Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 5 May 1893, p. 2

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aw -lyvxA- v I Mad Bran ton Clothing Co and Wall Papers K Manning ByLaw No Lloyd Car of Thanks Mrs Ancle Futon Mill P Tenders Wan ted T Tenders B- Carta I Printed all at Boms run fe FRIDAY MAT 5 to A patient At from Imidcci jumped from third rtory window morn ing with only a braises The collect by Toron to Custom moslh amounted to for the year mortality more u to the of lbs city that for Hon Bow Hon- Fos ter Ham Sir and an in city Grit throe named been hearing deputation in- cot change and Ifcd latter la hew Militia in to mat tan connected with department- J proprietor of the Can baa been committed for trial on a charge of rand la frith hit The rtrwt tracks Into High Part today A lady mi fined yesterday in the police court for riding rid- walk A of the county conn of which all to be Borne had that lit Government and then allow It to bo not bo a dot wonM It be air to the reputation tbo Premier a Then iraa no bat that the hoc aaid In ought to bat ought to la common mum vay Ha tailed to when the Matter bill ad- of the amendment that had been fint to the and second the people by of Manitoba were that the popolar rote taken in their bad been of great benefit to the to the evils of traffics and awahaning to many who before that were Indifferent The too that the Manitoba paced a calling upon the Dominion Government to euch legltlation aa would enable to with the traffic Mr the city of London in tbi at an example of the ncoesj the plebiscite Then the of a tote the number liquor licensee to the number by the people- The would bate a great and Influence on public opinion In that if any division ehowed by a majority that they farortd prohibition the member that would bo corn palled aa matter of policy to favor pro- legislation- Then the proposed even If adopted not be en forced till because for this year wan already decided If left over until nest question of jurisdiction would be tattled and nothing would be lost Indeed he believed that much wool be gained as they all knew that such a of affaire would follow the Immediate adoption of such a bill no men could wish They should move slowly and holding all the ground they had and look ing forward to the adoption of a prohibi tory such as be and loyally endorsed and by ell classes of the people Life The auction sale of oc is bringing out the crowds Now is the time to lay in a stock of general merchandise you get it about half the usual price It is to be cleaned out in two SHARON Holy Coramuoion was Stjamca Church last Sunday Canon if The eloquent seimpn delivered was listened to with wrapt attention Mr W of Toronto making one of his genial viritt our village Mi Richard has business in the butchering Hoe A butcher will be a valued acquisition to Sharon Mrs Clougter is making a two weeks visit in the Miss Howard of Bond Head was the guest of Miss over Sunday is to is whit he tut to uoot As amendment been submitted to the Ontario In a bill pre sented by Mr to the Workmen Compensation for Injuries Act practically exempting said Act from was at the o cases ol Injury received by hills re electric railway cha The prohibition discussion lnlheHooc this week There wre of to debate THE WARIER BILL engaged work of or or grower The time of the Legislature on Monday and Tuesday last was chiefly occupied in discussing a bill intro duced by Mr Muter to prohibit the issue of tavern and saloon licenses in this Province after the and to which two amend ments were submitted The first by Mr Balfour for a three months hoist and the second by the Hon Minister Education setting forth that the extent and power of any of the provincial legislatures to enact a prohibitory liquor law is uncertain doubtful that before attempting such legislation the extent of juris diction should be first obtained that if it should be adjudged by a com petent tribunal that this legislature has power the House will be prepar ed consider and decide uponany measure brought before it that the should not be further dealt with save and ex cept to make and enact neces sary provisions for procuring a provin cial plebiscite on the question of the prohibition of said traffic and this House orders that said bill he not nowread a second time hut be a second time this day si months have not room to give the lengthy debate which followed but a Rood many sharp things were said aides The- friends of Mr liit contended hat its provisions only a regulation and to close the taverns and saloons would be an onward step in the movement the other fund it was contended by those opposed to it that according to de cisions already rendered it was to separate the tavern from the shop licenses that if the legis- power to prohibit the one it would follow that they could prohibit the other and this tbe Privy Council had already declared was not in the jurisdiction of the legislature parties in the House admitted the of the traffic both averred willingness to suiiport prohibiten but differed respecting the constitutional question involved in Mr Matters bill- The amendment was adopted on a vote of a majority the division being a purely party one It was clearly brought out during the debate that the plebiscite on prohibition would be taken before next session of the legislature and the sugges tion was made by more than one speaker that the vote should be taken at the next Municipal elections From conversation with leading members of the Home wc are almost sure will be the case- Apart from the legal aspect of the issue the for North York among others discussed it from a laymans and we give hit re marks Mr DbvIi that ih principle in volved in lbs before th Home waioDoof vuygrui and ho deiireI to Jiecmi It with fell that it not bo nude a hot stately It been treated loo onto Id thai spirit in the pan to politico bad ian to except that bo- bind biro and to it be was willing to ap peal Two wcro iiioltod air amviid moot to the One was that the prompt In pro- per court and the for an on of approached tbciueition that it not la in- bill and be that bear oat view Mr that great I is what a special to the To- rooto from Ottawa A who is pretty well posted in poli tical events informed me today that It was more than probable that Alton Mc Carthy would arrange to bold here Jane to take advantage of tbe camber of politicians who trill be attracted by Liberal- io order thai be may ley before ftemJ Tax vote on Ontario will take place at the elections next Jan uary The agitation will likely start a temperance ware that will decide fate candidates for moot- all over the Province- It will bo means of bringing the fall not only of women bat also of temperance element and as will naturally conclude it to be ad visable to place power in the bands of temperance men old ties and obligations will be severed by these classes in order to strengthen the prohibition cause in country Ax Act respecting married women has teen introduced in the Ontario Legisla ture by Mr Meredith giving power to hare enjoy and of real and estates as if were unmarried to carry on and contracts as it onmarrled All disabilities and all of rigbta powers and lia- of unmarried women in of holding owning or of real or personal carrying on and entering into contrActi arid and arc by this bill abolished JiarrieJ women in all said matter- a if were unniarrictl Mrs McKay of visiting her daughter Mrs Clarke Mils Minnie Gray is visiting rela tives in King township The storm of the alt did con siderable damage to fences outbuild ings and woods in this neighborhood Mr A pastor of and Mt Albert Pres byterian is preaching a series of powerful sermons the fulfillment of prophesy and the approach of the millennium- These sermons are attracting large congre gations and are highly appreciated by intelligent hearer as the preacher proves every assertion be makes by reference to sacred and refine history Methodist Sunday school has just received a ncw li brary The school is in a flourishing condition and ranks as one of the best in DRYTOWN Seeding is in lull bloom Fall wheat is looking reasonably well We are sorry to report that Miss Bertha Cunningham is under treat ment in the hospital Toronto with a tumor Suckers are coming up quite plenti ful The trouble is to catch them Mr Henry Smith has purchased a new driver Shes a dandy Miss Mary is on the sick list this week we will have to give a rest till we procure another field as Mr is ploughing is up Mr Albert Riglcr intends running the milk wagon to Sutton this year The Free Methodists will soon he starting at their new shed which will greatly add to the comfort and appear ance of the premises Mr Sliler has sold his driver to Joseph Marl said she could in minutes Sj 1- UNION STREET G Mr Richardson ha been preparing somewhat for Arbor day We wish success are nearly disgusted about spring They an early one Some of ihcm have not started seed ing y while some other arc head long into it The careful farmer while looking over his fall wheat finds he will have to plow a good share of if up which is not very nice to him The grass is beginning grow once more and we see a few animals turned out to pasture Also the buds are starting on trees and the birds begin to hunt their nests While Mr John Dunham was driv ing along the street the other day his horse fell dead a short distance north of the school-house- However the horse was old and it was not much loss There are large congregations at the Christian church now A great many have lately joined and many more think deeply about the matter There have been a few suckers in our creek for which we will give our thanks to the recent rains Many of the young people around here are anxious to know who I am but that is for me know and you to find out However will give you some advantage by telling you my situation It is back in a swamp under the comfortable shade of a bushpile am getting weak under the knees and therefore I cannot get around to get news My friand will have tu excuse me for a week or so until can get around again Old SCHOOL REPORTS iirs re otw rs 1st Qalnloyafaod Poo in Skinner Ethel Foots Harper JrXUyolliaCaae Mahal Skinner Foot Harper Lilian Caw Mary Harrington Average for lb month 34 Present Foots Miller Fred Harper Thoroia John Emerson Teacher The National Bank of has failed It has in Europe and the State ST At St John Saturday Gilbert aged ate cone rough on rats and died neat morning A boat containing three young men tank near Amherstburg on Monday Charles Forsyth and Alex Herbert were drowned but John was rescued now the fellow who performs the las rites to departing follow mortals at the cemetery is the wake of the unit like dealer root herbs and poisons or Knight of wants business A city paper Kays There in a bill till in iucorpir- a body bo known as The Ontario lis object is to obtain to establish a college and those certificates will be al- to use Km The undertakers arc not a unit on the Koine of profess to beneath it to legally old The farmers are busy Sfding as it has been a laic Miss Nellie a graduate of Wilson has left to a school at success Nellie Mr Joshua Wilson having his stone wall repaired by Mr Bingham Mr Silas a now fence up which is an improvement to jam The Beef Association starts next Tuesday Mr Whisker took charge of Miss Camerons class also gave it short d to the children on Sunday Our of Hope is a good work in this neighborhood are names the roll On Tuesday we had a very instructive lesson on The Great Battle which was conducted by McMillan Trie youths of our neighborhood are rather too progressive wo of our four teen -year- old children make themselves ratter ridiculous by walk ing hand in hand and silling on stones for private We MOUNT ALBERT Mr Alex Fletcher is very ill and is not expected to recover Mr Shuttle worth who was so badly burnt last week expected to get better Dr J Forrest is fixing up an office over Brownscoiube Rosss store where he expects do a rushing business S McKewon is preparing to fix up the Royal Oak for the summer trade The League held one of their monthly meetings last Friday when a bate took place on Re solved tobacco is more injurious to the system than liquor Messrs Richardson and Hopkins ably sup- potted tbe affirmative and Lloyd and Miller the negative After the giants had displayed their debiting powers it was decided in favor of affirm ative much to the enjoyment of some young fellows in the back corner Young farmers from Holt want to be careful anrj have cross dogs to watch their horses when they come I East or the may go home first Anyway examine your rig with specks on The army it here again but the young people do not teem to ze them as formerly Why The band boys are practicing twice a week and expect to be ready for all occasions The leader has received a couple of new selections from New one is Annie the other Johnny get your hair cut at the Arcade One of our enterprising young men is thinking of going to Markham to dig for coal while another thinks he will try his luck at the Mount street boys wonder why a certain young man cannot keep at his own end of the village Wonder why that young man got the time J starred a new harness shop I Itearllut Jones who been in Hamilton North Dakota for the past two years intends taking in the Worlds Fair and coming over to spend a few weeks father Gossip a so qwiluhDIby Br IV Morton Jr rvVal Terry K Pol lock fir- in Draper A Jr Ill Morton E Morton Terry Br J King and Pollock A King pollock Jr Rose A Draper Watt J or Jr Pi Pollock Barker Brooks A Cole Jr Draper Morton Present day Morton A J- A Sine Folloek Rose Barker Pollock A Cole Average attondarjoe Teacher Chicago May Grover Cleve land President of the United Slates surrounded by the members of his cabinet by high of the various States by a numerous and distinguished representation from the lands across the seas and by a of American citizens today pressed the electric button which set in motion the miles shafting innumerable engines and mechanism and the labyrinth of belting an J year ing which makes up the machinery the Worlds Columbian Expositiuii At the same moment a national salute pealed for from the guns of the Andrew Johxwi olT exposi tion grounds in Lake Michigan seven hundred fligs released from thcirstops at a concert- d signal swung loose and out under the sky in scar let yellow and blue over iti Ma chinery hall a great roar arose aid Mill UNN1K0 U9TIM0 ana as mas IS TENrERS WATERING STREET The Largest Stock of MENS CLOTHING MENS BOOTS MENS We ever held during the past years a walk on the on the 2nd floor and see the size Stock What does it mean For Chair OF ihi of of for ibftlrkladsriiii64 In tricot I to ftfh of fat 1L A HE tin by ibjtTjooiJrtrtobU Hi tic of coy Was for A of ja I map fofsMtt lb kot of iboviiof ONE PRICE TEN HIGH SCHOO BUILDING I EHUERB fib to virion 111 WftTfnlAikit tier till It by or lb it I nut MA 01110i of HP- J ttdfiBRTSOtf CHINA HALL BYLAW NO To authority the of for turn of Six Thousand for Sigh School Pur- WflERSiatria JUIah Board fas III for lbs sum IhS lis or School for urn for of or Now log a And thai tutu of Sir Thousand should turrets of the building nodded as j of the wheels began to turn and a great er volume uf sound arose the throats of the concourse of people who thus acclaimed the opening of the grandest achievement of Ameri can pluck enterprise and generosity and people were present and it is said to have been the greatest day America ever saw J I iluulclpil ISM purled I Anil lot by SonoAilostal pl for The of st1 debt and uiut t6botataed by a la saeb Of years lbs as Just fiftft value in Printed and White Toilet Sets also some fine Porcelain Sets In Tea and Dinner Sets I have a Urge and Stock The prices you will find ate as to as any in the market for good stock Also I have a lot of job lines in Crockery such aa Bowls PitchersPlates c which I am clearing at Reduced Prices of ancy Tea Pots regular retail price from to I am deaf them at Wall Papers BOOKS STATIONERY THE has the and will of Mr Lehman and will continue the Block opposite North American Hotel General Assortment of Wall Papers at Prices to Suit the Times Toronto Daily Weekly Papers on Sale PICTURE A SPECIALTY MANNING And 7jffaithamoufiaOtaHj whole dpi of What Sooifity is POINTS Mr IVoll Winner it homo from Milt Emma Toronto in a Mm A It vlllt for of Mr Jobn tpond- tag In town old Mm Toronto with her mother Mr Budge brother of id looking hit borate alter b at Mr Alex in Toronto of Toronto a I Keif rorkot about SO town Friday Mo Hugh and Milt their Oil and villi a month or two They accompanied by Mr Herbert who out to remain in If he can flnfl a to oat agin with had from aboIUhtd Mr Jo If bad Che to a bat Sir- ad bill 1 ran au unut front to the Lad place dura- year- and for one rank manly In which ho to dlatlOD the other day- What morn thy tbkD the ttatcment mad by tho of the that thown be for in of a prohibitory At in soured a verdict for against a young farmer named Connolly for of of marriage The new steamer built by the Hamilton com- foi the Toronto A company launched uvaday at May Mr I was bia to the today it collapicd- There eight or ten people in and under iny but none were injured damaged and the building completely wrecked Some of the farmers of this section have commenced seeding but on a very small scale as yet The roads through this place which have been very bad late are now getting passable Owing to Quarterly service Hope church Sabbath there will be no service here on that day Sab bath School will be at the usua hour It is with regret that we have to announce the severe and painful accident which befel Benjamin slip jr one day last week In com pany with one of the family he was cutting feed by hand with a large cutting box Mr- who at the lime feeding endeavored to assist the one at the wheel and in so doing placed his hand in the path the knives which caught his hand just above the knucklci an ugly g3sh and cutting the cords of two fingers tn tircly off as well as damaging the others Medical aid was summoned and the patient is doing as well as could be expected Mr has the of the entire neigh borhood in his hours of meditation Ho had intended to go to the June this week where he had a sum work before him Cheer up Hen it might have been It is a shame that some of had nut a little more respect if not for themselves for of the neigh and not be found placing such slandering and shameful play cards on the public roads as placed on corner of tbe last Sab bath Boys dont be caught doing such things again There is a gang of boys in this place that are in the habit of on the Lords Day and amusing themselves in various ways They hare even gone as far as to get into the woods and Jeer laugh and make all manner of fun of our minister as he puses by Several reports have been made of Now this is worse thai they would do in Heathen countries Take advice and govern yourselves accordingly Fathers would do well to echo their boys spend I like to write a few items every week but there dont seem be anything writing about lately Ill a thing to have a reliable correspondent in any village or hamlet or even two or of them but there should be some way Qf knowing who wrote this or that as one cannot write very till he or known persons in his her locality Well you what of it as long as you dont say anything that is misleading or not just fight Well someone else out and writes once a month or so and occasionally gels in something that dont suit some and then the one that is first known has to take the consequences There is no use in denying it as nine out of ten offended people wont believe you I would suggest that each correspondent use a sign of their own which need not be known to the pub lic and then the people will know that it is not always the same writer Let hear from some other on the question Mrs J4 Cattle presented her husband with a young bricklayer last week James Hartley left last week for Sunbury His family remain here for the present John for the tame place this week Our landlord has erected a high board fence in front of the hotel yard which will answer a good purpose for the next three months The meet Friday night and judging from noise they make they must enjoy themselves considerably Mr Jraper has done consider able work getting ready for the patent hedge We hope it will be successful He happen to one of the party that got the fret trip to Niagara We are pleased to state we have one of the best shoemakers in Canada settled in our burg Mr Jav formerly of Toronto Mrs has opened a millinery shop also We trust they will do well and remain with us The basket factory was completely destroyed by fire on Saturday morning Canadas ton cheese broke the floor of the building in which it was placed at Chicago and sank feet to the solid ground At Bradford on Sundiy morning about oclock a twostory frame house owned by Mr- of Toronto was destroyed by fire Prior to the firo some had tampered with he hose coup lings and considerable delay was caused the firemen could pet to work This is the second or third this building hat been set on fire and the fire engine invariably put into unworkable showing that it was the work ot an incendiary The build were worth about and wvre for McVickcr engineer on the was the victim of a able accident on Tuesday foienonn McVwker was attempting to tighten a belt on a circular saw here when a rivet caught his clothing and drew him in hurling him on saw below As a result his left leg cut clean off about inches above his heel while the leg above was terribly mangled up to the knee He also received a cut above his left eye also two cuts under his eye He fell on he pile of sawdust the saw and his arm was broken by the fall way between the wrist and ihg ling his terrible injuries it is thought he will recover roll SUM or swnW3ox And Dibt of of Kawmmfcetu of width no for Council of Cot tbo Town of I That men Six to by School bo I and lbt of iba otof to for of It thill bo lawful fee Mayor or Town of lo to bo act ana not ihe total turn of Six Thousand tho to bo of Town of 3 Tiholo of of a of tad tho total quired tailed by for the And will ihtiuui ai rlpood by tho FURNITURE EA P FOR CASH Undertaking A N Embalming A SPECIALTY JHMILLARO A up unit do WIS do W9I van 10 KtH MCI mn do ISO rt do ma 181 a vaa in or ISO do IS 133 31 do von 390 mil 111 tOiSl do tuts id 3W3I do 1905 19 Jl do WO 14 I 31 do 111 390 do 19 WMi do IS Ma do da da igis 167 a do do do turn mm Ml do S3 do IMH do do 311 II 390 do 55 do IP iU do the principal duo to roar ad to la clout 09 of Dyow tot out at Two new of are reported at Winnipeg one Portage and four at Fort Red river continues to rise and the town of is under water Every In town is Hooded with three feet of water and people hate to do their shopping io The Musty- Harris wareHouse the bridge the river and other been away At Winnipeg the ice is moving- out and there It little fear of a flood Telephone Connection radio wUi In on iho lib latt of of nun Moo lbt of Bar a for Ulto al www ihotibtdttM tod 1 tiro Mr mid ihkll bo on Towo at How of providing for ilia turn la loreit to bo raised and jxirliid ft tMri of bo at all la to be and Hi out Id ocbtdnto for pay tbo tod of or to acaruoda and bo to IjorloDttoro mtolloood tori truo of chit aad ibe id tamo tad In tort lot Mid tmouoti u to oil Other ovltd d oball coma day of Failed flrit dty of AD LLOYD GROCERY Is fully stocked Best Quality in every line Goods I show a large from whose for good quality is beyond doubt arid the price is as low as any in the market Crosse Si Marmalades Mock Turtle Soup Pickles etc Van Soluble Cocoa in and lb tins has no superior Con densed Cocoa and Condensed Coffee and Milk easily and quickly prepared and are very whole some Jams Peach Raspberry Plum Strawberry and Current My standard line of Whole Coffee Excelsior Blend is one of the best in our country- Then In I would just say if you want some good come and try my Japan lbs 1 it the also India Hysons Mixed price frvm to per lb can suit you as that is our business Remember our motto BEST QUALITY OF GOODS REASONABLE PROFITS COURTEOUS TREATMENT PROMPT DELIVERY R A SMITH Leading Timothy NOBBY TWEED SUITS MADE TO ORDER PROM 10 UP BOOTS SHOES QUALITY UP PRICES DOWN Mens Solid Leather handmade Boots from Kid Oxfords from cents MONTGOMERY SON No charge for sewing rips IS OPENING UP FAST We have a Grand Assortment ii every line from Mens Plow Childrens and Finest Kidu that is hard to find with that can suit everybody To be satisfied tbat we are what we say you must call and give you such bargains that you but be suited Now is your time to buy while good bargains are going at H SIGN The Loading Boot ShoeJSW Al fci ddbeHisetneafs BRUNTOfM BROS r FOR SALE of Yorktblre ITArm ftCTf Good Jr mllct from would tear from from Good faalld- Liodlog Notice to Creditors lie vised of floe X Creditor sad tod Tomb Ob Mar In Cm jtct Bam- I WORTH wiJ another town of 18 of J to of day of loth or PO of ih of fall tartlciiUrt ihirtio of Itiu fur Of n ICitt ftcr MlWXifao Kxec with proceed lhl iMtlO or to rr aiu J tCLHin TI 1 Ready- Made Clothing PURE ALL WOOL Mens Suits 500 These goods arc Brown light dark Grey Blue in all sizes audare superior to many goods sold for A tremendous stock of Boys and Youths Suite to select W aud perfect fitting goods BOOTS SHOES Our Boots and Shoes arc all guaranteed We keep jj goods none hut the best makers finding room on our shelves largest aud most complete stock north of Toronto to select o CUSTOM TAILORING This department is so well knowu that those who wish a made suit must leave their order early as our worknw crowded with work BROS Baking Powder Absolutely Pure-

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