Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 12 May 1893, p. 1

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1 r T i I TO KNOW OTS A30YB OTHER Friday Morning JACKW mil BEACHED SUBSCRIBERS ONTARIO BANK J til P Vol Single Copies Cents Each NORTH YORK INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER J Worth York paid la advance Friday May 12 Strictly in Advance or at end of year AOKNHItJL Interest Allowed on Deposits t suit ISSUED at crane Mote k a a Street OB J OJlJ I AiBlST SOUCITOR of Building Main Coram lad on MOORE- MEDICAL If Si- op- to 52 MAIN ST A BINNS CHURNS BARREL AND DASH Buttfr Makers can get everything required for milk and cream made of extra heavy material We guarantee our own Was Pails Pins Baskets IK ALL DR S SCOTT 13 Mala I rtmnTed A AND MRS Main innku Sood Acd cowl Main Hid for rob cut HOSE Our Coal Oils are the Best Obtainable American Canadian A BINNS Telephone No to WRIGHT CO promptly MUSICAL MILLARD Main JOHN LUSH Main I Bell JOHNSON ft Main PAINTING BOLTON PAINTER and A ft Park Ave Hon 0- E GEO- WOOD WEST Carriage PRESS MAKING A Richards Co top of ray head was laid several I used LINIMENT and now have as got a growth of hair as ever had Mrs Alurkt McKay River RE I I have used LINI MENT freely on my head and now have a good head of after having been bald for several years It is the only hair restorer I have ever found Mrs Stanley Bridge P I YNOLOS Photos Photos for York Co- I of A KENNEDY Main MJSSE8 WILKIN CO Miln MARBLE WORKS CASSIDY Main a FITTING ALLAN Cor ft BAKERY AROBETRTSON Main fniit Re 10 p STLES 6 EAglo COWIESON PEPPIATT Mr JV Dofirt to he Intends MAINTAINING THE LEAD Aiid to tarn Id raped vork ad far to ihemoitDfU or AttUitc plclnre mil or OIK OUR SPECIALITY UralmwUI neighbor hood vork In unco Per Bio ho fleeing Jr ho p ranrtM titer its goMta rut daily joy to both sad nd iLt loll oar pain With a toft nd bo admire in Bivoetect to Mating contrite who a what On earth eon claim thy dear name of real to givoi Bridging back to Thing in wo take to Thee an vain and Ugh I No Joy or glad refrain Can tot bo thy nam lot To the Let the below abet tho of Laagaage till The joy of who welt Sing Accept tho that lira faring Begin Thy reign Lot Thy name from to Till and death bo do 192 A of tif ft ell on Old fircmatlnB at Word can bo luit at OJ WILSON 213 Mala North KtSTER WAICHE3 A n CLOCK Son gold A WATSON ATKINSON J MANNING SON 16 NnnAikat Hi Aa COYLE TItAYELLIMQ i KUKINS HOTEL HOUSE JJAOLE Main HOTEL- Prop Slrrol PIANO TUNING A order for nmclau tfork will bo at to en notice Col Dradlord- Ja a Sbftroii SEEDS CLOVKIt Tlmoihr Carrol and all of Field Garden Seeds Id bulk i DENNR3 SI MR A STOUFFER CONCERT of Conductor of tufa la In Blading Own io or rtarwu New- MISS PERKINS Music Teacher V V MILLER Matte tr Mill una At W KXTTO- Columbia united btatk8 pa ci 10 coast MANITOBA A i Epvbus- iiatr fc I Al Ufl0AtIbK0tl7tNWlSAhi HOUSE npMf AMERICAN HOTEL Vcrooo Prop HOTEL- flltllAB HOTEL TOBOBTO JorrbA of gMrABliHHKUlW or W PRIVATE SCHOOL nd KOflttli Mrs Jlylr- DL Ati ia AAI Jg WUti i wvioJ Aft 1m1c4 1rateeiy Life ftssurarceCo WXABUHHE0 J i- Wtia PKJCK Wlttiovi HOYS in AUCTION Main RAfCllir AuctloArcr HAMS LARD J Fan TbtUglil plAmllhrtUlMliiirof Jim Jar TENCH tTW AN OP J BON rmuKltor At h Office ETC NOVKKTY MFCS CO lUbr liryrclea GRIST PROVISIONS J Mala JOSEPH MILLARD to II onr and Wo in which ro Da Write rt once to torn i nod of C MAY niiOTiicita MONEY TO LOAN flrtKlaiafano DAVID LLOYD for Heal batiarof Mar oil ClUuaa lire Torooio Lot MINE0LA 638 la jaoli Ive no patience with em said Mrs- polishing energeti cally awuy at the surface of a mat hie table with a silk dusting do- If Wasnt sixty years yes- I dream of such a thing as keeping a girl A set thats what they are and they want you to pay wages enough to pave the kitchen floor with gold- Mrs Major who dropped in on her way down from Lionel Wedge woods studio on the third floor where the walls were draped with soft crimson cloth and the ceiling had been replaced by a skylight of esthetic ground glass a sympathetic groan My dear Mrs she said I know all about a housekeeper myself I really think of employing a Chinaman said Mrs Dont do that said Mrs Major Theyre a thieving you never know what they will serve up for dinner Or of breaking up housekeeping added Mrs with an air of desperation- What would that dear gifted nephew do without a home said Mrs Major That pic ture of his of Moonlight in the Woods I declare it is exquisite Ive just been looking at it My dear it took back to the days when I was a girl and and I used to walk out of moonlight nights and get such delightful colds in our heads and neuralgias wish he could sell it said Mrs pensively I think I know of a customer him said Mrs Major who delighted in managing other peoples business for them Miss the Cali fornia heiress boards at our hold and she is making collection of choice oil paintings for the gallery of their new mansion at Santa Barbara I will make a point of mentioning Moonlight in Woods to her Do said and if you hear of any tolerably good girl out of a place If I hear of any I will send here said Mrs Major Bui good girls dont grow on bush my dear Nobody knows that better than have you in the house not if you could work for for nothing Six indeed and arti ficial flowers in your hat back to Mrs Major and her that she has made a great mistake in sending you here and At this moment however little Louisa came once more into the room her countenance liberally bespattered I with stove and polishing brush clasped tightly in one band If yon please maam said Louisa laboring hard to keep down the obnoxious sniff its a girl from j Mrs Major which her name is Bridget highly in ended for general ousework as you can see the lady as lived at last number nine Bilberry Place second door from the door of Third Avenue and Mrs helplessly first at Louisa then at the stout I young person with tha daffodils in her hat Didnt you come from Mrs Major she asked Certainly I did calmly respond ed the stranger To obtain a situation for general housework Certainly I did not said the stout young person with such com nonchalance that Mrs herself began to be flustered This Is very singular she said May 1 ask what you did come here was recommended by Mrs Major come and Inspect with a view to purchasing a pic- luce called Moonlight in the Woods answered the young person who had undergone such a severe crossexam ination at the hands or rather the of Mrs The matron turned pale Was it passible that by her illjudged tongue she bad deprived her be loved nephew of an opportunity of disposing of his fay painting I 1 beg your pardon she stam mered I never supposed I mean I didnt think that is if had of dreamed Dont apologize madam said the with a calm superiority of manner which Mrs perceived before I dare say the mistake was natural enough Perhaps the flowers in my hat arc not in the best taste although purchased them from Madame in Paris Very possibly I may look older than my years But one thing I must disclaim and that is intention of limiting after your son or your nephew or whoever the young artist of the establishment may be The words sounded caustic but as Miss spoke them there was a merry twinkle in the corner of her eye which their import I am forgiven said Mrs wood in accents of deprecatory in- teirovation Freely and fully Miss made Then Mrs you will allow me to conduct you upstairs to Lionels studio And Miss graciously allowed it She Moonlight in the Woods at a fancy price and de lighted the enthusiastic artist with her sincere praises And Mrs engaged Bridget for genera housework at dollars a month and the tangle of ideas was out at last km AURORA Mr of this place has through hit solicitors Messrs ic Bums commenced an action for damages against James Newton of Richmond Hill for libel and slander Mr Patterson who has been in the employ of J Sons as a pat tern maker for some time past leaves next Tuesday night for Manitoba where he expects to remain next sum mer Shortly after one oclock Wednes day night fire was discovered in an unoccupied house on Wellington St oppose Graham Bros chopping mill The alarm was at once given and al though the fire had gained consider able before being discovered it was soon extinguished The build ing had been unoccupied for some hence it must have been set on Are It belonged to Mr this place and James of Toronto No insurance Soy Tick Tick Tick went the wire Hen was sorry to hear it for he knew meant a telegram which he must deliver as all the other messenger Ijoys were out A bitter wind was blowing with a do said Mrs Wedgewood sleety rain and the message was to be taken a mile away to Mrs was washing up 16 Park Avenue J AS NORTH YORK REGISTRY J J PACKING Huron PHOTO- GALLERY- P Ave PARK gHOW ROOM- ROOM Hi REPAIRS- John Lot a a 1 A- CANADA CAPITAL- 10000000 DOLLARS two MASON- PRACTICAL MASON MASON HUNTER SCOTT Main ind Winona fa a 31 fa uoitctl OO J the of Wanna OSlJOOllf Will ToaihJp Venn iui of We acid CO fttc 13 ih30i peatctil EC J la In Coin hoca I Lx rem led cut wanted wilts and home John to RICHMOND EAST TORONTO New T H LLOYD Main fiurpeon MILL STORE J Fur JJwc etc to order iilllti nod In titlt Wtoo Pine Tree Grist Mills grJoi til Town WATSON LARD til a EH rafliuid ftooder of to Gristing Chopping ahoflrnOiloc Chopping Done Daily At Per Good Id for Floor will to PO ACUTE or CHRONIC Can be cured by the use of SCOTTS EMULSION of pure Cod Oil with the of Lime and Soda A feeble stomach tokos kindly to it and its continued use adds flesh and makes feel and well 0aM4Lm the china the next day at an hour early that she deemed exempt from any intrusion when the redhaired Utile girl vrho came in for twenty five day to clean mirrors carry coal and run errands to the grocery hurst into he a young oman she is axin for maam she scut Iter He I a Up stairs maam Oh Mrs Viedewl her anil white cups and saucers on the side board I do wish yvi would break yourself that you have of sniffing when mi talk Yes may til her in here Young woman to a stout in a gray suit a hunch of daffodils in her was ushered in by the sniffing you come from my friend Mr Major I do said stranger I dont approve of those flowtrs in your hat Mrs severely Yon are not pretty tint fortunate Dont color so she added Truth is truth How old are you 1 am was the answer Sixandthirty you mean said Mrs Dont try to impose upon mc Upon the whole Slop a minute maam said the strange young woman laughter and anger Is- there a gentleman in the house by the name of A gentleman indeed cried Mrs bringing up I am surprised at the audacity of the women of the present generation So you are running after nephew Let me tell you distinctly that my maidservants have nothing to do with the young gentlemen the house I Nothing But I am not your cried the stout young person with the daffodils in her hat No nor you wont be said Mrs severely I wouldnt time the servant opened at that number Ben was By the the door very cold A tittle girt darted into the ball I will lake it to mamma she said Hut mamma heard and came her self to get it White she read the message Hen stood over the register Huh the warm air rushing up all him took a lie coin from her I and handed it to him without loAini at it This is five that you may ride in the car she said kindly Hen hd nut lookcjiber but thanked lit it in ail hand- On the fair handed it to the iductor who relumed ninetylive cents remarking this is the change or your gold dollar Urn at once knew that the lady had it to in a mistake for five cents- He thou- hi of all the nice marbles apples and this would buy Then he his at home who worked so and loved him so dearly Ilh dear mother win gave him a nice meal each morning when he went to his work an always said Will the good help my little boy to he honest and truthful loday So Hen stepped the car and ran so swiftly back hat he was all rosy and red by the time number was reafhed The did not under stand his exj But the lady who heard hi from the sitting room did for she had already discovered her mistake She scenic so pleased with Ben end asked him all about his mother and promised to give her some sew ing which would pay very well She said with a nice laugh Here is another nickel which is due you for you tost the first in bringing my dollar back When Ben- that night ate the little cake his mother had baked for be was happier than he would have been with all the marbles candy and apples a gold dollar could buy when that dollar was not rightfully his to spend Our SUTTON Mr Rand visited this village- Friday for of horses and purchased The rices paid ranged from up to These horses are destined for the American market The S Entrance arid the P leaving at the various High Schools and fit Slit ton public on 8th order 16 facilitate matters is necessary that all candidates who in tend writing in should send their names and addresses Job ri Principal P on or before the members and friends of- Chilian Endeavor Society had ft very pleasant time at the Manse last night The Society gave Hi home to President and wife before removal Several hours were agreeably spent in games and music after which sup per was served Mr was then presented with an engrossed ftd dress to which he replied in feeling terms Herald The Mechanics Institute Is in a flourishing condition One hundred fifty worth of books were purchased this year and there is a balance in the treasury of nearly Mis C Turner fell down the cellar steps a few days ago and Was seriously injured She re mained unconscious several hours after the accident but is now getting better Tinkler in starting off from foundry with his team one day last week ran off the bridge near P warehouse and was thrown out of his wagon Several of bis ribs were fractured but he is now able to be round again Merchants who hang awnings over their shop windows should be com pel to make them the whole width of the As most of them are now the drip on a rainy day comes right the middle of the side walk and takes the unhappy pedes trian in the back of the neck The assessment roll shows a popu lation of being an increase of the previous year There are also horses 51 cattle pigs and dogs HI- The recent rains have improved the look of the fall wheat which had suffered considerably owing to the cold and frosty weather A meeting to consider the pro priety of forming a Christian Endeav or Society was held in the Presby terian Church last evening The Young Peoples Society of the Presbyterian Church here have started an autograph quilt and are meeting with considerable success Miss Jennie Hill of Bond Head pasted very creditably her second year in medicine at the Toronto Indies College recently She was a former pupil of the Brad- for High School A Montreal shipped from here last week three car loads of horses obtained at prices ranging from to ra each The horses were all purchased within a week and the places visited were Schomberg Bond Head and Over forty firemen were present at the regular meeting held on Monday night last The large attendance was largely due no doubt to the approaching celebration the Queens Birthday here the Firemen having provided an attractive pro gram for the day a Our Church of England friends in this vdjage have decided to brick- clad and otherwise improve their church We understand the congre gation have responded nobly to the appeal for financial help and the work is to be pushed forward with out delay Inspector Clarke of had Mr J Booth of the Queens hotel before our J on Tuesday for in fringement of the liquor act selling during prohibited hours and neglect ing to publish that it was a licensed hotel For the first offence a fine of and costs was imposed and for the second 5 and costs amounting in all to Mr S Lukes has had his wood furnace in the grist mill improved that it will now burn cither coal wood This will be found a great convenience a wood a very scare article here at certain seasons of the year Mr Lukes is constantly mak ing improvements in his mill and we thlnlc we are safe in saying that there Is no better equipped mill in the Province Io passing the blacksmith shop one day last week some one turned the hose on Ash which drenched him to the skin Some say it was Con Mr A has returned from the city where he was graduated as an M Congratulations Arthur Preparations are beginning here for a big day on the Misses Eva and Leopard who have been laid up with diph theria ore now able to be around again Our lockup is going to be put on the trucks that belong to the old likeness car so it may be moved around the township as required Pretty good idea that Mr Dennis has started his sawmill with a gang of men and is making the lumber fly Mr M Brown of Michigan is visiting friends in this vicinity Mrs Sloan of King and Mrs Burling of met with an accident when leaving the village on Wednesday took fright and turned the buggy over arid but for the excellent horsemanship of Mrs Sloan serious damage might have been done Fortunately ho one was seriously DANDELIONS I OUR EXCHANGE GARDENS li The summer resorts will suffer this season Chicago will rake in all the shekels In their endeavors to get even with each other people often get a good was apart Mr SUngsby woollen manufacturer dropped dead on Friday evening Henry with his wife and child were asphyxiated by gas at Chicago Friday night Nearly worth of new buildings are under way and projected Winnipeg this year Twentyone persons were over injured by a cyclone at Cisco Texas on Saturday Zing April SO Regular all Following bills Bleary gravel S10 Harper Ridges S9S0 repairs to Cutting pit Con repair to town line Albion to 11th Con Dog fat Si Council proposed to Cribbing to air for wad opposlt his provided ha to boom position open ditch away from said Cribbing and maintains the same This offer Is tot accommodation and in no way to prejudice or any other Council Toe Council to entertain the claim of Brady dfttnagetitidto ho on side road between and ftl Coo petition road across lot Coo was lain over until May meeting to be formally dis posed of James Cherry are to examine opposite Campbells farm and report at next meeting were granted to Air for the care of one Mary A Greenwood Indigent confinement The matter re grant on town Hoe at was laid over until next meet log Lemon and appointed to effect a settlement with Mr Sidney Leonard for damage claimed by removal pit on hie Farm Con it and James Cherry were appointed to examine a ditch In report at neat meeting The refuted to entertain the claim of J tor additional re fond of was rctaoded to J he having paid on lot Con- twice the same year The Council dozen bottom road scrapers from Taylor Of at each and dozen tram Boss Bros at eachall to be delivered at free of charge Aeeve was authorized ban printed poeters setting forth the Law Stock at and the same to have the Township ByLaw and printed In pamph let form He was empowered to porch aw a car load of pipe The following grants were made for road purposes gravel and grade Tannery Hill Con Geo dad John Bams to grave Con from King City Geo- Commissioner MOO to grade Con 1 1 from Lota inclusive alio to finish be tween Lota and Con Geo Chamberlain and Wm grade Con S from Lots 10 provided ratepyera in that section contribute Henry Mann and Cane be Commie- toners to down on aide be LU and SI Cod of Mi snd Lew to be to gravel road Lola and Coo Wm Deacon and J Stephana to rapafr town line between Kins and Albion from Lota J to John To repair swamp road farm on aide line between Late So and St Con 1 Burton ard John to grail Hoe between 10 and Con anil Jame Ron A and Johnson en Council then rnoet at George aged nine teen of I lis was drowned in creek eighteen miles from Parry Sound on Monday night an employee Of the mill aged was instantly Killed by an accident to the shafting ab Mr A merchant of King city is building a dwelling and bake house will be occupied by Mr Floods are great dam age at Missouri Illinois Indiana and the Northwestern states Many people have been driven from home In Chatham grocery store was robbed of over A man went in sent the boy down cellar for an empty barrel and coolly helped himself to the cash is no book like the Bible There is none to give the mind so much fresh thought none to give the heart so much faith and courage none to give the soul so much hope With the Open Bible man can understand something about himself whence he came what he is and whither he is going but without the Bible there is no light for today and hope for to morrow The Bible has comfort for the sorrowful consolation for the be reaved wisdom and knowledge for the prudent it has light for all the world MinarcVs Liniment cures Colds etc The riyer Hoanghe has over flowed its banks with disastrous results Some villages were flooded late In March with great loss of life A grand demonstration un der auspices of the Ancient Order Of Foresters and the Sons of Scot land is to be held at on May A verdict of manslaughter was returned at the Middlesex assizes Burke and Wilson the men charged with killing Detective Harry of London Farmers tell us that apple they packed in sawdust and headed up in barrels last fall are now as fresh as when taken from the trees free from rot Before adjourning sin fie the Board of Lady Managers of the Worlds Fair itself on record as in fayorofan open Sunday by an al most unanimous vote Chief Justice Gall on Saturday a bylaw of the city SlThomas which sought to give the Bell Telephone company exclusive business la that city for five years Mrs Elizabeth who died in a dentists chair in Buffalo under the influence of laughing was a daughter of Mr Jacob of Oxford county to be a man of your word of the most disheartening of all things is to be associated in an undertaking with a person whose promise not to be depended upon Word comes from Yokohama that a very destructive fire at Manilla on the afternoon of Good Friday over houses being consumed A number of lives were lost Speaking of the reduction of liquor licenses In to less than one half the number issued years ago the Review says They act temperance as as talk it in I Cation Mrs Christiana of Whitchurch a widow died intestate leaving a farm in the concession worth and personalty worth 24 J Her son William Law of Mount Albert petitions for adminis tration A Missouri Kansas Texas passenger train was held up in the Indian territory Tuesday night by six armed men with Winchesters The passengers were relieved of everything from pocket books to pocket knives A cyclone struck Washington Ohio and filled the streets with wreckage The City hill is badly damaged the roof blown off and the interior soaked with water Every church in except was badly- reservoir at Ohio broke Wednesday and the water rushed down over the surround ing country carrying bridges and everything before it of life is reported but the fled in terror fom their homes Many farmers ruined A woman in a neighboring town was without the most woman in he county last Sunday when the on coming out church that her bran spring hat was adorned with a tag whereupon was inscribed the legend Reduced to The estate of the late Henry Sanderson Richmond Hill is valued at His son James McCallum Sanderson is given the Richmond Hill residence drug store etc The widow other children are well provided for deceaseds personal estate being valued at Besides reducing the price of Snider ammunition from to per rounds as stated yesterday the Government has decided to re duce the price of the MartiniHenry ammunition from to per rounds This applies only to rifle organisation and the Militia Mr Richard and Mary members of the Ro man Catholic congregation at Kempt- ville Ont have been excommuni cated by Archbishop Geary of Kings ton Mr McGovern was divorced from a former wife and had been married to Miss Barkley by a magis trate at Ogdensburg Their offence waIn together

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