3 A 7- i stsj i sttvrt- sji s XflB Friday Horning GEO JACKSON me ivr i REACHED NORTH YOKE INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER OHTAEIO BAKK Inter cm rife papurs wot outride of N York paid in Tftaj Vol Single Copies Cents Each Newmarket Ont Friday Feb 1893 TermsH00 Strictly within LSOAL- J owe- a good Vm security It- LLOYD SOLICITOR Hi foe King to Sloans Etc Boner to HOW TOD UN SAVE FROM DO YOU dont delay BALSAM A- feDd 4 TO 5 HARD CASH THE Ye will tikii ttil W tad Beetle Church To clear out the balance of our stock of Coal Heaters and Parlor Cooks we have made the following reductions Coal Heater reduced from to to to to to I 2 Heaters it Coal Parlor Cooks red from You can purchase any of the above stoves at the per Month until paid for rate Hit Era Winter of fflBJiL Ho Eta Deal Bloc f rstlBr 4 ltcUJ AUCTIONEER of York CENSED AUCTIONEER Tor York specially Sates coo bo made G A BINNS Telephone No 30 Successor to WRIGHT CO promptly Have you tried the CIGAR NEWMARKET BOOK AND NEWS DEPOT IN CANADA OOLUUHIA UNITED STATES MANITOBA ataawD The mow wind load Earth in box aqowj at any The sky has a doll and to the tight though i MXtx would again Bo radian bright trees arc and As though bad fl For all of really might the llttia Ha behind to u oar for Mtioh Ho carte for 80 let as homo And Id trat It in by coma and go would cot bo bright Had wo or Our Father in His whit and btt Altar fruitful earth need quiet nit- And In her mint So pure so and She it her For the toll of another Feb KAJ SCHOOL BOOKS AN GEO ACK1JK W N STARR Aim to Improve I 0r Our Brand the en inn will be found to be and wo august that give brand a when our statement will be verified to quality DAVIS SONS CENTRAL TELEPHONE J CLOCK MAKER Iure IB J Foal BENTLEYS PHARMACY XMAS GOODS BELOW COST TOto It had been the whole day but rtow the afternoon was drawing to a close and the gas lamps were being rapidly lighted in the streets a process watched with de lighted eyes by a group of children who were flaitening their against the window panes of a room on the lower floor of a large house id London Our halfholiday and we have not been out today groaned the two boys of the party Neither have we retorted their sisters in chorus so you are no worse off than us Do be quiet will you exclaimed Hatty the elder of Its very different for girls Get your books and read Or your work chirped Fred a mischievous imp of seven years of Oh dear groaned the poor plant I feel very ill I shall certainly die if someone does not pick up soon that child would I know if she were able- course no one could hear hyacinth talking and to it did not help matters I must no complain continued the flower trying in vain to raise it self The little girl though she is to ill never makes any fuss but is good and patient I must try And copy hex Dear me I do feel very uncomfortable though I am sure I shall never stand upright again I must accommodate my self to circumstances Rita I Rita called the child as her entered the room help my poor my beautiful flower Ah that is better the hyacinth as the girl called Rita gently raised it and carried plant to the little ones bedside Tenderly the thin fingers were passed Up And down its and over the green leaves then a kiss was pressed on its opening buds It will be a beautiful white flower murmured the pale lips smiting Yes said the proudly I shall be very beautiful How the fltck child loVes I And it shook itself again with plea sure Then it was placed in a cooler position and tied carefully to a stick to keep it upright This hurt its pride and the plant trembled with anger and contempt for its wooden companion but when it saw the childs large bright eyes looking at her beloved Rower a little sadly still fearing lest it might brt hurt in its fall said the hyacinth softly to itself How naughty I am to make her grieve After all what does it matter if the stick docs trouble me My first object should be to do my duty which is to please the little And the plant was right for God had made the flower arid sent it by the hand of man to brighten the sick childs room And now a singular thing happened The hyacinth began to feel very drowsy arid after two or three times fell fast its Ad venture had no doubt tired it Is the only way in which I can ac count for such a curious proceeding The day sped Oh it course the waves rolled up in quiet- monotony and broke in soft cadence upon age H- IW I VgetUTiUn the reply That shows at invalids window how much you know about it It is no use disguising the fact that the children wereaH very cross It in her hand a sharp pair of scissors The hyacinth turned pale and trem bled Snip snip went the scissors and the beautiful white blossom was severed from the stem I shall faint away was the low murmur I must die now like the little girl But it did not for the flower waa entwined with many other among cool green ferns and the wreath they was hud upon a grave In a country churchyard This then is where my work now and I must try to do it well arid patiently said our hyacinth Therefore gathered into its stem as many of raindrops as it could and put forth all its beauty that the paused to admire and remark the loveliness and fragrance of the sweet flowers should notice me in partic Why was not I chosen to adorn her restingplace since the little girl loved me above them all cried our friend in hurt peevish tones Why so proud Where is your patience and contentment mur mured the ferns in Soft reproof Our hyacinth made no reply In truth it was ashamed and feeling very for lis fault strove make amends by being very humble and doing well and bravely the work which had been it until it with arid the wreath was taken away But they planted year by year hyacinth bulbs around the little ones restingplace and as the blossoms reared themselves against the white stone cross which marked the spot they added their pure test to the belief in an springtide and the life of the world to come Tea is ready said the nurse putting her head in at the school room door just as brought her story to a close and away trooped the children the three eldest feeling a little subdued and rather ashamed of their and complaints away to during the afternoon They left the door open behind them but Flossie not notice it- She sat on in the her eyes fixed on the fire thinking little child and of the lesson it taught fo Bra feIn 10- of Model School LARGE STOCK OK Druggists and Smokers Sundries STANDARD REMEDIES DISPENSING A SPECIALTY DR CAMPBELL PROPRIETOR A for rim tkiiuilc- and tibop of llJ ljfi aV pro- from Toronto flow pared lko piano A TMsTbtaocordfomo moderate Photos Photos MR A8TOUFFER CONCERT BARITONE of Church of at Id Vole Culture In Violin or flrcotica Bowels Kidneys and Liver carrying vilhout Uie at time Cor recting Acidity of tbe Stomach curing Biliousness Dyspepsia Headaches Dizziness Heartburn Constipation Dryness of Dimness of Vision Jaun dice bait Erysipelas Scro fula Fluttering of Heart d General alt Rheum Erysipelas of na Gene oilier Tar Rite fcy Dlrrt a Proprietors Toronto those mid oilier to Iho BITTERS BUB Q PEPPIATT IL DotfAt A Aurora i CANADA LIFE CO -APITAL- AND- DOLLARS THKooW la ten guaranteed up- he Id tear THE And to tars outwork Id every work and far la of an picture will bo Cop 1 air In On or OIL to flood the with cheap work hut it to 5 r- old M of and of TcKlmgalaU from A of at fi ii al Coll ud College nrauHtud choir HI- arch Two to DUNNS BAKING POWDER THECOOICS BEST FRIEND LARntOT IK CANADA OLD NEWSPAPERS For the IV -i- Hi VERY BEST Shropshire Rams YOUNG SHORT HORN BULLS If ARM a ok- fiojaKtmJliL Scotts Emulsion of Cod liver Oil and fat and lime vMal to itKiJtficjal In a and ific CONSUMPTION It Lb lrLjcji il SICKLY CHILDREN because they cm it when ordinary It COUGHS AND COLDS be fniUliOn lite id up the overcomes the was the fault of rain they said They were tired of watching the pass hurrying along with their drip ping umbrellas They had chased the raindrops down the windowpanes until their fingers were chilled and grimy The whirling of the streams along the gutters no longer afforded them any amusement and as the lamps were lighted they sighed for leatime and vented their weariness upon each other If only Cousin Flossie would leave oft talking to those tiresome people upstairs in the drawingroom and would come and tell us a story cried Carrie a pretty chifd of twelve years and the eldest of the party Or if mamma would have taken some of us out driving with her ex claimed Mabel a likely subject to be tab- en to see a sick person A greater never lived replied her elder brother Any complimentary retort that Mabel might have felt inclined to make was put an end to by the door openings and the young lady who en tered was greeted with shouts of Cousin Flossier dear Flossie I here you are last Yes at last she answered laugh ing I dont wonder you gave me up for lost but the Johnsons stayed so long that began to think they were never going Now you really must not pull so or there will be notbingof me left A story I Tell us a story cried the children eagerly at clinging to the slight girlish figure they almost pushed her into a large Hold your tongues I Leave Do you want to suf focate her exclaimed Harry with boyish chivalry degrees order wjis restored and now the firelight flickered on happy liule group seated on low chairs and stools at the feet of the goldenhaired cousin wliu had seen some twenty summers and or whose knee was seated the Sybil the baby and youngest uf the family Amid a hushed silence Florence Graham began her story and told it in simple language befitting the childrens understanding Later she wrote it down in greater detail some what as follows A little child lay tick in bed She had been many weeks ill and hour by hour grew weaker and weaker the bright sun peeped in at the win dows every morning and each even ing darkness fell upon the earth So night succeeded to day and time drifted onwards bearing with each successive throb that tiny life away On a table opposite the small white bed stood in a glass bottle a hyacinth bulb which had been given to the child by a loving friend and lying day by day propped up among her pillow she watched the plant as it she beheld its green leaves unfolding its stem growing taller and statelier and often she stretched out her little hands as it to embrace it for she dearly loved her flower One day when weaker was gray and cold and the cbitd la as usual upon her bed wondering at the rapidity with which her plant was approaching perfection whether it was the beat of the rue or that the hyacinth too fast to be strong no one can say but it fell and hung limp and drooping My fljwer my flowei moaned tliu tittle one reaching forth her hands if to assist it toy beauti ful hyacinth oh if I coutd but gel and was awed by what it beheld She heard only as if from afar the murmuring of the oceans billows The sound mingled with the plaintiff strains of an organ playing in the street below and as she gazed at the opening white buds of her hyacinth it seemed to her that they were fast transformed into a with wings standing beside her bed She stretched out her little arms again to her flower fading rapidly from her sight and as they fell help lessly beside her the Angel of Death passed swiftly through the room away to the great beyond Then all was all was silent in the little ones chamber and they who loved her forebore to mourn as those without hope for they believed with childlike fattb in the Commu nion of Saints and the Resurrection of the Dead I have token a very long nap I wonder what came over me and hyacinth shook itself impa tiently Why dear me where am for someone has moved the flower and it found itself in another room rest ing against the window What has become of my small friend I must have slept so few hours for the day nearly over Very naughty and of me I declare Yes the day was nearly over for sun was sinking down to Vest surrounded in a golden hushed was the motion of the suns restless waves beautiful with tints of green and pink and violet while masses of crimson and grey clouds covered the sky Very fine indeed said the hya cinth nodding approvingly at the prospect before it Man calls it nature a cold word 1 wonder does he never forget that the great God gives the glorious sunsets and all the beauties which gladden the earth But here am yawning again I must be very tired What do I see Am I dreaming and the plant peered eagerly through the window Slowly slowly fleeting upwards like a great white cloud soared a with a little child en folded in its loving clasp Above the din of earth the neverceasing motion of the wide tea they rose together and the child in wonder at the fastreceding objects of the world she leaving forever and strained her ear that she might catch the distant sound of a deep church bell which was wafted to her upon the stillness of the even ing air Then her eyes fell upon the hya cinth which she had loved while ill and the little ones heart grew for the desired to take her flower with her into the unknown land whither she and her companion were going But the bright angel in loving tones that her Father in Hearer would give her Sowers more beautiful thin even the pure white hyacinth and that the plant had yet a work to do on earth So the child was comforted and just as the setting sun was dipping down behind the and the distant bell tolled once again for the Life that had finished its course upon the earth she kissed her tiny hand to the flower as a last farewell and the angel with Us burden floated aw out of sight Then the hya cinth knew that Its little friend was dead and bowing its head mourned Some days passed by until one when the departed childs sir ter entered the room She wis Oat Bahamas Feb 1st Daaa my last letter I promised to write yon about tbe of Nassau the capital ol New Providence si I came oat here to do soma work for the Monroe Co may as wall give tone Information that section now Co has some three hundred sores of pine apples sud twelve acres of sisal At present there are very few apples ripe I managed to gat a few to tend to my in Nassau paid apiece for Item An they are much to ones wo get in Canada left Nassau list Slat Jan on a small called Rvbtrls for Tattle Cay on the Island of hundred and from Nassau Wb started about pm with a good wind We were not oat loon before It Increased into a Kale and rinitorm which continued most of night The sea ran vtrj high and oar Utile more then rolled Sometime cr on Id bow right into a largo wave and would get washed fore and Alt night the never left wheel and of the were en duty until nest morning The captain It too worst be encountered and for my part I do not to see while on such a irniU which ia no larger then the on Lake Dot ia life ocean wave One my got badly end of much ibflt night owing to She lowing of the vessel end a feeling nnder veal then everything One of had the reason see ran is that wind bad been blowing bird day right Stream The next morning wo sighted tho of and the capt ran In the lee at a place called Hole in the Well A few of at weal bot was too for a smalt to go wo got on e negros back and he at ashore through a to the residence of the only white man He manager of a targe slut farm He kindly us plantation tine ight elial resemble the century plant it baa a Straight leaf feet long It Into rope binding and also lots of vegetable spongos growing the tamo kind which you will at any of oar drag stores In Newmarket Tbey have an covurlsg hen on vine The balance of time I on I wai down on beach picking np lovely and a few rare and part of the crew by fliblog and they bad grand port when they came aibore the bottom of the boat wai covered with beautiful and very large onea Nest morning the captain oat to again The were rolling very high but storm over and Jail before night ran Into harbor which Ii over 100 long the of on trip It In harbor we have smooth water IS la only a Utile over three miles wide There and beya on both blch look very pretty with their itately trees We called at Harbor two small towns I will write yon In my I expect to visit this week We saw opt luge loggerhead turtle which said would worgb at least lbs- It a hall mile from shore They are very on of Abaeo We landed Green Turtle Cay at Friday On leaving the I asked what roy fare woold be He said That is the trip ever bed as Hard line charge for three and a half days from New York to We went ashore In small boats a It very shallow As usual lbs crowded with colored and on a gentleman came to mi and ma if I Mr I said arid he that friend had written earing was coming out Bo he invited ma place and treated ma ever atofv I came Ho is one the managers sisal farm There are gsmUe- looking after intereisi of Monroe alia large and on pay day It is vary to watch people Invest weeks wages whiefc about Tbey will buy worth of pork eta worth of floor and 6 worth of Hah and they generally gel ot Toe people an very fond of flashy colors especially in their drew Green Cay la a port of entry end the principal on Iaiand of Population about mostly people who are d In and pineapple also ponging and fishing The men who follow fishing and live oh fish alone are poor est spectmpna of I aver saw They look like walking with the akin drawn over have sallow complexion A great many flab biro axe yellow jack others to say cot all of these fish are TOlaoooos As soon as they one of they tell off that It freely and prevents the flab from being That a Spanish Since I carnal have been una iitbl there are several oases ol lap rosy in this place almost made me mat ode oh wharf the other day waraioaseis jut across the whereXhavezoyafQdlo room for twelve years and has only been Seen En ten years It makes feel sad when I look at bar window Shit was the prettiest girl on the Gay Something awful think Of her fata as most of readers know topers their fingers toes and other parti rot off aoi Very Motions who shake band with end what leal morning a colored girt me Some oaken weald not think of lag bat to nothing will hark thorn they can rattle This girl that has leprosy Is of a nlee fixjuly ahd eta well with her sister In but in reduced otroamkianoei and any one will send ma any pipits will see thai she gats shew and It will make her miserable a brighter The comes here iwloe a month gladly deliver do no feet afraid of toy friends managing the ileal farm fasvi been here three years and have taken it The for the last week In would Moil winter weather see in the morning and water is There not bom In the and never seen a They use milk end all kinds of meats no fresh meal is killed here once in two months In yoa can get anything yoa went new potatoes and ripe tomatoes lor din Bar We have ft colored man that does oar cooking He once was ft cook on a running to He got ship wrecked and that finished bis sslUng Jdy friends here have promised a sharkfishing also ft day and There are plenty of wild hogs here hi the forests There is no in Tattle Cay ilerth Harbor or Great Harbor and thee three places are within Tows truly Bahamas DIET for Young lambs arc for shipment to New York the who shot in Saginaw Mich has been committed tor trial Wsat ires Tower aged killed while at St John on Saturday night iron enough in the blood of fortytwo men to a ploughshare weighing lr- There is great misery in owing to the floods The damage is estimated at The main building of the Simcoe Agricultural Society at was destroyed by Are Friday Three feet of snow having fallen ia Seattle and neighborhood the people now fear a flood when the thaw cornea The members of the Mani toba Legislature have to Toronto in aid of the Maekemie memorial fund Worrying about things we cant help as foolish as throwing stones at the sun when its shini doesnt suit ui Four thousand people in Northern Louisiana are on verge of starvation owing to the destruc tion of crops by flood Mtii Jane May Crtffford aged recently of Windsor was killed tobogganing at Montreal on Saturday evening asuAiMr Thomas of was chopping wood In his bush fall axe glanced severing the big toe of his right foot a It is reported that a riot last ing two days taken place at Bo gota Panama and that too men were killed and wounded Fred Glover aged was hot and killed by George E Young In a quarrel near Lawrence Station Elgin county Two men were instantly killed and one fatally injured at Montreal by a wall filling upon them while working in the ruins of a fire corner stone of the Can adian Packing Companys large fac tory near London was laid by Hon John yesterday the pres ence of about people The company expect to begin operations in April and will handle about hogs a day Two very distressing acci dents occurred in gravel pits in township on Friday last one of the victims being instantly killed the other crushed so badly that his recovery is doubtful Mr Archibald Cameron of Vellore had been during the winter overseer at a gravel pit and was most energetic in getting out gravel for the roads in vicinity On Friday afternoon he drove to the pit in his cutter and went down into tbe treacherous open ing He struck a piece of the wall several timet with a pick whan he perceived it was giving way He en deavored to spring from the place but was caught by a mass ox the earth and crushed to death Deceased was a promising young man probably thirty year of age was a favorite In the neighborhood in which he lived He leaves a wife and one child The other accident occurred in a pit near pine Grove and about three mites from the fatal trap in which Mr Cameron met with his untimely death Mr John Darker was the victim in the latter place He was caught by the falling earth and badly crushed G of Montreal has been awarded the contract for the construction of an iron span bridge over Red River between Winnipeg and St LA Two negro boys who con fessed to having robbed and burned at Dickey Amite county Miss were hanged by mob of Wednesday night Mrt Stevens was committed for trial at B on Sat urday on the charge of illtreating Mabel such an extent as to cause tbe girls death K Ames Stevens of who accidentally shot and killed John Walker of was com mitted for trial at Weltand on a charge of manslaughter Mr John Mark his mother and his daughter were burned to death near Sturgeon lake about eight miles from Lindsay at an early hour Monday morning- Feb blizzard on Friday for his missing daughter Henry Graham of Harrison Mich perished almost within reach of his own door The girl has not been found The best definition of a friend ever given was recently printed in an English It is this One who guards anothers interests as his own and neither flatters or deceives There are sermons in socks prayers in potatoes benedictions in bread consolation in coal hallelujahs in hams Christianity in clothes and salvation in soup for the needy and suffering this cold weather The Directors of the Carrie Mechanics Institute have prepared list of books belonging to the- Library which are detained by sub scribers and purpose taking proceed ings at once to have the same Sow to Got a Sand wrappers largo to Litis fiaoa Ltd Bt Toronto an d you wUlrsoalvs by poet ft from advar- and wall worth framing This la an aasy way to soap is bast in market and It wfD coat lo to send In the wrap pers if the ends open Writs you address WdpaopU any And bow to save are sabjoota which interest In formation Is given In Borne Economies One for odds and ends and market Is ft book Mpaclally valuable to yoong and will afford many and useful hints to ihoe more experienced Economist mailed so any ad- on receipt stamp by Dr J a ft Lowell col- Cold weather politeness is to always shut the door after when you enter or leave the to leave the house when you start and not keep a friend shivering at front door and being thoughtful of others comfort whenever the occasion may arise is said that weighing scales have been made so sensitive the flame of a candle or the tiniest hair from the eyebrow can be weighed Scales that will weigh the tender chuckle of a telephone girl or the smile of maam would com mand ready sale The exodus to the has already set in from Aurora On Tuesday evening Mr J Rose borough and Mr William his sister left for Manitoba and on Wednesday morning four young men from the southern part of Whitchurch left for In a trip over the country one will see mowers harvesting machines threshing outfits and other expensive machinery just where it was last in use taking the weather as it comes An exchange remarks kind of experimenting is all done at the purchasers expense Mr J S has pur chased the finest resi dence in Bradford It is said aooo bought it though we ate satisfied no one else could have got it at the same figure The original cost of the grounds and residence waa some where In the neighborhood of The ice gorge the Beaver river at Rock Plant broke Tues day and in running out washed out a mile of Pittsburg and Lake Erie railroad carried away telegraph lines and compelled all the factories along the river to shut down on the Alleghany river from an inundation- Boats and much lum- ton