HA APRIL 1893 New Ad eat A Show Bros Goods A UftcblM Bros Co to for Cwd 8tatatcfor J l ill run FRIDAY APRIL Toronto to Bra April oat worfcf and to lb folly by A Weston mm John by rough evening on robbed and and kicked almoil to death ft fanner a be A Thompson Grand Trunk at Village for Thompson if charged with the dnghlcr of boon company with long About twenty ara in pat a tower at the foot of preparatory to of street and erection Ijiiion fillion Dr two appointed by Militia Department upon a Medical Hoard to provide relation for tor care and attention of tick the encampments the of Corson dealer run over by a trolly car on Tuesday afternoon and al most instantly killed of for lb County of York Tuesday with Ho had her for a is I tie RAT SEES TO A that Ardagb o Winnipeg dropped dead when walking from steamer at the having from a trip to England Ho was Deputy AttoraeyOeoeratof be fore being raised to bench formerly resided at Barrio Niagara camp lull the Compani of Military District follow Toronto Field 2nd Field Artillery and and Canal Field Bat- ft5 Wl11 The camp will The York not go to Una year Tutus a chance for Laud yet A city anthrcvcitogcls anywhere peat from the bviksof Holland Stiver and of Bay will shut the American article oat allogctlur This will bo industry enough and no ifoobt the of the estate will create A from Canadian Association of Mr of the Mr- King Jackson irn J IS GfC4f and I Toronto waited upon Ontario day to desirable in law of civil libel The AttorneyGeneral gave deputation to ho looked upon of tho Alicia- tion favorably Mr Geo gaining rapidly Cana of Toronto hero this trip Via Toronto la baa Mr left on Monday to a alt J vtnxnod after pending vintr En York of at 4l Mart week Mr visiting in the city the past of Abijah of Bond calling on friend in town last day was visiting in Toronto with her mother week Mr Stephen Stewart was taken down the Mr Morrison it attending the annual meeting of Sons Soot- land in King City in town Saturday Ho fa getting over a aoren attack of La rippe friend of Mr Gibson wBI pleated to learn that ho it now better for paat tiro week Duncan P Fletcher and Bell from jo It of to a Temperance Convention in Toronto yesterday Mrs on to visit node at who at present very Her brother Mr W J went her as far as To- run to ilr is hack from Kingston Collie for the summer Ml- remain iu a after which he will lake an Mrs and her sister Miss left by Jay train Wed- for attend the funer their late well who died in York City on 1Mb A happy Catherine assembled at the residence of Mr Mark on day April to witncCi marriage bis daughter The happy couple left by the evening train on a visit to Toronto amid showers of rice Geo- Matey of visiting at The over Wednesday night It 2d years since his and he was pleased to see the many brick residences that have been erect tbo past lew yara in parts of the town I It is with regret that we that an old friend and schoolmate A Haverhill fca been sick ever ii nee January but are pleased to know that he has fo far re covered as to able to till hit own last Sunday Kemioy of St daugliwr of Mrs Chancer who spent two weeks very with friends wesqlieJ to bring her visit to an unobjected and abrupt terminal ion on morning having received in- formation sickness of her sou Milton which rather upset arrant The boy is better W- turn home record it will Arthur bai his sou by the baud of death Wo deeply with bun In Ids away from the friends of hi youth It ik his letter month to a day Ho writes tint arc having a lino The mercury had not been zero cud the bays were us of at In ml wishes to ruioii- to his friends UNION STREET New beginner must have dried up got fit the as we heard of for some lime so Gover nor bought he would repre sent this Some of ine started seed ing but the recent snow delated them We heat Henry Johnson secured a position as- teacher at TUrtle The Endeavor is pro gressing very bung ted roembers succession Miss Hopper led the night Some boys om Qaeensvile tool skip tip our search of suckers but alas they got nothing but wet legs and muddy booti What the people would like to know what young man got so toaded the air sex that the springs of his buggy broke The first colts around these dig gings are two by Mr- John Smith Old Fetch DRYTOWN I thought I would send in a few items from this important village II has a dry but its as lively a place as there is going It is situated in the lib Con North near the town lint The roads are drying up nicely around m r t The fanners around for seeding The young folks gathered at Mr Marshall Crittendens last week and spent a pleasant evening Miss Bertha Cunningham is-spend- a few days this week Free quarterly meeting up noilh next Sunday Mr Site Stiles started for Manitoba last Tuesday Mr Win Thompson formerly of this place has moved to FishMarket Football playing started again Sat urday night in Mr Reachs field opposite Mr Mr Will and his daughter are holding Roachs Point every Sunday afternoon We wonder if John has anything to trade for another cart i VICINIXV- her It is officially announced that the of Aberdeen been appointed Govern- flit duties however not to commence till Sept noil will con tinue to the duties Her viceroy in this country lie- ha it that Lord it now on lilt WV to Canada but Ot tawa till the time fixid or entcrin duties- Daring Worlds Fair end also neb In Columbia An an Invitation received At for the editor attend a Fair tbo public The up accepiance railway fa rot tor a wetit car fare fair ows bout town for bad water of we beg respectful ly bo to decline the arc to get vialtoia to Tate is visiting King this week farmers of this vicinity ate getting anxious their seeding VANDORK v Some of the farmers in tcijh- have commenced seeding Collage meeting was held at Mrs Mortens last Monday even ing and will hold at the same place next week During the past two they have been culling shingles at the mill but have now commenced sawing lumber Mr VanNosttand has a staff of men engaged annua inciting for the elec tion in connection with Mechanics Institute here wilt beheld in the hall Monday evening May Sawdust Mr Will has moved to the house owned Mr- J is occupying the house vacated by Mr J Spalding while Mr Rose has purchased Mr Soules former residence The drug store has gone up in smote The idea of starting one does not seem to have been seriously entertained by Mr stall i f Mr Cunningham is making preparation- for the planting of a hedge all along lb front his farm others will catch the infec tion a it will make a marked Iprorement Many unwilling hands look down the snow shovel from nail on which it had been gratefully hung for the summer and wih doleful faces shovelled ffthe snow Saturday morning Rev- Amos of Aurora conduct missionary services in the Church Suuyafernoon The wild geese are plentiful on the flats but beautifully scare in the sportsmens bay have heard of a shot by Mr of 2nd Ativct Although present generation cannot enjoy jtcasurvs of a boat of the beauti ful they seem lake a ctr- amount of out of Had it for the greed of those early fishers whi now bewail the fact of the present not being able to compare with the good old times we might even now be enjoying a reasonable of the early Some of our villagers- with little SHARON y The high wind storm Thursday list did considerable damage in our village roof of the Church England shed was blown fences were laid low and one fine tree that had stood the for over half a century succumbed to that violent gale Elder was so Elder Clarke of Brown Hdl offici ated in his absence of Mr who lias an at Little there will not be service in the Chratian Meeting House next Sunday The funeral of the Richard was held in Meeting House last Sunday afternoon when a large concourse of friends assembled pay their last tribute of respect to the deceased Elder Prosier of New market conducted the service Miss Eva of Newmarket was a guest at the Post Masters last Sunday The of of Sharon much and meeting with great success as to increased membership and willing workers give every assis tance needed to make the order a prosperous entertainment the gave good satisfaction to all that were present except Know We pity his bachelor heart believe the tableau representing a marriage wis what overturned his equilibrium Take heart Know All turn may te in the near future Last Friday evening a foil staff w officers were nisi quarter and the lodge treated maple taffy pronounced by all to be of excellent be sides an enjoyable entertainment of reading music e tableau rep- resenting an Indian with the of tally susjended from the poles was a vcy pleasing sight We arc in full si with the order well Enough only a child at the time when the organization first became an and how the first movers in the cause labored early early and laic to get it in working order When the first entertainment ws given the members and friends all met at hat formed in procession and marched with the old Sharon band at the head to what is known as the mill road turned right abuut face and marched back to the hall where the ladies had an ex cellent spread but alas all the active workers we believe that worked with so much energy have passed over to their reward The best tribute that can be paid to their memory is to support the temperance causa as they did KESWICK At close of the union re rival services here a branch of the Chris tian Endeavor was organized and the following were elected for the firt term Hon Revs President Miss Ward Vice President Arthur Gilroy Secretary Miss Sicrctary John Martin Treasurer Silas of Mrs has returned to their summer residence Ray View Vdla for the She entertained thirty of the a number of their older ones to a taffy pub a short time ago and a lime was reported On Tuesday of week the children went in a body up to Mr Ira where they had another If Co have a hens ij w- is a Upon linil ell iv quite distinctly tile In a ah a worn Itsc of a shade between a lake act a blue color Mr saw white counting eggs They have it on ion in their glass show case CiU and see it it is worth the rouble On Monday while Westers mding tied to post QUEEN ST CHIT CHAT You wouldnt cue to live in the Western States would you The severe of week nearly blew them We want no such annexation as that The of two weeks ago damaged ajnumber of telegraph poles on Tory Hill The frog was out oh Sunday evening Mr David with their dulcet strains Fust heard Miss Mannoi is vtijt- with her Mrs Rob this week Considerable of a on Friday nighty wasnt it A neighbor and his good wife celebrated their silver wedding on Saturday by taking side to town The Landing con tells us to bring a dry suit when we go suckenn just as if we were such a fisherman as to go in a dress suit shirt patent leather boots and a stovepipe hat Ob no we dont on such style weve bad expe rience- Theres excellent Opening for a good tailor in if a bouse could secured Perhaps friend Turner will soon have a house ready The cor Iherejhad better whistle up own boom and not to em ploy outside to do it Perhaps they wind Well let them lump is tbis hear of an individ ual hi young wife We understand thats an oldtrck his ought get ft the brutes In these days of rapid transit less is thought of a tour of the world than would have been the case with a trip to New York fifty years ago- In those days if by any chance one got to the city they were envied by those less lunate A common expression used to be Ive travelled for my in formation Ive been to mill and once Co market Here 13 a question serious consideration Is it right to hold en tertainments in churches even they are to raise funds forthesnppot of church We think ail sen sible persons will decide in the live The Anglican church is adverse to entertainments of any kind soever in consecrated buildings Look it up and see what are the of the Divine Master en that subject Let the Clergy speak out The young lads and perhaps some of the older ones are making mat ters exceedingly disagreeable for a hotel proprietor playing all manner of pranks and annoying him general ly Somehow has failed in mak ing himself popular A party from on a expedition on Tuesday night- Up to latest advices we have not learned if they caught the suckers or if the suckers caught them Aaron Sawdon raked enough for a blowout He bought a ticket on a hoss race in Montreal It proved to be a winner of ninety dollars Know All MOUNT ALBERT Quite a lot of our men went to the on Tuesday Fred Bain Frank Stephens and were among the number S C has sold out bis livery business to Mr daughter and her husband have been calling on John Moore has bought the Rear property for the sum of While Archie Goodwin was cross ing the old mill dam his horse got afraid and jumped into the water He bad to wade in after it They were both almost drowned Mr Joseph MPP from To occupied the pulpit on Sunday night in the Methodist Church He gave a fine discourse Mr has bought a line and cart Messrs J- Daley and Robinson from StOuflVille are canvassing the Village in behalf of the Dr J Forrest has got back from Scotland SPRING AND SUMMER MANTLES cases just opened German Manufacture Take a look Dr Wiles of Sudbury gave a lec ture in Dufferio Hall on Wednesday evening last entitled Courtship and marriage A large crowd attended and pronounced it the best of the season Four of our village boys that go by the name of Brooks Bush gang No a attempted to sugaroff for a gentleman of this locality on Sunday evening last but did not prove very remunerative for just in the midst of their business the owner appeared on the scene to their surprise so they were compelled lo take their flight and by no other way than running through the receiving a severe ducking Served them On Saturday evening last as the hoys were returning home after spend ing the evening in the village and while Passing Mr Cordons residence several volleys of a pistol were fired st them Who had the galling is still a mystery Martin Wiles left here on Monday April roth to put in the summer at Grand Rapids but tbe prospects were not at all promising for the young fel low so he returned home on the fol lowing Monday much benefitted by his trip to the Western State 10 to Apply to at S FOR SALE Son CO It Pine Mills I anil li Gristing Chopping On Chopping Done Daily In Tor ftll to iheir It- 3tuy I WISH to extend my practice through this country will during the of April and May make a reduction in all my charges equal to I will make a substantial forfeit to any person whom wo fail to give satisfaction SMITH DENTIST Canada Life Buildings KING ST TORONTO Can the Largest and Most Complete Dental Office REVISED STATUTES IS l Sick 13 PIANO TUNING firitclM work will Siller Col J A cyclone wricked and court house and the Methodist church at Lyndon Kansas Tues day night and one man In OiJge and suburbs buildings were destroyed and some people badly injured Ww Man April Two cases of smallpox have been discov ered among the immigrants com ing from Halifax who arrived 1y steamship Vancouver One patient is isolated under medical car Fori William the Other near Winnipeg The remand of the party have been in iiusMmim until it is safe for to their destination The matter is promptly and vigorously dealt with by the authorities and no farther out break is lOR SALE OR TO RENT acre of Jot con Whiichurch head of St- wAptK0l Itio Sooth Wo til a till nfl tamo ibtfi Foe on or to WO ft else to do think it is their peculiar of hi house In some it duty to collect all the spun to abound- the post the local gossips and peddle it from find upset dm buggy upon to home It is alt well and The to to be was considerably good to expose that it may righted but the who delights in repeating the falsehoods of idle minds simply for the pain it will cause has too small to KNOW ALLS Tub of upon following future platform In focal politic they will nil The t loin of 1 nation el to lax tho of relieve of he now ii land And then in the of politic will demand Tariff for Abolition of the ihfl of the lend for the of to railway the hpc of land or Is the Mr who appointed for thia to Worlds year vt for the position of of Account In Acietjibly bat ti be Will be tending to hit Chica go learn the l for York Mr J named by the rjovercroent for Mr Awreyt plaoe on the Mr Davis practical man and well to of public Wo commit- tee In preferring Mr April The trial of Charles for the of his father mother nd sister at New last October opened here at noon Three men were Hied and injured lxiler at a twine mil at Washington village new Providence I Tuesday Lois of of all sorts up here lately fine rain bait snow mud tec in the lake and out of it Our wharves and have suffered times had the props knocked out by the ice shove and part of it let down Hums wharf is sent ashore seemingly intact wharf will supply kindling for many a day C VanNorman seems by fortune wharf a wreck on one side main moth heap of cakes of tee on the other and uninjur ed Keswick was all a few day ago to sec one of our popular merchants drive in with a load of household furniture Who the parly of the part it boy Jxwe jn a cottage reads all very well but to the average of the present day the word cottage suggests a spacious ten or- twelve roomed house with balconies and verandahs galore like those of our residents not one in which she could turn round especial ly should adopt the much dread ed crinoline Speaking of spacious houses friend Josh is going to be a beauty Work is commenced on tbe foundation but why dont pro work and encourage home eh Our medico kept busy attending the many rick folk g has not made much pro Mits and Miss C have been very in collect ton for the cause but who can roriil Ihe pleading of the speaker of ihe party Winter seems hang on to us pretty hard The storm of Saturday morning last left us six inches the beautiful for a few hours but it would help extract the frost and the farmers say it was a good thing for the fait wheat The Belhaven lodge of Patrons of Industry was brought lo life once more on Friday evening last the pur chase of binder twine being the prin cipal business The funeral of Morton passed through here on Wednesday of last week and was largely attended The sermon was preached by Rev Wilkinson in Church Rev Mr occupied the pulpit of Bethel Sunday morning last Our Methodist friends will hold quarterly meeting services at Maple Grove Church next Sunday a private letter we learn that Mr W- A of formerly of ihis place has been asked to come up higher accompanied by a hind- some addition to his salary by the firm he employed with At a parlor concert here not long go Miss Alice Winch and Miss Annie former pupils under training of Mr Burgess gave a sword drill which was well received by the audience Some of us would like to know who the coir Is in this place that writes the same have for three different papers about once In three months and then keeps still It looks like an advertising but we always reads that way Come out often Chippy We would like to hear from you more The the house has been repaired and painted throughout and Tommy is as pleased as a boy with new boots We expect Geo Arnold here in a few days from Mass with one of the best honed Mr Morton has been doing jury business lately We noticed Rev Mr McKay of the village on Satur day last Tic your horse shorter next lime Doctor Isaac Esq spent two or three days this week in the townships of West and The provisional officers appointed at the Sultorl Convention have decided lo hold an Organization Convention for the Townships of and North in the Christian church here Keswick on the of June and an interesting program is now in course of preparation- We have no but that the convention will be a grand success Mrs Draper and her- daughter Miss Hutchinson have gone to visit at expecting to lie there six months year Mr and Mrs Ramsay who have been visiting soninlaw for some time past left for their home on Tuesday Maple syrup been very plenti ful around here this season and the quality also is The high west wind of last week created liavoc along the shore The was in some places neatly twenty feet high boat houses were covered up and neatly all the wharfs wrecked and nude On Van Normans point some of the cedar trees arc at present completely burred The roof was blown off Mr Manns barn A great many Sober people in No polling division would be not a little surprised to some of their FURNITURE CHEAP FOR CASH Undertaking A Embalming A SPECIALTY OURs- SPRING TRADE IS OPENING UP FAST We have a Grand Assortment In every Hue from Mens Plow lo Childrens and Lndiea Finest Kid in nssortmctti that is hard to with that can suit everybody To be that we are meaning what we say you call and we will give you such bargains that you but be suited Now is your time to buy while good bargains ate going at s SIGN RED BOOT- HGRIFFIS The Lending Boot Shoe Store Notice to Creditors Of t 1 JHMBLLARO Connection Just opened some fine value in Piloted and White Toilet Sets also some fine Toilet Sets In Tea and Dinner Sets I have a 1 and Well Selected Stock The prices you will find ate as low as any in the market for good stock Also I have a lot of job lines in Crockery such as Howls Pitchers Plates Platter which I am clearing out at Reduced Prices A line of Taney Tea Pots regular retail price from to am clearing them at On Sea ItiivlitKeUlm fljztiint of of lei ah Ilia before of t of of iho will dflli And An J Ull I iho of 4ecnr6tiri if ur litem May trt fit having rigrO to eUtmt of hall ihcn hid notice Aftd bo for of to Atijr of oUloi no ftd notice At Iho April CHAIILE3 want vctlue in ypring mid sum mer BOOTS AND SHOES Try at MONTGOMERYS QUALITY UP PRICES DOWN See tgomery Sons stock of Fancy Tweeds Pant- ingB and Spring 0f coatings Law Prices Fit Guaranteed our motto Br on lb ion I- of Chin- men at Victoiia BC neighbors names In circulation for licence to the Kossin house Thee same respec table churchgoing signers would not take x pleasant smile at the place and do consider they ate lending their influence to legalize places of temptation and likely everlasting destruction to friends near and dear to them The Keswick Young Peoples Society of Christian held Its first meeting on Monday night at oclock in the Methodist church The meeting arc to be held weekly in the two Churches alternately person should Interest himself enough fn hit future to avail himself of the advantages of the above 1 J U aged living in township Waterloo by a falling on and did Saturday morning from the received lArlclclte a lrdrord on April lh April of Mr aoodnln KlaK- Ilea or MrVukUrownof unci Arm- Mr of the of or J WBmwmI to Vioteoco Flint of Tomb on A- Ont fl JO- blj m lllb on Mr 00 jCXb Morton mod April of W Howard Kutbtr of Orchard AT GROCERY DEPT Is fully stocked with Quality in every line In Canned Goods I can show a large stock from whose reputation for good quality is beyond doubt and the price is as low as any in the market Crosse fie Marmalades Mock Turtle Soup Tickles etc Van ions Soluble Cocoa in lb tins has superior Con densed Cocoa and Milk Condensed Coffee and Milk both easily and quickly prepared and arc very whole some in Poach Raspberry Plum Strawberry and Currant My standard line of Whole Coffee Excelsior Wend is one of the best in our country Then I would Just say if you want some good come my Japan lbs it has stood the test also India Hysons and Mixed at price from to per lb I can you its that is our business I I TT I 1 111 itiiiii- COLORED DRESS GOODS DEPT We are showing some beautiful lines in Dress just received direct from European Markets New Mater ials confined entirely to us Wool Lames Lamas Ottomen a Henrietta Splash French Broad Cloth Serges it Remember our motto BEST QUALITY OF GOODS REASONABLE PROFITS TREATMENT PROMPT DELIVERY Serges All the shades of colors and at prices that most J chants have to pay for them S to We make a specialty of Black Dress Goods almosjb everything that is made and at regular prices BUTTONS prompt altautlon ad Leading Man Cor Timothy A Tremendous importation of Buttons of all Buttons at per and Fancy Dress Buttons i j latest per doz up to per TON BROS good- Cooks use Baking Powder