa Monday that the storm previons evening did great damage 0 pea and vines around There was another wedding at St Wed- morning Flanagan and to the are to know who came first ladles foot race Saturday evening WHICH WILL THE PEOPLE and every- to fitegtLtlorotnwhowtrt left be- rtptctinglranmorementi Mr of lb Co arid the tram have grate ib party for the way they to tl war at Mr JV it- who dipping with time 13M after his Newmarket ntc for old sake Indies Kid l Oxford for at Day If you have a relative or friend iaterred in cemetery and yod within a mile or two thereof do not let any trivial ex- case deter from potting to an appear ance Thursday and depositing a flower emblematic of the resurrection tbe grave of the departed Decors day we know it is essentially American institution Civil War began in and raged until While carnage was high while the smoke of battle vet ascended from a hilltop Abraham Lincoln per- formed a touching deed To Gettysburg made by the blood thousands of the went in to dedicate a portion of the field o the of the and in so be We Cannot we cannot lis How this ground The men Jiving ail dead who straggled here have it far above oar power to add or detract The world will little note nor long what wo aay bat it can never forgot what did here- It is for as to to i work which the have far bat left This tin establish of day United a day now of national And quite i time tbo nearly million who fell graves so with the tears who loved lint to Cod we reeling place of all our and the here and tell the story of of and long suffering of affection never die of tbo resurrection and of life beyond the grave Wo can by oar devotions by ads of by solemn thought our in terest ip tlh and iUtiminale memories which it recalls- Oar pil grimages thither sre nut conceived in vanity They of the Its- eon which properly enable us belter to our give force to our We are to remark that Cemetery Company dono its part to a neat and attnaclive appearance to the City of the Dead The was all cat a week ago and now prtaeou a living green color The who arc take part in the proces sion null Thursday have and will form on the market square at p ir which jrjrjPTe will tut I at rooms at oclock The boded Town will move to of appro- towards CemaUry where ceremony will fol low As of the several benevolent fraternal have object to save to keep the memory of departed friends and therefore we have no sympathy with who this as for having a knowledge that or later we also Join the The prospects ere will be more re- have agreed to from oclock Lets Have a Chance If the weeds are not cat pretty soon pedestrians will have to carry a searchlight with them to ffnd sidewalk on some of the streets The bed of thistles on street will sooo be a perfect show Why Council psas a bylaw com pelling people to cat the weeds in front of their own premises and charge delin- to the as well as to en force the snow ByLaw Snch an act would sa or of direct taxation and the appearance of the town streets woold be greatly improved There then be some encouragement to keep the street in front of ones door As it is now many persons say am not going to weeds in front of my place and then pay for aomebody to cot my neighbors he is too lazy or shiftless to do his own Entrance Exam There are candidate writing at tho Model School here for to Tbe exam commenced on and will at this after- noon tbofocmittiog hygiene and will finish at Bo far the papers are said to he very fair it id the Grammar It will bo time before of the known by the public following role adopted by De partment of at Toronto last year will be strictly to The of or mended shall not be after of Minister hss re After holidays another class to be added to pohlio school dropped out of the High school nuking the standard for latter one grade After JHLFt there will bo no Examination the hool leaving Exam will anamr same par- pose The Fifth Class in Public Schools take op Stores brokerage etc Hues Henttcys has pure article Paris Hellebore and AntiCholera inlfctant- Change of ad too laUi for this Five Mile Race There was a fair crowd over on tbe Exhibition Park last Monday evening and previous to starling of the team bicycle race boys big and small took considerable fan of both football and lacrosse the time for the race waa called at it waa IM before pat io an ap pearance and it was 715 before the wheel were all brought together to the three scratch Bobber tires were given the first mirk tire behind them and old in rear The teams ss follows white A J Lowe newborn J McDonald Geo Little Hodge names Reg Messrs and Roche acted as and J Montgomery and On word go they all got a good start but they had not gone msoy yards till pared off in couples Lowe took the lead on the first followed closely by of a close In tba second halfmile took the lead to covering the five miles in short time of 15 On third lap took second plabe and main it lrooghout his being seconds The rest crossed the line in the following order Lowe IG coin McDonald Stallard rain- sec Little 19 sec Haines sec sec sec Team time Red points Black It ao interesting and there was no mishap The agility of mounting And the created a little not on program which onlookers appeared to enjoy AT THE We still have some very pretty Prints on hand Some Dew in Electric and Navy just in the last we will get this season LACE MITTS PARASOLS Have you tried our Fast Black Cotton Hose guarantee to be absolutely stainless A full line of Shirtings and on hand at the Right Prices Our Groceries are all Fresh and of the beat quality Now- is the time you want- to get the beat value in Sugar We only ke6p Granulated the best and purest that can got Try our Blended Tea at Also our Coffee W W PLAYTER telephone Connection 62 Main St WHEN YOUR SHIP In Prices to clear out Lines of BOOTS SHOES READYMADE SUITS IN ALL SIZES OF MEN AND BOYS ANOTHER HEAVY ARRIVAL Of our Celebrated Japan Teas new crop also- Fine Young Hyson Black Monsoon and Ceylon Teas Finest Selection of Strength and Flavor at prices very much below ordinary dealers The Golden the new Vegetable Shortening constantly in stock Market Holiday tomorrow School today Garden ia doing flne shortcake deck in the shade Saturday Thunderstorm Sunday Pretty coo on Town Council Monday night R J DAVISON B In Mecca on Sunday deatha from cholera there WE ARE NOW Making the Our Newmarket St Pauls Church The Organ and of which Monday en joyed by were on former occasions following lions ware with aod Nearer my Cod lf Jubilate Muses and Anthem Turn my Choir Calvary Slitter I will up Choir through lifes and Sole JIM Perkins Sweet aadbyo Hist leaves WMk tor a months holiday her jJsiro at will bo taken by Mr A Choir this to for annuel servic of the York Choral be under the at the end of Next Holy will administered at 11 am and monthly service of preparation is to bo held on Friday at 730 per barrel W Full Wheat per a OK Wheat per a OO per liiifth Hires tamper a It re a aborts 0 a 000 hatf Otfl Applet if a a a Ikf a a 0 pat sir 00 ff 000 TurbjsverlK id a 000 MOST DELICIOUS f ICECREAM TRY IT Drop in and take a cool refreshing drink CREAM SODA ALWAYS ON ICE Strawberries Pine Apples Tomatoes Oranges and lemons ARRIVING WEEKLY IN LARGE QUANTITIES GROCERY DEPT Our Grocery Department is slocked a full line of Everything that can be found in a GROCERY STORE CURED HAMS AND BACON Also the Celebrated Give us a call A ROBERTSON Orders by telephone promptly attended to Main St ell Hates to Rate van YorJrton Albert JUNK tb E Mb oofU 1Mb from J Co mo with from July IdoIuIto d to dl1I1 limp for fi i It will bring no better bargains Stephens oilers you It Teas from Japan Spices from India Coffee from Java Rice if Olive Oil from Italy Fruits from Turkey Its all here Ready for inspection NORTH END STORE JUST ARRIVED t New Lines in Jewelry BOOTS SHOES nw The Methodist on to Bargain Days Roche Co dvcrtiw Two Day better op it uieani ma will a Worlds Fair on lnrnoof stock to Uinta money or lby would ther on their A until do to in their way doing Hair Cuff Links Stick Pine New League Fob Chains Endeavor Fob Fountain Pens o o At lowest prices LUN GREAT BARGAIN Is the place to buy Mens Suits from 350 up ORDERED CLOTHING lbs Family lbs Rolled Oats LUNDY STREET BOOTS SHOES We sell handmade shoes for less money than you pay for machinemade tush All rips sewed free MONTGOMERY SON TAILORING BOOMING We have the most complete stock of Summer Suitings on hand that cannot be beaten NOBBY SUITS FROM UP I MONTGOMERY SON L ATKINSON ST JEWELER Sign Red Boot The Leading Boot Shoe Store S BINDER TWINE PURE MANILLA cents per lb about ft for car lots ALL ORDERS EXECUTED BY JOHN Front St East TORONTO HIGHEST GASH PAID FOB WOOL

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