Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 12 May 1893, p. 3

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yj A MAY 1893 lift toil Mews TOWN month awry WvtM Moms months it About of the ihsr program fhments W was is enough to down A in Jane i Why Do You a Piano Organ John Main Si is rep- Boll Co largest in Canada and tea d ft Arrangements of hi North A ton me lt ask all christian rpmbec the committer in their that to Church There was Sunday Ctf lf Fletcher a school and jnfKVoi Town axebaoc Town to Cbadrta Day ykib rt3y Notes is thU summer the airtct to rtfutrii the most It who and for tfCKr- dab intend going in of provide by i of vs Final n in action in a action Mat to compel of a chattel nd of pood A son of u to with ess loonJing to Division for on hi Coanty ftctmti The for the Town of inzuUt which was returned last In ftfieisment last year There between of and aoding April ire and death lite time we hare in the Town W cattle 83 There are also two idle one at the by the Co the list day to Modil School The received of all cub for April 111 Charlie Annio Hatter Kectey Bell hat ffiWrttily Hunter Frank Delia Gray Class Katie Jolly Nor fkoti Leslie Vernon Frank Kdlth Alia Garnet ah Arm Mr Art Cut til a from the barf arm on over the for of Tubs at tea for Mr Bioxhatn yvit His aim fc accidentally be drtji hat jtirjb of mind thro off daman wo done mid will orkaoin iho tow out orders of season Church The services will take place next morning Loto Feast at and sacra ment Immediately following preach ing The subject for the is The of a lie Next Monday afternoon ladies are to commence sewing new chorda To Match Silk Dressy and either in NTf Brown or bo- hid it Roche A and slock of d ia you them They mII from Ihrw ft roll and at Alton a Missions A regular took et the homo Sin J iftder a was taken op which to At of meeting Medraodtwo members at and a spent Statistical The Is going rounds of local bat wo hare Dot noticed it jotbt Aurora Banner yet Dominion for i two ago the is ol towns and j4 Newmarket Aurora Wood West Holland 43 St Pauls CuOHCHe A confir raflliou was held ilay by the of Torotito GLodidatea rita Bishops listened to attention a on being At- Day by a celebra tion of Holy at and at pm mi for this The The weather likely bo warm yon will want packed away and pipe your order with A Bums and It will attended to promptly aqd properly Guild A was held at St oveoing for porpOM of a Guild for parochial work and social Tbefollonngpfficwa were elected President Iter Mr Davison Mr Leon rd Tho will be held School on 23rd at 8 pm when it is hoped a largo number of net member will be enrolled- Just Arrived New at Epwcrth and Stands the Pressure- feet of new Hose were by op to 100 lbs the and were in every Why Have your house tracked with rood when yon can get com mats from a Firemens Fire men hare been making good evening this the North End with the hose reel for races at the Bradford on the say they go ing to get in a Name The Sioux City Journal A girl baby born to Mr and Sir J of wu nam Both Cleveland and a msrted paper the announcement Its way to tba following letter was Mr and Sheldon Is draft for 50 to the now rn democrat Ruth Itenlen and may she live to a rip old age- Yours truly Ma Mm a nice of David of Sharon who fulling hero a Utile over a year ago You should not risk your neck on old table and to when yon ffit so cheep at A a School Board Regular took plana on evening all tho being present Mr a- mounting to about J 2d wore passed One was for an electrio bell from each floor to the basement which reported to work Scholars playing in complained that not hear the bell school was coifed Principal with an average alteodaene for last month of The reported Mi offi cial visit to school the lix end work which on the whole quite Corporation Work According to Report No from the bridges work being proceeded with Niagara si in front of Mr houses to road and on Ontario and bridge crossing in front of Mr KeU many residence new- sidewalk along the elation grounds on Baron at sidewalk repairs at the north and of Prospect ave also to bridge new crossing opposite residence repairs to sidewalk on Water at repair to side- walk pa Main fit in front of Hodges and Starr grading on west side of show with sidewalk on that end of Timothy st now bridge on sidewalk on street First of SEASON Last Wondevy About the fint day wo hare had and would you believe it boys were In for a bathe on Hals The wonder fa that they era op with or rheumatism think of bathing in open water on the of when it boon so cold and wet that scarcely any seeding is dona yet Co High Schools In the Jan uary minutes of County Council which Were hero standing Committee on Education reports the following attendance ilnring Weston High county pupils resident Mtal Mark County pupil outside Kewinarket pupils resident 55 outside total Auroracounty pupils resident outside total Richmond QUI county total Lay Up tor a Rainy Day The Building and Loan Association advertised elsewhere in todays issue is A Savings Bank members can by paying ah of and fiOo par month for eight yeara draw at end of that lime being a proAt of nearly double the money paid in Mr Albert Rogers of Toronto formerly of St and wellknown in baa tbo for this County and will be ptesed The Co Is purely Canadian an its elTsirs are inspected each year the as and Insur ance Companies by the Government SCHOOL In who ob tained over SO per cent during April p A A Trent Arm- Banter Ego IniercoediMo Howard McDonald lay It Shape Wright L Kelloy It A Prober Sutherland Sulbftland Cane If Cane number of fa HI Class in Intermediate III CUM OUR IMMENSE SALES OF V Are Unprecedented It is natural to suppose The Styles are The Goods Perfectly Made and v The Prices so much lower than all competitors must have conduced to our success Idleness Begets CRistt With the advent of weather the street- corner loafing nuisance has commenced particularly on Sunday What is Council going to do about it Why not a special order that loafer who to move on it com mand of authorized constable shall be summoned before Police Court and the of lew to bo paid foil feea therefor onto the guilty parties It is said that a gang of boy On very ridiculously on the- corner opposite the Army ball last Sunday night obstructing the sidewalk and spattering it with Juice hankering to see their name in Childrens School Caps Hats etc very cheap at CM Hughes a Wouldnt it be Nice To Band pi ay logon coin a put more life In our streets es pecially on Saturday flights boys wish the Council would get a mora op and let them know what they intend to do about that grant they asked for before tbe summer months are bare Band in the past a credit to the town and there are few places in Canada that has a set such and beautiful lustrninent We would not like the boys throw up the sponge and we think it bat right that Council give them soma assist- nee wo are of the opinion however that is atom all the ratepayers can stand this and the should hare no trouble iu raising the by a sub scription among the citizens Pat the down for start it off a 1 in latl tca jj work in UMeatibe Hall pteiKijXt January toajpeianct Wo the IfianJ an accouut bt aoi the wha a lie l an- to in a He has JWiB at ii 1 1 Mi Jwcettitg of lie tew on ftierlay alter UK to talk p the lit July Mayor I J the after Mm e gtitooeaCtf an fiuan- the tf he Town inch EA ana Vr K V Meet- till rt ra Hall at oclock of C W or ft town Ii i ii ww in the UrTl Arbor day ob serve at the n Monday Council not do anything Monday about either the Town Clock or baby pony Church St tbe fence a A and a were up the a couple of of the Me Jnttitoto meet thU evening to appoint Standing Committees and other about that fortune at tho End J They might a hundred for the liind their If to the bridge on the to Cemetery are not Used pretty soon the of in for another for damage The racket on Junior In the Church Is preparing for a enter tainment neat Friday average owner of a and lot the groand with a garden On Wednesday the if In the tan before noon at Mr has purchased Mrs l Holds properly on line to the Cemetery wu put yesterday aro delighted to gel their shoes again Exams The following is Ihfc official calendar of the Ontario Educa tional for the coming sum May Nolle by candidates for the Primary lilgb School Leaving and University to Inspectors due June let Application for Kindergarten Juno begin examination of of Pedagogy begins J June MIL Examinations in Oral Drawing and Commercial in nigh and Schools begin Jane 3ib School Entrance examinations Schools Leaving examinations begin Obituary We have been re quested by friends in Newmarket to pub the following correspondence from tha Lindsay Pal many friends of Mr- and Mrs- Knight vicinity will learn with regret of the death of their the wife of Mr of Brock and sister of Kd of this place wide ly known and Shu bad been in delicate health for some time but two urorseanden the tilth of An death her She was but years of leaves a Utile loss The children arc aged irHy ten and twelve years and a most kind and mother- Death had no terror for her aha died as tbosa whom lie redeems a ikatlj sleep a wafting to life- Wo extend our heartfelt to bereaved in their J NEW DRESS GOODS J A m J m We are also showing further shipments of AND PRINTS while our Staple Stock is Complete- is hardly necessary to mention ORDE as it is admitted we do the Leading trade Street Cars in is a prospect that doss of present century will bo connected with Toronto by an Railway The bill granting incorpora tion and other to Metropolitan Electric Railway Co passed Bills Committed of Legislature last week report say J Kerr and represent- ad the Dull town county A Uarsh the rival road aid It Toronto For hours the squabble continued opposed to to bill clause It wag flualiydoclded that should to empowered to extend their line of railway to Lake or to any inter mediate point between the present North ern terminus and Lake and to build branched to Newmarket and through the village It was Vlso stipulated that road should not be In Toronto without tfae consent of the city and that they should not sell light or beat otherwise by request of ratepayers- HEwas This is report of the McGregor case It ap peared in TiUgr Jogo Mac- tried a peculiar case today John McGregor a stripping brawny just over from Glasgow sold Lancelot of yards of what the foreigner celled ported Scotch goods but what to bo only Canadian He paid whereas tbe stuff worth only a yard bad him rested on a charge of falsa a conviction may bring yean Three entered into case favorable to McGregor it his first he bad already fined for selling without a license and he is just going back to- Scotland with a load of These consider lions induced the Judge to remand him for sentence when called upon Drowned Last Mon day afternoon re bod of Mr about years of ago had a very narrow escape from being crack on Canes flats The little tow accompanied by hie sister was try to fish a can out of the creek when he fell The little girl cried so bard she attracted the attention of Mr Jess who Uvea near by and she went to see what the matter but just a she got Mr coming Urging him fipcedas aba was unable to reach the child ha plunged Into the d saved life just at going down the third time About a week previous lolhisaeon of Mr John had a narrow while running on the float logs Children should bo cautioned about playing around as the water deeper thin It looks a very soft bottoms Ksep The Ball The improvement fever a catching and hope it won stop all summer The carpenters are all busy nails and are having womenfolk after hour day while every hero and there the citizens ar the hardware In lumber or going refilling color by the aid of paints- ha big Improvement to his premises on On morning several tearing down old woodshed at the rear of Mr doe Mil residence A liro quantity of brick stone and sand la on hand and bow far the improvement will he continued now that Church of England property on corner of Timothy and Church streets has repaired and painted and in few more days will very much proved Mr CO Roes la putting up oue of the most porticos and front verandah in town Mr fa also making improvements- AT THE FOR SPRING Large have been pouring in every week until wo now a complete stock in every department of our Big Store In Printed Delaines and we can give you the highest results of art beauty of and color free from imperfections fromS cents up We wonders in Cheap and Stylish in childrens youths and gents sizes Our Lace Curtains sell at sight Wo have imported these goods direct the Nottingham manufacturer getting exactly the designs wanted at prices that that the middlemans profit isnt in it selling from per pair up Our dollar goods are perfectly beautiful jJy- Our Wall Paper also direct from mnnuiiicturors only requires moat casual look to satisfy customers that you can get the heat appearance for the least money from us and we assist you in hanging it by trimming the edges neatly without nicking free of charge on our machine R J i itper it will to a a Jiii lKotbe In you POT Millinery Hosiery Corsets Muslins etc a A little after three oclock last Monday morning home of Mr discovered and an alarm sting from box to which the whistle Immediately responded In a few the blaze the north end and there was a general move oh tbo efroeta towards Ward house a email twostory building and must from of the back kitchen which was all In Haines when Mrs psll startled by Wight light that bedroom Until last week when a change wa air cleaning this occupied by three small children had they been there atill it Is quite likely would before tho parent would have discovered the fire contents of the fctlchen a total loss but alt tic in the part of the insurance minutes before the firemen arrived the house In aatream of water was thrown from the Main at in time to save the north wall flvo minutes sooner the afrsmworkCilht Lai Jlrigwoyl J hive saved A la bo- Ink Drops Fire Hall lia a new roof Town Council neat Monday Lawn mowers Inspector will be around Monday your bock yard up only a week from Wednesday Icecream la open time on neat Mod Town Heir quality tua taken up for Mr to real to the Fire Hall would like the fel lows bo slicked to pay poll Huron street from Second to Main been treated to a good bod of broken this week and we will be no further canto to complain this respect but It Is in a discreditable condition Zeros and new Choc Factory This part of the road territory since Incorporation as a vtlUo New market Huron as far cast as the sidewalk Is laid Township of got all taxes bordering upon sldo of It with exception of a The and Bridge Committee declared In of allowing the road to go to the Council of Bast a join liability i condition of road la a reflection against of for ovsiYbody who drives past tho town ft responsible Even Aurora hat casting a slur New market because we made of the facta pottery wagon was stuck on this for hours TheCouncllahould order that road be at once and keep an accurate account pro perly verified of the cost when the township should bo billed wilh half the amount Whitchurch Council last Sat urday voted to this and with alike amount from bury this should bo put In firstclats order There is twenty times the travel open It that there Is on the northern psrt Is what every lJysys about llamond pipe Varnish It will preterm your pipes tough summer from rust alio all kinds of stove parte or lipoid May Council mot pursuant to adjournment Present Stay or Hoove Deputy Counell- lors vllli ami bills David Prior on Mains Clay do John do Mo Kxpress or dog pipe for Com Dog tags printing John Lyons mow- cleaning to bo charged to lots Jaa J regiatcring bylaw to lot J V50 A town tender of for cedar scantling it pec was accepted lender of Win Cane Sons Co for lumber was accepted tender of catering streets accepted at 9 per week front WCOicrwesh from Tho Market reported in favor of painting and market and repairs to roof and re quested to have J Jot i lord street food from Main to tbo market also a good across Market for Watering streets wae The Com on Progress and Industry reported In favor of a gate Grounds at heed of Timothy at Jtcport Finance Com reported That the application of Perkins for rebate on dog tig bo not in J- That application the baud bo not considered until the Committees and and Water report they will That the Com Is not In possession ofsuftclent of the founded action Society to deal with the complaint of the Club Report adopted after ameiuliug Drat and granting a rebate to Perkins of Report Bridge Com pre but before its adoption Councillors and roasted the Mayor for f a cross frig nearly In front of II in stead of In front of the entrance to Model achool grounds before presenting the re port forestalling the action of council following persona wore appointed to constitute tbo Court of Revision for the Town of Newmarket for year Messrs Cane Woodcock and Mocha Council then OUR- SPRINGTRADE IS onJNINCS UP a 4 a OCX A Oar IS3 inn a Wboal 04 JJ per 0 CO Bran II CO Holler rem per lb potter lb Pa tees par bag Apple per bag Wool per 111 Hey per ton lb pair Duck per par lb per bushel Arlk Seed per 1 I i 13 OP ICO on 0 1 CO BOO a CO a It o a 10 a a a a Grand Assortment in line from Mens Plow Boots to Childrens and Ladies Kid an assortment that is hard to find with prices I that can suit To be flatieflcd that we meaning what wo say you must call and we will give you bargains that you cannot hut he suited j Now is your time to buy while- good bargains are going at s SIGN H GRIFFISV The Leading Boot Shoo Store a a Oar Toronto Markets May Vail Wheat per bushel fOlO tsittt i BprlOR Wheat per Wheat per bushel per i per bushel bushel per e4ee bag A S iXf lb ft Pork per Ducks per patron I4ll4ltli 005 0 00 on its tt euro 0 a a a a a st a a a a oca Oil oa 003 NEWMARKET BOOK AND NEWS DEPOT Please call and see Our Prices in Papers OLD at YOU WILL FIND THE LATEST DESIGNS Also Remnants at Half Price W STARR Central Telephone Office PRINTS J DRESS GOODS We have a large assortment of Prints on hand just now and you are sure to be suited in Quality Pattern and Price Coma and see New Drees Goods in Dress Lengths and no two alike Some very pretty shades on hand now If you wont something nice call and see them Although Cottons have advanced you will find here a full assortment of Shirtings White and Grey CottonBj at the Old Prices quality just the same an before Our of Groceries will be found well assorted and in Bletfded Tea and Coffee we still lead If you drink Black Tea try ours at American Oil 24o Canadian Oil W W PLAYTER Telephone Connection Main St OUR j WE MAKE A SPECIALTY OP ii OUR OWN BLEND Our FEE I Black and Green Black and Japan or Blended Blacks Our Prices Arc i a a J STEPHENS ffiET YS GREAT BARGAIN HOUSE KEEPS UP ITS REPUTATION FOR OHfD CLOTHING SELL TO SUIT IS MOTTO JUST ARRIVED A assortment of nice Suits for Boys MAIN STREET Also a grand variety of Spring Shirts with ties to match LUNDY i I WISH to extend my practice through this part of country and will during the months of April and May make a reduction in all my charges equal to in I will make a substantial forfeit to any person whom we fail to give satisfaction M SMITH DENTIST Canada Life Buildings KING ST TORONTO a- This is tho and Most Complete Dental Office in Canada- TAILORING NOBBY TWEED SUITS MADE TO ORDER FROM BOOTS SHOES QUALITY UP PRICES DOWN I Mens Solid Leather handmade Boots from Ladys Kid Oxfords from ccnls MONTGOMERY SON for sewing rips rth

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