Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 31 Mar 1893, p. 4

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s fc 3LaZ MARCH I Wash Day AND No Steam IN THE House A tha work or family lini You Say HOW BY USING SOAP Easy Direct rat JT03T the UtUGttT way DONT another by THREW flWBY HIS CRUTCHES AFTER YEARS OF TERRIBLE SUFFERING The of Job Job3 MO Golden Tha Lord and Lord hath be of Lord The and Afflictions of Job form book Mi ttliae and in of Job by book rests a historical bant Author to hare poetically it moral bo to Impart At a convention In hid of piety And had received to afflict forbidden however to bit person At of Ibii trial Job faith remained The perfection to Job not moan abaolnto which Job ad Integrity implying freedom from inch At held to divine obastitomoDt again received to try Job suffering bat with tbe reservation that bit life ho pared Immediately ho goes forth ap parently glad at opportunity of doing and Job with a peculiarly malady good bo bad received not his dot but aoverelgn gift he acknowledge the tame sovereignty it evil No him his piety Elands AN INTERESTING HISTORY of Matt 110 Golden Text now from tbe and become first- fnrittof them that people are aiperafrd when after wading citing in which they bare with at the finiihit only a trap to advorlite tome wonderful or patent medicine Just the other day the refund a contract for this kind of Advertising machinery keeps moving along and constituencies era making pre paration for approaching contests Last week the CooiervmliTes of followed In the wake of the Liberals of Lennox the week previous and nominat ed Dr A King for and A Bacbanin for the Legislative As sembly Quite Urge number of coniti- on both sides of politics Are now ready with their candidates It years since anything appeared In these respecting Charles hat a tetter over his name in Star week nearly took away our It is written apparent the new Comptroller of and Kingston Mr There Is a mean party at Ottawa And they consist of such men as Sir Richard Charlton A Co who take advantage of mean opportunity to present Government and such was case In the discussion of Mr Wallaces speech at Kingston op position many of them United SUtee annexation yet meanly Accuse Mr of disloyalty for ht3 with bis Ulster Protestant friends From reading IbU quotation no person ever suspect that Mr for dis- Britain Queen but he ras the STAHHEHT OF For eight I troubled with a my leg which resulted from having it broken The doctors kept mo five months trying to heal it up bat MI to no purpose tried all fiorte of wire ointments and but with bo benefit- In it became so bad that I had to sit on chair and keep my foot on no- other for four months I could not put my foot on would rush out in end my leg swelled to its natural fiize ELEVEN RUNNING SORES developed on it which reduced me to living skeleton lost lbs in four mouths Friends advised mo toco to Hie but I would not for I knew they would take ray logoff then wanted to aplit It open And but I was too weak to stand operation One old lady it had to black and could enrol I had never of then but I at Rev Mr Stout who had of a severe on neck by medical aid had failed 1 thought I would try it I washed with Hitters and took them to directions After I could walk on after taking three I threw away the crutches took a scythe and went to work in fitM At the end of sixth bottle my wan healed up pieces of loose had worked out of it and the came back to their natural places again 11 was nine years ago and it has never broken out since I can walk Itvu miles today as fast as anyone all this I owe to which certainly saved my leg if not my life to all sufferer I a trial it will cure you as it did me Yours St Mr tho druggist of fit Marys artifice to the entire of the remarkable state meat Mr and aya that several wonderful have made la hi district Lively Seen la Parliament The orator of prairies at Mr Nicholas Flood is sometimes dubbed discharged his batteries right and left tapping heads all around him in regular Fair style when discussing the resolution of censure upon Comptroller of Customs utter ances Ulster boys and Home Rule Emerald Isle These arc utterances and come from a of the Crown he said and to make the remark appear all the forceful he added- He Wallace has play ed a treacherous part in times gone by He did so at the Estate vote He voted with the Noble Thirteen but he usd his influence with other Orangemen to induce them to vote for the Mr Wallace immediately denied this and characterized the statement as ab solutely and wholly false caused the Prairie Orator to grow warm and red in the face and when the House called for proof he de clared I heard it myself Of course confusion followed Mr then paid his respects to the Government generally and exclaimed We are fast coming to a Cabinet of illiterate and uneducated men and the completeness with which the cast off his par allegiance sent a thrill through the House gratifying to the Opposition but arousing indignation and wrath on the Government side Pretty doings these in the part said he which always kept its family jars for the closed doors of the caucus room alluding to the divergence by which and Curran bad de clared their own bosom col league in the Cabinet the M P for West York Altogether the scene is described by an eyewitness as being a disturbing time generally in Minis terial ranks and one that may give the bard cold sweats next election as Government influence in the NorthWest is powerful A ROOT poison in your blood however It may come or whatever shape it may bo taking is cleared away by Dr Golden Med ical Discovery Its a remedy that rouses ev ery organ into healthful action purifiei and en riches the blood and through it cleanses and invigorates tho whole system Saltrheum Tetter Eczema Erysip elas Boils Carbuncles Enlarged Glands ana worst Scrofulous Sores and Swellings are perfectly and per manently cured by it Unlike ordinary Spring medicines or the Discov ery works equally well at all seasons All year round and in all cases it is as no other Wood medi cine is If it over fails to benefit or you have your money back You pay only lor the good you get Isnt it sale to say that no other blood purifier be just as If it were wouldnt it be sold so Transmits Writing Wire A CURIOUS MACHINE WHICH IS SAID TO WORK The very latest in telegraph instruments was shown at No So Broadway yesterday It is called the telautograph or longdistance writing machine the afternoon business men telegraph newspaper folk and others filled of the National Telautograph Company and watched the rcnmkably accurate cords made by ma- hi It consists of a transmitter and a receiver for use at one station The miclanism of the ma chine is simple and direct An lead pened is used in transmitting its point two silk cords are fastened at right angles to each other These connect with the instrument and following the motions of the pencil the cut rent impulses tht control the re ceiving pen at the distant station The is done on ordinary paper five wide conveniently arranged on a attached to the machine A lever is so moved by the hand as to shift the paper forward at the and By its mild wolhing cleansing and healiug properties Dr Sages perfectly and per- cures fJatarrh in the Head Japanese at tbo Worlds Pair On the wooden island in the lagoon the Horticultural Build ing from the ugly structure that will hold the official exhibits of the United States government there will be a- cluster of Japanese erected by Japanese artisans for the commis sioners of the land of chrysanthemum When these very attractivelooking houses are entirely finished they will be viewed with great and curiosity by the visitors to the fair for in many regards they will be vey different from anything that the very great majority saw berate But the process of building was even more interesting than the finished will be When the snow was over a deep this winter and visi tors to the works were very on account of cold there was still always something of a crowd about the wire rope that was put up to keep visitcra away from the Japanese carpenters and joiners who were erecting the hoWes in the island village The wire ro did not keep hack the more resume the sightseers nor were win invaded the forbidden ground ordered out after had gone where they had no business to Even a artisan though clothed authority is to gentle kindly and courteous ill his I know Then wert O ii- felt In And of I thought I heard brook lha chirp of bird And bad tod to be ltlng to we The piu And sky tod and throb- tag sod and thrilled to loach of God I know Lord To gather to I know tho hoods of grave Thy lifo might aoJ nojWard I not wort coming to dwell mo mo- And my overburdened with core fair chamber to in Now let mo nearer Christ Mike tool for a shrine till flball bo Fit for a duelling Lord for Roar if a hi my breast Reign I will worship and serve my Thou art In and in Then I abide What end can there bo to at the receiver The re- friendly pen a tub PURE WDE YE wiut ilk wjutb Crefr Vow corporation held mi interview the Ontario Government and tried to secure concuronce for about Iwciily or thirty in the existing BEST laws but was the Attorney Genual pointed out or that deputation goodly number of their of tl AT vote in Parliament on Mr motion Che charges was satis- factory to the of voting in favor of ami for majority for the Matter General with McCarthy in the Is about twenty In a full than tho for A aod easy- a great who ana It Is a of ineiit atd and iKo AtilEcliAtlUns of 111 A CORK when fur t or hi ill if WW I A Itill for in Mi of ffliii Will be fur It nine M a Mui lifted purebred White ITr- Tvitittflieh Proprietor had days of steady in Sutton the past winter The Indian population of Island is number of horses land cultivated acres grain bar- wheat and of oats- rumored that Acting Premier a about to fill the last vacancy in Ontario by the nomination of ex- Lieut for the teat i he name of Hon Win and we take pleasure In seconding the motion has utility nu inaa la Ontario has more claim to the having been one of the Fathers of Confederation litis Atcerict JttitumailcCure for tnlto fs yriili pilurj Add I clip Wl rf ot Amfvi wblcn Ce me owe I would dtUo arsry weak to lovely flVd Of Lamp hone Boot 0fle Hot 1 Cart Ax given by In tlmmbt Hall week An action brought city for for by a fall an Icy Xbe aiked to at but Iciruol matter property holder aro not liable for icy pive- In front of their property They can be for not cJtatilti the yralka but beyond are not liable Municipal make a note of Federation of tlielr annual meeting ml tinted for another year A alio fftvorlii acobforenoeof pfve with the to formation Council theory of whotu Imperial Federation I more than reality We dont take much stock I One If Lib Is til that It to wlthoat being mercy of the aca vrhere would Only hare one voice out of every fifty or In the We dont like way Downing anyway and interference been Irksome placed at the of two alumi num arms It is supplied with ink which Hows don reservoir through a small lube In one of fie amis The electrical ioiuuUc coming the wire move the pen of the recorder simultaneously with the movements of the pencil in the hind of the sender As the passes over the paper an ink tracing is left which is always a of the senders motions whether in the formation of letters figures signs or sketches Tnereispracticallyno limit to the work that this machine will do said Manager John H Bryant yester day Wherever a record is re quired it is From his office a business man can send in structions to the factory close by or miles distant and have them deliv ered- in his own handwriting A broker dealing by wire can give quo tations and execute orders to buy and sell securities without danger of dispute A physician may wire his prescription to a druggist using the arbitrary code of the profession con fident that no mistake will be made in the transmission A reporter writing up a fire or an accident of any kind can send to his paper a sketch of his subject taken on the spot Supt Byrnes wishing to all the police at once of the escape of a burglar could not only do so as quickly as by telegraph but he could be his orders were transmitted in his and an accurate description of the man could be sketched at the ramc time if necessary Speaking of the telephone Mr lltant said that the telautograph would more popular than the former instrument because there would be no buzzing on the wires and no questions be asked and answered perhaps a dozen times be fore getting a dcfinitcreply This turtle of ours he said will keep moving along and have your message all recorded before the telephone is through buzzing There will be no more strikes of messenger boys for while we are waiting for the boy lo conic the message written on the machine will be at its destination Then again a man can go away and leave his machine locked up in his desk When he returns in one two or halfadozen days will find the messages sent to him by his friends all recorded on the roll paper in his desk In cities and owns ihu will be operated on the exchange or central station in much the same manner as the telephone is now worked the in ventor of the telautograph has de voted his life to the perfection of communication by electricity He invented the musical telephone and history his frierds say will give him credit for inventing the speaking tele phone and telegraph upon wont within th- unm all to be seen and every question was asked was answer- as as- the limited English vocabulary of the workmen permitted And what bright and nimble fellows these workmen were It may be that they were picked men selected for their skill and intelligence If they represent the average of Japanese then the average must be very high indeed It seems almost a pity that these carpenters could not be kept at work all during the fair such an exhibit would be as popular as anything within the grounds After noting the of the workmen and the intelligent expres sion of the faces together with the picturesqueness of their which seems l Western eyes something like a uniform the visitor looks at the work itself arid is at once struck by its neatness Even trie temporary scaf folding is neatly and strongly put up and the lumber- of which it is made is injured as little as possible In stead of being nailed together this scaffolding is lashed with cords This is done withn skill that would make even a sailorman turn green with envy though the Japanese workmen do many things in a way opposite to that employed by Euro peans they do not go so far as to build the roofs of their houses before making the foundations At least such was not the method employed at Chicago in making the buildings there for when the houses were very nearly completed tin roofhad not yet been put on the numerous on Japan written by recent travellers through that land give all the information that the curious could care for is Hint Wind breaks that will protect the orchard from northwest winds will often aid materially in growing good crops of fruit trees are of bull rouble after they to grow but along the less profit than fruit Whenever there is not sufficient time to everything at the right time in the too much been undertaken Toronto Junction Council a year to the Mechanics but from proof LAUD MUST CO since to talis Its place The with which the people have hailed the advent of the New Shortening evidenced by the rapidly Increas ing Is PROOF not only Its great value a new of diet but Is aiw of the general desire he of InOI- unwholesome liilnglard and of all the Ills that larJ promotes Try The local option law will go In lo force on May In the town ship of Pickering at once and no time In discovering like thousands of others that you have now NO USE FOR LARD only N K CO Wellington and Ann Bin MONTREAL it m a 3 9 HORSEMEN I 50 B I- a JARlKS POWDE PUREST STRONGEST BEST Coattloj do Alum Ammoali Pboptutcj or E W ILL Toronto KlKFORE ORDERING ROUTE BILLS FOR ELSEWHERE J CALL AT THE NEWMARKET ERA OFFICE AND SEE OUR COLLECTION OF SIXTEEN FINE HORSE PLATES COMPRISING CLYDESDALE ROADSTER AND GENERAL PURPOSE DESIGNS j a taaig i 3 BALE OR To To Lai DO LET All bills printed here will bo noticed free of in the Era Stallion Register for OrderB by promptly to JACKSON a OfHce At M Aurora is Carrying a debt of Ihc which arrived at ltoston last week brought the captain and twenty men of the fishing schooner Iceland of which was abandoned in a wrecked condition on March at Old Man has irat If oher work is not pressing too hard take half a day and get ready for spring If you find a broken part now is the time to mem it Arrange the toots in the Older in which you need them putting which sou will need last away first It may take a whole day to do all this and it may lake two days If it should take a week you cannot to overlook it Now is the time for farmers begin to push Dont wait for the work to push you Get your fencing ready get the wood pile all- cleaned up get your seed grain cleaned get your seed potatoes sorted get your seeds from a reliable firm your plans all completed get all the plow points and other fixtures you will use this year get a good supply of bolts get your horses in good shape and prepare to push TO LOAN- At farm by DAVID LLOYD for Agent or for fallow tl of jiiiii and KuyliiLd the Ufa Toronto Of kick Old IUt comer Malt Lot In the Court THIS COUNTY OK of of ituntjan of Set In ittrihnnU Hie undo ihoCoonty York for llio Mry Ann Patrick of T I Solicitor for irr Dated At lfOJ FRAME GRAIN DRILL of our in all other kiwis FARMTO LET the FOR pits Guar ante ami and priV4at NOTICE 3d the Best Drill Made of all kind THE cur ifithiha ltnl to cur cir at price a lower than ever CO CURE iWff D A SHARON at the for an Act 10 aft l A- Supply A with to nt mi Kvl Ktm Vautrbau York Id and the Cut TorODtofotbe Mnvylme from in city of Tojouto anUof city Toronto of work for ltoiiittflc And wild with power to of In with tbo MM work ami for oilier and may bo nttcftry lotnablo fully and out to I for varuo for Applicant Dated at TVnoln tbla Silt day of March 93 MARKET Co iomp Ion Crotti Throat Sold by all a SWtBckorChwtSblJohaPoroua will VITALIZER bat Irautyoltoxoaid CATARRH REMEDY Wed Inkctcr lor it licuisffitfai tMViM Pine Tree Grist Mills mm f It I anil the also added It prepare Grisling Chopping fcbort Chopping Done Daily Good taken In Kxchatiico for Holler It to cull 3iu3 Ji In Ml at orally llio tfhc lr- to ilia of Throat and CM a tfon tin breathing Un Wpttlnstnn Throat A la Kurppa and Long tin Will April All ihoold of of Dr after Crip Europe Catarrh the Head and Catarrhal mod alio VoiS KnTttcTonlli IolrpttlofthoNotcoraoy ad a kolfo- trial Auctioneer NORTH Saturday at it lull to two will prod bo offered ueitOD by MERICAN the 1st day of April lo County Silo 1IHCCL hallo of Town Oa Parcel barn alaoa MB Tha of mo of It a good aod Rood orchard at ttlc yt pufchaainaoy to bo by at rpriDolpaltoba paid rpaxtloQlaTi apply to J G41VANIZCD Mill Tower it tf TUB CO For Dairies OB AIIKI For Wood Sawing Churn In Itoot lulplotf Water that work of four JuTACh for on and mill on earth- for STORE A two did for I In S the luJun- hi WldblftU TOWN PROPER FOR SALE acrcurt all old ViVx an harii aruloutbtildlofit well liberal to fttadt SEASON MAKES OF HORSE SHOES HORSE NAILS BLACKSMITHS Notice tol Creditors JAMES BOYD iiup 110 Siftinlei of J onil ho of In before lie Will town of a Kxoc- TAtoinoDt of nil other of llollaod of York of January oa Day of A townd to T- J Wood agent for Will by ru prcnild their aulnt of the It linniedHHly will o titrilca to vl And thoaibl or of SUNDRIES VERY DESIRABLE Til SHE North property of Mt4tiatlir lu floo collar tie- Timiii properly located Simeon Itti than minute For aic letter to J DESIRABLE FOR SALE BELONGING TO THE- CALDWELL W W I US BAR BAND ASSORTED STOCK OF HOOP IRON AND STEEL Ol- TORONTO ALL SIZES JAS PROP J GLASS ON HAND at WILLIAM JOHN I Notice to ihclr If bold by further that I lira day April to lha led having of which ifcoy notice not bo llnblo In to any par ion or not It 13th day of March Creditors Chap o of iff of itmSk and partis ftivljif nit- Of rffOHflLAa tutBut of Towohlp Kin of who or abaul iUv A I of The Jane Sons i yflHUFflCfURiHOorLTD OP NEWMARKET LUMBER TRY OUR PAU TUBS AND of A J- Woe agent of of Mid Utter addrvMC Kientnt And after proceed awoo than hare Aod MM llabto of cot have had null CO of Dated at tfomark March ln fill Iho Town of for Will and Ihvlr and full luritcuNM of Iho Mid of ibclr of ltd- ld day of April forthwith or raid entitled w of which I red wilt not bo to any tbu tho this PO Shingles Siding Flooring Moulding OUR AIM GOOD WORK Lath Boors Sash and Blinds POSSIBLE PRICES fa tar S1I0ULU WILD A WITHOUT EN- OUR INSIDE SLIDING BLINDS Soil That W Two ilia and Wiwo lib WWtJflJ Coo For DUNNS BAKING POWDER FARMERS- A ChMltr JJMJ FOR SALE Shropshire YOUNG Alio a row Box FOR SALE iV-

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