Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 17 Feb 1893, p. 2

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I y r rf NEWMARKET ERA Spring Bros Art Muslins Bros- Koch Co Bars A Grain Drill I L ftE Tailoring Son to or The J Btoraa tor Sals a Farm to Otoe Tenders 8nui A LETS UP I BUT RICH ISSPB En is Printed All at Home eta run aurra FRIDAY FEB YlTM Willi In Cabinet In York a and allow of of of ttw Interior or Hnw NOW Tor Peat- to an In other day meat it inlanilod to of the voter list this that a Dominion Ictioii any be during the It it important local party with the of looking afior rotor Kits see it that be made as perfect Forewarned fa to bo forcartDcd there nothing like being prepared for emergency- Toronto patch to Feb Banians forfeit of 300 was by on ud race if now for The of Canada of the A in here week The Ontario making preparation the which is to open riy neat month will then be ready and brilliant There talk of oppodlionaleotiio for A portrait of exMayor bong in ber wed The presentation took place mating Monday night The 39 ot lightweight breed this week The at Clarkei factory they are not being advantaged fay it The failure Mike carry ing others down in the crsh On last the meeting of the Printing held No change in Perth has been by order of Health broken among the Connterfaiters hen am of Canadian Mid a good hare been taken la A session of the Dominion Parlls- mtnt is rumored Ottawa correspon dent to journals that the if their sap porters Ihe present silting as short as possible say thst the of April will see the Hoots At any rate Sir John Thomp son is of getting away to attend to Behring esse Some legislation may bo with this use and hence one of the reasons for a fell One of the Government supporters who was pressing the Government of changes was by on of the that the of the tariff wonJfl op the fall time it would be seen what President Cleveland intend ed to do What My is BE TO ABOUT Tax London England Chronuh of of the commercial treaty between France sud Canada mirks farther ftep in of colonial self government will be well represented the Worlds Fair Mr Awrey Com on er for this Province says ell departments are flllcj op and the exhibit is wry creditable indeed En grain then arc exhibits exclusive of thst from the Agrioohural Collie which fills fourteen There be 4000 of fruit and flowering plants and shrubs Be also stated there will be Midi of these being and all finely mounted on solid oak stands For Pur poses he ha thirty heads moose elk and red deer The Indian of have sent thirteen of mod a foot and three feet high all carved with native symbols and aboriginal devices will be used for for pillars in the clhiblt Toe Bill of Dr which provides thai electors found of shall be incapable of voting at id lion election for yean has parsed its second reading in the Brant ford that the Binder Twine and Co of that city commenced active operation last week The factory is lighted at night with electric incandescent lights the machin ery all new and is said to work smoothly A from to the Pro vincial press states that the removal of railway shops from and to OriUia the future head- of the and Northern will take pla early coming spring This will create quite a boom in bat will have a correspondingly depressing effect on Lindsay Allan- dale a fa been created in political doling the oast few days by the reported resignation of Mr Meredith a leader of the Opposition In the Ontario Legislature and although the report has been formally denied still sufficient has transpired to justify the be lief that he did his intended in he the Opposition Whip Since then strong has been brought to bear urging hie continu ance and it said even petitions have been bis constituents relocating him not to retina This alone is indirect evidence that the report ed resignation bad more than hearsay as foundation for rumor Conservative be be Assembly can ill afford to spare Meredith from rant of the Opposition Not a man on the left of the speaker can be compared to in ability as a debator or in qualifications as a legislator and although oar sympa thies are decidedly with the Ministerial side of wo believe th Prov ince Is advantaged by having an intelli gent gentleman as leader of the Opposi tion instead of a crank Sine the foregoing was pal In type we in of one of Dr meeting this week that has yielded to the entreaty of his for the Dr said Mr take bis seat in the Legislature next in of all rumors to the contrary Hiss Emma Is borne from Col- Miss Gertie Is visiting In the city Groan of Toronto is visiting her sister Mrs Smith Elder pulpits with Elder of Bharon last Sunday Hiss is spending a couple of weeks with friends in Elder new mem ber Church last Sunday Gertie of Aurora is visit ing with hex sister Mrs J this week Mr is very poorly again Be has not been even to his barn Rev Mr subject for next Sabbath evening is Mind your own Mr P J OMalley is lying In a vsxy the resalt of an of la grippe Mr of was vary low yesterday morning and gradu ally sinking Miss Flo who is attending a Boarding College la the city was home over Mi Maud relumed to city this week after spending six or eight weeks with her parents Mr Watson and hi wife of Aurora- have been of Mr Lome Ave part of this Mr- and Mrs- who are about removing from to Minnesota were visiting at Mr Savages on Wednes day Mr and Mrs OBrien of were visiting their daughter Mrs A over Sunday also Mr Stooffera father from Mr Smith Sr has gone to where bis daoghter resides to try of a change for throe or four weeks he being in poor health Esq Reeve of Whit church was town Wednesday tenderfoot tickets dont seem to worry him from his avoir MUs Soda Millard was At Home with a number of school last and Miss Marion extended a similar on the evening of St Valentines day Mr Ladue Broivn formerly of vicinity who baa residing at Detroit steady in the State Land at Lansing the Capital of Mich This wilt be an sgreeable surprise to his friends here Mr Jack Wright sister Sarah and Miss drove up from Toronto on for a and returned yesterday Jack is Mr S Wrights brother who wrote the letters in the Era last summer from the rear of Calgary and has recently from the North- West He gives glowing account of its future possibilities- Wo notice by the Sudbury that Judge formerly of is both law and goaptU Two mea that were brought before on the charge of theft were sent to the Central for two years save one day and for two Sunday he has filled the Metho dist pulpit on of the illness of the pastor It is gratifying to note that bis onerous doties do not preclude him from using his in direction MOUNT Our land liu resumed with the held They good progress While bone was lied in front of the post office some boys rode down the hill on a hand sleigh which scared the animal and it brofce the all to piece Mr Law going to make the pay the damage- A on Saturday night last walked through a large pane of glass at the post office He thought he was going in the door Ross have things in firstclass The population still growing two a time- Mrs presented her better half a pair of boys Our village has alive commercial travellers this week- Trade must be getting belter KESWICK- in bivalves are complaining of scarcity of this product in market The reason assigned if that the waters of Maryland and Virginia whence large supplies come have been frozen over so that catching has been suspend ed It is said there will be a rush for oyster beds when waters open and the prediction is ventured that during part of March and April prices will rale low Friday last Col BUI to make voting at elections compulsory was defeated by an almost unanimous vole of the During the Premier pointed oat that the passage of such a measure would be- to compel a to vote for one two men who had beta nominated at previous meetings at which be was not present and bad no voice in nominating The Bill was not favorably received on side of the House Dominion Born Breeders Association at it meeting last week passed the following resolution As there is no in Canada it is opinion of this Association that if the quarantine regulations of the United States as proclaimed by Husk are in favor of so as to permit them to be shown at the Worlds Pair without quarantine for the jpominion and Ontario should refrain from making any of cattle Tux Budget speech of Hon Mr Foster Minister of Finance at Ottawa day last does not foreshadow lop mouldering branches which lbs address of Thump- ion at Toronto inspired his hearers to expect A reduction on binder twine and the cancellation regulation I bo importation of coal oil In tanks which Is equivalent to a re duction of doty on coal oil are important changes promised but adlog between the lines with direct assurance of a general re vision of tariff next year it doss look as if began to rtalfte that the days of protecting monopolies about numbered and must be It lbs agricultural vote of country is to be retained appeal to the to bear him Our old esteemed mend Mr I The friends of the Math a School are busy this week preparing for their anniversary which takes place nest Sunday and Monday On account of the in neighborhood during early the winter the late this year but the of the school are pulling forth extra efforts week in order to make it a The of Provincial Association Mr Day of Toronto Li to be present both Sunday and Monday The service on is at the regular hour of A oclock- Mr Day is a host In himself and no person in the should miss the treat of bearing him Mr is still the this week Be had to call the doctors help at last Miss Carrie returned home Saturday after a prolonged visit with her sister at A number of our Sunday workers attended the Convention at Bell task week report that It wis a did convention Mr Richmond Cola met with quit a on Tuesday He was driving a team down our hill hitched to a load of bay when the neck yoke broke Mr Cole assisted by Mr CO as managed draw the bolt and get the horses out of the road They both then got on the tongue and tried to steer the iMddown which by the way a very dangerous experiment but they not doit they managed to get out of the road aud let It go lod ran into Mr fanes fant did not upset Later whilst getting the load out of fence they had to hitch the team to the end of the tongue Mr- Boots had hold of the trying- to help it he tripped and fell sleigh running partly over htm which has stiffened him up pretty well This might have been a serious accident and wo it will be a lesson to the farmers to always hire good when on he roads with a load Whftl it Wo hare ana if tome quo was to a little lo rent the man Wo Mr Watson hat placed this week in a petition to need a in Congratulations friend Will Iter Mr the circuit preached a splendid sermon in the last Sunday There was a good SHARON f- enjoyable At the aeisoq t4 Mi ield in St James on the of Mrs Amos spent week in the city Lieutenant of Toronto Military College spent Saturday and Sunday at parental borne Mr George Anderson of brother of Mrs is on old friends In onr locality Mrs George Driver an old and much respected resident of this til lage passed to tbe majority last Friday afternoon The funeral service was conducted by Rev Mr Mrs is suffering from heart trouble and at present is under medical treatment Mr C SomerviUe is also seriously ill The Sons of Temperance pur- I pose holding an entertainment in about two weeks for the purpose of raising funds to repair the bait The object is a worthy and we trust it will be well TO WMl fa UotUt 0 Ik City of of an f JL l to tilled An lot and An is and CTftJltwsarotfTdtorir of IS Twoqlo Toronto tbe 16th day Feb NtxtslIiaJliwttttrra P to a t V Mloe Is hen by altar lis nsstUa Tropin will to the of the been sol be liable or be bill net bare bad Trustee if TO LOAN AtsiapreeV flrldait DAVID LLOYD Heal GOODS Arriving Every Week w FURNITURE EA P FOR CASH A Embalming A SPECIALTY Of rt STIVE- AND MACHINERY FOR SALE New Prints Dress Goods Parasols Cloaks Curtains White Ware c c c New Glassware and Lamps in the Basement In the Mens Department we are closing out Pur Si at l8M for The 35e French Printed Flannels are Some ladies wonder at fch3 price others dont oat old u a Telephone Connection Has Lode a lUogb- Foot- At Kb TJtXo j4ltai Woods at Hie Mr John Of Mr North AnderjOpoiKssl Sir ia air rQasnnirp1e iorstethaprarrij J with bow lb lo ail In Sood order a ib P boil t sod It tt- Bin the Shop lbs Works lb a It csfb offer Will toiftblnBrf For fartbar panic MRi smfl FOX a EmsCttttrs J JlstJaaaftrr TOWN HALL Tuesday Feb RETURN Of TUB FAVORlTK- mi mm ELOCUTIONIST CASH AND ONE PRICE of si lo Tomb lsisb loiL fiasTU wife of Hired NOT Assignees Noli to Creditors the a abort lira- ago that of party to Coa- tariff in aocb u to be anil vfalii not upon abitrmol aa did lion at suul tog Sir of uiMtricud with United it regard m tradi policy Urn protection as cod in apprMCb to thai in duo ftxitunx mcisJ Liberal in a of sjfcKi to make it tiJ to the Can adian took place in one of the room of the Board of Thursday and Friday of last week and re the moat Important meeting ever The in vddreaa to the changes In the crimioal laws made in the interests ofCanadiao pablUberai to have the on plate re docod the of to adroit of three aer- and the Province in workiaga of by the addition of many new member A lengthy and profitable took place on the of the advantage of the and permjiom flaence of general feeling being that papers depend their ancb for and not upon Dr ik on the eyre of the in newspaper work was very practical and much appre ciated paper by Mr of Newmarket an Press of Ontario and the has exerted wan received a record for ill annals Mr at Stratford important paper on room man agement followed by Mr 1C- of Toronto Saturday Night who gave an talk on of Opinion Mr King of Berlin gar verbal report of change in the Libel Law and what other changes are in both Dominion Itcvldcib aonnol dinner at ft moil plena affair LtentOov KirtfpMrick and Pram being among Tbe wilb coffee and lenionade and were none honored was resumed on day morning bat our apace will not per mit fuller report The elected for the earning year were President A 1st Vice Ottawa Vice Brant ford K Atkintooa Toronto J Toronto Jtrierley Jackson It A Ha Til Sun Tills Robert of Toronto pioneer engine driver on Pioneer railroad of Canada the old Northern been con fined to hie home for oyer months moat of which time ha lias been He was and worthy driver we have had the privilege of being acquainted with and many other will say the same of He fa getting op in years now We regret that it not likely he will of a again Life inul lb STREET The way the people turned out Friday night to the Poplar Bank entertainment was consider ing the very stormy night They must have thought there was some thing good in store for them and by what we hear they were not disap pointed The social part was very pleasant and the program was all that could be wished for Proceeds amounted to over The prayermeeting here is very successful but some would like to know why certain of the older christian people do not take a deeper interest in it The Patrons of Industry here are not dead yet They have been meet ing the first and third Tuesday nights in every month The subject for discussion next meeting is The Patrons Platform Elder Clark of Brown Hill the Church lut Sun day morning and preached a and earnest lh Inst Sarah Mr ftffed nay Interred at I Dramatic and Miscellaneous Recitals PROGRAMME of or t SL ICING CITY The English held its annual to Aurora on and in the evening Mr give ao excellent this week are Frank Carta at Norman 0car at Mr A Lloyds Mary Ricbard aged was burned to death at Syraeuie attempting to fill a lamp if oil A a ran named cauUt a wit and carried with luch force at to injuries which resulted in in his death tuc evening The deep interest now being taken in political matters clearly shown by the character of the meeting Sat urday night The hall was crowded with people of both political parties from near and far who gave a most sympathetic attention the addresses of the speakers Mr Brown of Schombcrg having been appointed chairman re ferred briefly to condition of un rest now manifested on all sides after which Mr MP spoke for upwards of an hour upon the trade question At the close Mr J Davis M P P delivered a well reasoned and thoughtful address dealing with I oca I and Dominion issues a manufacturer he announced amid great applause that he was one of manufacturers who opposed the P What they wanted wis noninterference of go- with their business matters believing that it was not fair for par liament to benefit some classes at the expense of others With regard to the administration of public moneys he mentioned that the first instance on record of any erect ing parliament buildings without a dollar of extras had now been fur nished by the Ontario He resumed bia seat amidst much applause Deputy Reeve Archibald of King moved ihe following resolution That the opinion Of this meeting the customs tariff is burdensome and unfair and no more taxes should be collected is nec essary or hone economical govern- ment The resolution having been Mr J S was carried with great After three using Cheers the Queen the meeting to a con elusion Spioai to thi Bra Politics Zing On Thursday the King Tp Reform Association held its in Session in William and EJ Davis P were present and delivered addresses The following resolution of Con dolence was passed Moved by Walton seconded by J Davis That whereas by band Death oar old coworker and friend been removed from field of action to sternal rait we the King township Reform lion in annual session assembled hereby place on record happy warm of Ilia kindly nature and character fata loyalty to the principles he believed to be and good and fan constant zeal and energy la the Reform cause In htm we have lost a friend whose valued cooosel and were always nought and and we to convey to bereaved widow and sincere The following officers were elected for the ensuing year president J Walton and Stewart Secretary C Morrison Com No CI- T J Boo Phillips A Proctor Jos OBrien It Norman Bee Poller A Davis Black lata AnauiiDi bar Una year A 4 fc J MAIN it- NORTH A A slteotloD sftdbeHisenieqis UoodgflaicslserTsnt Apply una a ii prk ISO Pit root will take plce Botleaf en Fob- at oclock Special to be present DEQUKnitB HARM TO RENT 100 AnfaSs lot Coo on reaacraabTe For 31 In lbs lib Con tot will or How Ladles Kith Lew Royal Selected- Bride a Doors at 1 pm 4fc Jewelry Store la SPECIAL SALE -FOR- OR SALE Stare opposite ibe tllO llanMitnBt Atao three brick nearly now la the tiloufff Die to 44 UKfl a WOOD TONTED Bolt wood On motion of seconded by carried we In of the Liberal party Canada and endorse their Wjeving it to be the lion to better the condition the people and wo particularly to eipresa the confidence and In which we bold worthy rep tires of Riding in both homes of Parlia ment In of In of Coin mom and E- Davis in Local Legislature our In terest and be welfare of the country are men of eminent ability strict integrity and true national In the evening a public meeting held under the auspices of the Young Liberals Club the president Jos Rogers presiding Mr delivered a masterly and powerful speech on the trade question which was received with the closest atten tion Mr Davis followed and took up local and Dominion affairs in an able and comprehensive manner There can be no doubt as the way tariff reform is received the people On motion of W Fox a hearty vote of thanks was ten dered the speakers on their able ad dresses In short speech at the conclusion of the meeting J M Walton introduced the following being seconded by and it wis with this meeting So on record appreciation of now happily between Canada the motherland and tba hope for Its continued we deprecate nnfoanded now made for a a sec tion of people as we do voice of Canadian wntitncnt of loyalty to and that peace and proa- Parity will promoted re I or the tariff now bearing the farmers wae classes of ted at the wan tuaj CO TENDERS WANTED SBiXHD will be by Wednesday March 1st For the ercUon a CHEESE FACTORY the town of Newmarket or MrCae Huron EH for tbe whole work or for leader noleu utEiUcorj ROBS Swl 8eo VALUABLE FARM IN FOR SALE to Matotnad I will pre at ihe of hers for by at fepprae floWoo A Coo of Id the of Tors DonUlnlni MO arret more less The arm nearly all is fairly wall fenced tod ransdowa to on main rood to and about Battel DAYS AT a from barn a frame ttsbJav bouse and logfand a smalt short of Store and ti hop at Una of con on on ths to be twenty tile For leal reapply to Urtoshoe Or loTHOft J Feb U CHINA HALL PUBLIC Wn Ihs sIqvs rata ftS tor oil ftnd 1 1 1 he Si- Ob AH S6li Ait bftfsto tfd ihs me ma Ml probity rtu J WOODCOCK Mortgage Sale win anno lllnDofsaTtbeIB win bo offered for lo by PUBLIC tba bay at AU- itoolwk MllbT Iho namely AilDist or of flwltlTraburj ho have just find am exhibiting Line of MIC Watches at very low prices See our I OK Gold Watch at only a few left See them before buying L Coibty of York and UtaMmnDora part In Third lion and as it Wait of tot tbenco nine Hist eighty a llnkis eice North four dears Ore feel Rest sftrsee East our Rut ATKINSON JEWELER Old Gold and Silver taken in exchange for goods MAIS ST SPOT CASH BOAT SHOE Rail ivro foot raw Booth iheocft Iblflywia Ihqpta els 1I13 North alas decrees sovouendar limit llmu more air two On the limit sia lot mora or leae 10 of or leas Wait sAid A Hotels 8iLsaA bo to Vaodort en saltan percent srlthlnW daft thfirasltftf can be to For and of uAspplT to LLOYD NsfrmarksUFO Dated this let ISM I Neatly AND Done Is making a Big Clearing Sale of Shoes for the next days as toreduwi stock to make room for Spring Goods you will find all down When I you know I what I say They will not last t prices I put them at Now come along SIGN pi RED B001 GRIFFIS BRUNTON BROS PREVIOUS TO STOCKTAKING C Roods We have just received AND Fancy Glassware AT- R R A SMITH Leading Main fif Prompt Delivery By Express From URO WOOL FRENCH DELAINES LLAMA CLOTHS AND NEW ART MUSLIN These are elegant goods in new patterns and purchased direct from Manufacturers we are selling a very lowest possible price BRUNTON BRO

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