T Spring Good ford Co- A Bon J BUrr Malice Property J A Traitor Johs Foot No lie To Toronto o Unit to and frm Mr tar North York not bat ha Ami I it who tilt r tfr iTS MOW feSbarB Wife Tie En la Printed ail it Hon raw FRIDAY MARCH Our Toronto March on of Ulan who oily Hoc W of I Ar dJoiuneot of Id will erf I boose will both York loit their Motion EC TO Ox Secretary of Act The to and work by doing away the printing of It uuoaaccd Id on Monday writ for a in to a In the bad been bad for the of March and day week Premier of KorhWort Mr la at trying to aqloaomy for point which it ii power ion a more marine for baa been in now to of Capi tol that Parliament will April 10ao arraogameDt tiring bean and to that effect A from Ottawa that it i will Hon Governor of Ter ritories on lit of July qbxI Ottawa despatch dated nit that of for tba Roman minority been of the teat to from Manitoba Local Government of that intend to pay attention to lha notice ling with it it belter to a or a fool In the Legiilatora and finally to One jut take a knar who baa aeoM nth a fool one what to A bean In lha Slate thai no ataxia or corporation thai to or or lake by or coder of any will or or oca any property in in the of No make any legacy or doriae by will or any property to any or which aggregate axoeed in beau all being to limit any may take a Thia in free cheat of the in to a of in knote of wvtnby nine then with proceed to past reapotiug Irade of goerDmaat of rtatcraft generally A dabbed Ottawa the other day panned depending in leas boom of work per day for government employee mora la ration da of the by etc if of labor acceded to it will take more men to do the work and of administration would thereby be increased and yet they far greater economy- It mora eaten- raooy and yet they want leaa by damandiDg bee trade These kind of fallow who burn the candle at both they wonderfully bat dont the Ami the alphabet of canea and effect Will MM of Toronto Wt- ins at J- week Mr Albert Waal and family were at laat wMk ik rtaltlng for a of week Mr fcnd John SUlUrd warn visiting near Tottenham weak Toronto father of Bom firrille making a of a of with at Mr a couple of weeki with her alitor Wright v and bride in John and bride of Colorado arrired here Monday and ex pect to leave for home in a few night tail week in inter- of lha of Adianoei ery good Mr Ira and bride of Mr bride and at Mr- L Mr of Holland loft Newmarket on of week to lire with father in Man Dr in town and gare a call also Mr It A prominent men Mr J- Millard Sunday in Toronto with brother Mr is la poor and HOLT Mr John Mo fiumeq out Jocirag tbing he had- The by Sain be and insured foe RobL for Dakota day of last Mr Titos Gibncy roorcd to on Wednesday Waller on Teat SHARON 9eedar KING CITY l AURORA In brought Monday night afr tan when took plaoa on Sir which defeated ycaV72naya tote a with exception of marked hia Btandiag up to be counted with the The Saw York refer- to A of Toronto being there aya For of opinion annexation bo hat obliged to from the tia Dominion Toronto Board of Aldermen Man you hoy I What bare yon bean Journal man for rtalgU people JOB Friday last Mr Darin P pretexted a to Parliament from dec ton of Alton contention praying that the of be given to the ftnd aikCdg for repeal of the KojtLAVcat Act relating to the French an official ndoraa the actum of In separate The voted on hiodrtivioi Wednesday night it by to Mr McCarthy who toted for the During the on Mr place on the froe is alio vote to On McCarthy Pope ftDd White voted for and Colter and McGregor of Friday a very cartoon a large capita- let in hot of ft apcara bean piomplad by a telegram front to Haw York which at There are who lbs market all property they and will aa The of farming operation political anarahy as rttMDi why out Ik looking the Auditor report for year a good many of the item of expenditure are Take volt that matt be a tar dirty plaoa to in or dabbling in the Tho Departments are cre dited with paying the following for towel- washing MaiH Printing and Stationery fll Interior AJuixa SI 00 Inland Agriculture Marina M Railways and Canal 123 Total CO item does cot combe bnuhee bad batter a laundry and be dona with it fiataxday last Mr- of East into and handed a copy of Gram bearing data Toronto To who prominent that period and Issues then before the country the following Ul read with Parliament in on date and QtumbJn bur Isaqaa notices of before the House in this way Mr A bill to make fierce Gowan tolerable and the wit of the House Hod Mr- A bill to and J to join Hon Mr Campbell A profane whittling and after p on Hon- Mr A bLU to further expedite the of by Chrlitian a Mr bill to direct the speaker to punish any member who a good temper Mr A bill to provide for the more reporting of and of the laughter of ftouaa thereat We also the following Aaylam will not half of lunatics of the Seat of mans la to depart from Front St why not torn the into a lunatlo The would be natural to ibis aflywards did do is to the Dr and Mr John of attended in Method- ill bad a baatiful drive A big from came out bare on Thursday night of last week and bad a big time surprising the family of Mr It we a to before left for home bad a farewell At Home last Friday night In Lodge an a od off to Mr who le about for Winnipeg family will remain hero Hie man friends of Lyman will be to that ahe la improving audio a abort will bo to attend to her domestic been confined to her bed for throe mouths Mr Miss ham Rot Stewart J and J Lewis npreaentd at the Epwortb in this Mr of Toronto Junction married on of February to Alias Maud Joy at her fathers residency Louisa They many and for hlonnt Forest the Wo are pleated learn MUa a pupil of School stood firat In a of pupils who recently the fexamlnatloo of the Academy New York rt- diploma now speeding a at home While in week the Editor had the of Hag- had the pleasure of a with and Mr TownJcy former Naw- who pleased to point in the vil lage iaoorpa ration Sutton if aha waking op and tended doing for herself It fata a good bniineas street and some pic brink have gone up recently editor of Star- Bon and Wilkinson Jet Bailey Andanon and pout My a friendly UNION STREET The on our street is at last nearly stamped out We are sorry to learn that Johnnie Miller who been very low with of the but Improv ing nicely has had a elapse Miss Sarah A At Home with about fifty of her frienda on the evening of Feb when a real enjoyable time was spent The program consisted of vocal and music plays of different kinds and various games At oclock p crowd repaired to the dinningroom where an elegant dinner was provided and all sumptuously After which the crowd resumed their different enjoy- mems which lasted till the wee small hours were growing consider ably Larger when the crowd dispersed well satisfied Miss Sarah J who been her grandmother Mrs Mar tin of King for some is in our audit once more The sudden and unexpected death of Mrs Dean widow of the late James who lived about a mile north of was sad news She passed away about oclock on Sunday morning after about a weeks The family deepest sympathy of the entire community Mr of is spend ing a few days with in Mr W of Quccnsrille Those young men from New market or some other pace that behaved so ridiculously in church at on Sunday night certain ly brought a burning upon themselves from the talking giggling etc that was all through the church If repeated they should be treated to some good sound advice from chief justice New Row lea a very fine Tuesday Front Inflammation foe old residence on at miles of here wis totally destroyed by fire Sunday Special io Meib church BRADFORD in fawn and client music Mr VinKnis this week Mr Ernest Mr Mr Elmer at Mr Foxt Saturday evening a of parsed through this on way to Richmond rink Bad SUTTON Sin Bcjou Watts Id lb Mr- was lit tending iohiDaa4 or tri- lit fttotmnfBofi4Dr Boln ftauJhdtia Upon tbo of St boon fT iiihwT ft Mtodi Mr to at Bend It With dtp aKlh of CirHeelthth Ifto Wot mi 4r9d with a bid In Toronto Rod with and ffNh aao lhat a wool aid and no flha upturn bar alitor to 3mi with Jo bad all tba cord loovtd bowl and lU a lit tmatrtWo to and to bar wo re We bopafbabuaotKrad falo oar with hi da Wa laid to rait In now wDd ld around bar a had a at aaaararcofiitiia klUaOarrla alto COO KESWICK Friday the S Lit met at in the schoolroom in the chair A very good program given A few present We hope to lee a good crowd neat Friday The Metti S anniversary was very the pretence of Mr A Day of Toronto wa greatly appre ciated Spring 1893 MENS The Very Latest MENS SPRING SHOES best value Iowa ffeto ftdbetHsenitj FARMERS A k Tor t vice 32 Ihi Cot of Millinery Straw Goods and Silks Parasols and Umbrellas Waterproofs Dress Goods and Trimmings Prints Irish Ladies Shoes the best value in ha Km llnmtQj for J blacksmith Stand FOR flALK or Id aat On of if laaaiWrroadB of Kt mad Id far coda TOOT Out flAJtOQ Of iKiir AM No on Hill Villi llAKFORD ficrtitarj Ok fltw of Vila j to m1i In to Hod of Mr Am Moal In of word Caaal la Ad to lit of to Fun did not fclladlnf Aid trie a back uid on In Dr Mr- wim cAndldti fo poll 16M lb on rC4lrd Dr Phillip It did ma It ibawthow In ill Toronto On tbti donAJuSon of It win bat Uit tut op- flrtt numb of ft now ftod politic Canadian Mag It pub- ft flrtt wblcb ft Bon J Gordon Iow fttL- ftnd Buwsrt It editor list moat mDgit Hod- McNtiU Hon- David and other and a on of topics cur rent ft good tarlttj of P deal School Law tod Oram wltb of the In a article ftttackj Colom bo and that now to ftnUi and Plot of Col writes of Condocl Manner lltlacd fta by Tht wry by with cordial of tabftcrlptlon WW Ontario Co Manning Toronto M the En HOLLAND LANDING Our list is gradually becoming smaller- Lots of fun coaatiog theie line moon light nights The Assessor Mr Alex Gunn is on his rounds again Harry H of Toronto paid his brother a few days visit week- Miss Holmes has recovered sufficiently to resume her at school Monday morning Some of the dogs on Sharon avenue should be annihilated as they are a continual annoyance Ted should be allowed to carry firearms Several of the have had at homes during the last few weeks They were well attended and enjoyed as only children can A barn on the Bradford road was burned about oclock Tuesday night It supposed to be a case of Insured for a amount Mrs Chapman received on Saturday of the death rf her father Mr Wasnip near Mr and Mra Chapman are up at tending the funeral They have tfic sympathy of the village Sorry to note this week the severe affliction of Mr McClurc and family Trust they may emerge soon from their present deep waters Mrs- Stewarts child was buried here on Monday and Mr Stewart lying whh but slight hopes of recovery Mr it able to ait up again A number of the young folk of the village met at Lines in a fare well party to Matter George Lane who was taking his departure to Em erson Man During the evening George was made the of an elegant Bible accompanied by the best wishes of his school mates and friends The village and vicinity nave been quite free thefts for some time but of much petty thieving has been carried on A bag of grain was found in Mr John Curs barn The name on the sack had no patch on it and seems to have been owned by tome one with initials J King Township- The master says that if return the footgear of bis wife and family hell forgive them seeing Its a hard winter It should be made so uncomfortable for characters that find ft im possible to outside Governor The Sunday School held here on Thursday and Friday of hut week under the auspices of the North York Association was a grand success weather was against open ing session but there was a fair at tendance delegates being present from Keswick on the one side and Egypt on the other- The conven tion throughout was ably presided over by the President Mr J P Belfry of Newmarket and the open ing address of Rev J- of New market fairly carried the audience in to an of delight and enthu siasm Several phases of life touched upon in the address were further emphasized by Rev Large of and Wilk inson and otLI Sutton Mr John MarritfcVf Keswick J A Esq Toronto and the Secretary A union choir which Rev Mr Wilkinson was largely instrumental in getting together did ser vice throughout convention and Mr J Anderson the local secre tary did bis work The interest grew from the first session and each succeeding session was more largely attended and at last meeting tbe largest church in the village was crowded to nearly its utmost capacity Subjects of discussion were duced by Mr A of Whit church and G Jackson and statistics were collected from two schools at Keswick three at Sutton Egypt and Bethel The study of the lesson for the following Sunday was greatly enjoyed and the benefits of Township Organ isation were so ably demonstrated by the President of the Whitchurch Assn Mr Davis the of the Assn and the County Secretary that it was decided to form an Association of the Townships of North and Georgina The following provisional officers were chosen to call the first convention President H Silver VicePres Kemp SecTreas P McClellan The massmeeting of children on afternoon was addressed by Mr of Toronto in a very in teresting and impressive manner and the inspiration of his address will not soon he forgotten Rev Mr Large was the principal speakers on Friday evening and he presented many points for thought ful consideration I luring the session beautiful solos were rendered by Rev- Mr Wilkinson and Mr Greenwood of Sutton The question drawer was a fruitful source of and was ably answered by the President The following resolutions were ad opted Rimhtdl Thai Convention would ibt of by Uvea To fetch Chris Christ la to with Word Spirit III Thai in mala of Juding of to Christ should oarer be sight of by Diamond teat of of tali weak 8nd portions nolo for whom nothing Is and we woaJd that world may won fat Cbriat V That wa for tag of Sabbath School work apon oar hearts and churches VI That this Convention send a vote of special to North York A for this Convention which bare bean moon and appoint if to thanks to neat regular meeting of North York B A VII The tender thanks I To this chorea for placing at the of tha from a who have those who have led tha Convention la eervhM of song friends who have opened their and for entertain ment After singing God be with you till we meet gain a very enthusi astic convention which cannot but do much good was brought to a close The collections paid all expenses and added 350 to the fundi the County KETTLEBY Thai ngolx of I on Tow of Iul on night came out two oat of flnt third van well and maumeQl no Mr A bks bean from Toronto Dot lit for Qia Mir of writing ftud Dot to Ml child ud at tiff of wiling god mi lqt bag and moat of and giaanl and pott a oppoaffcton than we a a a tailoring ran by Wo than a a painter a t a a a public hall and two neat church and laat but la of daj who an to offer a faa-p- Icg hand to any work may to do and family haw Into from Aurora Horses Wanted THG at llulal flalOrday to IDrMTaDld I TltOTTBlli I BMoJo Notice to TODAY j has a sensa tion over the alleged murder by woman of hex grandmother and her own child inquest is being held FURNITURE OH P FOR CASH A Embalming A SPECIALTY ESTATE 0 or Unrtb or before be BUD or ixnt Ef4KeWkk oeof tt or to Solid- tor duly by their of thai aald eon tors Will after Ihe date Ut aM partita to claims give the will not be liable tor which bare had police at be data much if a 1891 Three Long Wool Ewes The owner Is to per use away prop the JOKAB SALE FOR- DAYS JHJILLMD Telephone Connection Hod ftl of Air of uiiJn Mr Jfoctop of Out to UlM of ibttowtublpor it or the irrcooi Slum Eul la loll by IK Mr- of J At or John Mr la New on rbv Mr rrucU Mr JohQ to MM Tomb W JL AlbirdxQfhUr of Edward btr of Mfti St TOfOftrA If IS ldO Of Jivi 1Mb 0 erf MAIM wwvAwrr order will wd AT- CHINA HALL PREVIOUS TO STOCKTAKING F G -at- fiSSfu R P R A SMITH Leading Grocery Main tit A hr Prompt Books Popular Authors 15c Wall Papers and upwards to 35c Blinds with Spring Rollers complete extra good cents French Sets pieces reduced to 2000 Chamber Sets quality at reduced prices Take a look in the Basement CASH AND ONE PRICE IS MB- TO offer for by at ha ot ociock iaas filriief ihe No- WaierSieMo Do You Admire Flowers You do Well keep your eye on Pharmacy for we all the latest novelties anil largefifc assorted stock of Flower Seeds in toH- JeTT Ud Ceil Good Li Lot- PiciL With KJlAea COAl Wood fed Good id Jlrltlofr WHbFfUlf LUd abbflo rtAMcDWri Well tot ftbovo Ms Ifollr blltiare iJifl id nor of iiiQutolfti whertht to bo Will TorcoiIOprewlnttihie of ulo r41rUy rematQDtA urayi by y for uitoitottiee At Oh Mart wellbred In Oct pot thAUa bftfutt t leUilflt Ibtlr cad obtain a warn a of Bom At a to I MONEY TO LOAN by DAVID LLOYD Do You Like Vegetables Everybody does You know what our reputation for Seeds is and our this spring is larger and more varied then ever Give us a trial PHARMACY CAMPBELL Proprietor NEWMARKET BOOK AND NEWS DEPOT Please call and Our Prices in Wall I fa for r c for lh i of Ad Utrlot In Alto or Toronto YOU WILL FIND THE LATEST DESIGNS Also Remnants at Half Price W N STARR Central Telephone Office- i BRUNTON BROS Brunton Bakin Is guaranteed to do better work than any other Baking Powder or your money refunded and no charge made for the powder used REMEMBER we guarantee it to be ABSOLUTELY PURE The price is only 30 cents per pound Free sample on application Sold only at BROS r