Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 14 Apr 1893, p. 3

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-I- APRIL 1893 4 to flJ will wanned All Ohio Wo Mock three of of Finest to rSrf lha data v Lfeeajo CotnpU J a el ft Roche P If stock Wool at It room School b You Now One p to lhiin ail and P ft It will pit fourfold for work torrid andial- to the Friday both Rac to i Bradford fit at lb fiuiOai to ftica lis Fair TiDlai lit The mi fco School to of of the John of nil and art Jjttoidc3iioncfair9ftQdit K J will Storm On rta our bit rim dona from any a doting 1 iI ftppwr- to Two or imiUu to Ibe School fit this for which ft pro- rttfJ to ft tt The Boot Shoe Doom of A Co will to cow Tftctd door to Sftorvhtra ft flrtlcUu new took will bo kept Aid Cbarob of on April Hot from to A ISxa tivt It ud u ftdaiiMlon If ft tug ftlWnd ftc for in of more complete life ftdTtncqd to ftn H ftdhirenti to old pnx of aero ftnd In profotilon i able and mon really log well at practical places thorn In front rank it Mr fimilb who oomtortablo qui In new Canadian Li f King to work i of in lit ccmtr of to town latt qt rimmed milk for A a Mill show that a fairly fiool for Mr Stephen fiotri itj-j- and bat already fcafetur of Soma to Up a bath year after injery to but lkar thai tba bat tapped for and Ibcr It aclafctrcr looking both to aliSttt Luis Suckers of our townspeople are of a dam at Holland Landing for of the from running op tbettreem They want some at well at Landing The obi traction a contravention of Donltrion Act ana If Ffah not attend to matter of complaint any parson can lay an Informa tion with a magistrate guilty patiiet and aeltle the Every Buttek Makes Should bare one of to weigh fall pound A The of Pyra mid Lodge No are making arrange- to commemorate the of Order In America which en toil They will el- on Sunday Her J baring kindly to preach a for them The year bat been a one with Order la Ontario net increase in membership waa making a total of tick of widow who rehired relief IS and orphan obit- Total amount paid for tick an for each day of of Thi High School The walls of the old balUing all rased ground and 40000 good brick hare taken from the mint at a of W per bat betn banled away and things in good shape for rebuilding At a meeting of Beard on the sketch of a new building by Mr- A preferable to any presented by city architect and it placed In the hands of a couple of local mechanics to make plans and flcations These lobmllted to School and Minister of Education Cor Those of Mr E Tench were accepted as satisfactory meeting requirement This Newmarket Con- the In the way of will pay to build very heel and hare a No rating In stead of ft No- formerly Something Cheap Small parlor wood n beater SO Coal heater good shape 9 cook for good baker 10 A The Engineer cleaned up reiy Inside and around the Water battling and will find premises are selling a saoUary matters No hare been the bout putting In do- erf ice They AiM cake application to fcefere He metis ibtt ft I lbs connections can time and not hare the slot off more timet than absolutely tbe only stitd for tapping the mains Call See Hughes inch 40 inch plain and fancy W is 26 inch and and Embroideries a Make Us Feel Bad lfcs juiijfi will that hit occupied fcOTuca at any town la e wo Narrow Escape- accident occurred on the of East bury last Friday and the wonder la that attended with fatal results The of a brought quite a crowd to the premises occupied by Mr Wo Allan and among the num ber was Mr Ale He Had just tied hit horses upon the floor sur rounded by tereral when the wbole basinets cared In No person was In any danger but Mr Eres though half a others slid to the got quite ft Oat horse was to death dangling by the baiter and partly the other horse scrambling to regain Its feet while beneath both of them was Mr Eros was only moment or two till men standing realised the peril- out position of Mr and gars assistance to rescue him When taken wt not burl but im mediately fainted away Be was taken to the house and put a bed where till nit was and we bare not anything since as to his condition and of accuracy and perfection to which most delicate proctitis hare been carried by the leaders of profession may bo formed by a word picture of Mr Smiths of rooms but to thoroughly appreciate one need sea them Mr Smith began practice In city on Qnocn street sail IngaftwyearslaUrtonmsortr tons Bank thence to spacious apartments in the Build ing which were designed and arranged specially for him Those era ap proached from the general corridor by a wide ball which as it sett wholt apart from At of lbs ball Is the room It la a handsomely appointed roam facing on King street It by large plate glass It it furnished in most admirable taste with on band and the lorer of the art Is tatitfled for hers is a piano that persons while waiting be pleas antly and profitably engaged Erery thing is cheerful and loailikothe whole interior of presenting a com of and a of refinement From this room are four doors leading to the differ operating room which other In rooms all the best and most filling instruments and apparatus are to be found motive power for operating the rsrioqs appliances being electricity and everything of rery latest in dental art bat been pressed Into A departure has been mad by fitting op an elect plant so arranged thai a light be Introduced Into month of patient Thus work be carried on night as well by day and Ibis Li an which it Is unneces sary to dilate who hare pains of an aching A room and lavatory for ladies is deterring of special reference laboratory Is a most Important depart ment End It protidedwUbadoOblo bench one tide of which it fitted with motor lathes other testing workmen em ployed on old rabbof and work The room fa known as the extracting room and it separate from as all are administered here The fact thai hare a dentist In Toronto like Mr Smith possessed of such foresight lasts and en terprise as wall as of standard of professional accomplishment necessary to fit up the finest dental parlors in Can ada should be a credit to City Mr Smith require no introduction to tbe public catering as he docs to the classes and to a mid steadily increasing circle of patrons Mr Smith believes in rower of press and it often specially mentioned in the leading dailies regarding his and his new premises practiced his profession in England before coming to Ibis oily and as a dental surgeon stands preeminent Id Toronto bit continual list of Appointments eloquently Increasiag practice It has tocn said and not without reason thai Mr Smiths parlors sre from a point of completeness unsurpmed on this conti nent- j A session of the York district S of will take Tempei- Mrs of Mich spent few days in the vicinity before The cheese factory Is now ftct here look place on Thursday for the election- of offi cers Mr Wiley our has removed to ft person from that lown has taken charge of the hotel here Only two or three tried the in this vicinity and report a poor yidA The general any suckers or aw they up yet Fall wheat in this district is looking fairly well and we get no more hard frosts it will come on all right v The women will now be all hurry hunting up the seeds and Other garden truck they so cartfully away la The crosscut saw wlih shoulder and elbow power will now take a rest after a long siege among the timber The young folks can moil all sport a horse and but the old man when he out to see his girl has to foot it Where did you get that hat SCHOOL REPORTS AND sum VISIT H E AND Of a We would So est Toronto Junction til hare pasture in letting him btsr from Newmarket bad the out of it to such si to ft vacant pail the difficulty has to find empty houses of lij to yy If than lvl iiidilTerent would its round of empty tenements In Ofvotatiyp There Is no whining lions the Hue of decay lint while irAi can fill a couple Pies of local paper with ft land Its sale- evidencing had Are you hear- klxnui your Ac Society A of the Directors of North Fork Society was bald the Secretarys office Newmarket on Wednesday last the President Mr J Woodcock In the chair Present- Messrs J- A J Rogers Fred Trent A and Jackson After reading and confirm log minute resolution waa adopted naming Messrs J Woodcock A J J Trent a Grounds for the current year Com were tbtn appointed to for for fall fair etc A resolution was also adopted requiring atbltlfo and ball and others re quiring use of grounds or grand to make arrangements for same with the Secretary Persons requiring use of racetrack for training are to arrange with grounds An order was also for gate to grounds from Tim the same as on Informal discussion vat also held an excursion but no definite action was lloard adjourned to call of the Skat Council April UeallogOtEMtUwlUlmburjr toil lata from A r Si bill Pip Co Co- thvi J Health Ad On lha Coanolllo root aid lo and auitalooi 33 10 war olio Kail of from added to of Lot and to J Mid lolak o i J aal re- faffed to o J lu J a Com Bill of L Jekaoo to of paid add laald Jaa lo Council adjoorned at on Ihattlbof April X Mr will an of Horn and fcbcJp Booth lot tit Terms moi or per for The Register for J- irtn On 1 ME of ftt and Aurir during Mfon lo whlcbbcaufea In And nth J Millard- Vewroarkflt Joji lownUit flnt boy a up and down lb vt cf jo ttrearJ lown Judical fcbpnl and for art fa ho rebellion J for Bun- arriig a bad road on nearly a Una a afti moon and ft n row will morrow Mr Frank tag aVOIaovIlIawat and lhr i It Temper iay afUmooQ l Ml lire nd Into abapo If ex- on May Tbt of MlLLIKKRY SAtES BETTER Thl spring than Ian a who take no aecood a a lb atlantloD to gal oar lady cattomsra soiled lb it- anil locality bard understand why we lead and hate a growing trad J Ink Weather la warmer tat la looking green Total on Sunday Canada Fanner are plowing again ate op once more are bloom and poking op Terrible high wind yeattrday a boa I Iowa wts fct Owen Sound harbor clear of ice last Saturday Kan April An aerolite fell near town yester day afternoon the monument of John or Brown a he was called erected to him by subscrip tion originated by Horace Greeley to The broke off the arm of the statute and passed through the dome- and In a slightly southeasterly direction and through feet of clay just south of the crypt slopping only al the rock bed Sir Oliver Movrat has given notice of his intention to introduce the fol lowing bills To establish en office under the titles act for the district of Rainy River Respecting liens of mechanic and others Respecting voters lists Respecting dower in mortgage property To extend time for vesting estates in heirs and devisees Respecting securities in the surro gate court To amend the act respecting coun ty crown attorneys fc To facilitate the enforce ment of just lights of and sub contractors Other measures of which notice has been given are Hon Mr Kraft To consolidate and amend the drain law Hon Mr Hardy To establish ihe Algonquin national park Hon Mr Ross Respecting the university of Toronto Hon Mr Gibson The better pro tection of children To consolidate and amend the registry laws The darn at the electric light in gave way on largely attend on icrolitc is composed of say prices pel turn metal only known to exist the sun Saturday the churches were deprived of light until limps secured i The postal have decided to prohibit the entry into Canada through the mails of the Chicago Wuhfy have decided to lie an indecent publication Persons importing this paper arc therefore liable to a or or Class Owen Chapman Ada Chapman Artie Chap man Chapman Jr 3rd Wtehlng John Howard William Foster Jr Pari II li Book John Mortimer Atlta Mai Ellis 1st Clan 2od Viol Brads Joe Wright 1st Class let Sweetie Willie Jan A Bascta Taacher Bradford taw mill was rent to pieces by the great wind last Tuesday The machinery had been removed some time The strawbeard mills at were blown down Wed and Robert an employe was killed Loss Ki A cyclone did great damage near Lexington Mo Wednesday destroying ever thing in a path yards wide and five or six miles long 3 Winnipeg had the storm of the winter Wednesday Telegraphic communication was cut off and generally suspended A British cruiser seized a dhow sailed by Arabs under French protection which had on board children from Zanzibar a Immediately after the Liberal convention ncit June Hon Mr will make a three months tour of addressing meetings in most every constituency A cable despatch received at Hall announces the of Capt adjutant of the 3rd Battalion Grenadier Guards who came to Canada as to Stanley in and resided here for a couple of years Brampton April Yesterday at noon fiie was discovered in the fine brick residence of Mr Patrick farmer lot concession West Chinguacouy- So rapidly did the fire gain headway that none of the contents were saved accounts of the de struction caused by cyclones come from Minnesota Iowa Kansas and Nebraska Many liouts and barns have been and some lives lost The business portion of Inde pendence was demolished and some villages were almost blown to nothingness At City Mo William Walker his two children were killed and Mrs aud her children were killed at Page Nebraska The property loss is very heavy St Marys April A very sad accident occurred about oclock this afternoon in the roller mill of Carter Son Co which resulted in the death of Win Sinkius a lad years old who was working in the mill and in passing a revolving shaft his clothes caught in it at once throwing him off his feet and winding him rap idly around the shaft He was in stantly killed being fearfully bruised about the head The machinery was Mopped as soon as possible but life was extinct Hamilton April A little girl named Laura Blair had a novel experience afternoon which may result seriously While playing jacks with little Mamie Doyle near the Cannon street School she placed one of small iron jacks in her mouth and during the excite ment of the game swallowed it The JacV stuck in her throat for a few moments and then passed into her stomach Shaw was called in and was soon able to relieve the tittle ones pain but the jack Hill remain in stomach Neb April broke out soulri of Sutherland in county Satur day The loss will probably reach It is laid the fiie started by a passing engine Never has such a disastrous prairie fire devastated the Platte valley for a distance of miles is in The fire started shortly before noon and swept ever thing before it travelling at ihe rate of from to miles an hour and covering a track three or four miles wide Shortly after oclock it struck the of North By almost superhuman efforts the town was saved Farmers and ranchers will lose everything April- The moulders strike which has lasted months is over At a meeting of the local union last night the mould ers decided to rclum to work and have the shops open Some of the moulders were favor of taking this Hep shortly after the Inter national Union withdrew its support but the officers advocated delay so as to give them time to open negotiations to return to work and be recognized as members of the union The however would not agree to any such proposition READY PRINTS DRESS GOODS We large assortment of Prints on just now and you arc sure to bo suited in Quality Pattern and Price Come sue New Goods in Lengths and no two alike Some very pretty shades on lifcnd juat now If you want something nice call and see them Although Cottons have advanced you will find here a lull assortment Shirtings White and Cot toon at Old Prices and quality just the same as before Our of Groceries will bo found well assorted and in Blended Tea and we still lead If you drink Black Tea try at American Oil Canadian Oil 16c WW PLAYT Telephone Connection St AT THE OB- WHWtd CO FOR THE SPRING TRAD 1 Large shipments have been pouring in every week until have now a complete stock in every department of our Big Store In Printed Cottons Delainea Satteens wo can giro you tho highest results of art beauty of design color free from the slightest imperfections from cents up We are showing in Cheap and Stylish Felt Huts children youths and gents sizes J Our Curtains sell at sight We have imported these direct from the Nottingham getting exactly the designs wanted at prices that show that the middleman profit isnt in it selling from per pair up Our dollar goods are perfectly beautiful Our Wall Paper also direct from the manufacturers only requires most casual look to satisfy customers that you can get the best appearance for the least from us and we assist you in hanging it by trimming the edges neatly without niching free of charge on our machine 55 r- WO r- 0 I 111 J W STEPHENS North End Store NEWMARKET I R The British Columbia Gov ernment has announced re distribution bill will he Introduced this session on account of gross errors discovered In the census returns a The of new passenger steamer Hearing com pletion at the Owen Sound dry dock will be the steamer on the Georgian Bay routes She ii feet long feet wide and will have accommodation for 150 firstclass passengers- She will be lit through out by electricity and calculated make per hour GREAT KEEPS UP ITS FOR HOUSE OS CLOTHING Our April ISO Hour per bam a T pir tt I Oil SELL TO SUIT IS OUR MOTTO at it i nr per owl QMMPtrIb Chieftain mIn lb 100 800 on 0 BOO H ICO a a a a a a CO CO OH a on Oil I to a 0 CO JUST ARRIVED A especially ReadyMade Suits for Boys Abo a grand vat tot v of Spring with tics to match a S S Suitings JUST RECEIVED SOMR BEAUTIFUL PATTERNS in English Scotch and Canadian Suitings Alio an assortment of o from at prices to suit the times NO TROUBLE TO SHOW GOODS a YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED W D MUTCH Oppoaite Book Storo MERCHANT TAILOR Gents Own Cloth made up Neatly and Cheaply NEWMARKET HARD WAR E STORE gg a a a Out a and refused to the I j Wool iDockApor If Oil OK 0SQ 1 IS Oil 100 10 1 CO a on a on 063 Oil ON 1 S3 a a its Tj CO CO a CO FLOWER FIELO AND GARDEN SEEDS ALL VARIETIES AT SCOTTS PHARMACY NEXT POST OFFICE CO CO wiaaiyriaifHrvavHo BUILDERS A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF PAINTERS HARDWARE SUPPLIES CARPENTERS j TOOLS BAR BAND HOOP IRON AND STEEL IN ALL SPADES SHOVELS i HOES RAKES AMD GARDEN TOOLS DAISY CHURNS OPAQUE BLINDS CORNICE POLES Kr JACKS KEPT FOR HIRE SI J J AS PROP-

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