MS tod NORTH YORK INTELLIGENCER AND ADVER1SER North York unlaw paid in Vol I Single Copies Cents Each Newmarket Friday March Strictly in Advance within or t end DRAFTS ISSUED 0iaV IIOIAH J Public to food Kirn MOID icTon ate of HOW TOD CAN SAVE llUJdaft CAKE Etc to Kim million a FROM a 4 TO 5 HARD CASH you DONT DELAY Kg B A AM STUART and Jftrdt if On iftdtal vi6r Pufvr- Main Hire To clear out the balance of our stock of Coal Heaters and Parlor Cooke we have made the following Coal Heater reduced from to 1 12 to 2 Heaters 1 to to fl A IK a a Hour- to IQ a m to to 150 to op s rtnafrrd bH Block Air for J can purchase any of the above stoves at the rate of per Month until paid for G A BINNS Telephone No 30 Successor to WRIGHT CO IVpairiDtf promptly SPOT CASH BOOT SHOE HOUSE tan fruffld fir ui iRiiriUf lo jrtirftx at will Mf xi3 fUr so cob i Have you tried the CIGAR nurae Under Patience lo cook and keep house that the beefsteak and roast beef pudding etc are bo like My Story Kara My story Jty now I hare not moch to cay youd there is not a comment to tall for nolbi spoiled own m ot The and How much ihoteojperanoaoiiuaahaidona has not increased Weeks pass for toy dear John and away and mother gets A year ago floor to a of And many a night went IK CANADA COLUMBIA STATCS COAST to btd took into flour And that i whl thn for John aid lb mod Bat a dn for drink far two fcnd Bo It rtmng tad wall cad bo tf Ana tompriaiCd done or Jobn ud Ho to Jong rtroeto law And didnt like to know Bat now looki tho off bold And that tompeimnM for John die A ago littli went the With on tboirfoe- But now tb uid mad j tbo done for John fila children were of corning stopped pi rapper tlmo oer leered Wo Age L wJd mmlnwfc A Big Clearing Sale of Boots and Shoes lor the next days so as to reduce my stuck to make room for Spring Goods The bargains you will find the centre of the shop When I say bargains you know I mean what I say They will not last long at the prices I put them at Now come along I RED BOOT Aim to Improve I AND DETERIORATE- Our New Brand atronnd sway baby bit And that the done for ma oro ol utd fAtbftr ud I my I theyre of joy to How much the for my John me bo go to work I look keep hie today I And OTGry night I on For what for my John and ma J- CLOCK vc ipd lb J PURE DRUGS AND CHEMICALS CHOICE PERFUMES AND TOILET ARTICLES EM will bo to bo exceptionally tine sod we that give Ibis broJ a trial when our will be fully verified to ANALYSIS OF CAUSE ANP firPtCT J DR WOODS A iuorsiBCatH iva tVTtaV jTltitiiHr WILLSONS SWEETFLAVORED CASTOR OIL Pleasant to the Taste At IflDlCl III A Qit lhf THE LEADING DRUG STORE NEXT POST OFFICE SCOTT Proprietor orway Pine la the Pint J the northing tad pi of Other herb Mrkj A aflaVD COLDS A Sore THROAT DISEASES revbt yield to sTQlO If ML I I A A AtKT fof a- Union d UatiiL ftom I to fa or A Photos Photos MR rAd ait J loom a at tf BARITONE PEP Pi ATT 1V- AVISO ar rf IE JtaVlUliV4 Iit OVlD il ill of Mr llatlLOatiO llC LEAD out MUk f iiavxl od i aPLtlAIITVa I llblInpiOrk ioiva pitta Or flgiri MO LIFE KING POWDER FRIEND q CO lif tw 4i jiAOcrxi IVaVOTT id Jrais WHICH far Shropshire Rams HORN 9S A IflVIKO Chronic Coughs Persons afflicted with these or any throat or lung troubles resort to that Most Excellent Scotts Emulsion of Pure Cod Liver OH with of Lime and Soda No other preparation a from London iris just what men make btack He is a year or so out of time and now getting or a week and Very often he dont know what to do with it and as money is the root of all evil he soon drops in on the evil Instead of putting his earnings away in bank and getting some good books and papers to further his knowledge of the and the business he has selected to make his living out of he drops out Into society such as he can reach and let me tell you ii Charley Jones can dress veil and sptnd lots of money he drift pretty far into THE SEA OF and generally he does After a time by some strange circumstance he and Clara Smith meet Where At a ball a picnic a church social or one hundred other and be fore the social is over seed of trouble is sown Clara has caught him She always goes ready to catch somebody and Charley knows he is in the trap But gradu ally pays more attention to Clara than his sister or his mother and the pub lic concludes that Mils Smith has gal a young man and finally they go through the ordeal of courtship in alt its many forms and agree to marry Now why does Clara Smith and Charley Jones agree to many Have they ever had any TRAINING IN TJ1E LAWS OF MARRIAGE AND ECONOMY What do these two people know about these things Nineteen times out of twenty nothing Clara warns a man because is natural She wants a house and some place to be mistress of But has she any train ing entitle her to such a consider ation Fortynine times out of fifty she would not pass an examination She knows she likes Charley he is such a fine fellow and perhaps ia per week was never considered Mary Peters Peter Gray carpenter and he only gen a week and look how comfortable are nice cosy cottage up in street How neat and clean everything is see the two little ones picture of health We do not see much of them on the street but when they do come out they are a credit They do not keep a servant Mary does everything and Pete provides regularly And we saw Peter talking to Hall the other day and from what we could gather Peter is after the cot tage to buy it so they must have laved some money This much Clara had seen and heard If and Pete can do why cannot we I Charley can save more on than Pete can on this will meet a few of cases Now let us go back and see THE HISTORY OF THE GIRLS Both are similarly circumstanced each has listers and brothers and the patents are about financially equal Both mothers are careful hard working and good housekeepers and both have managed to let the girls go to school ana the of each household has watched the pro gress of their studies The up Marys mother has made go to market and knows as much about it as her mother She sends Mary to the store and ally she learns the qualities and price a and becomes a good buyer Marys siller a are doing the same thing In turn mother is tak en sick and is bad for weeks Mary takes charge of the house She keeps her sister Patience borne from school who takes the cook ing and and Mary becomes called Among others Mrs GDJ and during her call is where she can get a good general servant She is now paying per month and you know ours is not a hard place Mary hears her tell the story and after she is gone suggests to her mother that why she go and get this a per month I can nip home an hour or two now and then and it is finally decided that Mary may go and she does go Her mother has given her all the lessons she could and Mrs Peters being practical Mary and her new mistress get on well and Mr Gill is DELIGHTED THE NEW COOK We never had such tea before and the steaks Gill you had bet ter raise Marys pay She ii worthy of it arid we can afford to pay her per month Finally Grey drops on scene He his known Mary for a long time arid he is look ing for a wife He is not looking for a musician or a bookkeeper but a good healthy woman and one thai knoffi fadff to run a means wont allow roe to marry any thing else and after a while be and Mary understand each Other They make Calculations of what so many dollars will do and find they can show a margin and finally Alary becomes Mrs Grey as we have found her and her step into her place OTHER And now we will take up data Smith She gets the same amount of schooling but instead of her mother letting her do the work of marketing cleaning etc she does all the herself buys ail the market stuff etc and the father buys an organ or piano perhaps On the instalment plan and music lessons ate now in order All these things take money Gradually she learns how to play fairly well She knows a Miss Finch who is always neat and trim in her appearance that is as bookkeeper down Horse Irons wholesale hardware store Mr Irons Is her brotherinlaw Miss Finch it learning typewriting and shorthand and she getting on well and confidentially she tells Clara that k now She started at ftrSTahe hopes to be able in a few months to be quite able to take Mr place as he is going away at the end of the year to open a branch and take charge of the new horn Winnipeg and if she can do the work she will get a start at 7per week and later expects a raise to so Clara says bright girl Who will take your and Miss dees not really know but thinks it may be another girl if they can get one you see Mr gets 1500 a year and if I can fill his place Mf Irons wilt help me st me and the firm will rave quite a bit and it is giving me a special chance I can write a good hand and remember a few lessons we got at school about bookkeeping Why cant I take some lessons and take your place And Miss Finch makes Mr Irons a proposal that Clara will come at a dollar per week for six months to learn and prepare to take Miss Finch place and then to be paid what she worth and Mr Irons consents A brother of Mr Hustle in the meantime has had an eye on the place but speaks Loo late Clara en ters upon her new situation and suc ceeds in doing very well all that she asked to do She commences at and leaves at p while Mary used to start at a and not through until p if then Clara comes home as neatly dressed as Miss Finch and soon is invited out two or three nights per week and of course she must invite her friends in now and then and she does and Charley Jones becomes the central figure Clara puts her mind into her work very often in only a halfearnest sort of way because she knows before long she will be Mrs Tones and then she will throw up the books and pens Charley and Clara can dance and sing equal lo any They have nice times opera drives all at Chat leys expense Clara has not saved a cent She has lived well and had a good time and Charlie the tame and when the house furnish ing inter plate Charley has to ask Jim the man for credit His note perhaps is given Charley and Clara take a honeymoon trip nevertheless and when they come to housekeeping THE TROUBLE BEGINS Charley dont know about it neither does Clara beyond per haps washing a tin They open an account with the butcher baker etc Somehow Charley fancies the hills rather large when they come in He supposes it is all right they must have used these things and of course ihey must be paid The tea he gets is not like his mothers tea nor is the steak just as it should be- He does not like to say anything but gradually it dawns on him Clara does not know much about housekeeping She knows it just as well as Charley and in her efforts to try she finds herself very often unequal to the task and breaks down and sick a natural consequence Charley can not understand why does not keep up like him and not knowing real reason he does not attempt to apply a cure She have a but they cannot to pay is or more a month hence a cheap one must be had Now where is 1 a per week of wages brought from Charleys work goipg Interest doctor poor ser vant girl shove it out faster than Charley can bring It In Very often our Charley and Clara cannot make per week go so as to leave a balance Now WHOSE FAULT IS IT Plain enough the father and the mother Dont find fault with the girl the has made good of her circumstances but go for the father and the mother they are the ones to blame Clara should have been thoroughly trained to house work no matter if her father is a banker or a man of wealth duty should never be neglected Then the new beginners can take care of them selves as the young birds do Now let us look at WANS SIDE for a moment How many of them do young And looking for such Mary Oh I no she is only a ser vant 1 want a little higher up than that and you will find out of young men after Clara and Lord help them when they get them Generally such girls as do not know how to treat a good servant when they get one hence they make service to a large extent almost unbearable I can name more than one very well ted girls today that are queens as compared to Others that are servants and may I say getting ai high to per Week servants Why they are worth there Is lots more Until the young man premium oh the correct education of his intended girl and the fathers fttaS the mothers take a hand in am araid this matter will continue sis it is before many years toll boy will go- to dish washing an housework instead of carrying the bod and working for laborers piy A TO you for being bookkeepers Of Vefl Our Toaxraa A Lie at or luru Ha Old From Our Social Corriictt Fab Visitor to daring ih Fair will find moch oat Park rutloa of world contributed soma or antarUInnwnl at who will dally aaaS round which attar a tuna moootooaa and wearying director Fair too four quartan til earth tor unusual will act a fall worn oat with In Soignee baa drawn open tod tribal from of art and frozen north his a pigmy cloth ad in of earth batch forth their flraa aad balloon the air long of their and praaant ag tea that doss not melt tor an elide Alt these and a other thins may The crowds glass worker In shops and their with the waxes of those Irish all will repay visitor If fiot to curios from a perforin it the Ohio tram- pUnlsd Suit not Holland it would imply will habits end one torn people those dwslUr tropin Thar be a pi who will sell msuofaolQra arilolM to Than re the The id a liars of a noted Ho th art ayd before tha altar bat that however are opined arid thrifty merchants Strang fabrics In to j array before at all open on lbs narrow street raw- and artisan living in Hit 6 lb relieved from the affair of state Mr Gladitone finds no so great as bis home life at Ha- warden There bit family are gath ered together and the great man romp and with his ren though he never knew what it was to be blamed for anything that went wrong in all Great Britain and her colonies Mr is a wonderful scholar a writer and but the little Gladitone children know him best as a good kind grandfather who is fond of fun He too would prefer to enjoy their rather than surrounded by Englands great men at an allnight of Parliament other recreations are walking and- this really toy funny chopping down trees Our great George Washing ton according to tradition had a like fondness in hit youth but by the time he became President he had p robably outgrown such fancies Mr Gladstone however ii an expert woodman and though he destroy valuable cherrytree he goes out with and take the keen est re i a felling trees in warden Park A visitor to the castle one day noticed an me behind the door hi the great where it had been left by the statesmen after one Of his chopping A curious ornament for such a place it It may be out of compliment to the- boy George Washington and hit hatchet that the Grand Old Man prefers to use ah American azeZtorper Young you will be the means of curing many of the home of the day M The of Trout A thing not very often to in the central parts of Ontario of late years is a trout inches in length- Yet there have on exhibition in the Queens Hotel To ronto during the past two weeks some preserved specimens of this- species of the trout family which are fully that siae Naturally have atttacted a good deal of attention and many an angler has longed to try his art in the place they came from Fish stories have been told by the score and all soils of have been resorted to by lovers of trout fishing in order that they might team the whereabouts of such fiih at these tpecimens and so secure a few days good sport during the coming summer But none have succeeded and so the key to the situation Is held by a party of Toronto gentlemen who have made arrangements for the use of the pond wfiere the fish were caught during next season There they will go when summer cornea again The preserve is under the manage ment of Mr Thomas Ford and is to be found on his farm at the forks of the Credit about one mile and a half from the station at that place The pond is the slocked one in Canada and it contains about trout ranging from one to three years of age All these are held in one pond but there ate three ones on the place which are used for the purpose of raising fry to yearlings There is also on the preserve a hatchery erected last fall At present there are under process of hatching and fry already hatched out The eggs arranged in trays about in each and set in troughs of running water They are three tiers deep but when the hatching lime approaches which is at the end of 100 or days they have to be spread out otherwise many will suffocate and die At the time when the young fry is out it has a little sac attached to lis body upon which it feeds for about six weeks when it has to be PLACED IK THE POND or other water where there are no larger fish to eat and destroy it If this course is pursued until the fry is one year of age very Little will be sustained Mr Fords place is the only preserve in Canada that has any pretentions to cultivate on a large scale and it is as yet in its infancy The operations are made all the more interesting as it is the first time in Ontario that experiments have been so thoroughly successful captains Of steamboats if you can but if you do give up the idea of marriage tor until you- too roughly Understand housework and domes tic economy are fit for no mans wife arid remember marrying fits but ft wife If you are the victim of circurattn- do as many of are doing the bast you can to make ah honest living Young man of small means if you want to succeed and will marry you find Maty the best girl- Mothers if yourselves dont know how to imparl this necessary education put your girls where ihefcan learn and attractions at this Is a tent owned by Partis and valued at Each separate awning gold arid consumed in its chair can be obtained by those who at to through thoVrowd or who may desire to be carted about after the faabjpn of two cantor ago covered with Turkish la not hut took rorvlloQly Ilk it so deft art that workman It la a obelisk in by before the time GoDitftDtlne Belt which is coming to lb Fair from Philadelphia alrtady wailing for Pennsylvania the right aid the main Mrs Eva who la to charge of exhibit of laces of reached Chicago from Italy It bat taken the Italian sometime to determine to permit her lac Chicago la historical and precaution be iarciad A guard will constantly be on duly and never per mit lo eat of light Sore of war mad mora than year ago The of nonaction cannot b U- raatad Tens will with the reproduction Blarney Donegal Ireland Us appearance gives one a feeling of there mooh dud wall and to few window cottages below by who all way from sod to show the world tb handicraft of the making weaving and Indoitry known to Irish will be found Thar written in vry which it homely la fall of to ths Celtic lltsratar and every lot of the Emerald Sonoma County California will tend anion thtblt- It will a of great cartoltiaa of the State The modal will S3 long feet and IS high lights In various colors will repradnc peculiar play of color in the gorge- Th of hot springs la to be mad by of pipe New York will mas an exhibition of conditions of life and environment of lb aboriginal race that within borders at of ot new world- It will thaw lite of live confederated tribes who by their posse won of ths valley of and the held gat of continent and by sobaeouaot addition of conquered became lb known to history snd whiaU represented type lean which races the lias of deiosut abide of York today Indian Kill of a long of wigwam and ware by nation will bo by Indian coniiraotion and materials of these and their will conform closely s to the In flfteanth can- VMd On- th World There was no Majority A goodlooking and popu lar young bachelor of a neighboring town was being leased by the young ladles of a club for not getting mar ried He said III many the girl of your club whom on a secret vote you elect to be my wife There were nine members of the club Each girl went into a corner and used great caution in preparing her ballot and disguised the handwriting The result of the vote was that there were nine votes cast each girt re ceiving one The young man re mains a bachelor the club is broken up and girls are all mortal enemies united Jo the one determin ation that they will never speak to that natty man again First In parity ran gib brightness durability Invtaolb Dia mond Dye Tana of thonaands need them in parts of world and testify with and plaasor regarding work dona by them altar year Diamond main lain their high tor uniform are easy home and fall ore ax Bows of Imitations as nam Diamond appaan yon bay Buna At Bayfield the barn and stable of Bates were burnt Wednesday evening The fire waa caused by a lantern being kicked by a hone East Reformers meet in Orillta on March to nominate a candidate to contest the riding at the next general election for the local legislature lL Lindsay ratepayers Monday voted on the bylaw granting bonus Lindsay and railway and carried It by majority Joseph Shipley private bank et at Ansa Craig has called a meeting of his creditors liabili ties are estimated at between and K A good rule for us lo follow would be to always do as we think others ought to do Then there might at least be one well nigh per fect person in the world awlT A son Of Mr Joseph Glover West GwiUlmbury recently fell into a pot of boiling oats which his mother had justlifted offthe stove though badly scalded he will recover KfcMr and Mrs- Ed Fisher of Bradford celebrated their golden wed ding on the of Feb They are Mill hale and hearty and have always in ihe of West The British warship coiling at Victoria tak ing on a full supply of stores It is said the is to sail with seated orders and It is supposed she is going to Honolulu Sunday nights gale blew down fences and sign boards in New York and Brooklyn and the latter city demolished frame houses in course of construction on which the lois is A motion to further restrict Chinese immigration to British Col umbia by increasing the poll from to 500 was defeated in the British Columbia Legislature on Friday by only one vote Mr Robert Lon don township left his team untied at Geary a creamery on Saturday and while he was inside the horses started Mr Fallon ran after them for a mile when he threw up his hands fell down and died M A are out of debt and increasing in numbers They have moved to larger rooms on the ground floor where they will have gymnasium appliances in add ion to other conveniences They also have a library aoo volumes A young man named Thomas was kicker the face by a runaway horse which he was driving at Tweed on Saturday and had his jaw hone broken in two places besides being in jured you that the days of the month and week are al ways same in March and Novem ber in April and July and in Sep tember That if March comes in on Monday November will do like wise the same rule applying to the months named above In lap year January is with March and No vember The last day of February and the fourth day of July always occur on the same day of the week the same is true of May and Christ mas Feb The Hawaiian treaty will probably not be ratified by the senate f Sand congress This is apparent liy the determination of senators not to hold any executive session hereafter that will interfere with the consideration of pending appropriation bills and other neces sary business The ardor of the Republican senators has cooled since the treaty was submitted and administration is thus made secure in the possession of its laurels while the Republicans and Democrats op posed to annexation have made It clear that they can prevent ratifies- liori and mean to do it The op ponents of the treaty even claim that it will be defeated by the next senate There are said to be so or votes assured afrainst it and as ratification will require a twothirds votev opposition if correctly reported will be sufficiently strong to defeat the treaty The bulk of the opposition Is made up of Democrats WntTMrrt foe sals