Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 12 May 1893, p. 4

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ERA MAY AND BO lfct girl delicate do ft without being Ka Run nun You Say BY USING SOAP to Easy TUhdiy MS try DM Let by FRUITS OP MB Golden Text The of right- It And ho fonts wit Prof Many of proverb In with rightsons And hot Ate distinct from odd toother do cluIficalioD can well bo proverb of two puts conveying the troth but except in by en opposition and The of the frail oily as well as of the fruit a of wisdom The true by nod different resold ere together upon a string WHAT TO It tbePetroDBOf in Ontario pro holding political plcnica through country daring the months Tut third reading of Premier bill for diridiof the York Cron Attorney by creating for Toronto end York the en WONDER IN A Representative Farmer Speaks The licence commissioners both London sod bay ordered thai barrooms hotels atod aalooos mail clow at ten oclock ft instead of eleven for present year Tbi a bat the hotel and keepers declare it prohibition as Tea New York Printers ink LONG CESSION of from a torpid liver and impure Wood Dr Golden Medical Discovery cores ot- cry one of It prevent them too Toko it as you ought when you feel tho first symptoms lan guor loss of appetite dullness and youll yourself something serious In building up needed flesh and strength and to purify and enrich blood nothing can equal Discovery It invigorates liver and kidneys promotes all bodily functions and brings back health and vigor For Dyspepsia Liver Complaint Biliousness and all Scrofulous Skin and Scalp it is the only remedy thats guaranteed to benefit or cure or money is refunded- A BROOK KOTO in the head- deaf new or die- charges fall into throat aymp- toms of Ca tarrh Theres a will curt no matter tow bad your case or of how long Thats Dr Worlds Fair The Burial of Dickons my had expressed a wish buried in the quiet little churchward it Shomc were made fox the interment to place there writes Mamie Dickens in series of reminiscent papers My Father Recall Him in the April Ladies Some Journal This intention was however abandoned in consequence of a request from the Dean and chapter of Rochester Ca thedral that his remains might there A grave was prepared and everything arranged when it was made known to through Dean Stanley that there was a general and very earnest desire that he should find his last resting place in West minster Abbey To such a tribute to our fathers memory we could make no possible objection although it was with great regret that we relinquished the plan to lay him in a spot so closely identified with his life and works The only stipulation which was made in connection with the burial at Westminster Abbey was that the clause in his will which read I emphatically direct that I be buried in an inexpensive unostentatious and strictly private manner should be strictly adhered to as it was SCHOOL REPORTS PUREST STRONGEST BEST no or may E Toronto have received and am exhibiting a Beautiful Line of Watches at very low See our Gold Watch j only a left See buying price Auction Said of Farm la Iho PURSUANT to the will l bo Tor So many concessions is tho only I granted by the wekiy topers in Ontario Exposition lhat Cftudi the accuracy of cir culation American Directory by a forfeit Its record for put year of copies certified to a twins undeniably Is well known in vlctitity bavin hero over fitly and i as man bond As ill lo from totter lil hid and it lie had Riven on can tlit decided to try Blood Hitler on of a neighbor who boon a by it Mr felloes I I one feafrt you hate yet of jmiuh t of obtaining pcrmtRoiit almost of I mA in AKtr 5vvr inyboi of in Dominion Cabinet from Ottawa arising oat of Role of itr Comptroller Wallace or other most and opin ion gains that Mr Nora Scotia and Mr Wallace in his present position tht has notified bia at Ball that he will not longer re- servicer at giving them months pay from the 1st of May Hit Excellency upocts to Canada about tho 1st of August when the ntcr Governor will arrive- Lord Stanley ill I care for on St Lawrence coon as the fisbirtg opens ieig it a in iAownl by of 1jjii in lower of my baly After lift for liurl irgi quarts of put in lvo lr3 if had from cover steady and can for four yean limit It ever 1 oaaional bottle no that I ii bat wish to Kingston recent of of the Dominion Gov added to map new island that were not on record They comprise only 24 acres to that they not very largo The total number of unsold island between Kingaton and their total value amounting to An order in council has autboriaiugtho talc of theto at an early date Mr for bo gentle- my in order can lb ink of no 1 thtougb and no ox my for each PO In conncctrA from Coming of for Mo sir a Jh I C for always found very You may place in thing bo rciVy lie his on istotia Iftaft four mo tho JitUroblcardlilm Ij as to do work fi in JtU lifo Although well ho still J to in Cnirfu alcauity of lce tbo cniV4 to stay fctcrllng of this monarch of tho regulator AppIft4tloa and iodide fbUprjpomlloDfinA and than Anticipation or It A want who from It la a merit wHaUo ana ha who trextrneott to fur tr mU oa Oat employee who have been looking forward to ft vfeii lo the Worlds Fair at Chicago this year arc now doomed to disappointment A circular has just been issued the company in which ft Is stated that no leave of absence will be granted to their employees from the of May to the of October of year Cured flay America Core tot and la I to For 1Kb In and all by never atUctit JllemUhn from ltol It 4wLfttr by of In i for IferyuvtMp of lh until tor health was I lloutb worth of I oiiiatojiuo I weak by A Rood fat berth as Commission er of at one Ip the ia to but on the contingency of being able to hand over tho constituency to a faithful follower of Kir John Thomson bold of McCarthy to appoint White and opejt baa caused to and ioiJlr fs engaged farming will bo lilad to barn that Mr lull bit J inured to with amend ments will receive the support of the Government This bill provide that where pay agents of Implement money they not bo liable to manufac turers as at Hereafter if want to protect their cm- who abont country ped dling their wares they miist toko security and not oji fanner to make Is ori Ihe An I iust Mr McCarthy replied but to lit by Mr ho to for services from tho Gun f McCarthy Atscrlwl emphatically that I never directly or in- diroctly from Ii plain contradict ioh and it now devolves upon make his ti or fclninl of falsifying tho record to Injure a political opponent In the bill and St Catharines milling ho acted for the ho acted for the In regard to held by hit Mr Oiler did not to extent of in received from According to accusation ii a been Worlds Columbian the impression has got abroad that the fifty cents admis sion fee to the grounds entitles visitor to see only a part of the Ex position proper This impression is erroneous decidedly so AH the buildings both those creeled by the Exposition and those erected by the several States and foreign nations are open to the public without and all the exhibits in the Exposition ate also open to the inspection of the public without additional cost The fifty cents admission admits the visi tor to see the whole Exposition and enjoy many comloits such as seats in the buildings and grounds retiring rooms drinking water and the like But there are many duplicates of these cumforts besides other extras for which a small charge is made Visi tors will have and abundant supply without cost of the conveniences necessary for their comfort but if they ate willing to pay for extras they will secure a little more seclusion and perhaps somewhat more luxurious ar rangements There are always plenty of people who are willing to pay ex tra for special conveniences and the Exposition proposes to take advantage of this tendency and benefit by it to as to increase it legitimate income in every way possible- The estimated cost in round numbers is to open the Exposition to the public In addition to this there will be large running expenses during the six months it is open so that in order to meet the outlay from en trance alone there be neces sary an attendance of people In order to make Exposition a model as an exposition and also a success as a business ven ture the management has availed itself of every possible of rev enue The many concessions must bring in returns to the amount of some millions of dollars It need not be a necessary part of the program of each visitor to pay a visit to the promenade on the roof of the Manufactures and Liberal to buy spring water when sterilized lake water is furnished free to pay the of retiring rooms when equal conveni ences are furnished f nothing and so on through a long list of similar concessions so long as none of his legitimate rights are interfered with hut if he can spare the cost he will indulge in some or all of these extras and not begrudge the few cents if his money gocs towards making the Exposition a success financially The various enterprises on the Midway are under the of the Exposition strictly speaking are not a legiti mate pail of the Expisiiidi though an and perhaps 1 necessary adjunct to it These various enter prises require an admission fee Scientific American curca In Port Hope May Trinity Col lege had another scorching last and was only saved by the efforts of the firemen It was found that building had been sit on fire A clue to the guilty ones was found and they proved to be six inmates of the college They are un der years of age and are sons of wealthy parents the being a- son of a wellknown Canadian mil lionaire- High Education for Women OF WHAT ADVANTAGE IS IT Anxiety is exhibited in many quar ters about women who are striving for the higher education meaning the ed ucation mutually given to college stud ents What is it for What will they do with it What will they become The professions they are full even that of tcachingthc least desirable will eventually at the rate of supply be overcrowded There are more wo men now who write than there are who can read discriminatingly Why urge so many into the higher educationthe college training for which they will have iflhe world goes on marrying and baking and sweeping and keep ing domestic establishments running so little use The question might be briefly answered to mate them women In detail it might be added to make them more in sling women better company for a life alone or a family life with an intelligent apprehension of what is on in the world To improve the tone of society is excuse enough for the higher education even if it were not desirable that type writers be intelligent And beyond the needs of society can it be doubt that if all the mothers of this gen eration were education capable of rightly directing the intellectual de of young minds the next generation would show a marked im provement over the present at Auction On 193 two p Mr Robert now at ibo American Hotel In bo town lho of itnl lot to of Township of Whitchurch In Count York from from or lot o day of lb Vendor will LA MAIN ST KINSON k JEWELER Old QoU mid Silver taLn in exchange for I lx WO nail a half it Is nion known on dor of April r vol bid i vUo will bo uiftdO bo yllcltort boons Vendor Solictor tut Com- was occupied with tho bill Cily of To ronto Ufl affected tho County o York on which a lively took tor or Toronto Mr for a of and for County Ibo of of bill city iwor to aanoi hat and a half and wide along north limit of Ing bolt work rolling two and Kboolbouto at tbo A warm reading of Mr Ucwart on the part of owning property In and by County Solicitor Tho alter by city to an- tho iLako fiboro hi and water sooth of to Got a Sunlight Head warpcra wrapper bearing tho Why a Woman Old Sooner llitii a Han to Limits Toronto And you by ft pretty picture Iron adver and well worth framing way to homo- The In In and It will only to gen J In the wrap coda open Write your Mlnaros cures I had for dinner was I ever Thanks to CO7T0LESE successful ASK YOUR GROCER FOR IT K nd of Ot Clan J Br Ill Claw Phillip I Jr Ill CUmH I Copwa A Jr A- Cbantler J P Mill A A Kenton I Tablet II P Tab Clabine III Tab Mabley ATI rage attendance Teacher VO EAST Claea Clara Kell- Miller Millar Roger Milton Foster Fred Smith Ill Norman Bertie Jr HI Mary Arnold Foster John Mary Draper Edwin Roy Cowle- Clara Ethel fimiib Bare Arnold Norm an Etcb Ell Miller Bobs Cow- Lillie Smith Nellie Walter Tablet Arnold Giles Clare day Mary Arnold Arnold Clayton Foster Edwin Ell Foster Bare Arnold Arereg attendance Taacber trooWaltexotM Jlils lor Its ffii sold a FOR flALK OR TO HOUSE- To Let Apply to trio LET The BvDklciOacelUalj and a OR A boa Buaei nearly pomp Doe liVviTh a Rood market market lf wioDinuii Saved Her Life Mrs J saved life her child use Cherry Pectoral of my was by our and was to be well under was startled by Ihe child a hud on to had ased to breathe Re that the Five people were killed by a cyclone which visited agency I Friday night Some people like to have their newspaper fight for and good order They think their ought to work early and late for the cause of righteousness They de mand that ihe officers of the law shall stand up boldly against the forces of evil but they must be ex cused from showing their hands They have a bright conception of other peoples hilt lies but shirk their own The Rapids Iowa says There are old bachelors in the United- States a proposition Ins been made to j levy a lax on them something like a dog probably The female of our species coming the front ikii the soft jobs until a great many cannot families it is So it appears that the ladies must make choice between husbands and mens work Siren reasoned that remedies of no part a bottle Cherry the house I gave the child three short Trailed From the moment she a the childs breathing caller and la a short lime she was replug quietly and The child Is and well today and 1 cot to say that Pec toral her life Cherry Pectoral Prompt to sure to euro AND ALL VARIETIES scotra DESIRABLE FO SALE BELONGING TO THE CALDWELL POST OFFICE u Anyone can see superiority of qui tj -A- t PURE t I a The goods we are made put of solid millennia Now is the time to order Milk Pails and Gnus before the Spring rush STRONGEST BEST MA AH El Toronto NEWMARKET SPRING A ASSORTMENT I PAINTERS I IS SUPPLIES BUILDERS g HARDWARE CARPENTERS TOOLS I BAR BAND HOOP IRON AND IU ALL STEEL fw J HODGE MAIN ST SOUTH Spring Summer S The City of a new steadier built for the North Shore Navigation bunched Wed nesday at Owen Sound Plenty of people are thai plenty of money would make them happy but recently a million aire committed suicide because of his troubles although he had no trouble except remembering that his wife and two children were lost at sea years ago He brooded until it drove him to suicide But that was not the true reason The real reason this millionaire became in sanely melancholy and killed him self was that he had nothing to do fact every one should keep before- him The millionaire said a little time before his death the can do is togivaup Heoiiht always have something to occupy hi mind Sum Mr David Campbell died on Tuesday morning last at the advanced age of years and one month He was born in Scotland and came to Toronto when it was known as Little York There he lived some years following his trade as a stone After that he to West Gjrillimbury where woiked at his lrads for awhile When a resident there he lo Penetanuiihene and was employed on there which was afterwards converted into a He then moved his family 10 the concession of King and cleared a farm there working- at his Irade during times While re lost four ii his family within one month from cholera After residing in King for or 0 years he bought a farm on the of where he stayed a short time and then came to 1st- Rot 03M1 ta asiaa TITO bulliho Farm of a I It ftm ill mi SOME PATTERNS in Scotch and Canadian Suitings Also an assortment of choose from at prices to suit the times NO TROUBLE TO SHOW GOODS YOUR PATRONAGE W MUTCH Opposite Stnrr6 Book Store TAILOR Gents Own Cloth made up Neatly and Cheaply his m A OP SPADES SHOVELS HOES RAKES ALL KINDS GARDEN TOOLS DAISY CHURNS OPAQUE BLINDS AND CORNICE POLES JACKS KEPT FOR HIRE J AS PROP Do You Admire Flowers You do Well keep your on Pharmacy for we nil tho latest and tho largeat assorted stock of Flower Seeds in town I Do You Like Vegetables Everybody does I You know what our reputation for Seeds is and our fltock spring larger mid more varied Give us a trial BENTLEYS DR CAMPDELLj Proprietor TRY OUR pails tubs Clothespins WASUItOAW LUMBER Shingles Sidiug Flooring Moulding a OUR AIM Lath Doors Sash and where he remained until decease He was a worthy and consistent member of the Presbyterian church and in politics was a staunch supporter of the reform party The funeral took place on Wednesday afternoon when the remains were taken to the cemetery followed by a concourse of sorrowing Iiniient cures Diphtheria roil sale Shropshire Rams AND YOUHG HORN BULLS Hit to- FOR SALE Well llQUKTTOK Mill Tower Till- bird etc in Iulptntf that ork of our for piously f J stand cIictol On It Write for price and GOOD WORK at LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES tar A RESIDENCE WITHOUT OUR INSIDE SLIDING BLINDS lieu il Send along your orders have dealt where your the JOIc SOLE Lirdine is the Gold Cylinder Oil will weir than a ASK Old Reliable House where you used to deal is CO TORONTO Or THE ONLY GENUINE Oil CLA8S Medal Oil of ihe Dominion and our and satisfaction other OILS SoltJ by all leading dealers the countty POWDER TH COOKS BESTFRIEND LARGEST SALE IN CANADA Id at VhttrU University wltb of tho Sur Dr ftod a tho the art of WAthlnjctfui A loo who In lb WtH bo in from two to mix Alt of or the bit to urlicf th And Mid ft faiifa ii A FRIEND UiTOnjb ii Uil remits ttnttVuj AjPUli Mai titling lick tlrtd hi itemed all out of order but note i udUI J lnductJtolrjlor Wc IbmtdttOXji te the wit peasant coiled ft child will I upon all who i to trjr For nil and AYERS PILL Every Effootlvl BYLAW NO To authorize the itsue of for the turn of Six Dollars for High applied 10 tL or its uoi Bit School its Bum of Si by loan upon Doratloa over a and by principal MA And l1 JUJ will be by a special rata la rf And properly of Ibo inaoiiJ cording iho lait bLlnv 4Sniont roll lor 1W til i irAwfutbtonlaroooUtlUsJ pilot pal or Is Town laid bo er of tor mo It of trie Town or sH irtwi llandrd lo b tho atal it and Of ssld ttholo of bo of ihlfljr wars g I and tatiUf Ml J i WW ail W ids WW itf it iaii iS WW ill do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do CO do do do io do do CO I do do do do luri iiw iw lXA toil lull mi mi sol lrlerat at lha per ftoum and j cordlos to J a J of ho fl far for WmrVdflS I ftSftr fitted and afoiv lb ptopu St slid or aor rfAtrS and out In tho mem tod fla Of this W this auyiouja

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