Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 5 May 1893, p. 4

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NEWMARKET ERA MAY 1893 THE OF WISDOM Tnit in with all heart and learn onto like luliiUkeQ from the introductory portion of book of Proverbs i not an path log toward wealth and Wisdom may lead to of not only to it bat It may make if we it that rained many a nan gluttony and kindred bora not of bnt folly fragility bring wraith wealth it wldom gained with out them By tfaa Lord earth a fort well as a creation- The man does well New Influences are Ml by who coma in contact with him Ha does than refrain doing evil Do evil with evil men threatened life on every The Parable of Samaritan was founded well- known fact of danger to traveller Lilt Is a journey of danger Temptations and evil oar young people la there any better than the fear of the rd of wisdom in Jehovah with all thy heart an not onto thin own understand- ilE TO honorary Wn DCI rooferred on Kirk- by University It Mr Young of to Chicago si Worlds Fair for When Host down not afraid child sleeping in his is the picture J The child bis mother is the picture of folly in its highest hd is is confidence la the Lord From God we to God we go Tin of North t meeting lift wees adopted resolution endorsing and Col OBrien oa the Mani toba and tariff reform It appears Hon Mr Catling detained honor of being one of the Canadian Commissioners o the Worlds Fair along with Senator and it Is now stated that Mr for Centre To ronto been appointed A bill has been presented in the tnre by Mr Mackenzie to amend- the License Act by that druggists may sell liquors for strictly medicinal purposes not in quantities greater six Ounces at any one lime and only on the certificate of a medical practitioner shall not be drug- selling liquor A standing cer tificate will be of no last week while some men were employed digging postboles on tbeV discover- a trench used at the battle of Lane In Ibis they skulls flattened and buttonsMho latter crest of the Royal Soots No donbt the relies hare lain in this trench for years- while their discovery will add additional interest to in the eyes of the Old Pioneers A DISTURBANCE isnt what you want if your and bowel ro irregular That about all yon get though with ordinary pill It relieve yon for mo ment usually in a worse than before is where Br Fierce Pleasant Pellet do most good They act in an easy and natural way very different from huge oldfashioned Theyre not only but there a bo reaction afterward and their help lasts One little Pellet for lax ative or corrective three for a cathartic Constipation Indiges tion Bilious Attacks Sick and Bil ious Headaches are promptly relieved and cored Theyre the smallest the easiest to take and the cheapest pill you can buy for theyre guaranteed to satisfaction or your money is re turned You pay only for the good you It wont do to experiment with Catarrh Theres constant dan ger of driving it to the lungs can perfect and permanent with Dr Sagos Remedy Canada at Fair Theres Nothing Like SOAP IT DOES AWAY WITH BOILING HARD RUBBING BACKACHES SORE HANDS Sunlight REFUSE CHEAP IMITATIONS A now before re by or Toronto to lb of Jol- milk At present it illegal to skimmed milk to factories The object of bill to wll milk to except It bo knowledge of under penalty of row to conviction Of coarse milk ioth- to from bill force ones to As ect to enable to vote for of and assent at the elector and confining to the franchise in relation to all municipal mailer a in enjoyed by married women and lias again introduced by Mr Waters in Legislature This amendment if will materially change the voting element of In tbe near future and and power to right of petition in respect to matters of local government A iull bas been introducod by Mr- Mo- to amd Municipal relation to market the other exemptions now in force wilier- teed exemptions to any kind of produce article or commodity growth or pro duct of the farm or garden If ihi amendment is adopted farmer will no lodger have reason to complain market fees in Toronto while city wilt not be in a to ask the county council a consideration for the removal of toll gate Merchandize or foreign pro- atone will be liable INFLUENZA Or In occasionally li always or The remedy for this complaint J Cherry was taken was so my breathing tint LreMt as If In an Iron procured a bottle of AjVra and hvt lcoudrotU- It Is truly W If William Crook AVERS Cherry Pectoral Prom act sure to euro millions have been in parliamentary and at Ottawa tho end not yet The present the Sir of jrjtUc known merit aro be and the erection of a new on It to i front of the pol arid in order of area Will be constructed the aol es Master to have a liking for but to Ia next Time ui and I elec tions are not far away Jarje contracts precede Appeal to the a and from ft It a reritlf of mrtt and and hat more of how frtkialitUua whohucu It their i A when Other nhttd el Other TeiUutpuhli fur For ailo by or mall rectal price Oat A very sudden death occurred at Mr Tuesday evening Miss Mclhvtyj a servant who had up till the evening before been going about her usual duties took suddenly ill and in spite of the timely call and assiduous attentions a physician died early the next evening of the lungs was the cause Tottenham Cared Is cay Couth Atcertca Core for a- In I to aUaaadioyaviloui It at For enrol In to antra all antoala hi tot at to ad from ad For bill in gAtcd projcrty AttorneyGeneral no before the Legislature provides that no action of shall bo in the has joined In a deed to tho land or has a deed in which her has conveyed ml Then hereafter ex ecuted this till enacts that of the wife of a in hi itifction of the Act respecting shall bo cal culated on the basis of the amount realised from the talc of land and not the amount realized from such sale arid above of the loan money On after this Act becomes law will to upon this change as It will affect tho value of the security here doer Is not tarred not of notion in to Sir Oliver from of Ontario wo regretting that bfs has to iiiiuo system which fleets of and In mid other house hold allowances principle with and In working oot system It is to very firavo abaso- an official sort of csl poll on party is allowed to able hit servants and maintain bis household at public ex- things are and covered that would not bo tolerate In ordi nary Two politi cs promts coma In here fn Is mora a theory than A will rub mighty clotototho devil for fat government job At the Worlds Fair the Canadian exhibit will occupy square feel Accommodation has been se cured outside for horses zoo cattle sheep swine zoo dogs and all the that may be sent The provinces and territories all responded tn the imitation to assist in bringing together a credit able display of the natural resources and industrial products Canada with the of New The Dominion have agreed to bear the ccst of trans portation of all exhibits and of the expenses connected with the placing of the goods in the different courts of the building and their care while there The Dominion Commission too have promised to pay for the food consumed by the animals while on exhibition and the provinces have agreed to hear the cost of seect and providing attendants to with them The space allotted to Canada in the building devoted to manufactures is feet It is in one square block in a very prominent and de sirable position and adjoins the space assigned to Great Britain Among the exhibits in this section of the Canadian displayare large represen tation of cotton and woollen indus tries carpet clothing furs and weights stoves and furniture terra work paper books wall stained glass perfumery glassware plated ware brass and iron tools and a of other articles The Canadian dismay in Lib eral Arts gallery is iUny- the country Other his sec tion are imitfral optical goods surgical the like In the a Iiiiduy Can ada lias been space one which and the other sept no Here samples will be si grown of I from lulwsid the to on and from the JVace the boundary In the Agricultural building Canada has square feet net which afterile- ducting necessary passageways will leave about square feet of space for goods Three thousand feet of was applied for in the dairy building but 576 square feet was all that could he obtained As a consequence mammoth cheese weighing over 000 lbs made under the direction of Mr James Robertson the Commissioner must he placed io the Agricultural About cheeses of Canadian have been secured chiefly make of but with enough of to demonstrate the qualities of Canadian Chetses display of butter large The has been as to require for it port along the fronta of groups of columns these groups is composed of three trees with the bark intact of from to inches in diameter and feet long Of these groups Ontario has contributed five and one The display consists of sections of timber hewn and sawn veneers carved pulp etc In tici display of is such the erroneous ideas which Still in many quarters ding the clim- of ibis country Most of the provinces have entered into the work and by employing men specially qualified have in bringing together large collections of both fresh and preserved specimens The display of minerals will bear ample testimony to the wealth of Canadas resources The space- awarded is adjacent to that assigned Gnat Britain and embraces an area equal to feet net Ontario Quebec Nova Scotia and British Columbia have done their best to together a creditable array of specimens targe and impressive masses of nickel copper icon and coal fine examples of gold and silver ores asbestos and phosphates will be with many others Smaller exhibits are made by the other provinces The exhibit in the Transportation be of particular interest The Grand Trunk rill exhibit a model of the St Clair tunnel About half of the whole space will be occu pied by the Canadian Pacific Rail way Company with an engine a d full train of cars elegantly finished with the latest improvements This train is shown alongside a train of English cars to be rent over by the London and North Western Railway Near the cars is a dog train and Red River carl The Canadian Pacific will also exhibit an elegant model of one of the new line of steamers to Japan and a series of photographs illustrating the scenery along their railway Great pains have been taken to secure a satisfactory exhibit of the best work of Canadian artists Two thousand dollars have been paid by the Dominion Government the secretarytreasurer of the Royal Academy- The artists went to work with a will agreeing to pay a the expense connected with the selec tion and packing of the pictures as well as those of the hanging commit tee put a suitable person in charge of he exhibits and in fact undertook to do all the work defray all the expenses in connection with the ex hibit except cost of transportation of the pictures to Chicago and the re turn to The Of Indian Affairs brought together through its agents Caution to iork thermal Ihsmaoy big fair on wisdom an with cars win ya am what a boat For lUo J STRONGEST BEST MAIN ST ATKINSON JEWELER ou I a- goto to tor aa a lamp far cost a on far drinkin An a bed at night or go skjn turn Up Old Gold Silver taken ip exchange for goods to PURE PUREST BEST water soil fiuudrea SM fcy in all parts of the Dominion example- of the handicraft of the various tubes of Indians residing in Canada Ad jacent to the building for the ethno logical exhibit is a piece of land re served for occupation by living repre sentatives of some of the tribes which occupied America at the time of its discovery- Arrangements have also made to send to tbe Exposition the Indians of both sexes who are being trained at the In dustrial Schools Preparations for an extensive display of horses cattle sheep swine and poultry have made in both Ontario and Quebec and Manitoba and Prince have helped it is the largest display of stock Canada has ever made Tower CO CO CO r r in four Vftle for a- 1 I til a J CO CO a dont watch Its a cant for an JrV as id far sneasin A hold an two am far A ahiUiD far a wbtspar an a far a shout Theyll liko dont watch I tax far o lb Ho matter if go or tarn An ycr dont have a Theyll skin ye like dont watch oat S ft ft a IH liiiik I filial FLOWER FIELD AND GARDEN SEEDS ALf VARIETIESAT SCOTTS PHARMACY NEXT POST OFFICE THEGOOKS BEST FRIEND SALE IN the CoLourg Assizes John found guilty of assault- in- Field and fined The district of West Simcoe iickijsv have decided iiii ail bars under their font shall he at pm cures Anyone can flee superiority of our TOVESH AND TiNWARE DESIGN PATENTS C0PYRIQHT8 write io A CO- ions for in is jo The goods material Now before the Spring we manufacture arc made out of is time to order Milk Pails and Cans HODGE CO MAIN ST SOUTH How to Got ft Sunlight Sunlight wrapper Icarlog words Why Docs a Worn so Look Old Booncr Than a Mao to Hum Limited fit and yea will by post a picture from and well worth framing Tula an easy way to decorate your The soap is the beat In the market and It will postage to tend In the wrap pers if yon leave cods open Write your ftUreis carefully MENTAL ENERGY of Mciltta for rat I Api The total of persons who met death in Tuesday nights storm now number and the injured about and being fatally injured One of the greatest scenes the devastated district is at the of John in Payne County The large house and other buildings fire completely gone and the farm stripped of every of fences crops and orchards- Food Digestion Complexion arc oil intimately connected practically the fad Is it is ntverthcless true tliftt a yood complexion is an impossibility without ivliich in turn on good food There is more cause ofindiKestiuti than Let the bright housekeeper use The New Vcgctiible Shortening substitute for lard and her cheeks with those of her family will be far more likely to Ik Like a rose In the snow is clean if Summer S AVERS a tusliiess mm itviOj Hilt I my ft lid to ex- 4ili trying mm i SarsaparlUa JUST SOME BE DUTIFUL PATTERNS Id Knglish Scotch and Canadian Soilings Also an of choose from at prices to suit the times NO TROUBLE TO SHOW GOODS YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED D MUTCH Opposite Starrs Book Store MERCHANT TAILOR Clems Own Cloth made up Neatly and Cheaply The Latest Many are the devices adopted to obtain the signatures of persons of good standing to documents which require cash for their redemption Joseph Robin son a wealthy farmer and local preacher of Leamington Oot on on Saturday night last had a man with a clerical appearance call at his house and request shelter for the The stranger represented himself as a preacher and like con genial spirits the two for several hours talked over deep questions in theology About oclock a knock heard at the door The new comer was a man who stated that he had a female companion and they twain desired to be made one Why said Mr Robinson we have a preacher right here in the house and if you have a license he can join you The anxious couple gladly entered the house and the al leged theologian went through the Usual form of words Of course there had to be witnesses Mr and Mrs Robinson consented to act in that capacity and promptly affixed their signatures to a document which they supposedwas a marriage certificate The happy couple then departed giving the clergyman for his pains The latter remained all night and he was so grateful for the kind ness of Mr and Mrs Robinson that he presented each of them with a crisp bill A week elapsed and Monday the genial host was tried to receive a telegram from a bank to the effect that an note his had just been dis counted there Mr Robinson was very much surprised but he at once went to Windsor and it soon dawned upon him very forcibly that the marriage certificate he had signed was nothing more nor less than a promts s note As for the preacher and bridal couple it is believed they are Detroit crooks and an attempt will be made to run them down A per sons signature is a valuable and never be affixed to any document especially when got up by another person without the fullest deliberation and it is never to give ones to a i Society Register TburJsr or foil TUesdi sy o ma Tu 3rd UooIsy Io tbi o A and 3rd Mount A A Kb la OJiMaiTlltalst A lo srsalaf BtauffTUIalal A la Aor lit A itooimj T Royal and E Iftdai TborIi IWsij filabt MondjBlh rtd Do You Admire Flowers a You do Well your eye on Pharmacy for we nil the latest novel ties and the largest sleek of Flower Seeds in town Do You Like Vegetables Everybody does Yon Know what our reputation Garden Seed in and our Hub spring in larger and more varied than ever Give us a trial PHARMACY DR CAMPBELL Proprietor TRY OUR TAILS TUBS Mtli OF NEWMARKET LUMBER Shingles Lath Siding Flooring Moulding OUR AIM WORK AT- LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES Doors Sash and Blinds A Don in Saturday Wight writing about the scheme for bringing To rontos water from Lake Simcoe saw We are nearly five hundred feet below Lake Simcoe For seven and a half million dollars we could build a waterway and tunnel capable of supplying this with pure water and sufficient power when turned in to electricity every wheel necessary lor manufacturing or loco motion within the city limits In the next place I am informed that there are fifteen thousand acres of land near the point where the waterway would leave Lake Simcoe by building a short dike could be re claimed and would be worth at least a hundred dollars an acre all bo done In a week giving the promoters of the scheme a million and a half dollars worth of property without doing any damage to the water rights on Lake Simcoe This land could be irrigated and would produce at least two crops green a year The whole scheme give the route the waterway irrigation the possibilities of which are not under stood in Canada that would be more uieful In our short hot summer than people can conceive who are not cognizant of what irrigation has done in other lands J Tutsdsr Tcrr TmrstiMTlLlT L Ho I si Ural Co aH or lbs aod Mi ihoTsmpsrsaca lit Of pl TJWELLIUU HOUSE- LET otift i- I 4srsl wllb ra ad tsqIl to SALE- A iris POR SALK OR bud of si urt lbs South a tt her or RENT to VLtssji DESIRABLE FOR SALE BELONGING TO THE- ESTATE III most Ceatrsl tod awlraWtlot known lbs Two on TOfi sod mm sur I For a far aw SHOULD A EN- ahout WILIER INSIDE SLIDING BLINDS As the public seem particularly In terested Just now on the subject of Automatic Telephone Systems the Dell Telephone Company will set up a sample outfit of its own Automatic system for town and in fo next week where it can be Ken and arrangements made for purchase by anyone during to if To is not the as the Companys Warehouse Kelts but a regular Auto matic Telephone System and I- Liniment cures etc K CO VclInon il Send fttpng your ordfts to the Old Reliable House where you have dealt before and where your Father used to deal THAT IS BROS CO TORONTO m SOLE MANUFACTURERS OF THE ONLY GENUINE Machine Oil OILS iiw Champion Gold Medal Oil of and our Cylinder wear longer and better satisfaction any other Oil ask ram nut WIOOOLLG by all leading dealers the country BywoqK CURES DYSPEPSIA Wrong Action of ftSj HEADACHE t pill of To bo to Bed tfeircod body IS euro I iiiAbut two I ASA SPRING MEDICINE roody CO on it ui Tho lntcror tiio tto ifcli ndf l l t Oodj a I bo I off union u at to to CURES DAD BLOOD CoatiJpalion Iilturci of aocUcl untfot lo A Eruption blood tt ek If if LI cured by VictorU kVfV ithljtoB Jrul Ail traction AM 1 v m 1 i FOR S ALE Shropshire Rams young s w Sot I

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