Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 12 May 1893, p. 2

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MAY 12 1893 l- Now A Allan Co Albert Roger Court ReyMon Revision A- J Fir A A A fcrtEB EACH Era Printed all Home en runt t km FRIDAY MAY 12 Toronto Despatch fire Monday Fred Koch a milk dealer thrown out of bit on Sunday morning and In Mr King it loillhrwolbia children ria put I failed to reach American lottery operator bat they are to be firm building permits haw granted already of the lata Alfred lawn entire bis McCarthy at Kingston IMooks rnore than ever as if Mr McCarthy means busi ness and is in fight to stay to the finish His reception at Kingston the Limestone city of Conservatism even more marked than at and press despatches to the daily papers state the City Hall was to the doors to hear North Simcoes representative- Principal Grant presided and first addressed the gathering applauding Mr McCarthys platform throughout and during his remarks said We have fostered protection till it has become a virus in the Wood It must be done away but it will have to be changed gradual hence he favored Mr McCarthys view of lowering the tariff in favor of England Practical free trade was he desired to see It roust be as full as possible modifiedonly by rerenuc require or national conditions and we must begin by reducing our tariff wall against Britain An address was then presented to Mr McCarthy and in response there to he spoke for an hour and a half urging the people to to agitate for tariff reform and remind ing his audience that if they allowed the question to rest the manufacturers would not He also referred to his position in regard to the Manitoba school question and dual language pointing out why he desired the North West to become national in sentiment because he did not want to see perpetuated in that part of the Dominion the bitterness and dif ferences the older provinces had experienced and malignant as had been charged or that he wanted to create race and religious prejudices He wanted peace and righteousness and con cluded by urging the electors of Kingston to send a man to who would aid him in battling for the rights of the people Ox tdbeidy too debate on Mr motion respecting Toronto in- lot returned to Mr moved an amendment for representation and another there to declaring in favor of city abolition of The carried by to This fettle the matter Act making of part nerships contain All person aarcciated In for trading or paining fnrposos absllcaate to t delivered to She of the registry division in which they carry on or intend to carry or a document stgoed by members of copartoership fine for noncompliance Is open each member of the company composing the partnership A luck deputation of represent ing the Women As sociation and other organizations in with the movement for giving to married women the right to vote tamo conditions on which and spinsters am at present all awed to at montcipal elections and also to extend parliamentary franchise to women on the same condition men waited upon Oliver ilowst to press their on Friday last- Sir Oliver heard deputation coarteoasly and then i intimated that it was tbo of pru dent legislator to hasten slowly The general laws affecting women with regard- to property and other matters he were satisfactory hot ha entertained tho opinion that sentiment had not advanced far enough to justify- making sweeping concessions as depu tation demanded that in point of fact the time baa not yet come to give the force of law to their What Society is Dung POINTS IS ly tie Editor WHAT TO WRITS ABOUT j A from da IcJ UIcj ilsnt Prime of pool vacant by the death of Lord critic 3ohn by of the Iron Mr J of Friendly for Ontario fipcak- subject recently observed lroi one of most ateiiitent endowment Older and manner in which it bat bn I bo a warning to of a similar Howe mother re visit Herbert of Toronto sending a week in Sire Dr SloartV mother from To ronto is here on visit and boy art over from Chicago en a visit Mr of Toronto was visiting here over Sunday Mrs Dr Bray of Chatham visit ing her with J F- York of spent over Sunday Mr attended the funeral of his aunt last Saturday Sir Bolton of Toronto was looking op old friends Tuesday night Constable Lyman went down to go on duty at he Sessions Sir Hughes whoso card appears elsewhere has aent for the Waterloo for over 30 yeaff- Win Roe intends to op at her aumtner residence on Point week Mr Jacob Johnson of is town owing to tho death of his brotherinlaw at Ml Albert Miss of Sntton dangh- of Dr was visiting with Sirs C over Sunday Mr Geo Row was sufficiently re from bis recent severe illness to attend last Sunday morning Sir Bert Beynolds of Whitchurch was in town again last Wednesday He ii pretty weak yet and came in to see doctor Sudbury Journal Mr and A Slontgomery arrived back to town on Sunday Mr Montgomery has been ap pointed relieving agent on the Sirs Sarah Crone has the thanks of the for a copy of the New York World of May tho largest newspaper pages in colored Preston editor of the and Vice President of the Canadian Press was resent at opening of the World air in Chicago Wo notice that our friend Mr J- of Prospect Avenue lias celebrated little trotting mare as his driver now is one of our gayest and prettiest town Speaking of I annual sermon in Sudbury tho has the following At the Methodist church an excellent address was delivered by A P SI the sermon Scrip ture and hymns being particularly appropriate to the occasion Bo v A Henderson of North Bay assisting- congregation wan largest in Church After marching back to their ball brethren passed an unani mous vote of thanks to STRANGE Spring weather has act In at last and the fanner are working night and day Miss Ada Chandler of Toronto is spend ing a few in midst purchased a now to the of one be lost Sonny spend ing his vacation at A navigation opened ha appointed by the Mayor Collector of Customs on Wharf Messrs OBrien of place spent last Sunday in New market A Porter who has been for some time it feeling better at is licit Tig at Maple Lane A formerly of this place is the guest of John Love Messrs and of Noble- ton spent Sunday at Willow Grot Joseph Walker removing to Pleasant Valley where ho will be near er bis HOLLAND LANDING Seeding and are the subjects of the greatest interest these medals Arbor Day because of the lateness of the season was postponed to next Friday J Mr Alex Shields is in Toronto on jury- Messrs Chapman and Beaton and Mrs are still confined to their rooms The last business meeting of this conference year of the Methodist church was held here on Monday after noon The finances were in good shape carrying a good balance to next year The and the Womans auxiliary purpose meeting the Masonic hall during the Summer months A donation of a sewing machine and a phonograph would be very acceptable Sis young men from Qireensville struck the north end of the Landing late Saturday nifiht for fishing After a portion of their six bottles had been inhaled they felt funny to fish and began to play ring around the of a boat They all squatted into the deep and muddy river and began scrambling for the marshy shore After some difficulty they were all landed and up by the fireto dry They were all then put to bed in an old scow Rip Van where they slept sound ly until the church bells awoke them and led them to enquire who and where they where When whiskey can lead young men of intelligence and culture into such depths it is high time a Mailer or a Prohibitory came to the of our land A Church Workers Convention is to be held here on Wednesday the The program will open with a celebration of the Holy Com munion and an address by the Rev Canon in Christ Church at i a The Convention meets at for the consideration of church as by men women and children respectively The dis cussion will be opened by an address from Mr Lawrence Baldwin of Toronto and a much esteemed To ronto lady will speak on womans work There will he an evening service at at the Rev J of St Thomas Church Toronto will preach sermon Offerings morning and to defray- expenses AH cordially in vited QUEENSVILLE Rev- Thompson of Newmarket preached tiro practical sermons la Methodist church Sunday last On Tuesday evening the Gentleman bis temperance lec ture Jack the Giant Killer to a big audience His allegorical do was highly appreciated He also preached at and Kes wick last Sunday and lectured on temperance at Ravenshoeon Monday evening to a large congregation Arbor Day was duly kepi on Friday last at our public school and the scholars a Urge number of visitors with their pleasing concert PINE ORCHARD Between and oclock on the morning of the was Mown from the chimney of Mr P Hantons residence on he Con which set rite to his barn It had got such headway before being observed that it was impossible to save it but all the live stock and some of the implements were out About tons of hay bushels of oats and a quantity of wheat were also consumed The loss will be There was insurance on the bare and pa contents- The visit of Newmarket Council TofT was greatly enjoyed Tuesday night and will do us much good Come again r KESWICK- f Kill wheat is looking fine and outlook is favorable considering the severe weather The fish inspector is looking the boys for spearing lunge in the bay Miss Bertha Cunningham who was sent to Toronto encountered a more severe operation than was anticipated The trouble was a large tumor of the kidney of a very re type The one kidney was re moved but in some unaccountable way she developed diphtheria and died Her father went down but was unable to get the body owing to the strictness of the Health Act Funeral sermon next Sunday morn ing at the Free Methodist Church Elder Chidley preaches a sermon on next Sunday to the Sons of Temperance Rev Mr Large will also preach on the same subject two weeks from that date MOUNT ALBERT Ox Friday Hose Local Option ByLaw by the village save Wetld hat majority four In favor of the ByLaw not to tiMain It A majority of one can make a member or a law in parliament hat a majority of cant count on the of Local Option in appears to bo soma accruing to Ontario Gov ernment according to the Opposition over appointment of Mr as superintendent of In connec tion with the Central Prison c Ward en to that by certain statements while Public Ac- counts but Goternintnt dont feel like throwing up apango yet beautiful arc enjoying this spring makes us feel as if there is good time corning We never get sight of a farmer less he forced to come to the itbge for supplies Every one seeding this week and the are house cleaning and making flower beds Mr Stephen received rather a severe blow in the face from an unruly colt Mr Draper will stand a good chance of getting QUEEN ST CHITCHAT We regret the removal of Elder butt from our midst Little Britain this neck May luck go with to his new onu Moore paying hi to friends on this street Saoiiy lot teem to a peculiar lot turn by on farm hayseeds on the warm this change him steamer ftrmr will bo to learn that Mr- of will bo man tliia year engineer irrfrh gouk yon mytlic wheel Wo look for you to go for Zimmerman Mr an J of bury removal to with A Mum Mr will bo an to villas alio being on of a very enterlainmet and taffy on Arbor Day youngiWra highly delighted times of one appreciates kind neighbors And there lots this and dont you forget it friends In of tho ever popular Jos conjuring what will do consequent on his leav ing them cad of year remains for the Conference to Wo could hardly fanner friends who gave bis gray such a dab of dyo In fact JiofJll over dona John See a holiday at home Why Clob truly said en view and that dog his day as Is evidenced by Bradford and Aurora Bradford on tha villi her dimly through darkness And Aurora in sleepy hollow with her brilliant electrlo No less than four within the last week has a gloom over the entire community Mrs Albert Miller an estimable young woman beloved by all who had the pleasure of her acquaintance was taken sick on Friday and died Saturday morning The happy couple were married just ten months on the day she died The were taken to for burial on Sunday The Methodist church where for years previous to wed ding she had been organist draped for the occasion and the weep ing of her old friends and school mates could not be restrained On Monday Mrs John Leek died and was buried on Wednesday in the Presbyterian cemetery Mr Samuel is still very low Mr Alex Fletcher died very sud denly on Monday just when his friends had every encouragement that he was from his serious i The body was taken to Newmarket on Thursday for burial Mr A Smith is calling on Mr Robert Rowland from To ronto A little says there will be a soon One of our enterprising men Went west got too much be joyful and tame back looking very bad amy- April In chair of rmd Com- from to on and Shaw pramlaoa of Sooth town Hoe Cody re On motion John re on too highway Wade for Qraoe loHooiy of were to appoiol Read Pound and and to and ap portion labor and adopted Peregrtoa waji to made to aide road US and Con Baal to lama Mi order for of A Road mn North Town Line coAsisUog tot 35 Con and that lot Con by Also one to work road between lota and 1 Weal and to the work of Em Grant aci follow ISO John Rogers ft to meet at Sharon Court of Revision for bniincaa Council Howard and Aft- mating read coo- from Co from Joseph Lloyd Toronto bill Fred for repairing Murphy application fim Juo Taylor c Mr by Mr Howard moved that tbe bill of Kitcbiog be paid Mr by Mr- Art moved thai John Murphy bo Order given to John Taylor for Mr Art seconded by Mr moved lint notify duo if be does not to hit duties he will Carried Mr- seconded by Art that George be reappointed to take of On the ai liflt year Carried Mr Art by Mr Howard moved that Alex a pointed keeper in place of Neil Quiusi to act Carried Mr by Mr IfowflrJ that Council do bold the Court of on the 22nd of May at the hour of a oclock p Carried Conooil adjourned A monster who little girls was by a mob on Saturday to tbe limb of a tree and riddled will- bullets Burke and Wilson the men who killed Detective Hairy were sentenced to twelve years in go Judge Street at London Saturday The Chinese on the Pacific coast are acling very sullenly in regard to the enforcement of the exclusion act Serious trouble is feared in the near future A cyclone swept over a section of the country northeast of Fulton Art on Sunday night between and oclock- The forest trees in a three miles wide have been twisted off and houses and barns ate scattered in all directions SLdbetfisenieit5 The Stock of MENS CLOTHING MENS BOOTS MENS HATS We ever held during the past years a walk on the 2nd floor and see the size of Stock What does it mean with Cor Bit- ONE PRICE for ma BrowohlU on alirooob Mood J FIRE INSURANCE of Co of and London of Liverpool- coNo Prospect VILLAGE OF Holland Landing CHINA HALL Court of Revision THE 111 In ho for bo will bo la ON At lb hour of I p en- All fir to notice flolltoJ May NOTICE THE LEADINQ HARDWARE STORE SPRING GOODS Pali Lines of COURT OF REVISION i in As to Municipal Act by Mr Water relating to aa til a municipal council in which he provide that word over and above all charge Jit encumbrance the bo In form of oath iallfleatan far a alto that all appeal made to County Judge from Court of Revision bo five day aiter dol ing of tho court of Ik tho amendment by tho wwk giving the ix to bo Matter bill Mr hat introduced a bill of hi to the prohibiting iqra iho jivili- Will to on Mo day of iSi be entitled to tot of and the on and on the fciflhi PI jueiiiyu la tiattt and that can bo auwsred by a or ft ai follow you In favor the prohibition by law of the and alo at a the King Rose prize at as he has a pair f I Bradford we dead broke by beauties weeks old while Aurora butted by of visiting in burg this week also Miss Clarx Cniy 4 SHARON The Friday evening Service which has been discontinued during cold weather will commence again this week and will be held in St James church at half past seven Mr has improvd the appearance of his residence by the of a verandah Mr Drivers infant daughter died en Friday lat and was buried Sunday Mr lrtn- conducting the service The family have the sincere sympathy of the community in their sorrow Mrs Graham of Sutton is spcrin week with relations here Elder family left this week for Little Britain his new field of labor Elder Gar bull will be missed from- the Sunday School and especially from the church which by his leaving will be closed until other arrangement can be made Mrs returned on Sunday last from a weeks sojourn in Holt superior of buttling fat Would that great boom them frouMhclr Rip Van VYInkto bleep and that their would boom with vernal green But watch out Newmarket firemen a Bradford Chump winged heel Boon bo time for Icecream I Inttad to It at first opportunity tale Ardlll tocVa1raet crowd In it ha a bod effect on legitimate There is nothing more pleasing to see than a conducted on an or at some Newmarket a number of men and It la to deal with thorn A tradtttnan i ft detriment to a place of oar country hotel watch out Koine day will Mich and per op ilicir liquor for A piano arrived at week for Under the toilful touch of Mitt Vayllug the proved to to at flue ibexes tenor iutlful By to bo Ken In the on rivet and bay I bound to tbat Mr Will Knight to a thady retreat for hit All The fields are at last appealing a mantle of green Seeding has had to be done by snatches The youngsters of SS had a holiday last week owing to the teacher Mr being ill The sportive sucker has at last made ts appearance up the creek and is now served up as a luxury The milk collectors for our cheese industry are for section Davis and Arthur The gypsies have taken a tour through this part calling at houses and asking for the loan of stove till I make a cup of tea The hand of death has again visit ed the home of the late passed away over a year ago while the family were residents of this village and has now claimed a kind and promising daughter of summers She passed peacefully away last Friday at her home at The remains were brought to cemetery for interment last Sabbath afternoon followed by a large concourse of sympathizing friends and sorrowing relatives The funeral service was held in the Church of England here by the Rev Mr Sibbatd The widowed mother and re maining members of the family have the sympathy of the people in their sad bereavement Mr Robert Norman will conduct services in the Christian church here next Sabbath evening at There was no meeting here last Sabbath for want of a minister A meeting of the Co took place last Monday for discussing the time or planting evergreen trees and fixing up the ground generally Stallion lor 1853 DoiffOCK Imported I bit third and be be proved to bo one of the moat lock In tbo John A verdict for damages has been returned at Detroit in the case of Mrs Tiffany for alienating of a husbands affections drought is reported in many parts of Europe In England and Germany especially serious apprehensions are felt Frank Mcleod who lived near Centre was killed in a state mill at McGregor near Essex by being caught by a revolving shaft Hamilton David McLean fell upon a pane of glass which cut such a severe gash in his thigh that he soon died from loss of blood Hamilton is likely to have smelting established within its The city solicitor has an agreement with New York capital ists which will be submitted to popular vote Almonte May 6- A sad drown ing accident occurred here this after noon when Howard aged years only son ol P McGregor principal of Almonte High School while playing with companions on a boom fell into the The renbbcing very strong carried him out of reach of assistance quickly Milton May Matilda Dixon wife of John Dixon a respectable fanner of Trafalgar county of was today committed for trial on a charge of uttering a forged promissory note herself and husband and nude to A and by hi in endorsed to William McLelland who was the complainant in the case The note October and was far Bail was accept ed for Mrs Dixon hereby Court of ton of of SHARON at Saturday May 27th 1893 All will go AJ Id Clerk May Town of NOTICE IS OIVEW A by Municipal Council of Ihe Coriri of of of IWJi for to lnganev School tlonof thecal mo of ibM fcuch In tho Ofllr of of lb York on of A 1 Any t or Art Mid or any thereof made Ihroo months lloa and Mtonol thereafter Sated day of 10 SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY BOH Just opened some fine value in Printed and White Toilet Sets also sonic fine Toilet Sets In Tea and Dinner Sets I haven a and Well Selected Stock The prices you will find are as- low as any in the market for good stock Also I Lave a lot of job lines in Crockery such as Howls Pitchers Plates Platters c which I am clearing out at Reduced Prices A line of Fancy Tea Pots regular retail price from to I am clearing them at GROCERY INCLUDING RAKES HOES js LAWN MOWERS SPADES SHOVELS S4y GARDEN OPAQUE BLINDS AND CORNICE POLES CHURCHES READYMIXED PAINTS ALL KINDS OF FENCE WIRE SCREEN DOORS AND WINDOWS DASH AND f PARREL Mechanics Tools a Specialty Also Pftinters Supplies J A W ALLAN CO The Equitable Savings Building Association Purely Canadian Company Authorized Capital A FURNITURE CHEAP FOR CASH AND A SPECIALTY JHMILLARD A Taylor to of p- or k Brantfghd Bicycles HAVE A STANDARD VALUE THEY ARE QUILT TO AT THE OFFERED the Goold Bicycle DfOi St Toronto AGENT- Connection For Koottfaca The ship Earl of has been off Ihe coast of Ceyloo The captain and five of the crew were drowned May A distressing accident Mr John one most advanced farmers and stock raisers on Thursday as he was showing fat stock to a Cattle buyer Among the stock was a bull that on getting loose attacked viciously getting him on his horns breaking a bone in Mr- arm a rib a collar bone and a Imnc in one leg The doctor for recovery jt Is a very call of raloUtar L of itar to Tho flumffTtloo lib if and 19dayt NEWMARKET FOR ALE by ffm Bon Chlhi CO ltd Iwo tb2nd InittlhQ Hutton WttU 1Mb of liu J NORTH AH will and prompt alUnUoo MORTGAGE SALE Valuable Km the a in a whcb lime Habile Auction at lb town On noon the All and of York nod Is fully stocked with Rest Quality in every line In Canned Goods I can show a stock front best canncrs whose reputation for good quality is beyond doubt and the price is as low as any in the market Crosse Marmalades Mock Turtle Soup Pickles etc Van Soluble Cocoa in and lb tins has no superior Con- J Cocoa and Milk Condensed Coffee and Milk both easily and quickly prepared and ore very whole some Jams in Peach Raspberry Plum Strawberry and Black Currant- My standard line of Whole Coffee Excelsior Blend is one of the best in our country Then in Teas I would just say if you want some good come and try my Japan lbs it has stood the test also Ceylons India Hysons arid Mixed at price from to per lb I can suit you as that is our business Remember our motto BEST QUALITY OF GOODS REASONABLE COURTEOUS TREATMENT PROMPT DELIVERY R A SMITH Leading Hi Oar Timothy Telephone No MAIN STREET Jacks to Hire BOOKS STATIONERY THE undorsigDcd baa stock and will of Mr Lehman and will continue tho boa- on the premises Block oppoaito American Hotel General Assortment of Wall Papers at Prices to Suit the Times Toronto Daily Weekly Papers on Sale PICTURE FRAMING A SPECIALTY MANNING NOTICE TO FARMERS YOUR TIME to purchase 1 lrrii uiaBurMturS inn cultivaok GOIiPFINOfiR OPEN BINDER A and and PATTERSONS and ft colt TORONTO AND PATTERSON TIGER AND ROYAL RAKES HARRIS HAY TEDDER Alt MM or 4 ftcprMr ffiioi a Flown and Scullla Road WARKHOOMSKaal of Market R B SMITH AGENI BRUN BROS I 1 1 1 1 I Ready- Made PURE ALL WOOL Mens Suits 500 These goods are in Brown light and dark Blue and in all sizes and a superior to many goods soldfori A stock of Hoys and Youths Suits to select and perfect goods BOOTS SHOES Our Boots and Shoes arc all guaranteed We keep no goods none but Urn best makers finding room oil shelves largest and most complete stock north of Toronto to select t of bo Ibid bit I iblrtjr of the uid Tow MlTf OF IOrBtl on vi1UMroMkiidvrjh loltf or DObtaonnppiiciton to Or to fiAlCUKiii 9nii I InthoTOHn- County of 1 of CUSTO TAIL tftll This department is so well known that those who a made suit must leave their order early as our an crowded with work UNTO Baking Powder

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