Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 5 May 1893, p. 1

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it- J ififti Friday Morning PRINTING HOOTS the County ONTABIO BANK nam NORTH YORK INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER No pap of swatfontrijq o North York paid Id linivcji Vol 15 I Single Copies Cents Each Newmarket Ont Friday May Terqaail00 Strictly in Advance within 8 or at end of year A Allowed Deposit AT DRAFTS ISSUED and AtDlVjcD Draft W Hot lHlCOnowl attended to bourn AeeoiialiSl Farm B If SOLICITOR WTO Clock Main w I WOODCOCK- Mn- RE- BoOcor fllOABT 4MSSJbi JblBBLT ftto pa woo rtAtBJOll to 52 MAIN ST A BINNS CHURNS BARREL AND DASH Butter Makers can get everything required for milk and cream made of extra heavy material We guarantee KT talc it It it Kta aTOlT tt Lal4rvftAaAiUxatIfo ttn llUnlkd iijii our own make SCO ROGERS Family Ua4n Wash Tubs Pails Glomes Pins Baskets ALL STYLES Leave your orders for They will ba attended to promptly and properly ICO Mala ID CM Air for I a A TERRY Block CHEMICALS- MRS C SIMPSON Main Fanc Main AIM Dye Work Our Coal Oils are the Best Obtainable American Canadian G A BINNS C C6 lop of my head was bald for years I used LINIMENT and now have as good a growth of hair as I ever had Mrs Albert McKay River Telephone No Successor to WRIGHT CO Repairing done promptly BOBCRT ROBE 1CINSEU A icoiJo n PiSrof Part Art one for York Co- J will St or Ywk A NEWMARKET HARDWARE STORE I have used M1NARLVS LINI MENT freely on my head and now have a good head of hair after having been bald for several years It is the only hair restorer I have ever found Mrs Anderson Stanley Bridge I IN COLUMBIA MANITOBA QUJn OOTAgfc SPRING A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF KESTKR Zcpyr PO JKWELLtKY J B CtOCK MAKER m Pure tfata A R WATSON BUILDERS I PAINTERS HARDWARE SUPPLIES CARPENTERS TOOLS BAR BAND HOOP IRON AND STEEL IN ALL SIZES DAISY CHURNS OPAQUE BLINDS CORNICE POLES MR A CONCERT BARITONE of of la Voire in Violin- to Concert or OrtOf la SirMU order for fltitcii at j Pqw Ik Bra m wains Spring lia llj again Bringing eJl uid nin earth to and lair all I i lime to Move Iho a all Fainting fan confusion How fame about to gal out Off to town at ho To the office Wishing ha plod along That fait plica so much tuna to ait a era it Taming oat each little nook Hardly to cook at the boor of noon To ha To tap all in temper really must to eat for the little gills and boys Cleaning ho cue to them la Can quite glad How With many way What confiding wo cadi At pa with mien Youd think faohadthahooflstoolean of king To And beat of thing Of wo know It im all right To toil away with all oaf might How it beguile the would only E A I Newmarket April Let ter from Bow ro Steasosm Win- Flan Luck ox Stilts How Tuna Shut tor to Era MISS Music Teacher Toronto MILLER SPADES SHOVELS HOES RAKES ALL GARDEN TOOLS JACKS KEPT FOR 91 Umta ATKINSON K7 ifftStt 4 Itftracw ad lUpafri Halo JAS PROP lodo at bo At MUSICAL MIL AM Main am J eaa Urn if to to ax arccaaant NJUHMSON Mai JOHN LUSH Main SOMKRVILLE- lB Photos I Photos I PEPPIATT Mr to iDtimBta ho Intend MAIHTAININ0 THE la lorn out equal In City sod far of mi ua1 In or OH Mr Mini will tho wild work but In to ftlnnd KENNEDY mosier Main pHl AATRAHNAT Uftk pHi and lolied Town Otr iBid Life mule for or JJfTWwiomaka 1bpBtdfd 8UUt8 tea U at low CANADA LIFE CO aND DOLLARS IRWIN 9 Main a W ALLAN Cor 6 PRACTICAL and A Wbltwaabloj S E EJD S and all oilier It I ode of Field Garden Seeds Inbulfc E Park Ave llnir ate- EO Montr 6738 llactl 1 A AKOUKkTSON 9 frnltlD itj p A si Main rtwueitor At lbs MANNING St SON 1 TCOYIK Ml f 111 Iln H Main Vtelnj T of Fun Mn Toon 10 order In ti iH Wlnoufl 2nuU12i3uoHalgu IN a tc1ajU lOitmigUtntpn for L HOUSK Prop Mala iialn HOUSE pi wrffil70208l0OtLbpCJRltTrcto Will una lo riha30 Will from favtti Good cow Call Of CttiWfa fliilww ud John or to bailed at Howl New hv- coin- plated Llio ooW III Pine Tree Grist Mills to band flhiie en board Ad2vrlian my ay to Green Turtle Cay to aland of I have wry no here for a of yean and that I vlaitod then bad no for AOma 18 people thioogh to op- I far QwUwy I can fix up my randy lor an faonr aad it wool necessary to ftdtertlsa in that oak Iilaudit It to to thai a hm that when it only an halt bear or in ibi to know who art and how long intend so you that ibero would bo no bio for in paper I am a good deal of my time taking of at I am up a Photo Album all Tropical Treea Scenery on principal Oat loch San Sal alao Island now to bwo Land Arat by Colombo hot omo Salvador Cat tend aattta called bniQrat landed I Will aa them Sly hero who a hat ma aroond to aoraoof Oat there It regular to bo my album also to aboot ftw moat bird of it a bright and about four feet hay go la largo Hooka and at a will try and being a low homo alto vary Wild very ttoraud two men aver forty day week o ion how protect here They Imto tha Brat of April I teen few whtab very large very and good shooting may be had the la low Lola of out on the Oat never a breech luidinu until Up I had no Mine of the take my sou and for me also for While mating vlawa of Pino Apple flelds I got following Information do not grow on tall but a plant century take It months for a Pino Up to bear fruit and plant will bear four or Are years in good rod soil and yield la SCO to dozen per aero There three the Scarlet Loaf and I them for iota each and during Pino season which ia April aud May can be bought for a They require very warm weather they get ting at present would average BO in Wo do 4 that wo get a nice balmy brocne from k vy day which it and far mora pro- 0 below which I by the paper you fiata bad In Canada this winter long having that are poisoned very ugly wound It also a large flab Another fieh ia I tail Ilka the lash a whip feet long that Is used as weapon of ally a la taken been and those eat than very The Yellow Jack and the kinds tint an to be No to know the of tjoms of the native here lucky enough to find Ambergris on the which very high twenty dollar an and aa as twelve pound been found at one time It ft kind a nasty ub and a stranger not knowing about it would not it up a it fa rattier re- looking The last pieoa that bean beiug at Turtle Cay of A mall boy it on the and picked it Not knowing what it ho threw it nearly all away When ho turned homo with a naU and hi parents seeing it returned with him and got all was to be found did not bear the value find a certain percentage of all the found in the Bahamas it generally kept quiet will try and describe the of where I have spent a vary pleas ant mouth people are very kind all can to makft and a number of they have taken their and outsailing alt day without even charging that could get views of pistes interest each as the mill where they grind the sugar making syrup and sugar The very much like m stalks It out and tied in large bundles and carried on the head of darkle to mil Of three upright Iron rollers The cane run through these roller which squeeze the Juice out And it is caught to a Urge tub one faotse doing the work juico is then the same as on maple Syrup Id Cobie it is large scale Here they only make about gallons per day amount of the natives both white and black will eat En a day They peel off and the very juicy Thoy say it is very wholesome A ttan will evef- or quarts per day ia if they can get it for as native fa very indolent As long as they cn to get enough to eat and good suit clothes for ay It is far their ambition goes Of course rtW exceptions and a few of them own a sail boat which coats hero about to they built much stronger aud better than our great and Utile with the adja cent cay form northwest portion of the Bahama The are of main land a faamagtonparoUrmdis about acres The population of verba in the centre of the and thee abound in flab and The peapla hero nearly all an but In their they always among the most poraLstent of Bahamian wrecker but erection of the two llghthooseabythelmperldl government at Cay Wall be operated wreddug pur suits of inhabitant There one evening that it all the ham to a mote tbcUltc with It la a very rare to hear a out not even The colored people in a and they are the one that enjoy it One their hope are wall worth a visit The orohetra composed of an a tambourine and a No or low bat good old plantation style hat with the typloal darkey tied their heads Before this latter I moil toil you about the man of vrar that visited a few weeks ago Bar if fi5andhe five million dollars Jnat think of that amount to be on one ship ions register drmwiog feet faro and aft and over too feat long h carried between 700 and ell Wd tons coal a day Two of bar take pOeids of to load They fnno and throw a ball They bate a fine a light for eight mile it quite a surprise to colored when they turned it It l o tbatwba the light Is in the ship is in total and enemy would at a loss to where to netting to over the side of ship during an Was for- her the thai the and Party oil tier quarter declcs wore shaded an awning orated by national The with the kindness and Visitors titer he the different points to lend- uieb as the search tight the phore msoblno guns and the An other great iiMii ever get eway the Water line ie so that they can enclose with fc and away the Shortly tfer atx Governor end left a of was fired- A laid every second whan firing a salulo The ftport wis heard at Island airly from an nuil were About aailor went Up the which Was a wry pretty spaid knot en hoar end they Were going to try for knots en hour when Ihoy felt here for Bermuda ny your fortunate New York of AptU will see atthe great Naval While she wak here wo bad three private yachts here In harbour Ooa of them was trip ound cost between to each end axponses very heavy it all comes of one parsed and all for pleasure but life again So we had over a thousand sailors hare In our city at otic and they just wont in for big lime- number of lone here from Florida end after leav ing here they go to calling again on their return borne which makes ft pleasant trip for the winter vary to see strangers land here from New York where it is ell frown up Add when step here to see everything just like mid summer end no aud to flower of alt tropical tree and fruits to make them smite with delight and I heard one This la Heaven Life Around the Huh Wild Plovers plucked M ere ud It from New lo Ihem NORTH AMKK1CAN HOTEL ROYAL HOTEL Itoxd 114 MIp HOTEL J Huron rep J ranged Willi Ju anotte ino If lo Gristing Chopping borteinoilco- fftrmn for SCO Chopping Done Daily At Per Wheat for to j It hi Indeed ho blood hi appotlto and hit and loom lo bo In a rpd de cline but SCOTTS EMULSION Pure Oil ud on II HA Huh and ud Urn b Coaimioa u6 ALU Oil A At down her go bathing 11 winter In and while generally go bathing log old Fort as a Id after own ing and which are man they a cbanc- to that say of will water ntar daring day but lark araond anchored in the harbor from tabic are thrown over board Than are a great many flih wilt raeatlon a few In each letter la which targe weighing a too It has horn on and a hideous looking fish Two have been near Turtle Cay where I bean laying tor a week The another flab bOM la Mrnl Cay which a big and hoys were up and down the colling oat wreck I and all got a eoQran went to it None crew ware drowned They ran on a daring a storm which will soon break any veiiol The majority of houses on are posts and about three feat from ground One reason Is to make them cool and to keep them water daring a hurricane at which Urn it is two and feci deepen the street by the wind which drives the water right out of sea over the email ielande Nassau well protected on Island which is about a hall from the city and running parallel and Is iO feet high making a breakwater daring a gale It a sight during a alarm to dash op and CO feet whoa strike the rooks as they did baft Thursday Mouses very strong so as to A few of with palm leaves and a great many of them have no glass tor windows but a door the room is dark ore mostly story and made of yellow pine which is hero from Florida costing to per houses sro built so as ia make thorn cool the average lumperstore lie this winter would about in the shade mid in towns on Oat they only have or two are built jail any way any regard io regularity and they winding foot paths streets are only ten fool wide no horses or car riages In any of towns in Abaca and all carting ii by men I saw two or horses in the on farms and plantations I wish some of our merchants could see ho stores hero in they woold be greatly They to pay twenty per on all lm- and that way that at paid so a poor man with a large family will pay more than rich man without a family but each is I not forgot to loll yon of a man in that has a mania tor painting everything Hi yard Is cemented all he has that painted also his cittern roofs of all his ings alt painted In different shades Yes I believe if ho owned a cow he would paint He Is rated at ninety end fitted A Utile girl brought Mm a chicken he for it and ha only willing to pay eighteen the child went home to son It her mother waa willing to take eighteen cents and dor lag her absence ha gave the chicken a few bread and Utile gill returned and told htm that she not to sou the for less he charged bar one cent for the bread One thing a stranger notice hero the singing of hymns by the lives and load If they la a meeting Tho accordion I is enough go into I feel sure It be hard to And any better winter climate than there If here in the Bahamas It is away ahead world renowned Florida where they have bad several times daring winter and the lowest It been here the average temperature for the winter would be above I wilt close by thanking tha following persons for papers and jour nals for poor girl confined to her room for over years with leprosy J waa the first to sand Mrs of formerly of Newmarket Toronto and a friend from Buffalo sent picture will see that that is sent to her delivered htalona of tbo mall schooner kindly all to mother I will try and be more prompt In getting my seat letter off truly Cm It You ask bow are the evils drink to be removed or curtailed- My reply is brief dear and unmis takable First let all the christian people atop dunking then by educa tion and legislation let them seek to rescue others- Let pulpit press and platform ring out in trumpet needful denunciation and warning till the people realize the damnable character of this legalized curse Let it be clearly understood that the man who directly indirectly votes for licence thereby becomes a partner in guilt At present there is not in the proper sense a single prohibitionist in either our Provincial or Dominion Parliament There are many who arc prohibitionist in so fir as prohibi tion will serve the interests of their party Why this utter lack of independent prohibitionists The fault must be to the A large ma jority of the people talk in favor of prohibition but Tory canditatc regardless of that question AH this must be changed The shackles of party be thrown off and electors vote for no candidate of either party who will not if elected vote in parliament for pro hibition independently of patty At present the traffic is strong not because of numbers but because of wealth and a common unscrupu lous interest Let the christian and moral forces of the country com bine to give expiation to their senti ments at the ballot box and the days of liquor traffic are ended I be lieve in women votmgjustas I believe in women praying Rev W A Mc Kay Woodstock AURORA Another batch of five from this lo cality annexed to the United Stales ibis week Miss and Miss Marsh left here Wednesday night by the Pacific express for Manitoba and the Northwest where they intend spend ing some month visiting friends They intend going as far West as Banff before they return home Banner FISH MARKET This is a very quiet little place about two miles from It Is- a nice site for a village and there is a fine river running it Mr Win Thompson has moved in our midst and Mr Andy Thompson who lately married has moved to Mr old farm Last Friday evening on the bass line there was a jolly lime The quarterly at Was not attended on account of the roads To lata last Week was in Keswick this week Mrs Wilson is visiting friends In the city for a few weeVi Sons of Temperance are a about wearing of he order has lately dawned them in Order to carry out the in Did see the wording of petition In favor of tie licence to Jersey House did you see long list of personages that their hepetltidn saying that in the venerable the granting of a license and the hav ing of a holer would be a great benefit is shame that the temperance element North will lie and see a petition circulation signed by over hundred honest and bogus names a bouse where can be no excuse for one Your correspondent scouts the idea set forth In the petition of that pan fee ing a great summer resort I Who ever goes to he marshy mouth of the Jersey river for an outing or a summer resort Perhaps the man who advocated Licence before the commissioners and left hurriedly to attend to his ecclesi astical matters in the afternoon In tends to move lo the mouth of the Jersey aver among the mosquitoes in the heat of summer and be is personally anxious to see the house a legal right to sell yet be he a strong temperance man ft Thirty miles from the city of Japan is the volcano Asp San which has the largest crater in the world It is more than thirty miles In circumference and peopled by inhabitants Think of walking for fertile arms and prosper ous villages peering into school- house windows and sacred shrines well within the shell of an oldtime crater whose walls rise feet all about you It gives one a queer feeling Hot springs abound everywhere In one place I saw the hot water utilized to turn a rice mill The inner crater is nearly half a mile in diameter and steady column of roaring steam pours out of it The last serious eruption was in when immense quantities of black ashes and dust were ejected and carried by the wind as far as where for three days it was so dark that artificial light had to be used Lot Sim He was driving with one hand when horse took fright and start ed to run He gave one or two viscious pulls on the reins with that one hand but it seemed to have no effect Isnt he running away she ask ed as she looked trustingly up into his eyes He is he replied as he drew her closer to him with his left arm And cant you stop him she asked J presume I can he returned but I havent strength enough in one arm and the road is straight and the sleighing good for miles and and And you can keep him in the road yes Well she said with a sigh let him run George Itll take us longer to come back too Free BY THE EDITOR READERS FOR ERA Sergt Match of A battery Kingston was accidentally killed lost after firing the noon gun Thursday By Four hundred separate build ings have been erected on the Worlds Fair grounds and about acres are under roof On the of May the rate payers of Toronto Junction will vote on a bylaw for the extension of the waterworks system and the grad ing of drive Mrs Watson an old boy who lived alone at Weston was found dead in her bed on Monday evening and the doctor is of the opinion that she died Saturday previous EA new explosive called invented by Hudson Maxim has been successfully experimented with In New York The substance it smokeless does not freeze and does not ignite easily A man who wanted to shoot Gladstone was arrested in Lop- don He bad a revolver in his session and a notebook which con many threatening reference lo the and hii supporters atiy small boy in Richmond Hill runs the risk of prosecution if he discharges firecrackers within the limits of the corporation This dangerous be pro hibited every town has been terror- the Inhabitants of the town of Weston for the past three weeks Three attempts have been made to Are buildings Coal oil was used to fire both tbe Catholic churches aud on Saturday last a similar attempt was made to by Mrs Savage is also troubled with bad boys The says Doe young man been observed several occasions tutting off the light at a place of business and several boys indulged one night recently in breaking boxes flower stand also throwing slicks at a persons back door Hurling stones through the of unoccupied buildings seenn to be a favorite evenings pastime A man from Tiny by the name of brought a load of hay to for Mr A Marchil- had two gallon cans of maple syrup on the load of hay but when the empty rig came back to get weighed the caretaker of scales who had seen cans on the loaoV noticed that Ihey did not come back and at once lodged On Monday was fined and costs in all The cans pounds We under stand from the caretaker of the scales that schemes of such sort ate tried every day Instead of importing yearly five or six hundred thousand boxes of sardines Canada will soon be in a position to unlimited quantities of the delicious little fish abroad Down in the vicinity of sardines are found great abundance and until recently their value aa not realized The fisher men were in the habit of throwing them away and so numerous are they that ihe farmers in that part of Quebec frequently plough them into the ground for manure An enter prising Quebecer last year started a canning factory The result of seasons operations was highly successful Already three or four hundred hands are employed and as the trade develops the number will be increased Burglars entered two stores at StrThomaa on night When Poultry When choosing poultry select birds that are plump and broad across the breast showing some fat io the back with white finegrained skin smooth legs and toes that may easily be broken when bent back writes Mary Lee White in an article on the Selection of Meat and Poultry in the April Mom Journal The absence of these signs indicates that the fowls are old Poultry that drypicked is considered the best that has been scalded before picked may be nixed by the skin which will look smooth and be tightly drawn over the flesh When purchasing spring chick ens to broil select those with yellow legs and firm white akin those with dark legs are usually of an inferior quality If as sometimes happens you are offered by your birds that have had their feet chopp ed from tbe legs look askance at the proposal This means usually though cot invariably that while storage nave come into temporary rossesalon of cats or rats and the claws have been the parts 1 Observations of the total solar eclipse were taken in South America at Harvard Col lege station on April The weather was clear during all phases of the eclipse with no passing cloud and no hare mar the observation Aimospheric conditions were all that could be wished for and the results will be satisfactory to the highest de gree The corona seen generally speaking resembled that of 1871 as graphically portrayed by Tup man and complex like by Lias in which extended some seven hundred thousand miles from the sun were four steamers two of which had a length exceeding the suns radius or stretch out more than four hundred and thirty thousand miles Several dark rifts were visible extending directly outward from the moons to the utmost limit of the corona Filaments were numerous about both the solar poles Compared with the corona of January the corona just observed was more brilliant The old theory that a note will collect itself has once more prov en to be a fallacy At the Sittings of the County Court held in Tooonto last a singular action was tried thcrin Calvin of sought to recover from Joseph A Todd the amount of a promissory note given byihim nearly eight years It would appear that in was the holder of a note purported to be signed by Samuel Todd and George but which turned out afterward not to have been signed by Wagg When found this out he went to Joseph Todd and threaten ed him that unless be went good for his brother be would commence criminal proceedings for forgery In order to avoid this Joseph gave to him his note for but when it became due refused to pay it on the ground that it bad been given for an illegal consider alio d viz to stifle a criminal and was there fore void Yoke then placed the matter in suit with tbe result that on Wednesday of last week bis action dismissed and judgment entered for defendant with full Journal liniment cures

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