l7 GEO AT 1 1 PRINTING fc Vol 3 Single Copies Cents Each 4 As NO YORK INTELLIGENCER AND OHTAEIO BANK Branch paid la Friday Feb J Strictly in Advance or at iaajBTR4- oucnon erne He A Rio LI SALE -F-tJl- CO ah fl rtrrniuAjj fct ad for ud LfD iy rich r CO i U- iisp nd jsf to carry any stoves over the Bummer we will give SPECIAL DISCOUNT Latum- SIS bit ltfDLft J iVCTlONKBR Aitepiloa fftvii FBiSU For old rtton- wUdtd lCSNSKD AUCTIONEER Foe ibe Coo Tort can t per cent Here is all on a rare our Stoves chance to get an until A away down WRIGHT Telephone No 30 Repairing done NOT Gome in Out of the Wet A IT 8KB OUR STOCK OP BILVER WATCHES AND New in Jewelry in Silverware Have you tried the CIGAR CANADA COLUMBIA StATKi Manitoba We Live Progressive Aim to Improve fiOT Our New Brand or J P O GEO BE PLEASED TO HAVE YOU AND QUOTE YOU PRICES MAIN ST ATKINSON NEWMARKET J MAXTOR gold BENTLEYS PHARMACY 600DS will be found to be exceptionally fine we pec folly that smoker give Ibis brand a oar will bo fully as to s DAVIS SONS WILL CURE On RELIEVE BELOW COST SALT fiHEUM HEARTBURN HEADACHE DOZINESS OF THE HEART THE STOMACH DRYNESS Of THE sxin And every disarm STOMACH Ok BLOOD T CO jfchi ill Ij and Smokers Sundries 1Mb 1 1 iff A OR CAMPBELL niBKQVKBBlC SUUlIHT llAi Photos Photos I I II KU- J ftIAn not it few irvre pupil Piano TuKbtrtrdlocto rtncemiiilieollcUod Vocal MHA tfft to glr Ipitroctloa In dT4atKO to 1N ltd flrst Ibe checked by the prompt Aye Cherry la the later periods cough Is by thus used lb my practice preparation I greatly reduced in fletih end up One bottle and a ball of the me A Middle wn I w I 111 The doctors I was In and do for pie but Jait to try Clierry After taking medicine three I cured and health renting to the COOP I tfao to latlmto he THE io A sod Hour Aurora CANADA LIFE AjMURASiK capital 000000 USICl TUB only a ih of IbIcboi MAINTAINING And to Iqitj oat work equal Id reaocc dtj work the It- of picture will ho Id or OH Mr will not bo to flood the hood with work to rerj com pi ale end ember ffrl old til wo Teacher vocal and I tarmtrtj flt church from choir A or ibi 1 omftlirDO Co Toronto Prospect Arcane Li J rtUVCH DUNNS BAKING POWDER THECOOtCSBEST FRIEND LAnotsT Sale Canada coaQned to on La danger- Bap freely my to a healthy CO that for days I aiaterooia and a I cootldercd my to bare a I were restored lilon Since V Che Pectoral J ill LID 1T Co Mufti mi best FOR SALE Shropshire Rams SHOW HORN BULLS i ta w of tturi Scientific Pare Rich Blood enrich the blood moncyout at Interest SCOTTS EMULSION ftormngian Cod Qit and blood enriching properties la remarkable degree Art you all rmt Scotft as Palatable is BRircnd gel Ibegtaalae at Iter ra lilamloftttd pride Arid faMri Willi aglow As ofUj tripped to Ids feha to go And morning While a on red stood on to him A At door to hex heart for hu not now to Iewrn That the wife and most often port When the to Aru And Iberee aodOj in i mwi or ihe floor And is eaujrOl with For the at door And the husband arriving in oe V Whew or play ilea many a glimpse at her smiling in hie mind throughout Ami bio look Is bis eyes are bright As he eons his ledger oer For be thinks welcome waits night And the goodbye kiss the door vivas and husbands the world Is bright When the heart lose doth glow And its path is smooth and Its bordenUght willing to make them And the sari will the dark est day And scatter tho that lower And the rose blossom along way For the goodbye kits at the door Aunt Amys Warning Annie I Why child what are you doing with those little parcels And with such a grave face tool One might almost think you were about to decide the fate of a nation Ob aunty not quite so bad as that I am only trying to assist Fate maybe in her in case of a few dear friends of mine I am Just fixing some pieces of wedding cake for girl to dream on writing the names of seven that is the magic number of this affair seven young men to put round each piece I have enough left or another Aunty let me fix this for you to dream on No no love my dreams of that kind were over long ago My dreams of love are sadly oer Annie sang and the merry reply she was going to make was stopped Annie hardly knew why by a soft sigh that reached ear and caused her to raise her Aunt Amys face Although no longer young it was still very fair to look upon and traces of great beauty still remained There was a depth of pathos in the dark violet eyes that told Annie very plainly Aunt Amy had a story of ber own and perhaps she might win it from her She had wondered why her J aunt had never married She had heard of her many admirer in years passed- She knew of more than one now who only waited an encouraging smite to place heart and hand before her Aunt Amy was veiling her eyes with their beautiful dark lashes when Annie stole quietly to her side and passing her arms caressingly around the slight form pressed her bloom ing cheek to the pale one and Aunty tell your little girl why your dreams were over years ago Why you little tease that I might live an old maid to take care of a very wild little bird that calls me aunty I suppose What would such little ones do without an old maid aunty I wonder No no aunty you cannot laugh me off so and you are forcing this merry mood Besides I heard Dr Mason say yesterday he truly be lieved there was never a Gill but had her Jack waiting somewhere to go up or down the bill her And you answered Yes j you truly believed it was so Now after that aunty you cannot deny your Tack Do tell me Annie last evening when you were woirying and teasing Carl so about that picture I seemed to be living over these bygone days you reminded me so much of my own fully Then I made up mind to tell you a little story as a warning Bui to day I from unravelling Ihcpast Still I ought And so to your J tell me first did you destroy Richies picture or promise to send it back No indeed I did not Neither the one nor the other It is all non sense in Carl He ought to have more confidence in me He ought to know if I loved Richie I would not have consented to become his He is too jealous A sweet time I shall have if I do not cure before belong to him The idea of not being allowed to keep a friends pouted Annie Annie you have made so much of the picture showing it and de claring it to be the handsomest pic ture you ever saw Yes my dear and you were almost beyond the bounds of maiden modesty I think when you pressed the picture of any man other than a very near and dear relative to your lips and that in pres ence of your betrothed I am sorry to you dear but I blushed for you then Oh aunty I was only in fun just to tease Carl when he said he would destroy it or I should send it And how did it end Ob he went off very indignant saying if I preferred the picture to his I could keep It Annie an swered with flashing eyes adding with a smile of conscious power But he will come back this evening and be loving enough Suppose he should not Oh but he wilL He could not stay away Annie you are very confident of So I was once Oh a joke my lover left me never to re turn I could not suppose it possible that he would not come the next eveafpg Yean have passed of them yet the evening to bring him back has never come to me I am thirtyfive now Annie But still young and beautiful enough to win the love that might brighten and make happy years to cyme aunty My dear no other love can ever fill my heart would not wrong an other by to him love so wounded and crushed as mine An nie when just your age I won a love which made me supremely happy I was an only daughter the de ration of parents brothers had somewhat spoiled I feat a merry funloving girl yourself yet loving with her whole heart the noble earnest man who sought to make me bis Although there was no time fixed felt sure at no very distant day should be Henry Hey- wife Since was fifteen I had worn con stantly around my neck a chain hold a locket given me that I first knew Henry he used to tease me about it once asking ms if it contained the likeness Or of some loved one As seriously and truthfully I answered Both the likeness and hair of one Very dear or lady and I saw greater anxiety than cared to show whfn I replied I you a gentleman young and sides if I should show you Frequently after this when grew more intimate he would SpeAk of the locket and beg to it But I would neither explain nor permit him to Open it I had something to tease him with and I wanted to keep it The day he put an ring on my finger be said Now my you will away that old love the locket and I will give- you another to wear Oh no indeed I never can do that But I can wear yours too Besides it is not an old love I will let you seenow to prove Aud opening the locVer dis played a face of wondrous beauty too delicate perhaps to called a handsome The lieutenant uniform In which the picture was caused Hair start I suppose the reason I have not been honored with the acquaintance of this young gentleman is his being at sea probably Were you ever gaged lo him Amy Never engaged I answered with a provoking emphasis on the last word but adding directly J Oh never mind about it The one who gave me this will never trouble you nor be any more to me now This seemed to reassure him And for several months we were oh so very happy The demon of jealousy slumbered But there came a terrible awakening of it and to me One evening after we had been engaged about six months Harry entered the parlor unannounced and found me reading a tetter just re ceived from a dear friend As he drew near I made a show of hiding it from him The spirit of tantalising possessed me 1 saw he was worried and when he asked- Who is your letter from Amy A friend I answered in an em barrassed tone The friend whose picture you still wear His voice was so changed so stern 1 have ber n warned of the coming danger But no I was possessed and went on replying Yes from the same I dared not raise ray eyes to see the effect of my cruel words Oh aunty how could you tell him so Of course it was not so Yes Annie it was true the let ter was from the friend whose pic ture wove On aunty could not believe this of you As bad as I am I would never wear the likeness of one man nor correspond with one when the promised wife of another would I my dear But I did almost as badly I let my lover fear this wrong of me Nor did I give he explanation even when e said Amy these doubts are terrible You must tell what this man Is to you You must put an end to this affair Yes I must have this promise or I shall bid you fare well forever did not believe he could or would do this My tempter urged me on to try a little longer and so I answered only I cannot do it Taking his hat he left the house without another word Annie I have never heard one word from his lips since I believed he would come next day but I was disappointed A week passed and yet he came not just then my cousin a midshipman came home from sea We had been almost raised together intimate from childhood so during his visit we were much together One day while walking we came face to face with Harry I longed to place my hand in his and explain all I be lieve I should have then had not a look of withering scorn met my gaze That evening I received a note re questing return of bit letters and picture Accompanying It was my own picture the little I bad given him and all my letters A few days after I saw by the be had sailed for the West I have never heard of him since Oh aunty how terrible I think I should die if Carl left me so But of the other whose picture you wore Did you aver love Annie my child I have thought you might have guessed I wore no mans picture It picture of my dearest friend ana schoolmate Dollie taken tn an officers dress which she wore your So was once when acting in charades yes too confident And for as slight while we were atachoot For piece of fun she gave it to me to tease the beau she said and made roc promise to wear It always You see dear now the coil of a joke my child do not try Cujfc love too severely Indeed no aunty Bless dear heart III have him back to night j and there Is no lime to lose either Annie ran away to return in fifteen holding the following note for anoty to read looking oior my Assk days slope I Thinking you baro so a Mod to yd a for lowly what love ywrs imwra tha both yoor Atom Now aunty I shall enclose this in a note to Carl asking him to mall it on his way here A few months after this the even ing before Annies wedding she sat with her head in Aunt Amys lap You seem very happy my dar ling Oh aunty should be so but for one thing the shadow on life You have been the only mother I ever knew and it hurls trie to leave so lonely Brer since you told sorrow I have prayed Father to brighten your Amy there is an watt ing to you in the paxlor and here is his Atihtfts- en tering the sittingroom With a started up to glance at and read M go prays answered Oh four ft fclf and you look op lovely I never ygut rairnlAfAhx ftie as loving the ttphryTeldn hajteped forward to clasp the woman to his heart whispered forgive and me l have to forgive and I hive never ceased to yoU all my own- But how did said From your Archer She spoke and your intimacy and then the locket I could not hide my sgitalidn and so learned my story- and then she sent you never to leave again until take on with me The neat day was a double wedding after which Annie whispered Now my happiness is complete for my prayer Is And Aunt Amy smiling through the joyful teats replied And ray completed with a happier ending than I dreamed could ever be I deserved jt should Lib kid lb SUTTON A Sheppard sold his Zephyr hotel last Saturday to Mr Arnold of Mt Albert Mrs of is vis at residence of sou Mr A real oldfashioned surprise took place at on Monday evening in honor of Thornber who took his departure for the Northwest the following morning Valentines Two bad fires in night in Lakes has bean prohibited for the winter A Cold Snap AH ENTIRE SOUTH AFFECTED For a good many years to come all cold soaps will be compared with the one of It has broken all previous records While it lasted one could hardly place Ms linger on the map of the United Slates or Can ada and find a place where water would not if it was left out of doors The temperature reached the point clear to middle of Florida And that is mighty cold for Florida The mercury registered fiftysix degrees in Key West That is an unheard of temperature there and is bound to play the mischief with oranges At other places along the Gulf or Mexico they were worse off At Mobile and it was eight decrees below the freezing point on the same day and it was only six degrees warmer at New Orleans The of cold wave was over Eastern Tennessee At Knox- ville it reached ten degrees below zero That simply smashes all pre vious records into little bits North ern Georgia and Alabama had minus weather top At Atlanta Ga It was eight degrees above zero which means that business was practically suspended It seem that the Northwest had parted with all its cold weather but it hadnt At St Vincent which is usually one of the coldest places in the United States it was thirtytwo degrees below At it ten below Chicago has been catching it too It was eight degrees below zero there and there are probably few places on earth as cold as Chicago is when the mercury is below zero So it will be seen that the whole country united with New York in grand shiver There no place one could go to escape the cold Never in the history of the Central South had there been so much suf fering from cold weather as during this snap rivers had been blocked with ice and snow rendering passage over them Impossible Many trains were late and some were aban doned by their suffering crews The most intense suffering was prevalent among mountain people The snow was from ten inches to three feet deep in Tennessee Western Carolina and Kentucky and all kinds of labor were suspended Not for years bad there been such severe weather as prevailed in Tennessee Mote than a dozen per sons were frozen to death revival meetings held by Eld pastor are still continued with increased interest last Sunday night was so crowded that many were unable to obtain a seat and stood during the whole of the service while others seeing the vast crowd and hearing that there no room went away This brings back to days of lamented Elder J memory is to many In this place Nineteen converts were reported last night We hope these service be of great profit to citizeria of our quiet village for tail HOLLAND LANDING Wednesday the first of the the girls of enjoyable of their the Rev Mr Presided and the ball was well filled by an audience which seemed thoroughly to appre ciate the program A Variety choruses and a of tableau arid an amusing farce were rendered the Guild and of the choir with abte musical and power The Guild under of Miss Agnes Taylor to whoseutiselfiih labors the of the entertain ment is lar due SELDOM SEEN this place took its name from the difficulty in getting to it it is com posed Of a saw mill several houses a creek some swamp and 500 acres of land which When surveyed will town lots and when built on ought to average five persons in a family making a population Of inhabitants This being a central location we expect it to become the seat of government for the Township of Whitchurch as soon as the road should be made passable- but when the council have gone back lo build snow sheds on roads where they had expended large amounts in cutting and grading we may expect it to be a long time before our town is often seen While our municipal fathers ate introducing new ways and means for expending the surplus funds we hope they wiU practice economy and would suggest that they take into consideration the advisability of pur chasing a few teams and distribute them through the township to assist those travelling during baa sleighing McCarthy P his presented the Mechanics Institute with a cheque for Two hotel keepers were up for selling liquor after hour and were each fined and costs The Richmond Hill Curling club won the championship of York County in the final games for the Lemon bakery had a narrow escape from Hon by fire last week- It was dii covered in the nick of time An action has been com by Barbara Harper against G Playlet of breach Of of marriage sElThe island of in Mediterranean riai been visited by severe earthquake in which raan Uvea were lost and injury dom ic property The great ice gorge at Cm cinuati broke Tuesday and roc barges were carried downstream with the rushing water and ice Fully worth of lumber was lost They mo of A or ten Is quits IhoQSsn is at women Canada that by using a outpacing Diamond sbts lo dross to by soma sad discarded dress- IS thai seen Diamond stents iron bam or month dress soma color the Dyes sod new oat yd dinar How to Gat a fiend wrappen large wrsppsr to Litis Ltd Scott St Toronto and yon will post pretty free from Using and well worth This la an easy way to homo soap is best in the market and it will only io postage to sand in wrap pars it iba ends Write your address carefully Towns OF FINK BUT ONE From Chicago There are so wellbuilt towns in Kansas without a single Inhabitant to waken the echo of their deserted streets Saratoga has a opera house a large brick hotel a school house and a targe number of fine houses yet there is nobody to claim even a place to At Fargo a stands on the side of the hill a monument to the booming craze of St Valentine Su Valentine was an Italian priest who suffered martyrdom at Rome in or at in jo writes Florence Wilson in Soma Journal Historians differ as to the date Legend amplifies- by dwelling on the virtues of his life and the manner of his death and tells how he was brought before the Emperor Claudius who asked why he did not cultivate his friendship by honor ing his gods As Valentine pleaded the cause of tbe one true God ear nestly Calpburniua the priest cried out rhat he was seducing the Emper or whereupon he was sent to Aster ins to be Judged To him Valentine spoke Christ the light the world and said He be the the light of the world He will restore the light to my daughter who has been blind for two years The maiden was brought and after Valentine prayed and laid hands on her she received her sight Then asked that be and his house hold might be baptised whereat the Emperor being enraged caused ell to be Imprisoned and Valentine to be beaten with clubs He be headed a year later at Rome on Tague for stealing wheat from a grain storehouse Thornton was tried before Judgr at He was found guilty and sentenced to months imprisonment The Methodist church Mil too caught fire from furnace on Sunday and was in great danger for a few minutes but prompt action and about twenty pails of water saved it St Catherines Jan John Walker who was accidentally shot by James Stevens at a social at the resi dence of Mr John Long at Falls on Thursday evening last died at oclock last night George charged with stealing a crock of butter at Craig vale Station some time ago war brought before Judge at week and pleaded guilty He sent to gaol for one month Mrs McPherson 01 Rochester was discovered yesterday hanging by the neck to in her room She had sealed her self in a rocking chair and tipping back had choked herself to death Deceased had been an invalid for years One day recently Mrs Mor wife of the late Cannon Morgan residing with her Boys of while walking from one room to another slipped and fell breaking her leg above the knee- She is years old and Is somewhat feeble child of Mr of recently had a narrow cape from burning by upsetting candle One of the family heard screams and ran to find her clothes on fire By wrapping her in an over coat he managed to stop the flame- before she received serious injury El the best son of Onward and one of the bey bred in the world diet Monday night at New York was purchased three ago Harvey A in Kentucky Recently Mr re ceived an offer of 45000 for him A new device has been for communication between ships raid ocean It consists of a of electric lights of colors ind shapes A key is attached and the operator a the board spells the words will flashes of the lamps by the tele graphic code Mr Frank Cook of the line- Tecumseth lost five head cattle by smothering a few days ago The cattle had been allowed satisfy their appetites at a straw stack for some time and had eaten the centre when it tumbled burying them underneath The loss will amount to about 1 World A horse trainer struck Churchill the other day and victim Mr James by trading horses Mr soon discov ered that the horse he had traded for had been stolen arid started off in search of the thief whom he cap and recovered his properly The thief unfortunately effected his escape potatoes can be re stored to by peeling them and letting them lie in a cool place with plenty of cold water pour ed over them In hours all the sugar formed during die freezing pro cess will have been removed and the potatoes can now be boiled in fresh water and will be found to be per fectly palatable While Mr S of the 1st con of bridge was driving to wards town he met with a peculiar accident While coming down a steep hill near the con with a heavy load the tongue of the sleigh broke allowing it to run against the horses heels overturning horse and sleigh In the ditch Fortu nately the escaped with a few brail est Notwithstanding that one poor unfortunate fatally shot in Pickering a couple of months ago while in the act of stealing fowls from a farmers barnyard hen thieves and thieves of all sorts continue to infest the surrounding neighborhood On Wednesday night of last week Mr- ruary History having little to tell con cerning the man makes amends by dwelling at length on the ceremonies of tost a lot of observed this day They trace fancy ana Mr John the origin of these to the Roman Cooper had a number taken on the celebrated in February j same night Why will people con- at which one practice was to put the to degrade themselves by rob- of women In a box to be bmg those bard for what drawn by the men each being bound they have and run the risk being to serve and honor woman whose victims of shot guns or other deadly name he bad drawn I