Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 14 Apr 1893, p. 2

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APRIL 1893 Mantles A Co J Canned A Spring GrifRf Ordered Clothing Smith to Creditors J Win KcnlDton for Sale iXpctn Wanted ffm Co- Senegal Caso Ij Printed all at FRI APRIL 14 1893 rcgJ Toronto April IS IBM leader or in to ipk at the A A- It Ui KlftJfjr la Pi All4o w JtatnlA itIc io will A cow died ffccertl Lb hit will to tool tut led bit cow bees Two he- stocldeou broken d ft Party Leader The McCarthy demonstration X the Toronto on Wednes day evening last is reported to hare been 3 signal success both in point of numbers and genial enthusiasm Possibly some were attracted thither as a result of the activity and per sonal influence of those who engineer ed the reception but it would re quire mote than this to awaken so wide spread an interest as was un mistakably manifested on the oc casion and would seem to indicate that the utterances o Mr McCarthy both in the House and among his constituents are favorably received by a large body of independent men who appear to regard him as a com ing party leader It is said the completion of the gathering judged by old party line would bo hard to determine which side had the preponderance and it was unmistakably apparent during the speechifying of the evening that reference to old line leaders evoked no special mirk of approbation The demonstration would seem to mark an epoch in the future politics of the country A Bit of Political History piece of political history ap peared in Saturdays How much of truth there is in it those who remember the events as- they trans pired will to form an opinion for themselves The Riding had no reason to complain that Mr Mulock became its member at all events This is the ac count Llbtralicm North York did not Funic he a went bat ft did ftf it had bees by flrit lore- eld constituency It prior tin gerrymander of was Liberal in That what J ficld owthcri0of York county thought In Dr Strange had by a Judgment was rendered by Judge Jelte in the Supreme Court at Mont real on Saturday last in the celebrat ed case of Thompson vs Senecal Our readers will remember the Print ing Bureau scandal which for a length of time engaged the attention of Parliament the session of The action now determined arose out of the then brought to light before the House and the coun try in consequence of which Mr deservedly lost hit position superintendent of the bureau Sir John Thompson in capacity as Minister of Justice entered proceed ings to recover the sums which Mr received from parlies with whom he made contracts on be half of the Government During the trial the crown alleged that the de fendant had purchased on behalf of Government merchandise amounting altogether to a good many thousands of dollars and that in violation of duty he had demanded and received personally from the con tractors the sura of said amount being a secret consideration paid him in order to secure the ob taining of contracts For the defence counsel for Mr Senecal contended that there wis no proof directly Or indirectly that the Government had lost anything by any of the contracts or purchases de fendant had made or hat they had received less than the full value of the goods purchased In rendering judgment Mr Jus tice Jelte remarked that he consider ed the practices of which Mr is accused highly reprehensible im moral and punishable to the criminal court but it was by no means clear that the prosecution had the right to recover the money secured by de fendant inasmuch as the government bad not alleged or established any direct loss He therefore dismissed the action and Mr walked out of court with his commissions se cured- But the question now arises and it is a pertinent one too why did the Premier take civil proceedings against Mr Senecal at all instead of prose cuting him criminally We appre hend the answer to this query will be found in the evidence adduced before the House committee which investi gated the printing bureau scandal in that some of these com missions paid upon supplies bought lor the government went into the conservative campaign fund and Mr Senecal has the key to the secret But whether this be or other wise in view of Mr Justice remark the Government will be morally compelled to carry this case to a higher court or take the alternative and enter criminal pro ceedings Possibly Sir John is es topped however from prosecuting criminally by reason of effluxion of time Be this as it may the case is singularly inconsistent as com pared with the course pursued by the Government in the case but circumstances possibly may have made this a necessity Ken tOOih rjntvepwj of friclcd in called the Uff Gatettt The Pre In corn roe mora to the treat had cornea of the printed and cfrcnlated among all ihn in which will a aonvenlr aba Any person calling a copy if It now stated thai the CPR will giro patrons between land and In reaching lb World Fair at lio will placed on Chicago and Sound and will at flrit bat will be if the Canadian arc among the afloat Rood i antici pated There alto talk of a lice el to ply between and Chicago tbo present rcaioo of to with for tbo aron3moda of World Fair visitor Oa Monday hut moving the ad journment of the Sir Oliver that a notion prevailed contemplated a election another of the It only right for him to say for Hi and generally that was not They had always that there bo a of the Legislator au elec tion and thai to bo the policy the Government aet regarding neat Provincial at cost and alio that the pro who predicted appeal to the people after the a3jooronient of present eeaaior were not Mr Hall of lute left on Monday for former For yean Mr baa been a of arid very highly of adopted home soil and appear to aula htm ha ia back toon be hfa in Ontario onco more Mr lawn is brother of man who In a rat at Cannery In I located not been for of an boor and hi abaencowaj ona the men went hi oe why hi work wai gulling en far behind A of beard jd the vat arunvcd thai ho in and body at lb fie leaved a and fire children of a family of there now only two brother left in and other In Office at Toronto A family gathering took place at Mm- Irwin Vtctorfa on all living being prevent to celebrate of her birthday Mr Irwin who in Manitoba made the of many beautiful and valuable prcacnta and Hon I with biro from Webb Toronto a largo of doifgn Eight candle colored surmounted It to amber of children the family lighted that asven ware living and one memory of departed The whole lib Around there is do on that the do with wbicb gives on montjr bjIaw in which he to hold property pointed oat nowhere is it more in question Why worth property fire bar Ave Another man property centred ward bat if ono of which no explanation altmptal wrong many bat tbftt fact affords as no good reason for its farther perpetuation tp AND VICINITY Mr- Evans and one or two others are making a great quantity of maple syrup Mr has rented the old Tingle farm near the Elbow and has started to plow already Mr Tate the farmer is turning things out and upside down Mr Arnold has bad a sore toe all winter is doing better- Mr Dunn the expert intends to do a big summers work Two young men south of the El bow make a loud noise coming home from band practice has been a Urge number of with farmers this teen could be counted in thirty minutes drive from the postoffice here- Our of Industry are now realising on their winter Their supply of sugar and coal oil has knocked the bottom out of tion and a car load of tall after tak ing out the cost of barrels is cheaper thin real estate The Christian church that was con a grand and building and that was associated with the memory of Elders Sherrod Henry Morten Prosper Thomas and many who now sleep with their fathers and with the Memory of Elder Wright who is now the second time a child has been entirely removed While the new church second to vet few country churches another half cen tury will most likely produce advanced ideas that will cause this building to shate the same fate All that was mortal of Thomas Fairies was laid in the cemetery here on the in at by the side of his wife whom he survived only fourteen days They weie all- around every day Methodists Their example and to the church here were never exceeded by by any other family Crossing the dark valley is hardly appropriate with in our minds when the light f the sun left them on this side the light of Heaven met them tin the other They left a grownup family of one son and three daughters com fortably provided for HOLLAND LANDING April number of CansJian new national review and mazarine maintains high char acter of the frit and the i ration are of praise political contributions are well written and interesting In British and Imperial Reciprocity Mr Alex P arrays facta and figures which will be new to most readers and outlines a policy which destined apparently to attention in the early future Attorney General in Nora Scotia Coal Mine writes entertainingly a vigorous defence of the talked of legislation of bis government in regard to coal mines The National Stat by Charles A Stuart is a scholarly discussion of the broad movements tb age in regard to national A timely article beautifully illat- is Ontarioe New Parliament by Frank Jian deaervts and informed Canadian can to without it It it by the On tario Publishing Co Ltd Manuing Arcade icz copies IjC WHAT SEES TO WXlTZ The of New Brunswick on Inst passed a resolution mousty in favor of prohibition and also Dominion Government to a prohibitory law for all Canada Ontario Government will ask the during Its present session to establish a Provincial Park on tho bank of the river It will bo called AlgonQUin National Park miracle Saecxcd In with forty votes to the good over A J wanted to go to Friends who wanted him to slay in To ronto an chaacd of entering Ontario Cabinet were ftuorcd that he sooner bo a member at Ottawa than a Minister at Toronto Meanwhile William was abroad in the con stituency which was Ids boyhood home was not without friends either but people bad organiza tion and they hurried on the convention In tall of Iho delegates convened there no same but that in nomination was unanimous aoJ uproarious ipsscli in accepting the prof erred honor was Al ready rumors of a gerrymander In the air and in the climax of his thesa rumor thus They say will glo rious old North York them gerry spite of all the gerrymandering they can do I will carry liberal flag to victory Pro longed cheers Next spring old original constd- North York was dissected great shape Newmarket was sons from old political and Jammed iho hlvo Wast Ontario bury then a Coaervatlv town ship was added On basts of the in election riding was by hundred and over figures Dr Widdinetd grew so did He nothing they said a good deal he concluded that Inasmuch as catting away J 1st hlmpo longer a of a now convention would bo necessary- remarked Incidentally he woald not fco a candidate The who had rejected Mr ad- In the fall of for his candidature In spring They looked Farmer a a forlorn hops and was all there Hacked by James Davis and other sturdy Debtor ho mod a desperate cam paign and the by winning with a majority a that was regarded as A has been presented to Leg by Mr Meredith in- vrhlch ho proposes to give married women asms rights in to the holding of pro perty now enjoyed by unmarried women Is the Local House on Tuesday night Mr J Davis policy of administration at the conclu sion of Mr criticism of the budget and was vigorously ap from government benches The village seems rather still owing to the of J store We hope to see it opened op again Mr J Spalding leaves this week for Aft Albert Mr S Soules has bought the he is living in and there is not another residence vacant It is time for some one to be up and doing else sonic more of our villagers will take their departure because of lack of house room We would be grateful to if he would whistle up a Boom Mrs Wright Fogg is still qui poo ly Sam Bond is slightly under the or under Grippe Mr- Ed Mac Kay carried a the Knox College He leaves for British a i week where he will for months or a year having iirii ken work Crs Stoke- of Toronto visited her daughter this week farmers arc already seeding The most energetic of them arc sowing seeds of Free Trade also and as has been well prepared by last seasons poor prices there is every probability of a harvest of com mon sense at the next ballot Oft rathe As American remarks Mortgageonfrtnsintbo United States according to the statistics of Census at Washington have In Western 165 per cent and In States per cent In ten In forms aro mort gaged for than half their total The Dominion Government ha a despatch from Colonial that Government has that the direct trade between the Spanish Canada la placed on tame footing as that and United States and that order bean given that duty wrongfully levied on goods cent to da shall bo refunded A has been In the Leg by Mr Water to amend the municipal act so as to provide that can for to municipal council on a leasehold laalificatton no shall bo on account of liens charges or Incumbrance bill also alms at correcting a clerical error in the provisions of lb act relating of In case Atinocaa wo have not noticed any of ficial announcement of their appointment understood John Carllog and Hon Senator will bo a Dominion loner to World Pair Of the latter personally very little knowledge but wo have every reason to that Hon Mr Carting will prove very excellent corn inly toner Ha is widely known personally a genial man and has a experience The financial result of elocutionary visit to ford was a deficit of fa Sir Julan will be formally received as Ambassador and plenipotentiary to the United States from Great by President Cleveland early next week The band of strttt in Cairo arrived who are to lake part in Fair spectacle illustrating A makes lids observe Mould cost and bo quite aa ficlalioibeproThiceil stone heads wbtch of the new Par liament buildings were given seats on floor of the House a omo of repre sentative from When It la rcintrnbcrd that a member of Imported from to enlight en the ifenlaena Toronto during the there to pnUntathCo from wayback la not to the of the City points of P was Io town on Col P was in town Saturday calling on friends- aire J A fa making a visit relative In New York City Mr editor of Aurora was In town on Wednesday Dry baa thank of Km for late copies of Cleveland paper Mr 3 Webb has returned from Hamilton where ho has been attending college Mr Irwin of Weston Is spend ing a few day with friend In town and vicinity Wo sea by Nturt Carbsrry Man that Mr- Wright has located at that point many friends of Mr Qeo will be pleased to know that is doing well as can bo Mr of Marie la In town for a few daya on way to Berlin on a business trip Mrs Howe of Dr and also a and her sou from Arkansas horn on a visit Mrs David of has turned from OakiJU where h ha been visiting her swat Mr Dr Johnson of will Embury In town Monday and reports the roads good his town ship Mr lfy and Mr Blight and the Misses Holla and Edna of Toronto were of Mrs over Sunday Mr Peter Sinclair Albert I visiting hero with her Miss Sinclair before leaving for her new la Washington Mrs Geo- of who ha been couplaof week visiting friends and relatives hero re turned homo on Weducaday and Mrs Hon wcro At large and fashionable gath ering 00 Tajday night moslo being by A 6ronto Mr who Is running a was In town last Monday na a If prosperity was smiling upon him once more Miss Aonfo Robinson of who ha been spending winter In Toronto Is a few days with Miss Winnie Pffittle on her way home Mary Phillips of St left for Davlsvillo this week to take charge a department In school there In a teacher recently Mr John Is Spink Toronto bar the other day Mr Millard drove him out to his father Mr John Spink near who is nearly year of age and feeling Tba Beckett brother of Mrs who visiting fasre last week retained to Toronto on Monday morning One attending Trinity Col- lege and the other at Oxford Mills Collins clerk and treasurer of Whitchurch who has bad very poor health all winter hail confined to his several day lately suffering from bronchitis as as weakntss QUERN ST CHITCHAT Messrs Frank Terry and Jas Smith of Queen St North have established telephonic communication between their residences Hello I Hoys how docs it work Miss Susy Morttmore spent a few days last week with her sister Mrs Henry Wright of 2nd Mr Ed HA is placed first in the classier of Church History and Systematic Theology at Knox College At the recent examinations he was awarded a scholarship of He leaves this week for Vancouver to fill an appointment under Home Missions Will has his departure for and Milton for the Queen City while Sam has gone to bed sick hope Sam will soon be ok Mr Rodney has been rusticating in the bush out East for several weeks You may look for his return with a barrel of syrup It will soon he lime but bless me times like they used to was We recall with pleasure the times long past when we could go fishing with the and drive the into an old sockdolager of a lunge arid haul him- into the boat or perchance wc ourselves were hauled into the water by the struggles of the monster Hut what cared we for such mishaps Wasnt it fun though to catch a boatload of the beauties Hah I you talk about sport You know naught if you have never went spearing lunge Alas 1 It makes us sad to know those times are past never to return again Hot much news this week unless tell how Mrs So and hens are laying lots of eggs or Mr youcall em went to the village notice that a great many cul verts have broken in this winter miking them useless to carry off water and thus damage the Paymasters should make a note of them and see ibat they are thoroughly repaired There is need of several temper ance- ledge in Quecnsvillc A number of our boys old and young have been taking to much lately them is a wouldbe member of our township parliament that convenes at Sharon Boys It dont do to monkey with a whiskey jug too much Sometimes it puts you on the floor Wonder If it would do any good to make the names public Saturday morning two town lads were having a confab concerning a which had been given one by his dad The lad said it didnt hurt a bit Some lads want a that will fairly lift the veil of ignorance When we grow to the years of dis cretion we mostly conclude that in our case dad spared the rod and the child Seven posts is all the sign there is of the new cheese factory do expect that when they start things with fairly bum School reopened on Monday morning with a very good attendance The truancy officer need to take a trip along the river A man with whiskey in and wits out went through the village one this week with his horse ashamed of him that he him horns to Bradford as quickly as Its often see a horse leading a nun The member of the womans aux iliary purpose having a Fink Social in the Masonic ball here on Wed It is in aid of their branch of the work All should patronize this laudable to make glad some needy ones We are glad to see our sick list gradually growing smaller Messrs Beaton and are still very low in fact past all hopes of recovery Mr George Gray of Detroit spent a couple of days in the village on his way to Manitoba where he purposes to reside Miss Violet has gone to Aurora to learn telegraphing Violet will be greatly missed as she was an active worker in church and S and a general favorite fish fish The succulent sucker is his annual rounds once more and the river is lined with fires every night If old Know AH should get it into head to come please bring a suit One of our n the largest one of all imagined hocvuld float but Squire Know All of Egypt would have lam ned hear iy to have seen his utter failure to keep the sur face The proprietor of the dam was heard to remark on receipt of notice to re da Well now see here Partridge do you think us a pack of natural born fools Why that dam was here before we were boys and our great grand children are apt to fish from its waters Why just to think Id have my dam torn away for a few suckers more in New market not land suckers which has far too many There are enough suckers in Newmarket for the poison and the slides to carry them off HOLT Some of our haye- com menced ploughing Mrs- McFirfand and family left for Dakota on Friday night Mr James has moved hick on the farm again Samuel has rented fl farm in North he intends to shortly BELL EWART Thtf Waiters of Cooks Bay will soon at liberty The Lighthouse keeper who took his last flip down on the ice yesterday it get ting weak Our villagers quiet lifter the stir of the ice during the winter The injured limbs and sore backs are fait being restored to their former strength Mr Frank Shaw who fell from the top slide going about well Visitors are frequently seen view ing the ice house but when venture to climb to the tower or even to the third slide are inclined walk up and down stain Kith the same foot always ahead for several days hereafter especially ladies We have ft half fledged in our midst now Dr He expects to get through next year We wish him success Mr Webster is anxious to dispose of his cottage this spring judging from the price that it has been altered if Miss Webster was home from To ronto for Easter Our teacher McKay spent Easter holidays in the city Miss Fannie from Bay City Mich who is visiting friends in Canada spent in our age Also Mr and Mrs of Bradford Mr and Mrs arc an ticipating a family reunion at The Maples the coming summer OUSEKVSR While eating his evening on Saturday a buy of years was struck by lightning and killed at Ste Anne Quebec His father sitting near him was stunned Ken ftdbcrisg7dsil3 IE SPRING AND UMMER 3 eases just opened German Manufacture Take a look I S IIA UlsVLia I AT I ANTED Set Good sonar HOC OR SALE a win chop Weto PUBLlONOTICE In of ihi of J P AtdiU of of in County of vrk mi Is thai La on servant to Lata Apply io IS MRS to ANTED- room or Ail Wo SO FOR Ho Now CO mo Cap Hi It inidndJrjc Met In tor of all A Will bold Jit J- on Slat or A P at Two oclock for OfaopolAUnv ai Co of Kilo to flla with mt- fllretcj t or Jr or 6738 Floeit Salllon la brother to Mick tail 31iccoQdD204 a very bit hoi none J WISH to exttMid my through country lining the months of April ka May a rcductioii id all my to I will a forfeit to any to give satisfaction F SMITH DENTIST Canada Life Buildings TORONTO This the and Office OUR SEEDS Turnip all Field Garden Seeds In bulk at- i FURNITURE OH FOR CASH a CHINA trill la ibip bridge od to SPRING TRADE IS OPENING FAST Will from by of Will CwilllmblU Price A A SPECIALTY JHMJLLARD Insuxo A only 13 ever Ill CcoaRoodtea tk winicd Call fir who let IVvflpro toclon Sump John or to REYNObDSMANAGERV bolted J1 a- ii We have every lino from Mens Flow and Ladies Finest Kid ijEriortuieu hard to tin with thai can suit everybody To bo that we are my you mutt call give you that you but bo suited Now is your time to buy while good going at S SIGN RED BOOT The Lending Boot Shot Si to Creditors or 0 Telephone radio en last ulnar DosoWioiit At lbs Wallas Mr Usotr to J RottimVcV Toronto on lb Mr of KID Io Km JulU Colo J at to Corah On Victoria Tomb AtKowtonoookAvrUetb roar DllRDAt ApiU Group Just opened some fine value Printed and Toilet Sets also some fine SemiPorcelain Toilet Sets In Tea and Dinner Sets I have Large and Well Selected Stock The prices you will find arc as tow as any in the market for good stock Also I have a lot of job Hues In Crockery such as Howls Pitchers Platters c which I clearing out at Prices A line of Fancy Tea Pots regular retail price from to I am clearing them at 5C Statute On- Si ftd panto claim ho of of town of In tb York on J Ay of of loarnd in New ODsof KxcuOro fill Kcllcj decstuil and full particular of ho lato of ood nature of If and la lmnilUiolfior Slay to SDitUcd of which then had Slid wilt not bo assets to any Early of claim they not ad notlco at Dated April mt WINN If you want value in spring and sum mer BOOTS AND SHOES Try tit QUALITY UP PRICES DOWN See Montgomery Sons Block of and Spring Goods Fit and Workman Guaranteed is our bis at Anil of Rofit formerly to a of a if Inst aoa of J i AUso was s death Mr d- The pa at St tost year Kdjewood farm Slow April fctylaahtTeBcotUiid GROCERY Is fully stocked with Rest Quality in every line In Canned Goods I can a large stock from best cannerJ whose reputation or good quality is beyond doubt and the price is as low as any in the market Marmalades Mock Turtle Soup Pickles etc Van Soluble Cocoa in and lb tins has no superior Con densed Cocoa mid Milk Condensed Coflee and Milk both easily and quickly prepared and are very whole some- Jams in Peach Plum Strawberry and Currant My standard line of Whole Coffee Excelsior Blend Is one of the best in our country Then in Teas I just say If you sonic I good come and try my Japan lbs it ha stood the test also Ceylons India Hysons and Mixed at price from to per lb I can suit you as that our business Remember our motto BEST QUALITY OF GOODS REASONABLE PROFITS TREATMENT PROMPT DELIVERY I MAIN Alt careful CARPET DEPARTMENT If you are thinking of getting a new this spring remember that we have the In assortment and lowest prices HOUSE FURNISHINGS DEPARTMENT Do you want new Table Linen Towels Curtains or Window Blinds We can save lot of money in these goods MENS HATS AND CAPS Take a look at our north window and yon see goods of the latest fashion ticketed at the price elsewhere Leading Grocer Main Timothy BOOTS AND SHOES As usual we are away ahead of all in this line both in quality and style Of cor the price is lowest A

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