Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 19 May 1893, p. 3

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MAY 19 1893 Dilis toltos re if OX llOUT The competition n A Co was no I The next i of Whit- LOT IM Monday Mr icf ffhitcharcb fttrtWlefromlhtMolock the rtreWMqailo a showing i TrZ3rhofrinT of St Pauls mBFicaJ arid The Junior fjoafa lh propose give aa ihs Room this to which a Is Proofs are to bo to among rf pot A rssaii being charged at t oe3b family the chattel aibitlteoffetrs will 1- no Mohiy It soma mail Toronto and urcawih stores la bill ha by Bon ifr- Gibson in WORTH last Monday SO ana SO the Christian Endeavor paid the a wbioh was much appreciated Next Monday the hold an open Literary wh Invited A List Sunday after noon four down Tonga street to in one rig and acted In a very disorderly They belong to Newmarket and town be ashamed to own if they knew too facts If the exhibition Is repeated the guilty may cifcst St Pauls Church The Guild oi the Good held their weekly meeting on Tuesday last A very inter- eating address given by of Toronto and in spite of the disa greeable weather quite a number were present meets In the Sun day School house every Monday evening at eight oclock AH ladies Interested in Church work are cordially invited to attend Another Nr The stone foundation aid for another street It Is said that Mr Joshua is patting it Dp The is a coo on a an as Asieaably providing for faprmtco for the care of it that the streets after lfec bell at oclock has been in force in for over s year so the aid works like a charm A Bid Dost A batch of dogs in Lot and Niagara streets irjstcced Hit Monday to each of tho it Meats AW Charles Weeks Sir lead Mrs- s lawn his been suffering become auut- aato Someones days if this was J Col- ilia No Place Almost any night after dark and girls ranging from seven to fourteen years of age be found upon streets Who blame if they fall Into btd company and This is food for reflection Parents should see that their young children at any rate are indoors before nightfall There is mora evil whan children are away from uncontrolled after dark than at all other times together Lawn Mowers Have you teen the Lawn Mowers If not call at Hardware Store All kept in stock at right prices China Kail is to bare a new front in keeping with times Plans and specifications are almost ready and lit A Smith save he expects to have the finest front In town Imt ho is ready or tit- Before they commence his slock goods mast bo consequently for the next weeks he intends to sell in this line at coit invites the public through tho of to call and see that it is genuine sale Jow is the time to lay in a fine dinuer or tea set Lacrosse The junior lacrosse ing of list the of the officer were elected for coming Captain Kd CptlnA Be Twit- Com ii Lyons A Caldwell Geo- Little J and A ge The dab will t Bradford tho ft will bo ready that for For or Against- In view of necessary public expcuditiiroiD this year the Committee to whom referred the petition for a Town Clock recommended last Monday evening that it be entertained year but that vote of rate- taken on next TallMosivwE Com- January chairman of the Com- foand that a good Town Clock inforle Some v the misled at to cost also that tbe placing of dock in tbe tower of the Christian Church would safe the 1 of a new hose tower which was also a rob take therefore the Committee came to a very wise conclusion Tennis The Ten- Club is Anxious to with on the Birthday id player like to handle the they with Esq of Clob Owing to the scaso there baa been no op portunity to practice year Tbe new moon came on Monday eather Not many water In on Wednesday It also left many a celling tidy bad hat just vainly tried to How provoking Everybody hope She change in Old next Monday may be a dry one of The Temperance in continues to grow In attendance Four more initiations took last Wednesday evening The renter meeting next week will be on evening on acoonni of Queens birthday Royal Temp lars will Gospel Temperance next Sunday afternoon i For Men Oxly Eteiy man or boy who wants to be well and a well made suit cither to order ready made as they handle only the best goods in the trade they also make a specialty of in all materials and perfect fitting good 9 a New High Scuoou A meeting of the Trustees of Newmarket took place Monday when the or so for the new School were opened fijiares of even the lowest con exceeded the which the Board has appropriated for this purpose- The matter was left in the hands of a Committee for a few days to what changes eoald be made in the specifica tions so at to reduce the cost of the changing tbe architec tural appmfrnce plan or afTectlng stability of tbe The heating ventilating and sanitary range menu of basement is alto In an condition in the minds of the Trustee A wai oil to for flro teiiidLrijUak bills In clrcnlatioo being made that tjbccitcm never Inning the same be followed by the arc only hold of money of any kind raj jAjiicaUrly its condition no dealt that many of tba are so and very Mile checked into the stove large if Acrlcin silver and the dirty Crises currency of Canada is AND tbe Bell Musical fcetaaettsece Iroaght before the The Bell Co kcbtutt3cefr over years and connections in fill TTord Their 1 at kind in Canada Sir years eominCuccd manufacture with wonderful ww The capital the Co- hat be to over and the the which manufactured apeak Mr John of Sew wrist the only for ARMY Ensign Hay has made his first official visit hero and reviewed the troops self satisfied with way be fotxed things The is clear of debt and in a healthy condition Since Capt and Milne hare taken charge four inverts have been added to the roll The baa been made into Districts Newmarket corps to Oxbridge District instead of before under the command of Ensign ay corps under his charge and will do all his travelling with bone and rig After attending to all affaire here he left yesterday for The officers bore with a number of soldier expected to drive to the last night St Pauls Church Sun day being Whitsunday there will bo a special Festival Celebration of the Holy Communion at oclock All the services and tho Bible Class at S pm will be conducted by Bey- Canon There Hill bo no this Friday evening the Rector and will be engaged io Toronto but choir practice will be usual The Guild will mod on Thursday Instead of Tuesday on of absence of President In the item last referring to the visit of the Bishop to the compositor skipped a line of copy which made sentence misleading and ridiculous to those acquainted with tbecircomttancea which we regret DieoAiio It is time an towards observing Decor- i io nest mouth i in shoald aip Jfat in this Uoiectaud the tad thus f City Dead devoid which is too cathrotij3iout the by our actions wvscheriibth memory of do Wiuii and lovc1 last Veere on or of the The convenient caved few day WUllf filn in his niMduw oh a very J whit wis the of an Tho or V Vat fivt- ft Inches long K hi the delated J i with darker strlpca i much wood Mr tOaiittofficndsin T to sending it to Cannon Education by at 232 who fcKL lb jtl A to what of ho throw no lighten Stories quite as who have My J ft appear that the Sidewalk The Mayor bad an early call yesterday mom ins Warren bringing him the information that a man fell through Water prerioni evening and had to be carried home on a door Worship went at to ex amine the loMlity The sidewalk is in need and at the place where the accident happened it Is supported by cedar about Are feet from ground The end of scantling la very rotten and two planks have the appear being torn off rather than simply working by ordinary wear and tear and Mayor was inclined to think that the story was but Mr Fred who was returning home previous evening and is now laid up with a sprained back declares that he fell through walk It looke as if the Corporation may have defend an ac tion for damages List Sunday Mr Joshua who resides on the Town Line mite and a halt out of Newmarket reached anniversary of his birthday and the event was com memorated by relatives who called in the and took tea with him After supper bo took the family and read the chapter of Hebrews without the aid of spectacled and by the vision of the sfgbt of the other optic in Mr was bora In township on which ho resides Was a gift to by his father on attaining Slat birthday He Is active- so than many persons deal Is feeling pretty On Top The Secretary of the High Board received a copy the report the to the Govern ment this week in which la given the very highest with respect to the teaching of the various subjects while the general character of the pupils work la marked Viood The following very compUmenttry paragraphia given In the general remsrka Since the date my visit the school building with its tints has been destroyed by lire so that am freed from the necessity of com menting on character of I trust that the new building and will be worthy of the high character work in the old despite the disadvantages under which teachers labored well has every prospect seeing the century trout a distance were brother Mr of Port Perry sons latter with their wives from also a Mrs Mr Joshua Davis received come very presents in Host Hose Reels Bakes Shears in great variety at Clowe street while in town last even ing lost part of hie pants Though ulggernIgbtVJiccoold hardly ace his girl without a change of Bus iness la looking up with the Domestic Sew delivery wagon on the road this week tulips on Floral Lawn Vera lovely Saturday On them white robin In the of on Huron street baa ratde a wonderful Improve ment to the grounds in front of bit red- denco The stone ornamentation on Huron west atracts the attention passers being SQggestlve of hens and their Carriage Works arc torntng out considerable new wolU at well as the ordinary repairs pot In some time on the new Church carpet this week and at three afternoons week will recover The Band wiU riot meet again till the Saturday attar Queens Birthday The frost has given the sidewalk on Water street and a small piece ot Park a tolling appearance at onto as It Is very weather Newmarket dull next Wednesday A will go with the firemen to rt j Jilt Town Band will re- its oonatitavton tonight Procressivr Here is a line of practical work which open to Newmarket and all church organizations passed the following resolution a recent meeting Whereas late chasing on Saturday cause employers and employees hours encroaching on Sabbath morning Retghed that wo members of tbo omens Christian Temperauco Union purchase nothing to bo delivered after U oclock on evening cases nnd will do all in our power to induce oilem to do the same There Is little in finding fault with at not earlier on Saturday long ae the buyers their purchases till the last boar or two and then It b such a excuse for net getting out to next morning they can suy It was midnight before got out of the store last night Alteration ft Co intend to go out of Boot and fiboo Crockery and Departments their business for space of months during the alteration In the premises which they will occupy alter the 1st now occupied by Sutherland and Bros Tito stores now occupied by the Crockery and Shoo Departments of Co must bo Riven up to new tenants In a few months and they prefer to sell out above named good rather then to crowd up their present Dry Goods premise have com selling Boots Shoes reduced prices and the Crockery Glassware at cost This sale oilers bargains Messrs Co say they of Waterworks and Water Com Communication from H fijkes and Wot Drown to during granted to of Road and Bridge Coin The request of A rebate of on dog being was granted Petition of McDonald others ashing for a sidewalk on Welling ton St to connect bridge on Proa Ave alto for In public school and expressing the opinion that the last crossing put down on J Ave should have been sitoSriglcy street Referred to Road A Bridge Com On motion Mr- Woodcock seconded by Mr Hunter Executive Committee was instructed to report at their earliest convenience the probable cost of on two new or iron bridges with proper on Water street and the other on Queen street also the advisability of the same this summer extend- the time of payment therefor over a period of fivo year aleo to report upon the width the stream on Water where such bridge la to bo built with a view of asking County to a proportionate share of the cost thereof It of width entitle us to the motion was proposed to allow the privilege of catting sod on Andrew street Mr motion which after was lost On motion Mr Hunter the Clerk instructed to prepare a statement to bow many people in Newmarket are on income and report at next meeting The Fire and Committee report ed recommending That the account of A be paid That the prayer the petition for a Town Clock not granted tbla year but that privilege voting on the question be given ratepayers at the Municipal 9 That the Committee be instructed to secure a competent person and machin ery to clean out No aud if pos sible a better supply of Domestic water That tenders be asked for construct a and Bell Tower similar to the old one On moving adoption ho second clause Mr Cane stated that bo had been a Town Clock and found that it would cost from to an expenditure which he thought beyond the council this year Mr favor of satisfying the wish the people and thought there was no further need of expression as the was already curried and a large num ber of ratepayers by petition thought the time to do it was now Mr Woodcock stated that one of the petitioners told him ho milled as to the cm t of the clock and a new tower and was sorry that he had On moving the 3rd clause Mr stated that at present about gal- Ions of water a day being used the present flow was only lie strongly urged an effort to got back gal flow In Mo well in pre ference to another reservoir Mayor Lloyd thought that to put in another reservoir the 13000 Ions that were running Into the pond give a good surplus and be a surer thing then boring the well again Mr Cane stated that machine by which the well was bored could bo got for a nay and a man with it tor a day and by an expenditure of well could be tested- which would be infinitely better than to run out Of water in a dry season the motion to adopt clause Mr suggested to put the Town Bell in market building and erect a lighter stucture lor drying the hose could beatlenctosed and heat ed from the Fire Hall furnace Mayor Lloyd thought that it would bo a good movo as ringing the bell at such a height from ground was a great strain on a frail structure filr Hunter that Patricks Ward would kick against having bell on tho market for then they would never hear It Mr Woodcock thought the present alto most satisfactory and building the Tower ten feet higher wthat it could still bo to dry tho and simply put a covering over the bell on top It was decided to for building the Tower the way proposed by Mr Woodcock and also the same as the old with an inches on one for drying tho hose report then carried in Ceonoil Mr J Caldwell was heard before the Council with reference to new on market square Ho said ho received last fall to make Are Unprecedented It is natural to suppose the Styles are Correct XtHi The Goods Perfectly Made and The Prices so much lower than all competitors must nave conduced to our success J We are also showing further shipments of AND while our Staple Stock is Complete DRESS GOODS It is hardly necessary to mention NEW PRINTS DRESS GOODS We have a large assortment of Prints on hand just now and you are sure to be suited in Quality Pattern aud Price and see New Dress Goods in Drees Lengths and no two alike Some very pretty shades on hand jubI now If you want something nice call and see them Although Cottons have advanced you will find here full o Shirtings White and Grey Cottons at the Old Prices and quality just the same as before Our stock of Groceries will bo found well assorted and in Blended Tea and Coffee we still lead If you drink Black Tea try ours at American Oil 24c Canadian Oil WPLAYTER Telephone Connection Main St OUR FOR THE SPRING TRADE Large shipments have been pouring in every week until we have now a stock in every department of our Big Store In Printed Cottons Delaines and we can give highest results of art beauty of design and color free from the slightest imperfections cents up We are showing wonders in Cheap and Stylish Felt Hats in childrens youths and gents sizes Our Lace Curtains sell at sight We have imported these direct from the Nottingham manufacturers getting exactly the designs wanted at prices that show that the middlemans profit isnt in it selling from per pair up Our dollar goods are perfectly beautiful Our Wall Paper also direct from the manufacturers only requires the most casual look to satisfy customers that you can get the heal appearance foiythe least money from us and we assist you in by trimming the edges neatly without nicking free of charge on our machine tfarttj WE MAKE A SPECIALTY OP OWN BLEND Our Choice Blend a wlli cot a dollars worth It low will a have a particularly nice slock Crockery Goods and Shoes bo found Arm common fipedmcot this kind p rartil JlCtlon Cool 5tsllA no I pit fina I W bo ifiiP Archly- In I I will bo ralhcr I- i to I will VCgctakton it there- Fruit almost In bloom Woods are fall of tormina Council at Bat Holiday Wednesday Con In Aurora next Vali looking Band of out Ntwuiaxatr May lCtli 1693 meeting All except Councillors Itozbo aod Cody Following bills Win fixing Jen Warren John fillingtxenclicff Win shingling Hit Hall certain improvement and lait ho forbid from proceeding any for Tho Mayor that his fact that Mr CMdvfcll A i a wooden I J I within tiro limit and In such proximity to a at to tho town ore he til Mr In once to Iho nutter arid called to inconvenience and expenditure which Mr had boon pot to if not al lowed to continue his work Ho cited two other where build ing been within thsflro limit of Ktt from east or weak of Main street and nothing was said about them Mr Woodcock said that it a great to alloir use of the market frontage such but now Mr had received from a former Council they oblige out tho to on- as rights of town larded Mr Caldwell staled that ho had called upon Mr several times to sign necessary articles thoy not ready and ho to with work Mr Caldwell agrod to roughcast plaster or cover with Iron abetting tho new building and lay shingles and a resolution was passed granting him proceeding on those con- A bylaw was finally passed making certain exemptions to the property of the proferly of Novelty Mfg Co A present from Hand and bo acted upon On motion of Mr Hooter seconded by Mr fioinerville a graot of was to the Town payable quarterly The of Revision was sot for Tues day May at a in Council then adjourned JUST ARRIVED New Lines in Jewelry Brbntford Bicycles HA A STANDARD i Fancy Hair Pins stick Pins Fob Chains ChriRtiiui Endeavor Fountain Pons c o At lowest prices ATKINSON EITHER IN- Black and Green and Japan or Blended Blacks Our Prices Arc Right W STEPHENS GREAT BARGAIN OS CLOTHING KEEPS UP ITS REPUTATION SELL TO SUIT IS OUR MOTTO MAIN ST JEWELER NEWMARKET OUR SPRING- TRADE- IS OPENING UP FAST John had his and burned on Thurs day the contents of the barn nigs were and the dwelling house gutted Thft loss will be on 3000 and there was no Insurance Wo have a Grand Assortment in lino from Mens Plow Boots to Childrens and Ladies Finest Kid an ftBflortment that is to find with prices that can suit everybody To bo satisfied thUt wo arc what wo say you must call and wo will give you such bargains that you cannot but bo suited Now is your time to buy while such good bargains going at H SIGN RED BOOT The pending Boot Shoo Store ARK BUILT TO SILL AT the the Bicycle pot- AGENT- j A km NEWMARKET SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY I for Investors and I Equitable Savings Loan Building Association Purely Canadian Authorized Capital Hear Ollua JoUnXMcOilllvrarqO VlcPrs A Taylor Toronto Toronto JUST ARRIVED A large assortment- of especially ReadyMade Suits for Boys Also a grand variety of Spring Shirts with ties to match LUNDY TAILORING NOBBY TWEED SUITS MADE TO OKIER FROM BOOTS SHOES QUALITY UP I PRICES DOWN Mens Solid Leather handmade Boots Ladys Kid Oxfords from MONTGOMERY SON No charge for sewing rips of or this to log ALBKnT I fit All QLD Toronto at pet pot mi bag bate Jb Ht nitfM k it h Uir IB a Oil a a a a a DM a Oil a 1T a a a a IS a CO Oil Oil Oar Markets May IS- floor pet CO a per I I It 14 Oil a lilt It ICO tat tta I I la hi a i a potto pet t Batter lb ililll I i ay Ours pli a a a a CO- PM 000 II CO W on 030 3 CO CO la a 01 a a a OCO a a CO a on a a oil a a a a a

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