Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 24 Feb 1893, p. 3

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mf FEB 1893 IP A full ait rojois rtJ on nRSES THE STATtSLwt ahi eleven depot Palis Church Rev the ileal attach in fe for which object there Mr A Stonffer organized Room of the was very in the here la I the honor to of those liH docket sistfsc Cusses On Lecture for id vocal were for join next Dismissed Inspector had ihe Major and JiialutToeeSer to a notified not to do at the bur and fct was corroborated the if rtcair Walks Since the night there hare jjacVBMWicomplainta made net being cleaned The ordered the to enforce the half ta to a dozen or more aid bare the cost of caning added l the Mayor fine A Mr Penrose At the grand WprfOaUrio which mtt in Toronto raoit important was redaction the j sgtf applicants for admission lo There received in preheat number in fo province being Ufa imur- ccveh07cf Chance A first class will lw sold fcoctioa lit Farmers Club The next meet ing will in the flut in vrhen Central at Toronto will report will paper en Hog Industry two cooks cm flnt by A been sold ell reappointed nearly all Monday Bord Audit for the Home next direct- or of Factory meet next to lei the or erection of Mr a for evening in the tame announced last week Mind your Church Fellowship Meeting next Saturday at fl p in On Sunday evening the will preach to the young on Christian Endeavor work The Trigger A hooting match OOk place at the after uoon for at Central hotel follow Johnston 81 cap E Vernon cap The AH agree it a regular oldlafihioned winter bat who can account for bo Daring the past week the Eai thermom eter hat Friday morning below zero Strotbera Robinson Gtlroy fll Allan Ballard Brown M above Monday It below Tuesday it 3 above A Deputation Last Friday Lloyd and Reeve Cane dc3tstco from Weal Toronto their in ten Newmarket for the of Water by which a certain on the mains nice the coolant attendance of an was HirtaaKtancal and Mr it chairman the Water Tab who were highly pleated and received which will be of sendee to Mrs Bailey Is one the best on continent today Dont mil hearing her a Look out for Them The Post- casterGeneral promt to a Card of a larger than that now in as well pottage stamps of the value of and to be parcel postage Daring this week the new cards were placed on in the of Ontario and wilt find their way lo country offices in the of time Tby are much larger than old ones The letter introduced are something new They are and perforated and can be naed in place of a letter thereby saving paper and Persona who have to write to the department by mail or of delay in the million of their always with their complaint the or covara of the lettere or pack age with reapect to which inquiry made Asother Blockade The afternoon and the level with the tops in many and the fanwri had to labor diillnmooton Monday Likewise train we re blocked The ltaueerweatiIownat a and frooi Toronto did not till in- evening the going down did not get hero iu 10 S p A couple of young men to Scott tovmhip Sunday morning lo the same day but tad a big time working their way home Tuesday afternoon Dont Miss Hearing the Boston nut a Si was not a a wire more to It was too bad aomany being In all were 35 well- after a good deal iLe beaded 7 Other Joined were tin and look the cake Ambulance witH be on fef- fct decorated tic and a very pretty t credit upon Newmarket Christian Wednesday ceremony of Mr fttl- town to Oertrnde In the many J The bride Jr etiirtd given away by her her eUter avtrileiniafd while the- by Mr J J Jit cotly and r Henry I Ohawa a cheque uncle the One Yard Wide Gingham and wide Fancy White for aprons just in at a Next Tuesday Night Mrs Sara Lord Bailey giro an evening of recitals in Town Hall All who heard this talented lady year will be glad of the opportunity to hear her again Since her previous visit in Newmarket he has appeared before audiences in nearly all the cities and towns In Ontario and given great satisfaction drawing over houses Lord Bailey gave a spirited interpretation of Lew Wallace thriliipg description of the Chariot in Ben her rendition gave evidence of having caught the authors conception and the selection received a highly meritorious presenta tion- In response to a persistent Bailey gave an amusing which was received with hearty laughter Where Are You Going To buy your At J Millards Newmarket opposite Royal Hotel be- he is selling cheap for cash for one month The Friends The Quarterly Meeting services in the Queen St meet inghouse were largely attended last Sat urday and Sunday representatives being present from Toronto Pickering Grey Co and Tonga St- The meeting Satur day evening in the interest of the Foreign Missionary Society very Interesting were by of St Cathar ines and Harry of Toronto be sides an by Mrs Cody of Newmarket The collection amounted to which will be added to raised during patt three months in this district On Sunday morning and Harry again spoke on Scriptural topics- In the afternoon Harry gave an address at the Temperance Meeting which was greatly appreciated In the evening Allen of Toronto and Harry Keatea took the service addressed the congregation in the Church at request of the pastor Trade Reviving M Hughes baa been getting jn a lot of Spring Goods Call and see them a Sons of Rest If there is any place In Ontario that has more organiza tions to the square yard than Newmarket we are glad wedont lira there- It seems that almost anything that comes along tan find a sentiment that equal to the occasion whether it be for mercenary objects such as Iron Hall investments Novelty stock mutual mental and operations or patriotic moral political or attain ments But latest gush thai our notice the Sons of But a band of young fellows in this town that think it is manly to sponge their living instead of earning honest wage though it may be small and who prefer to lounge around the horns all day and hotels and club rooms at night rather than oven occupy themselves In lessening burdens of their parents in the wood shed or drawing upon store of inform on the shelves of the mechanics Institute that they might be better fled when ah opportunity offered for a more responsible position The poet was right who wrote Life is real lifa is earnest and the sooner these Sons of Rest are shelved upon their re sponsibility the better it will for all Open Again The store of the tale P J will be open again for business today Ink Drops March in Wednesday Listen for the roar Coal bins nearly exhausted are kept Cleaq firet mild day Look out for chimney fires Sutton Convention to day Town meeting Prase at Mayor and Star Hooter and Lyman Jmjl It Goodwin wood P Hush atone Inspector instructed to lbs cleaning of mow from Ftonnoe was to at next with to lbs seavenger for the town also lo examine town Ibd title deeds a achrfute of value and as hw as The A Coin payment the following accounts 8- Co amount aTrciuly Ju Uowr Also that the store Id be into a lo beat Chamber at a cost of about adopted Com recommended payment or account of J Blow J A Baited was appointed auditor In place of deceased Municipal were pointed Uugher Keepers A J each for rent Fence VicweraO Penrose a J Wo and J Stephens 1st Fire Watson 2nd do do do EMcCorm1ck 3rd do do I Fire Warden Reeve- Fire Properly nee ol Band Property Mayor and Com mint oners King Tbrrn Line Mayor and Mayor Reeve and specUl Committee to arrange proportion of maintenance aboutd bo paid by said corpor ation re Huron tit Holland Landing Council I fiau Mr by the iirriltil TliowwmV flllvtr Tea And Childrens a oxrv doing lo ahow of a WK4rjgf month will bo clot log d lot Spring deliver tor offered In he orchard So far a through a ST ih rfl to the lilo app ttUotT1y unit will tor the Mr A ttrf doppfog a a toiS WKEKStraiglitwIiry ifti Victoria lTwfcio It with sincere re gret that we have to record death of Mr J merchant of this town which sad event took place about six oclock last Sunday morning after two week illness brought on by la grippe OMalley was born at lived at and has been a resident of New market for the last 11 years Deceased was a thorough business man a good citizen upright and honorable In alt bis dealings and strictly temperate in his habits lie was a conscientious and con sistent toe It church at entire to bis duties and obligations be loved by all tbe members and being one the most prominent members of the church ha will Ids greatly missed any work was to be done in connection with the church he was always willing and ready lie was president of V Society a member of the A and also of the He was gentlemanly in bis deportment to all kind and obliging a good neighbor whoso charity poor will never forget and a very kind husband and father as well as generous provider for of family Ho was a lover of athletic sports always willing to assist When aothing proposed In town on Ibis lino He leaves a wife and four children well provided for funeral place on Tuesday and was very largely attended many of the business people of Newmarket being present church was heavily draped for sou and at the conclusion of Father Morris who assisted by Dean Harris and Deacon OMalleyof Montreal of deceased of loss home church and the town sustained his death and the general sympathy expressed for the family In great As the organ breathed softly Hearer My the Foresters took charge of body and escorted to St Johns cemetery to await the resurrection morn Among the mourners were Mr 0MalIeys father mother and brother from Toronto and another brother from At a meeting of til V Society the following resolution of condolence was patted unanimously Wkwt It has pica Almighty God In His Infinite wisdom to remove by death from our midst our worthy and President P whoso sudden and a gloom over the whole be It therefore bowing to Die sreign our Divine Master we hereby Under bereaved parents and family in this the hour their affliction sympathy and pray thai strengthen and consols them and snabla by Ills Divine race to bear their loss Shields Howard and were pre Board of Health Toruulo Auditors Report Application from Secretary School Board Mr moved Seconded by Mr Howard that the Auditors be espied and that they be paid the sum of each for their services Carried SfovedbyMr Howard Seconded by Mr Shield the Iuiptctors Iteport fur snow be accepted and to be paid same to be charged to Moved by Mr Howard seconded by Mr tbe application from the of School of for the current year be granted Carried fallowing were Alexander Keeper Nell Qalnn- Viewers Beaten Joboston Board fibepperd Clerk Wo Luck JoUu Taylor and Alexander tiouQ Omr Dr Trip to aUanitoW Leaving Newmarket on January being joined by ilr of Toronto we left next morning by but before we had been on the cars long wo found that wrong train for speed If taken tho train would bare been in that night at but we had to stop at Port Huron until the train arrived from Toronto ibat at pm to wo bad from to to see Port Huron and the great St Ctalr tunnel one of the of this country It take the train about five to pass through it- Wo also I noticed the of the tunnel passed der a brick house which had settled so that It leaned to one side about Inches and ras Injured to bad that It was not Inhabited Port Huron is a city but the buitdiogi are mostly of wooden our return to the station who should wa meet but Mr and his bride on their way to California having arrivod on I train We had the of their company to Chicago where wo arrived at next morning There shook hands and parted perhaps never to meet again We are now Chicago with its 1mm of its streets full of carriages cab cars and a at every street crossing to make each con veyance take its turn in passing visited the great Masonic temple which Is 21 storeys high and would have went up en top of it but day was too fogy for sight seeing We then hunted up Mr Armitage and had the pleasure of his company iu showing as one of the fineit and largest dejxrts in Chicago Ho is a railroad man and foreman in looking after trains to if they need repairing before starting out Leaving that busy city wo arrived at Minneapolis next morning and visited three of their largest and door fao- one that we baa the pleasure of going through was immense one flat there was nothing hut wood work and finishing done for banks offices etc there we saw a carving machine which was quite a novelty After taking in all the sights of this beautiful city we took our by the electric railway back to St Paul and called on friend J Coryell for a lime to give them sent by friends in Leaving for Winnipeg arrived there on Sunday about pm Having arrang ed toilet we our way to Church We found the mercury able lower here than it was in Newmar ket On Monday we called on Messrs F Wood and others and found hearty We also visited soma of business plaooa On Tuesday morning it was storming to beat the baud and continued until It was a full grown blizurd Tho railway waa pot with the plows and it waa a big fight between them en J as to who could get along I left friend Cane here and started for Portage la Prairie train had two engines on and the train said we would not get far we would be again said it was not fit for any train to start out We went how ever and wore going nicely when bang wowent oat of our scats women and children screaming and all wondering what was the matter All bands got out as pouibe like a awarm of hoes when to see what was matter and we found our train had run into passenger train standing at the Roster station On enquiring the reason of collision engine driver said he could not see on account of the deusily of the Fortunately no one was hurt Only damage being disabling ol our two engine The track was all clear ed again in about five hours by wreck ing train and two more engines were front Winnipeg The storm waa so dense not a rod beforo me and the mercury about below I tell yon it biles I arrived at the about and found there had been a big fire which bad burnt a large business block saw two old Newmarket frieuds Messrs Bailey and Alex Simp son I remained until the next train then on I went to Brandon arrived about 30 pm at the Kelly House kept by Mr Charlee Newborn Next I called on Messrs Russell Ironside ami Penrose and found them all well Business was very dull however on account of severity of the The oldest settler says it is colder by two or tbreo degrees than they over knew it before thermometer in different from to CO below io and a strong wind blowing the lime It almost unbearable it is no strange sight to men with their and cheeks frozen But it is nice weather now Notwithstanding the cold the boys play foot ball for amuse- the school grounds No at present but In the future I will give you Brandon ten years ago and now- Yours trolv AT a i STYLES CORRECT VARIETY popular prices tj fflaBBigBiSm- SPRI N HATS AS USUAL WE LEAD IN ALL THE NEW STYLES 111111111111 GENTS leave your order for your AT THE ESTABLISHMENT OF PR I NTS It early to talk about Prints but we have some beauties all guaranteed fast colors Call early bo to have first we wish to reduce our stock of Winter Goods as much as possible before stocktaking we will offer them at the lowest possible price J Spring Our stock of Gro ceries will be found Fresh and Well Assorted Our Blended Teas and Coffee ore still m unequalled JrV Telephone Coancction W W PLAYTER A fc 62 Main St We are already showing a very fine range of Beautiful Spring Prints -y- Specialvalue in Union and All Wool Black Henriettas imported direct Also everything in early Spring requirements in Table Linens Towellings Grey Cottons Bleached Cottons Pillow Cottons Sheetings Denims Shaker Flannels Checked Oxford and Regatta Shirtings f Fine value in Carpets and Floor Oil Cloths 3000 Rolls Wall Paper and all beautiful new designs and patterns v Our Goods all marked always in plain figures more goods now than in would a week ago in certain lines because Winter Goods must be sold And we are laying down everything in Heavy Weights at the S at Closest Cash Prices and To be found R DAVISON Sale villlaMitiaMlool f mistook etc lot In Con Ks will- till Nor ember turns or per per Sale at March slock and iheUla on ho Bout quarter or lt7lathD6ihC0D or East of Kelt Credit sums except tot Krln atKi or per cent per for oclock J Atiet Mr will lHti7Untstt1ef thorooibbrtd stock ou lot toplnr l3it moa rn eicot for grain ami Jor oclock J -Apek- March of North TsrmsrorOrslQaicliiliiufii till next Ho it at W I Feb Mr stock Jioutchod effect on lbs Con of lheTotrribpomcOiU months for fat orris cent discount Bile si oclock- J KMtf- will hero a credit sale of arm stock Imp- of he of I per cent- per IS J Krster FpJtur Mirth 1HIi4tos etc- lot Con I Trros iao utni DO or cent- lor J March A of a In hotel West- soon for other so and potter It A- If You hive read you enjoy Mrs Kara recital of the Chariot day Ileh on Toes Jfletoa Wairch 11 will fc at at a in ate ad or J KING CITY Mrs of the left for on Saturday to sec her niece who is dangerously ill Sunday night being very stormy Mr Walter had a very ser ious time getting to his home The Stone Foil Visitors this week Mrs Page and Miss RatclilTc at Dr Normans Miss Maud Wells at A Messrs Hutchinson and Mackenzie at Win Mr Alex Hefner at Mr Michael Winters and Mr Her man at Mr James Mac- Floor The members of Humber Masonic Lodge Weston to the number of held an At Home Wednesday evening in the Oddfellows Hall The entertainment look place in the sec ond story of the building When the program was about half through those present were invited to go downstairs to of refreshments as they started the floor col- owing to the thread on the bolt giving away and the entire party was precipitated to the lower story Fortunately no person was killed but three or four sustained Serious in juries Ws Forsyth kg broken Rev John Locke leg broken Mr Pearson leg broken Mrs Fryers shoulder broken A woman was so seriously injured internally that it is feared the results will be fatal Mechanics Institute has been At two oclock on Monday a plow and two engines were com pletely wrecked on the H division by the plow leaving the track The train was pushing its way through a heavy cut five miles south of Totten ham when the Tails spread causing plow to roll when it was immediately thrown off the track The engine immediately behind was literally smashed to atoms The rear engine was not so badlydamagcd Four men were injured slightly none seriously How the engineers and firemen escaped without being killed a mystery Miss M Dafoe of Detroit 19 visiting at Hills The elder of the two Mri of this village is very ill of Inflamma tion and her doubtful A scries of special meetings is in progress in Methodist church They are well attended and much interest is manifest hence accessions to the church are likely to follow Miss of is visit ing her brother Wm Clarke of Bal- lanlrae FINE TAILORING SPRIN SPUING JWSTEPHENS GREAT BARGAIN HOUSE Our Newmarket Markets Flour per Fall pot per bushel per huehcl Itye a 11 Potatoes per fcsfr- Apples per big Wool per lb iar pir CO a a 1 if imitit 1 1 OM OCrt GO 0 Ott CO IT OCO 10 OS OS a CO a a 0U on 800 Our Toronto Markets Toronto Fob lA I p Fall boihel Wheat per perbatbel Oats per lire per Kigsper lb Potatoes per baa per ton Pork Cblceosfer 860 per pair a a on Al OM IS 00 a m We beg to our many and tho general public we arc now receiving our Spring Stock of Fine Tweeds Worsteds Suitings and which for Style and Quality have never been equalled in Newmarket MONTGOMERY SON PURE DRUGS AND CHEMICALS and toilet articles GREAT REDUCTION FOB THE NEXT TWO WEEKS IN OVERCOATS STREET CLOTHING WILLSONSljaBBS to MONEY TO LOAN DAVID tLOYD for COQTSjaoofr or wit C Also C lS Fire of Montreal Ufa THE LEADING DRUG STORE NEXT PO8T OFFICE Proprietor VANDORF The second concert in connection with the Mechanics Institute will be held in tbe hall next Tuesday evening The committee are spuing do pains tbe make it a very success ful one John Bell bad half of his leg to noff while adjusting a belt in a furniture factory at ogham day The Carthiginian which left on Saturday took bushels of Canadian apples for the old countrj BOOTS SHOES RUBBERS AND OVERSHOES STILL THEY No Main St Newmarket C hak P A Large Stock of Goodi All New and Fresh direct from Manufactur er now on sale at MARTIN OLD STAND PRICES ROCK BOTTOM GOODS MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES ONE PRICE TO ALL Custom Work and Repairing Promptly Attended to SaKibction Guaranteed A Call Solicited before purchasing H CO

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