Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 17 Mar 1893, p. 3

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I EWHXRRJCTiiGEMi89J MX ox Ink- Anybody bom of IaNDS estate own- The Hall ht Hopper BUt JtmM to- patch by Meting Sunday issye Adopts to rf ttoIr from Owing to the riot night the ad- The totor It of applicant v fa inflecting bo jXftefc work commence or Com more to Newmarket follow art id the Hi We a ton in one fil5teri room school in coach ii foliation and looking over in re- to Last Cook irunJifl WerWork of to the t nd paid iMitiTil- iShool is best for ft mod told Best Prospect trails ft Considering the there a big market kBt have been gel- and on trJ leniency Now take tumble hum W the and Jircltonmo iihr and eggs Ibe ham a batter to tJ to per to per liwIb lorflrotnSS or front jtiiTS23 fur bind iiatflvftb effort to make April which being in- la Hfuco ill afford a great rib layers to will help to the er lata aoJ be en atio Mm and Tbe Bicycle aecariag at concert lhtixhe are not to srirj a tan fa dint content i made til rii pair ft At Dull Ft ftlUKl You hrt aitenlioo the Steel in iTtii of the of aik article ror will l fltra to Milium iNVXiriJeheencrgy lr by them to the W the f the farmer ft 3 Rod riitboUimt adivrliteOKut a to liUxrSt Drill Separate School at to fill Vacancy on Board do tbe ladies bat a raidoot mad a the day She a pin TOihionaadfotindnoUeatlian good Next I Escape root Bui for prompt application of a few of an yard onld beta tool aq boar nd a hall chimney is from a GOIHG No Go A In to Stngleloo Brown pat op by aaotfoa Bfttnrday at bid In at is a good crowd of men Two go Mr offered for farm- Twenty of ftlao on premie at Up The on giving all newt of a and getting oat as weekly lane without making any or blow of Immprta coare aeenn to be public a doiX new to oar lift lati week per order any time We every body when axplrt- No of Korth paid in advance Wake Up Perhaps it would be better for keeper- damped the bit of on If he would the end by dotoR ffreaily oblige ere annoyed at untidy of the take a walk other have to light during the that official allow eloTon- what can be axpeoled in back Next wwk wo innd to glto ruJea the Board of Health According to all portathereia to be a change la Mr Qoerrie decided to to Aurora His removal will likely take the 12tbBatiBandawayfrocn We an that the musical family about to lute hot opened the war for rt torh to airier town One thing we canny The Kood trice and held a posi tion which we hope our will to maintain Mr been leader of Bait Band for Whats the Wouldnt wo lite to know what tbe weather la going to bo ftach day for next two or three but with ail the experience the we cant always tell Even Old are not obeyed Saturday he fair milder wcatber but it rained nearly the and night After a few of genial air Jack again it being below ro and it not mod erated degree at noon it with a high wind ell night Model School Names of pupils II received over of Clue May Mary Walter Bertie George Bene Mtda Lehman Banter Herbert Charlie instead Bennett Flore Alice HI Bert Fred Alice Herbert Lawrence Sutherland George McDonald Percy Clay Clarence Weill Albert Frank Lily Q MlLUWERYAT M HUGHES Any lady before optn- jogday can leave order tfUliner to get if up In the very According to ibe al manac Spring was a little ahead of time if rude Winter only let the ei Borneo the town took to Saturday ol The Beta were covered with fiatturday evening cellars Be porta have reached that there ate a of town Una A flock of over the town In e northerly last you fee the rein- morning Two young girl and a boy were badly frighten tail afternoon Their felt too much Tbe Army bade big lett night V J next afternoon CH Next will preach to the School league arranged tor a Parlor at The Bowery No- atreet next games will be with e and program Dime A Twenty other Poet who are doing thronon and towns of the Dominion Mr J A of baa walking ticket on School Board at the of the potent year For twenty yerv Mr baa town In ibis cape Oily and that he been a valued dent member eying For oral year be dieobarged the of and for a longer period was elected of Board with credit to and all A Bad Somebody is guilty of despicable act I Saturday morn ing J bed being the best dog in and for be to to refaed was found dead the door time morn ing a fine coach dog belonging to Mr Vernon was laid dog bad a narrow escape Sunday morning en antidote for having been in time to uta it- There ia that a dose for doff bee been Axed some of bad Axed no one would say a word tint to valoetde too mean for New Board of In New market next to arrangements in connection with the License Act for The year com- the 1st of May bat all whether for a new lienor or renew to be made by of April In this connection roeu- lion that notices been posted op In all In end this week warning people wiling or lienor for Barclay and it now alter man that violated the part of flotloe not long it posted np- penalty in this case is not less or SO in jail Savh Yellow back It al ready shotting influence certain pupils the An incident occurred the other day wh show the necessity of parent end other entrusted with the of using their to gain a manly end derating tone and the children from evil It necenry of In stead of submitting the boy an Open knife do children obtain ideas that things may be done in a One great trouble they are owed to sttMls they be in their beds mix in all kinds of company hear len- to be ottered When one consider evil to children are the wonder ia not the so many torn oat but bat so many torn oat as veil an they do The teacher desire and is to train the children his charge to become good citizens is often at a loss to know harm done by to the other not greater then the good dona in trying to save all the wont After what has occurred it bebo res every parent to rigidly enquire into what literature their children are reading in spare mo menta and to keep off streets night Prices Down Roche Co down price of Coal Oil week to per gallon VoiLKIsewheie has itthoritol the Mayor to the Ontario the Alliance communication r voting the If Labrador Hekrinos a at a The ttixn win- no it These are the days when fanners are on look- cot for kinds of improved machinery two in view the largest and of tal labor in will be ootid an regarding a Mill for which Mr a practical farmer and faS been agent for time If you era a farmer and yon any as utility or efficiency of this Mill advise yon to call ttjMiu any or alt the well gentlemen premises Mr Wed del has already erected mills namely Union fit Francis Ml Albert of Bel- haven John Walk er Win J Elmer en from the Sgal the action vrjmcijt i of the a The In Hit- minority to the it 11 in 6 some tnctl had on the Council lfafilg trade and tiwooo pwi the the inioal- that it does not follow prdilUlim Is a jjYJniel be fM will role the other hand e at ihoowads of tr Regular meeting of Board Tuesday evening all bets present except Or Boot Aniens the passed for wood The priucipal reported on the roll for February and an average attendance V7t The Board authorised toe re- of the maple trees which la taking place on the ground week Mr to at the of the of nest month The nuance euthorixd to make arrangements with the Bank for that may to required Wore ilia A more detailed statement of the the in the differ- was demanded of principal a full of all Import ant school time to time is alto to to all pupils in his ptrtmonl After the frJut to at oclock as formerly but no MUthoriSN in the kouIod which commence at 1 Anniversary The eerricee last Sunday in com mo moral ion of dedication of present cbotch were of an character and largely The on the Trust Fond amounted to At the putting on Monday evening explained that all demands the Fond during the pact year had been met including over chorcb and parsonage repairs end there was still an available cash balance of in band which the Board in to apply on the present at the next payment We the was so limited on Monday evening as the address by J Esq- on fais trip to the Old Country leit was exceedingly and value of travelling in the and obtaining new Ideas together with the comforts com- pared with W ego were etnoog points For solidity sud Sun day be considers the In Scotland ho referred to the Importance which has always been attached to educa tion as a power of national A Home Rale Moetiag was portrayed show ing the difference mode of conducting a political meeting to what we are accus tomed A great was paid to eloquence of Sir Gladstone He uplalued bow a landlord farms bis property sndrapreised the Opinion that a great reform would plaoe in Scotland within a few yean in regard to the land lews church laws be pronounced ho beautiftd city In the old land Speaking of Westminster Abbey in Lon don he though- that wo In Canada should recognize deeds of etc to own land and thus encourage our people to noble deals their ancestor Many during hut the one showing tba fgnorauos of mass of people regarding extent of too flood to omit An old lady in Loudon hearing that Mr was Canada to carry a to bar son speaker enquired where he was located but lbs could give no definite ud her ideas were enlarged whan tald her we bad one railroad In that Passing to Mr Davie paid a tribute to their soldiers and described a ride on the Car lie said bad the finest looking Ladles In Ir- land be bed seen Outsits of Canada During the occupied two Hoars sang Mors A buyer for market in the He lter CoKCWtrTbe Town Hall flUed on Wcdny by Mrs- Caldwell Mr Blight K MlsaHoag node the the Presbyterian the oeiring maritod Sx Church The held in the School during are bain attendi The lowing art the the addresaea for next week Bartlmjous Pride and and Chili 8 m and all are welcome FooTitAu tbe boy we beginning to talk up the popular gams of fool hail After tut years play should be no trouble in getting a large membership and the boys expect to bare a belter team than ever com season A meeting to reorganize for next sharp in the Booms when His hoped that anyone who take any Interest in game will be Serious Firb The town suffered finite aloes morning the first Are this winter About oclock En- got op to ftx the Works fire when be discovered the High School In e blase Be at elerm and with disltnctae that anybody acquainted signal could locate fire The whole building was in fiames anybody rivod and was saved except woodshed The fire evidently originated from the furnace The build erected in at a cost of and and apparatus cost 500 beside the fomaWL iafued cotcring a period of years that there ere three payments to meet on the structure and on the part destroyed is A mooting of the If and School took place after noon when arrangements were medeto reopen cissies on Monday morning in the Model School building until a new building be erected On the way home from the one of wheels on the Book Ladder caved in The of a bouse on Hill was apparent to tbe Fire Messrs end bare lost some books Where Are You To buy At J Millards Newmarket opposite Hotel be cause be is felling for for one month 5 Very Sudden Death Shortly after the fire broke out yesterday mora Sir Kelly a wellknown resi dent of North York to the majority While on Wednesday morning he was taken ill end continued to grow worn during Medical do cause enlgned for death Deceased wee a native of Ireland being bom in Co emigrated to this with his parents but smell boy John Kelly a regular Id the British Army and having fought in battle of Waterloo ho a pension r- After being out A abort time bis wire died Daniel was accompanying his father to Toronto one day to draw his pension allowance when he was loft at Sir Seneca Deans to await Ms return While In Toronto his father Tory suddenly and so he raised In the family On reaching manhood took a notion logo over to the striking California during gold of On bis return to Can ada be married daughter of late Joseph of Waterloo who died six ajo and to whom were bom two eons and two daughters J WKelly a resident of Michigan Mix Lnndy and Mr Frank of Bast and Mary Kelly who has been keeping house for him in New market since he retired from the form in the Township East some three ego was a prom inent and a highly reipected funeral service will take place on the Christian Church Newmar ket at oclock On Sunday afternoon Arrived AND T CHEAPEST LUNDYS GREAT BARGAIN HOUSE AND PRETTIEST Fine of ReadyMade Clothing for the f Spring Trade Ordered Clothing a Specialty usual few days A of Spring Hats expected LUNDY STREET IN TOWN SUTHERLAND BROS Spring Goods Arrivin AT THE Ink Drop it Ireland Good week year mUutxy order Pott We are already showing a very fine range of Beautiful Spring Prints value in Union and All Wool Black Henriettas imported direct Also everything in early Spring requirements in Table Towellings Grey Cottons Bleached Cottons Pillow Cottons Sheetings Denims Shaker Flannels Checked Oxford and Regatta Shirtings Pine value in Carpets and Floor Oil Cloths Rolls Wall Paper and all beautiful new designs and patterns Our Goods all marked at Closest Cash Prices and always in plain figures R J DAVISON PRINTS It is early to talk about Prints but we have some beauties all guaranteed fast colors Call early so to have first i As we to our of Winter Goods as much as possible before we will offer them at the lowest possible price Our stock of will be found Fresh and Well Assorted Our Blended Tens and Coffee are still unequalled W PLAYTER Telephone Connection Main St it ch We Invite Inspection Of Our New Invoices of Desirable Style I H is the Place To buy Madias Kb od lifaJ Kale with chonii Ur ThftEog- Scotch whan Mr an y homo sad choir ft touched every ing of tad ftod her climate of the Old the that we do ay part private life vet be of In world A rote of to the and choir cor dially abjct eveofOK a bag with in It will again April lOth tram pan the Hotel That Minority rtfpjrU w Jut Town Coanoll a tbo to iho of upon ib I prMUDDc will A Tub question of one be dealt by Hill miner sad of lftilv FMinil The bfbcv loo to over bM tot CO to moot la Ontario MO for of fan ft until irfw mm and let ftwtu lo by for Tbatlba C voald ba Aa or opinion or of Mtmcnrlat try yrttaf to or lhGJML flW plTfl If a raajorii of Eowp a be tbt fcnanj rial and I ibr do now Mfortllba aJJa U ba not a a ion may oar a Lion of a miliar toqIJ afiJibouaWfl by Hum Iba town jicaum arprawtan of ttaAtioairiblaklod a war and iriiboaiaa II ba IDtt la do by a will baUkaaalMrjaarvsoral to to al Ud I no can b at and of aradirctJx MotUcipal aodycra MaUara an LEDcartiilopioIfUi I acftiDU or Mem- a to 7 laaafcad who ara can Our Toronto Toronto ar W Fall yprintf per 0 a S3 040 a par Si a par par a a down par bag Wool par lb par par pair pair teem IT 0 DM 1 14 SCO Off 1 oat 0S3 IB a a a Oil a a FINE TAILORING SPRING SPRING Our Marktri Mar- Floor par barrel IMlV Fall par per flJa Oooaa IMaha par pair bubal rf bulbil per ton Apple Wool per lb Hay Seal per owl pair Scad per- per if 1 air Oil a DM ON OH CO aw OTA I 16 A6J ISA a a a a a DO a OK a a 00 a a a e a SOD a a 01ft 000 a too a ft a a parm We beg to advise our many customers and the general public that we are now receiving our Spring Stock of Pine Tweeds Worsteds Suitings and Pantings which for Style and Quality have never been equalled in Newmarket MONTGOMERY SON W H ES I All the Latest Patterns and Very Best Q Also to some Exceedingly Fine and Durable Summer A Splendid Assortment of FLAMhfLETTES Bight Goods AT fl8 MAIHMT I have just received and am exhibiting a Beautiful Line of Ladies Watches at very low prices See our Gold only a few left See them before buying ATKINSON JEWELER Right Prices JWSTEPHENS OH Gold and Silver taken in exchange for Areata and data In and to Wo par and MAY Cotton had a big fire FridAy Low million MONEY TO flntaaai DAVID LLOYD was BOOTS SHOES RUBBERS AND OVER8HOE8 STILL THEY COME No St EEN MAKES I PRICES lAxc Stockjof Good A3 and en now on tile at direct MABTUf ROBINSONS OLD STAND PRICES 50TTOM MARKED IN PLAIN ONE PRICE TO ALL Custom and Repairing GturMtttct jMft A Solicited

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