J TJ TO AM BANK Friday Morning GEO AT tut lb w REACHED 8UBSOBIBKRS hud Ill NOjj wee Vol Single Copies Cents Each NORTH YORK AND ADVERTISER No paper Boot J No York paid la advance Newmarket Branch on DRAFTS ISSUED Newmarket Friday March 1893 Strictly in Advance within or 150 t end of year a Dr boost fa Notts J St BO ROSS BIT SOLICITOR for of tile a to 52 MAIN ST CAME SelldWn Hourly King r- cab- DB A J- TOABT jr ibni if Si loS Barf eon vie CboreB Has TtuTfl till for L HOME irk Newmarket- I York A Sugar Makers Cough dont delay BALSAM BEFORE BUYING SHOULD INSPECT OUR OF T IN PAILS BUCK the a d At cue G A BINNS Richards 5t Qentterrun over mount ains I took a seven cold which set tled in toy back ant kidneys causing me many sleepless nights of pain The application of MINARDS LINIMENT so relieved me that I fell into a deep and complete recovery shortly followed Telephone No 30 Successor to WRIGHT CO Repairing dons promptly WJ Auctioneer UtU JitHSOS At Era OlOc4 Office SPOT CASH SHOE Is making a Big Clearing Sale of Boots and Shoes lor the next days so as to reduce my stock to make room for Spring Goods The Bargains you will find all down the centre of the shop When I say Bargains you know I mean what I say They last long at the prices put them at Now come along he bod in flyom Holding ja All life is Lord it know why hit Wood CANADA MANITOBA nun Thro Him bow tId To friend they bed And til Afros rant to bring their Lord their King And Ant Baiter mora the break of day By taring were borne Ointment to When Behold the la rolled away oar Lord if they look within Two arrayed in white Meet their astonished sight Beak not the living moog the dead Your Lord is risen as Be said Still alary weeping stands they Laid my Lord Sweet fill her hands Grief like a mighty sword Pierces her heart tears blind her ayes All unprepared for sweet surprise why then tall mi where My een now Oh tell ma tell me where tnrnd beard a Which made her bleeding hear rejoic Master Lord Conqueror Before Thy mighty sword Death pales retreats sye mote Is swallowed up in notory And ransomed sinners now are free you do for outside Don you be troubled in min bout Aunt Deb Law fin fcr ais Taint out in world naked I turn got yit Aunt Deb I With this cheering assurance Chloe Ann jumped into bed and was soon fast asleep Aunt Deb spoke truly when she said that the girl was clar grit Until the last eighteen months of her life she had always been illfed and overworked When she was eleven yean old her sickly mother became a show Reckon youre ashamed to it said the girl mockingly Like nough replied Ann with apparent indifference Why Ann Isnt your egg here yet exclaimed Mrs All the eggs were to be here at five oclock rack Ann Debs special dat Shes fetch it But it ought to be here now urged Mrs Something must have detained her Run and bring it yourself thats a good Law You helpless invalid upon Ann pen on me nohow git MIS EDIT only rather Ibe Toronto or Snslc Tbornrish and PEBKISH town holding a SOunehoDrleesonitj Piano Dm up St J CLOCK MAKER Stove fur gotd fit tad swrr to at cosHH9 Repairing Neatly AND Done SIGN RED BOOT GRIFFIS HI SB CORNET SOLOIST Toronto Is now pro- a more A solicited MR A STOUFFER CONCERT BARITONE CHOIRMASTER of Church of la Voice Culture Ex- and To or Now- 111 URE DRUGS CHEMICALS CHOICE PERFUMES AND TOILET ARTICLES V V MILLER Teacher Photos Photos G PEPPIATT A VINO A A AUENTor JUKaiif t Slock per 160 jwu lor all J- JKJLUKHri Prop AMKHIOA in to Aurora ftod tunc SWEETFLAVORED CASTOR OIL Pleasant to the Taste THE LEADING DRUG STORE NEXT POST OFFICE STUART Proprietor the of Mr lo MAINTAINING THE LEAD ffoarnneea to turn oat work to city work nod far Will faa Jo Crayon or Mr aim will flood hood wiiti work but Bran Old J IS Notary CANADA LIFE CO CAPITAL AND FUNDS- DOLLARS WITH AN EYE Anyone can see the of our STOVES AND 111 LU 2 TINWARE Ida jQHOPFiKO i ft Co hatlo of licoaor Dow day O- ELTKKClIa y vol want The we manufacture are made out of solid material Now in the time to order Milk Paila and before the Spring ruab HODGE CO MAIN ST SOUTH Tatrorllalrr 4 to OPEN LETTER Format of North York AUo- to ItroMh put or ba jog wtv with tba of I lb Implement int of latta to tell our MAY A inbuirtcirad an J mo hiiiui I 1 tic uf ICOt tJi aritf of d ouca 1 wojlxuioijojiilaiialahcoiiappUculop Coy lo iba da- aa l tt b iba boat If lo of a call i R B SMITH NEWMARKET Kings Evil la anothsr nam for and to SCOTTS EMULSION Of Pure Norwegian Cod OH and a pwt Wood tfiflowfcif Oil fOH Anns Aunt Deb sat near the front win dow of her house a great hole in the heel of Anns stocking and wondering chile so late she come she claimed glancing up the road like a turkey A moment later the flew open and Chloe Ann rushed into the room Aunt Deb she gasped gals up ter Look I I wants know you mean inter house way in repose manners you is Ann I Reckon I done year old mis Miss Rosa a times an like her Shet dat do 1 Bless gra cious Pears MaVh win blow all inter room Now you set down in ar cheer an don year nudder wud you you ketch yo Cbloe Ann puffing like a small steamtug rolled up her eyes des pairingly and tumbled into a chair Id koowed youd fer ter year bout Easter said she slyly as soon as she was seated but be mighty Wat ter do up dar inquired Aunt Deb eagerly grinned gaJs she said dey ter git up a show in so have an exclaimed Aunt Deb repeated Ann im pressively An dey have cep kin make era a small as spar- or kin make em as big as kin lot kin stuff era or dey kin leave era holler but gals bleeged invent by her ownaloneself An Mis Dodd she done tole us dat de gal make ter git a prise ob ten dollars Here Ann paused an instant to give Aunt Deb time to take in the full import of this announcement Then she proceeded with her tale gal long yaller curls she say me Nobody youll make Chtoe Ann An I say Den I to sprite em After she axed me I reckon I kin make prize An I lowed I try an I Den she laugh mighty scornful an toss up her head say mo but dea stan gals an watches out an years I knows ah- now how 1 wut I alters done folks you was grit honey Deb But I zackly you mean you talk bout rigmal Hoi ejaculated Chloe Ann from all res an ter make I make in all creation Ann shouted Aunt Deb switching her niece sharply with the stocking which she had just mended You chile Don you year no mo dat kind talk You gwine be took at your wud some day an struck dead a clap o tunder des like an Sira was done struck wasnt mindin wat say- Go long fetch in an armful light an chicknhouse do an look la Black Jane I done sot hen Not in the least abashed Cbloe Ann bounced out of her chair and clapped her hands declaring that she knew lackly ter put in in side dat an she shouldnt as nobody kas was all blongln her ter dern chile said Aunt Deb Bigs bleeRed have mon in- sides Go long an do some o flouriaoin de wood pile tea well set roun stove an bout dat riginal It was after ten oclock when Aunt Deb and her niece rose from their seats before the fire An attcr all spectin an con- said Aunt Deb despondent ly we nuke out ter kiver were laid burdens far too heavy for one so young Many a time she lay awake all night with hunger that the mother might not suffer Many a time she stood between ber drunken father and her mothers bedside warding off the blows intended for the sick woman receiving them at last upon her own shoulders When the mother died died two years later and her father declined to support her Ann begged and worked her way from Georgia to a small in Pennsylvania where Aunt Deb lived- Her aunt had dent money to pay the cost of the journey but the father had discovered it and gained possession of it The poor child could neither read nor write when she entered village school but Clear grit she ignored the ridicule of the little ren with whom she was obliged to re cite and worked with all her might to make up for lost time Mrs a wealthy and benevo lent woman was at his time greatly interested in funds for the Orphan Asylum which she had been the means of starting in the village She conceived interesting the school girls In the enterprise and proposed that they should have an exhibition of Easter eggs invention She would give ft prize of to for the most singular and unusual pro duction Ten Cents admission fee should be asked at the door The ladies should provide refreshments and after the committee had decided on the most original egg there should be a grand sale of the eggs for the benefit of the asylum The teacher permitted the girls to interest themselves in so deserving a cause and presently the whole village became very much interested in toe exhibition No one was more thoroughly ex cited than Chloe Ann She about eggs she dreamed eggs- hope and courage never failed riot even when it lacked only four days of the appointed time and her egg was still without and outside Aunt Deb was not so sanguine and expressed her surprise at Chloe Anns cheerfulness Law Aunt Deb I Ami I up long Aint I alters made out to ketch up at do head out dis minute vestergate store winder Spec Ill skiver To I comes home So saying Ann put on her hat and shawl tad started off singing in a high key load so fergit da dis tress An dent Stans by scoff Per harder da de res An do bigger do feed in trough I In less than half an hour she was back again There was a package her arms and a look of solemn joy on her face Come in udder room she said in a hoarse whisper and Aunt Deb went into the other room with out a moments delay When the two emerged from the little bedroom they quivered with the of the secret in their pos session Spec you got to sew fua lot said Aunt Deb Alter dat stick fas you kin make inquired the girl rather anxiously Aint I make dem balls fei Elliss long you was homed Does you imagine dem days an done rain Bless gracious I kin tell wud for and kin urn too But got to do some spermentin Chloe Ann you had no sperunce mighty glad aint no school week Anns delight knew no bounds She danced and capered about the room until Aunt Deb was thoroughly out of patience The eventful day dawned at last it seemed to Chloe Ann the long est day of her life She was dressed for the evening long before the time and as soon as the clock struck seven she ran into the When she opened the door she was dauled with the sight The boys had trimmed the large room most tastefully with evergreens and had arranged flags and other draperies with charming effect The Easter eggs were displayed on tables near the wall There were almost small as sparrers with a rosette and loop of very narrow ribbon at each large end covered with swanidown containing bottles of perfumery or waiting to receive a ladys jewels and eggs resplendent in blue and red velvet or plush large enough to hold comfort ably the elegant dolls that lay within Chloe Ann drew a long breath Lao glory she exclaimed at last twas all mighty foolish make cat enations on dat ten dollar But lakes live I Aint ter bout Somebodyll buy my sho Ann smiled cheerfully upon the rival eggs and went her way os tentatiously tossing over her shoulder lhe long scarlet ribbons that depend ed from a tight braid which stood out at right angles to her head and was exactly three inches loog An hour later she met Florence am safe she house ter de school an soun Spec hits kase in repose manners added a chuckle Well its very strange if a girl fourteen years old cant be trusted carry a parcel I said Mrs Dodd im patiently Just as be committee who were to award the prize were about to with draw for their conference Chloe Ann opened the outside door that thrust a very anxious face out into the dark ness Here I is panted Aunt Deb An you kin yo Ise come 1 never no seen skittish job as afo An year no racket as come inside dish yer aig I goodness 1 twas a clock An feared tome dun off in road Here judge Cattton slid Mrs taking a huge bundle from Aunt Debs reluctant arms and giv ing it to a gentleman standing near her It is so that you wilt have to exhibit this egg from the platform Judge Cariton proceeded to lhe platform closely pursued by Aunt Deb who the wrapping of tissuepaper as he mounted the steps Kudoi shouted small boy A popcot egg P t m A popcorn egg sure enough and shining and sparkling as if Jack Frost had breathed upon it I A murmur of surprise and admiration ran through the room Look out excitedly ter keel bit over Keep hit little end up I Mrs stepped upon the plat form and assisted Judge Carleton to raise the upper half of the great egg When Black Jane Aunt Debs fa hen was disclosed sitting on a nest of white cottonbatting every- body began to clap a dozen fluffy little black heads thrust them- out from under the wings of the old hen and the applause be came deafening At this all the little black heads disappeared and everybody laughed Of course Chloe Anns egg took the prize The committee were not absent from the room more five minutes j and as soon as the sale began Mrs Dodd was sorely perplexed for it seemed as if every one wanted bug Chloe Anns egg What a jolty time they all bad I How the people laughed and cheered when excited individuals bid against themselves I At last dat riginal was knocked off at fifteen dollars to old Mr who had been very much opposed to the Chloe Ann how did you ever happen to think of putting that brood of chickens into your egg inquired one of the ladies said Chloe I alters was a ting to be inside There was a great shout then Chloe Ann laughed louder than any one else Judge Carlton patted the woolly head approvingly Chloe Ann said Aunt Deb as they were walking rapturously home in the moonlight youse est gal in ar I proud on you honey I certnly is Lawl exclaimed Chloe Ann with a little tremble in her voice Aint I done you never A Companion Ufa Awl lis The annual meeting of the Foot- Ball Club took place in Hall last Tuesday evening The follow officers were elected for the comiog season George Sin clair President John Gillies Vice- President George Rolling D SNOWBALL A surprise party was given to Mr Levi Appleton before his departure to Toronto where he has accepted a situation in Abel Manufacturing Co and on Thursday evening after prayer meeting he was presented with a gold watch chain as a token of esteem Mr Albert Davis was presented with a young daughter on Sunday last and Mr James Andrews with a young son on Monday Mr J fi Johnston has returned after having spent a couple of weeks visiting friends around Aven- I kin ax Miss Cole whom she bad described boxes youll git oulcnpdst gal de long yaller curls an like nough shell gimme Wheres egg inquired strong muslin But I dunno Florence Mlnards Liniment cures Dandruff Egg a The use of eggs for Easter can be traced says Count in his Religious History of the Calendar to the theology and philosophy of the Egyptians Persians Gauls Greeks and Romans among all of whom an egg was a symbol of the universe the the Supreme divinity The Persians gave presents of eggs at the feast of the vernal equinox in honor of the renewal of all things The Egyptians held the egg as a sacred emblem of the renovation of man kind after the deluge The Jews adopted it to suit the circumstances of their history as a type of their de parture from Egypt and it was used in the feast of the as pari of the furniture of lhe table with the Paschal lamb The early Druids used the egg in their ceremonies In Russia one man greets another on Easter with Jesus Christ is risen Yes He is risen reply is made and then an egg is given In Mos cow no meeting takes place without this and exchange The meanest pauper in the street present ing an egg and repeating the words Christos may demand a salute even of the Empress In some countries of Italy are carried to the church to be blessed and then taken home and set out with flowers on table Every visitor during Easter week is invited eat an Easter egg an invitation which must not be refused Eggs in all countries are sent as tokens at this time and enter Into the sentiments and pas times of old and young alike After lhe of July next any person found with firearms or weap ons on his person and not having a certificate from a justice of the Peace him to do so will be liable to imprisonment without the option of a fine filnt man Because of the rdngu roads things are here at present All the firm lunds around are hired Wages at 14 and up The new baker at makes very good bread We hope it continues so Judging from the appearance of Henrys rig one would think he had met with an accident at the En deavor Elder of Keswick gave an sermon the Methodist church bet Sunday Quite a large number of horses have been sold around here at prices from to AURORA Last week to was enu meration week for the postoffices throughout the Dominion The total number of letters cards papers and parcels posted at the office- here was The total amount of pos tage wits The exodus to the Northwest and United States has now fairly set in During the past week no less than twentyfive left this part ten of whom were bound for points in Dakota In addition to the passengers there were three carloads of stock and effects shipped from here Mrs Long met with a serious accident Sunday morning She was emptying a pail of water at the rear of her residence when she slipped on some tee and fell heavily the pail breaking one or more of her ribs She has since been confined her bed but we are pleased to learn she is recovering STRANGE Mr David Archibald who has been seriously ill is now slowly recovering Mr Chas Archibald now wears a twentyfive cent smile caused by the advent of a young daughter Among the transient visitors we have Miss of Miss LeRoy of Toronto and Mr Wood councillor of Vespra Mr Thomas who has been in the Northwest during the past five yean returned home last week Messrs A and P McCallnm who have been extensive farmers in this neighborhood for a number of years had a large sale of farm stock hav ing rented their homestead They are moving to Aurora The ladies in counection with the Wesley Methodist Church Strange gave a social tea in the church on Tuesday evening March which was a decided success The receipts About sixty invited guests assem bled at the residence of Mr A J Strange on Monday last to celebrate the twentyfifth anniver sary of his wedded life EGGS I OR The Witnat says the num ber of rick people In Bradford can be counted by the doteni Five women and one child were burned to death in a fire at Cleveland Ohio lat Thursday Some scoundrel cut the tongue out of a cow belonging to Mr Chas- Bull a farmer near Weston During the past season Mr Robinson has shipped from over barrels of apples 6L The nickel mines at Riddles southern Oregon have been sold to at English syndicate capitalized at The fellow who hasnt the money to travel with has satisfac tion of knowing he wjll not be killed in a railway accident Mrs Elisabeth of Monday by her lawyers Burns issued a writ for against James of township Slander is alleged The Great Northern Transit Co- of will run one of their boats to Chicago during the Worlds Fair every second week dur ing the months of June July and August Fishery Inspector George Clark again down on the fishermen at the Narrows This time he caught three and imposed a fine of each and confiscated their out fit This makes sixteen that have been caught this spring so far Ess- Gilbert Showers had several of bis ribs broken and was otherwise considerably injured on Tuesday last while cleaning out a well on pis farm on the con Whitchurch near Musaelmans lake Some boards were being drawn out of the well by a person at the top and when near the surface they slipped from the rope and fell upon Mr Showers who was at the bottom of the well March A large earthen box has been found buried five feet under the surface The box was filled with old Spanish coins The amount of treasure will reach fully one hundred thousand dollars It is supposed lhe money was buried by a Spaniard more than a century ago as there was at that time a large colony of them employed here in working the mines The says Two still cases have been tried at the Police Court here within the week On Thursday John Ferris for whiskey was punished with a fine of and three months im prisonment On Tuesday Robert was fined and months imprisonment for still and in default of payment the fine he will go jail lor three longer Liniment cures Burns c A neat illustration of the value of sagacious advertising was given at the meeting of a city Young Mens Christian Association last Sunday when the Secretary stated that he had some curiosity to know what method of advertising reached the greatest number of He had circulated thousands of little dodgers giving notice of the meetings and asked those who had seen them and bad been moved to come through that means to rise The hall was packed as full as it could hold and of the entire number fifteen arose Then the asked all who bad read the notices in the newspapers and had been influenced by them to rise and the crowd rose in a body One little tetter doesnt seem to amount to much and the wonder is that the types do not get people into trouble At Wabash recently a grocer hung a number of old sacks in which he had been accustomed to place meat in a closet in the store These sacks took fire and the store was damaged The editor wrote sacks plainly enough but the intelligent com positor substituted an for the One by one the pioneers of the Township King are being laid to rest On Thursday last Mr BeU of Linton was interred in the burying ground at this place- For some weeks past Mr Bell has con fined to his bed but he gradually grew worse until the silvery thread of life was snapped and Ms spirit took its flight to his God on Monday evening last He had been living in the neighborhood of Linton for about years and was willing at any time to do a kindness to any one His funeral which was a large one took place on Thursday last Mr Sibbald preached a very impressive sermon the many friends gathered within the church and the many good ideas he expressed could not fail to be beneficial Mac Wilkie who has been for the last year in Manitoba and Michigan returned to his home on Tuesday last A missionary meeting was held in the English church but Friday even ing Mr very eloquently pointed out the good done by home and foreign missions and also showed how much good could be accom- How to Get ft Sunlight Picture Send Bonlighl wrapptrs wrapper bearing words Why Does a Woman Look Old Sooner Than a Man to Limited St Toronto and yon by post from advar- and well worth This is an easy way So yoor Tha soap Is ih beat in and will only postage 10 sand In lha sods I the M box ia directly above the a and lhe grocer was astounded to read the next morning that he had hung socks in the closet thai they had caused spontaneous combustion and ignited the store He wants damages because the printer made foolishness with his misfortune Gladstone is a level headed man few are more so He has lived to a good old age and it has just leaked out that one of the secrets of his remarkable physical and mental preservation is that he has always had faith in a variety of pursuits It is said of him that he found rest and recreation in a change of occupation We have the most implicit faith in theory and practice The man who year in and year out applies himself to the same routine duties whether of business literature or art rarely attains to robust old age We have faith in change in variety by which it not meant that being a lawyer a man shall abandon the law and take to medicine or being a merchant shall study theology but what we do mean is that change of scene change of association change of recreation each in turn has a happy effect upon the body and mind Heoce it is that travel it so stimulating and re freshing We then meet with new faces hold converse with those we have never met before partake of food that rarely finds a place at our own tables and upon scenery wholly different from that surrounding homesteads Mr Gladstone knows what he about He says a level road kills more horses than a rough one because it brings only one set of muscles into play and that men may profit from Writs I the moral of this fact