Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 28 Apr 1893, p. 4

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MS I- wv V NEWMARKET APRIL WISDOMS April Golden Text not him took hot its varies In 3It an In there a of Are proverbs balk the book bowi bo common In author the bert white admit ling that Solomon wrote the of fib proverb look book a Hon Indeed many think that form was not given it until about a handled after that a practical in- growth of thought observation and experience is than knowledge It bear a rather than to what ought to bo Hound behavior meaning and lesson having a view of a relation toward God the path in which ho ia going kind of a life he is living Does it not show deficiency in mind or heart thai a man refase to try tec that bitterest wail of the over it might have had might have hot lost neglect only key that the and against danger ixwuv side implica the negative is balanced by neglect I the feeling of fear- looking for of judgment tot of many A man reaps as he sow and he that has There fc tho harvest may dishonest and reap the reward that may reran material gain A man refuse tote and may reap the re ward of Eelfieipccl and he reaps I is a I Million of Women so It for all purposes Laundry and Household and find It a comfort and of Labor Political If the trend of political in this Riding among leading Con servatives indication of popular feeling in the party rank and file in other parts of this Province McCarthy without doubt more truly represents Conservative sentiment in Parliament than any Ontario man now in the Administration An undercur rent feeling of want of confidence in Sir John Thompson is evident from the very way in which they make allusion to him as head of Government In conversation with oldtime stalwarts who in days gone by were prominent in party con tests we discover an admitted want of faith in the Premiers ability to adjust racial and sectional differences Oftentimes comparisons are made between him and their old leader Sir John not particularly flattering to the former Admirers of McCarthy on the other hand tell us that the present leaders are drift ing the party from its moorings and are being by expediency rather than adherence to principle The discussions and divisions of last session of parliament have had the tendency of increasing rather than diminishing this feeling of suppressed dissatisfaction we can but re gard the late demonstration at Toron to to North member as in tended to convey to the Premier and his in the house a very bread hint of party sentiment throughout the country seems to us the arc of new po litical combinations which must result in men at the helm of at Ottawa more in with the popular The spell of personal magnetism of the old chieftain is broken and with its departure the power to govern by expediency and compromise also gone Fancy members of an Administration voting for a motion of censure upon a Cabinet colleague under Sir John It would not have been tolerated for twentyfour hours yet this is just what did lake place and it is having an influence but favorable to the Government SOUKTmXQ TO if a weak or ailing woman that theres only medicine so to help von that it can bo guarantied Its Dr Pierces Fa- Prescription In building op overworked feeble or in any female complaint or weakness if it ever fails to bene fit or care yon your money back an invigorating restora tive tonic a soothing and strength ening nervine and a safe and certain remedy for womans ills and ail ments It regulates and promotes all the proper functions improves digestion enriches thoblood dispels aches and pins brings refreshing sleep and restores health and strength In all disorders that afflict women it is guaranteed to benefit or care or mono is refunded Nothing else can be as cheap With this yon pay only good you get Holy Mecca lies in a narrow sandy valley running North and South among barren hills from two hun dred to five hundred feet in height about forty six miles from the Red Sea port of The permanent residents are probably now about fortyfive thousand The houses sre built of gray stone many of them three stories high with windows opening on the street many windows project com the wall and have elaborately carved and gaudily painted framework The houses are built as usual in the East about courts with terraces protected by ycui Oil Send along your ordrrs to the Old Reliable House have dealt before and where your Father used to deal that is where you parapets and most of them are con- accommodation of PUREST BEST for the for Ontario CtlUg equal for p for cleani and sweetening nor preserving clo and hands from nor for nilround use WHAT HE TO Willi ABOUT The admirers of McCarthy in the city of London nuking to give turn a public reception at an early day Taylor and a large committee have the matter in hand The Grand recent in this comity concluded its labor last week an J a presentment There wit nothing oat usual order in it The jury considered the prisoners pi the Central en tirely too led and too well kept especially since are so many poor people in the city who do not fare no well Mlfafl CHEAP IMITATIONS DUETTS PURE PUREST STRONGEST BE8T a An an ID ucs All Kk Toronto THREW HIS CRUTCHES AFTER YEARS OF SUFFERING AN INTERESTING HISTORY The Minister Hon Mr Foster making hit promised lour of Dominion to collect information re- mouldering of the X IV He will spend a few in Toronto about the week in with men of the ft announced that the secretary of the Hoard of Trade is up a list ihojo Won gentleman during in To- A bill been introduced in the On by Premier for a division of of Crown Attorney for York Mr- J Crown Attorney for To- and Mr Crown At torney for the County A ft or introducing bill Oliver that he had taken CAW to provide that there should no iucrcaK in by the a second They were paid by feci have the city work other the county of the Worlds Fair Jakes Whitby remarks Asa malerof fact invitations have Ken out to every publisher in every musician been invited to Attend Mine time It is merely an advertising if suing Mistering invitations and the anno lCnm by or clergymen been only come from swelled who her than thtir profeiioial Tin Toronto of ill town liii to tU farmer the 100 Tlie actual of a hi is only Axy It town t ii lo In order lo maintain the proud dis tinction that Canadian cheese has al ready won in the British markets it is absolutely thai the dairy men shall put forth greater efforts than they have in the past to produce a better quality of milk Progress must be the maximum of profit ob tained only by the dear thinking dairyman who breeds and feeds to produce the amount of milk of a good quality at the least possible cost The faithful and constant of the lolloping points will re sult in a marked improvement in the of the milk supplied to the factories an improvement which is much needed and the bring ing about of which will enable the to produce an article to anything that has been made in the past and by so doing we can maintain our supremacy in the English market realizing a belter price for our goods and add very ma terially to the profits of the dairyman but pure milk from healthy cows should be sent to the factory To secure this cows should have abundance of wholesome nutritious food and pure water with access to salt at all times The greatest possible care should be taken to prevent cows drinking stagnant water Milk from such cows is invariably tainted and no amount of skill on the part of the cheese- maker can produce from it a really fine cheese Immediately after he mi Ik is drawn it should be strained iy dipping or can be done very effectively while milk is yet in the Be thai this work is done in 1 tiro atmosphere with clean iiidiVS ivay m the tables or of an im pure nature for unless this bo attend ed to properly aeration will be instead of a hem fit it not necessary to cool milk at night unless the weather be extreme hoi or in order to have it in the condition for delivery at the factory in the morning provided ail pails utensils strainers etc have been thoroughly washed then boiling hot water and well aired before using It is just as important that the morn ings milk should be well aired before sending it to the factory not only in the summer should milk be aerated hut also in the spring and autumn The milk stands should be built in such a way as to exclude the sun and tain and yet allow a free circulation of air around the cans The organisms that produce bitter or tainted milk or any abnormal change are to be found only where there is filth and carelessness in hand ling so that alt cases when com plaint is made of impure milk the remedy must be extra cleanliness structcd for the ledgers so that the pilgrims have convenient access to their p- apartments The tofl in fact is greatly modified to minister to the needs of the great influx of stringers in the annual Or dinary houses have apartments for them the streets are broad to give room for the crowd of pilgrims audi the innovation of outer windows to give the visitors a chance to seel the The city lies open on all sides it has few trees and fine buildings except the great mosque- It is not well supplied with water and in the height of tjte grimace this becomes dear The wells are brackish and here ate few cisterns for collecting rainwater It is true that the flow of the holy well the copious enough to supply the is a prejudice against using the water for common purposes and besides it is heavy and bad fordi- The best water is brought in an from vicinity of Arafat six or seven hour distant but J the conduit in bad repair and 1 and this supply often gets low The streets are im paved and as he jntry is subject to heavy rairs alternating with scorching they arc always either excessively muldy or intolerably dusty vent of the town is always con trailed with the coolness of MoOOLL BROS CO TORONTO SOLE MAKUrACTURFRS OF THE ONLY 1 MocliinQ Oil HIGH OILS is the Champion Gold Medal Oil of the Dominion and our Cylinder Oil will near longer and give better than any other Oil ft YOUR DEALER FOR OILS Sold by all leading dealers throughout the country 00 Toronto guVanizco Mill Tower M1PB lit ABtM0T0rC0 cuicAoa For Farm WATCHES or Cutting ftfRMOTOH Wood liar Hoot Pumping work our tor I I it I 1 J nWtitr AtiJ Drill Write for DUNN I have received find am exhibiting a Line of Ladies 14K Watches at very low prices See our Gold Watch only a left See them before buying ATKINSON JEWELER 58 MAIN Old Gold and Silver taken in exchange for gooda city of Medina Mohammed j said he who had endured the colli Medina arid the heat of Mecca merited the reward of paradise den and copious storms deluge Mecca somelimcs the whole town is submerged houses are swept away and lives lost THECOOKS BEST FRIEND SALE K and water has stood in the mosque en closure as high as he blackstore the Harp Magazine in and were winners of gold watches in a monthly newspaper lion The following were de manded for three cents for packing watch in box of a American Agency for CAVEATS TRADE MARKS PATENTS etc fat lafmHoo write to JO YORK In ft ftpabUctyaiiOUcofireafreoorcarjolatbo of pip In No Ipldllpcat a A tiiw CI IT OLD NEWSPAPERS for For ftV KlU lie Clay ine Alls it and illy iho ft the Clin end Raylllgj iiu axon- ha km aw I ris with a I uitil Xlitf five to tried if hut vilti III It io 17 l1m I to fit one ml my on for 1 not put on the llwl would in nud it ELEVEN SORE3 do it u m lv to I IU111 wifiul litii wftik to Ojyrtioi It Jivl to could I of but a Uv Mr Its ft fcy ntttr hid ftn1 1 try It llJtfeKaiid Aftor I oh offer Inking I away ho wtnl work in At thti Of the i my tho cords hark to their It Witt cut five fti and oil I Wo to 1 my If not in life I It tooll Giro a trial It will euro you ft did me KfcKcK Iv Mr Mary Out to truthi of by Mr azd that other Ixa but the Chirac of more a it i little of tlw Inform hlniulf of the facts before criticising York does not make a cent cut of for of Under lietircco county city county to nay to city oil the jiays to thp county No larceny about thai it back like good fellow Ontario to have a Provincial ft may be julto much a white the Dominion up in the which it said to bo by 1 jxoplo annum and answer an equally excuse for amending a lot of money There ore however who think muchly of the scheme and accept it asabooanxa Hon Mr Hardy bat In- a Hill to give tho enterprise shape in which be national park eighteen townships In of tract will known as Algonquin National Ontario It will bo under the control of Crown Lands and no will bo permitted to bo told within its limits includes tub territory surround- tho of Fond and South Hirers One of the windstorms known for years commenced last and continued nearly all day The roof of the Pre- ctan was blown off also the gable end and some of the bricks wont through the ceiling and floor to the Inscment Part of the roof of hotel stable was blown off The telegraph and telephone wires arc down The roof of the about p and a half of this place was blown off sawdust cents for express charges After writing them a number of times they shipped timepiece will sensible people learn to avoid these competitions Globe April severest windstorm ever remembered here broke over Coder last night and and continued day were laid flat trees were blown down and uprooted windows were driven in torn and a general tonsyturvy slate Kings has existed all day The own hall was pa the chimneys at en blown down shingles rat- wJftbave and plaster tbe clerks kosb a cuitB hn y was tnc lmiv or of the ftrlruv Davis by IU igaa blocs buildings lhemt Oat prominent which was Several of the large tht courthouse Were also blown in and the court room was with broken glass J was masUr at the little village of St Pal- only five miles fro for a time He also a small store on a corner of the above village and sometimes would go out on the road peddling dry- goods and j groceries with his team of horses everybody thought Louis an honest How and trusted him without So much confidence did they put in him that they elected him secretarytreasurer of a school section at St lalijck and for bonds of any description thinking it all nonsense but today Hie trustees his departure fur he lias gone with about roo How he worked that scheme is The trustees had a note for at bank for three months and when it came due gave Louis instructions to go and pay this note and also to pay the school teach- littt instead of doing this he forged the names of the trustees renewed the note and never j paid the teacher FLOWER FIELD AND GARDEN S ALL VARIETIES AT SCOTTS PHARMACY NEXT POST W broke Into the officii of Mr John Durham of one night recently and took In bills from the desk Why is it dangerous to walk out in the early springtime Because the bulrushes out the cowslips about the flowers all have pistils and every thing shoots Is Restorer torn 0n CO 1 rn TRY OUR PAILS TUBS CuvritFSiiNS AX The Island of in ranian was by another de structive earthquake on April resulting in great loss of life and property The shock appears to have been most violent in the city of the greater part of which was destroyed The people were panic- stricken and the authorities helpless The streets were filled with masses of stone and timber the wreckage of the houses which were thrown down by the earthquake bodies of twenty persons killed by filling walls have been removed from the debris and it is feared many more are dead and still in the ruins The number of persons Injured runs up into the hundreds Everything is in con fusion and the work of searching for bodies and for the injured cannot be pursued systematically The greater portion of the inhabitants have fled to the plains back of the city where they winder about in a distracted manner bewailing the loss of their I homes and property A large num ber of tents that were taken to to shelter the people who were rend ered homeless by former earth quakes have been again set up and under them some of the women and children have taken refuge The city presents a scene of desolation and it is doubtful if it ever recovers from the series of misfortunes that have befallen it within the past three I months The shock occurred at j a Most of the buildings 1 that stood erect after the shocks of February and March were either thrown down or shattered so as to be unsafe The church of St government offices were thrown down Advices from the I interior show that the whole island has been devastated Many villages I have been destroyed and it is thought the toss of life has been very great Mews of the disaster comes I in very slowly as communication with the interior of the island has been interrupted by the of telegraph lines The full extent of the calamity cannot be meted at present Warships will be despatched from the Piraeus with clothing provisions and medicines for the The disaster is in tionof prediction made a few days ago by Prof who predict the former earthquakes that I more serious than the re- cent ones would occur about the or His prediction has proved true for this mornings shock is the worst that has ever visited which is noted for its earthquakes Since oclock this morning two more heavy shocks have shaken the whole island of Zante The people arc fleeing from all the towns to find safely on the plains and hill sides All are terrorstricken Thou sands are without shelter and few have sufficient food jiv The British minister telegraphed to the British foreign office a request for warships to he sent at once to with men and building ma- that temporary sheds may Be erected for the shelterless The details of the calam ity that has befallen the island of show that since the beginning of April there have been a total of earthquake shocks averaging five each day It is known that Car Bold Sfe For This Its GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY a BBS I Off i i I iB pita a jfSHiilH ThlWlGnlSn5 Society Repl8ter I ji Mount a srw SUJ la SlMiui AlbtrlIt A A jj a 3rd taok iJWurJstH III A ilODdy A Id 7ji tfrtt day In 1 rt OP persons lost their lives in Mondays disaster a LUMBER Shingles Siding i Flooring Moulding OUR AIM GOOD WORK Did ever take the trouble up the history of the curious little indented piece of metal you wear on vour fing- when- and which ate content call your thimble It invention and Was lo England in by one John Loft- its- name derived from words thumb and bell being for a time worn on that member llor- Every Of fibL Pica Orchard fiverr flL Ifnllaiii 9 if tlyy ttio c Hill ftonn or of j Lath called the thumbel only within the lail into thimble- All records that the Sash and Blinds SUMMER SUITINGS r OUT OH THE Has come not little knowledge to cook erywhat to do well what ml to do Thus we have learned use j the most pure and nor- feet and popular for all frying ami mum is the natural outcome of and it teaches rath er the new which Is far cleaner and more digestible than any lard can be Success of lene has called worth less Imitations tinder similar Lookout for these I Ask Grocer for Udo by I FAIRBANKS Ann I JUST SOME PATTERNS English Scotch and Canadian Suiting Also an of at prices to suit times NO SHOW YOUR SOLICITED MUTCH Sfarrs Book Store KS Cents Own Cloth made up Neatly Cheaply Do You Admire Flowers You do Well keep your on for we have nil the latest novelties and tho largest assorted stock of Flower Seeds in town Do You Like Vegetables Everybody does Yon know what our reputation for Garden Seeds is and our stock this spring is larger and more varied than ever Give us a trial PHARMACY AT- LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES MM m NOBODY SHOULD A RESIDENCE WITHOUT EN- QUIRING ABOUT OUR WILIER INSIDE SLIDING BLINDS into thimble was first worn on the thumb but we can scarcely conceive how it Formerly it made of brass and iron only but of late silver gold horn ivory celluloid and even earl and glass have been used in its manufac ture A thimble owned by the queen consort of is shaped like lotus of solid thickly studded with diamonds which arc so arranged as to form the ladys namcand the date her birth and marriage Queen Victoria has a very valuable gold and diamondset thimble upon which ore engraved many historical scenes from history Now marker station and workshops together with numer ous fine residences will be erected this year in Liniment for Rheumatism mo LET lUrVlntt Weir lltnk Dd A ilr to SALE A airecL now KootmktRAraca I will soil It cheap virtt CAMPBELL Proprietor I- ROUTE FOR THE v J WMARKET ERA OFFICE AND SEE OUR COLLECTION OF SIXTEEN FINE HORSE PLATES COMPRISING CLYDESDALE ROADSTER AND GENERAL PURPOSE DESIGNS All printed hero will be noticed free of charge Stallion Register for 1893 to JACKSON Era Office Newmarket SALE OR TO crc of lot eta hud if ttfccro l mrkwlih g tut n for Ml DESIRABLE FOR SALE TO THE- CALDWELL ESTATH Tho mot una kMto Aibe lbx 3rd Two MM wJI lit of Term FOR SALE Shropshire YOUNG ifflt 4 J

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