Supplement lo the Newmarket Era l loth DUTY ON BINDING TAT Mil Mr ft FOB YORK VV A3 IN 1ST Stairs That is the only Gnu soil- that the infant industry is scarcely unto how long from treasury of Una Thai ii is expedient to place rag twine in Canada and the in that state which Wo entitle it is it to fo be entitled In indirect Mr moved into his own that twine the free tut ha obliged to at to tax the former just now to corf- draw the of farm share of profits of He said This is not the first limo price seller Ordinarily the tribute these because I era of Otto it which ho asonopf lis that I have pressed this motion upon purchaser entitled to buy In doubt if fbo fanners are stability proGlaiilis the following to able up to this to the attention of the House ami cheapest market hat owing to able to rely upon dividends advantages nipotitdrt win l capital to now ooNOitiox to last unsuccessful up to this moment I hope that in due time not owing utium tariff the of binding twine to themselves from their own special baa Wen obliged to purchase at prices industry I again quote from the bay ft At pric49 Government will see wisdom of named by the tiler wholly advertisement yielding to the request If they do trolled by purchaser or the agree with the spirit of my mo- of demand Oil that occasion perhaps they trill like the un we were told by the just judge at least yield to it on nance and we were appealed to account of frequent importunities- almost with However that be and whatever in larger I put ill this House two years may be motive for Yielding as- it that they field a ball IN HIS member for that if we reduced the duty on be tad It ro tamri This the of House there ft is of thai Sc SoJT STB of tffe or pound and according SLJfft is authentic it will give the the agency of the ll laid sources from the Unrest from ff ftJu to to territory that House to the other the of infant industry now re- m on or nv by petition through the House has been classes in many ways hut agenev of TUB OF THE MOST CIVILIZED COUNTRY IS moment they appear to nave found no needs at court the u fciu Up to this class which the Government last they may becomes a question which has to v menu of the lhe Simply these the to in earning on their are Canada am obliged to supply themselves with in that year to this illegitimate tax the tntfon 10500 which would this not have had to pay if there been t iium iiwi Uniic rtf hi it if i obliged free competition the of this product of the rtiea government circles Whether this 7 muu raw infant three n w is this thing The Miners of of the lMeD could this twine in order to be able to con- to and the glory Canada fM the JJf for everything they earn they find As an infant industry it had expense of the Canadian farmer and I M duct industry according to jj to be protected by a tariff of per it states that expense it hard enough to make ends meet modem methods end it is IT lh ro not able to reach even point farmers of under the name the c was that it should have the flu mterost to aoomre it at Checheapest the Coning Co and to and pre- rightto exact an extra profit from S J has Canadian purchased famler SvBtMh aperforHahfaMMrBare information at In those ttholww much There possible price lion mem disturb the discussion mar feci it we may assume that this years that it increased its capital to peases over a output tisBitioni Let its that Suppose incumbent upon them to give some SlSWSJJiWW IU the seven te even two or three dollars a i Hie attention ro o of the company- who is may say It has accomplished nil lowest prices- MP ft thai he result of the tariff sillm wilt of but yet it is loaded By for Imdug twine is to place the lht flltv at once down with encumbrance The is Con farmer at the present lime and thereupon I will from not so there should be One would think that all these ad- where can a limit at the or a any comment If however doubt on that point the advertise- vantages which it claims for if In I brought to the attention he admits as 1 assume he now does proceeds say wore quite sufficient to take it out of that yon by legislation establish of the House thy of the this Advertisement as isatied by he he of and in Canada any institution which is trade in connection in will proceed to the best friends of permitted to levy Axes on one class of with binding twine I was able to to analyse to some extent the feeble Here is an infant industry with to The time has the people for the special advantage show and ban gentlemen only condition of this industry and show capital when you muflt cease to prey upon of tliat corporation where is the limit to refer to the records of Parliament hi w most necessary it is thai it may in public to be fixed Compared with the The company does not claim nave other necessaries of the item of monopoly profits tinder twine but a trifle and this be a most unwise thing for system unfortunately is not limited with the of itsTnormous industry has been discribeil by itself tribute for its from the make any such claim to that one item but is found run American capital formel a is follows I read from the every farmer in Canada In the press but it goes on to say nine through whole gamut of cute and leased 11 the twine factories that no person may have an v doubt Sim it has been articles which the farmer has to Canada That fact was establish- of these slate- Sv Ta from him a few dollars beyond controversy nod was ad- Surely an infant industry with a ments auditors have the Jhln it on binder a milted by the chairman or the fun- enpit is entitled to matter ami have given their ft in on read further on in hands will showi ami director be- implements a few more on bis house- to refer to the rccorua of most necessary it is trial it is at that time to find that in ait still he altowed further to operate or and yet propped up by the Govern- American company known as the an to stab as an infant industrv and National Cordage Company jam her vital parts This maintained in A position to exact combine the junior member of taxes from the opinions for Halifax Mr who now fiunenn sits in place in this House It whom may he wtu further established on 00U- that the was it goes on to the following Montreal This company says that it has now it is by iniquitous ing in supplying gentlemen us directors csamiucd the been able up to present to or petty larceny the tarmera i with he wtn net fit per def hj cent per annum and it believes that the of the advertisement the following doe- iSlJiTZ not each year a mark- J haw an ana This company oyep January eddecreaso ami on nave an i mii a i- how it is that by this iniquitous ill be aide to maintain that profit Administration tell the future If we going to by the side of Utry a lhS it will for tin put ind would try by like to 1 us it free trade prices was using as the of operations id or cum of paidup eapital Wo J J T p and making una of lb as a nwchne f y ft fituteni it of Canada Have the Mr J i to tarry this gigantic i- Hi fur mem of Canada made at least cheat Me nob heard that tnoie M fjJW llidtertLie as a anv flimura On what were any mouldering branches We in the first ituw to the principle of infltice do the were told any discovered ami extent rflfiISi SSSS mill List on transferring from the they would be lopped off and if any to the outside world which thereby ufnuuwruu trivia of ike j jioekots of formers of Canada to had been discovered there was an twine at prices to ward of the and of a a000000 infant opportunity to mention them in the On that those who agreed lock to deinandmR mvernuienl this sum of Speech from the Throne but they with me on this measure a low to roam enriching single corporation have not told that there was even a their argument to deaf ears in- You will Mr people of Can- which has its ramifications extending twig I bring this matter up in ad- 1st May J advertisement proceeds from the Atlantic to the Pacific and vance of Budget speech and hud not at that v itll ihal nmCmmmnOmgU is levying texes every year upon the tell the Hon Finance Minister that time riint the people of Canada demand at he anil at Ins finest and claims very material Blackmail I 1 i frills of the throughout Mi W Mr I It that he has not heard from mi is robbery nothing else lhu Country on this W0Hili and it is by is not able to stand alone when it trillion now sitting opposite to MS occupies that let me ask Two years lion gentlemen prom- when wilt it ho In stand lUnt they would allow no such We are told that the Notional Policy wrong this to exist yet for two is in force order to weak- years least they have allowed this million dnlhirs thus nild tint only for it the weak- scheme to remain I up infant industry would crushed out by their 1 nay with regret that on that said pro giaa to nay as to whether this rivals or it is a not deal with the matter enterprise mav or may not profit- a weakling that pro- Mi institution like this should of- Canada regardless of party when they refused to deal with it and able chums to tin world that it is the Hie under the of I that are determine that I allowed the motion stand with out eoiniuent until In ihcided us to his It whs therefore giiiU to lion who with view to the agricultural Sfctiiril of that mi this as lilt IViKltrHTS tin- exceedingly to gttt on in the ground and In- joint proprietors and their to secure some tile good lliiiigs great that those last ditenuiued to such sacrifiup and to Jiiunase their by on matter what deceiving voices may he heard from the back no matter how any mouthers from farm ing districts may try lo persuade hint that this is only a rim ikkm knows to howl tiik I venture to say that I am voicing the sentiments of the agriculturalists Lilt manufactory in Canada the It would seem from this 1 over by the as tlny no- sure they are going to he for Halifax able to pay their dividends iiAsitrACTuaixn by tnanagitig more is the through the machinery of the Gov- is not able to sand alone in Canada eminent which he supports to turn