Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 10 Feb 1893, p. 4

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ffffq N J Theres Nothing SOAP IT AWAY WITH BOILING HARD RUBBING BACKACHES SORE HANDS 4 Ml my SO year lui itMon In It recorded Either Alio a mo and band of retarding Jon bad been led fcck to by An Aocooot of girt Em Colli how It op to fat to lb rettor- of at bo enjoyed the And occupied petition And Ho pious prudent and religion with people And work- at which of God In it ao And in Dont Slight RECUSE CHEAP IMITATIONS m Catarrh Ifiablooddlusa ftxpelled from tbe poison there can bo euro tor fcthsoiDo nd malady on Is a or best All blood begin better troubled catarrh for over I tried and treated bra number physi cian bat received no until I to A few bottle this cured me of ttonblesonie complaint and euro reatored my health og Ufa When to me for timed to ItA tried bo many I no that a of and bad teailyloel the pit wm Si me to try me of WRh- After lakl of that the only nre Charles Elver Loir ell Sarsjaparilla fsvrisiD Or fix is VQTtb A was J I Baring i would from digestion of I and ra it had cured half a dozen Eilolete And Relic La a And It a rccoedr of he ffpdfro and reliable and mom than nut of it la A POSITIVE when to or toeU on receipt wire Loadan THE Recognised Standard Brands a Mungo Kicker a Cable io to other brand market Alwari reliable i dcmoottad tin millions Aoid roc An com petition Over Qc Pac eIi Wo Art not S DAVIS SONS Montreal and Highest Grade Cigar Manufacturers in Canada FOR SALE ALWAYS Well- Bred Dairying in Huron LARGS RETURNS TO FARMERS Rfvitw The question asked every day the Canadian fanner prosperous and public speakers and writers go to work to try to prove either the affirm ative or the negative Now farmers are just like merchants doctors law yers editors mechanics and the fol lowers of almost every other an craft or trade some are prosperous and some are not So it has been to is so it will be They who fail in the farming class fail from one or wore causes Perhaps they made a poor start and arc now working their way to the goal of prosperity over a thorny hedge of are found in almost every other class and they deserve ration Others are dogged by misfortune made the of cruel and damning circumstances Their counterparts are to be found in every other class and sympathy and assistance should be given them Shiftlessness bad management in dolence lack of thrift repugnance to the drudgeries of farm labor extrava gance cause many more failures among farmers as indeed they do in every other class As one of the speakers at the meeting of the Centre Bruce Farmers Institute it is largely a farmers own if hedoes not make money The remark is not original for so it has been for many ages industry thrift and good management are the sercets of suc cess in every walk of life It was remarked at the same meeting that farmers ate the most independent class in existence In periods of de pression they may largely control their resources and suit themselves to their sustenance The struggle for food they know little about hav ing at all times enough and to spare Not so with thousands of town and city folk Our readers may often have observed that the overage fir mer would much rather board you for a whole day than give you a quarter Mixed husbandry is now the order with the majority of farmers Horses cattle sheep poultry cereal butter cheese eggs and the many other things that are now the products of the farms they convert into cold cash Markets may rule low in some lines but they will rule high in others Mixed husbandry is the fanners safe guard In the matter of cheese alone the attention was drawn to the large amounts paid out to farmers as the rewards of their dairying Industry Fifteen thousand dollars distributed for cheese alone in one season over the territory covered by one cheese company we deemed no small figure Then taking into account the amounts distributed in that same section for factory fed hogs for hauling of milk for officers salaries for cheese makers wages etc we cannot resist the con clusion that there is no reason in the world for the existence of an impres sion that the large majority of our farmers are not prosperous The wrote to the secre taries of neighboring cheese com panies to ascertain names of the five farmers in each deriving the greatest returns for their cheese the amounts secured and the number of kepi by each farmer The latter information they could not give accurately inasmuch as many farmers guaranteed to tend milk from eight cows when in fact they sent milk from or Mr H tarn ell secretary of the Ripley C IS Co tent us the following information The secretary of the Co supplies us with the follow ing statement ran J hi fast John Ftt1L Geo Clark AlexHicks ft John Alexander 18 ft We do not how it is with other farmers but we observe that our friend Mr J times not contented with the which he raked in during the sum mer is into the butter business now We have no but that he will reap from very nearly He has acres of land and knows how to make farming pay Farming is just like everything else push persistence and intelligent industry will make it pay It we can get it out of the minds of some peo ple that the government is the cause of failure or success in agricultural pursuits we will remove a fallacy that is as ruinous as it is erroneous Fail ure in that life particularly no can cause or cure Manufac turing and other commercial in dustries may be dependent upon fis cal regulations but the fanners occu pation nowadays is comparatively in dependent of tariff In spite of everything that the Opposi lionisis may say to contrary our politicians are more eager to retain the farming vote than any other A Reform politicao at a fanners meet ing in Kincardine not later than last week admitted that both governments federal and provincial were doing all io their power to advance the cultural interests It is not impudent on our part to state that except in very rare cases it is own fault if he does not succeed That wiry Pellets And its a mors important point think It keeps them ways and liable unlike ordinary pills in wooden or boxes Theyre put op in way and better way than the huge old- fashioned No griping no no reac tion afterward that worse off before In that way they cure permanently Sick Headache Bilious Headache Constipation In digestion and all derangement of the liver stomach and bowels are prevented relieved and cured Theyre tiny gran ules a compound of refined and concentrated vegetable extracts- the smallest in the to take and cheapest pill you can bnj for theyre guaranteed to give satis faction or your money is returned You pay only for good you nothing likely to Do juet as good Dr Sages Catarrh Remedy cures Catarrh in the Head A Great told to nam a to laukpuid How to to From only child nil cat Till bore her Lord- To TOioa tonra ilill In School Ob To Sat lour will Or fwak Has now oar only child A Flo aint her defiled of or Co- Ad exchange lias the follow Youd scarce one of my in engage and hope to gel a paying trade with out the local papers aid And yet I did thai thing I opened a la spring this month the took the stock and sold it from the auction block Don view me with a eye but limply lay a I pan by there goes a man who to think he bat no use There a truth as broad as earth and men know worth its simply this The public buys the goods of those who muz J McKay J Mr A replies to our enquiry frith figures that are startling as well as gratifying rami a iU John Mitchell tf It Foster Mi u s Mr adds that a large number of patrons received sums ranging between 750 and The total amount received for cheese the average price for the season being y5 cents per lb From Mr Donald Blue secretary of the Pine River Co we re ceived this reply Hint or ovT John Iollock S307 K OH A US tf Mr Blue points out that he was unable to state accurately the num ber of cows kept by each but gives the information that the yield of a standard cow during the cheese mak ing season of milk The secretary of the Arrnotf B Co the following list JffcMfc CMnpUll Mclver Owing to a breakdown during the season the Underwood factory ran but days a much shorter time than surrounding How ever the figures quoted by Mr- secretary arc by no means small MA Blemishes tnax boms Blood J l0Dldwn SUA- John How ud St JO MOM The bird She Association or the of was held in con Whitchurch on 19th Jan Each Session of the Contention was which the In teres in Sabbath School work increas ing Allot those names on the program were present took up their subject or scored Daring fint Sestioa of the lion Rev J The of Children following ud of the lioaghts the speaker presented 1st to do or be much on what Is done for children 2nd Children may be concert ed even before age may do with what cannot do with those of mind who are childhood they are never from Church Ha also stated we are forced and more to de pend upon conversion children for the In answer question Who are respon sible for conversion of the Children he Rave two pa inters for parents 1st Set a right example to right teaching 2nd Pray children In the followed Ilia thought was brought oat that should pray with our children rather than for them On Friday morning for following was Conducted by the Secretary after which Re Mr Reid of introduced the of Relation to Class He spoke reciprocal action teacher and bis class and 2nd of the aims of the teacher that were not for order verses facts nor in knowledge these were but for the conversion of the class Secretary daring the afternoon seaion introdated subject f How to metro the School main feature attraction he dwelt upon were the teacher order singing books and papers and the tak ing its proper in School wort Alter illis of the Infant class in a Interesting manner Daring the last retiring President gave a report of of visiting the Schools of tbo Township which I think be good to bo print- sent to the and teachers of each Sabbath School Alter a short and by the President elect J Richmond Hill entertained tha audience for an hour on the sub ject The Sunday and Nation Greatness first stated that hie subject wis one not ranch talked upon Great men despise work as having anything to do with national greatness Hen generally the greatness of a nation by the extent of its territory population Dot the nations of the post were not wanting in any of these things and bad pasted away if not all in slime their moral impurity Two of the essentials he gave for a great and last ing nation were 1st the human mind with the principles of the Word of God Purity nation that would stand must be pore The men that were doing the most to destroy of evil are the men who are doing the work of the nation At i La ot the Convention fol lowing were pitied toil we hereby conviction of iboald not only iatiHit lbs by upon tbeiesijoni thereof bat io follow by work never forgetting aim of 11 work to win to l he 2 we over tbe fact that been mad maibodi of conducting we urge upon 11 oar the importance of dependence with the whoie aid we attain I Pur From Toronto Star G one of the greatest naming expert in the Rocky tains at the Walker House I had quite a talk with him and found him a bluff cheery old miner full of an ecdote and enthusiasm He re cently settled down at Kelso BC the newly discovered district and his enthusiasm over this wonder ful place knows no bounds I have been a miner the far west for the past forty odd years I have mined in every state and terri tory in the west where there was either gold or silver I havei a big warehouse at Spokane and furnish the mine and miners supplies When gold was discovered at Kelso I heard rumors of its wondrous richness but I didnt them till some old miners came back shouting about it- Then I went to Kelso and I tell you young man its the richest gold mine on the top of the earth today There is enough gold in sight to last two years It was discovered last summer and now there are eight hundred miners hard at work During the coming season thirty thousand men will swarm I am down here in Toronto buy ing supplies to escape You see if I were to Cake supplies across from Spokane would have to pay per cent duty Yes will send several car loads of stuff from here to Kelso Shovels picks ham mers powder dynamite bedding tents nails stores etc etc am going to stay right Kelso will be the greatest min ing camp in the world inside of a year and dont you forget it The railway will be in next year and look out for a boom CUT PLUG PLUG other brand of Tobacco has ever en joyed such an Immense popularity la the name period as this unci of Cut Plug and Tobacco Cut Tobaceo in Canada MONTREAL a toe Hog lot I nag ioc coral Core tot tod la lit tint Com ftvaatlf Held reveal B Bold WW tm or Me tor lim Or we none I or imrln me more KvA lhn ear fcO worth of I of I drUe loose iUelaAUeettdLOTirveiaedr A5 eaUe ftt4kf Feb a About 5 oclock this morning fire was dis covered in the old tin shop of the late H Thompson on street the upper portion of which wjs used as a dwelling by Mrs Lin ton The fire quickly spread to the Ontario hall which was almost touch ing the tin shop on the aide and also burned the double house to the south owned by Mr Jones hardware merchant and occupied Mrs Bven and E By hard work the firemen succeeded in checking the at that point The Ontario hall was owned by joint slock company and the insur ance had been let expire a few weeks ago The loss to the company will be about therefore and no in surance Mr Jones was also un fortunate in having no insurance and estimates his loss at 1000 The Thompson shop is supposed to have had a small Insurance Cause of unknown Miss Atkinson of the 3rd con Tccuraseth fell on the ice the other day and broke her arm above the wrist Jan The cen tennial of Methodism in is being celebrated here today in the First Methodist church One hun dred years today namely January the first Methodist class was formed in and is still in existence all this time the leadership has been in the one family being handed down from father to son The first leader was Andrew Johnson and the present leader Johnson is a grandson of this Andrew Johnson This class was formed under the ministration of the Rev Darius Dunham who came to in from the United Slates and soon came to now CURE found lO It thirty of rich iVCTiing classes in with In have an j eight tt and said be doing Well Careful es timate lhat fully Onefifth of the of farm machinery and vehicles cornea from neglect to oil ihc NEWMARKET ft jr A moihsti trsi q flow A- with rivfln from la now in not for loit Hard Think tie njolhcr the Who Ron nog bleeding grace Wed A Prepare tot To Id Jn lHh and And a death ukt to die May God when from earth Whan aud cold upon falr- In he a run a is a general protest being raised against the use of the phrase heart failure in assigning the cause of death Kit any thing what does it mean If it does not mean anything and is only to cover up a good deal of medical uncertainty or ignorance then the quicker its use is put to an end better it will tor the medi cal profession Execotrii Notice to Creditors WINTER STORE SEASON hi FULL STOCK OF LEADING MAKES OF CROSSCUT SAWS SHOPPING AXES SAW SETS AXE HANDLES HORSE SHOES NAILS AND BLACKSMITHS Hill QSM i ft SUNDRIES BEST ASSORTED STOCK OF BAR BAND HOOP IRON AND STEEiL DR -OF- to r ami- u4 all thi of of In the of who dl6d on lb on or tfca Day to Mud In to of Ibe town utter- KimqUu of the will of Hatter wail and rail par- of their or mentor their and net or of cm aoj by And I lit Jap of WSJ Lhai said may forthwith proceed lo to Syrup la of oilier ittH ftbtieboUil AND to BASES iidUtdayor KM mar forthwith proceed lo tui4i 9ytJ to of SbM J and Executrix the to or claim sue hare had oolite the Uipabf Dated day of UATILDA J PO HEREBY will be to the OnUrlo of for an Act to incorporate a to lias of Toronto to lke flloiooe to Itaa power to leaM far right of all by Act of to cob or operate eld- graph or for with power wlthjeaieor Mil to or or other Rallwar or tha 1 ID buMos for or of Autbartllox Lb la borrow far toe upon fitorts Bond or of per mile J W Com pa or lfK or TO all for the oat pi awl i THE LEADING SHOE HOUSE la clearing a lines in LfldW Mens Boots and at a Big is your time gain SIGH RED BOOT Custom Work IFFIS LUMB LATH SHINGLES Ami- Sold by n tfsygATARRH itwfll rthora fcnfl Cure you- tor ill urcKful iuraUjJrco on a to a i i WK NOW TO OUR CUSTOMERS WITH SIDING MOULDING SASH NORTH OK TORONTO PROP Society ALL SIZES OF GLASS ON HAND I NEWMARKET BOOK AND DEPOT j v ui ry O A ASSSSSSi A vboBbonTMdM Iflf Ttrmm f ft i 5fe SSL ft r 11UU0 NSTARR- Vatey iuV la Tav ihe ftonJorScMUM SXRStfeX CENTRAL Lands In Arrears for Taxes in the County of York Bjtfftftftfft fc Eight and torde me to with IbeooilotTloo of the Arrears of on hereinafter with aad I give Monday the day of March AithahMrof to aau th Mid or ttaoh may bo la tAXQi and THE ARE tot IB To Lot Apply to Kaa aot all For Pulo I WWI SALE ATI A i the flib- Apply l Hi a OR SALE th 1 J 6 A tKCHHar dob a rood IM- FARM FOR S THE SE bury ii eel OF tiROBfltlA N arid and parts v tnarta E s Mfl parti a avrtot part IT It rpt MWl a pan W- a 4 a i vVftai and 111 if- unit IS 10 If IS It IS la IS II It 14 IS Brook part and parti St II 19 is St FORI I I I da- ftitf tuft I S3 I 9 SI irs 11 a 31 Iff I IT I IT a 77 37 PI SI- fi IS w W I A It 91 97 13 9M 0 9J J I2 3 I fe fiftftS-BffA- a aa a a at a Part North North I it a a I I J 3 V 1 JC01l ICO- 909 I ICO ISO ot saw S II fi apply J Ill 9 ti 9- 9 if- 14 I 13 i a- 11 i 07 lllll fail 5 part of Pan Part Pari Part Part Wm part John of Lot Part part mast wimftCBT III SaW a ftl ltd ISO 60 W 1M lalWYat fc IS4 I S3 8 S3 is IS ft i Part of part Part of ft 1 W I TO 113 A l l I is 11 io at i ft W I- I J I IK St JO Or sue THANKFUL FOR LIBERAL PATRONAGE OP THE PAST SOLICIT A CONTINUANCE OF SAME AIM TO TURN OUT GOOD WOBK Wfln a EftaB t 4k ftt wtj a r Wort I r a TOWN FOR ALMOST jud ighttwM JU will QIC nr iJ lhaTOWnaalvMKitlpll Id lh so 100 it laaio- ftamacdaliWI a All food Alt ID I TAKE ByLaw I February 25th A OP IhBtOWElllllMof IT I 19 Id bid TO 95 9 IS 750 55 ID a it SI ri III l 11 ID 1 97 a 1 11 A- all 8a watt ft f t ftqath aide part lido AT- LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES THE CAHEA SONS MFG CO or LOT NO HO VONQK 8T- lacUof I j j do I I IS 9 SURVEY II LOT NO I IN COS ST- 9 SI J K Town plot It ii V act OfflcoCo York I 16JJ Voile or of wMil I CammwcJPic limit of at rf ilty until road louxw road J CoramiaoJDg at fc direction aroarfi ODIII Mid allowance All and I mis of from It propartd to do Ureal MISS Ho I Reoc HOI an now prepared do MaaafaTi Br wan

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