Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 30 Jun 1893, p. 1

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e V J I ERA 5f TO KNOW- TOUTTBl TOABQUB GEO- JACKSON A hi W SUBSCRIBERS LEGAL ONTARIO BANE CAPITA REST ii77icn P Newmarket Branch NORTH YORK INTELLIGENCES AND ADVERTISER Kg pape lent of North York in Vol Single Copies Cents i SOLICITOR ETC V Wf noEft Newmarket Ont Friday June T Strictly Advance 3 or at end of year AQKNEliAL TRANSACTED Allowed en at slater DRAFTS ISSUED AT ALL nod fold CUftdM tc j- For A Br ffl Sis Own LOJU3 FIELD- Block I Main Mb itioaiy or York Monday IS PR fcrr Jrrtl tand Vrnfrcr J wiarlil- I ROGERS VESTAL WW ftD A Block liRrGS ASH CHEMICALS SlMPSOM 86 Main J tiprew SCREEN W To Fit Any SizeWindow Fly Traps Dish Covers- Water Cans IceCream Freezers HAMMOCKS We have Just Received a Magnificent Line of Preserving Kettles ALL SIZES Granite and Poreelian BINNS I for A In jure t xo Telephone promptly GENTLEMEN gSffiSSB85S88E BONE Kit en We have really splendid bargains for you Jo miss is simply disadvantageous to you both in he of lie finest clothing possible as well as money It matters not whether you want a single garment or a full suit our stock affords the of providing yourselves with strictly firstclass Clothing at Rock Bottom Prices Call and see for yourselves Richards Co Gatti I stained my leg so had ly had to driven home in a carnage I immediately applied freely and in hours could use my leg as well as ever N S That string your finger means home LINIMENT TOROfUO Photos Photos I lie forth fait own And follow where be And in rejoice Ho before toow Him And His wisdom loo thro And not aw They hear Hit gentle At they follow in rear And own His a or of tin them But to boldly And keep the To from He freely His life And Be will Mid the Happy toldl protected by Such loving cue No need No sin thy ensnare He before He ibe matt right need to or He bee perfect sight In tattering or in torrow He will oar bear So let us trail Him folly Till Hit glory ehero every lima Of We may by grow Until WO the Jordan To dwell with Him at homo A STOUFFVILLE The creamery commenced opera tions on Wednesday Twenty nine of the sent in a QUI of tt of milk The wei rd in about one hour The process testing the of the milk is interesting Highest grade reg istered lowest The test made of the milk was very grati fying Not a trace of cream could be in the creamery milk while a sample of farmers skim milk brought to be tested showed that percent of the cream had been left is the milk notwithstanding that the milk hid been kept in cold water and great care taken in skimming IT AVISO Mr IX bent to ho MAINTAINING THE LEAD And to torn oat work every respect to city work pperlor the of will be in Crajon or OIL Mr 01 not bo to flood tfce bood with nork but every give and Remember A tor receive I KtSiVJ Ceaet or fcetiioM to- feiiJncitITpet St- WD MUTCH Merchant lailor opposite Starrs Book Stoic Gents own cloth made up neatly and Cheaply WATCHES JEWELLERY Zephyr PO d4 A tf toted KaMtLceTKttlAfHh St Y South Sda HMieP AT TOATCH CLOCK MAKER nook Score gold IS SO MUSICAL WM KENNEDY Main Alain ecleff Oxo Main Machine MISCELLANEOUS I Main Goods The o the Mill now prepared 1ay IK Park Ave Paper E0 How Slo I WORKS Main cauan Queen TfcuniMth ST tour- w In tad Life AT MANN ISC H Main Merchant MORTIl Ol WILSON- Ma YORK J J iLLKR 111 K-nleSt- rD Kale RAMS AT fcSM S3 rl Property Ot WrUoaTToHbop Newmarket INSURANCE Jtirxin Co or and toe rirDhtrrol Liverpool PACKING HOUSE K Huron Prop SMITH DENTIST CANADA LIFE BUILDING CROWNING AND BRIDGING Roots and decayed teeth is now recognized as the height of excellence in licnttstry when the work is done a and ex- licricnced dentist We the saving of natural even an ulcerated can be cured and as good as any tooth in the mouth The reduction in our charges made for filling and artificial teeth has proved satisfactory and will continue to insert not only the best teeth but the best filling and finished plates possible to obtain at charge made by other dentists for cheap We Artie no patients trill make a substantial forfeit to hear of CO Huron St and ALBION UOTKLTOI10TI of Market g8rAUUBHBllTI- Trmtt toy ftletm- li bed room Accomodation fur J i mr 1 rtSUKRof Pine Tree Grist Mills E mi ndrllet tlm kIko rot Gristing of Chopping SEEDS CIXVKlt Turnip fcOd all oilier Garden Seeds in fit Life Around ill MOUNT ALBERT The annual Garden Party in con- Dec lion with the Presbyterian Church here will take place as usual on the evening of Dominion Day in the grounds occupied by Mr A Notwithstanding the reputation which this Garden Party has had in the past it is the intention of the congregation to surpass all previous efforts and make this the party of the season Besides the usual conceit by the Ml Albert Brass Band there will be vocal music recitations etc Tea served at the usual hour The grounds will be illuminated and no doubt there will be a big crowd There has been a new built in front of the Christian church which makes it look neaL Forty of the finest our young cattle will be the victims of our butchers this season Mrs Patterson has improved the appearance her house by painting it and erecting a new verandah A football club has been organized for the season Blizzard is the secretary P Jones has torn down his barn to build greater He had his raising on Saturday which was the has been in our neighborhood this season KING CiTY Some time ago the council made a grant of to cut down what is as tannery hill at about a mite and a quarter west of here The money has been expend ed and the grade of the hill very much reduced so that the heaviest loads can now pass the hill with ease At the top of the hill a bed of quicksand was found which neces sitated digging a ditch on each side of the road Sunday evening Rev A Rankin of Toronto preached an and impressive sermon in Methodist Church to the Foresters Several members of tho lodges at and Aurora were also pre sent Miss Annie Fox who has been organist in the Methodist Church for the past three years and who is about to remove to Aurora was presented with a handsome gold watch on Tues day evening a a small token of es teem in which she is held by the members and friends of the chnrch Banner ZEPHYR SUTTON A large party from Zephyr took possession of the Point Saturday and had a big time Garden party July at the residence of G Esq The Sutton comet band will be in attendance Whats the matter with Sutton No celebration on of nothing done to mark Our own Domin ion Day no baseball not even a game of quoits The garden party at Mr Geo Rays Tuesday evening was a success crowd being present Rev Mr Wilkinson was made the recipient of the occasion On Tuesday Willie was about the river below the saw mill and accidcotly fell in the river in about seven feet of water alarm given McDonald quickly responded and dove after the boy finding at the the and brought him up safely Last Friday night while the was on her homeward trip from she got lost on the lake The ones in charge taking Port Bol ster for Jacksons Pi made having found their mistake and not knowing where they were they finally concluded to anchor till day light One day last week a number of being weighed On the scales and one of the number got very wild and made a dash for free dom The animal no doubt feeling dry started for the Queens went in an open door into a sitting room in the dining- room mak ing things lively around the and then out on the street again com ing in contact with the well of the hstel tearing up the platform mirac ulously taking a header in the well then took a northward course almost ROsborne and finally ran down the street past residence into the river and landed in J field Herald AURORA The annual Strawberry Festival of the Congregation here will take place on the church grounds under the auspices of the Willing Workers on Wednesday evening July 5th and the best entertainment of the kind may be anticipated- Re freshments will be served from 8jo to be followed by addresses from Rev A J Martin of Toron to a pastor Rev J Bell of Newmarket Rev J of Sutton Rev A of Mount Albert interspersed by solos duetts and glees Preparations be made for a large attendance and we hope the ladies will not be dis appointed for they have provided a physical arid intellectual treat for the people of and vicinity- HOLT Crops are looking well in this vicinity Mr Frank is building a new house Miss Morris is seriously indisposed We hope she may re cover Our choir meets Thursday evening of to practice Our public school was the subject of great week It appears the punished a boy named After whipping the boy Wept cottvillsioSS Richardson of aft Albert was sent for excitement was manifested and school dismissed for the remainder of the day weather of this week makes everybody look up their light weight clothing Miss R has returned home from Toronto Villi Standard Life Co UlTAUUeilKO my laTS k in On aiinrilti In Hollar Flour to farms if I I It I MUSIC- made lWi PKMALKH ThUdnf AND Canada life CO Capital- and funds- DOLLARS PIANO TONING Col ollTjrwhUi IJndfuc Bmhtford Bicycles A VALUK MAflatV DK8ION vrllatQ A Lit In Kxrtr broafbtbrof l IC PAR A CUOIItMAHTKK of of Weak ARC BUILT TO BELL AT THE OFFERED IT lo Kz Violin CONCERT BARITONE The Bicycle Brant ford Ont- Ill AGENT- J AS NEWMARKET V V MIUKK lie Thrr rC Atav M Muic Teacher 0 LI Children will strength and robust health use of Food Medicine SCOTTS EMULSION There has been a number of people in this vicinity lately Mr and Mrs Adam are petting better but very slowly Mrs Tate is ill with inflammation Mr Isaac Ketchs family ore down with scarlet fever There was a quiet and unexpected wedding here last week Mr A Wilson was united in lite bond of matrimony with Miss Nellie second daughter of Mr of Zephyr After the wedding they drove to Ox bridge and took the train for Toronto where they intend to reside The road master of this beat was his duty the past week he made a good beginning While we arc aware that the saw mill is a great to this place still we would like the people who travel through to be able to see the way clear and not nave to stop and enquire if there was hi a road north through here could not be seen or timber and Miss Arnold of is visit ing friends here Mr our late teacher was here on Saturday visiting Mr Mr M is laying sidewalks building a verandah and repairing the old store in fact there has been general cleaning up which has greatly changed the place Quite a number of the young peo ple went to Jacksons point on Sat urday to the annual Zephyr The Ontario S met here last Thursday and was well at tended Hoot A strawberry and ice cream festival will be held on the Methodist Church grounds on the evening of Wednes day July 5th by the ladies of the Miss Lloyd has secured the situation as in Mr Whims store in place of Miss York who is leaving to attend commercial college at Belleville Mr Chas of left here on Tuesday night for Manitoba on the Farmers excursion Mr Lloyd has gone up to see about a tract of land which he owns Mani toba We understand Messrs Co private bankers of in tend opening a branch here and to thai end have rented the premises lately occupied by the Federal Bank for a term of years- Mr and Mr John T of Minn spent a few days with their uncle and aunt here Mr and Mis Chas this week During Mr stay here he and his wife took a trip to Sharon to view David temple and meeting house They left for the East Wednesday morning The members and friends of the Methodist Church Sunday School held an ice cream social on the church lawn on Friday evening and from the appearance of the crowd at the tables must have proved to be an unbounded success The iath Hand enlivened the proceed ings with excellent music Mrs arrived home last Sunday morning from a trip to the Pacific coast She left here last October and during her absence she lias British Columbia Califor nia and also Southern California She enjoyed the trip both going and coming very much especially the scenery in the rocky mountains She says the climate of British Columbia is much more pleasant than that of California On Monday night Rev Mr a llaptist minister who has travelled about this part of the country during the past twentysix years and whore home is in got off the midnight train here and put up at the Queens hotel He ap peared to be unwell and on Tuesday he was scarcely able to get down Medical aid was call in and as he was growing worse he wis taken to on Wednesday by Mr Paul The trouble ap peared to be in the brain and it is feared he may not recover We arc Informed there are some boys around town who ate a little too careless for comfort in the use of fire arms and as a result there have been three or four narrow escapes of shoot ing A silting at a window a day or so ago heard the report of a gun and almost instantly a bullet struck the sill of the window just be low where sitting A gentle man walking through his garden in the same locality a day or so after wards beard a bullet whistle past his head These young gentlemen may be ignorant of the fact that there is a heavy penalty for discharging fire arms in town or village Be LoSDOM June terrible calamity has befallen the British battleship flagship of the Mediterranean squadron While maneuvering off Tripoli Victoria and collided The Victoria sank in of water She lies bottom upper most The ram struck the Victoria forward of the starboard side Twentyone offi cers were drowned Two hundred and fiftyfive men were The compliment of officers and crew of Victoria comprised six men The scene of the calamity was near Tripoli a seaport town on the east ern Mediterranean miles east of Syria and a com paratively short distance fom the Island of Cyprus M Victoria was a twin screw armored battle ship of the firstclass She carried fifteen guns some of them being heaviest description She has been flag ship of the Mediter ranean fleet for some time and had been known as one of the most war vessels in existence She wasa vessel of ton and the horse power of her engines was Her cost must have exceeded 5 The Is a first- class twin screw battleship She is of 10600 tons and horse power and carries ten guns London June A despatch re ceived at oclock this morning from says that the collision oc curred at oclock yesterday after noon about seven miles from Tripoli The vessels were almost at right angles when the Victoria was struck Those on the Victoria deck at the moment of the collision scrambled away and were rescued by boats from the and several other vessels The men no time to reach the deck The sudden hee ling of the Victoria caused her to be gin to fill immediately and no escape was possible She went down in fathoms of water Mr Gladstone was greatly shocked when he received the news of the disaster He informed the House of Commons of the accident and paid a most glowing tribute to the worth of Vice Admiral who he said was one of the ablest and most es teemed officers in the service Mr Gladstone said there were 1 officers seamen and boys and marines on on board the ship It was feared of this total of souls had been lost He was sure the deepest sym pathy of the House would be felt for the brave men who had found an early grave in the service of their country and that it would be ex tended to their relatives and friends other The ship actually came so close to the wooden pier that the intervening timbers were ground and splintered and the chains of tbe raft were snapped by the enormous force of her momentum but no real dam age was done As she got past the bridges a hearty cheer was raised by people on them and on the to which the ship responded with a mighty screech of her fog horn The is one of the largest ironclads in the British navy Her dimensions are Length ft breadth ft mean draught in displacements in tons 10500 p She is protected in thick and is armed with two noton guns one 30ton gun ta fireton guns a sixpounder quick firing guns nine threepounder quick firing guns besides machine guns for smaller ammunition She also has a powerful ram and eight torpedo dis chargers The Victoria being the heaviest vessel ever launched off the the ptoceediogs on April 18A7 were witnessed about persons On the occasion of the launch Sir Armstrong said For the purpose of comparison between ships Of the old sort and the new I can lake no more fitting examples than the Vitforif and the Victoria so alike in name and yet so different in all things The Victory I need hardly was the famous which Nelson fought and died She was one of the largest day but her displace ment of tola with everything Oti board was only ton while the displacement of the will Is tool the in accordance with the of the time was built of oak thfl Victoria in accordance with the present prac tice of Iron The Victory was propelled by wind over inan has control The Victoria 1s propelled by Steam over which man perfect mastery The character of being an extraordinary Buick sailer and when the Wind in Us vagaries happened to I FOR TOMORROW CKlEllHVJ ION Out of medals awarded for cheese at the Worlds Fair Chi cago Canada received There were entries Mr has purchased a large quantity of hay and is bailing it ship to England The price is per ton Mr Geo McDonald has been awarded the contract for the erection new Presbyterian Church in Bradford His figures were The Orangemen of Bradford District held their semiannual meet ing on Saturday and decided to cele brate the coming Twelfth of July in Mr John Warrington has contracted for the last half of June product of cheese factories in east- em Ontario at nine cents involving be exceptionally propitious she could attain a speed of nearly knots an hour The Victoria propelled by engines of more than p may be expected to achieve about knots an hour and Is independent of the wind In regard armament comparison in favor of the Victoria is astounding and ought to open the eyes of those who ate in the habit of disparaging the progress of the artil lery in this country The armament Fredas she fought at Tra falgar consisted of 30 1 and two pounder making fnallro2 guns The heaviest of these guns was under three tons while the heaviest on board the Vic toria will he to tons The largest charge used on the Victory was lbs while the largest charge to be used on the Victoria is lbs The heaviest shot used in the Vic tory was lbs while in the Vic toria iih lbs mat Old The 4yearold son of William Irvine of Sidney township Hastings count white drinking from a barrel sunk in a spring fell in head first and was drowned it at victoria The following description of the lost ManofWar appeared in the Scientific American Svpptmtnt of July and will be read with much interest The new firstclass ship of war Victoria built at on by Sir Armstrong Mit chell Co for her Majestys govern ment went down the river and proceeded to Chatham Dockyard She was towed by four powerful tugs two in front of her and one at each side Being the largest vessel ever launched Tyne she was an object of great interest to the town- folk and her progress was watched by tens of thouunds of spectators on the river banks wharves and quays and on the bridges Several of the commissioners and of the cor poration of Newcastle were on the wooden structure below the Swing Bridge carefully observing the pass age of that point by the huge ship which ft- of water forward and ft aft but the river had been dredged for the occasion and the depth was sufficient There was a momentary anxiety about the width of the space between the wooden pier here and the stone pier of the High Bridge alongside of which a raft had been moored while another raft was attached to the other side ofthe ship to prevent her crush ing directly against either one or the Boys above all else dont by act or deed add to the burdens of your mother remember that she loves you as deeply as when you were a clean little babe though you may now be a tough kid whom every body dislikes She is not so strong as she once was the hand of time may be has touched her hair left it grey and streaked where it was beautiful and glossy Her step is slower than it used to be Be a man respect her live right and she dies who loves you more than anyone will ever love you again when the wasted hands have been folded for this last unbroken sleep there will be with you sweet and tender recollections like guardian angels along the rugged road of life Now is time to begin to be a man wait until you are grown P Cutting John sard the old roan to his I will give you to go away with Maybe as you dont like my business you will find a better one Three weeks latter the young nun landed in New York A month latex finding but in his possession he determined to sail home again It was best to let his father know beforehand but how A letter would be too slow so off went John to the telegraph office A dollar a word to London air answered the polite clerk to his in quiry I want to tell my father spent all my money and Im sorry and Im coming home and want him to forgive me and a lot of other things and I can only pay for six words to tell him everything said John Cut it short replied the clerk sat down and thought Ah hour later to his immense old man received the fol lowing cablegram Squills London Fatted calf for one- Boston Ottawa June a a A lad years old Robert Watson was kilted by lightning during last nights storm about three miles from the city limits in Carleton County The family fearing the building would fall took refuge in the cellar The lightning passed down the stove pipe through the cellar floor and struck the boy on the bead None of the other mem bers of the ramllv were injured al though they stood dose by Theodore of Red Bank J choked to death while taking lunch on Thursday He wore false teeth and it is thought he swal lowed some teeth- Eugene A Marvin a New York primer convicted priming green was sen tenced to one year state prison and fined The people are waiting for cheaper railway fares to the Worlds Fair may get them but if they dont why they dont have to all Hamilton Spectator Abraham Smith bus driver for Central hotel at accidently fell from the stable On Mojtday morning while assisting to upload some straw and injured himself so that he died of his injuries Seventeen Armenians con victed of roiling in have been sentenced to death six to years imprisonment to terms ranging from seven to ten years while were acquitted J Gaudaur has made his final deposit of with John Lax- ton stakeholder for the singleskull race with Edward at Orillia on July for 1000 a side and the championship of America The twoyearold child of Brown of Brougham while play ing on the second floor of the house fell through a stovepipe hole to the lower floor a distance of ft The child was fortunately unirjured Alfred Hardy a yGung farm er residing near Swinton Par ieft his purse containing in his overcoat on a truck at the railway station in Owen Sound lie went into the station to transact busi ness When he came out the purse was Kan June Wed nesday night a cyclone struck Win- field many small houses and injuring a number of persons but only two fatally The Episcopal Church was completely and the left wing of the court house was blown away On Saturday evening a thir teen yearold daughter of Mr C Hill Guelph was by a dipper of hot water falling on her At first it was thought the childs in juries were not of a serious nature but gradually they developed fatal in dications and on Tuesday night she died No less than four volcanoes in the line of the Aleutian islands are now in a state of eruption One of these volcanoes was supposed to have been extinct These eruptions show conclusively if any further proof were needed that the islands forming a long curved line stretching into the Pacific are of volcanic origin The volcanoes of the earth seem to have a strange sympathy with those of the sun which are now in a very active state of eruption- The of disturbance on the sun is now quite apparent A St Petersburg despatch says While the ancient church of Romano at on tbe Volga was crowded with pilgrims from oil parts of who Had come to take part the annual church a panic was caused by a false alarm of tire which had been raised by in order to facilitate their operations when the firemen arrived in answer to the toll ing of an alarm by sexton of the church they found the door locked Breaking it in they witnessed a fearful sight In the mad rush for the exit hundreds had been knocked down and trampled upon while others had been suffocated by the pressure of the great throng of terrorstricken The bodies of women and men were taken from the church Several other were killed and were fatally injured by leaping to from the Rev Dr Cochran who has spent some fifteen years in Japan as a missionary in connection with the Methodist church in Canada left there on the for California where he intends residing for a time The Dr was among the first who went out to Japao and after spending six years there returned to Toronto and again entered the active work for some five years when he returned to Japan and after nine years labor has been forced to retire owing to his failing health Mrs Cochrane and family have been in California some two or three years Mrs Cochran having to leave Japan on account of her health becoming impaired owing to the climate which is very trying on foreigners While the church will regret lose the valuable services of Dr Cochran yet the work will go on under the superintendence of Rev Dr Rev Dr and a he Laborer that

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