Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 3 Mar 1893, p. 4

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kk J THE SABBATH Neb Soap as tka 1 DBofldryanA both lUy and extant of Md to does LI Tt It disappointed IDXWOHT BOAT In la for put Us QranoATa appoialad Text Lay to keep it Ex rcadm ltie followed by this by derailing In booth which bed not been don since In month followed people alter fog itat their the their thty entered Into Klaxon to walk taw Hit Sabbaths and iftainj aU tha for the of ik Bra cm of ft TO The obligation of the Tarsal and of Mt Md original Hot leu the Joe of men a a tore for AirsrtSdU agitata painless and Relief ho TMa Oils a and i soDar tie WHIT HA USB TO Tin New York Bute Legislature recently pasted a law which now in force that no man not an owner of real estate be drawn a grand or joror a recent proclamation President revoked the order levying tolls on Canadian vessels and cargoes pasting through the cabal TO Pierce easiest cheapest beat fiieyre nig coaled grannie a compound of rfc- fined And concentrated vegetable Without disturbance or trouble Constipation Sink and Bilious Headaches and all of the liver And bowels Ate prevented relieved and cored too By their mild And natural Action little lead the into natural Again Their And theyre the von can huy tor to give satisfaction in every case or your money promptly pay only for you get Everything catarrhal in it and all the trouble come from Catarrh are fectly and oared by Dr Remedy No raftttar how bad your case or of how long you can be stmoiiT ihcsM rafllrr from 1m falg facsii merit AVod ict of It la CORK fVLnonifUto Pilot or THE Standard Brands a to has on lilt of It ftn open question before mom- ban Of voting and with a bint for fa thin town Star ft be bane fca Yottibnlea churohes to suable the ladioo to realtor names on thli plan to church no their aire then Mungo Kicker Cable to trmafl or Id the I atre for Oaf an old that moot A report from Ottawa if firmod will prove an ration XI Hector will cooperate with Mr J M- him of in the present for Its In dealing with school Politics makes queer bed f el Ion We ire not S DAVIS SONS Montreal Largest and Highest Grade Cigar Manufacturers la Canada THE KEY TO HEALTH Ax etching on in the States to of at Wash hare In Western asdia lbs Southern States per cent in 10 years Fanni an exchange are mortgaged on an aTeimge for mors than tali fains worse even than Csnad fox CeLpERY Soup roots of wash and cut in small pieces Cover with water and a and boil half an hour then pass through a colander Put quaxti of milk on to boil add the water which celery was boiled with a slice of onion and two chopped stalks of celery Rob a tablespoonful each of butter and flour together and stir in the soup Season and pepper and immediately Potato Soup Take half a down medium potatoes pare and put on to boil in a quart of cold water When half door drain and cover with a pint fresh boiling water Add a sprig of parsley a stalk of celery a slice of onion and let boil until the are done Put pints of new milk to boiL potatoes through a sieve- Rub tablespoonful each of flour and butter together and stir into the boiling milt Pour over stir into the boiling milk Pour the potatoes smooth season with salt and pepper and serve immediately remarks at Csns3un Press dinner Sir orpre9ed desire to teach ram mi of fame by becoming an editor being elected President of the Coojmenting thereat the of Woodstock remarks When Mr his ambition In this way there may be who will be willing to his present ait Pos sibly the matter Brer I the Bowels Kidneys and Liver srtiBoot all and fool at Cor recting Acidity of the i Biliousness Dyspepsia Dizziness Heartbirjm UNlion of the Skin Dimness of Vision Jaan- Scro- Heart Her- General Debility all Other similar Cammalzili For all a CO Proprietors AVE MACHINERY FOR SALE 1 sttTQWumj Aniott r la a p sod 1 yiiop Air Wmtr wblclmattbormottd Jf laf a IT jt1i or aiad isjjysUmX J utilcrirtitOt rt to JOHN Toronto J I letter- On day lait wash Ihore arrived at To ronto Junction two Intercolonial flat oars two oldest in Albion were also a tender and passenger the in Mtin in a splendid It aboot the insa of an old fashioned and one In The whole was on to tor at the Worlds Fair Planer M sroithricdaasj en feRK ri REMEDY That necessity is shown by the way In which it itoctuctd iitifi everything we go Churches Social Gat rings Houses etc Ihere aeetna to be it thai human nature cannot do examine the music to which we listen and we are compelled to admit that with exception of the prod actions of thoae who have paid special attention to this noble an theie is a great deal of imperfection Many who pretend to sing or play an instru ment do not understand rudiments of music and often wheie the ihforeticany un derstood there baa not sufficient training to put into practical use the character uBed to represent the depart of music This condition of things is due to a poorly provided system of general primary instruction in our country Perhaps for advaoced and those who can a to pay a fair price for their tuition no plan need be devised but is It right that those having good natural ability should be deprived of an opportunity to be come acquainted with many of the Important studies in connection with music just because they have not the means necessary to ailow them study in the higher and more cosily methods While I do not wish to discuss how things ought to be I would like to give a few ideas as to how those who have ability and are desirous of studying music might do so in the most economical and make the best use of the advan tages placed within Let me say that the Sinking Class though far from being sufficient of itself to accomplish all that is to the higher development of a musician has special advantages which are lo the and which no other means best things that possess are not bought by us but given to us so voice is the perfect musical instrument Because all cannot do a big thing such as purchase a two or three hundred dollar instrument upon which perform their there ii no reason why all should not make use of the instrument already in their possession There are a number of the departments of study and training which every student of music has to undergo such as A thorough know ledge of the rudiments and training of the mind and ear which can be taught and more thorough ly in a class than in any other way and as a large number can be taught at the same time by one teach er the fee can be made so tow as to allow pupils to receive from ten to twenty lessons for about the same cost as for one private lesson The following are a few points in favor of Singing Classes which people inter ested in music will do well to consid- 1st That the most perfect instru ment is used and the infl nothing 3rd That so many of the essen tials to becoming a thorough can be learned more easily more thoroughly in a Singing Class than in any way That class instruction costs little all faatftd aUwirt MOW Oat J by No I bolt No- fc rtsro CO sflTsV r for i 14 at ft7JOrt MSttrml bUls bill from Win tor wood sad utkiss lyr mad J to ft savavd tor to who cot pins aid Una aod to lbs on fct pro- on A stnts Labor 1 la lb Cb to cm L South lbs Labor to ha on Town Uns- mats STEEL mm DRILL of our Canada Of ftllotcT Guaranteed the Best Drill PURE la our with lomtaaWd to its vtar Drill a ISor ibsn TrtHtafe to mm D AGENT SHARON ONTARIO for aqoali IB Sal I iaia an aaa Sole aaJa Uolttavap which J CUT PLUG ACTIOS PLUG No other brand of Tobacco ever en joyed Mich an a1e and popularity la same period as brand of Cat Plug and Plug Tobacco Oldest atttftSfte- In a will at for sale PUBLIC At on at It by foUdstiox of of land aDdprnia5oaaItlfetljtna Mid in of l York of spirt Third tit I ho of ftlno do- mai nod a North flto fot da Boofeh Gnat North and a Half West While or to JI NEWMARKET WINTER STORE SEASON rnontO wtOaV1Mdatr la PrramiO EnaufiPlwM HI Air Taradajr a A A OQdaji ta month- lrtlrd fto4 A la A In laontb trd In Uooth FULL STOCK OF LEADING MAKES OF fiOcU injector lor auccKwful are on a to pf what Buffalo has to ay of the flowing witb milk and accordisg to notions of some Either money is tight or Buf falo property owners are very Tbors of yet from last year and rolls ars now In of tax collector On this largo sain interest has to the amount of per cant with good for addUCons Juat Of it mjro quarter of a million dollars of track and property lUbla to go Into the neat sals during this month The monkey- wrench is not so account if its or actual to Gardner simian friends or because it is a handy to I io monkey with but Ay because it the of now of Kings Coun New York Although the world has nearly lost track of Mr Monkey it Herns to be a settled fact that he sold his patent for and proceeds in a homestead in the named and state J a some of our wuisrn ex changes apolitical is on Cords In East Elgin It is in the air that Mr Injfrmm to get tha appointment of at Hi and that Mr Ingram will than not too many offices In family This means that as are Parliament and tbe Hiding ready for the contest will tbo of for tba Uaatiwhila Mr lu gmm ii will an of tha and all it implies One of our boys writes an essay on tobacco Tobacco grows something like cabbage but I never saw none cooked I have heard men say that cigars that was given them election days lor nothing was manly cabbage leaves Tobacco stores are mostly kept by wooden Injuns who stand at the door and fool little boys by offering them a bunch of cigars which glued into the Injuns hands and made of wood also I tried to smoke a cigar once And I like Epsom Sails Tobacco was invented by a man named Walter Raleigh When the first saw him thought was afire and were frightened- My sister Emily is a girl dont know whether tobacco or not There is a young man named Charlie who comes to see her I guess she likes He was standing on the steps one night and he had a cigar in his mouth and he said he didnt know as she would like it and said Charlie the perfume is agree able But when my big brother Bob lighted his pipe Emily said Get out of the house you horrid creature the smell of tobacco makes me sick Snuff is Injun meal made out of tobacco I took a little snuff once and I nearly sneezed my head off llnki Or to On Lie A Or lo bo paid Vent additional to noli Tot further niUct ula to Of avid lot said and flr Of Hotel datVwlt of per of fcrnaflgM on hall On lara and of It cgSCUrSA CtfQ AXE S ASSETS HORSE SHOES NAILS BLACKSMITHS Soya daft fat Uatraaaard We 1111 tmsth ry wfT radar tat is ASSORTED STOCK OF BAR BAND HOOP MSB STEEL Atht Slflsrid cub at nail a NORTH OF TORONTO SkwMbecfl and 3rd or A 1 nUnr la r- A At In the bj uu mo a or at It Con Co man Co a Am trie IttabmLUoCara and to oW Baa- orf I laoUoo Sold Ix ndago it hard to bo- Hare that of law but it it a The but of a taw Tito bill to hare completed their la o- at that ot to at killed l7 A mob aUtj daja after bill of for holding acscountftblf where it that the hot feature would prove atumpt lo brutality a rafloctioD open Texas Tottenham public school pupils are said to be preparing maps and drawings for the Worlds Fair or si waraJUr a tar yean from cod I go tooib dooa hB in I I would adlaa weak rl Hew to ft enDllgh wrapptn wrapper tarinf wordu Why a Woman Look Old Sooner a to Limited Scott St Toronto aod you will rewire by poet a pretty picture from worth la aa way to decorate your borne The lathe beet Id market and It will only aezbi In wrap- pen II you tb open Write hI 5ff It if that of Ottawa shortly make a claim against the federal govern ment for the title and of the land upon which half the city of Winnipeg li built He claims that the landn ItUttanewi tAsdni the of tartL or butter both costs lew and by Anyone AT N CO ana Ana TAUGHT BY A WEALTHY IN VALID TO PLAY AMUSING THICKS Horace has reached the height in the bringing frogs under his persuasive control He is a invalid and derives great pleasure from teaching hit pets The correspondent of the Philadel phia visited the other day and witnessed his unique fOg circus Gazirg down into the lake he shells scatter ed over the bottom and wondered what the were for Mr gave a shrill whitle and simultan eously from every shell hopped out A big frog and kicked itself to the sur face of the water All jumped to the smooth bank and set at their master Attention shouted Mr and every leg was drawn close to the body and the action was taken Form in line came next and the welltrained amphibians formed in four lines with an old giant at their head which Mr said weighed six pounds seven ounces He was enormous and looked as though be had dined on his weaker brethren for generations At the word of command they per formed all kinds of evolution leg kicking in perfect unison Their movements we astonishing in num ber and vatiety and One might well believe Mr Horton statement that took him over years to get select company into such perfect Races were held after the drill and then following a Jumping contest At a given signal each in leaped into the water and appeared What have my do so far is very Mr out their accomplish ment you not nor heard should It is the of every on and J come miles to it Wait till dark and then I will have them peifnrm At last duvk came and Mr took he reporter to the waters edge and gave him a seat He then brought out a minature musicians stand and place it the Utile lake At a signal note the froj came 0 the surface of the water and jumped into the stand They a circle Ad at the word comrnand began to sing a tune Each frog had been selected because of his fine croak and there was a perfect scale among the voices The largest frog sang the deepest ban and a little fellow almost a tadpole sang a shrill soprano It was wonderful Mr Horton said that during the warm months their voices were clearer and than at this time of year When the frogs began to show signs of weAriness their master gave the to stop and all sought their homes at the bottom of the lake Mr tclU many Stories of the intelligence C Richards Co Qenttemeti In driving over mount ains I took a severe cold which set tled in my back and kidneys causing me many sleepless nights of pain The application of M WARDS fell into a deep sleep and compute recovery shortly followed John S Annapolis at of la or The fnn foedcni mala road to about i mtlea of tattoo VTeaU Thar arson a rood trams barn a stable alio fMtoaHBd pour Icaraod a a of Church School Shop at time on SO relieved that I apply to JOHN PO Or J rob for a lie or reiver A i- To Lot JCr60N TO LET of a at In Arrears for in th County of tfWtt eel roars of Sod lit a be paid I date second Two and lo eta thai day March tothal6rDoH In Taront to sou aoid M tsar be to tb sold of TOtoOWTHfl Mlllft I I I tfete S3beHshsfs OF OP THE VILLAGE OF County York for the year a OP THE NO LANDING aui TO Flat a4 IJU Jloada fll CO OT 12 Si JIM a If Pi lriJ mi aa rtof BMllJbi ft lute filMlW as SIS slow aoda Kostorsi MM acres and B pari s w tt a a i5 it is It 18 IS- part ot o part and parti i fctftSfeS IS 11 SI tat sst aft aw o s t v It sit 036 si IH IM Si i J WISJ 111 fits SIS If to so a is IS To a do 1021 raj aaamlufd lbs flod root id and lbs cam a MA RHtr 1 J ft OP NEWMARKET North North Sooth I VILLAGE Or PORT so St It- 1 an ft I J B a I 3 ix MSln- sr BSor3 IB IS 1 I A S0SSI SO 11 8 0S S s am lift rt- 11 100 ss to AS SOT- J- 8 I or fivfiixniBtmv Part pari Wait Si r J 8 p init part W 111 180 Lit WYSt S3- B ft a tea 33 1 T 39 S3 ii f ST- J IAS a tVHffA Or fitTILLUBSKY I 30 LIS If as its tw 1910 ikitiiiiitii4t4Mtti Ira VILLAGE OP aide ft Watt part TRY OUR PAILS TUBS Clothespins and Washboarps LUMBER Just now the boy with a new sled and a pair of states ret ting more solid enjoyment out of lire any president king or on thtfoitstool They let Shingles Lath Siding Doors Flooring Sash Moulding and Blinds OUR AIM 00D AT LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES Q NOBODY SRulLO BUILD A WITHOUT ABOUT OUR INSIDE BUHDS Huh to r W i EUtfx l aUsIiN J I a a t S3 8 VS I I a 116 SO til It A J 30 Si I a io s s in ii SSI 5 I its 1 sot SI 1 ll i 21 M ft ARM TO lot Vj at ih- oca or AioiHaroaii OR the Or If til 4aaJt UMire4bMtV4 In to Till Aplp House Lot For it J PLR4ffKTlY or HrAH SI of iaoirlwclMihnaeiUbitninfoa at J P oLoics StftBa IXHAIRpa P A he SALE A arm of ian4 it a VERY DESIRABLE TOWN PROPERTY FOR SALE m the wilh A f A WObb Mill op jrectoj Una wall AfTplf JAM WWflk its 933 tod tod a 1COSI S 1H I J to 35 CM r prut si I Sol 331 2 II S3 aw holes NO sail ASS 8URYBY IS J3 it ll ON LOT HO Ill IN Ml Y SURVEY AlaZDUaaoo J Block ST J 13 11 fit 153 At -3- i ii is IS 13 IS ISO ll U iCf Office Co York Toronto Ji MAGliONAJjD Co York toil WHO by IT a Wm Of ft of FOR SALE Wan Brad Homo fihwp Bala erf Oak ICUsTaA fctr fiFBl fc A who af ii ill b kKpMt fcqtmi uwiiJira8Lart St La to p aytil Ml Br to 1t Yule SortTtiN Apaitcuon On Brio liREBY GIVES J lr7 lor a Tgmoio Willi to to fro lint vIUj it Mid or or or Ui7 ioto inch a of par fa Jin- to qoo or far trifle- retort- Of or tjn6urpriititT nil log oat of pa DO MA LP WW fiiilcllrira tor ftfiiBMAKIXO from Hamilton rot

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