MA1918S3 Now Bashing Bat A Smith Silo Co Jewelry Pianos and Cjliodcr For Bale or to Rent Moore Cud Fob fox Vernon Campbell Pasture A IX- roi act with Print 11 at Horn tenia FRIDAY MAY Toronto May The Mr Campbell bar rister of firm Camtroo Crocs on Monday remote a man from be circle of this city He oae I be wealthiest men in Ontario bii real estate being valued at one million and a of dollars De ceased of Ryan and Ed Bonn who knocked Kennedy on the streets Is a short time ago were one year at the Central last Two were fined each on Monday for dock- shooting on Bay This week the Ontario Coal Co d It is the heaviest Jailor oocorziog in city for years Inabilities little of J and it it the estate will not pay a dividend of more that on the 8 of this will select dele gate to the Oitana Liberal Convection The ByLa of the Ontario Law amended to as admit into the legal adopted last Monday The LvMore working hard to finish week For there is heap rouble between the contractor on new drill shod and the workmen the former calls it a lockoat and the Utter strike convention of the Railway Telegraphers is being held in the city this week Literal Convention Now that seeding is pretty well through and the farming community more at liberty to attend to matters political perhaps it would be to recall the intimation we made a short time ago respecting the Liberal Convention to be held at Ottawa commencing a the of next month Riding in addition to the Liberal member or liberal can didate last Dominion election is en titled to send fiveaccrediteddelegates and we may now add there is no occasion for restricting the number of alternate delegates as they will all be entitled to attend the Meetings for the election of delegates should be held at once so as to en able those chosen to make- necessary preparations for being on hand Speaking this convention the Globe of furnishes the follow ing particulars in regard to railway rates official or alternate and all ladies accompanying them will be entitled to a return ticket ftree on complying with the following regulations At the railway office where the ticket to Ottawa is pur- cliated it will necessary for each person to secure from the railway agent a standard certificate and to take it to Ottawa and present it to the secretary of the convention who will thcrcuron endorse such as to entitle the holder thereof on presentation of such en dorsed standard certificate the Ottawa railway agent to a return ticket free The tickets will be good for three days preceding of June and for three days after the close of the convention Sun days not included The intimation is further given thatat Ottawa arrange ments have been made Tor special and very moderate rales at the va rious hotels Delegates wishing formation or desiring to secure ac commodation in advance can do so 1y communicating with Mr If A Rate honorary secretary of the association Forty years ago this week the first steam railway line in Ontario Was opened It was then called the Ontario Simcoe and Huron while says the Jvit part of the great system controlled fay the Grand Trunk and taps all the choic est agricultural 2nd picturesque por tions of the northern part of Ontario As our cotemporary correctly ob serves the late C Capreol was the chief promoter of object being to control the traffic both passenger and freight of Lakes Ontario and Huron The locomotive that drew out several filled passenger coaches from Brock Street station on that memorable morning of 1853 was constructed at James Goods foundry on the comer ofYonge and Queen streets and was transported to the starting point on a movable track over a week being consumed in the undertaking The above particulars are all correct ex cept the coaches leaving Brock St station The station was on Front St at the foot of Bay and this was the starting point on the occasion re ferred to and continued to be the the passenger station so long as Mr Brunei was Superintendent of line The late proprietor of the well remembers seeing the engine be ing moved from the foundry referred to down street at the time also the talk and gossip of pedestrians as they passed along observing the workmen engaged in the work On the of the following month June the stage between Newmarket and Toronto down Yonge St ceased its daily trips the first timetable for the railway a written one bearing date June was issued that week and only covered the line as far north as the south side of the Holland River at Bradford where a was constructed to reverse engines the return trip At that lime Holland was a more thriving business place than Newmarket and Aurora was generally known as Whit church and subsequently as Corners Wonderful changes mark the intervening four decades Two Sides to the Question m At the postoffice door in town ihe Sun Spain a a Bam congratulate bar on good fortunes how it ex nest to It can forget the that put their liitlo to giro to Uncle Sam which they determined not Dominion and now Island hat aint JotniDR Turn it mora troth poetry in the folIawiDg remark of Philadelphia art in and Eoropo royal who the to their wives Urea Clob Ottawa bat decided to tender reception to Premier Thompson on bit ho now being held at Intimate that Premier to reach Canada the lit July next QUEEN Ox la an item referring to changes in Act the redaction of For bo bj tho word wo might add that it baa not yet law Washington Pat ration When the Chicago ctt for a mall of they tread on tho toft com of American patriotfaxn Pio most be acarco in Tux Chief Liberal the Com aafr James Sutherland MP baa busying this week in a circular which will bo a guide in delegate to the big Liberal Conrebtion and to dele gate as to their Ottawa An Act to enable Elector of topronoonco desira bility of prohibiting Importation at a beverage of In toxicating title of a bill by Poo Mr Rosa in Aembly Wo may it more at length in another Ah to chap aection of Muni Act proposed by Mr Rob- to chatlcZa for of without being required to an lioenao The of anew paper which made appearance In Grey last Mr J- publisher It will be do- especially to mat ten of local politico it will bo independent bat thoroughly Canadian This la what wo gather from its salutatory A general imprcSlon prevaila that Queens birthday will be marked by distribution of further Imperial honors in Canada Among likely to bo thui fevered Qhbt mentions Chief Strong of Supremo Court exLieu Rob- Hon and Hon Frank Smith The last of tbo Senecal baa not boon reached A despatch from Ottawa yt Government taken an from jn3gment of Superior Court action ol theMtntaterof Justice to recover from Andre formerly of the printing department alleged to have receive by on Canada Thorn Just to the north of the great dome on the on tide of that wide room been for exotics the exhibit is placed There is not a state in the union thus far which approaches it and those who know ibat things arc destined for the fair assert that not a state a which could rival that of Canada To Mr Thorpe In general charge of of floriculture the exhibit a indeed He le vel in every spray from the ferns in a gardeners satis faction on the splendid leaves of the car And have been in the past admitted to the building pause before the great plants accredit them to tropical regions of at least to the extremes of the southern border The the cinerarias prira- and calceolaria which created such a sensation in Canada when their successful culture was first announced have created an even greater wonder in A Cal- drifting past them with a true regret that his own state proud of its exotics could not compare with this exhibit it is riot alone the larger var- in floriculture that will challenge admiration for Canadas contribution Its and roses are equally beautiful large doable and handsome The list will interest of flowers everywhere and will doubtless them when they come to know that our northern sister and not produced them other day four or five persons while waiting for the mail to be distributed were discussing matters political in a general some things said and done in the Legislature and especially trie system obtaining in this country of governing by party dur ing the confab one of the number re marked that so far as onehalf the members arc concerned they are a useless lot sort of automatons who stand up to be counted when the division bell rings on the side of their respective leaders and thatis about all they do for the indemnity the country fa Yes said an other for all purposes a lot of dummies might be set up in their places and so arranged that when a vote is being taken the respective Government and Opposition leaders could pull a string and they would re spond by a bow tho roll call This said he significantly would save ex pense -f- We do not know how fir these views of above gentlemen obtain throughout the country but are inclined to the opinion there is an important other side to tie argu ment worth considering Let us sly here and now that we sympathise with the notion that the business of the Legislature could be transacted quite as efficiently and with equal sat isfaction to the Province with per haps onethird less members but it it a great fallacy to suppose that those members who systematically range themselves on sides of the re spective leaders to the right or left of Mr Speaker when the division rings and are heard of other wise on the floor of the House arc mere machines or usetess automatons On the various committees and in party caucuses where real work of the session is done these apparent ly useless men exercise a power in determining party policy in directing and moulding legislation in bring ing to the notice of party leaders pub lic sentiment on given questions of general and in controlling results that those behind he scenes have any real conception of It is on these committees and in pri vate party caucuses that these si lent members more particularly by their votes and influence reflect the views and sentiments of their con stituents Hence in most instances the division on the floor of the is only the result of conclusions pre viously reached after full and frank discussion respecting the interests in volved or policy to be followed When discussing government by party therefore these features should always be considered a vote of to the of the CticiRO Worlds Fair decided to open the grounds in future on Sunday but id Order to hold on lo the Government grant of buildings will kept closed A admission will be to the only the charge will bo re duced on day to This action appears to have been decided upon as a Of whipping Old Boy around the post as it were A Bill has passed its second reading ia the Legislature introduced by Mr Bishop to amend the Act to a tax on dogs and for protection of sheep Section reads Any person may kill any which ho sees pursuing worry tog or any sheep or lamb Ho proposes adding these words or any dog without lawful permission on any farm which bo giving tongue or making other terrifying any sheep or tamo on farm Court of Appeal decided lbt of the as is ultra of i Local tod pas act It that should tko of executions This law it not since by the Ontario So inFiny tangles were that of Us validity was referred to with this remit Now the creditor who can get an execution or judgment out on will not ho knocked out by ft subsequent assignment Em- P town on Monday Mr grandson of In town Clark of Toronto of Mr John Millard over Gartley and Miss Bel fry spin reek and friends at and Thewifaof Henry of a relative of Mr IT Smith of this town died OQ Monday Mr Sam Johnson of Chicago in town last attending funeral of his broth law the late A lei Fletcher faiatUbtrt Mm- law of Mr John Savage died at Brampton oh Wed nesday Mr left yesterday to at- cod the and Henry Lowe returned from State of on Wednesday night where they have in the I Scott was summoned by a telcrnl last Saturday to attend the bedside of her sister who is lying dangerously 111 at her home in Mr arrived in town on Tuesday from the State Is over the of bis mother who is living with her daughter Mrs Graham of Mr Win Robinson whoso leg was broken by falling on the ice two or three year id town last week after being confined to the house for weeks through soreness of the Injured limb Rev C- Sanderson who supplied for Rev Mr while he was in Old Cotintry last and who has attending Methodist Theological College at Montreal over passed a very creditable examination at tho of las College year taking Honor in Apologetic and firstda a standing in Theology Philosophy Elocution Mr a hard worker and Cm heartily congratulate him will apply for ordination at Conference next month and should hi health bo spared we predict a most ceasf career Pearson premises and and green on the street so Ive folkt The takes great intcrett in it and reason to be proud of the results of his Mis Pearson has already her lawn tennis Hi there dont you want cart or a real dandy buggy to take ducky for a drive Some leal beauties that will just fill the bill can be seen Queen Samuel is suffering much with a cancer on the neck so I am told A cases of that disease about here On Sunday the mortal remains of Mr were consigned to the who has been infirm for some time was one of the few remaining oldest inhabitants having reached the age of eightyfive years The relatives appreciate the kindness of the neighbors The Presbyterian church choir of of Queensville hough few in num ber give some fine selectors at their services Have you seen Seymour out in his new cart How high he holds his head he Pretty nice it We hope Newmarket are am bilious win back the road cham pionship from You can do boys if you only have the grit to try it no seated to try it are ye Faint heart never fair lady Just challenge them but it would be a nip and tuck race all the way If you hear of certain town boys catching a market basket full of fish just ask did they catch them with silver bait says he always has a stock hind for such fishermen Sortie aunties this street are quite jnoud of nephews One aunty say the nephew never told a lie Would that every boy could have that him The boy of present day would be of hi tailormade suit could he but see t re clothes worn by boys forty year ago In long a usually made from dads or Hills old I is Sunday suit would Ik a tow linen smock frockcoat of homespun while pints and homemade straw hat Shoes and stockings were not to be thought of except in winter It would to wisdom for prohibi tionists to watch the voles of our P and M P on the liquor ques tion and govern themselves accord ingly The fall wheat is picking up won derfully it promises yet to be a fair to crop Mr David has an extra fine piece Mr Price of Eglington is visiting at his daughters Mrs Walter born If you into a house on this a big house to hear the Lecture by Rev Mr Newmarket on Monday night andthe audienoe was delighted Who owns the saddle that put into Mr Stephens buggy on Monday night S3beHiseheif3 v FURNITURE E A P FOR CASH A N A SPECIALTY JHMJLLARD ALTERATION BIG BARGAINS IN- and READ NOTICE IN COLUMN Telephone Connection radio the Iho Mr Bert a too town on irch tost- be RUSHING SALE Oik At Sehomhin Wf 3rd Her Mr Walked to Ktscoa The Tomb o the laiti In Dixons Cemfttery J MAIN SOT All will careful prompt ARE THE BEST V- LARDINE CHAMPION GOLD MEDAL OIL OF THE MACHINE OIL DOMINION I am about to make extensive to go into A on ten to one if you find the women folks raising Ihe old harry wilh dusty carpets whitewash brush scissors and trying to im prove the interior appearance of the domestic cot Who dare say that this is a dry moon Sems as if the bottom had fallen out of Know All jeto jft For or four cows Apply at CYLINDER OIL wear twice as long as any other THE FINEST OILS ARE BY BROS Oft TORONTO BALE ALL IN COUNTRY TV Found Id ihla a fob which can hereon proof ingchartfe iliuofllw 17 B FOR Sl The underlined has a I for aMo VfiRNONt i- St UOR SALE V KESWICK Ft ArtMlMI trade and town- tor further to Mala 8UNqwiiiarkt OR SALE OR TO A by Mr to amend the Act for to ad vance money by way charity to who although in aro owners of or interest land the retention whereof is necessary for ft dwelling for to tko conveyance or on inch land to cover the amount of charity or relief and on tho death of the person In such tho land to corporation together with six percent annum oyer plus if any tOKOtohelra or of the aid LANDING A convention of church workers for Deanery of York held hero on Wednesday last few from a who braved tho inclemency weather wore much pleased with their cordial reception A full report of will ho prepared of Is order to introduced a bill declaring thai Municipal of every city town and incorporated village has had and shall power to pita Byliana terms and conditions may be deemed expedient granting to any tele phone company tho right with in municipality for a period not ex ceeding ten years to uso and lanes for the purpose of placing ducts or wires for carrying on a telephone and to enter into agreements giving licence or permission to such or necessity for such a bill proves any corporation- exact terms from company for occnpynp its streets Mr ltobcrtion should now proceed his motion for Newmarket I must correct an error I made in last weeks items relating to the death of Miss Annie It should have daughter the late Geo Munshav not Win Word tent last week to this locality of the death of Mrs Louisa wife of the late Samuel Proctor of Drayton and aunt of Mr Artemus ibis vicinity J had a mare taken sick last Sunday afternoon and the Vet was called in Mr Martin Robinson received a large consignmentof trees the other evergreens or decorat ing the Cemetery and has got them planted Out with a little more fixing up will compute favor ably with any in the county It iVa fine locality The small boy may he seen mak ing a bee line for the water with pole and can of worms Well do we re member those joyful days of long ago A chub those days was of mote Im portance than a lunge at present A Introduced by Mr- Water to amend tho act practically for abolition of personal property atc3iairit According to of County Council total assessment of personal property of Townships In this county laet year amounted to Incorporated villascs and towns of county up to Items mo that Townships will to pay county rates on nnd towns and villages on If Mr Waters bill becomes law will transfer quite an Hem of county from towns and villages to as only Incomes and profits art merchants and manu facturers will then bo taxed Mr Water bill Is now In hands of Municipal Committee tunc Willi County Councillors Townships had neither courage or disposi tion to do respecting their share of School support of Kilo- Is about to enforce by legislation to some extent He has introduced iv bill to amend tho High School Act Idea of which Is to for tha payment of High School who may not In a high school district bill that the amount psyibltf In such case shall bo In the vihicti the equalized assessment of the municipality to the assessment of all cIpalKtcaol theconnty not Included In As all High School districts of York County are con finod to Towns Villages In which tho ro this amendment will compel Townships seeding to pay their share of mainlcQtn MOUNT ALBERT Quite an excitement in the village when word was spread around that a man chased and caught a little girl years old on her way to school but was fortunately prevented from accomplishing his fiendish purpose by a passer by He almost frightened her to death and threatened to kill her and when assistance arrived she was unconscious He chased two other girls the same morning A warrant was placed in Constable Sleepers hands and he had quite a chase for the villain arresting him at liarltnan Squire sent him down for trial It is said that he has only been out of prison two months on the same charge Mr S died on Wed nesday of last week and was interred in Presbyterian Cemetery The band gave us a fine serenade on Monday night Come out again boys The celebration of Queens Birthday will be held in on the of May with a program of many sports Mr of returned home last Saturday after a weeks visit The inspector of weights and measures passed through here last week- He examined the scales here and reporls K hear Mrs Morton is no better yet and not able to be about A few farmers around here are nearly through seeding but the heavy rain on Tuesday delayed work gen erally Mr S is at work again after his illness of about a week Jesse Connell paid a visit to Orillia this week Mr Ethan Connolly was home Sunday The Christian Sabbath School here is progressing finely for the time it has been organized Our shoemaker seems to be busy these days Lois of work and he does it good Mrs Grahams mother died last Saturday evening Who is the correspondent for Who all got wet last Satur day afternoon Where are the Path- masters The ought to be at work on some roads as they are bad in some places Who was it enjoyed the lake shore breezes last Sunday afternoon Who arc the boys at school that curl their hair Grandfather Mr Graves and his family left on Tuesday night for their home out East He two fauns although about miles apart Elder was in town a few days this week So far it is nut known who the next Christian Church minister will be Mr Wm Ilaffie is working at a brick house for Mis Stiles on the He has also a big job wailing for him in Sulton Everybody has been how dull it is Sunday eve when there is no The Christian has undertaken to hold a ser vice each evening here- is no service in the churches and will commence a week from next Sunday night with a song service Mr R Large of Queensvillc is expected to take charge We notice by Era that our Medico is doing business in Brown- hill each Monday afternoon One would be quite safe in saying there are Eras come to Keswick for one of any other paper Perhaps the people around New market would like to know who the two young fellows were up at Jersey fishing last Wednesday night One was described as an awful nice fellow the other Jim thought was titer green Our veterinary Mr has been quite busy of late Mr Alfred McCarthy is down on grand jury A number of farmers in this vicinity have finished seeding but more have the heavy rain on Tuesday will make seeding very late for those who have not yet finished On Surday morning last Elder Chidley preached an earnest temper ance sermon in the interest of our local of the Sons of Temper ance Next Sunday Rev Mr Large is to preach a temperance the Methodist Church at the usual hour of service There was a very interesting meet ing of the Christian Endeavor in the Methodist Church on Monday night The meetings are becoming more in teresting as the members become better acquainted the working of the society Next Monday night Dr Wesley is lo introduce the subject The Bible Ideal of Character Mr Tench of Schomberg spent part of Sunday and Monday at Mr Wm Marritts A few of our villagers would like to know whb the North Gwillimbury correspondent is Some think that it is a resident of Keswick or rather the town plot of Keswick The residence we under stand has been rented to a Toronto gentleman for the summer as Mr Pit- is not coming to Canada this time Mr Richard Large preached in the Methodist Church here last Sunday afternoon Mrs Silas had quite ex perience with a fisn bone one day last week The bone got fast her throat whilst she was at dinner Dr Wesley was called in and it in the afternoon before the bine could be got rid of Mr said it was very patnfuL Mr Richmond Cole had the mis fortune to have one of his knee joints dislocated a short time ago and lie is still laid up it He did it limply by throwing a stone at some thing An excellent Uriel on Gpriiim St Willi Unit Aft Ached well suited for ifrsilnif or or 3 minutes of inatkat of the town Good moderate but in order to do so the stock must be reduced at once to make room for carpenters and painters an inducement to Rush it off I propose to everything TnE BELL ORGAN PIANO GO Ltd in the line of China Crockery and C Largest Leading Establishment KING ST WEST JOHN LUSH MAIN ST NEWMARKET Representative for this Glassware at Cost Price This is a genuine sale is Come and see -x-r- TI1ANKS- to ant tlitnksiv Mil In Ida oilier tiiLibtndAtid vatustilaoMUt- well is ttonlj mucins tier of Hint and KMH Town of Newmarket Is fully slocked with Best Quality in every In Canned Goods I can large stock from best cannerf whose reputation for good quality is beyond doubt and the price is as low as any tn the market Crosse Marmalade Mock Turtle Soup Vickies etc Van Soluble Cocoa in and 4 lb tins has no Con densed Cocoa and Milk Condensed Coffee and Milk both easily and quickly prepared and are very a hole- some- Jams in Peach Raspberry Plum Strawberry and Wick Current- My standard line of Whole CofTce Excelsior Blend is one of the THE LEADING COURT 07KEVIBI01T It tlvcD Ihtt Court of inn tor the Town hi tor tht year will Al COUNCIL CHAMBER OK Tuesday May 30th At ere to And govern LLOYD Ufrrt Msy Hi SMITH DENTIST CANADA LIFE BUILDING King- St Toronto CROWNING AN1 BRIDGING Roots and badly decayed is now as the height of excellence in dentistry when the work is done by a practical and ex perienced dentist We advocate the saving of natural teeth even an ulcerated tooth can be cured ami made as good as any tooth in the mouth r The reduction in our charges made for filling and artificial teeth has proved satisfactory and we will continue to insert jiot only the best teeth but the best filling and finished plates possible to obtain at charges made by other dentists for cheap work EST no complaining patients ami make a substantial forfeit to hear of any best in our country Then in I would jus say if ion good come and my Japan lbs it has stood the test also Ccylons India Hysons and Mixed at price from to per lb I can suit you as that is our business Remember our motto BEST QUALITY OF GOODS REASONABLE PROFITS COURTEOUS TREATMENT PROMPT DELIVERY R A SMITH Leading Main Timothy m v k LAWN MOWERS GARDEN r AND CORNICE POLES READYMIXED PAINTS ALL KINDS OF FENCE WIRE poors dash and AND WINDOWS BARREL CHOWa Tools a Specialty a Pntrltera Blacksmiths Supplies A W ALLAN CO Telephone No MAIN STREET Jacks to adbeHJsohCifs akaiasbas roN fckaiAhAAi4i lT1llilif I iiiiiiiTTliil VIIIA Holland ok Landing Court of New Goods arriving daily Trimming Silks to mate all goods Special line of Shot Silks just received Tweed Dress Goods 10c per yard Buttons Be per dozen wV COUNCIL Revision ihn MONDAY At hour AM Dotted Clerk III lAti ft A tremendous range of Alt Wool and Union Carpets to select from Hemp Carpets two yards wide Floor Oil and in all widths all at manufacturers prices- 1 UNT ROS Use only Baking Powder