r Z MARCH Soir you orfercd SrJi tailor c Bd Chamois Mr Uioal dec- of tti Home The to an into by which mail ft id Tract Society The we very a abandon S8FOK5Nexl Sun- in CWtda of Great The Trus tee of the of England property fata made aertoo on corner end Chorch by removing the old We that la to coma down and other to be nuke which corner at School The answer by Mmi of lha little at the Modal School aro onto aomeUmea and the teacher hire many a marry la their while the la en ad vanced form break right oat Among the for written lamination the other day was one Name five differ- wood Berk wood green wood dry wood fire wood and cord wood Another with a fanny Kama five differ ent kiada of grain Chaff bran hay and dried oats Dairy Coupaky The directors met Hit Saturday to per feet Arrangements regarding opera tions of the new Cheese Factory C Pentie end Irwin were appointed a com to lay the for the collection of milk and elsewhere a notice to who would like to milk but have not yet put their application Into definite form moil be done before tenders can ha ac cepted for the delivery of the milk the Factory Anybody that not come in now will probably have to carry their own milk doctor fa one and an Uki3wn ihroojhont the At tte the choir Awake op y Glory by willaleo xng On Monday doctor will lit of which will be the deficiency In the Pails Church deal tUi by a the Sartor teat Sunday in manner worthy FMllvall givco fiowara to tolEhlhiaBW Hi decoration of the be the largest lotb 5 The will he ll a fc Owning Prayer Sermon and p pi Sefcc p- itiSficca Special Offertory to meet the running of the dire Market There ii market Saturday Lota were alerting at lie cite at bat a great many doien nn at ran from to let of it w vjH at Lard It lie to to par Ahugeiaantityofpotatotawere riifrcaTSc per bag Cabbage Eras to each Large and potato for Ida nuirt Quite a lot fa aeaco of offered at par pair and per IK lol of cured meat offered what the latter front to and pork II5- Socurv A meeting of the EuUttotth Newmarket branch took list Friday evening when the the following Orchard with balance of from year mode Kill I Committee 1 contribution from and bat not having ar rlti it advisable to forward the Central at Toronto for foreign bead work When the other j- ere heard from the grant will be year Newmarket and to lie Uittiih and Foreign Bible Society Within In an J large be which up apart a feature great en- in our wr con iwilyVAhtVsctUt Into of that in oiiloy Kfi antral favorite arountl tfy in ilt W wearing Of ccnina Orangemco of long and honored to the cjfitUry ttlhM to with brother The Target There was an interest in Shooting Match hero on ami of the if frcorc of Richard Aurora Lapp John Sharon Henry J fldd Orchard It not an good day for and off for In Chain- Match Whitchurch and King the former won by What is- Icrr- Only a few rimmed and quart They cheap at ch A a A Painful Experience Some at school atoaye playing little tricks and little do they thick of the and worry they giro to par A of ft grabbing hate off and throwing them id torn in the effort hot a more matter came under oar notice A boy behind another email boy the rubber oat of end of a pencil into letter ear It jut largo to fill the entire cavity and still went in far to The told hie hut they did not discover anything and supposed that the child ffaa hut more than four afterward the ear became and and child taken to a doctor who the robber in bat the operation of removing It so that the boy had to bo put under the influence of chloroform warn their children patting in their The doctor that had the rubber not been when it it would probably have earned brain fever Christian Church The social held at the of de cided Aid ratting Mr two acceptably All present enjoyed themtel and the feel encouraged in Baza The of hare a Targe attend- at their Fancy Bazar in the Town Hall next No will be charged In the aod In the evening for small sum of tan a will be given refreshments in addition the dtaplay of and fancy article Newmarket Post Oft ice log anumermtion week there war mailed at Newmarket card etc- photo IS a total being an average a day and Mr tails It poorest week to count for a long time week either side of would bare shown a far larger re cord A Handy Article Mr F Invln has the fiolo for the of Whitchurch and for a new article the Egg Craw It tin in convenient capable of holding do and the partitions can bo and into the cover that box can ho carrying home There are many Q5e which will make this article friend to every farmer has butter Or anything alt to market Farmers Who are call on G A lliuna of They run J rap do hot clog or gum up and only lccach At reg ular prayer- an lion Dine naa to lbs I heir intention of uniting with the church Sunday while J Odery preaching In Church Toronto the pulpit bora vary acceptably by Mr a at Victoria UniYtttUy who exhibited marked ability in both and also preached at Sharon in afternoon regular Union meeting will take place next Sunday at During Parlor being re- papered and Aid hold regular meeting in Church Parlor next afternoon whan the of lug the Spring will come op for A Fine Line The Oxford wood cook the cook ing yet produced especially table for young farmer starling for They are on exhibit at tin A a Mil lhn weather la keeping knowing the bay Irirn hence their It more Important on thai our tU of that the and regulation unitary are rigidly Clean up to of wiry citizen there are town All Iheae iiKtHttcJiij to to at an day Health cleaning at once Warm IUr vill toon bo litre when character will to both A little m rnako rji in direction and to tbo geii- JJ dab in Town U a financially J Already a large number J of and J faring If not their al K ut all Beaotona Molly O J io The Toronto which n the in Canada and In the by fitna 1UBt4y bit In will to make op Hughes Store Packed With a nice assortment of Spring at rock bottom prices a About every other family man was oat Friday keeping the water away from cellar on account of the big Ihiw After a as this the wish doubtless general that an early Easter may mean an early alio VEry make it a point to eeo that their backyards and Jane- properly cleaned out and the either carried away or horned wthont delay men are grass on the railroad this week The late Uaolel Kelly left to be divided fonr children The time is fast approaching the transplanting of shade other trees in the Primary last Tuesday on account of tho the teacher cycle hoops and perambulators aro mon opolizing the sidewalks fir- A drives a One delivery Saturday fa the last day to petition license for neat Initiated throe new members Wednesday night C con- meeting on afternoon waa a Masonic at Aurora on attended by several Newmarket brethren- mem bers were added to the Mechanics Id this week and the having a good clrcttlatfona domes Io service was put In yester day Division HI in Model had a half- holiday yesterday- owing to the lUneu As I have again taken the agency for a few of best lnglfsh made wheels before buying you will do well to consult me Can also Supply a cheaper wade horn 9i0 up A bis a w ExA following is the the Fourth Book Class in public school The subjects arithmetic grammar literatare history and geography Dumber of marks MS The examination was tnade to be fully at as the seniors and wrote on the same Spiers 312 Timothy John Wright Dickson Heme- The above four were promoted to Ben- Walter Clais Walter Jackson Ada Kennedy Frank Howard 1U0 Frank Doan 201 JukaOOa Oliver Clark fitnsllcy Howard Cane Olive Kites I5 Minnie lit Harold Fred 12C Watson ItQni Kvane Herbert Alfred with Dunn a atar absent Arthur Caldwell attheeurttaatton Fletcher In one The following absent from than subject James Bark Frank Millard Willie Charlie Minnie Lena Ethel If you are thinking of new suit for early Their ordered clothlnK deirtnitut ha Justly the reputation of the Toronto and the I Toronto a Faceto Fack there is anything abont a mans character that savors even of sasplcion it wilt be exposed to view in Division Court uncere moniously as If ho were a candidate for municipal or political honors Court last Tuesday proved to be a very interest ing to spectators and no a prof itable to legal fraternity Morgan presided and 29 suits formed the docket The court room was crowded and the first Sweet vs and Greenwood till two oclock It nifty bo remembered by our readers that this case came before the Judge at the previous court and dismissed but the plaintiff asked for a now trial which His Honor granted and following chosen to sit upon it Messrs Grant John A liar- land and Geo Hughes The stance as near as we could gather are these James was assisting at a threshing at John Greenwood all the parties residing East the bam there fa a four feet square built from the about foot having a foot drop into the base ment for purpose of straw down to the Sweet was not aware this and while working at pack ing straw into the mow he fell first down the with fork in bit hands It was almost a miracle that his nock was not broken the tines of fork in the boards way and he turned a thus breaking the fall and lighting on his feet pretty badly shaken up As tbe mouth of fib to was previously covered with straw Sweet charged and Mr Greenwoods son John with putting up a practical joke on and sued for damages After hearing tbo evidence jury returned a verdict of damages and doctors bill concur red la the verdict and assessed the de fendants with both trials which will foot up to not ess than Another case which was par interesting to spectators was that Geo and Win vs in which the latter was sued for SCO dam ages In making a sale nf an Implement sold a Alfred Dennis for a but about the time that the note was duo horse died and was on of warranting bo when purchased being two against two case was argue when the Judge calmly re marked I never look for reason In a horse trado or machine agent I take naked facts as I find them Tho case was nonsuited which gives tbe the privilege of entering the suit again any time within six years should they find stronger evidence to sustain their case The other suits were rushed through hurry and tho court ad- about oclock Our Toronto SrnVl to ih Em for weeks have been revival awrtcw In and fere- was- iht Una more than Are rod son lhiir three aerrlcea and on each of week Co the tjbL On Ihey hare been boa- In Central the Haven be- riles the sick and lha and homes or these see tbelx In salvation of some dear relative or friend- foil ravuicof of these men be known In tbe or has there been such a of Spirit of flod the of men after the and such wcodarfol been witnessed were never beard of before this tfetbodUts lTomatiCathoHca ffathered at these bars lh power tb Spirit of God In the con- rinaoa to nor to of From towns led soma by hoar ffelUu bate bare strsfed Into Iho on flunday embrace appeals from Mr as not a and have Ixc arreted Io course w occurred two weeks of lheftaioT Ms war to the Ho the church and was of rfronkenncs not but tbe for Mr iho sls of Mr Cromer before wo listened to divine truth as bare from lips of Mr nut of unemotional elojuet appeals for the sinner to field to Christ aa from Mr a old full of the at lltuc j lo deepest depth of emotion for lost J- March BaixaNVHAK ltb Met at McQuillans Hole all A ration was Jos the CouocU that he bad broken a sleigh la that had been laid on aide Una between lota Con- and ask- joe topi the repairs to wero presented by Edward Miller for aide line between and Con- Also Edward Miller labor in opening gravel pit and repaint Inci dental work Reaolotlons worn ordering Treasurer to pay the bills to and order tbopAjmootof said claim considered Sklnocr to per- his for current rear on side line between lota Si and ft Coo West half of Kut half No Coo ft pissed town Odeera for the re cutting Highways CoUQClladjournoJlotneet note on Saturday nth of ApiJh AND In all Departments T H AND TYL AND TH We ever opened up W STEPHENS El AT THE King Council jr iiiKitU ftoCHinUi J gravel road A road White Von John Con- Brett repair to Joseph bill dog tax John Wright bridge Cta Cfeik was instructed to dealers to get their on above articles aud also to re new Moved by Cherry aecondoi A that printing for this ship he let to Prank Morrison of at resolu tions be reclndedCarrted waa Instructed defend suit In the Division Court Of Steels Vet of King Also to receive from treasurer la error from John It was Instructed to do- matter redltcb to ii on Coo A by Jas Cherry future Council do not refund for dogs whose has not appealed on or Court of lie- vision Car proiented from the rate payers of vicinity asking that the road he where It Can i Kul half King- rat ions were also received from different parte of asking for to cut duyn bills Coimcll II Inspect bills Id pert of laid fall until next Ill Large shipments have been pouriogiti every every of Our Store until we have a complete stock In Printed Cottons and we can give you the highest of art beauty of design color free from the imperfections from cents up We are allowing wonders in Cheap and Stylish Felt Unto in childrens youths gluts sizes Our Curtains sell at flight We have imported these direct from the Nottingham manufacturer getting exactly the wanted fit prices that that the profit isnt in it selling from per pair up Our dollar goods are perfectly beautiful Our Wall Paper direct from the manufacturers only requires the most casual look to satisfy customers that you can get the best appearance for the least money from us and we in it by trimming the edges neatly without nicking free of charge on our machine terms cash R J I SHARON Council April adjourned to meet at MOUNT ALBERT Ini6ropa Hot bone morning aster bonnet will bloom 1 toads In an awful condition House baa commenced Paper bangers are rasters will soon be decorations neit Next Saturday Is Alt Fools Day Be ready for tricks Jack wai In order today In shade last Friday 17 same time next day Lott Spring binds around- Easier Monday Is a Bank holiday Model and Apr next wcfc Awnings are replaced Yells and In order week llot too coo for aap to run well meeting next Wed- erg On Thursday night the Christian Church here made their Rev- C a donation visit At about over uncetemonloutly took possession of the The ladies ftom their well filled baskets soon had a sumptuous tea prepared after all had partaken a very pleasant evening was spent The choir the company with singing pastor and family made all so none could feel but that from a social stand be produc tive of much At a late hour the company dispersed leaving for their pastor and family a lighter heart and a heavier purse Our population fa still Increailng I think we will soon bo able to be ated- Mrs Charley presented her with a bouncing have been married li years and fa offspring Mrs Jas Miller also presented her husband with a girl Mr Bur has been away get ting married 10 Toole of There racket at of hotels when aroroWer pulled out who carry wwpone looking after has going on In a couple of villsgo and It re ported that some caught in act Bell Is to give a lecture with lantern viowa on Friday night Miss Crittenden Is homo from Toronto very tick Mr Brooks tale was a grand Mist Leek has a which augurs well for future attainments of oor rising population LLOYDTOWN The sixth annual meeting of the Shamrocks a junior football club In this place was held at Woods hall on Monday evening March 27 The following officers were elected for the coming season J Arm strong President A S- Wright Captain Wood Treasurer Watson Secretary The above club is ready to receive challenges from any of the neighbor ing junior clubi- We arc glad to see our old friend Mils back with us again Mr of Newmarket has been spending a few weeks in this neighborhood Wc hope he may return before long as he has made many warm friends among us Mr Vanhorn teanttter for Doyle Bros report the roads to be very bad along the line The young people of and a sort of farewell parly at Mr It last Friday Mr- Boyd left for his new borne on Wednesday and he and his family missed from village Mite left week for an Indefinite visit In Pickering- Mr I of Perm calling on old acquaintance last Saturday There will bo a special service fa St James on Good Friday Miss Maude la visiting her aunt Bradford week Preparations for egg social on Monday evening are progressing finely and as admission fee Include tea and a good program wo look for a crowd A few of our farmers have this thus far weather naa been too cold for a good run of sap Mannings children of spending holidays at Mrs Jndah WATCHES Our a a Mat ajCO Hour per barrel baiael When perl OH on on on 60 1 r i a Batter roll pec lb Batter tab per lb Apples per ton pair Decks per Clover per SCO Seed per fib per bushel CO I 1 Bat I I a a a a a a a WW a a a Oil a a a 01 a TOO 0tt a 0 a a SCO a a MAIN ST just and am exhibiting a Line of Watches at very low prices See our OK Gold Watch at only a left See them before buying ATKINSON JEWELER Old Gold and Silver taken in exchange for goods NEW PR I NTS It early to talk Prints but we have some beauties all guaranteed fast colors Call early so as to have first choice As we wish to reduce our stock of Winter Goods as much as possible before stocktaking we will oiler them at the lowest possible price Our slock of Gro ceries will be found Fresh Well Assorted at Our Blended Tens and Coffee are still unequalled t- Telephone Connection Main St Just Arrived A Hs LUNDY GREAT BARGAIN HOUSE Fine Assortment of Clothing for the Spring Trade Ordered Clothing a as usual A consignment of Spring Hats expected in few days MAIN STREET The four- yearold son of J run over by a at I Hamilton and instantly killed a i I Toronto Haricot Mar Wheat per Baxter per bushel Peas par bushel Bolter per lb Apples per Wool lb per too pair in i I a mm a i a 0 on on on iw CM 0C3 on i to 0t3 all CO a a ISO If you want value in spying and sum mer BOOTS AND SHOES Try at MONTGOMERYS QUALITY UP PRICES DOWN See Montgomery Sons slock of Fancy Tweeds ings and Spring Over coatings Goods Low Fit and Workmanship Guaranteed is our motto l A cyclone caused awful de struction of property in and last week and or five were lo As the result of a quarrel be tween relatives over the ownership of tome property eight miles east of John was killed by of a gun in the hands of Shipman general from to S rorAensotor teal WiodmiJla near wi Viodmiila WMDDKL COWIESON bow prepared to do fa Word coo be rale ton BOOTS SHOES RUBBERS AND OVERSHOE STILL THEY COME No Main St Newmarket WAKES A Stockjof AJ1 New and Fresh direct from Manufactur ers now sale at MARTIN ROBINSONS OLD STAND PRICES ROCK BOTTOM GOODS MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES ONE PRICE TO ALL Custom Work and Promptly Attended to Satisfaction Guaranteed A Call Solicited before purchasing WILSON GO